Mental Health Resource Pamphlet for Moncton

|Mental Health Programs | |Mental Health Services | |Other Help Services |

| | | | | |

|Canadian Mental Health Assoc. 859-8114 | |Major Crisis | |YMCA ReConnect |

|Peace Center, 3rd Floor Suite T370, 22 Church St, Moncton | | | |Provides outreach to youth, adults and seniors who are |

| | |EMERGENCY Police, Fire, Ambulance 911 | |homeless or at risk of being homeless. Offers short-term and |

|Programs for Peers: Sessions Start: | |RCMP Emergency 1-800-665-666 | |long-term support to individuals wanting help accessing |

|Your Recovery Journey Program 8 Mar 15, 2018 | |Hospital Emergency Moncton Hospital 857-5353 | |resources such as food, clothing, shelter, education, |

|This program is designed to increase participants’ ability to meet | |Hospital Emergency Dr Georges Dumont 862-4114 | |employment and counselling. |

|their personal recovery goals by enhancing their self-determination | |Psychiatric Nurse 8 am to 8 pm, 7 days/week | |Drop-In Hrs/Services: Mon-Thu  12:30 pm - 3:30 pm |

|and quality of life. This program is open to any individual in the | | | |Location: 281 St. George St, Moncton |

|community with mental health and/or addiction issue. | |Canada Suicide Prevention Service | |Office Hours: BY APPOINTMENT ONLY |

|Anxiety & Depression Program 12 Mar 13, 2018 | |Call Toll Free   24 hr/365 days/yr 1-833-456-4566 | |Mon-Fri 8 am - 4:30 pm Office Contact: 856-4362 |

|Participants are provided with education, information, support, and | |Text with us 5 pm-1 am ET 45645 | | |

|develop coping strategies to build resiliency, enhance communication | |Chat with us 5 pm-1 am ET (see website) | |Youth Q.U.E.S.T Central |

|skills, as well as improve overall quality of life. | | | |199 St George St 869-6355 |

|Bipolar Program 12 ? | | | |Hours: Mon, Tue, Fri 12-5 pm; Wed, Thu 12-7 pm; Sun 12-4 |

|2018 | |Chimo Help Line for New Brunswick 1-800-667-5005 | |pm |

|Trauma / PTSD Program                 8     ? 2018 | |24 hr service 365 days/yr | |Programs, activities and a drop-in centre for at-risk and |

|Mindfulness (8); Living Life to the Full 55+ (8); Kids Have Stress | | | |homeless youth (age 16-24) |

|Too (3) ; Anger Management/Emotional Regulation (6); Grief and Loss| |Kids Help Phone For ages 20 & under 1-800-668-6868 | | |

|Recovery Program (10) | |24 hr service 365 days/yr | |Youth Impact Jeunesse 869-6333 |

|Wellness Program Monthly Topic/Presenter | | | |Programs; Transitional Housing for youth ages 16-20, |

|At Work Program | |Tele-Care         24 hr service  365 days/yr                    811 | |Quest Case Management, Drug Intervention Program |

| | | | |Addiction Counselors |

|Programs for Families & Friends: Sessions Start: | |Canadian Forces Member Assistance Program | |Youth Impact Jeunesse 199 St George St 869-6341 |

|Strengthening Families Together 10 Mar 27, 2018 | |24 hr service 365 days/yr 1-800-268-7708 | |Provides free one on one addiction counseling for youth age |

|This program is designed to provide mental health resources and | |Advisory & referral service for all personnel and their families | |16-24 as long as the person is willing to attend. |

|information on topics associated with living daily with a mental | | | |Housing Help |

|illness and the mental health recovery process for families and | |Mental Health Symptoms / Problems | |Alternative Residences Alternatives |

|friends of individuals experiencing mental health issues. | | | |854-7229 |

|Friends & Family Program Monthly Topic/Presenter | |Beausejour Family Crisis Resource Center | |ARA Provides housing and support options for people living |

| | |Crisis Team 24 hrs/7 days/week 506-533-9100 | |with mental illness in the area. |

|Community Mental Health Center 856-2444 | |Provides counselling services for: mental illness problems, suicidal | |Financial Help |

|Horizon Health Network, 81 Albert St, Moncton | |thoughts, depression, emotional support, domestic violence/abuse and | |Social Development – Moncton 1-866-426-5191 |

| | |anger management. Service area includes greater Moncton. | |White Card coverage for Medications, Dental |

|Crisis Worker Mon-Fri 8:15 am - 4:30 pm 856-2444 | |Mon-Fri 8:30 am - 4:30 pm 432 Main St, Shediac, NB | |Job Application / Employment Help |

|FACT Team - Flexible Assertive Community Treatment | | | |EmployAbility NOW 854-3499 |

