11. Tematické okruhy Topics for conversation

Comment on... Compare… Describe… Discuss… Explain… Express your… Fill in… Characterise… Introduce… List… Name… Plan… Prepare… Say… Suggest… Talk about…

1. Rodina Family

a) curriculum vitae (personal data: name, place of residence, date and place of birth, marital status, important moments in life)

1. What can you tell us about yourself?

2. What were the most important moments in your life?

marital status, residential address, curriculum vitae (CV), engaged, single/married/divorced/re-married, spinster, bachelor, ID card, adolescent, birthplace, Slovak, citizen, Christian, believer, bachelorette, split up, break up, widow(er),

b) family members (appearance, character, hobbies)

3. Describe the perfect family.

4. Describe a typical family unit and the importance of family in your country.

extended family, single-parent family, relatives, folks, kins, in-laws, only child, cousin,step-mother, step-father, step-parents, step-siblings, half-sibling, great –grandparent, great-aunt, great-uncle, remarry, personality, cheerful, considerate, sensible, careless, moody, selfish, chatty, shy, mutual understanding, respect, sore spot, hard to get along with, share, compromise, bring up, raise, pregnant, husband-to-be, godparents

c) family relationships (relationships among siblings, parents and children, grand-parents, helping each other, domestic chores, weekday schedules and family celebrations)

5. Do you think your parents understand you?

6. What are typical family celebrations like?

domestic chores: wash the dishes, hang the laundry, take the dishes out of the dishwasher, dust the furniture, take out the trash, make the beds, water the plants, iron the clothes, vacuum the floor; family celebrations/reunion, rearing, communicate, budget, help with expenses, old folks, admire, argue about, get on well with, relationships, family values, role, atmosphere, common hobbies/interests, pastime, friction, priorities, personal ties, anniversary party, spoilt kids, siblings rivalry, allowance = pocket money, unselfish,

d) your ideas about your future family, partner, living/accommodation, employment

7. What makes a family happy and functioning?

8. How do you imagine your future family?

spouse, job, fiancé, fiancée, nucleus, nuclear, mate, domestic skills, appearance, character, temperament, abilities, interests, wedding, lifelong commitment, marriage, mansion, dream house, mortgage, maternity leave, helpful, sense of humour,

e) the family and society (functions of the family, the family in the past and at present, the generation gap, problems of single-parent families, divorce, low birth–rate)

9. What the problems families face nowadays?

10. What impact has divorce and/or modern day living had on the family?

ancestor, divorce rate, monoparental, birth rate, remarried, divorce, separate, single-parent, adopt, cohabitation, widow/widower, step-parents, split up, break up, remarriage, leave home,

Role-play / Simulation: Try to persuade your sibling to help you with house chores.

1 Family

Family members, functions and types

● types: extended family, single-parent family, step family, egalitarian,

● relationships: get on well with sb, sibling rivalry, argue about…, in-laws

● personalities: moody, sensible, cheerful, careless, selfish, chatty, shy, responsible, trustworthy, tactless,

● activities: house chores, family reunion,birthday celebrations, holidaytime, common hobbies

● priorities: keeping family fit & functioning, mutual understanding, family budget, atmosphere,

Running a household

● raising children: disciplining children, domestic skills (cleaning, maintenance), over-caring, spoilt,

● chores: washing up, hoovering the floor, maintenance, doing small shopping,

● house rules: pocket money, time to be in at night,


● engagement, marriage, funeral, tension, conflict, argument/row, divorce, family outing/holiday, accident, illness

● birthday party

Emotions & Relationships

● loving/affectionate parents, grateful children, feeling of security, safe haven

Family events

● stages in life: infancy, childhood, teenage, adolescence, middle age, marital status, get engaged/married, spinster/bachelor, maternity leave, retirement, widowhood,

● customs & holidays: Christmas, Easter, bank (state) holidays

● celebrations: birthday, nameday, anniversary,

● family reunion

Issues and solutions

● generation gap: misunderstanding, mutual respect, friction,

● failure: separation, divorce, extramarital affair,

● incomplete families: step families, lack of understanding, co-habitation, orphans

● tension and arguments: heated arguments over friends, marks, apparel

● lack of money: unemployment

● materialism: buying unnecessary things instead of spending more time together

● addiction: alcohol, gambling

● abuse

Personal preference

● my future family: fiancée, spouse, remarry, housewife, appearance, qualities, sense of humour, place of living, jobs

● likes & hopes

● dislikes

2. Kultúra a umenie Culture, Arts and Entertainment

a) cultural options in the city and in the country (museums, exhibitions, theatres, cinemas, concerts, the circus, dance)

1. What cultural facilities are there where you live?

2. What kinds of cultural events would you like to go to?

television, video, exhibition, venue, theatre-goer, ball, disco, videogame, video console, folk music, cultural facilities, audition, craft fair, performing arts, multiplex,

b) popular forms of culture and art (genres, famous personalities)

3. What are some different forms of art?

4. What is your favorite kind of art?

ballet, series, sitcom, hit song, cartoon, film, film maker, film star, hero, celebrity lifestyle, composer, find st. entertaining, acclaimed artist, personal taste, graffiti, rock concert, Andy Warhol, street art, an Oscar, fine arts, entertainer, exciting, La Rambla

c) attending cultural events

5. What is a cultural event?

6. What is your favourite cultural event?

performance, orchestra, audience, stage, venue, cinema goer, memorable, magnificent, (pop) concert, reviews, band, exciting, boring, matinee,

d) music, film, theatre and folk festivals, atmosphere

7. What is special about the atmosphere at a festival?

8. What do you like about modern-day festivals?

festival, open-air, award ceremony, atmosphere, prestigious, media coverage, seating, chateau, Košice´s Musical Spring, impression, best-known, fabulous, acoustics,

e) other forms of art – folk music, dance, painting, sculpture, architecture – well-known artists/performers

9. What is national heritage?

10. Who is a famous artist from your country?

folk music, sculpting, painting, architecture, fine arts, masterpiece, still life, embroidery, representative, national costume,

Role-play / Simulation: You want to go to a live concert of your favourite band. Persuade your friend, a fan of classical music, to go with you.

2 Culture, Arts and Entertainment


● the expression of human creative skill, appreciated primarily for its beauty or emotional power

Types of art

● visual arts: painting, sculpting, photography, printmaking, architecture, street art (murals, graffiti, posters)

● performing arts: music, theatre, film, dance,

● literature (genres, see 22)

Cultural facilities

● facilities: theatre, cinema (multiplex), amphitheatre, shopping malls, downtown, parks,

● museums: science m., folk art m., open-air m., m. of modern art,

Cultural events

● performance, concert

● visit to a museum

● festivals: film festivals (Karlovy vary, Cannes, Berlin, Ecotopfilm in Košice), Košice´s Musical Spring, Pohoda

● experiences (book, film, play, concert): atmosphere, feelings, plot, stars, setting

● award ceremonies: Academy Awards (Oscar), Grammy


● writers

● singers/bands

● actors

● fine artists (painters, sculptors)

Issues and solutions: funding, theft, vandalism, graffiti

Personal preference

● likes and hopes

● dislikes

3. Šport Sports

a) kinds of sports (team, individual, summer, winter, popular, amateur, professional)

1. How can sports be divided?

2. Why do people practise sports?

athletics, professional, recreational, sportsperson, take part, team, indoor, outdoor, tournament, cooperation, amateur, extreme sports, adrenaline, individual, team, equipment, athlete

b) the sports I like/ I am interested in (actively, passively, why?)

3. What's your favorite sport?

4. What new sports would you like to try?

viewer, suitable, skateboarding, white-water rafting,

c) why sport is important for the development of a person’s character (physical and mental health)

5. Do you think everybody should practice sports?

6. Do you think playing sports helps people work better as a team at work?

fitness, stay fit, join in, champion, practice, practise, benefits, set a goal, relaxation,

d) important sports events, competitions, the Olympic Games

7. What important sports competitions are there?

8. What do you think about the Olympic Games?

competition, the Olympic Games, prestigious, championship, Premier League, World Cup/Championship, attract TV viewers, medal

e) negative aspects of sport (fame, money/greed, doping)

9. What are some of the negative phenomena in sports?

10. Is it good that professional sport is so commercial nowadays?

money greed, illegal, injury, record holder, publicity, fame, sponsorship, doping, rowdies/hooligans, commercialization, extreme sports, big business, ambitious,

Role-play / Simulation: A team of professional basketball players who want to be paid more. They are stating all the reasons they deserve to now earn 10 million dollars every game!

