
Mini-Grant Application

Tribal HIV Prevention Social Marketing/Media Campaigns

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Despite improvements in HIV screening and care, additional efforts are still needed to fully implement universal HIV screening guidelines within the Indian healthcare system, and improve screening acceptance and uptake among American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/ANs). To address this need, the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board’s (NPAIHB) Project Red Talon is pleased to announce the availability of mini-grants to support the development of media campaigns that improve HIV testing and treatment adherence among AI/ANs.

Amount: Up to $10,000 will be awarded per tribe/organization.

Number of Awards: Up to ten (10) mini-grants will be awarded nationwide.

Campaign Goals: The primary aims of the campaigns will be to:

• Increase HIV screening among American Indian and American Indian (AI/AN) lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and two spirit (LGBTQ2S) community members.

• Improve HIV treatment adherence and care among AI/AN people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA).

• Reduce stigma and increase acceptance of AI/AN lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and two spirit (LGBTQ2S) community members.

Eligible Applicants: Tribes, tribal consortia, tribal organizations, AI/AN LGBTQ2S organizations, and urban organizations serving AI/ANs.

Priority Populations: Mirroring the distribution of HIV/AIDS morbidity in the U.S., priority will be given to applicants serving AI/ANs in the Northwest, Southwest, Mid-west, and Alaska.

Dates: The application deadline is Friday, December 14, 2012.

We will announce mini-grant recipients by Friday, January 14, 2013.


Save the Date: An informational webinar will be provided on November 13, 2012.

Tweeting - It's not just for the Birds. How to Use Social Media and Social Marketing to Improve your AI/AN HIV Prevention or Treatment Program (Plus Q&A for a New AI/AN Mini Grant).

Time: 12:00 AK; 1:00 PST; 2:00 MT; 3:00 CT; 4:00 EST


Conference Line: 866-912-2609 Password: 3285017


For more information or assistance with this application, please contact Colbie Caughlan at: ccaughlan@ or 503-416-3284.


Despite improvements in HIV screening and care, additional efforts are still needed to fully implement universal HIV screening guidelines within the Indian Healthcare System and improve screening acceptance and uptake among American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN). AI/AN people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) continue to seek treatment later in the disease, and have the shortest time to death of any other ethnicity. Early HIV detection and reliable, high-quality care are critical to curb further transmission in Indian Country.

Social media and social marketing are increasingly being used to address sensitive health topics like HIV. Both tools can be used to improve HIV screening, treatment adherence, and quality of care among geographically disbursed AI/AN, particularly stigmatized LGBTQ2S persons and PLWHA, in ways that are accessible and culturally-appropriate.

Grant Requirements

• Awardees will be required to follow key steps involved in developing social media and social marketing campaigns.

o Engage community partners and the target audience throughout the development and implementation of the campaign.

o Work with community partners to select and define campaign goals & objectives, and collect and review local data.

o Select appropriate media and dissemination strategies based on your target audience.

o Tailor/design campaign materials to the needs of your target audience.

o Test and revise materials if needed.

o Implement the campaign.

o Evaluate the campaign.

• Each mini-grant recipient will develop its own Media Development Plan that documents:

o Their campaign’s goals & objectives.

o Partners engaged in the campaign.

o The types of data that were collected/reviewed.

o The campaign’s target audience.

o Strategies that were used to tailor/design campaign materials to the target audience.

o Steps taken to select appropriate media products and their placement.

o Examples of each of their campaign’s finished products.

o A Media Development Plan template will be provided.

• Upon completion, each mini-grant recipient will submit an Evaluation Report that documents (when available/appropriate):

o The number and types of media developed.

o Their frequency, geographic reach, placement, hits, etc.

o User demographics.

o Changes in HIV screening among AI/AN LGBTQ2S community members.

o Changes HIV treatment adherence and care among AI/AN PLWHA.

o Changes related to stigma/discrimination among AI/AN LGBTQ2S community members.

o An Evaluation Report template will be provided.

• Attend Training. Mini-grant awardees must attend one of two Social Media and Social Marketing Trainings offered by the project. The training will last two days, and will cover important social media and social marketing skills and concepts. Two people from each organization will be eligible to attend (we recommend a program administrator/supervisor and the person who will be responsible for developing and implementing the campaign); travel expenses will be covered by the NPAIHB.

• Capacity Building and Technical Assistance. Project Red Talon will be available to provide training and technical assistance to mini-grant recipients, including webinars, face-to-face meetings, site-visits, phone calls, and emails, as needed by each site to successfully carry out their project.

• Participate in Quarterly Conference Calls. Project Red Talon will host quarterly conference calls with mini-grant awardees and federal partners to provide direction, offer technical assistance, and provide opportunities for sharing project successes, challenges and lessons learned across participating sites.

