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Character sheet. |Player |STUART |Character Name |Jason of Knossos | |

|Race |Greek |Homeland |Crete |Culture |Greek |Age |21 |

|Profession |Pisoli | |Social Status 0 |Freed Slave | |Gender |Male |

|Height |162cm |Weight |64Kg | | | | |

Characteristics & Attributes Location Armour - HP

|STR |16 |

|Cretan Archer - [Ranged marksman, Skirmisher, Cautious Fighting] Bow, Dagger |77 |

| | |

Weapon Size & Reach Damage AP HP Combat Manoeuvres Range Load

|Re curve Bow | |D8+D2 |4 |8 |Impale [H force] |15/125/250 |2 |

|Dagger S |S/S |D4+1 +D2 |6 |8 |Impale, Bleed | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |


|Athletics |STR+DEX |62 | |Unarmed |STR+DEX |42 |

|Boating |STR+CON |29 | |Willpower |POWx2 |41 |

| Brawn |STR+SIZ |36 | |Lang - Koine |INT+CHA |53 |

|Conceal |DEX+POW |29 | |Lang Native - Doric |INT+CHA |73 |

|Customs |INT x2 |50 | |Literacy Greek |INT x2 |35 |

|Dance |DEX+CHA |29 | |Lore Myth & Legend |INTx2 |35 |

|Deceit |INT + CHA |28 | |Musicianship Lyre |DEX+CHA |39 |

|Devotion |POW+CHA |46 | |Oratory |POW+CHA |31 |

|Drive |DEX+POW |29 | |Craft Bow & Arrow |DEX+INT |31 |

|Endurance |CONx2 |51 | |Lore Hunting |INTx2 |35 |

|Evade |DEX x2 |52 | |Divination - Ornithomancy [Encounters] |POW+INT |38 |

|First Aid |INT+DEX |26 | |Acrobatics |STR+DEX |52 |

|Influence |CHA x2 |26 | | | | |

|Insight |INT+POW |23 | |Passions | | |

|Locale |INT x2 |30 | |Loyal to Temple of Apollo at Knossos |POW+INT+30 |53 |

|Perception |INT+POW |48 | |Follows the code of Apollo |POW+INT+30 |53 |

|Ride |DEX+POW |29 | |Hatred of Chaos |POW+INT+30 |53 |

|Repair/Devise |INT+DEX |26 | |Loyal to family |POW+INT+30 |53 |

|Sing |CHA+POW |31 | |Loves and Protects Birds & Animals |POWx2 |56 |

|Stealth |DEX+INT |56 | | | | |

|Swim |STR+CON |34 | |Cretan Combat Style |STR+DEX |77 |

Equipment [Enc] 30

Weapons = [3] Dagger, Quiver - Recurve Bow [1] & 20 Arrows [2]

Armour = [20/15 ] Sheepskin leggings [4], Leather Greaves [4], Pylos Helm [3], Soft Phrygian cap [2], Quilted tunic 7-12 [2], Black sheepskin cloak 7-13+16 [5]

Sandals, Mountain Cap, Cloak, Work Tunic, Money Pouch holds 200 [1]

Shoulder Pack [11] holds 20enc [1] - Good Tunic, Blanket [1], 3Lt Wineskin [1], Cooking Equ [2], First Aid Kit various small tools, small pan to heat wine & a few linen bandages - 4 - uses 1D to replace [1], Bow & Arrow craft tools a few spare strings arrow heads and flights [2], Fishing Kit [1], Rope 10m [2],

Notes –

Known Songs - [4] Hymnos, Epinikia, Hyporchema, Rhapsodoi

Background Notes –

When you were a child you nearly died from a fatal disease, but since then you have never, ever been ill. Are you simply paranoid about any type of infection or do you believe you are immune to any form of contagion?

Both parents, 4 siblings [1 twin Cassandra], 4 grandparents, 4 aunts & Uncles, 1 cousin

Family has poor reputation 1 enemy [Zorba] 1 rival [Own family Cassandra!]

Short and stocky man with a pock marked face, clear honest brown eyes and a mass of dark curly hair, since he often wears the legging's and sheepskin cloak of a Sheep or Goat herder and is kind to animals and birds he may look like a bit of a county bumpkin. A bout of cow pox as a baby left his with a scar in the shape of a swan, like the symbol of Apollo, he now considers Swans as lucky. He has several arrows of cypress wood fletched with swan feathers all the others are a distinctive blue jay and heron fletching.