3 Sports and Games

General division

● division: indoor/outdoor, winter/summer, amateur/professional, individual/team, recreational, martial arts,

● extreme sports: bungee-jumping, base jumping, sky diving, mountain biking, whitewater rafting, freestyle motocross, parkour, trials, rock climbing,

● facilities: gymnasium, swimming pool, sports hall, changing room,


● fitness, set a goal, relaxation, team building, social skills


● injury (sometimes lethal), money greed, corruption, doping

Description of several sports

● ice hockey: ice rink, goalkeeper, defenders, attackers, three periods,

● football: pitch, goalkeeper, defenders, attackers, half-time, injury/extra time

Sporting events

● Olympic Games: held in ancient Greece, summer/winter, Pierre de Coubertin founder of the modern Games, London 2012, opening ceremony, attract TV viewers, broadcasting rights,gold-silver-bronz medals, threat of terrorist attacks, safety precautions,

● World Cup/Championship: Slovakia 2011 Ice Hockey World Championship,

● Leagues and tournaments: Champions´League, Wimbledon, Tour de France, NHL/CHL

● Paralympic Games for handicapped sportspersons

By countries

● Slovakia: ice hockey team, football

● U.K.: football, tennis, cricket, horse racing,

● U.S.: football, basketball, baseball,

Issues and solutions

● business: greed, commercialization, fame, sponsorship,

● doping: illegal, health risk, damage, injury, Lance Armstrong the road racing cyclist case

● rowdies/hooligans: wild, violence, disturbance, clashes with police,

Personal preference

● likes and hopes

● dislikes

4. Bývanie Living

a) my home (description of the area where I live, furnishings/appliances)

1. What kinds of houses do Slovaks live in?

2. Describe your house or flat.

flat (apartment), block of flats (apartment house), (ground) floor, entrance, garage, lawn, tidy v. messy, wall unit, settee, wardrobe, household appliances, duvet, location, rooms, bedside table, dressing table, cosy, utility room,

b) living in the city and in the country (pros and cons)

3. What are the pros and cons of living in a city and living in the country?

4. What do you enjoy about where you live?

urban, in the country, pros and cons, country house, cottage, housing estate, city transport, polluted, noisy, crowded, cellar, do repairs in the house, maintenance services, pedestrian zone, playground, facilities, parking spot,

c) ideal housing (own ideas about living)

5. If you could change one thing about where you live now what would it be?

6. What would be the house of your dreams like?

settle down, food processor, dishwasher, air-conditioning, central heating, flatmate, fireplace, garden, attic, available, DIY (Do It Yourself), detached house, mansion, study, French window, blinds, refuge, fridge-freezer, wardrobe,

d) home and its importance in the life of a person (how people live in Slovakia and in other countries)

7. What makes a house into a home?

8. Discuss the 10 most important things you would look for when choosing a house to live in.

styles of living, housewife, thoughts about home, refuge,

e) young families and their housing problems ( purchasing/renting a house, children in housing estates)

9. What is your idea of a perfect home?

10. Could you build a house for yourself?

mortgage, pay off, budget, savings, gangs, vandalism

Role-play / Simulation: Imagine you have arrived in a country where they speak English. What would you do for accommodation? Try to have a conversation about renting an apartment. (Landlord and tenant.)

4 Housing


● country-related

The place where I live

● description: neighbourhood, suburb, housing estate, single-family house, block of flats, central heating,

● my bedroom: desk, bed, wardrobe, posters, carpet, armchair, cosy, messy, neat

Living in a city – town – village

● avantages and disadvantages: pollution, noise, facilities, clean air,

Housing in Slovakia – Britain – US – elsewhere

● houses: terraced house, (semi-)detached house, single-family house, mansion, cottage, country house, apartment house (block), penthouse

● rooms: hall/lobby, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, attic, utility room, patio, storage space, pantry,

Household, equipment

● furniture: sofa/couch, cupboard, shelf, bedside table, dressing table, settee, built-in,

● appliances: food processor, coffee maker, fridge-freezer, washing machine, CCTV (closed-circuit television), burglar alarm,


● chores, roof repair, lawn mowing,

Getting a place to live

● renting: landlord, tenant, overdue, litigate,

● building a house

● buying a flat: mortgage

Living alone vs. sharing a flat

● flatmate, roommate

● agreement on parties, fair share in cooking, cleaning, maintenance, costs

● doing all by one´s self: shopping, cooking, doing the laundry, ironing, cleaning, maintenance

● relationships, advantages and disadvantages

Issues and solutions

● high prices: mortgage, debt, loan, pay off, savings, rent a flat

● transport: parking spot, commuting,

● crime: burglary, alarm system, gangs, vandalism

Personal preference

● likes and hopes: my dream home, country house, garden, front yard, attic, lawn, fireplace, pool, playground, French window, air-conditioning, mansion, CCTV (closed-circuit television), burglar alarm,

● dislikes: noise, pollution, neighbours

5. Obchod a služby Shopping and Services

a) shopping facilities (shops, superstores/hypermarkets, market places)

1. What kinds of shopping facilities do you shop at?

2. Do you like shopping?

retail, shopping facilities/centre/mall, shopping cart/carriage/trolley, market, grocer´s, self-service grocery shop = supermarket, superstore, chain store, department store, parking lot, 24/7= around the clock, chemist´s, long queues, checkout, shopping preferences, fitting room, products, quality, choice, prices, DIY (Do It Yourself), window shop, shopaholic, home delivery, flea market, merchandise

b) services (post office, bank, police station, petrol station)

3. What kinds of services are there where you live?

4. Which services do you and your family use most often?

services, deposit, account statement, post office, maintenance, real estate, standing order, maintaining law and order, filling station, cash point, ATM = cash machine, credit/debit card, expire, stay out of debt,

c) sales promotion and its influence on customers

5. How do you usually learn about new products and services?

6. What do you think about advertising?

products, advertise, voucher, discount, signpost, save, sale, bargain, coupon, brand names, commercials, special offers, commercial break, price-conscious shopper, compare prices, give money to charity, impulse buying, be in the red, consumer loan, shopping spree, big deal

d) ways of shopping and payment (catalogue selling, to buy something on an installment plan, weekly shopping, e-commerce

7. What kinds of shopping do you know?

8. What is your favourite?

refund, credit/debit card, receipt, money, order, pay, price, reasonable, reduce, reduced, installments, hire purchase, direct sale, in cash, change, checkout, over the internet, overdue, debt crisis, borrow, lend, economical,

e) imported products, export of Slovak goods

9. How do you compare Slovak and foreign products?

10. What do you think about global economy?

imported products, euro, domestic products, economy,

Role-play / Simulation: Design a shopping centre where you live.

5 Shopping and Services

Shopping as activity

● browsing, window shopping

● facilities: shopping centre/mall, food hall, market, stall, supermarket, parking lot, signpost, checkout, junk shop, hypermarket, newsstand, off-licence, pharmacy, stationer, flea market, superstore,


● quality, variety, prices: choice, bargain, reasonable, brand names, economical, imported/domestic products, exchange rate, fake goods, forgery,

● domestic and imported products


● customers v. shop owners/assistants, service: price-conscious shopper, impulse buying, second thoughts, compare prices, refund, buy cheap buy twice,

Ways of shopping

● the Internet: to shop over the Internet, e-Bay, via PayPal, by post, customs, fraud, available 24/7, delivery

● store: fitting room, assistant, checkout, department store, mall

● ways of payment: cash, credit/debit card, in installments


● at your place: shops, police, petrol station, post office, manitenance services, the cleaners, lawyer, real estate agent, bank, credit/debit card, ATM = cash machine, consumer loan, installments,

Marketing and advertising

● billboards, commercials, discount coupons/vouchers, window bills, brochures

● effects on people (young children, adolescents, adults, seniors)

Issues and solutions

● shopaholism: debt, overdue, credit crunch,

● junk mail & spam: annoying,

● fake products: clothing, watches, drugs, poor quality

Personal preference

● likes & hopes

● dislikes

6. Starostlivosť o zdravie Health Care

a) human body

1. What do you know about the human body?

2. What are some common symptoms of an ilness/injury?

human body, bones, muscle, skeleton, internal organs, pain,

b) common diseases and diseases caused by current lifestyles, injuries, mental and physical conditions, seeing a doctor, at the chemist’s/pharmacy

3. What diseases do most people suffer from?

4. Have you ever had an injury/operation?

accident, ache, feel better/ill/sick, fracture, physical therapy, take temperature, prescription, chemist´s, pharmacy, allergic to…, hereditary, cancer, common cold, pneumonia, measles, otitis, nervous breakdown, caused by stress, GP, stress-related, heart attack, depression, obesity, concussion, sprained ankle, remedy, injury, medicine, undergo surgery, patient, cause, symptoms, ways of treating, suffer from, X-ray, dentist´s, treatment, antibiotic, diagnose, bronchitis, diarrhoea, sneezing, inflammation, fever,

c) healthy lifestyles, physical and mental hygiene

5. What are some things people can do to keep healthy?

6. What do you do to keep fit?

keep fit, wheelchair, coping with stress, braces, junk food, sedentary work, be in good shape, swim, exercise, insufficient sleep, unhealthy daily routine, maintaining good health, avoid hazards, diet, lifestyle, rest, thinking, quit smoking, benefits, mental health, herbs, aromatherapy, massages, cosmetic surgery,

d) health care (prevention, vaccination)

7. How can diseases be prevented?

8. What ailments are cured in Slovak spas?

prenatal care, annual visit, walker, medical procedures, put on medication, check-up, vaccination, WHO, Daffodil Day, fund raising, prevention, alternative medicine, polio, tetanus, tuberculosis, health authority, operating theatre, hardy, nurse, ward

e) national/public and private health care, health insurance, specialists

9. What kinds of health care are provided to people?

10. What do you think of our national health care system?

health care system, state hospital, retirement home, health/medical insurance, make an appointment, private, general practitioner (GP), specialist, dentist, emergency, private health care establishments, sickness benefit,

Role-play / Simulation: Persuade a friend to give up smoking.

