Commack Schools

Name _________________________________ USHG

Mrs. D’Orazi Agenda #6 Gilded Age and the Progressives


1. Review and study daily your notes, worksheets, review sheet for the units and vocabulary.

2. Current Events: Follow directed format. Sample on the eschool view. Choose an article related to any state or national topic of your choice related to the making of laws, a government announcement, etc.

Date Due: February 5

3. Test #1: Civil War, Reconstruction, Immigration, Progressive Era

To prepare for the unit test: Review and study daily your notes, worksheets, review sheet for the units and vocabulary.

Dates: February 10,11

4. Unit 6 Vocabulary study for Quiz and complete vocabulary assignment (Pick 15 of the 30 words and create a visual representation and an explanation of your drawing.

Date Due: February 13


Assignment #1

Continue to review and study immigration and industrialization notes. (Do so daily.)


Assignment #2

Current Events: Follow directed format. Sample on the eschoolview. Choose an article related to any state or federal issue related to the making of laws, a government announcement, etc. Be sure to follow the format found on eschool view. It must be typed and the article attached and staple. 5 points off daily for lateness.

Date Due: February 4 (Quiz)


Assignment #3

Quiz: Review Civil War, Reconstruction, Immigration and Industrialization. Study.

Date Due: February 6


Assignment #4

Diary Entry: Write a diary entry from the perspective of either a Robber Baron or a Captain of Industry regarding their point of view about their monopoly. Make sure that you review your notes for assistance on the topic. Date your diary entry during the period that your person lived. Type and Submit. 12 font times New Roman. Do not double space.

Date Due: February 7 (Quiz)


Assignment #5

Test #1: Study for the Civil War, Reconstruction, Immigration and Industrialization. Use you notes, worksheets, review sheets for the units and vocabulary in preparation for the test.

Date Due: February 10,11


Assignment #6

Review notes on the Gilded Age, Political Machines, Populist and Progressive Movement

Date Due: Week of February 11th ________________________________________________________________________________

Assignment #7

Vocabulary: Unit 6 Vocabulary complete vocabulary assignment (Pick 15 of the 30 words and create a visual representation and an explanation of your drawing.

Vocabulary: study for quiz on Unit 6 vocabulary.

Date Due: February 13(Quiz) _____________________________________________________________________________

Assignment #8

Political Cartoon: Create a political cartoon from the perspective of a member of the Grange, the Populist or the Progressive Party. It must be an original cartoon that you have created using GOOGLE images. Your cartoon must contain a caption or a title that is typed.

Date Due: February 26(Quiz)


Assignment #9

Review and study: Populist and Progressive notes from before vacation

Study: Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft and Woodrow Wilson notes

Date Due: Week of February 26


Assignment #10

Quiz: Progressive Presidents

Date Due: March 2


Assignment #11

Current Events: Follow directed format. Sample on the Eschool view. Choose any article of your choice related to the state or the national government. Be sure to follow the format found on eschool view. It must be typed and the article attached and staple. 5 points off daily for lateness.

Date Due: March 5


Assignment #12

Vocabulary: Study for quiz on Unit 7 vocabulary

Vocabulary: Unit 7 Vocabulary complete vocabulary assignment (Pick 15 of the 30 words and create a visual representation and an explanation of your drawing

Date Due: March 6


Assignment #13

Review Sheet: Unit Gilded Age and the Progressives Submit typed with the questions and the answers in complete sentences. It must be submitted on this date. Late review sheets will not be accepted.

Date Due: March 7




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