MEUO 1601.1J Adj 31 May 2013


From: Commanding Officer To : Distribution List



(a) U.S. Navy Regs, Art. 0701 and 0703 (b) Marine Corps Manual (c) MCO P3040.4E (d) MCO 5740.2F (e) MCO 5500.6G (?1 MCO 3504.2 (g) MCO 3040.4


(1) Special Instructions for the Command Duty Officer (2) Special Instructions for the Command Duty

Noncommissioned Officer (DNCO) and Assistant Command Duty Noncommissioned Officer (ADNCO) (3) OPREP-3/Serious Incident Report Data Sheet and Sample (4) Personnel Casualty Report Data Sheet (5) 15th MEU CDO Deadly Force Checklist (6) Standard Post and Relief Entries for the CDO (7) Red Cross Message Worksheet

1. Situation. To provide policy, instruction, and guidance for the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) CDW while in garrison. CDW while the MEU is afloat or deployed shall be established via separate directive.

2. Cancellation. MEUO 1601.1H, Policy Letter 8-11.

3. Mission. This Order provides policy and procedures for the 15th MEU CDW in order to ensure proper command representation during off-duty hours.

4. Execution a. Commander's Intent and Concept of Operations

(1) Commander's Intent. The purpose of this Order is to establish clear policy, guidance, and instruction for the Marines and Sailors of the 15th MEU for standing the duties that comprise the CDW. All Marines and Sailors shall familiarize themselves with the content of this Order prior to assuming post and shall demonstrate a full understanding of the role and responsibilities as a direct representative of the Commanding Officer of 15th


(2) Concept of Operations. The CDW shall be implemented in accordance with the references and this Order and its enclosures. The CDW Team is comprised of the following personnel:

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(a) 1 The CD. O is the direct

representative of the Commanding Officer and is vested with this authority, except as limited by instructions issued by the Commanding Officer or as limited by law or regulations. Enclosure (1) outlines the special orders and instruction for the CDO.

(b) Duty Noncommissioned Officer (DNCO). The DNCO, along with the Assistant Duty Noncommissioned Officer, will post at the 15th MEU Barracks (Building 210632). The DNCO is responsible for maintaining accountability of enforcing good order proper military decorum at all times. Enclosure (2) outlines the special orders and instruction for the DNCO.

(c) Assistant Duty Noncommissioned Officer (ADNCO). The ADNCO will assist the DNCO in his or her duties. Enclosure (2) outlines the special orders and instruction for the ADNCO.

b. Tasks

(1) Executive Officer, 15th MEU

(a) Serve as executive agent for oversight of the CDW Program.

(b) Relieve and post the CDO daily at 0800.

(2) Adjutant, 15th MEU

(a) Manage and track the assignment of eligible personnel for CDO.

(b) Publish the monthly duty schedule via appropriate bulletin.

(3) Sergeant Major, 15th MEU

(a) Assist the Executive Officer in oversight of the CDW Program.

(b) Relieve and post the DNCO and ADNCO daily at 0800.

(4) Headquarters Commandant, 15th MEU

(a) Manage and track the assignment of eligible personnel for DNCO and ADNCO.

(b) Submit the monthly duty schedule for DNCO and ADNCO to the Adjutant for inclusion in the monthly duty assignment bulletin.

(c) Ensure the DNCO has a set of keys that allow access to all portions of the command post (Building 210821).

(5) S-1, 15th MEU

(a) When required, in the event of a reportable casualty, ensure appropriate action and personnel casualty reports (PCR) are submitted in accordance with reference (g).

(b) Ensure that all applicable agencies are updated with the contact information for the Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, and CDO. This will include, but is not limited to, the I Marine Expeditionary Force

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(MEF) Senior Watch Officer (SWO), the I MEF Staff Secretary, the Base Provost Marshal, and the 21 Area Commander.

(c) Provide the CDO and DNCO/ADNCO with logbook and binder with applicable directives and reso'urce/referencematerial.

(dl Ensure that a copy of the most current all-hands recall roster is maintained in the CDO and DNCO duty binders.

(e) Ensure the CDO Binder and DNCO Binder have a copy of the codes for the spaces of the Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, Operations Officer, Sergeant Major, and the north and south wings.

(6) S-2, 15th MEU

(a) Ensure CDOs are briefed on proper procedures for checking security of safes and SIPRNET boxes and provide the CDO with a full list and diagram of all SIPRNET lock boxes and safes within the command post.

(b) Ensure all appropriate security check forms are provided monthly for each SIPRNET lock box and safe within the command post. '

( 7 ) S-3, 15th MEU

(a) When required, in the event of a reportable Operations Event/Incident Report (OPREP-3) incident, ensure appropriate action and OP3SIRs are submitted in accordance with reference (f).

