The Amendement 2013Dwight David Eisenhower (1890-1969)nicknamed "Ike", was 34th US President 1953-1961. He was a military academy graduate, career Army officer and served as Supreme Commander, European Allied Forces in World War II. He was later US Army Chief of Staff, supreme commander of NATO forces and President of prestigious Columbia University before successfully running for US President. One of Eisenhower's enduring achievements is the US interstate roadway system.Q:General Eisenhower, if you do not mind this, we are glad to welcome you aboard.Ike:Careful there, young man, I'm no sailor.Q:Did your career as a military man properly prepare you to run for President and did you plan for that while still in the Army?Ike:Yes, of course it prepared me. Such experiences assist nearly any position with responsibility like that but no, I had no political aspirations during my military career.Q:Did you have any concern that your elected office would worry military commanders given your experience in a previous position?Ike:No. I learned to delegate long before that.Q:This was your only run for elected office, correct?Ike:That's right. I do not consider my life to have ever been as a politician.Q:Given it as your business, how would you change it? What would you differently to avoid it?Ike:What I would do now, if within my ability or what would I have done as General Eisenhower? Two very different approaches, as you can appreciate.Q:OK, first as General and then President Eisenhower, what would you have done differently?Ike:Provide more deterrence. The aggressor best responds to threat of force, given it as their stock-in-trade, to sound business-like. I understand the view that the USA has been an aggressor but as General Eisenhower, the USA had not been. Preemptive action there was and there is a point-of-view that such actions were war aggression. Given the ability versus what was used, not so, and I don't see events since then as being caused by or fueled by the USA's aggression.I would have been more forceful in the use of threats as a deterrent. This would not be popular or well received but it would have the proper effect to deter war.Q:You already know this would meet with vigorous disagreement, that appearing aggressive raises the risk.Ike:This is often said by those who enjoy the security and peace war has provided, those who also have not been forced to wage it.Q:Now, as President the national leader; what would be done?Ike:Speak to threats directly and if necessary, to the peoples of the aggressor.Q:That would supremely difficult, and I know so little about it but I'm sure you'd have an enormously difficult time doing that.Ike:It's much less expensive than a war and must be given attention. The true aggressor nation must dupe a large part of its population. No matter the tyrannical grip, enough popular dissent will dissuade the fiercest potential foe. This approach could have then been taken and even better today, utilize many methods to communicate the message.Q:I can hear the denunciations of how this is interference with internal affairs.Ike:If those internal affairs end up starting a war, intervention is far more likely and far worse, besides.Q:Peace through strength?Ike:Until a greater consciousness comes to the world, and it is coming quickly, my suggestions work.Q:What was your spiritual mission, what you hoped to learn and take with you in your true heavenly home that this life on Earth was planned to do?Ike:It was threefold; demonstrate political achievement without a political career. This would personally give me a glimpse into challenges from a place few world leaders arrive. The second aspect was face failure and choose to fight it and learn what that feels like. The third, suffer great loss.Q:What failure did you face? What loss?Ike:Loss of my toddler son as a young father. The failure I faced was stagnation through the middle part of my career in the Army. I learned the pain of rejection and perseverance in its face.Q:What advice would you offer upcoming US presidents?Ike:I'd offer it to the current one also; no matter a position taken, opposition will rise. The leader must be a great communicator, greater than I was in my time in The White House, and make time to explain ideas and efforts to this opposition. The leader must have the strength of conviction to tirelessly repeat the message in light of detractors. Success comes from disagreement; it must happen and must be embraced. The leader must actively seek out disagreement and listen to it patiently, and thoroughly explain. This is my advice.Q:What regrets do you have from the life as General and then President Eisenhower?Ike:I believe the war in Europe could have been stopped faster and I didn't approach American political leadership as well as I could have; I could have made my case better and ended the conflict as much as a year earlier and saved nearly all the lives lost over that period. I regret not doing this.Q:What makes you most proud?Ike:Mamie, my wife.Q:General, do you have a message for humanity?Ike:Yes. If you feel there has been a lot of change in recent years and it is overwhelming or you believe it has not been fast enough, I will say it will be too fast for nearly all people whose attention on change is strong, agreement or otherwise.These changes have the great chance of causing disappointment to fear; they are not happening for either reason. They happen to advance you. They occur to improve, uplift and enlighten but the things they must replace for it to happen, let not your focus be on what is easily seen as loss. See renewal and improvement. These