Notes 1

Foe - Zorba the Cilecian .........Jason killed his brother Lysander with a arrow in the back after Lysander landed on Crete to take on supplies.  Supplies included some stolen temple sheep which Lysander was buying when Jason and recovery party caught up.  Sadly men who stole sheep, who fled as soon as the arrows started to fly, knew exactly who's sheep they had stolen and shouted out in panic when the arrows started to fly.  Zorba thinks the killing of his brother and 4 other men just for buying sheep they did not even know 100% were stolen (perhaps its normal on Crete to meet on a deserted beach and sale supplies at 50% of normal price while looking shifty) is a bit over the top and grounds for feud against both the rustlers who sold him the sheep and Knossos who's men "started a bloody war over a few mangy sheep" .

 Rival - own family such as Cassandra..........its confused !!  She could show up be a big help. Then leave your best friend broken hearted and nick the cash box.


More background

Given as a new born baby (with his twin sister Cassandra) to the temple of the Sun and the Moon at Knossos.  Temple is devoted to the modern Hellenistic twins Apollo (The Greek Sun God) and Artemis (Greek Moon Goddess also called Diana in Rome and known as Britomartis in Crete) and has close links with the Priests of Apollo at Daphne (Sacred grove devoted to the twins down river from Antioch) Ephesus and Delos but does not get on so well with High Priest of Apollo in Alexandria or the Spartans.  But  the temple also continues much older cult practices inc the sacred bull dance and a ancient oracle in the cave complex below the temple.


Children given to temples for various reasons, parents could be dead, too poor to look after children, owe a debt or promise to temple/god, children could be sick, ill omened or a disgrace.  Basically children get given to temples for a host of reasons by people too kindly to practice "exposure" like they do in Sparta.  In this case children were sick and a disgrace (unmarried too young parents, note the x4 Grandparents still around!!, bit of shotgun wedding when Dad not back from his Sea Voyage).


As Jason was kindly treated and educated by the temple growing up he is now a devoted and loyal servant of the Temple who wants to live by the Code of Apollo but has a very mixed relationship with his family including his sister, he is probably the white sheep of the family.


Jason's birth family the Xanti are a wild and dysfunctional bunch more like a clan in size but without any clear leadership or order.  Family feuds are infamous and change seemingly by the week  but without anyone really getting hurt unlike outsiders who fall out with the Xanti.  The fact that the Xanti are mostly tenants of the Lawful Knossos Temple has been referred to by the High Priestess of Artemis as a bad Joke probably by the God Dionysus or Pan.  


On Crete the Xanti have a reputation as Archers (not always a good thing to Greeks), Ambush fighters & trouble.  The Temples wealth includes herds and lands including galley fiefs which are a target for sea raiders plus bandits, animals, monsters and chaos things from the White Mountains and Xanti (inc Jason) have always played a role in defence of temple property and Crete.  A defence greatly helped by the mighty divination power of the oracle.  But some people on Crete and elsewhere do wonder if some of these raid's may actually have been caused by Knossos and families like the Xanti in particular getting in their revenge first!  Sadly for Jason the poor family reputation means he is unlikely to achieve his ambition to be made a Priest of Apollo or Steward of Knossos or Daphne without obtaining a great deal of money or doing a great deed. (such as recovery of part of the lost Library of Zodak for instance, see later).   


Notes 2

Growing up Jason with other boys were employed as body servants to the High Priest of Apollo otherwise known as the Minotaur.  But since the High Priest spends most of his time chewing bay leaves and in communion with the Spirits (while the work of running the temple and its property was undertaken by the High Priestess of Artemis) this did not take up much time and Jason spent most of his time acting as a runner, helping to tend and guard the temple herds and other property and other jobs as required.


After loyal service Jason is now a "freedman" rather than a "slave" of the temple and is employed as a messenger/agent of the temple.  Perhaps with messages for players from the Oracle on Knossos.


The High Priest hates chaos - view's Alexander and the Celts as directly linked to the chaos rune and House Ptolemy especially the so called High Priest of Apollo in Alexandria running the "museum" as hidden agents of chaos in the world which may be worse (Egypt itself is run on lawful lines but were ever there is chaos elsewhere one see's the agents of Ptolemy at work).  The Minotaur is basically Pro House Seleucid or at least pro Daphne, willing to give the boy in Pella a chance and would no doubt love the more conservative and oracle following faction in the Roman Senate.  But just because this is the view of the rather crusty and old fashioned Minotaur it may not be the view of Apollo or the female side of the temple who get on fine with the muses.

