BYLAWS ofFIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF RIVERSIDE d/b/a CHURCH ON THE HILL,RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA PREAMBLEResting our faith entirely in the Lord Jesus Christ for our eternal salvation, believing wholly in the teaching of the Scriptures, and operating in a partnership between the Pastoral Staff, the Leadership Board, the membership and attendees of First Baptist Church of Riverside d/b/a Church on The Hill, hereafter referred to as The Hill or the Church, we join together as a body of baptized believers of the Lord Jesus Christ, and adopt for our government the following articles.ARTICLE 1: NAME AND PURPOSE (MISSION)Section 1: NameThe Hill was duly incorporated in 1880 under the laws of the State of California, under the corporate name of First Baptist Church of Riverside and currently operating as Church on The Hill, a Corporation, with the corporate office located at 5500 Alessandro Blvd, Riverside in the county of Riverside, in the State of California. Section 2: Purpose (Mission) Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I commanded you. (Matthew 28: 18-20)Section 3: VisionConnecting the Next Generation to Jesus ChristSection 4: Statement of Faith (Core Beliefs)Introduction:As Members of The Hill we recognize that doctrinal statements do not replace or supplement the Bible and its authority.? Neither are they a substitute for the living, dynamic relationship, which we have in Jesus Christ.? This statement attempts only to confirm what is central to our faith, and by intent it is silent on less weighty matters and peripheral issues.? However, it is our conviction that what is written here represents a consensus of doctrine, which will aid in guarding the deposit of truth, which we believe is revealed in scripture and part of our mission together.There is only one true and eternal God consisting of three co-equal persons:? Father, Son and Holy Spirit.? (Gen. 1:1; Deut. 6:4; John 4:24; John 14:6-13; Gal. 4:6; 2 Pet. 1:17; Psalm 2:7ff; Isa. 7:14; John 1:1-18; Heb. 1:8; Psalm 51:11; 1 John 4:13; Acts 5:3,4)The Bible, the Word of God, is our final authority and is trustworthy for faith and practice when interpreted responsibly under the guidance of God's Holy Spirit within the community of faith.? (Deut. 4:1-2; 2 Tim. 2:15, 3:16-17)?God created humankind in His divine image.? Through Adam's fall all became sinful, lost and condemned.? Each human being by deliberate choice participates in sin and needs redemption through Christ's death and resurrection.? (Gen. 1:26-30; Eph. 2:1-22; Rom. 1:19-32, 5:12-21).Jesus Christ is God’s Son, fully divine and fully human, the eternal and pre-existent Word.?By His death Christ made full atonement for our sins and by His resurrection showed Himself to be the giver of life to all who believe. (Heb. 1:1-3, 4:14-15; John 1:1-3, 14)Section 4: Statement of Faith, continuedGod offers forgiveness of sin and justification through faith in Christ Jesus apart from works.? Human individuals receive such redemption as God’s gift upon repentance from sin and faith in Jesus Christ, enabling us to participate in Christ's reign as a present reality and a future hope.? (Matt. 28:18-20; Acts 1:8; Eph.?2:8-22; 1?John?1:6-2:11)?The Church is a community of faith consisting of regenerated believers with Christ as Lord.? Such believers claim a personal relationship to God through Jesus Christ, follow the Lord in believer’s baptism, share in the Lord's Supper, gather regularly for worship and covenant for mutual edification and care-giving.? (Matt. 16:15-19; Rom.?10:9-10; Acts 16:30-33; 1 Cor. 11:23-26; Eph. 1:22-23; Heb. 10:23-25)The Church is called in loyalty to Jesus Christ to proclaim in the power of the Holy Spirit the Good News of God's reconciling grace, inviting persons to receive salvation and follow Christ as His disciples.? As disciples, we seek justice for all persons and the reform of society.? (Matt. 28:18-20; Acts 1:8; Gal. 3:26-28; James 1:27, 2:8)?Jesus Christ will return visibly, at which time He will raise the dead and judge all people.? Believers will enjoy eternal fellowship with God as they participate in the fullness of His eternal reign, while unbelievers will suffer eternal separation from God.? (Matt. 24:29-31, 25:31-46; 1 Thess. 4:14-18; Rev. 20:4-6, 11-15)?We believe in the Sanctity of human life. Life begins at conception and upholding this sanctity of life is consistent with our Christian faith. (Jer. 1:5, Ps 139:13)We uphold marriage as being Biblically the union of one man and one woman. This is God’s ideal. In our fallen condition all sexual deviations from this ideal are an invitation for God’s amazing grace. Divorce, adultery, fornication, bestiality, homosexuality, pornography, etc. are all classified together as deviations from God’s ideal (Greek Pornea). (Genesis 2:24, 1Co 7:14, Mt.19:5-6, Mark 10:8, I Cor. 6:16, Ephesians 5:31) ARTICLE 2: AUTHORITY, ASSOCIATION, AND STRUCTURESection 1: AuthorityThe supreme authority of and for this Church is Jesus Christ Himself. The Word of God, the Holy Bible, will be embraced as God’s reliable truthful and inerrant Word, and therefore the final authority in all matters concerning our faith and its practice in our daily lives. The Lead Pastor is our Servant Leader who exercises his leadership, recognizing the supremacy of Jesus Christ and the pastoral responsibility to yield to the authority of God’s Word, the oversight of the