are what come now to humanity.Q:Mr. Eisenhower, thank you.Ike:My humble honor to you, to revisit Dwight Eisenhower.MarsA reader asks about the red planet, the fourth from the sun.Did Mars have a human civilization?Did the Draco Reptilians had anything to do with the destruction of Mars?Is the space debris field we now know as the ''Asteroid Belt'' that orbits around Mars and Jupiter came from a Planet called Maldek that used to exist but was destroyed by a Ice Comet huddled through the black hole from the Draco universe by the Draco Reptilians?Are the Draco Reptilians real?Are they benevolent or malevolent ET races from the Draconian Constellation star system?Are they influencing the decision making process of the Power Elites here on Earth? (The Illuminati, The Bilderberg group, The Majestic 12 and others?)Unique about these questions is that long ago, the answers to the first three were given by The Committee not offered. Here is a summary before asking for answers to questions 3 through 6.The planets of the solar system follow a proportional distance pattern from the sun; Mercury is 58 million km from the sun, Venus another 50 mm km, Earth almost the same, another 42 mm km, and then Mars, 78 mm more. Jupiter’s orbit is 550 mm km from Mars, Saturn is double the distance as Jupiter, and the pattern continues. The abrupt break occurs between Mars and Jupiter. The Asteroid Belt is found where a planet would be found, by the proportional distances the existing planets establish.The average orbit of the belt’s many irregularly shaped pieces, is made up of the remnants of a planet that orbited there. That planet was destroyed by a collision. The Asteroid Belt contains the pieces of both the intruding one and the target. Inhabitants of the destroyed planet perished and began to incarnate on Mars. Mars in turn lost its atmosphere in a near collision with a large asteroid, ending life there. Most of the moisture remains frozen in the surface of the Red Planet. These souls then turned to Earth. Yes, most of us were Martians and Maldekians, in different forms, before Earth.C:No, the collision was not an object hurled from one universe to another. This does not exist, as your languages permit. There is one universe, yes, and yes there are beings that might call themselves Draco or Reptilian but these are Earth words of identification; words and names as some are used are not the way to identify things away from Earth civilizations. There are beings that would cause, what you call harm or damage, but these beings would not hurt you for its sake of hurt. If permitted, they would plunder resources from Earth and damage your environment and injure or end lives of some.There is not a malicious influence by extraterrestrial beings to the detriment of Earth societies; all that you would collectively call evil or imperial or sinister on Earth is of Earth design and effect.Time for EmotionRQ = Reader Question C = The CommitteeRQ:I have a question about the effect of time on emotions...They say time heals all wounds so does this mean that when I am hurt or want to stay angry with someone, the illusion of time prevents me from staying angry or hurt? It seems we usually only stay angry or hurt for a short while before the feeling gradually subsides and then we aren't angry or sad anymore. Does this mean that in a place of no time, do the wounds stay open until something else heals them? Like something much bigger and more powerful to make the anger, hurt and emotional pain go away? Also, what exactly is nostalgia?C:Time and emotion are different things; you correctly point out a connection, as there is between all things of the universe. Allow us a moment to describe each, independently.Time is cyclicality of your Earth environment and does not exist as you perceive it. It is a permanent part of life, of Earth and it is a solid, immutable aspect of human existence. Human existence requires you to travel beyond and within our soul to live apart from reality.If the sun never rose or set, if the angle of light never changed, what time would it be?Because you count the rotations of your planet's sphere and divide them into segments, you create time. This was decided long ago to be a feature of life on Earth, and this has been a part of life on many planets; Earth is only unique by comparison yet shares the pattern of her brothers and sisters throughout the universe.Emotions are what you feel; we suggest these need no more description.Time creates opportunity for examination and replacement; your course of study in the comparison of literature is study of time and emotion. Replacement as the experience is compared to others frames it, provides it a perspective in sequence. In your true home, comparison is a mosaic that surrounds; we suggest you consider the interior of a sphere with perhaps two hundred fifty to three hundred thousand tiles, all of a different color and all able to be rearranged in any way you choose; by the order of their placement upon the interior surface of the sphere, by their color, by their size and by the texture of their surface. Each would represent five to fifteen emotions you would feel in a day, of all the days of your life. This is how we see emotion; you see a calendar, a line, a series of days stretching back and leading forward, both with endings far out of sight. In your true home, these are never out of view or removed from comparison. No illusion of time prevents your ideas of emotion; you have the will and ability to change them. We suggest not that ease of shift is as simple as that could sound, for it most certainty is