Notes 3

Ref the messages/oracles Jason may have been sent to pass to players:


a) " You have abandoned the Great God Apollo, but Apollo has not abandoned you.  To find the knowledge that is hidden by the dark you will need the knot cutter.

To find the knot cutter repair the temple broken by Poseidon that has three storks nesting on it"


b) " To bring forth the unknown third work of the blind poet seek the sword that is lost.  To locate the lost sword seek the man who has abandoned his god but is not abandoned by his god.  You will know him by the three finches sat on his donkey.


c) "Too meet and save your true love, the mistress of languages and knowledge take the left fork at the crossroads where three vultures feed on the dead Celt.  If you disrupt the ambush, you will gain a true friend and translator of the hidden knowledge at the price of danger in battle and a new foe.




1) The knowledge hidden by the dark is the lost library of the Priest-King Zadok who may or may not have been the same Zadok who was High Priest of Solomon and founder of the Sadducces (some say he was from Egypt, Babylonia, Hittite or even one of the first Magi).  Whoever Zadok was he certainly a great Rogue, Scholar and linguest who had a huge network of agents who collected rare scrolls and knowlege from across the world sometimes without the permission or knowledge of the original owners.


2) Little of the Library is actually in Greek but two gems are .......an unknown third work by Homer (he died writing the final Rhapsodoi) covering the stories of the other Hero's after they left Troy and probably the greatest collection of Elegiac, Iambic and Rhapsodoi poems in the World if one can only do a true translation of the ancient Ionic dialect and a collection of ancient divination books stolen from Crete.  Other works include collections of divinations and other knowledge from Babylonia etc which could be of huge interest to Seers & Philosophers if only they can be translated.


3) To help hide his library and protect it from damage caused by flame and light the buried library is protected by a mighty warding which puts out all flames, all non magical and most magical lights.  It is also protected by traps and a mighty guardian who can see in the dark. 


3) The Knot cutter is the sword used by Alexander to cut the Gordian Knot (Which was a puzzle left by Zadok at Gordian).......Alexander left the sword in the Yoke to continue his career of conquest but it was then taken and enchanted by a Priest from Gordorian seeking to solve the problem & mount an expidition to recover lost library.


- The Sword is able to store 4MP and holds bladesharp & light powers which can it is believed overcome the dark warding. 


4) Before the Priest was able to mount his expedition he was killed and the temple wrecked by a earthquake (normally linked to Poseidon) 30 plus years ago.  The Sword and the Priests notes along with the holy alter and cult status still exist hidden in the ruins of the temple but no one dares to enter as no one is quite sure what is holding up sixty tons of roof (probably divine will?).


Notes 4

5) The City Fathers have now collected enough men and money to repair their temple - but now need a Engineer to get inside and prop up roof while getting out alter, the Yoke & cult statues. 


- Dropping roof on divine alter and cult statues of (Hera?) really, really bad omen.  


- Rough estimate to do job needs X2 Sambuca Covered Siege Ladders to get over a leaning inwards wall and in-between gap between wall and roof then down other side plus a Automata to prop up roof and walls with props it brings over the ladders.  Plus someone small, very strong and brave to move slip into inner sanctum and attach sledges etc


- Along with not getting crushed or sacrificed to ward off ill omens the City Fathers will no doubt consider sword and records as city property so players will need to either steal or use influence to get them to mount original expedition.


6) Players may also wonder why Apollo seems keen to bring contents of library to light while other Gods like Poseidon seem anti?   


7) As said before only part of Library Greek and that is really ancient.  Others may have a good or better claim than Greeks and its a huge translation problem.  The "Mistress" is a granddaughter of original Priest and a great scholar.  She can greatly help with translation of his notes etc.  But the problem with Charismatic Beauties is they attract jealous would be lovers who get really annoyed lovers and beauties  translate help great sl







|Level |Skill |Move |Strike Rank |Combat Action |

| |Effect | | | |

|Fresh | | | | |

|Winded |-20% | | | |

|Tired |-20% |-5' | | |

|Weary |-40% |-5' |-2 | |

|Exhausted |-40% |Halved |-4 |-1 |

|Debilitated |-80% |Halved |-6 |-2 |

|Incapacitated |-80% |Immobile |-8 |-3 |

Money & Wealth 200 Drachmae = 1Enc

Obol -

Drachmae - 9


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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