|Mental Health Programs for Peers Sessions Register by: | |Atlantic Wellness Community Center 382-0298 | |Help with employment needs, resume, job search assistance and |

|Early Psychosis Services | |Offers free counseling for youth 12-21 who have mental health issues. The| |preparation for workplace integration |

|Concurrent Disorders Program - Addiction & Mental Illness | |non-profit centre is funded by private donors and fundraising. It's | |Employment Support Peer-Helpers Program Inc |

|Taking Charge (1/2) 8 ? | |staffed by two counselors and several professional volunteers, including | |Mon–Thu 9-5 pm 97 Cameron St, Moncton 387-7706 |

|Apr 2018 | |doctors and nurse practitioners, who mostly work on an as-needed basis. | |Help with employment needs, resume, job search assistance and |

|Taking Action (2/2) 12 ? | | | |preparation for workplace integration |

|2018 | |Mon - Fri 9 am - 5 pm 225 Lutz St, Moncton | |On-Line Help for Peers |

|Horizon Recovery Teams: Seeking people/families with lived | | | |Schizophrenia: The Journey to Recovery - A Consumer & Family |

|experience so that we can come to mutual understandings about how to | |Crisis Worker - Community Mental Health Center | |Guide to Assessment & Treatment |

|help people better. | |Mon-Fri 8:15 am - 4:30 pm 81 Albert St, Moncton 856-2444 | |

|Contact: Petrea Taylor 962-4690 | | | |df |

| | |Mobile Mental Health Crisis Team 1-866-771-7760 | |Dealing with Psychosis – A toolkit for moving forward with |

|Addiction Counselors 856-2333 | |Hours: 12 pm - 10 pm 7 days/week | |your life |

|Addiction Program: | | | | |

|856-2333 | |Walk-in Mental Health Clinic 859-8114 | |On-Line Help for Suicidal Thoughts |

|Recovery Group Program 10 Sessions | |Service starting Mar 21, 2018 No appointment necessary | |Are You Feeling Suicidal? How to Deal with Suicidal Thoughts |

|Detox | |Offers immediate mental health support to help with concerns such as job | |and Feelings and Overcome the Pain |

|856-2333 | |loss, immediate loss of income, ending a relationship, challenges at | |

|Methadone Clinic 869-6655 | |work/school, endless and ongoing panic attacks, strong feelings of | |feeling-suicidal.htm |

|Portage Atlantic 1-888-735-9800 | |isolation and loneliness, depression, anxiety, concerns/events causing | |Coping with Suicidal Thoughts |

|Residential treatment program for youth age 14-21 | |general stress. | | |

| | |Hours: Mon-Fri 9:30 am – 3:30 pm | |On-Line Help for Addiction & for Caregivers |

|Centre de Santé Mentale Communautaire 862-4144 | |Location: Canadian Mental Health Association - Moncton | |See both listings (Resource Pamphlet) on website: |

|Réseau de Santé Vitalité, 81 Albert St, Moncton | |Peace Center, 3rd Floor Suite T370, 22 Church St | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Activity Centers for Peers | | |

| | | | | |

|Event Calendar | |Groupe de support emotionnel 857-1340 | | |

| | |Drop in center and activities (Fr) | |MENTAL HEALTH |

|Mar 13, 2018 Anxiety and Depression Program | |Mon - Fri 1:00 - 4:00 pm; Wed 6 - 8 pm | | |

|Mar 13, 2018 Grief and Loss Recovery Program | |96 Norwood Ave, 3rd Floor, Room 300A, Moncton, NB | | |

|2 hr Info Session | | | |SUPPORT |

|Contact: 859-8114 Canadian Mental Health Association | |Our Place/Chez Nous Activity Centre Inc. 859-6975 | | |

|Mental Health Focus Groups | |Drop in center and activities | |EDUCATION |

|Mar 14, 2018 6:30-8:30pm Moncton Public Library last session | |97 ½ Cameron St, Moncton, NB | | |

|The goal is to collect information from those: who have personal | | | |SERVICES |

|experience and knowledge around Mental Health; who may or have needed| |Daybreak: Tantramar Peer Support and Activity Centre | | |

|mental health services; who is supporting someone who has Mental | |Offers a range of daily, weekly and monthly mental health activities, | |EVENTS CALENDAR |

|Health issues. | |education and support groups. | | |

|Contact: 855-2863 Email: debbiemh@ | |Web: | | |

|Mar 15, 2018 Your Recovery Journey | |E-mail: daybreaksackville@ | | |

|Contact: 859-8114 Canadian Mental Health Association | |62 Main St, Sackville, NB 506-536-7475 | | |

| | | | |Information for the Moncton Area |

|Mar 16, 2018 Art Exhibit - Grand Opening | |Mental Health Support Groups | | |


|Visual Reflections on Mental Health and our Reality | |Mental Illness Carers Support Group | | |