(b) Ensure all eligible CDO watchstanders receive deadly force/escalation of force training.

(c) Ensure equitable pistol range quotas and assignment to pistol ranges for CDO watchstanders in order to ensure all CDO watchstanders are properly trained with the M9 service pistol.

(8) S-4, 15th MEU

(a) Ensure an M9 service pistol and appropriate security ammo is assigned and issued to the CDO during working hours.

(b) Ensure a duty van and fuel key are available to the CDO and DNCO/ADNCO during off-duty hours.

(9) S-6, 15th MEU

(a) Ensure a Marine trained in the production and release of an Automated Message Handling System (AMHS) message is available for recall in the event of a reportable incident.

(b) Provide a schedule and recall information for message releaser to the S-1 for inclusion in the CDO binder.

c. Coordinating Instructions

(1) Decorum on duty. As the direct representative of the Commanding Officer, the CDO shall always present a professional and dignified image. The DNCO and ADNCO also represent the 15th MEU and shall always portray a


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proper image. All personnel standing duty must ensure they are fit for duty and will be free from the effects of alcohol at least 8 hours prior to the assumption of duty.

(2) Post and Relief

(a) E. At 0800, Monday through Friday, the Executive Officer

will post and relief with the oncoming and outgoing CDOs. The Executive Officer will read and initial the logbook entries and relieve the outgoing CDO of all duties. The Executive Officer will then turnover the logbook and officially post the oncoming CDO. At 1600 the CDO will report to the Executive Officer for any updated special instructions. Personnel assigned duties on Saturdays, Sundays, or holidays will report to the Executive Officer at 0800 the workday prior to the weekend or holiday. In the absence of the Executive Officer, CDOs will report to the Adjutant. CDOs are to conduct informal post and relief on workdays only when it has been coordinated with the Executive Officer. Early turnover or late turnover requirements on workdays will also be coordinated with the Executive Officer. During a weekend or holiday, informal post and relief will be conducted between the CDOs.

(b) DNCO/ADNCO. The Sergeant Major will formally conduct post and relief of the oncoming and outgoing DNCOs and ADNCOs, on workdays.

1. Personnel assigned duties on the weekends and holidays will report to the Sergeant Major at 0800 on the workday prior to the weekend or holiday for special instructions. In the absence of the Sergeant Major, DNCOs and ADNCOs will report to the Headquarters Commandant. At 0800, Monday through Friday, when reporting to the Sergeant Major, the outgoing DNCO will stand on the right hand side of the oncoming DNCO. The outgoing DNCO will report, "Sergeant Major, rank and last name reporting as the outgoing DNCO," and turn over the logbook and key ring. The Sergeant Major will read the logbook entries and relieve the outgoing DNCO of all duties. The oncoming DNCO will report, "Sergeant Major, rank and last name reporting as the oncoming DNCO." The Sergeant Major will turn over the logbook, key ring, and officially post the DNCO.

2. On weekends and holidays, the oncoming and outgoing DNCO and ADNCO will conduct an informal post and relief at the 15th MEU Barracks (Building 210632). Any special instructions received by the Sergeant Major on the workday prior to the weekend or holiday will be strictly adhered to when executing the duties of DNCO and/or ADNCO.

(3) Tour of Duty and Duty Post

(a) Tour of Duty. The tour of duty is from 0800 to 0800 the following day, Sunday through Saturday, including holidays. The Command Duty Watch is a 24-hour post, commencing daily at 0800. Matters requiring action during normal hours will be referred to the appropriate staff section, Sergeant Major, or Executive Officer. After normal working hours the CDO is responsible for all matters and will report directly to the Executive Officer.

1. CDO. During normal work hours, the CDO will post in the 15th MEU commandpost. The CDO may depart the 15th MEU facilities at the completion of duties herein. The CDO will be subject to immediate recall and

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is required to remain available via CDO duty cell phone at all times. Misuse of the privilege to depart the 15th MEU facilities when directed requirements are complete will lead to the CDO post becoming a sleeping post. The CDO shall post in the 15th MEU command post during working hours. The CDO is not a sleeping post. On normal working days, the CDO will be authorized to depart the command post after the last person has left the command post (Building 210821). During weekends and holidays, the CDO is allowed to depart the command post after the required duties and required command space checks are complete. During working hours, while posted in the MEU command post, the CDO shall be armed with the M9 service pistol and 30 security rounds.

2. DNCO/ADNCO. During normal working hours, either the DNCO or ADNCO will post in the 15th MEU Barracks (Building 210715). At no time will the DNCO or ADNCO depart the 15th MEU Barracks (Building 210632) unless on official business or for procuring meals on Camp Del Mar, 21 Area or the commissary area (Building 20850). The DNCO is a sleeping post and the DNCO will ensure the 15th MEU Barracks (Building 210632) is manned by either the DNCO or ADNCO at all times.

