
What was the name of the play Abraham Lincoln was watching when he was shot?

A) Superstition B) Life in Louisiana

C) Our American Cousin D) The Lion King

What TV detective lived on the estate of millionaire Robin Masters? a-Jim Rockford, b-Thomas Magnum, c-Remington Steele, d-Adrian Monk.


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Are you renting a car during your vacation?

Here are seven things to consider: Use a credit card when picking up the car. Kids cost more to drive rental cars. Keep drivers to a minimum. Shop around on the car insurance. Try not to rent a car at the airport. Stay on the paved roads. Fill up the tank before returning the car.

Also, Safety and Health Magazine recommends you take a moment to understand the electronic features of the car before you drive off.

- Don't assume the features work and don't assume the features work as you expect.

- If you rent a newer car, it could have features that you are not familiar with, including automatic emergency braking or blind spot warnings. These useful features should make for a safer driving experience, but be sure to understand how they work before hitting the road.


Vacation Car Rentals

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Danger in the Routine Tasks

This has happened to you. Get in the car. Drive to work. Arrive at work. Wonder how you got there. You may have no memory of the trip you take every day.

When you do the same tasks many times, awareness of the moment may slip away. It might not be so important if you are vacuuming the rug, but situational awareness is crucial in the workplace.

Routines are actually good for productivity and performance. For example, workers routinely don their personal protection gear, check into work, get started on their jobs. According to a 2011 study by Hebrew University, this type of routine behavior confers feelings of safety and confidence.

But the reality is that even routine tasks have different hazards and risks every day, and a feeling of safety can be misleading.

This was first noticed in 1935 in the aerospace industry. The most experienced pilots were introduced to new, more complex aircraft. Flying a plane was routine, but as the pilots concentrated on the dials and lights of new technology, suddenly there were a series of crashes.

According to Susan L. Koen, CEO of RoundtheClock Resources, it turned out that the pilots completely forgot to attend to basic protocols of aircraft operation. In response, Boeing developed a checklist for the pilot and co-pilot before takeoff.

Koen said, "It's not the step-by-step checklist alone that produces performance reliability in aviation, but the recognition among pilots that they're fallible. It's the commitment to not operate from memory, because human memory is not reliable." Each person should respond to unsafe situations and help others.

August | Volume 8, Issue 8

Although Buckingham Palace refused comment, word went out in April 2018 that the last of the line of royal corgis, Willow, had died.

Willow was believed to be the 14th generation of royal corgis, beloved by Queen Elizabeth since she was gifted the corgi Susan on her 18th birthday.

The queen stopped breeding corgis in 2002, worrying that a young dog would be left behind after her death, according to the New York Times.

Originally bred as cattle herding dogs, the corgi's short legs made it a natural to weave in and out around cattle's hooves.

Queen Elizabeth once remarked that the dogs were small and happy in groups so "one can have quite a lot of them."

Meanwhile, Prince Harry has been much less flattering about the corgi domination of the family, saying he has spent 33 years being barked at.

The Last of the Royal Corgis


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Hot Pavement Does Real Damage to Humans and Pets

One mid-summer in Las Vegas, a man thought he could make it across a parking lot in bare feet.

He landed in the hospital and required skin grafts to the soles of his feet.

Hot asphalt in the summer can reach skin-burning temperatures and that is no joke for people and animals.

In desert areas, where temperatures can reach 110 degrees F, asphalt can cause second degree burns in 35 seconds, according to Maricopa Medical Center.

Dogs and cats are at high risk for this type of burn. The pads of a dog's feet can suffer first, second and third-degree burns from pavement.

One good test: Place your hand on the road surface for three seconds. If it is too hot for your hand, it is too hot for a dog's pads.

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Safe Ways for Children to Use Smartphones and Tablets

The sea of inappropriate content available on the internet makes it incredibly difficult for parents to ensure that their children are staying safe while they are using smart phones and tablets, but moderated options exist that can help solve the problem, according to The New York Times.

While age-specific filters and apps have existed for a while, the recent backlash over the YouTube Kids service illuminated the more significant issue with dependence on automated methods of curating children's content.