|By: Our Voice/Notre Voix publication contributors | |This group is to support family members and friends of a person living | |Printed: March 2018 |

|Time: 6 - 8 pm | |with a mental illness. The sharing of experiences, knowledge, problems, | | |

|Location: GALERIE 12: Centre culturel Aberdeen | |solutions, what helps and what doesn’t, will help reduce the feeling you | |Pamphlet-On-Line: Your Mind Your Health |

|140, rue Botsford St, suite 11, Moncton, NB | |are alone. | | |

|Exhibit ends: Apr 11, 2018 | |Time: 7 - 9 pm Meetings: 1st Thursday of the month | | |

|Mar 20, 2018 Grief and Loss Recovery Program | |Location: YWCA, 135 Kendra St, Moncton, NB | |Note: Due to the limited space in the pamphlet, I regularly |

|Time: 7:00 – 9:00 pm 10 Sessions | |Contact: Louise or 388-5922 | |post new additional information on this website and also keep |

|Contact: 859-8114 Canadian Mental Health Association | | | |the old information I have had to remove from the pamphlet. |

|Mar 21, 2018 Walk-in Mental Health Clinic 859-8114 | |Grief Support Group “THE COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS” | | |

|Service starting Mar 21, 2018 No appointment necessary | |Time: 6 – 8 pm Meetings: 2nd Sunday of each month | | |

|Mar 27, 2018 Strengthening Families Together | |Location: 55 Biggs Rd, Riverview, NB | | |

|Contact: 859-8114 Canadian Mental Health Association | |Contacts: 506-232-1950 Janice; 506-204-8919 Paulette | | |

|Apr 5, 2018 Mental Illness Carers Support Group | | | |In this pamphlet the following terms are used: |

|This group is to support family members and friends of a person | |Addiction Support Groups | |Peers refers to persons who have a mental illness. |

|living with a mental illness. The sharing of experiences, knowledge, | | | |Family & Friends refers to persons who provide support and/or|

|problems, solutions, what helps and what doesn’t, will help reduce | |Teen Addiction Support Group “The Chase” | |the caregiver of a person who has a mental illness. |

|the feeling you are alone. | |Provides services and life skills to youth (age 12-18) who have been | | |

|Time: 7 - 9 pm Meetings: 1st Thursday of the month | |directly or indirectly impacted by alcohol, tobacco, drug use, abuse, and| |Produced free by Robert Boulter – a parent |

|Location: YWCA, 135 Kendra St, Moncton, NB | |addiction. | |Next printings: September 2018, January 2019 |

|Contact: Louise or 388-5922 | |Time: 7 - 9 pm Tuesdays (weekly) Cost: Free | |For any errors, omissions, updates, events, program starts or |

|Apr 7, 2018 Bridge the Gap 3rd Annual | |Location: YMCA, 30 War Veterans Ave, Moncton, NB | |suggestions, please contact: |

|A night of music. A fundraising event that supports the Atlantic | |Contact: 434-4533 Tim Durling timdurling@ | |Robert Boulter E-mail: |

|Wellness Community Center in providing free mental health services to| | | |Mental Health Resource Pamphlet-e18-Mar 2018.doc |

|youth ages 12 to 21. | |Portage Atlantic Family Support Group | | |

|Location: Five Bridges Bar & Grill, Riverview | |Family member addiction support group. | | |

|Contact Julie:  info@ or 382-0298 | |Families offering understanding through experience. | | |

|May 3, 2018 Mental Illness Carers Support Group | |Time: 6:00 pm Thursdays Meetings every two weeks | | |

|Details: See Apr 5, 2018 | |340 Dominion Street, Moncton, NB | | |

|May 10, 2018 Mental Health Symposium 8th Annual | |Saint Augustine’s Church, | | |

|Anglophone East School District Open to the public | |(Parish Office - basement, side door) | | |

| Admission:  Free | |Contact: 506-839-1200 ext. 242 Randi Cogswell | | |

|Time:       6:30 pm; (6:00-6:30pm - Community Kiosks) | |Toll free 1-888-735-9800 | | |

|Location: Bernice MacNaughton High School, St George St | | | | |

|May 10, 2018 Anger Management Program | |Misc. | | |

|Contact: 859-8114 Canadian Mental Health Association | |Publication: Our Voice / Notre Voix Moncton, NB | | |

| | |ourvoice- | | |

|Mai  12, 2018  Le GRAND Spectacle-Un Phare Dans La Nuit | | | | |

|   Details:   | | | | |

|Mental Illness Carers Support Group | | | | |

|Jun 7, 2018; Jul  5, 2018; Aug 2, 2018; Sep 6, 2018 | | | | |

| | | | | |


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