
MENOPTIMAL rather than “Normal” Testosterone RangeFree Testosterone: 15 pg/mL – 25 pg/mLConventional medical tests may not flag as Low until reaching below 6.5 pg/mLTestosterone: 700-900?ng/dLConventional medical tests may not flag as Low until reaching below 200 ng/dLFor Optimal Range Information: Normal Range Information: with your Doctor:When testing for potential hormone imbalances, request a blood test that tests total AND free testosterone, estradiol, homocysteine, C-reactive protein, parathyroid hormone and DHEA levels for a comprehensive review of your biochemistry. Advice for Optimal Male Hormone ProductionAlmonds increase free testosteroneZinc and Vitamin D help aid in the production of and maintenance for testosterone. Foods with Vit. D and Zinc: Fortified cereal, egg yolk, beans, beef, tuna. If taking a Vitamin D supplement, consume with a Vitamin K2 supplement to decrease raw absorption side effects. Enhancing aids for male performance, as recommended by physician, Dr. Ana Cabeca: Nourish those adrenals: When stress starts to become chronic the body goes into “fight or flight” mode, so testosterone production may lower. A few recommendations to support the adrenals include:Adrenal adaptogens such as Maca, Ashwagandha, Siberian Ginseng, and Rhodiola rosea. Mighty Maca? Plus?superfoods drink?is a great addition to restoring adrenal glands and it is alkalizing, too.High quality multivitamin and minerals?with bio-available B vitamins and high dose vitamin C.Omega 3’s?– eat quality omega-3’s such as salmon, oysters, sardines, etc. or?supplement?with a high quality choice.?Carnitine: 2000 – 6000 mg per day to improve energy production and mitochondrial functionProgesterone?– men may do well with 5-10 mg of a topical progesterone cream at bedtime, but a little goes a long way…so again, use only with your doctor’s supervision.L-Arginine?– Arginine is important for Nitric oxide production and should be taken twice daily. (). ?I usually recommend a slow release arginine supplement made with a beet root powder called Neo40 by Neogenesis or N.O. Max ER by Xymogen.Testoplex? (by Xymogen):?I have recommended this supplement for years. It is Xymogen’s formulation to address healthy testosterone levels and provide support for libido and overall vitality. It features mungbean sprout powder.To reduce excess estrogens, along with a healthy Keto-Alkaline diet, good estrogen lowering treatments are:Increasing fiberEat Vitamin B, folate, choline and betaine-rich foods?– helpful in supporting methylation, a process in the body which helps metabolize and detoxify estrogens (fish, eggs, spinach, quinoa, beets and shellfish).Eat cruciferous veggies?– contain lots of glucosinolates which help decrease estrogen activity along with reducing weight (so the fat doesn’t store the estrogens which can lead to breast development in men), increase fiber to assist with detox, as well as bumping up nutrients known to be good estrogen detoxifiers.Estrogen Detoxifiers - methylated B12, betaine, choline and methylated folate. These types of nutrients are referred to as methyl donors and help with estrogen metabolism and detoxification.Potential Dysfunction Catalysts:Anti-Androgen drugs: flutamide, GNRH analogues, cytotoxic chemotherapeutic agentsPsychoactive drugs and mood stabilizersSedative-hypnotics: benzodiazepines, sleeping pillsAntidepressants: SSRIs, TricyclicsAntihypertensive Agents: Hydrochlorothiazide, beta blockersCimetidine (for peptic ulcer), steroids, aldosterone, lovastatinAlcoholHolistic Supplements to Consider with your DoctorSerrapeptidesConsumed by males to increase sperm production/ fertility. HGH“Symptoms of a?HGH?deficiency include an increase in body fat and weight, reduction in exercise capacity, decrease in lean body mass, decline in muscle strength and mass, unhealthy triglyceride and cholesterol levels, sleep problems, reduced bone density, decline in cardiac performance, and a poor sense of well-being.”MACA“Maca has been clinically proven to improve male erection and sperm production and motility. Boosts strength and stamina, and boosts libido. Improves athletic performance, fatigue issues and memory!?Maca also has a high concentration of histidine, which aids in orgasm and ejaculation”DHEAFor men it has been found to reduce bone and muscle loss, address/improve skin atrophy, increase cognition, improve desire, arousal and orgasm. Dosage is between 25-50 mg for men depending on tested levels (this needs to be tested/monitored by your physician!)Anastrolzole?