not. Goodwill and value to your fellow human traveler is a valuable thing and injury to this value cannot be set aside as if it were a broken toy, to yet maintain the value of friendship or companionship.Where there is no time as on Earth, there are few wounds and these are resolved as they are created. The separation of Earth existence and the communication systems forcing words to be used are the framework and structure of hurt, sadness, insult and pain. Where the true intent is seen, true intent is understood simultaneously and resolution of conflict, where there might be, is achieved through avoidance, compromise and communication.The stepped process to the creation, feeling and resolution of these encounters is so rich and valuable a thing for your soul, that Earth has a line waiting beyond the beyond to experience this, if ever so briefly. The bigger thing that allows the emotional pain, hurt or anger to dissipate is the thing that prevents it; understanding and communication; we suggest you have the ability to send your thoughts and ideas, to install upon the listener the filter through which the message will be received and also, the ability to move forward in your "time" and adjust and re-express your ideas, acts and words. This is Heaven and this is what is done naturally. The dis-assembly of this into parts it does not have in your true home creates parts and components allowing the construction of great new things in your thoughts, providing insight and understanding impossible without the process.Nostalgia, your human word, is memory of happiness, good results understood. It is the word for your life review, although we say you do not remember it that way; you shall, we assure you all. Just as longing for a happy period of life is understood only after the good phase is long completed, so shall you feel for your life on Earth, in your moment of nostalgic review of this life; be well!Food Development on Earth12/07/2013Q:What has been the development of food and diet around the world in the this perceived age of technological development?C:Texture and taste of food is one of the many physical sensations offered by Earth life. It is given significant attention as life requires it and there are souls who devote a life purpose to preparation, as you all know well.Q:There is fairly constant talk about improvement and deficiency, that human diets are inadequate by conditions consumers cannot control or where great choice is available, less than ideal things are consumed. How has this developed over time?C:For matters of good body function, diet is vastly improved on Earth. For the majority of Earth history now understood, diet for health and disease were not understood well.Q:Is significant improvement coming?C:The understanding of what will improve is humanly subjective, great variation there is and will always be. Understanding will spread, this is certain. Good knowledge is available, not well recognized or accepted. We refer in this way to places where great choice of consumption there is; where lesser selection and smaller alternatives there are, a more active intervention is made to prevent damage to curtail life purpose, where this could happen.Remember always, hunger and need can be designed to a life plan and because of this, cannot always be eliminated. Perceived pitfalls, accidents and unfortunate events are often scheduled for the experience they supply, so the idea of all hunger eradicated is not an Earth decision, or able to be achieved without your planning of life, collectively, before incarnation. So it is with many things, not only what you consider foods.Q:In places where great selection of food exists, there is much belief poor choices are made, is this true?C:Not universally, however yes, choice of taste without regard to effect is common. We do say, this improves, as even with little choice, there are always preferences.Q:The talk of obesity, in developed industrialized nations, is it a result?C:Yes.Q:So why then do many people eat too much and also things that cause more weight gain?C:This is part of the change and rise in consciousness, and the foods are consumed to dampen emotions, to distract from unpleasantness, as is well understood. The hormonal result has psychological effect with the physical, and vice versa.Q:What developments can be expected?C:Economic forces will exert influence on food as happens with all things produced and exchanged, this will depress consumption of foods considered unhealthy. The understanding of food to health is not well developed even by the medical science commonly taught, although this information is available and has been published.Q:Why is this subject, food to health, not yet a part of medical science?C:Treatment of disease and sickness is the focus, not maintenance of health. We do not suggest medical science eschews health; to the contrary, its purpose is restoration to good function. Once achieved, humans generally consider treatment as needed and focus of medical science is so aimed.Resistance to control is a factor, as has always been a quality of human life. The density of Earth existence and the separation of thought and independence of movement the body creates, also include natural resistance to compulsion.Against this, a conflict between suggestion and compliance, often forced, has been a regular feature of Earth personalities and thinking. This is a choice, it is not this way "naturally" in that occurrence of behavioral traits are beyond control. This is common, much evidence can be assembled to support it, however we say it is a choice made in Heaven and on