Leadership Board and to make the motive of his preaching the faithful, clear, and practical expression of its truths.Section 2: GovernmentThe government of The Hill is vested in the body of believers who compose it, with the structure to provide a stable and effective organization to aid this church in accomplishing its mission. The practical goal of this governance is to secure missional effectiveness.Section 3: StructureThe structure model is to identify and keep the roles of the Lead Pastor, Leadership Board, Staff, Ministry Team Leaders, and Membership defined. NOTE: for the purposes of theseBylaws, all other pastors/pastoral leaders shall be referred to by specific title (e.g. Youth Pastor, Worship Leader, etc.).The role of the Membership is to serve as the primary ministers of this Church.The role of the Leadership Board is to provide direct support, guidance, and counsel to the Lead Pastor in their ministry role, establish Guiding Principles for the Lead Pastor’s leadership and accountability, and evaluate the Lead Pastor’s performance against measurable ministry principles.The role of the officers is to fulfill legal requirements as set forth in these Bylaws, and the laws of the State of California and the United States of America.The role of the Lead Pastor is to lead the Church to be faithful to its mission and accomplish its vision.The role of the Staff and Ministry Team Leaders is to develop and manage the ministries of this Church, under the leadership of the Lead Pastor.Section 4: AssociationThis Church recognizes the value of association and cooperation with other Christian Churches and ministries of like faith. While additional affiliations may be pursued to aid in missional accomplishment, as an autonomous body, The Hill is currently in association and covenant with Transformation Ministries, based in Covina, California. As a covenanting church body we participate with our prayers, ministry, and financing to further our work together.ARTICLE 3: MEMBERSHIPSection 1: Steps to MembershipThe membership of The Hill for purposes of these Bylaws shall consist of baptized believers in the Lord Jesus Christ who are recommended to the Leadership Board by the Lead Pastor for membership. Membership confers the right to vote, (when those voting have reached legal age of 18), serve in leadership, and elect representative leadership according to the stipulations and limits delineated in Article 6.The Membership shall be considered Church Members as defined in these Bylaws; as provided in the California Corporations Code. Membership shall entail no definitions, rights, or responsibilities other than those explicitly stated in these Bylaws. The Lead Pastor is responsible to provide and promote a Leadership Board-approved process for recruiting and receiving Church Members.Section 2: Transfers, Release or Removal from Active Status and/or MembershipTransfers, releases or removal from membership in The Hill shall be by recommendation of the Lead Pastor to the Leadership Board, in accordance with the Church’s Membership Process Document. ARTICLE 4: LEAD PASTORThe Lead Pastor shall be a regularly ordained or licensed Minister whose credentials are recognized by Transformation Ministries. The Lead Pastor will freely execute and accept the Leadership Covenant and seek to faithfully live out its directives. If a licensed Pastor is not ordained by Transformation Ministries it is expected that ordination should be sought and completed, generally within two years of accepting the position of Lead Pastor at The Hill.Section 1: Calling a Lead PastorAs the spiritual leaders of the Church and the guardians of its mission and ministry, the Leadership Board shall, in consultation with Transformation Ministries, take the primary responsibility in the search for and calling of the Lead Pastor. The Leadership Board may, at their discretion, delegate this responsibility to a special Pastoral Search Team. The Search Team must have a minimum of three current or former Leadership Board members. Section 2: AccountabilityThe Lead Pastor shall be accountable to the Scriptures and the Leadership Board for the faithful discharge of their duties as described in the Guiding Principles.Section 3: ResponsibilityWorship Services of The Hill.Being the primary catalyst for the vision, direction and ministry of The Hill.Insuring that the primary mission of reaching lost persons is upheld, in preaching, teaching and managing the ministries of the Church.Prayer, teaching, preaching, leadership and equipping the saints for the work of ministry according to Scripture.Manage and lead all Pastoral and Administrative staff, including volunteers, and Ministry Team Leaders.Oversee, through the Staff and Ministry Team Leaders, the day-to-day business of the Church.Serve as an ex officio member of all teams, committees, task forces, and authorized auxiliary organizations.Prepare, in consultation with the Leadership Board, the Church Budget.Serve as a voting member of the Leadership Board.Section 4: Calling and DismissalAll pastoral staff shall be hired by the Lead Pastor, in consultation and with the approval of the Leadership Board. The Leadership Board will establish a compensation package for each classification of pastoral staff recommended by the Lead Pastor; however, the Lead Pastor’s compensation package shall be independently prepared by the Leadership Board. All positions must be based on specific job descriptions developed