6 Health Care

Human body

● body: bones, muscles, skeleton, backbone, skin, stomach, internal organs, limbs, private parts

● internal organs: liver, heart, brain, kidneys,


● good: fit as a fiddle,

● poor: symptoms, ache, hurt, pain, concussion, sprained ankle, (bad) cough, inflammation, diarrhoea, sneezing, headache, temperature, fever

Types of diseases and health issues

● modern threats: heart diseases, cancer, diabetes, obesity, allergy to…, sexually transmitted diseases, depression,

● smoking: lung cancer, asthma, shortened longevity, high blood pressure, passive smoking


● facilities: GP´s, hospital, spa, dentist´s, emergency room, X-ray, chemist´s = pharmacy, retirement home, private health care establishments,

● mainstream and alternative medicine: herbal medicine, therapy, aromatherapy,

● take the temperature, transport, diagnose sb with…, surgery, antibiotic, wheelchair, vaccination,

Health care

● health authorities and health insurance companies: state-owned (General Health Insurance Company – VšZP), private,

● pre-natal care, check-ups, annual visit, sickness benefit,

● issues: profit, debt, negative effect on state budget, lack of funds,

Ways of keeping fit

● habits

- good: lifestyle, moderate physical activity, regular daily routine, sufficient sleep, jogging, diet, wholesome food, avoiding hazards, exercise, massages,

- bad: smoking , couch potato, sedentary work,

● mental health

- happiness: state of mind, relief from stress

- stress: overworked people, tension, insomnia, depression, nervous breakdown,

Seeing a doctor

● describing symptoms (influenza, sprained ankle, toothache)

● treatment and cure

Issues and solutions

● public awareness: campaigns (Daffodil Day)

● cosmetic surgery: health risks,

Personal preference

● likes & hopes

● dislikes

7. Cestovanie Travel and Transport

a) preparation for the journey, resons, destinations, the importance of travelling (work, holiday, business trip)

1. Why do people travel?

2. What are some things that you always do before a trip?

make arrangements, accommodation, business trip, trip to, journey, washbag, backpackers, globetrotter, guidebook, location, budget, departure, arrival, visa, cash, card, (holiday) destination, outing, holdall, exchange currency, full-to-the-brim suitcase, sightseer

b) means of transport (advantages and disadvantages of various means of transport)

3. How do people travel?

4. Do you preter to travel by car, bus, train, plane, ship?

horse carriage, flight, fly, sleeping car, ferry, check in, public transport, pedestrian, rush hour, reliability, safety, seat reservation, highway, coach, (hand) luggage, sea-sickness pills, hitchhike, accident, comfort, fuel consumption, trolley, luggage space, speed, sleeping car, fare, boat, biking, cruise, disembark, sunscreen, ferry

c) travelling individually and in a group (ways and kinds of transport, kinds of accommodation, board/catering)

5. Do you think it´s better to travel with company or alone?

6. Describe your best/worst trip?

hostel, hotel, chalet, school outing, package tour, all-inclusive, stay overnight, B&B, commute, guesthouse, insect repellent, security wallet, digital camera, sunglasses, souvenir, tent, cottage, studio, package holiday, camping, guest house, sightseeing, sleeping bag, hire/rent, (half-/full-)board,

d) travelling in the past, at present and in the future

7. What has changed in the way people travel nowadays?

8. How do you envisage travel in the future?

hitchhiking, aquatic, cosmic, active, relaxing, cycling trips, safety precautions, eco-tourism, arduous, exhausting, GPS, get lost, sightseer,

e) possibilities of travelling abroad

9. Why is it good for people to travel abro


10. What are some countries that you would (never) visit?

air ticket, foreign, tourist destinations, customs, duty-free, embassy, euro, customs inspection, travel agent, Schengen zone,

Role-play / Simulation: As a travel agent, persuade your customer to buy a package holiday instead of just an airline ticket.

7 Travel

Reasons for travel

● business: commuting, business trip, public transport

● personal: globetrotter, backpacker, outing, ride

Means of transport

● coach, sleeping car, motorbike, plane, ship, railway, underground, taxi (= cab), ferry, horse carriage, compartment

● advantages and disadvantages


● staying at

- (resort) hotel / guesthouse / hostel / tourist home, receptionist, to book a room, check in/out, full board, animation programme

- camp, tent, bathroom, inflatable bed, sleeping bag, mosquito net, insect repellent,

- studio: self-catering

Planning, arrangements and packing

● documents: passport, visa, ID, insurance certificate, Schengen Zone, seat reservation,

● itinerary: exchange currency, departure, boarding time, arrival, route, timing, tickets

● holiday-making: tourism, holiday-makers, guidebook, sightseer

● packing: holdall, sickness pills, washbag, digital camera, sunglasses, sun lotion, footwear, swimsuit,

Changes over time

● modern ways of travel: package holiday, ecotourism, GPS, travel agent,

Issues and solutions

● environment: gas fumes, waste,

● economy: important part of GDP (Gross Domestic Product),

● security issues: hijacking, crash, accident, insurance, safety precautions, security wallet, embassy,

Personal preference

● likes & hopes: dream holiday, destination, remote island

● dislikes

8. Vzdelanie Education

a) educational systems (kinds of educational institutions, examinations, organization of the school year, marking/grading, holidays/days off)

1. Describe the educational system in your country.

2. What do you think is the main purpose of going to school?

compulsory, dormitory (dorms), term, semester, state-run, private school, primary, grammar school, higher, holidays, curriculum, entrance exams, school-leaving examination, parent-teacher meeting, ski course, school trip, sit an exam, study programme, school rules, fees, free, graduate from, home education, home-school, graduation/school-leaving/final exams, certificate, pass, scrape through, fail, coeducational, with honours, vocational, flunk, kindergarten, vocational school

b) lessons (timetable/schedule, subjects, recess, breaks, school food, what lessons look like)

3. What are some important factors in determining which school to attend?

4. What do you enjoy most about your studies?

cheat in exam, subject, study, break(time), voluntary, elective, homework, facilities, sandwich bar, fitness centre, internet café, Maths, R.E., double period, syllabus, crib, swot, bilingual, outing,

c) student life (free time, hobbies, after-school activities/extracurricular activities, part-time/seasonal jobs, friends, pocket money)

5. What can students do outside school?

6. What do you do at the weekends, during holidays?

truancy, play truant, passing time, an honour student, extracurricular, driving lessons, pocket money, part-time job, hobbies, social game, favourite pastime, attitude, the proportion of study and fun, support sbself, gap year, ribbon night, rite of passage, bullying

d) learning a foreign language/exchange stays abroad, educational stays, language courses, au-pair)

7. Why is it important to learn languages?

8. What helps you studying English?

pronounce, pronunciation, language course, certificate, dictionary, intermediate, study, learn, enrol, record vocabulary, learning strategies, scholarship,

e) student/teacher relationships

9. What makes a student-teacher relationship favourable?

10. What would you wish education to be like in the future?

favourite teacher, open-minded, honest, tolerant, hard-working (industrious), enthusiastic, strict, sense of humour, praise, scold, punish, maintain discipline,

Role-play / Simulation: Your parents just got called into the principal´s office, because your teacher discovered you cheated on a test.

8 Education

Educational system

● types of schools: private, state, church,

● stages: kindergarten, primary s., secondary, college

● curriculum: subjects, science, arts, need of reforms, practical versus theoretical, science versus arts

● school year: semesters, holidays, classes, timetable, breaks, school events (LaRambla)

● extracurricular: clubs, private lessons,


● importance: work, study abroad, Internet content, foreigners, travelling, literature

● English: lingua franca, the Internet

Ways of learning

● school

● printed material

● distance and e-learning, over the Internet

● video-based learning

● self-help books

● learning by doing


● student – student: classmates, personality clash, hard-working, honest, foreign students,

● student – teacher: qualities, understanding, open-minded, tolerant, strict, cheating on tests,

Issues and solutions

● cheating, truancy, skipping classes

● unmotivated students

● underpaid teachers, teachers´ strike

Personal preference

● likes & hopes

● dislikes

9. Zamestnanie Jobs

a) kinds of labour (white collar and blue collar), job choice, motivation

1. What are some common occupations in your country?

2. What would be your dream job?

mental and physical work, physician, volunteer work, administration, salary, meaningful, job satisfaction, supervisor, co-workers, well-paid, work time, occupation, rewarding, professions, challenging, clerical, self-employed,

b) labour market (offer of employment, unemployment, job application, curriculum vitae (CV), job interview

3. What do people need to do to get a job?

4. What would you include in your job application?

CV, résumé, interview, employee, employer, career prospects, labour market, application, covering/motivational letter, qualification, experience, part-time, classifieds, benefits, sector, education, training, agency, temporary,

c) working hours, free/leisure time (improvements in the workplace, new technologies)

5. How have working conditions changed in recent years?

6. What do you think about working from home and telecommuting?

time-consuming, work overtime, shifts, flexitime, computer services, balance, commuting, charity work,

d) employment opportunities in Slovakia and abroad, working conditions (pay, wage, salary, social security)

7. Would you go to another city or country to work?

8. What would be the ideal job for you?

social security, extras, poor work conditions, immigrant workers, mobbing, entrepreneurship, age of retirement, staff, trade unions, starting salary, lack of job opportunities,

e) career and family life, employment of women (maternity leave), requalification, retired people

9. How does employment affect family life?

10. What would you change in this aspect?

seniors, retired people, maternity leave, childcare, age of retirement, career,

Role-play / Simulation: You have applied for your first job. Act out the interview.

