Before 1500AD, most people knew little or nothing at all about areas beyond their own land. During the time of renaissance, several things that facilitated movement and increased knowledge of other lands beyond people's homelands happened, among these were the Portuguese who took a leading role due to several reasons/ factors given below;

I. The presence f a navigation school enabled them to take a leading role by teaching sailors how to handle ships and boats.

II. They were able to interpret maps and compasses. III. They took a lead in exploration and travelling. Since they were at the coast, sailing was an easy

way of trade. IV. They were also used to sea conditions. V. They were the first people to make strong ocean going vessels that would cover long distances.



1. Trade ? Many European countries were developing at a high rate especially between the C16th and C15th. This made so many of them rich and increased the demand for luxuries such as gold, ivory produced in East Africa. Trade in these products was controlled by the Arab merchants. So the Portuguese decided to take over the trading coast and establish an empire.

2. They wanted to control the rich coastal towns which would pay tribute to Portugal like Kilwa Mombasa, Malindi etc.

3. They wanted to establish a commercial empire in order to get goods from China, Arabia, India etc.

4. Portuguese discovered ready market for their manufactured goods at the coast.


1. They wanted to find Prester John whom they believed would help them to convert people to Christianity.

2. The Portuguese hated the Arabs who had conquered their land in the year 711AD and persecuted Portuguese Christians and forced many of them become Moslems and so they wanted to revenge against the Arabs for the earlier occupation of Spain and Portugal.


1. The east African coast would provide a base for ships and troops and this would enable them to connect to the far East.

2. The East African coast had well defended harbors where ships could pick up fresh water and supplies.

3. The port naval vessels would be stationed to protect the merchant ships.


4. The Portuguese wanted to form bases in order to prevent help from the Turks and Egyptians to the coastal Moslems

D. ADVENTURE 1. Some Portuguese came to the East African coast due to exploration. This was after the age of Renaissance which had set in motion a search for new knowledge. This was done in exploration of unknown lands.

THE CONQUEST OF THE EAST AFRICAN COAST BY THE PORTUGUESE In 1487, King John 2 of Portugal sent Pedro da Covhila to India overland. 1487 ? 1491, Pedro Covhila spent time travelling along the Indian Ocean and countries bordering it gathering important information. 1488, Batholomew Diaz became the first Captain to sail around the cape of GoodHope but never reached India. 1494, Portugal signed a treaty of Tordesilas with Spain which gave Portugal a right to explore and establish themselves in Africa and India and Spice Islands. 1497-1498, Vasco da Gama made a successful journey towards India and saw a lot of wealth e.g gold in Sofala.He reached Mozambique on 1st.march.1498. On April, 24th, he was in Malindi.He went back and reported his discoveries to the King of Portugal, Emmanuel the Fortunate, in 1499. 1500, Pedro Cabral made an unsuccessful attack on Sofala. 1502, Vasco da Gama made his second journey with 19 ships and 1500soldiers. He attacked Kilwa and captured its Sultan, Ibrahim. During this time, the Sultan of Malindi refused to co-operate with Mombasa against the Portuguese. 1503, Ruy LaurencoRavasco forced Mafia, Zanzibar and other towns to pay tribute to Portugal. 1504, Lopez Saurez made an unsuccessful attack on Kilwa which had refused to pay tribute to Portugal. 1505, Francisco D'Almeida was sent by Emmanuel the Fortunate as the first viceroy of India. D'Almeida's fleet of over 20 ships, attacked Sofala, Kilwa and Mombasa burnt and looted their property. 1506, Tristao da Cunha attacked Oja, Brava, Lamu , Pate,Socotra. 1507-1509, Zanzibar, Pemba and Mafia were brought under Portuguese control. Alfonso D'Albuquerque, viceroy of India, made his Headquarters at Goa. By 1510, the entire coastline had been broughtunder Portuguese control.


REASONS FOR THE PORTUGUESE SUCCESS DURING THE CONQUEST 1. The Portuguese were well trained and well equipped with their superior weapons unlike their enemies. 2. Disunity among the coastal towns led to failure of the East African coastal people and success of the Portuguese for example Mombasa was a great enemy of Malindi, So the Sultan of Malindi refused to join hands with Mombasa to fight the enemy. 3The coastal people were not prepared for war. They were taken by surprise and therefore were easily defeated. 4. Some towns like Malindi were hospitable, so they warmly welcomed the Portuguese. 5. Portuguese had iron protection .For instance they wore armors and carried muskets so that in case they were speared, the spear would not go through. 6. Portuguese had stronger ships called carracks which were able to carry heavy canon machines with enough room on board for soldiers as compared to the Arab and Swahili dhows. 7. The Portuguese had able leaders like Vasco da Gama and Ruy Laurenco Ravasco. 8. Portuguese had prior information about the coastal towns. This made their conquest quite easier. 9. The coastal towns had been weakened by the Zimba man eaters so they could not offer much resistance. 10. Portuguese were determined and courageous since they did not want to lose profit from the trade. This made them to strive very hard for the coast.