Housed at the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board, Project Red Talon (PRT) has provided training and technical assistance to tribes throughout the U.S. on implementing and evaluating culturally appropriate sexual health and STD/HIV prevention programs since 1988. Our goals are to: 1) Improve STD/HIV testing, screening, treatment, and reporting practices within NW tribal clinics. 2) Strengthen the capacity of tribal health educators, program managers, and clinicians to provide STD/HIV prevention services to their local community. 3) Increase community awareness about sexually transmitted infections. 4) Increase AI/AN representation in regional and national STD/HIV workgroups. Learn more at:

Project Timeline

November 1, 2012: The Social Media/Social Marketing Mini-Grant Application will be released.

November 13, 2012: Grant Q&A Webinar: Tweeting - It's not just for the Birds How to Use Social Media and Social Marketing to Improve your AI/AN HIV Prevention or Treatment Program.

December 14, 2012: Social Media/Social Marketing Mini-Grant Applications are due.

January 14, 2013: Mini-grant recipients will be selected and announced.

Feb –March 2013: Mini-grant recipients will attend one of two Social Media/Social Marketing trainings:

• February 27-28 in Portland, OR.

• Or March 6-7 in Phoenix, AZ.

March 2013 – Organizations will receive their $10,000 award after attending the training.

March 2013 – March 2014: Organizations with develop and implement their Social Media/Social Marketing campaigns. The NPAIHB will provide training and technical assistance to mini-grant recipients throughout the year.

May 2013 – NPAIHB will host a quarterly conference call with mini-grant recipients and federal partners to provide direction, offer technical assistance, and provide opportunities for sharing project successes, challenges and lessons learned.

September 2013 – NPAIHB will host a quarterly conference call.

November 2013 – NPAIHB will host a quarterly conference call.

February 2014 – NPAIHB will host a quarterly conference call.

March 2014: Mini-grant recipients will tabulate and submit their final Media Development Plan and their Evaluation Report to the NPAIHB by March 30, 2014.

Mini-Grant Application

HIV/AIDS Social Marketing Campaign Tribal Mini Grant Application


Contact Person:

Address, City, State, & Zip:


Phone Number:

Please describe the AI/AN community that you serve, including LGBTQ2S persons and/or PLWHA.

Describe your organization’s experience developing and/or implementing HIV prevention, screening, or treatment programs.

Describe your organization’s experience developing and/or implementing social marketing or social media campaigns.

Describe your organization’s experience developing and/or implementing programs for LGBTQ2S persons and/or PLWHA.

Please choose one or more of the following campaign goals to focus on (check all that apply):

□ Increase HIV screening among American Indian and American Indian (AI/AN) lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and two spirit (LGBTQ2S) community members.

□ Improve HIV treatment adherence and care among AI/AN people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA).

□ Reduce stigma and increase acceptance of AI/AN lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and two spirit (LGBTQ2S) community members.

Each site will develop its own Media Development Plan during the course of the project. Briefly describe steps you will take to engage community partners and your target audience throughout the campaign.

Which social marketing or social media strategies are you most interested in implementing

(check all that apply):

□ Print marketing materials: posters, fact sheets, fliers, articles

□ Video public service announcements

□ Radio public service announcements

□ Social media strategies: Facebook, Tumblr, Blogs

□ Text messaging service

□ Other: _________________________________________________________________________

If you plan to create materials requiring professional assistance (posters, videos, etc.) which of the following do you plan to use (check all that apply):

□ A Media Design Firm

□ A Videographer

□ A Web Developer

□ Others_________________________________________________________________________

□ Do you have a specific agency/professional in mind for this work?


Which of the following trainings would your site be available to attend (check all that apply):

□ February 27-28, 2012 – Portland, OR

□ March 6-7, 2012 – Phoenix, AZ

Detailed Budget

Not to exceed $10,000. Eligible expenses include:

• Salary or stipends for project personnel, designers, videographers, or other professionals.

• Facility fees; meeting expenses (per diem, travel, etc.); participant incentives.

• Project supplies (Internet, phone, printing).

• Software (text messaging service, design software).

• Other relevant program or activity expenses.

• Indirect costs. If you are including indirect expenses, please attach documentation of your most recent approved indirect rate.

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Training Participants

Please provide the name and contact information for the two personnel who will attend the Social Media/Social Marketing Training in late Feb – early March 2013:




City, State, & Zip:


Phone Number:




City, State, & Zip:


Phone Number:

Authorized Signature

In exchange for this grant, the (Organization) ___________________________________ agrees to abide by the grant requirements set forth in this application, and will send a final Media Development Plan and an Evaluation Report to the NPAIHB by March 30, 2014 in exchange for the funds.

Authorized Signature: ______________________________________________________

Printed Name: ______________________________ Title: ________________________

Please send completed Application to: Colbie Caughlan at ccaughlan@ or fax (503) 228-8182[pic]


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