9 Jobs


● mental: physician, lawyer, teacher, journalist, politician, clerical/office work,

● physical: construction worker, artisan, craftsman, maintetance worker, carpenter, plumber

Choosing and getting a job

● talent for, family tradition, educational background

● CV/resumé, cover letter, application, interview, good impression, starting salary

Qualifications and qualities

● college degree, experience

● hard-working, reliability, punctuality, honesty

Issues and solutions:

● unemployment: requalification courses, seeking a job, classifieds, word of mouth, recommendations,

● migration: migrant workers, working abroad, leaving one´s family, feeling homesick

● family-versus-career choice: maternity leave

● sexual harassment

● discrimination: racial, sexism, ageism

● work-related stress, karoshi

Personal preference

● likes & hopes

● dislikes

10. Vzťahy medzi ľuďmi Human relationships

a) interpersonal relationships (family, school, neighbours, generations)

1. What can you say about human relationships?

2. What can you do to improve your relationships?

amusing, generation gap, (un)ethical behaviour, acquaintance, relative, stranger, best friend, treat, relationship, classmates, gossip, slander, backbiting, hospitable, good manners, privacy

b) friendship and love (value systems, attitudes, gatherings, celebrations)

3. Do you believe in love at first sight?

4. Describe the character of the a person you would like to be friends with.

reunion, system of values and beliefs, admire, get-together, fun,

c) social issues (how communities and individuals relate to the disabled, the addicted and homeless)

5. What kinds of problems within your society do you recognize?

6. Give some reasons why people become homeless.

social issues/problems, homeless people, disabled, inequality, unemployment, racism, poverty, discrimination, prejudice, helpful, drug abuse, addicts, shelter, charity, beggars,

d) negative phenomena (aggression, vandalism, egoism, indifference)

7. What are some of the sociological problems we experience recently?

8. What social problems could potentially destroy the world?

vandalism, graffitti, domestic violence, gypsy shanty towns, intolerance,

gambling, egotism, argument – quarrel – row – fight – clash – battle – warfare – war,

e) methods of solving conflicts

9. What are some possibilities society has to prevent and solve its problems?

10. What is important in getting along with people of different backgrounds and values?

educating people, preventive measures, government policy, solution,

Role-play / Simulation: You want to marry someone of a different nationality. Your parents are not happy about you marrying someone that has a different upbringing than you. Convince them of the advantages of an international marriage, but they continue to state all of the disadvantages.

10 Human relationships


● positive: outing, socializing, falling in love, making new friends

● negative: conflict, hatred, prejudice, discrimination

● All´s well that ends well


● party: throwing a party, host, guests, refreshments

● brawling


● definition, importance, BFF

Issues and solutions:

● tension, tolerance, mutual understanding

● marginalized people: handicapped, outcasts, disabled

Personal preference

● likes & hopes

● dislikes

11. Človek a príroda Man and Nature

a) seasons, weather

1. How would you describe the climate and seasons where you live?

2. How does weather affect you?

autumn, sunlight, blizzard, blow, breezy, centigrade, cloud, cloudy, cool, cold, degrees, draught, drizzle, dry, fahrenheit, forecast, frost, fog, foggy, freeze, gale, get, gloomy, wet, hail, hazy, heat (wave), hot, humid, ice, icy, lightning, mild, mist, overcast, chilly, pouring, rain, rainbow, rip tide, shower, sleet, slush, snow, snowfall, spitting, storm, sun, sunny, sunshine, sunshower, temperature, thermometer, thunder (storm), torrential, weather, wet, wind, windy, climate, impact on sb´s physical condition,

b) the wildlife around us – fauna (animals in the wild, at the ZOO, at home) and flora

3. What do you know about the natural world?

4. Do you think it is right to keep wild animals in a zoo?

ecosystem, wild, wildlife, domestic, nature, plant, planet, endangered species, pets, go extinct,

c) the state of the environment (soil, water and air pollution, natural disasters)

5. What do you know about the environment?

6. How can extreme weather conditions affect the economy and social life in countries?

bottle bank ( transfer station, climate change, gas (AmE), (hazardous) waste, incinerator, landfill, rubbish/litter, petrol, pollution, public transport, recycle, recycling center, rubbish (bin), traffic (jam), trash(can), natural disaster, earthquake, tsunami, landslide, flooding, spill, deforestation, global warming, drought, greenhouse effect, landfills, carbon dioxide, damage, effect/consequences/impact, leak, volcanic eruption, ozone hole/friendly, the human race, noise, be „green“, climate changes, sewage, desertification in North Africa, acid rain in Eastern Europe, air pollution in Asia, soil erosion in South America, mud flows in Indonesia, overconsumption in the US, radiation exposure in Japan

d) environmental protection (conservation, national parks, protected regions, environmental education)

7. What can people do to protect the environment?

8. Do you recycle?

national parks, protected areas, environmental studies, nature/game reserve, energy consumption, saving energy and water, sort out waste, precautions, reuse, recycling, reducing, game reserve, poaching, ban, environmetally friendly, green products, dump, litter, waste, renewable resources, fossil fuels,

e) the influence of the environment on human life (agriculture, healthy nutrition, agrotourism, organic crops)

9. Which is more important, increasing people’s standard of living, or protecting the environment?

10. What would you do to improve the situation?

farmland, field, noise, pollution, erosion, extensive farming, artificial fertilizers, crop, recyclable, pesticides, wildfires, sustainable development,

Role-play / Simulation: You are a volunteer for a non-profit environmental organisation. Speak to a wealthy entrepreneur about the problems his factory causes.

11 Man and Nature


● nature is the physical world and forces collectively, including plants, animals and the landscape


● types: continetal, sub-tropical, tropical, cold

● impact on humans (farming, culture): water pollution, soil erosion, heat waves, droughts

● climate changes: greenhouse effect, warming-up, Greenpeace,


● spring: begins on 21 Marcht, thaw, snowdrops and daffodils, changeable weather

● summer: begins on 21 June 21, holiday period, dew, heat wave, thunderstorm, lightning, harvest, hail,

● autumn (= fall): begins on 23 September, mushrooming, Indian summer, colourful period, fog, hoarfrost,

● winter: begins on 21 December, snowfall, icy roads, snowdrifts, icicles, blizzard


● types: dry, rainy, wet, heatwave, humid, sultry, cold spell

● forecasting: precipitation, temperature, wind, sunshine, weather forecast, overcast, sunny, rain, windy

● impact on humans: mood, activity, meteosensitivity,

● ideal/disliked:

Animals and man

● pets: dog, cat, breeds,

● farming and utility: cattle, erosion, droughts, flooding, pesticides, fertilizers

● wildlife: polar bears, whales, habitat, go extinct, captivity (zoo),

● relationship: care and protect, research, pets, endangered species

Plants and man:

● plants: shrubs, flowers, trees deciduous (oak, beech) and coniferous (ash), vegetables

● deforestation, soil erosion, fertilizers

● sustainable farming, garden work

Issues and solutions

● pollution: car fumes, carbon dioxide, ozone layer depletion, acid rain, landfills, aviation, radioactive substances,

● global warming: ice caps and glaciers melt,

● disasters: earthquake, tsunami, landslide, hurricanes, flash floods, flooding, weather-related, causes, consequences

● endangered species: in fauna/ flora, the Red List,

● state level: reserves, national parks, laws, agencies

● personal approach: reduce – reuse – recycle, consumer lifestyle, unleaded petrol, catalytic converter, save water & energy, compost kitchen garbage, use public transport more, bottle bank, environmentally friendly (= green) products, going green

● state level: protected areas and parks,

Personal preference

● likes & hopes: ideal weather patterns,

● dislikes

12. Vedecko-technický rozvoj Science and Technology

a) life in the past and today (achievements in science and technology, and changes in the standard of living, household appliances)

1. What has changed in comparison with the past?

2. Which appliances could you not imagine your life without?

by post, airmail, manual labour, household appliances, food processor, coal, oil, gas, computers, standard of living,

b) notable discoveries in science and technology

3. What are the most important inventions since 1850?

4. Which inventions have influenced your life most?

wireless, mobile phone, invent, invention, physician, physicist, pasteurization, dynamite, genetics, text message, advance, nuclear power, engine, science, time-saving devices, the Internet, organic foodstuffs

c) science and technology helping humankind (electronics, information technology / computer science, nuclear physics…)

5. How have science and technology served mankind?

6. Would you prefer to text, email, or call someone?

Skype, web chat, internet access, satellite communication, GPS, nanotechnology, biotechnology, scientific progress, latest/advanced technologies, (non-)renewable power sources, GMO foodstuffs, research, solar energy, browse, high-tech,

d) misuse/abuse of science and technology (weapons of mass destruction/arms, substance abuse, violence, consumer society, new diseases)

7. How could science and technology be misused?

8. Do you think modern technology reduces or increases stress?

dangers, abuse, weapons, violence, consumer society, addicted to electronic media, hacking, cloning, identity theft, credit card number theft, military, teleparenting

e) mankind and science and technology in the future (replacement of the teacher by the computer, children and computers, brain drain)

9. What are the pros and cons (good and bad points) about improving your English by Internet rather than with a teacher?

10. Will science and technology be able to solve humanity´s increasing problems?

brain drain, replaced, face to face communication, cell phones, e-smog

Role-play / Simulation: Act out a discussion with your grandparent who is very critical of modern technology.

