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Chapter 20.3 & 23.3

- Ch 20 Section 3 -


MAIN IDEA: Latino American faced discrimination and segregation in the Southwest

1) According to the graph on pg 693, the U.S. Latino population is made up of which three main groups?




2) The number of Mexicans living in the Southwest steadily increased in the 1800s, in part because the United States ________________________ where Mexicans lived.

3) Why did many Mexican Americans leave the Southwest and head for the cities of the Midwest and Northeast?

4) Most Mexicans that remained in the Southwest in the early 1900s could only find work in low-paying jobs. What was the predominant job they held?

5) Because of the Depression in the 1930s the Government launched a series of deportations to send the Mexicans back to Mexico known as ________________________.

6) What allowed Mexican workers to enter the US on a short-term basis for low-wage farm work in the 1940s?

7) Where did most of the Puerto Ricans migrate to in the United States?

8) Why did more than 350,000 Cubans come to relocate in Miami, FL in the early 60s?


MAIN IDEA: Latinos organized civil rights committees to fight against discrimination

9) In the early 1930s, Latinos created the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) to fight discrimination. What two things did this organization encourage its membership to do?



10) How did American society discriminate against Latinos? (Provide three examples)

11) As Latinos began to protest by going on strike in an effort to improve their labor conditions, they also organized a national boycott of grapes. Led by Cesar Chavez, this group also got help/support from a number of groups to help with the boycott. Who were those groups?

12) How long did the grape boycott last before the grape growers finally agreed to raise wages and improve working conditions?

13) Why was the passing of the Bilingual Education Act controversial?

- Ch 23 Section 3 -


MAIN IDEA: The Immigration Act of 1965 lead to a problem with illegal immigration.

14) In the early 1920s, America had a national origins quota in place, limiting the number of immigrants that could enter the United States. This changed when the Immigration Act of 1965 was enacted. What happened to immigration patterns as a result of the Immigration Act of 1965?

15) What is a migration chain and how does it contribute to immigration from Mexico and other Latino countries?

16) To complicate matters with immigration, what other newcomers began arriving in the United States in the 40s?

17) How did the Refugee Acts of 1952 and 1980 differ?

18) According to the map on pg 789, which states have the largest number of illegal immigrants?

19) In response to the illegal immigration issue, President Reagan passed the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. What did the act try to control illegal immigration?




20) How did President Clinton’s Immigration Reform Act of 1996 try to further reduce illegal immigration?




MAIN IDEA: Latin America and Asia now outnumber European immigrants

14) Where does the largest number of illegal immigrants come from?

In 2006, George W. Bush tried to reform immigration laws. Congress debated on the issue of amnesty but it never came to a vote in Congress.

15) Why did Republicans oppose amnesty for undocumented aliens?

16) Why did Democrats support amnesty for illegal immigrants?

President Obama has said that Immigration Reform was a priority upon his election, but to this day, we still do not have any bills in congress….

TODAY: Democrats want to offer legal status to immigrants who have lived in the US for five years, have a high school degree, and pass criminal background checks.

Republicans want tougher border control and serious enforcement of laws for those who do not come into the US legally.


Content Vocabulary

• repatriation (p. 694)

• refugees (p. 789)

• amnesty (p. 789)


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