Body MRI

1695450154305DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGYGOALS & OBJECTIVESBody MRI 00DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGYGOALS & OBJECTIVESBody MRI 3429057467500ROTATION GOALS: To review the basic physics of MRI studiesTo gain experience in the types of sequences used in MRI studiesTo become familiar with artefacts inherent to MRI scanning and the technics to reduce them.ROTATION OBJECTIVES:MEDICAL EXPERT:To learn the physical principles of MRI Imaging, including: pulse sequences, relaxation, image reconstruction, surface coilsTo understand the variables that influence signal-to-noise ratio, spatial resolution (pixel and voxel size), acquisition time and image contrastTo become familiar with MRI terminology, techniques and protocols and to become familiar and recognize common artifactsTo know the indications, contraindications and side effects of Gadolinium agentsTo understand the role of MRI, in comparison to other cross-sectional techniquesTo learn the normal cross-sectional anatomy, including imaging in the axial, coronal and sagittal planes.To become familiar with the appearances of common pathologies in MRI.To become familiar with techniques for patient sedation (intravenous and oral), which may be required for the MRI patients with MUNICATOR:To dictate well-organized reports, describing relevant findings, diagnoses and recommendations.To demonstrate effective communication skills when dealing with patients, during consent & sedation, as well as with consulting clinicians.Recognize the physical and psychological needs of the patient and their families undergoing an MRI investigation including culture, race and gender issues.COLLABORATOR:To demonstrate good consulting skills when interacting with other physicians & health team members.To interact appropriately with the MRI department staff demonstrating a team approach to patient care.LEADER:To demonstrate awareness of the indications for MRI scansTo consider the advantages and disadvantages of MRI versus other imaging modalities.To consider available imaging resources when approving cases, protocoling and making recommendations for further imaging.HEALTH ADVOCATE:To become aware of the indications, contraindications and biological safety issues of MRI imagingUnderstand and communicate the benefits and risks of MRI.Recognize when MRI would be detrimental to the health of the patient, for instance in the presence of metal implants or extreme claustrophobia.SCHOLAR:To set personal learning goals & objectives during rotation.Gain the ability to be an effective teacher of magnetic resonance imaging to medical students, residents, technologists and clinical colleagues.PROFESSIONAL:To demonstrate integrity, honesty and compassion.To practice understanding ethical and medical-legal requirements of radiologists.To demonstrate awareness of own limitations.To be punctual and available for assigned duties.METHODS:The workday begins at 8:00 am or 8:30 when there are morning rounds.The resident should review the list of booked cases for the day in the MR control suite, and identify which cases will require radiologist immediate review / plane selection (i.e. rectal and cervical MRI). The resident is to participate with staff radiologist in case immediate review and plane selection.PGY 2 – MRI Block (General Knowledge)This block will be used primarily to learn MRI physics, imaging sequences, protocols and artefacts by reading the recommended articles/books (see links below) and interacting with the MR technologists. This knowledge will be used for a number of rotations which have MRI imaging (neuroradiology, MSK, breast, cardiac and body)The resident may also review and report MRI scans, of their choice, after appropriately notifying the attending staff covering those studies (neuroradiology, MSK, breast, cardiac and body, etc.) PGY 3 – Body MRI BlockThe resident will review all Body MRI cases at KGH (up to 6 per day) with the body radiologist assignedIf time permits, the resident will review cardiac MRIs (4-6 per week), not assigned to other residents, with the cardiothoracic radiologistsFor access to the KMRI studies:Please contact Chris Williamson (cwilliamson@) to set up?an account for access to the KMRI studies.The InteleViewer software is installed on all the resident computers.Please contact Liz Benoit (benoite@KGH.) for any software issues.RECOMMENDED READING: TEXTBOOKS:Abdominal-Pelvic MRI, Richard C. Semelka. Wiley. 3rd ed. 2009Body MRI, Evan S. Siegelman. Saunders. 2004MRI Survival Guide, Cardoza JD, Herfkens RJ, 1994MRI Made Easy, Schild HH, Schering AG,1990MRI in Practice, Catherine Westbrook, Carolyn Kaut Roth, 2011Handbook of MRI Technique, Catherine Westbrook, 2008 ................

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