12 Science and Technology

Inventions and inventors, discoveries

● steam engine (James Watt), automation (looms), assembly lines, space flights,

● science: Sir Isaac Newton (law of gravitation), Charles Darwin (theory of evolution), Albert Einstein (theory of relativity), Louis Pasteur (pasteurization), DNA (Watson and Crick), nuclear power

● impact on society: higher standard of living,


● everyday appliances (utensils): microwave oven, food processor, digital clock/timer/alarm, dishwasher, juicer, coffee machine, fridge-freezer, toaster, electric kettle

● apps and gadgets: mobile phone, Skype, webchat, the Internet, Facebook, high-tech, smartphones, tablet, e-book, GPS,

● the purpose of science and technology in everyday life: time-saving appliances,

● nanotechnology, biotechnology, renewable sources,

● medicine: new drugs, cloning, stem cells, magnetic resonance,

● manufacturing: robots in assembly lines,

Issues and solutions

● animal and human cloning: ethical issues, sheep, GMO foodstuffs,

● cyber-crime: hacking (Anonymous), credit card number theft, identity theft,

● nuclear power: Fukushima disaster, Chernobyl disaster

● military purposes: cyber-war,

● non-renewable sources such as oil, gas to be replaced with wind turbines, solar energy

● dependence and addiction: gambling, unhealthy lifestyle

● brain drain

Personal preference

● likes & hopes

● dislikes

13. Človek a spoločnosť Man and Society

a) morality (behaviour of the younger, middle and older generations, ethics in family and at school)

1. Why is there something like morals?

2. What can you do to improve relations with other people?

ethics, (dis)respectful, tactful, generation gap, senior citizens, established rules of behaviour, ill-mannered, good manners, carelessness, sloppy, teach values,

b) social etiquette – get-togethers/gatherings, greetings and congratulations, etiquette of visits, reasons and time, subject of conversation, hospitality

3. What do you know about etiquette?

4. Is there any particular norm you agree/disagree with?

etiquette, courtesy, polite, well-wishing, greeting, addressing, appropriate, status symbol, everyday manners, dress code, arrive on time,

c) norms and how they are broken (morality and law, misunderstandings and conflicts)

5. What causes crime?

6. What do you think is the most serious problem in the world?

school rules, offence, prison sentence, fine, clash, misunderstanding, lawyer, illegal, death penalty, blackmail, racketeering, bribery, corruption, sanction, trial, legal case, underworld, social unrest, religious strife, crime, criminal, fraud, shoplifting, mugging, greed, drink-driving,

d) expression of concern and help to people in need, sponsorship and sponsors (reasons and forms)

7. Who takes care of the disadvataged people when they are no longer able to care for themselves?

8. What do you think about food kitchens?

benefactor, liability, disabled, charity, hospice, sponsoring, research funding, public assistance, nursing homes,

e) the influence of society on family

9. Do you think that marriage is outdated nowadays?

10. Should people be free to have as many children as they want?

government, policy, the society,

Role-play / Simulation: Act out an interview with an important senior benefactor of your school.

13 Man and Society


● ways of greeting: shaking hands, bowing, saying Hello and Good-bye, puting off shoes, being on first-name terms,

● conversing, chatting, small talk

● hospitality, tipping

● making good impression: personal hygiene, appearance, politeness, reasonableness


● family rules: time to be in at night, choice of friends, fair share in chores, pocket money/allowance,

● school rules: changing footwear, greeting, rights and duties, use of mobile phones


● Birds of a feather flock together

● All that glitters is not gold

● Good manners make the man

● A barking dog never bites


● neighbourhood

● religious: church,

● work environment: company rules, career, position

● gangs

● volunteering

● organizations: Animal Liberty, Red Cross

● charities: OxFam, British Council, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (cancer research, child sponsorship, education sponsorship), benefactor


● influence, bias, public opinion

Issues and solutions:

● crime: burglary, shoplifting, fraud, drug dealing, blackmailing, cyber-crime, identity theft, rocketeering, murder

● fair trial, sentence,

● discrimination

● handicapped people:

● sponsorship: poor children, education opportunities

● hospice

● homeless people, beggars

Personal preference

● likes & hopes

● dislikes

. 14. Komunikácia a jej formy Communication and its Forms



a) kinds of communication and the importance of communication (verbal and non-verbal)

1. What do you know about communication?

2. What kinds of communication do you find really useful?

verbal, non-verbal, body language, sign language, gestures, body postures, frown, facial expression, convey, cause misunderstanding, relationship, emoticon/smiley, crying

b) communication in varius situations (in public and in private lives, among the young, young and older, in the street, at school, at home, in everyday life, in unique situations)

3. What do you know about communicating in various situations?

4. How do you communicate when you are under stress / happy / unhappy?

face-to-face, hang around, social network(ing) (site), formal, informal, communicative skills, murmur, mumble, shout, argue,

c) modern forms of communication (mobile phone, computer, e-mail, the Internet)

5. What are chat rooms and instant messaging?

6. What are the pros and cons of the modern forms of communication?

landline, cellphone, chatroom, webcam, webchat, websurfing, text message, texting, facebook, online friends, e-mail, tech geek, impersonal, accessibility, Skype

d) language as means of communication (teaching/learning of languages, in which spheres of life they can be used, how foreign languages are spread and used)

7. How important is it for Slovak people to learn other languages?

8. Would it be a good thing if everyone spoke the same language?

global language, utilize, most widespread, curriculum, Russian, English, get to know, advantages, language barrier, mother tongue,

e) language: standard, colloquial, slang, expert/professional

9. What makes a language standard?

10. Is a simplified form of English a good idea?

standardized, RP = received pronunciation, vocabulary, formal/informal, slang, accent, fluency, accuracy,

Role-play / Simulation: Have a conversation with your grandparent about new technology. In the past when people relied on the post (now known as snail mail) you didn’t have the pressure to write back right away. However, today email makes everything immediate, and people expect a reponse also immediately. Have each side state the advantages and disadvantages.

14 Communication and its forms


● expressing thoughts and emotions


● verbal

● non-verbal: facial expression, frowning, smile, gestures, postures, body language

● in person: politeness versus rudeness, manners

● modern: social sites (Facebook), email, Skype, instant messaging, mobile calls, texting, emoticons

● advantages and disadvantages


● importance of learning: communicating with foreigners, understanding the media, studying abroad, subtitled films

● sign language, Braille

Issues and solutions:

● impersonal, loss of social contact

Personal preference

● likes & hopes

● dislikes

15. Masmédiá Mass Media

a) kinds of mass media (their use, advantages, disadvantages)

1. What do you know about mass media?

2. Do you like to keep up with current events?

investigative journalism, journalist, journalism, magazine, mass media, brochure, electronic media, influential,

b) the press (newspapers, magazines, articles), how to choose them, where to buy them – favourite columns

3. What is the role of newspapers in society?

4. Do you think the press influences people too much?

advertisement, tabloid, classifieds, ads, articles, editorial, obituary, newspapers, periodical, print media, headlines, front page news, column, commercials, current events, online edition, supplement, opinion paper, broadsheet, subscribe to, flip through, newsstand,

c) radio, TV (favourite kinds of programmes, ratings)

5. What kinds of radio and/or TV broadcast are there?

6. Which TV programmes do you personally prefer?

weatherman, dubbed, subtitles, sitcom, broadcast, preferences, social events coverage, BBC,

d) the influence of mass media on life of an individual, family and society

7. How can mass media influence the life of society?

8. What changes would you make to the media?

propaganda, press conference, press (the press), billboard, media bias, reality shows, public opinion, gossip magazines and gossip TV programs, posh, breaking news, brazen

e) the Internet and its influence on a person and society

9. What is the role of the Internet in present-day society?

10. And in your life?

the Internet, websites, blog, download, upload, piracy, Facebook,

Role-play / Simulation: Persuade your parents to buy you a latest PC with fast internet access.

15 Mass Media


● diversified media technologies that are intended to reach a large audience by mass communication


● electronic: radio, film, television

● print media: newspapers, (glossy) magazines, on subscription,

● outdoor media: billboards, street posters

● Internet media: websites, email, blogs, internet-based radio and television, QR code, social sites (Facebook, Twitter)

● TV: channels, stations, programmes, chat-show, reality TV, news, live coverage,


● real-time, live

● crime scenes, accidents, disasters, celebrities

● reporters, crew, editor

● Royal wedding, sporting events

● weather forecast


● business interests, profit-making

Issues and solutions:

● media bias

● censorship: freedom of press and speech,

Personal preference

● likes & hopes

● dislikes

16. Mládež a jej svet Youth and its World

a) characteristics of young people (appearance, fashion, character traits, interests

1. How do you characterize the youth?

2. Why do you think some teenagers do good things and others (in the same family often) do bad things?

adolescence, grow up, teenagers, teens, youth, the young, young lady/man youth involvement/engagment, self-respect, put on facade, pretext, likeable, self-centred, texting, have fun, gadgets, tattoo, cool, in, appearance, fashionable, show off, piercing, disgusting, leisure time, build, serious boyfriend, girlfriend, vulnerable, behaviour, snap-happy, outlandish,

b) the position of young people in society (rights and duties, possibilities of study, work, young families)

3. As a teenager, what do you think you can contribute to society?

4. Do you think it's a good idea to give teenagers a lot of freedom?

youth organization, youth leadership, volunteer work, job opportunities, study, rights, voting right, peer groups, weekend job, community work,

c) relationships among peers and generational relationships (conflicts – reasons, their expression, consequences)

5. Would you rather be a child, teenager or an adult? Why?

6. What is it like to be a teenager in your society?

generation gap, get-together, peer pressure, peer rivalry, group norms, prejudices, personal qualities, good/best friend, vices, BFF

d) unhealthy lifestyles of young people (aggression, gambling, substance abuse)

7. What do you think about teenagers who dye their hair blue, green, or another crazy colour?

8. Do teenagers in your country have problems with drugs or alcohol?

deliquent, juvenile violence/crime/delinquency, heavy drinking, sexual promiscuity, suicides, drug abuse, teen pregnancy, abortion, crime, squatting, homelessness, smoking, hooligans,

e) young people’s vision of the future (expectations, dreams, fears)

9. What do you hope to do in the next few years?

10. Do you think that advertising plays an important role in how teenagers think?

feelings of insecurity, rite of passage, attitudes, fears, disorders, security, get married,

Role-play / Simulation: Your classmate has a new piercing. Discuss it with him.