(4) Duty Schedule. Duty schedule for all duties shall be published monthly via MEU Bulletin. The Executive Office shall approve and sign the Bulletin. In the absence of the Executive Officer, the Adjutant shall sign and publish the monthly CDW schedule. In the absence of the Adjutant, the Administrative Chief shall sign 'by direction".

(5) Non-availability for CDOs. Non-availability information for CDO watchstanders is due to the Adjutant no later than the 15th day of each proceeding month unless otherwise published. Each section shall submit nonavailability information. The date published may adjust as a result of operational tempo. Non-availability is classified as approved Temporary Additional Duty (TAD), approved leave, approved permissive TAD (PTAD), approved Special Liberty, and approved Post-deployment Respite Absence (PDMRA). During periods of block leave, duties may be assigned using local area executing approved leave, PTAD, Special Liberty, and PDMRA. Section OICs and Staff Noncommissioned Officers in Charge (SNCOICs) will ensure their Marines or Sailors are available for the assigned duties. At no time will Special Liberty be approved in order to avoid consideration for duties (i.e. requested during a 96-hour liberty period, etc.).

(6) Duty Assignment

(a) CDO Assignment. The Adjutant will manage the CDO duty assignments. In absence of the Adjutant, the Staff Judge Advocate will assume this duty. Changes in CDO assignments must be made through the Executive Officer.

(b) DNCO/ADNCO Assignment. The Headquarters Commandant will manage the DNCO and ADNCO duty assignments. In absence of the Headquarters Commandant, the Administrative Chief will assume this duty. Changes in the DNCO/ADNCO assignments must be approved by the Sergeant Major and made through the 15th MEU Headquarters Commandant upon approval. DNCO/ADNCO quotas are assigned to each section based off the total E-5 and below population per section. Each section shall ensure names are assigned to the quotas for DNCO and ADNCO and submitted to the Headquarters Commandant no

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later than the 15th of each preceding month. When sergeants who are staff sergeant selects stand CDO, they will not be counted toward the quota assignment.

(7) Duty Assignment Changes

(a) Changing duty assignments will only be authorized when a situation arises which precludes an individual from standing duty (unexpected

family emergency, unexpected/mission essential TAD, etc.) . The individual

assigned duty is responsible for arranging for a replacement and immediately notifying the Executive Officer (CDO) or the Sergeant Major (DNCO/ADNCO). The Executive Officer or the Sergeant Major must be notified of all change requests for assigned duties. Upon their approval, the Adjutant (CDO) and Headquarters Commandant (DNCO/ADNCO) will be notified of the approval and replacement identification. The duty stander must identify a replacement. Failure for the individual to obtain a replacement will result in the individual's work section being tasked to provide a replacement.

(b) Every attempt shall be made to submit requests for changes at least 24 hours prior to assuming duty. Exceptions include emergencies that

were unforeseeable (death in family, illness of family, etc) .

(8) Eligible Population for the CDW Team

(a) The CDO will be assigned from staff sergeants, gunnery sergeants, warrant/chief warrant officers, and all company grade officers with less than 20 years time in service. with the approval of the Executive Officer, non-primary staff majors, company grade officers with over 20 years time in service and staff sergeant selects may be used when operationally required. Every effort will be made to keep the staff sergeant selects from standing DNCO when they stand CDO. On days where the CDO must be armed, only personnel trained with the M9 service pistol and trained in escalation of force/use of deadly force will be assigned.

(b) The DNCO will be assigned from sergeants and corporals.

(c) The ADNCO will be assigned from corporals and below.

(d) Religious or medical personnel will be qualified to stand duty unless they are incorporated into the base religious or medical facilities' duty rotations.

(9) Personnel Recall

(a) Authority. The authority to initiate a recall lies with the Commanding Officer or Executive Officer.

(b) Procedures. In the event a recall is initiated, the CDO will call the primary staff (S-1,S-2, S-3, S-4, S-6) section officers in charge (OICs) to begin the recall. In the event the OIC cannot be reached, the assistant OIC or section chief will be contacted. The OIC or chief, or Marine or Sailor contacted by the CDO shall contact his or her Marines and Sailors and execute the recall. Once all Marines and Sailors in the section have been contacted, the OIC or chief shall report back to the CDO or DNCO/ADNCO the accountability of their section and status of recall.

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(c) Recall Roster. Recall rosters shall be maintained in the CDO and DNCO binders and updated at least once monthly. Each section shall ensure recall information is current and updated with the MEU S-1 section on a monthly basis.

