
Name ___________

Evaluation Guidelines (aka criteria) for the Evaluation Argument Essay

________ Content (max. 50 pts.)

the claim clearly and emphatically states a judgment

the claim is in the X is a [ ]Y format, and it is easy to find

the subject being evaluated is clearly and completely presented

important conditions of rebuttal are addressed

lots of pertinent and interesting information is used to support the reasons and criteria

all points of view are considered

the author responds persuasively to conditions of rebuttal

the essay avoids being a data dump essay—facts are well integrated into the essay

legitimate sources are used as evidence to support the argument

the criteria are clear and complete

the criteria (warrants) are backed up

the reasons are justifiable and sufficient

source material was not plagiarized

the reasons are supported with facts that show how the X term meets the author's criteria

________ Organization ( max. 35 pts.)

the opening is interesting and attention-getting

the conclusion is concise, grabs attention, sums up the paper, and/or ends with a positive remark

the paragraphs flow

the different points of the essay are easy to identify and are separate from each other

the organization is appropriate for the audience

there is a logical order of ideas

source material is seamlessly incorporated into the essay

________ Other Ethos/Pathos (max. 10 pts.)

personal experience is used to appeal to the audience and make the essay interesting

the author seems credible

the author appeals to a particular audience

the author charitably presents conditions of rebuttal

________ Preparation ( max. 65 pts.)

the essay has scholarly polish

the author discussed this assignment with a consultant at the WRITING CENTER (10 pts.)

all sources were documented in a Work Cited page

the author submitted highlighted photocopies of passages cited in the essay.

the author used at least two sources only one of which was an Internet source.

the author used paraphrase and direct quotes from source material.

the author drafted the essay at least once and had it reviewed by classmates

the author completed a Toulmin plan for this essay

the author completed an audience analysis for this essay

________ Review letters (max. 20 pts.)

the author thoughtfully reviewed two classmates' essays.

the author responded to all of the points on the revision letter guidelines

_________TOTAL POINTS (max. 180 pts.)


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