16 Youth and their World


● drug/alcohol abuse, sexual promiscuity, teen pregnancy, bad company, peer pressure

● gangs, riots


● education, open and honest communication, help, forgiving, good company, social skills


● a transitional period in one´s life

● need to be physically active: parkour, biking, roller-blading, skateboarding

● building one´s self-esteem

Issues and solutions:

● youth unemployment: better education, willingness to work

● social deprivation (Roma children)

● emotional distress: communicating

Personal preference

● likes & hopes

● dislikes

17. Stravovanie Food

a) daily food and drink (breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper), favourite dish/food

1. How do you eat?

2. What is your favorite food?

refreshments, beverages, dessert, dinner, favourite dish, brunch, supper, lunch, canteen, sandwich bar, cereals, pizza, snack, elevenses, delicious, occasion, soup, tea, starve,

b) places where people eat (at school, at home, in a restaurant)

3. What is your favorite food? What is your favorite meal served at school?

4. Do you like to eat at fast food restaurants? What about take-out food?

can cook, ready-made meals, delivery, take-away, eat out, eating habits, junk food, cafeteria, diner, heat, microwave oven,

c) national cuisine – customs, specialities (ingredients, meals, table setting)

5. What special foods do you eat on holidays? (Christmas, New Year's Day, Name Day, Easter etc.)

6. Can/Do you cook?

national – regional – local, cuisine, gnocchi with sheep cheese, hot-smoked sausage, sauerkraut soup with mushrooms, barbecue, side dish, recipe, tasty, Sunday lunch dish, ingredients, appetiser, procedure, boil, roast, peel, mash, fry,

d) international cuisine (characteristics, differences, specialities)

7. What kinds of foreign cuisine have you tried?

8. Do you have a favorite restaurant or cafe? What is your favorite thing to order there?

chopsticks, Hungarian, spicy, Asian, Chinese, Italian, curry, BBQ=barbecue,

e) healthy diet (children’s eating habits, vegetarianism, dieting)

9. How much do you think your health depends on the food you eat?

10. What sorts of food should people eat and/or avoid?

French fries, vegetarian, vegan, nutritious, carbohydrates, balanced diet, vegetable, microwave-oven-heated, high in cholesterol, processed foods, herbs, additives, preservatives, nutrients, lifestyle, low-fat, overweight, salad, daily calorie intake, obesity, coffee, alcohol, wholesome food, greasy

Role-play / Simulation: You are at your favorite resturant and you want to order a new meal just on offer.

17 Food

Food and health

● importance: calorie intake, fitness, stress relief, balanced diet,

● meals: breakfast, elevenses, snack, brunch, cereals, bread roll, pastry, light supper, salad, tea, dessert, picnic, eating together as a family

● school facilities: sandwich bar, canteen, French baguette, snacks, cookies

● nourishment: vitamins, nutrients, proteins, fibre, minerals, unsaturated fats, carbohydrates, skimmed milk, wholemeal, low-fat, fresh not canned, microwave-oven heated,

Foods and drinks

● basic, beverages, alcoholic, fizzy drinks, juices

Meals and dishes

● typical, favourite, pasta, pizza

● side dishes: potatoes, French fries, rice, dumplings

Cooking and cuisines

● dishes: goulash, gnocchi and sheep cheese, pizza, spaghetti, side dish, barbeque,

● the recipe: ingredients are…, mix, peel, mash, boil, fry, roast, bake, saucepan, serve with

● beverages: juniper gin, slivovitz, beer, coffee, spirits, wine, fizzy drinks,

● foreign: Hungarian, Italian, Asian, Mexican, spicy, chopsticks, curry, paella

Eating habits

● differences by country: dinner, take-away, eat out, refreshment stall, diner,

● impact of the media: TV, adverts, celebtrities, films and series,

● junk food: fast food, sweetened fizzy drinks, starving, obesity, high in cholesterol, additives, processed foods, greasy

Issues and solutions

● obesity, diabetes: healthy food, moderate physical activity,

● eating disorders: anorexia, bulimia, malnutrition,

Personal preference

● likes & hopes

● dislikes

18. Záľuby, voľný čas a životný štýl Leisure, Hobbies and Lifestyle

a) how people spend their free time

1. What is there to do in the evenings where you live?

2. How do you like to spend your free time?

opportunities, barbecue, sightseeing, throw a party, sociable, socializing, hang out, shopping, walk the dog, surfing the Internet, sunbathing, hiking, stay in, go out, outdoors, indoors, go to a club, go for a jog, go shopping, meet up with friends, keep pets, outing, browse the Internet, watch…, go online, watch movies, do crosswords, board games, pastime, clubbing, snowball fight

b) formally organised free time (extra-curricular activities, clubs, seasonal jobs/part-time job

3. What kinds of extracurricular actvities do you know?

4. Have you had any kind of part-time job?

part-time job, attend a club, extra-school activities, regularly,

c) hobbies (arts, culture, music, books, sport, do-it-yourself, outdoor activities)

5. Which hobbies are the most popular in your country?

6. Are there any hobbies you would like to try?

hobbies, bird watching, collecting, cooking, dancing, drawing, fishing, gardening, rollerblading, knitting, painting, photography, DIY, ramble,

d) the influence which changes in society have on how we spend our free time

7. What has changed in the way people spend their free time?

8. What would you recommend people as to spending their leisure time?

leisure, time-consuming, the Internet, obesity, couch potato, summer job,

e) free-time activities according to age

9. Is it good when people of different ages spend their time together?

10. How do you usually spend your holidays?


Role-play / Simulation: Invite a friend of yours out to spend some time together.

18 Leisure, Hobbies and Lifestyle

Leisure activities & hobbies

● convenient, outdoor/indoor, dangerous

● organized or individual or family

● playing a musical instrument, walking the dog, sunbathing, hiking, socializing, crosswords, board games, bird watching,

● typical Slovak pastimes: car repairing, family visits, shopping etc.

TV watching

● time spent, couch potato, obesity, high blood pressure

Keeping fit

● exercising

● relaxation and de-stressing: listening to music, hiking in the nature, walks, jogging

Changes over time

● more free time leads to new ways of spending it

● social sites

● downloading films to watch

● loss of reading for pleasure

● instant messaging

Issues and solutions:

● adrenaline hobbies: injuries or premature death, handicapped

● laziness may lead to obesity

● boredom: bad company, peer pressure

Personal preference

● likes & hopes

● dislikes

. 19. Multikultúrna spoločnosť Multicultural Society



a) holidays, customs and traditions (religious and public holidays, national traditions and various events)

1. What customs and festivals are there in your country?

2. What customs do you think should no longer be practice?

civilization, local culture, festival, custom, religious and state holidays, belief, Christmas, Easter, carols, Christianity, firework show, events,

b) the coexistence of various ethnic groups in one country

3. What helps people of various cultures live in peace?

4. What do you think is interesting about your culture?

cultural diversity, minorities, challenges, Hungarians, Roma, Romanies, Ruthenian, Ukrainian, Czech, divide, division,

c) bringing cultures together (contacts in the past and at present), personal contact with other cultures, tolerance

5. Would you ever consider living permanently in a country other than your home country?

6. What has surprised you when you've met people from other countries?

global culture, globalization, mixed marriage, intermarriage, milettoes, immigrants, refugee, immigrant family, assimilation, cosmopolitan, festivals, superstitions, values,

d) negative phenomena (racial discrimination, intolerance, relations with minorities)

7. What are some problems a multicultural society may have?

8. Would you ever consider marrying or dating someone from another culture?

cultural misconception, cultural stereotypes, conflicts, cultural shock, xenophobia, racism, clash, underprivileged, segregation, superiority,

e) cultural values of other nationalities, coexistence in Europe

9. What are some things that define a culture? For example, music, language, ...

10. What do you think is important when visiting another culture?

uniqueness, culturally acceptable, cultural specifics, beliefs, multiculturalism, unity in diversity, shared values, expatriates,

Role-play / Simulation: You want to marry someone of a different nationality. Your parents are not happy about you marrying someone that has a different upbringing than you.

19 Multicultural society


● a society where various expressions of language, dress, food, religion, customs etc. are free and common

Countries and cosmopolitanism

● Slovakia

● Europe, U.K. and U.S. (Amsterdam, London, New York)


● cultural phenomena: Halloween, Thanksgiving, Easter, Christmas

Issues and solutions:

● opposition,

● minorities: Ruthenian,

● tolerance, understanding, prejudice, unity in diversity

● migration: refugees, culture clash, minorities, intermarriage

● closed communities: Chinatown in L.A., California

● extremes: militant groups, islamists, right-wing groups, terrorism, Anders Breivik in Norway, Boston Marathon Attack,

Personal preference

● likes & hopes/memories

● dislikes

20. Mestá a miesta Places

a) important places in my life (birthplace, where I have studied and where I have spent my weekends and holidays):

1. What is the most interesting part of your town or village?

2. How would you describe your region to a foreigner?

places and buildings, area, home town, cathedral, church, fountain, outdoor café, special/dear to, landmark, suburb, outskirts, housing area, community, a regular,

b) tourist guide (welcoming, basic information about their stay)

3. If you could design a trip for tourists where would they go and what would they do?

4. Have you ever been stranded somewhere?

sightseeing (tour), bustling,

c) places of interest for tourists (castles, chateaux, spas, caves) and towns

5. What are three most famous monuments, attractions, or events?

6. What such places have you been to?

region, castle, chateau, spa, cave, ski resort, woodcarving, scenery, town, attractive, picturesque, scenic, historic, seasonal activities, fortification, hamlets, destination du jour, a must-see, charm, open-air museum

d) places suitable for relaxation and for entertainment

7. Is there anywhere you would particularly like to go to?

8. Where are typical places you go with your family on holidays?

unspoilt, cultural facilities, public transport routes, nightlife,

e) my dream place

9. What places do you hope to see in the future?

10. Which criteria would you use in choosing a place to live?

place of my dreams, get there, spectacular, paradise, beautiful scenery, exotic,

Role-play / Simulation: Introduce your favourite places to your American friend.

