Chapter Officer Training Plan – Servant Leadership

Chapter Officer Training Plan – Servant Leadership

Materials Needs: Handout: “Why are you here?” marker board, flip chart

Why Are You Here? Advisors often experience the “prestige” motivation for students becoming an officer. Students sometimes do not really look at the true reasons for being in a leadership position. This lesson plan is designed to help students look at the idea of servant leadership (adapted from a workshop written in 2004 for LDW)


Upon completion of this lesson, students will be able to define servant leadership in their own words.

Upon completion of this lesson, students will be able to provide three reasons for serving as a chapter officer.

Upon completion of this lesson, will be able to provide two duties that will be completed as a chapter officer.

Interest Approach: (Training is held in the Fellowship Center, Trafalgar, IN.) Five years ago, I remember sitting in this exact same room, settling down at a table, surrounded by my teammates just as you are today. I was nervous, scared, and excited all at the same time. I was just elected a State FFA Officer – it was my duty to help lead the entire state organization. As I looked around the room, I became familiar with my surroundings and my team. Over the past ten years, numerous state officer teams have met for the first time at this place to plan out their team’s path for the year to come. As I stand here, thinking about my FFA career, I realize now that the most important job I ever had (before becoming an advisor) was serving as a chapter officer. FFA is truly a grassroots organization, and it is because of leaders like you that step up to the challenge that our organization truly exists. It’s amazing to think that chapter office is not necessarily about the prestige or the title, it is so much more.

|Provide each student with the handout attached at the end. |How Many of you have thought about why you really wanted to be an|

| |officer? Take five minutes to complete part one of this sheet and|

| |stop. |

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|At the end of five minutes, take a few moments and ask for two | |

|volunteers to share one of their reasons for being an officer. | |

|You may get answers such as prestige, it sounds like fun, to | |

|learn more leadership, looks good on a resume. After a few | |

|minutes of discussion, move on to the next section. | |

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| |Each officer has specific duties, such as the secretary, who |

| |keeps minutes of the meeting. Along with the duties, officer have|

| |other responsibilities. In section 2, list what you feel are your|

| |most important responsibilities. You will have three minutes, Go!|

| | |

| | |

|Examples: Specific officer duties, showing up to work, | |

|representing the chapter, getting other members involved, | |

|recruitment, etc. At the end of three minutes have each officer | |

|share one of their responsibilities. | |

| | |

| | |

|Servant Leader: Split teams up into groups of three. Have each | |

|group write a definition for servant Leadership, share their | |

|definition, and then take 5 minutes to brainstorm what this has |E-moment: Me-we-us: Servant leadership is an essential part of |

|to do with chapter officer leadership. |chapter office, yet many of us do not know the exact definition |

| |of servant leadership. Take the next minute to define what a |

| |servant leader is to you. |

| | |

| |Because working as a team is part of leadership as well, it is |

| |important that groups have a vested interest in serving others. |

| |When I say Go, break into groups of three. You will have 5 |

| |minutes to write a definition of servant leadership. Go. |

| | |

|Hang Servant leader definitions on walls. Have each group share |Take the next three minutes and brainstorm what this had to do |

|their definition. |with chapter leadership. |

| |Write your ideas on the marker board in the front of the room. |

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|The point to make is that true leaders are servants first, then | |

|leaders. | |

| | |

| |In Part B, list three ways that you can be of service this next |

|Serving Chapter, Team, & Community |year to your team, school, and community. Give serious |

| |consideration as you make this list. |

| | |

| |Service is an essential part of being a leader, as we have just |

|REVIEW |discussed, true leaders are servants first, then leaders. In your|

|After students have completed the personal service list, keep |small groups, study the word SERVANT. You have five minutes to |

|students in small groups and have them look at the word SERVANT. |come up with the most words relating to service. Each word must |

| |begin with a letter from the word SERVANT. |

| | |

| |We began this session with the understanding that chapter |

| |officers are perceived leaders in their chapter and community. |

| |There is so much more than just the prestige that comes with |

|Closing |being a chapter officer. Now that we know why we wanted to be an |

| |officer and why each of us are here individually, in our next |

| |session we will be writing a team mission and vision for the next|

| |year for our chapter. You have an hour break until it is time to |

| |be back in the main fellowship room again. |

Evaluation: students will apply servant knowledge to mission and vision effectively – this is subjective and must be monitored by advisor/presenter.


Why did you want to be an officer? List the three most important reasons you wanted to be part of this team. BE COMPLETELY HONEST!!!




What Do You See as Your Most Important Responsibilities As an Officer? List two or three.




Read the following quote:

“The servant-leader is servant first… It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then the conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead.” – Robert K. Greenleaf, author of The Servant As Leader

Take a few moments and brainstorm some ideas of how this quote is related to being an officer and part of this team. List your ideas below.

What are three ways you personally will be of service to your team, chapter, and community?




Look at the word SERVANT. Working in your small groups, come up with one word that relates to service for each letter in servant.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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