LIFE UNDER THE PORTUGUESE 1. The two hundred years of the Portuguese rule at the coast were mainly years of disappointment. Towns declined and none prospered including the Port. This was mainly because the Portuguese failed to establish a good relationship with the people at the East African coast and also many Africans refused to accept the Portuguese rule. 2. During this time, there were constant rebellions that led to the loss of lives of local people like , in 1528, Mombasa rebelled against Portugal, 1569, The island of Pate rebelled. 3. The Portuguese dominated in this trade and they were more interested in the gold trade that passed through Sofala than in any other goods sold in the towns in the north. Even then, however, Portugal did not get enough profits from this trade.


4. The Portuguese rule was characterized with the decline of most coastal towns. Some towns were even burnt down during the conquest..Some of the towns that declined included Kilwa , Mombasa, Gedi etc

5. T he Arabs and Africans were subjected to heavy taxation. This resulted into rebellions and also caused poverty.

6. Economically, the Portuguese introduced new crops. These included; maize, cassava, groundnuts, sweet potatoes, irish, pawpaws, guavas, pineapples, etc.

7. The Portuguese made attempts to spread Christianity but with little success. This was mainly because Africans were Moslems and pagans and they also hated the Portuguese, so they could not adopt their religion.

8. New Portuguese words were added to the local language like" pessa "and "mmeza".

9. There was a general decline in trade especially in the northern towns like Mombasa and Gedi.

10. Since the Portuguese were dominating gold trade, the natives resorted to smuggling. There was a high rate of smuggling of gold by the natives at the coast.

11. There was frequent famine out breaks at the coast due to wars, burning of crops etc.

12. There was increased rivalry between the coastal towns like Malindi and Mombasa. Malindi remained loyal to the Portuguese because her traditional enemy Mombasa was hostile to them.

13. For administrative purposes, the Portuguese divided the coast into two. The area north of cape Delgado was ruled by the captain of Malindi and the south was ruled by the captain of Mozambique. The two captains were responsible to the viceroy at Goa on the East African coast.


I. The coastal rebellions from Africans and Arabs at the coast. This was mainly because the Portuguese were arrogant towards the conquered races.

II. There was a problem of language barrier which made the coastal people have difficulty in communication with the Portuguese.

III. The officials who were sent were on short term duty or tours. They were corrupt and embezzled funds because they wanted to get easy money.

IV. Portugal was a small country which could not produce enough officials to effectively control the coast.

V. The Portuguese were proud and arrogant. They lived in their own quarters and ha their own churches so they were disliked by the coastal people.

VI. They were attacked by tropical diseases which killed some and reduced their man power like malaria.


VII. Between 1580- 1640, Portugal was forcefully joined by Spain. This union had Spain as the overall ruler and weakened Portugal's interest and support for its overseas colonies majorly because of shortage of funds.

VIII. The East African coast was too large and too wide for easy control. IX. Portugal was a poor country. Due to this, it was unable to finance the administration of the empire. X. The coast was dominated by Moslems who were against the rule of infidel Portuguese, making it hard for the Portuguese to effectively rule the coast. XI. There were long distances between the administrative centers and Portugal so this made their administration very ineffective. XII. They were frequently attacked by the Zimba man eaters from central Africa.

XIII. There was a decline in trade especially gold trade, since Africans resorted to smuggling it. This led to loss of revenue.

XIV. From about 1580, the Dutch and English merchants challenged the Portuguese position for control of the Indian Ocean trade. This led to a fall in market and by 1650, the Dutch had taken over position.


Positive Effects

1. Portuguese introduced some new crops e.g guavas, pawpaws, Maize, pineapples, sweet potatoes, cassava etc.

2. They introduced Christianity at the coast although it failed to spread.

3. New words were introduced in the Swahili language e.g mezza, pessa.

4. The Portuguese built Fort Jesus which acted as a military base for Portuguese soldiers. Today, this Fort stands as a tourist attraction site.

5. The Portuguese were able to establish closer and stronger trade links with India.

6. There was great improvement in building of ships. They introduced new skills of building ships to the E. African coast.

7. The Portuguese encouraged the use of dung as manure to fertilize soil.

8. They introduced a number of games such as cards.

9. People at the coast learnt some of the fighting skills.

Positive effects;

1. They broke the Moslem monopoly of the Indian Ocean trade.



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