540 MAIN STREET Second Sunday of Easter/Divine Mercy Sunday 1640 NEW GERMANY ROAD


Fr. Leon Hont, O.S.B. Pastor Office Hours 9 AM – 3:30 PM M-F Rectory Address: P.O. Box 248

Rectory Phone: 495-5241 - Fax 495-9522 stjic@ 538 Main St., Summerhill, PA 15958


Mon. April 29th St. Catherine of Siena

SJ 7:45 AM John & Mary Smith

Tues. April 30th St. Pius V, Pope

SJ 7:45 AM H/W Nicky Riccardi

Wed. May 1st St. Joseph the Worker

SJ 7:45 AM H/W Melissa Snyder

Thurs. May 2nd St. Athanasius

IC 7:45 AM Minnie Long

First Friday, May 3rd Sts. Philip and James

IC 7:45 AM Reta & Tim Wess

First Saturday, May 4th Easter Weekday

IC 8:00 AM Deceased Benedictines

IC 4:00 PM John R. Meier

SJ 5:00 PM Twila Brown

Sunday, May 5th – Third Sunday of Easter

SJ 8:00 AM Sister Mary Avila Long

SJ 10:00 AM For the Parish

IC 7:00 AM Lorene Wirfel

IC 9:00 AM For the Parish


For the weekend of May 4th & 5th:

SJ – 5 PM Ella Wise

8 AM TJ and Nathaniel Beyer

10 AM Simon & Oliver Persio

IC - 4 PM Jonathan Wess

7 AM Benno Smith

9 AM Alyssa Walker & Adalyn Fisher


SJ & IC: ½ hour before Saturday evening Masses;

1/2 hour before all weekend Masses, during the first weekend of each month; or anytime by appointment.

GIFT BEARERS - SJ & IC next week.

SJ Sat 5 PM Salamon Family

SJ Sun 8 AM Volunteer Needed

SJ Sun 10 AM Jonathan Knobloch Family

IC Sat 4 PM John Shrift Family

IC Sun 7 AM Volunteer Needed

IC Sun 9 AM Volunteer Needed


COMMUNITY BOOK Club Monday, April 29th “Before We Were Yours” by Lisa Windgate at 1:30 PM in Marian Hall.

SJ: The following young Catholic children have been prepared to receive their First Holy Communion at St. John’s today, Sunday, April 28, 2019: Noah Knobloch, Abigail Penatzer, Austin Wirfel, and Macy Wise. Congratulations!!

IC FIRST HOLY Communion practice will be held next Saturday, May 4th at 10 AM in the church. First Communion will be Sunday, May 5th at 9 AM Mass.

SJ FINANCE COUNCIL will have a meeting on Tuesday, April 30th in the Saint John Church social hall at 7 PM.

SJ & IC: CCD Students and all parishioners are reminded to bring in the rice bowls for Catholic Relief Services.

SJ ROSARY ALTAR Soc. members will go to Rita’s (for their next meeting) for pizza and salad, on Tuesday, May 14th at 6 PM. Reservations must be made by Wednesday, May 7 by calling Violet 495-4084. This is open to anyone who has helped make gobs, work at funeral luncheons or any other of our fundraisers, you are most welcome to come and join us.

CALICO QUILTERS ANNUAL QUILT Show & Pie Social will be held today, Sunday, Apri1 28th from 6 to 8 PM at New Germany Grove Hall. Refreshments served at 6:30 PM; Chinese Auction/Basket Raffle at 7:30 PM.

MAY CROWNINGS: IC Parish will hold their May Crowning Ceremony on Mother's Day, Sunday, May 12th before the 9 AM Mass and at SJ Parish before the 10 AM Mass. The 2nd grade Communion Classes of both parishes are asked to participate and to wear their first communion attire.

SJ & IC CCD CLASSES: Today, Sunday, April 28th, is the last CCD classes until fall. We would like to extend our thanks, appreciate, and gratitude to all of our IC & SJ CCD teachers and substitutes for another great year of service in sharing our Catholic faith with our children and teens. As always, we are in need of additional teachers and substitutes for next year. If anyone is willing to pass on our Catholic faith to all our children and teens, please call the rectory.

SJ & IC RELIGIOUS EDUCATION REGISTRATION: Anyone who has a child entering 1st grade for the 2019-2020 school year and will be attending our CCD program, it's time to register your child. Call the rectory at 495-5241 to request the registration form or pick up a form in the back of SJ & IC churches. Must be registered by April 30th.

SPECIAL COLLECTIONS today are for ARC sponsored by our Knights of Columbus and the Catholic Home Missions Appeal. Please be as generous as you can. Thanks!

THANKS, THANKS and more thanks to the ministers, organists, choirs, readers, servers, decorators, maintenance and administration for their wonderful efforts that help us to praise our God in the Easter Liturgy. ~ Fr. Leon

VBC 2019 – Monday, June 17th to Friday, June 21st at New Germany Grove. – The 17th Summer of VBC is officially started. Join us as we head back to the beach for a SonSurfBeach Bash Camp. Surfers born in 2015 through those entering 7th grade can join us for a week-long, fun in the sun, totally epic time. Volunteers (8th grade and older) are needed to make VBC the crazy, amazing place that it always is. Early Bird registration runs through Mother’s Day. All forms are in the gathering space of both churches. Campers (green form) and Volunteers (yellow form) are due by May 20th. Volunteers (18 years & older) will need their State of Pennsylvania clearances, etc. that are required. We have the packet with this information at the rectory. Call or visit us.

SJ & IC: The Honorable John Fetterman, Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania, has been traveling around our state holding townhall meetings to solicit input on the legalization of Statewide Recreational Marijuana. The Forest Hills Ministerium, of which I am a member and participant, have discussed the pros and cons, and we decided it is not a good idea to support the legalization of recreational marijuana. We based our decision on the experience in the state of Colorado (source: Citizen Magazine and ). In the near future, a petition opposing the legalization of recreational marijuana will be posted in the gathering space of both parishes. Meanwhile, our Forest Hills Ministerium will be meeting with State Senator Wayne Langerholc Jr and State Representative Jim Rigby to voice our opposition and seek their support in opposing the legalization of recreational marijuana.


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