
Contact Information

Company Name

Contact Name*, Title

Contact Type: ( Marketing ( Sales ( Development ( Implementation ( Operations


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Telephone Number E-mail Address

Company Information

Type of Products: ( Software ( Hardware ( Services

(Check all that apply)

Market Focus ( Commercial Banks ( Community Banks

(Check all that apply) ( Credit Unions ( Other _____________________

Application Offerings ( Check Processing ( Account Management (DDA)

(Check all that apply) ( Statements ( Image Systems

( Home Banking ( Treasury Management / CDA

( Image Exchange ( IRD Creation

( Other ___________________

Federal Reserve Products Supported ( ECP ( FedImage® Delivery (image file)

(Check all that apply) ( FedImage Archive ( FedACH®

( Other ____________________

Check 21 Readiness Do your products support image cash letters in DSTU X9.37-2003 format? ( Yes (( Deposit ( Receipt) ( No (( Deposit ( Receipt) ( NA


The Financial Services logo, “FedImage” and “FedACH” are registered service marks of the Federal Reserve Banks. A list of marks related to financial services products that are offered to financial institutions by the Federal Reserve Banks is available at . 0804CRSO


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