and presented to the Leadership Board by the Lead Pastor. Termination of paid pastoral staff shall be done by the Pastor in consultation and with the approval of the Leadership Board. Mutually agreed upon dissolution of relationship may be given consideration for severance payments upon approval of the Leadership Board. All paid staff will report to the Lead Pastor or to another person designated by the Lead Pastor. The Lead Pastor, in consultation and with the approval of the Leadership Board, reserves the right to terminate staff for cause.The Lead Pastor’s separation package, for whatever reason, shall be developed and approved by unanimous vote of the Leadership Board.ARTICLE 5: LEADERSHIP BOARD DUTIES AND QUALIFICATIONS The governing Board of the Church shall consist of the Lead Pastor and a minimum of 6 Leadership Board members. Each Leadership Board Member must be a member of The Hill, execute and freely accept the Church’s documents of the Statement of Faith, and the Leadership Covenant. Each member of the Leadership Board will complete the Conflict of Interest document annually.A quorum is a minimum of 2/3rds of Leadership Board present. All Leadership Board members shall be notified of meetings at least 24 hours before every meeting by electronic, verbal, or written means. Being present at a Leadership Board meeting can include telecommunication technology.Matters required by law or these Bylaws shall be discussed and voted upon by the Leadership Board. Changes to these Bylaws can only be submitted by the Leadership Board to the Membership at a regular or specially called meeting.Three Leadership Board members (excluding the Lead Pastor) will serve as Corporate Officers. The other Leadership Board members will serve as members at-large.The duties and qualifications of the Corporate Officers and all other leaders shall be at minimum as defined within these Bylaws, as long as they are not in conflict with laws of the State of California. Officers of the Corporation are legal agents of The Hill and authorized to execute required legal documents to fulfill the mission and business of this Church as allowed by membership vote, Leadership Board vote, governing laws and the Church’s Bylaws. Single signature execution of legal documents shall be any one of the Corporate Officers. Double signature execution shall be the responsibility of any two of the three Corporate Officers. In the absence of one, by Board vote, another member, other than the Pastor, shall execute and/or co-execute said legal documents.Section 1: Corporate OfficersThe Chairperson cannot be the Lead Pastor. The Chairperson shall preside at all Business Meetings of the Church and shall be an ex officio member of all Church auxiliary organizations, teams and/or committees. In the absence of the Chairperson the order of presiding succession shall be the Chief Financial Officer, Secretary, or another Leadership Board Member selected to chair that meeting.The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) shall oversee and recommend for Board approval necessary personnel to carry out the duties of the office and shall make a monthly report to the Leadership Board. The CFO shall be a check signer.The Secretary shall oversee and recommend for Board?approval a Church Clerk who will be responsible for recording the minutes at Leadership Board meetings and?Church Business Meetings.? The Secretary shall, at the direction of the Leadership Board, work with the Administrative Staff to issue letters of acceptance of membership, dismissal of membership, transfer of membership, and membership standing.? The Secretary shall prepare, or oversee the preparation of, all official correspondence?and preserve?all official documents coming into their hands during the term of office.??Section 2: At-large Leadership Board (not serving as officers)At-large Leadership Board members may lead defined ministries of The Hill as recommended by the Lead Pastor to the Leadership Board. Otherwise, they are responsible for the general duties of Leadership Board, without specific job/leadership function.Section 3: Additional Duties and Qualifications for Leadership BoardShall strive to exemplify the values and ideals expressed in Titus 1:5-9.Shall exemplify spiritual maturity, and demonstrate faithfulness to the Church by being faithful to Worship Service attendance, being part of a small group experience, being involved in a Ministry of the Church, supporting the church financially and seeking to reach those in their sphere of influence who are still outside of God’s family. (These are specifically stated in the Leadership Covenant)Shall, within the framework of these Bylaws establish, evaluate at least annually, and as needed revise the Guiding Principles to provide clarity and direction to the Lead Pastor.Shall be accountable to the Membership for the faithful discharge of their responsibilities.Shall be responsible for the estate and property belonging to the Church.Shall meet at least quarterly for prayer, devotions and the work of the Church.Shall partner with the Pastor, to oversee the vision and direction of the Church.Shall freely accept and execute the challenge of the Leadership Covenant.May be dismissed by a 2/3rds vote of the Leadership Board if he/she is not fulfilling expected requirements.J.Shall determine each year, which Leadership Board members are to serve as the Church’s Corporate Officers (i.e., the Chairperson/President, the Chief Financial Officer, and the Secretary).K.Shall maintain a rotation system, so that Leadership Board members (exclusive of the Pastor) do not serve an indefinite number of years. Leadership Board members/corporate officers are elected for a two year term, renewable for a total of 4 years. After 4 years of continuous service as a Board Member, the person shall be off the Leadership Board for at least one year. Unexpected vacancies may be part of the rotation process. 