- Aromatase-Inhibiting DrugFor men with high levels of estradiol. In doses as low as?0.5 mg?twice a week. ?When low levels of free testosterone are accompanied by excess estradiol (over?30 pg/mL?of serum), this can signal excess aromatase enzyme activity.Ginko BilobaAn extract derived from the leaf of the Chinese ginkgo tree, noted for its cerebral enhancing effects, was found to be 84% effective in treating antidepressant-induced sexual dysfunction predominately caused by selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Positively effected all 4 phases of sexual response for both men and women. Website References for Physician Recommendations and Research of Adelaide. (2014, March 28). Erectile dysfunction can be reversed without medication.?ScienceDaily. Retrieved January 19, 2019 from releases/2014/03/140328102907.htmWOMENOPTIMAL rather than “Normal” Hormone LevelsTalking with your Doctor:Blood testing for women should include serum estradiol, progesterone, DHEA, testosterone, SHBG, Vitamin D, and Thyroid functions (TSH, T3). Talk with your doctor about early signs of menopause.Appropriateness of receiving a prescription for Flibanserin to aid in diminished sexual desire or response in Premenopausal women. Flibanserin is a centrally acting receptor agonist and antagonist affecting serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine activity.Advice for Optimal Female Hormone ProductionDo your research on testosterone supplementation for women. It can lead to balding, acne, excessive hair growth (especially on face), enlargement of the clitoris. Research shows that testosterone for women does more damage than good even though it is still prescribed for increasing the female sex drive. Advice for Women with Hysterectomies, OophorectomiesRoughly half of all testosterone production in women is from the ovaries. Thus, an oophorectomy can cause a sudden drop of testosterone levels.Holistic Supplements to Consider with your DoctorDHEA-S (a testosterone precursor)Low levels of DHEA in women can cause:Fatigue, Weight gain, Depression, Aching joints, Low libidoOptimal DHEA levels can help women:Boost libido, Rebuild muscle mass, Lose weight, Improve memory, Boost the immune system, Promote flexibility, Raise energy levelsEstrogen?Forms: Estriol, Estrone and EstradiolCan help reduce symptoms associated with perimenopause and menopause: Hot flashes, Vaginal dryness, Bone density to protect from osteoporosis, Heart health, post-menopausal Urinary tract health.Estrogen replacement in postmenopausal women can improve clitoral and vaginal sensitivity, increase libido, and decrease vaginal dryness and pain during intercourse. FORMS: Oral tablets, dermal patch, vaginal ring, and cream.Ginko BilobaAn extract derived from the leaf of the Chinese ginkgo tree, noted for its cerebral enhancing effects, was found to be 84% effective in treating antidepressant-induced sexual dysfunction predominately caused by SSRI medications. Positively effected all 4 phases of sexual response for both men and women. Homeopathic options for the treatment of HypoActive Sexual Desire Disorder Herbal supplementIngredientsProposed effect on sexual responseZestraBorage seed oil, evening primrose oil, angelica extract, coleus extract, vitamin C, vitamin EIncreased genital sensitivity and lubricationAluraPurified water, propylene glycol, hydroxyethylcellulose,?l-arginine, menthol, citric acidIncreased genital sensitivity and lubricationProSensualNatural mint, orange, clove oil and soy-based ingredientsIncreased sensation and lubricationK–YPurified water, glycerin, hydroxyethylcellulose, chlorhexidine gluconate, gluconolactone, methylparaben, sodium hydroxideIncreased sensation and lubricationArginMaxl-arginine, gingseng, ginkgo, damiana, calcium, iron, vitamins A, C, and E, B-complex vitamins, zincIncreased sensation and lubricationAvlimilGenistein soy isoflavones, black cohosh root, organic sage and raspberry leaf, organic cayenne pepper, damiana leaf, ginger root, licorice root, valerian rootIncreased sensation and lubricationWebsite References for Physician Recommendations and Research ................

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