Is Homework necessary or should schools ban homework for their students?Homework means schoolwork done at home; schoolwork that students do outside of class or after school at home so it is a school work also, but why we have to do the school work outside of the school? In our school, teachers do not assign a lot of homework everyday but K12 system have so much homework and that make us really stressed. Almost every week has at least 2 essays, several quizzes and tests. We feel that the k12 homework is too stressful for us. Teachers Although the homework is the way for the teachers to check how much, how well the homework learn and adjust teaching to be more effective, I believe schools should ban homework or their student for 3 reasons: The first reason is the most serious one: The students will not have their own personal time. Every single person on the world need their own personal time to do the things they should do and they want to do but why students cannot have their own time to do the things they want because of the huge amount of homework they’ve got from the school? Why only the students have to carry the huge amount of pressure on their back and only doing their homework at the time they really want to relax? One mother said she found her 6-year-old’s homework so stressful: Timing her to read, help him to memorize “sight words” and searching his backpack to make sure he completed all the assignments. It is a really serious thing to discuss about. How can the school give that much homework to the student who is only 6 years old. The childhood must be happy and filled with nice memories but in this case, this child will have the memories of doing his homework and how he was stressful when he was only 6 years old. Emily Dupree, a college student who tutors an eighth-grader, said that her student spent 3 hours a night on homework and that he’s not even in high school yet. I personally think that the schools should not give the students huge amount of homework because they are high school students, high school students are human beings too, they also need their own time like other people do. The teachers can do more academic activities or the practice on the lessons instead of doing homework. The last evidence is my personal experience. Every weekends, I wanted to hang out with my friends and my family and I am really slow, I do homework slower than anybody else in my class so I always spend my whole weekend doing homework. I feel like I am almost overwhelmed in the homework.The next reason is that the homework is a waste of time. The University of Virginia got the data that “the study of 18,000 schoolchildren finds ‘no relationship’ between working hard at home and better grades.” If there is no relationship between working hard at home (homework) and better grades, it means that the homework is totally a waste of time, then, why we have to finish the homework? What is the purpose of doing homework? Robert Tau, an associate professor with the Curry School of Education at UVa said that “The more time the students spend on homework; it is not clear that they are getting better grades or better test scores.” Like I mentioned previously, if the students are not clear they are getting better grades, why we need and why we have to do it? It is totally a waste of time. In my opinion, if the students do not want to have a job that use their knowledge a lot in the future, they do not need to study as much as the people who will have the job using their intelligence so it means they will not study hard as other people and they do not need to do their homework.The last reason I think the homework should be banned is: Spend more time on homework, the achievement results are lower. This one is a little bit similar with the 2nd reason. Dr. Walker, from Sydney University’s education said that: “What the result shows is that, in countries where they spend more time on homework, the achievement results are lower.” If the students say that to the people around the world, they might say you are silly, you don’t have any evidence to prove that but now, here it is. I always think that more homework we have, lower the achievements we got but there was only seldom people were agree with me. When I was in middle school, we’ve got huge amount of homework every day but we were already tired of the life at school, we had no time, no energy to do our homework. I did all of them but it didn’t seem like my homework or test grades are getting higher, it was even getting lower.To summarize, students need their enough personal time for them to relax and I assume every student wants to have more assignment on class instead of having them at night and more homework doesn’t seem to make the achievement result higher so it is a waste of time. Therefore, the schools should ban the homework for their students. ................

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