Grade Level

|Grade |QTR. |HCPSS Matrix for Units of Study in Writing |

| | |2013-2014 |

| | |This is a recommended sequence for the writing units. |

| | |Teachers may teach the units in any order they choose. |

|KDG. | |Text Types and Purposes |

| | |Explanatory/Informative |Opinion |Narrative |

| |1 |Writing about Reading / Drawing, Writing and/or Dictating in Response to a Read |Building a Community of Writers: Shared |

| | |Aloud** |Writing and Storytelling |

| |2 |Literary Non- Fiction: |Book Reviews | |

| | |ABC book | | |

| |3 | |Functional Writing: |Personal Narrative |

| | | |Thank You Letter, Notes, and/or Cards | |

| |4 |Literary Non- Fiction: | |Poetry: |

| | |Picture-Fact Book | |Acrostic |

| |

|Grade |QTR. |Text Types and Purposes |

|1 | | |

| | |Explanatory/Informative |Opinion |Narrative |

| |1 |Writing About Reading** |Personal Narrative |

| |2 | | |Friendly Letter |

| | |Literary Non- Fiction | | |

| | |“All About” Books | | |

| |3 | |Book Reviews |Realistic Fiction: |

| | | | |Short Fiction |

| |4 |Procedural Writing: | |Poetry: |

| | |How to Book | |Free Verse, Rhyme |

| |

|Grade 2 |QTR. |Text Types and Purposes |

| | |Explanatory/Informative |Opinion |Narrative |

| |1 |Writing About Reading** |Personal Narrative |

| |2 |Literary Non-Fiction: | |Friendly Letter and/or Invitations |

| | |Picture/Fact Book | | |

| |3 |Research Report |Book Reviews | |

| |4 |Functional Writing: |Poetry: |

| | |Poster/ Advertisement |Couplets, Free |

| | | |Verse, Rhyme |

|*Units of Study in gray are multi-genre units that combine two types of purposes for writing |

|** Writing about Reading is introduced as a Unit of Study in Quarter 1. This type of writing is an integral component of daily instruction. |

|Therefore, many opportunities for journaling and responding to text in writing should occur throughout the day. |

|HCPSS Matrix for Units of Study in Writing |

|2013-2014 |

|This is a recommended sequence for the writing units. |

|Teachers may teach the units in any order they choose. |

| |

| |Text Types and Purposes |

| | |

|Grade | |

|3 | |

| |QTR. |Explanatory/Informative |Opinion |Narrative |

| |1 |Writing About Reading** |Personal Narrative |

| |2 | |Letter of Opinion |Realistic Fiction |

| |3 |Research Report: | |Poetry: |

| | |Short Biography | |Haiku, Cinquain, |

| | | | |Shape Poems |

| |4 |Procedural Writing: |Book Reviews | |

| | |How to Book | | |

| |

|Grade |QTR. |Text Types and Purposes |

|4 | | |

| | |Explanatory/Informative |Opinion |Narrative |

| |1 |Writing About Reading** |Memoir |

| |2 |Expository Non-Fiction: | | |

| | |Research Report |Book Reviews | |

| |3 |Functional Writing: | | |

| | |Poster and/or Advertisement |Opinion Essay | |

| |4 |Formal Letter: |Poetry: |

| | |Business Letter and/or Letter to the Editor |Limericks and Free Verse |

| |

|Grade |QTR. |Text Types and Purposes |

|5 | | |

| | |Explanatory/Informative |Opinion |Narrative |

| |1 |Writing about Reading** |Memoir |

| |2 |Expository Non-Fiction: | | |

| | |Research Report |Opinion Essay | |

| |3 |Speech Writing: |Short Fiction: |

| | |Informational and Opinion Based Speech |Historical Fiction |

| |4 |Informational Essay | | |

|* Units of Study in gray are multi-genre units that combine two types of purposes for writing |

|** Writing About Reading is introduced as a Unit of Study in Quarter 1. This type of writing is an integral component of daily instruction. |

|Therefore, many opportunities for journaling and responding to text in writing in a variety of formats should occur throughout the year. |


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