1/3 of the membership of the Board will be replaced each year. L.Shall appoint a new Leadership Board member to fill any Board vacancies at the recommendation of the Lead Pastor, until the next scheduled Annual Business Meeting.M.The names of all Leadership Board members, as recommended by the Lead Pastor and approved by the Leadership Board, will be voted on by the membership at each Annual Business Meeting. In addition, any member of the church may recommend for consideration to the Lead Pastor or to a Leadership Board Member names of persons who they believe meet the qualifications of Leadership Board membership. The Leadership Board, with counsel of the Lead Pastor, will determine who is recommended for appointment to the Leadership Board.N. Leadership Board members shall be encouraged to mentor additional Leadership Board prospects. Section 4: The Pastor and Leadership BoardThe Pastor is a member of the Leadership Board and is entitled to participate fully in all deliberations of the Leadership Board with the exception of: Setting of the Pastoral Compensation Package.Discussion of the Pastor’s consistent disregard of the Guiding Principles.The dismissal of the Pastor.The Pastor is entitled to participate fully in all deliberations of the Leadership Board but not vote on:Buying or selling real propertyThe encumbrance of indebtednessAny area where there is an actual or perceived conflict of interest.On any other issues as determined by the Leadership Board.Withdrawing the affiliation of the church with Transformation Ministries.Section 5: Ministry Team LeadersDefinition: A Ministry Team Leader (MTL) is any person given the authority and responsibility for any ministry in the Church by the Lead Pastor.Service Terms:Ministry team leaders are the primary catalyst for delivering ministry to the Church and to the community God has called us to serve.Ministry Team Leaders are seeking to live out the Leadership Covenant in their own lives. Ministry team leaders function best when their gifting or strength matches their ministry. Every effort will be made to help persons discover a ministry that;Recognizes their spiritual or natural gifting.Utilizes their passion in doing what they love to do.Recognizes the unique abilities as a person.Utilizes the experiences of one’s life to help others.Ministry Team Leaders report to the Lead Pastor or their designee. Ministry Team Leaders have the authority to exercise and develop their ministry within clear boundaries established by the Lead Pastor or their designee. Ministry Team Leaders accept accountability for their ministry. Section 6: Other EmployeesAll regular employees of the Church must express a clear profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, demonstrate careful consideration of the reputation of the Church in our community, be an active member of The Hill, or if approved, a church of like faith and devotion to the purpose of reaching our city for Christ. Each employee serves under the direction of the Lead Pastor or their designee.ARTICLE 6: MEETINGS AND VOTINGThe following decisions of The Hill shall require the approval of the membership:Calling or dismissing the Lead PastorAmending the Articles of IncorporationAmending the BylawsElecting members to the Leadership Board at the Annual Business MeetingRatifying the annual summary budget at the Annual Business MeetingBuying or selling real propertyIndebtedness in excess of 5% of annual budget (maximum either singular or accumulative)Dissolving the corporationWithdrawal from association with Transformation MinistriesSection 1: Date of Annual Business MeetingThe Annual Business Meeting shall be held within the last six weeks of each fiscal year.Section 2: Notice of Meetings, and Acceptable MotionsNotice and purpose of all The Hill Business Meetings shall be given during the Sunday morning Worship Services on two consecutive Sundays prior to the meeting, as well as appearing in the Church bulletins and announced via digital communications. Only motions that have been communicated may be presented at the Business Meeting. No new motion may be presented without it first being processed through the Leadership Board for review and comment.Section 3: Eligible VotersOnly active members of the Church, 18 years of age or over, shall be eligible to vote on any question presented at a Business Meeting. All active members in good standing may vote on all matters presented to the Church. (Active members are defined specifically in the Membership Documents)Members whose lifestyle or pattern of spiritual behavior is not in harmony with the mission and purpose of the church will be excluded from voting at a meeting. The principles of dispute and resolution found in Matthew 18 will be followed in discussions with all members.The Leadership Board shall be required to review the roster of active church members at least 6 weeks prior to the annual business meeting and give written notice to those who are ineligible to