(10) Operations Event/Incident Report (OP-3SIR)and Personnel Casualty Report (PCR) Requirements

(a) All OP-3SIRs shall be submitted in accordance with reference (f). During working hours, the S-3 is responsible for preparing OP-3SIRs. The MEU S-3 shall pr~vide~assistancaend oversight for all SIRS submitted after working hours and will ensure instructions regarding the reporting requirements for OP-3SIRs are available for the MEU CDO for any submission of OP-3SIRs after working hours. The S-1 may assist with any OP-3SIRs that involve personnel incidents.

(b) All PCRs shall be submitted in accordance with reference (g). During working hours, the MEU S-1 is responsible for preparing all Personnel

Casualty Reports (PCR). The MEU S-1 shall provide assistance and oversight

for all PCRs submitted after working hours and will ensure instructions regarding the reporting requirements for PCRs are available for the MEU CDO for any submission of PCRs after working hours.

(c) During non-working hours, the S-6 section will ensure a trained Marine in the production and release of an AMHS message is available for recall. A schedule will be published in the CDO binder.

(d) Upon notification of a casualty, serious injury, or serious incident, the CDO will obtain as much information as possible about the incident. The CDO will use the SIR Data Sheet or PCR Data Sheet located in enclosures (3) and (4) respectively. The CDO will then immediately notify the Executive Officer, followed by the Adjutant and Sergeant Major. Enclosures (3) and (4) will be used to collect the information required to create an SIR or PCR. The CDO will ensure the proper voice notification is

made in accordance with references (f) and (g). The SIR or PCR will be

reviewed by the Executive Officer, or in his or her absence, the Adjutant. Once reviewed and approved for release, the CDO will release the PCR in accordance with reference (g) or turn over the SIR for release via the Automated Message Handling System (AMHS) and provide confirmation of the release to the Executive Officer, or the Adjutant, in his or her absence.

5. Administration and Logistics

a. Uniform. The duty uniform is the uniform of the day, unless otherwise directed by the Commanding Officer. The CDO will wear the prescribed uniform of the day while on duty and when conducting CDO duties. The DNCO and ADNCO will wear the prescribed uniform of the day unless sleeping. While on post, the DNCO and ADNCO will not remove any part of his or her uniform and will wear a cover and duty belt. The service sweater, gortex jacket, and fleece jacket is authorized for wear during inclement weather. Turnover and duty requirements at the command post (Building 210821) and on base will be executed in the uniform of the day. There are no

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b. Equipment

(1) E. When the CDO assumes the post, he or she will receive the

CDO Logbook, the CDO Duty Binder, the CDO duty cell phone, and the CDO duty cell phone charger. On weekdays and/or workdays, the CDO will also draw an M9 service pistol and 30 9mm security rounds from the 15th MEU Armory

(Building 21674) .

(2) DNCO. When the DNCO assumes the post, he or she will receive the DNCO Logbook, the DNCO Binder, the duty belt, a cell phone with charger, and the key ring with keys to the duty van and command post (Building 210821) keys. The key ring will be maintained at the duty desk during the tour of duty unless in use to unlock the command post (Building 210821) or during the post and relief.

c. Duty Binder. Each duty watch-stander binder will contain unclassified materials only. General content consists of, but is not limited to, pertinent directives of this command and/or higher headquarters, standing special instructions, emergency recall rosters, casualty reporting procedures, serious incident reporting procedures, etc.

d. Duty Vehicle. The CDO and DNCO/ADNcO shall have a duty van and fuel key for use during off-duty hours. The duty vehicle shall be used for official purposes only.

e. 15th MEU Facilities. The 15th MEU facilities included in the tours conducted by the 15h MEU CDO are the command post (Building 210821), the Supply Warehouse (Building 2108421, the Communications/Radio building (Building 21415), the 15th MEU Barracks (Building 210632), the MEU Consolidated compound (corner of Santa Fe and 5th streetland the 1 5 M~EU~UMA Lot (South end of Basin Rd adjacent to the MARSOC dive locker).

f. Access to Spaces. The DNCO shall maintain a set of keys that allow access to the command post (Building 210821). The CDO and DNCO shall have a copy of the codes for the spaces of the Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, Operations Officer, Sergeant Major, and the north and south wings and ensure only authorized access to spaces in accordance with posted access rosters.

g. Chow. The CDO shall take at least one meal in the 21 Area Mess Hall during the tour of duty. The DNCO/ADNCO shall take all meals in the 21 Area Mess Hall during their tour of duty.

6. Command and Signal

a. Command. This Order is applicable to all 15th MEU Command Element personnel, permanently assigned or temporarily attached.

b. Signal. This Order is effective the date signed.



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