Over time, the algorithm had begun suggesting videos that included conspiracy theories, violence, and even sexual themes that were often created by users to look appealing to minors. Since those issues, YouTube Kids has moved to a system that allows parents to limit their children to a selection of 'trusted channels' that have been vetted and verified by actual humans to ensure that there is no inappropriate content. This team of moderators will allow for more personal accountability within the company as well as a safer overall network.

Other options, such as Amazon's FreeTime subscription service, allow a tablet to lock itself into a kid-safe environment with curated TV shows, apps, books, games, and more of which children will have unlimited access, according to Make Use Of. They have even integrated the app into their Alexa AI and Echo devices so that kids can interact with their voices without having to worry about accidental purchases or explicit songs playing. Parents can manage the total amount of time that FreeTime is used during the day and can even set limits on when Alexa is available to talk so that their little ones can sleep without distraction.

Call us anytime, we’d love to help you 817-555-5555

Question: My wife and I have experienced some life challenges that left us with credit card debt. We are thinking of refinancing. What are our options?

Answer: You do have options but before we talk about them, let's clarify the situation.

You'll need to qualify for the new mortgage and that means your credit should be in order. You'll have to document your income, assets and debts and prove you can make the payments on the new loan.

You must have enough equity in your house to refinance your mortgage and cover your outstanding credit card debt.

If you have owned your home for some years, you might have some happy news about your home value. Home prices have been rising in many locales and homeowners often find they have more equity than they thought.

If you have sufficient equity, then you could do a cash-out refinance. That means you refinance your mortgage for more than you owe and take the difference in cash.

You'll need at least 20% equity to do a cash-out refi.

It's likely that your new interest rate on a cash-out refi will be higher than your current one, since interest rates are rising. If that is the case, then you might consider a home equity loan or a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC).

A home equity loan has a fixed interest rate on a lump sum of cash.

A HELOC works like a credit card secured by your house. Like a credit card, you have a credit limit that you can spend up to. The interest rate on a HELOC moves up and down with the prime rate.

Most experts agree that for short-term purposes, such as paying off credit cards, a home equity loan or HELOC can be better. That's because you will pay off those loans faster and not be locked into a higher interest rate for 20 years (or whatever the life of your mortgage is).




The New Time Travel

For your next vacation, travel back in time and be on the spot as history unfolds.

It's possible with new virtual reality tourism, an idea that will immerse tourists in historic moments.

One firm, TimeLooper, already has an app and VR headsets that allow visitors to see history unfold at 12 sites around the world. You can be part of the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the Great Fire of London in 1666, or see immigrants arrive at Ellis Island in the 1900s. Most virtual reality scenes require a visitor to be at the site. They then download the app or don a headset to immerse themselves in a scene from the past that changes as they walk.

Owlized takes a different approach. Using the classic coin operated viewing stands, the visitor does not see the present day, but instead sees the scenery as it once was.

UrbanTimeTravel creates virtual reality scenes for cities. Users can don goggles to view the scenery from a past era. This can be done from a tour bus, for example.

The companies work closely with museums and historians to bring the landscape and history to life, according to the Wall Street Journal.

The VR experiences cost about $7 to $10 per view. You'll be seeing these options everywhere you travel.


National Dollar Day:

A Dollar by Any Other Name . . .

Clams, dough, bacon, bread, lettuce. If you're talking food, you could also be talking dollars.

On August 8, 1786, Congress adopted the monetary system of dollars, with a value based on a Spanish coin that popularly was called by the Dutch word: daler.

Over the next 232 years, the dollar and its larger denominations gained other names too. In fact, while low denomination bills often have food names, higher denomination bills have the names of things.

These special slang dollar words have been coined, you might say, by gangsters and gamblers. The words often end up in popular culture. For example, Tony Soprano, lead character in the hit series The Sopranos, often referred to a million dollars as a rock, as in: "This whole thing is going to cost me close to a rock." That's not the same as roll, which just means you have a lot of scratch.

Presumably, Tony's rock was filthy lucre, big lolly, loot or plunder. In other words, OPM, other people's money.

Now if you have a frog, you're probably a gambler who just put $50 on a horse. That is if you have a lot of frog skins.

If you have a rack, a yard or a stack, you've got at least a thousand smackers.

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How many seconds does it take to cause a second degree burn on asphalt?

a) 25 b) 30 c) 35 d) 40

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