vote.The decision of the Leadership Board regarding the spiritual life of members as it relates to governance after due process shall be considered binding and confidential.Section 4: VotingFor voting, a quorum shall be those active members present and voting at a regular or special Business Meeting.All voting of the membership shall be by secret ballot. However, this procedure may be waived by unanimous consent of those present and voting. Sealed absentee ballots may be presented to the Pastor, Leadership Board member or staff in advance of the meeting.The simple majority of eligible voters’ casting votes at any Business Meeting shall be required. The calling of a Lead Pastor will be by secret ballot and shall require the approval of 85 percent of those present and voting. A Candidate for the position of Lead Pastor may, after the unanimous agreement of the Search committee and the Leadership Board, be presented to the church for a vote of acceptance.Because the pastor is accountable to the Leadership Board, the termination of the pastoral relationship requires a unanimous vote of the Leadership Board and a special meeting of the congregation to validate this decision. Of those present and voting 75 percent must be in favor of the recommendation. On matters pertaining to the amendments, modification, rescinding or adoption of new Bylaws, such action shall require the approval of 75 percent of the members of those present and voting.No mortgage or other financial encumbrance shall be placed on the church property by the Leadership Board, nor shall any portion of it be sold, without a vote of the church membership, requiring approval of 75 percent of the members present and voting.ARTICLE 7: PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITYThe Chairperson or designated substitute shall guide the orderly conduct of meetings, insuring that information is clearly presented, that ample time is given for discussion and prayer, and that the order and Christian spirit of the meeting are maintained. ARTICLE 8: AUXILIARY AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONSSection 1:The Hill regards as integral parts of itself, all organizations formed for the purpose of carrying out any of the Church activities. The officers of the various auxiliary organizations shall be members of The Hill and elected by their organizations. No auxiliary system or organization shall be formed without first obtaining the approval of the Leadership Board. Such organizations may function under their own Bylaws. Such Bylaws and the future amendments thereto shall be approved by the Leadership Board, and may not contain any provision out of harmony with the Bylaws of The Hill. Failure to work in harmony with the Church shall be cause for disbanding such auxiliary organizations by a two-thirds vote of the Leadership Board.All auxiliary organizations shall on an annual basis submit a report of their activities to the Lead Pastor and the Leadership Board, along with a plan of action with specific goals for the next year. Section 2: Standing Committees, Teams, Task Forces, and Work GroupsThe Leadership Board may, at their sole discretion, form such Standing Committees, Teams, Task Forces and Work Groups as may be found necessary for the church and the fulfillment of its mission. All such groups are accountable to the Leadership Board. The Leadership Board shall in establishing such groups insure that a clearly defined mission is agreed upon and that such groups function within the existing Guiding Principles and Bylaws.ARTICLE 9: POLICY/PROCEDURAL DOCUMENTS AND GUIDING PRINCIPLESSection 1: Policy/Procedural DocumentsPolicy/Procedural documents serve to help govern the Hill’s ministry. These written documents are to be created and updated, as needed, by the Lead Pastor and Ministry Staff, with the approval of the Leadership Board, to insure appropriate direction is provided in writing to those facilitating ministry programs. These policy/procedural documents are to be available for review by interested parties as necessary. The Policy/Procedural Documents include, but are not limited to:Business Meeting Procedures Financial Policies and ProceduresMembership Process ProceduresMinistry Team Leaders PolicyWebsite and Social Media PolicySection 3: Guiding PrinciplesThe Leadership Board governs The Hill by composing and enforcing Guiding Principles that authorize the Lead Pastor to lead the church toward fulfilling its mission. The currently approved Guiding Principles document is available for review in the church office. The Guiding Principles is a working document that is reviewed and updated as needed by the Leadership Board. The Guiding Principles reflect the unified voice of the Leadership Board to the Lead Pastor on matters of Church mission, governance, expectations, directions, and boundaries.ARTICLE 10: DISSOLUTIONSection 1:If at such time as the dissolution of the church is necessary the disbursement of all assets will be distributed in accord with this document and the laws of the state of California.Before dissolution a consultation with Transformation Ministries shall be conducted by the Leadership Board and the remaining church membership.All assets of the corporation, First Baptist Church of Riverside, d/b/a Church on The Hill, upon dissolution, are to be given over to another evangelical Christian non-profit legal entity. ................

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