20 Towns and Places


● the country and place you have visited, a must-see

Town, city, countryside

● your place and your favourite spots: home town, native village, outing, suburb, outskirts,

● activities: hiking, hanging around, biking, roller-blading,

● facilities: downtown, parks,shopping malls, restaurants, cafés, markets, public restroom/toilet,

Historic sites: castles, architectural sites, chateaus, medieval fortifications, cathedral,

Places of interest in my country and around the world: (see also topics 24 and 25)

● tourist destinations: sunny spot, multicultural, bustling, unspoilt, nightlife, exotic,


● breath-taking, wonderful, disappointing, mixed feelings


● landmarks: historical, natural, sites, notable, recreational, London, New York

● holiday destinations: resorts, tourist spots, spas, caves, picturesque village, spectacular,

● active and passive holidays

Issues and solutions: crime, terrorist attack, safety measures, municipal police, CCTV cameras,

Personal preference

● likes & hopes

● dislikes

21. Obliekanie a móda Clothing and Fashion

a) the influence of weather and climate on what people wear

1. How does what people wear depend on the weather or climate?

2. What do you usually wear in winter and summer?

underwear, wool(len), sweater, bermuda shorts, hat, scarf, silk, cotton, boots, tee, parka

b) clothes and accessories for various occasions

3. Do you tihnk people feel different when they wear different clothes?

4. Do you wear jewellery?

dress, outfit, tux(edo), necklace, ballet flats, earrings, lipstick, uniform, perfume, suit, jewellery, knitwear, accessories, handbag, embroidered, bracelet, make a good impression, high heels, (in)appropriate, occasion, ring, furcoat, (colourful gelled) hairstyle, pins, paper clips, metal chains, pool sandals, gym kit, friendship bracelet, knick-knacks, beach dressing, blouse, top, sweatshirt, stockings#tights,

c) how people decide what to wear (fashion, age, mood/atmosphere, possibilities) care of clothes

5. Do you think people are treated differently, because of what they wear?

6. Do you like shopping for new clothes?

classy, chic, cut, cute, design, trendy, designer label, brand name clothes, stylist, outlandish attire, quality garments, wear (out), dry clean, fit (v), go with (phr v), choosy, leisure wear, casual, formal, second-hand, dark complexion, modest, style, mood, fabric, versatile, pattern, take care of, doing the laundry, personal preferences, fashion-conscious, fashion victim, torn jeans, browse,

d) fashion trends – clothes, designers, fashion shows

7. Do you think it is important to wear fashionable clothes?

8. What piece of clothing do you spend your money on the most?

fashion show, fashion designers, old-fashioned, conservative, (un)fashionable, trend-setter, navy blue, canary yellow, pink, purple, beige, creamy, olive, deep red, unisex, baggy, fake,

e) fine feathers make fine birds/clothes make the man, made-to-measure/tailor-made clothing/tailored clothing or mass-produced clothing (at the clothes shop, at the tailor’s/dressmaker’s)

9. Is it true that you are what you wear?

10. Have you ever made your own clothes?

ready-made, tailored, try on, alter, made-to-measure, fitting room, sew,

Role-play / Simulation: You want to give a garment you no longer need to your younger sibling, because you consider it still valuable. Persuade him to accept it.

21 Clothing and Fashion

Clothing for conditions

● warm: bermuda shorts, flip-flops, T-shirt, hat, sandals

● medium: jacket, raincoat,

● cold: anorak, boots, gloves, hat, layers, jumper, scarf, fur-coat

Clothing for occasions

● sporting: sports wear, track suit, a sports bra, headband, sneakers/trainers,

● formal: (ball)gown, tux(edo), tie,

● semi-formal (casual):

● informal: torn jeans, leisurewear, sweatshirt

Garments, footwear, accessories

● garments: blouse, top, sweatshirt, trousers

● patterns: plain, coloured, striped

● materials: wool, cotton,

● footwear: high heels,

● sunglasses

● belts

● jewellery: necklace, bracelet, earrings


● hairstyle

● being in:

Issues and solutions:

● designer brands

● fake products

Personal preference

● likes & hopes

● dislikes

22. Kniha – priateľ človeka Book – Man´s Friend

a) books – variety/ how people choose where and when they read

1. What kinds of literature do you know?

2. Has any book influenced you for life?

pleasure-read, encyclopedia, dictionary, worthwhile, imagination, values, language, for information, benefits of reading, bookworm, simplified, film version, enrich, time-consuming, food for thought, attitude, pocket edition, children´s book, factual, instructive,

b) favourite author, genres

3. How do you think people choose books to read?

4. What is your favourite book?

poetry, novel, drama, historical fiction, fiction, non-fiction, science fiction, memoirs, diary, autobiography, thriller, thought-provoking, detective story, whodunnit, travel/art/history/cookery book, genre, magazine, e-book,

c) a book I have read by an author from an English-speaking country

5. Who are the most famous English-speaking writers?

6. Tell us a little about a book you have read recently?

playwright, plot, setting, characters, author, poet, novelist, fascinating, amusing, witty, the message of the book, lasting value, masterful translation,

d) Nobel prize winners for literature and their work

7. Which Nobel-prize-winning authors and works do you know?

8. What is your personal choice in this aspect?

Nobel prize winners,

e) crisis in reading fiction (reasons, do people buy books, services of libraries and institutions)

9. Why do people read less nowadays?

10. What do you think is the main problem?

plagiarism, bookshop, film franchise, library card, public library, book prices, loan period,

Role-play / Simulation: As a keen reader, try to persuade your friend that they can benefit greatly from reading.

22 Book – Man´s Friend


● importance: basic literacy skill, pleasure


● fiction: poetry, novel, short story, science fiction, fantasy books, historical fiction, detective story,

● non-fiction: textbook, brochure, dictionary, encyclopedia, handbook, cookbook, self-help book


● broadens the mind, improves memory and imagination, knowledge and understanding

● too much reading weakens the body

● bookworm

Issues and solutions:

● high book prices

● lack of public funds for libraries

● obsolete textbooks

Personal preference

● likes & hopes

● dislikes

23. Vzory a ideály Models and Ideals

a) positive and negative traits of a person, the ideal person, criteria of values

1. Do you think celebrities deserve to be called heroes?

2. Are famous people happy?

showbiz, spotlight, tabloids, paparazzi, award-show, acceptance speech, platform, forum, politician, bad qualities, virtues, vices, idol, role model, charity, fund raising, privileged lifestyle, violence,

b) the person I respect

3. Who do you admire?

4. Which celebrity do you most admire and why?

held in high esteem, strive, replicate, image, trustworthy, admire, brave, philantropist,

c) real-life and literary heroes

5. Why do you think adolescents need to have heroes?

6. Does a hero affect people´s behaviour in real life?

hero (positive and negative influences), heroine, celebrity (past and present), magazine cover, superhuman characteristics, weakness,

d) heroes are not born, they may become one (person’s reaction in a critical situation)

7. What makes an ordinary man into a hero?

8. What would you do if you had an opportunity to become a hero?

emergency, rescuers, fire-fighters, courage,

e) me as a hero

9. If you could influence people like a celebrity does, how would you use it for the benefit of the planet?

10. If you could be famous, what would you want to be famous for?

composed, cool, confident, good-tempered, resolute, smart,

Role-play / Simulation: You are a famous actress no longer wanting to be in the spotlight. However, your manager is pushing you to stay in the business, because you are his only client and paycheck. He is not looking out for your best interests.

23 Models and Ideals

Real and imaginary

● superhero: Batman, Chuck Norris, Agent 007

● firefighters, rescuers, surgeons, ordinary people

● literary/film hero/heroine: qualities, Holden Caulfield, Hamlet, modern

Role models

● in fashion: supermodels

● in everyday life: parents, teachers, civic courage


● posters over bed, daydreaming


● influence on young people: tabloids, paparazzi, resolute, smart


● vices: lying,

● virtues: honesty, industriousness, determination, faith

Issues and solutions:

● unrealistic expectations: anorexia, bulimia, drug abuse

Personal preference

● likes & hopes

● dislikes

24. Krajina, ktorej jazyk sa učím English-speaking Countries

a) the countries and their inhabitants

1. What do you know about English-speaking countries?

2. How would you describe the English and the Americans in general?

the English, Americans, Canadians, the Irish, the UK, characteristics, London, New York, food, lifestyle, sense of humour,

b) the place I would like to visit

3. What English-speaking country would you like to visit?

4. Would you like to live in an English-speaking country for a long period of time?

spot of my dreams, get to know, favourite location, landmark, at the seaside,

c) uniqueness, customs, traditions and conventions

5. Can you name any customs and traditions?

6. What are some of the cultural differences between your country and English-speaking countries?

uniqueness, customs, holidays, popular sports, traditions, stockings, turkey, Santa Claus, public holiday, Thanksgiving Day, pumpkin pie,

d) stereotypes and prejudices

7. How would you compare Slovakia to the UK/US?

8. What are your stereotypes of English speaking countries?

prejudices, cultural stereotypes,

e) united Europe

9. What do you know about unified Europe?

10. What kind of an influence do other countries have on Slovakia?

unified Europe, diversity, no borders, common currency, bailout, economy, Schengen Zone

Role-play / Simulation: Act out an interview with your new British/American/Australian-born classmate about his country.

24 English-speaking Countries

the United Kingdom (the UK) – the United States of America (the US) – other (Australia, Canada, India, South Africa, Nigeria, New Zealand)

the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK)


● London, Stratford upon Avon


● Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Ulster), 36 counties, England-Wales-Scotland-Northern Ireland

● climate, weather patterns

● seaside sites


● over 60 million, the English, Brits, minorities

● characteristics, stereotypes

- the English: reserved, tea, sense of humour,

Political system

● the Queen, the government, the Parliament

● no written constitution yet


● Celts, Viking raids, Roman occupation

● Norman Invasion in 1066

● Magna Charta in 1215 – foundations of parliamentary democracy

● wars with France, Ireland, civil wars,

● Anglo-Irish Agreement in 1921 – independence of Irish Republic

● Anglo-American ties


● lifestyle: typical

● traditions, customs, personal habits: tea, politeness,

● holidays and feastdays

- Christmas: stockings, Santa Claus, roast turkey, Christmas pudding

- Easter: spring feast of the Christian Churches,

- New Year´s Day: parties on New Year´s Eve,

- the Queen´s official birthday: Saturday after June 9, mounting of the guard ceremony

● arts and artists: Beatles Sir Paul (McCartney),

● religion


● natural resources:

● services: finance, IT sector,

● agriculture and industry

Education/Healthcare system

● state

● private


● London: megacity, landmarks, Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, museums, parks, the City, bridges (Tower Bridge),

● Manchester, Birmingham, Glasgow, Edinburgh,


● Lake District, game,

Spots (nature, history, health, relaxation etc.): Bath, Stratford upon Avon, seaside resorts

Notable personalities: William Shakespeare (Apr 23, 1564 – Apr 23, 1616) playwright and poet, Isaac Newton (Dec 25, 1642 – Mar 20, 1727) physicist and mathematician (laws of motion and gravitation), Queen Elizabeth II (b. Apr 21, 1926), Prime Minister David Cameron, the Beatles, Adele

Issues and solutions

● youth unemployment, social tensions, riots, terrorism

● Ulster tension and clashes,

Personal preference

● likes & hopes

● dislikes

The United States of America (the U.S.)



● 50 states and 5 territories

● climate, weather patterns


● minorities, native American Indians

● characteristics, stereotypes: loud, generous,

Political system

● 3 branches – Executive (administration), Legislative (Congress), Judicial (courts, Supreme Court)


● first English colonies, war of 1775, independence, Constitution 1787

● Civil War 1861, abolishment of slavery


● lifestyle: diverse, strongly multicultural, melting pot, traditional Amish people,

● traditions, customs, personal habits: fast food, fitness, light lunch, very few stereotypes or prejudices owing to many cultures

● holidays and feastdays

- Christmas: stockings, Santa Claus = Father Christmas, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day,

- Thanksgiving: roast turkey, family reunion, in 2011 it was on November 24th, pumpkin pie

- Halloween: trick or treat, fancy dress

- Independence Day: commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776,

● arts and artists:

● religion: Puritan legacy,


● rich in resources

● service-oriented economy


● New York: megacity, originally called New Amsterdam, landmarks, the Statue of Liberty donated by France in 1886, Manhattan, Times Square, subway, museums,parks (Central Park), bridges (Brooklyn Bridge), Ground Zero,

● Washington D.C., Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles,


● national parks: Yellowstone, Grand Canyon,

Spots (nature, history, health, relaxation etc.): national parks, cities, monuments

Notable personalities: Barack Obama, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Martin Luther King,

Issues and solutions

● crime, gangs, extremism, security threats

● bad traffic, congestion

● economic crisis, unemployment, debt crisis, foreclosure,

Personal preference

● likes & hopes

● dislikes

25. Slovensko – moja vlasť Slovakia – My Homeland

a) the country and its inhabitants

1. How would you describe Slovakia?

2. How would you describe Slovaks?

basic facts, population,geography, climate, economy, nature resources, political system, way of life, friendly, gypsy, nature, sights, natural beauties, scenery, peaks, cosmopolitan, landscape, highlands, lowlands, located in, history, Velvet Revolution, the Danube, Slovaks, hospitable, outstanding personalities, the EU, standard of living, envy, neighbouring countries,

b) places I would recommend to a foreigner

3. Tell me why I should visit your region?

4. What would you recommend tourists to experience in Slovakia?

local attraction, famous site, unsightly, litter, open-air museum, landmark, mountain range, downtown, pedestrian zone, pub, worth seeing, city centre, the Spiš Castle, Slovak Paradise, rich in…, the High Tatras, ski/health resorts, World Cup, pig slaughtering, crafts (fair)

c) customs and traditions

5. What Slovakian customs and traditions do you recognize?

6. Do you and your family keep any typical Slovak customs and traditions?

customs, traditions, festivals, religious influence, national heritage, Christmas, Easter, juniper gin, holidays, popular sports, commemorate, the Church, bad habits, Juraj Jánošík, feast, Levoča´s White Lady, The Bloody Countess of Čachtice, Omar and Fatima, Sitno´s Knights

d) sterotypes and prejudices

7. Does discrimination exist in Slovakia?

8. What problems exist in Slovakia?

cultural stereotypes, poverty, rural, hostility,

e) the place of Slovakia in united Europe

9. How has joining the European Union helped Slovakia?

10. What has Slovakia produced/invented/distributed that the world population uses?

Slovakia joined the EU in 2004, the Schengen Zone,

Role-play / Simulation: You are on a trip to England. There you meet someone who has only heard of Slovakia. Tell them why they must visit Slovakia.

25 Slovakia


● The High Tatras (hiking)


● a landlocked country

● climate: moderate continental, dry summers, winter snowfall,

● weather patterns: heatwaves, droughts, cold spells,

● land: varied landscape, highlands, lowlands, natural beauties, mountain ranges, the Danube,


● over 5 million

● characteristics, stereotypes: hospitable, warm-hearted, envy, mostly rural,

● minorities: Hungarians, Roma, Carpathian Germans, Czechs, rights, history

Political system

● parliamentary democracy: Prime Minister Fico, President Gašparovič, Parliament Speaker Paška, government

● Slovakia as a E.U. member: joined the EU in May 2004, joined Eurozone in January 2009, the Schengen Zone (no passports or customs inspection), NATO member


● memorable periods: the Bronze Age, Slavs, Great Moravia, part of Austro-Hungary and later Czechoslovakia, Slovak National Uprising (SNP), split after the Velvet Revolution, Mečiar period, joining the E.U.

● landmarks: the Spiš Castle, the Krásna Hôrka Castle, Betliar Chateau, open-air museums,


● lifestyle: rural and municipal,

● traditions, customs, personal habits

- Christmas: exchanging presents, family reunions, feasting,Christmas tree, midnight mass

- Easter: splashing women, heavy drinking, egg colouring,

- pig-slaughtering: pigs kept for pork, bacon, ham, sausages, broth, family event,

- folk art: music, dance, crafts (woodcarving, shepherds´ long pipe i.e. fujara),

- bad habits: heavy drinking, smoking (in public places), foul language

- craft fairs, embroidery, Jánošík tradition

● folk costumes, folk music and instruments, folk dances: fujara = long shepherd´s pipe

● holidays and feastdays: state/bank holidays, Church holidays, memorable days, Labour Day, Children´s day,

● food and beverages: sauerkraut soup, fried carp, potato salad, slivovitz, juniper gin, draught beer, wine, pork & cabbage & dumplings, dogwood liquor

● religion: the Catholic Church, religious influence, Protestant Churches,


● state owned enterprises & private businesses: OECD member,

● agriculture: cattle, sheep, potatoes, corn, what, barley, oats, orchards, sunflower, poppy seed,

● industry: Volkswagen plant, Kia plant, US Steel company, power stations,


● nursery school, kindergarten, primary school

● secondary: grammar, special, vocational, school-leaving examination (= maturita) and certificate,

● college and university: Bachelor´s Degree (BA = Bc.), Master´s Degree (MA = Mgr.), Doctoral Degree (= PhD),

Healthcare (see topic 6)


● Bratislava: the capital, population over 400,000, seat of President (Grassalkovich palace), government and parliament, Bratislava Castle, Old Town Hall, Michal Gate, Eurovea, IKEA store,

● Košice: second biggest, St. Elizabeth´s cathedral, Gothic downtown, pedestrian zone, seat of Constitutional Court,

● Bardejov, Levoča, Nitra, Banská Štiavnica,


● the High Tatras, Slovak Paradise: ski resorts, hiking, scenery, peaks,

● animals: game (bear, deer, wolf, boar, fox), squirrel, hedgehog, frog, trout, viper, sparrow, falcon, pheasant, stork,

● plants: spruce, fir, pine, oak, beech, shrubs, dandelion, marigold,

Spots (nature, history, health, relaxation etc.)

● the High Tatras, Bardejov spa, Piešťany spa,

● caves: Dobšinská Ice Cave, Domica Cave,

Notable personalities

● past: Saints Cyril and Methodius – spread Christianity to Slavic people with the use of the Glagolitic alphabet , Štúr, Štefánik – one of the founders of Czechoslovakia, Dubček – communist leader who sought to give socialism a human face,

● present: Pavol Demitra, Ivan Gašparovič, Peter Dvorský the opera singer, Rytmus,

Issues and solutions

● unemployment: homeless people, debt, poverty, low standard of living, new jobs, better education

● minorities: Hungarians, Roma, prejudice, tensions, hostility, tolerance,

● the EU: bailout fund, financial discipline, Eurozone, austerity measures,

Personal preference

● likes & hopes: hospitality, gardening

● dislikes: envy


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