Earth, to force one's ideas into practice.Resistance to a beneficial idea will be encountered and within the instances, a portion of offerings will choose to compel resistors, as the supporters consider resistance intransigent, ignorantly detrimental.The concepts of freedom and voluntary acceptance are diminished, and there rises resistance to this aspect, as you all know well.Q:So why are some people given to weight gain and others nearly unable to "put on the pounds"?C:For the same reasons some of you choose a color of skin, set of features, size of body and gender. All fit within a life course you select.Q:Being overweight causes great distress for some people.C:Yes, and this is nearly always a life choice, to take on a body with certain qualities and dimensions, for the circumstances to be created and experienced.Q:The idea the overweight are somehow doing something "wrong" and that larger versus smaller is not favorable, why is this seen in society?C:This is an excellent question, you will all do yourselves well to consider and answer; why? We say with certainty, opinion and observation of appearance, behavior by the interpretation chosen and the reactions of the observed, these are human choices and can be altered.Q:Is it bad to observe and consider?C:The greatest suggestion to be made, and this applies to all human behavior, is to consider reversal of role. If your opinion were applied to yourself immediately, would you maintain it? Would you like your opinion if given to you by others? This is Heaven, where opinions and ideas of what is observed is transparent and instant. Earth offers separation and delay, these provide study. So great is this, the line of souls waiting to do it reaches far from Earth.Observe a car, and then its pieces, parts and design. Do and can you study this, if you wish? Earth provides such vehicle, your body and that of all others and your lives, look at parts and pieces, as you have designed them without memory of the process or of the trip plotted upon your map. You have left it with us and we faithfully, with a depth of love and gratitude we know not to express - words and Earth language cannot - we follow your roadmap, regularly nudging you towards the track, path, road and place you lay out.Q:So food, appearance and a life's course are all connected.C:Yes, as consumption and elimination were long ago chosen as they way a body would operate.Q:Will food as eaten now always be this way on Earth?C:No, change will come in several centuries. Stand ready, it will come slowly. We suggest a more liquid diet will be the beginning, where ingredients now consumed shall not require chewing as commonly necessary. This will begin a steady change in the digestive process, to eventually lessen the ability to process nutrients consumed in solid form. This will also change the methods of absorption, the structure of the stomach and digestive tract.Much food common throughout your history will not be edible.Q:Committee, thank you.Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis15/07/2013Jacqueline Lee Bouvier (1929-1994) was First Lady of the United States from January 1961 until November 1963 when her husband, US President John F. Kennedy, was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. In 1968 she married shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis and was widowed a second time in 1975. A successful career as a book editor occupied the final two decades of her life. She is remembered for contributions to the arts and preservation of historic architecture, her style, elegance and grace. A fashion icon, her pink Chanel suit worn the day of her first husband's killing became a symbol of the incident and a lasting image of 1960s US history.Q:Mrs. Kennedy if you prefer, can you say something about why Dallas, Texas is involved in many big, national matters. I refer to Roe vs. Wade the eventual Supreme Court Case that legalized abortion across the USA in 1973 and your first husband's death ten years before.JKO:You may address me as you prefer, all surnames apply that applied. Greetings and thank you for asking me to be here. There is no specific connection; Dallas is not unique for the events occurring there; other places could have been chosen.Q:How did you react to your son's death in 1999?JKO:I knew he was coming and welcomed him home; my concern was for my daughter. My former husband was of great help to our son John, and of great assistance with our daughter, who lives on and well, as you know.Q:She was suggested as a candidate for the US Senate.JKO:This is not her role; she will not be an elected official and was put under pressure to consider it, she handled this well from a lifetime of it as the daughter of a US President. I have always been immensely proud of her and yet, a life as an elected official will not be her destiny.Q:Did you suspect anything was amiss that terrible day in Dallas?JKO:No.Q:Did you understand the conspiracy against your husband?JKO:No, not at the time. It became obvious after his brother Robert and Martin Luther King were both killed. Then I knew while still alive.Q:You know the extent of the act and all involved now?JKO:Yes, of course.Q:Is there any more risk from the forces at play?JKO:No, however there is similar sentiment and dissatisfaction with many public officials and figures so a similar event is not impossible.Q:Curiosity eats at me; is there anything in the offing now?JKO:Yes, at a low level.Q:Since I know you'll never say and my GAGs would not allow it, I won't ask.JKO:That is right.Q:Was your life's purpose to be First Lady?JKO:Yes, completely.Q:What do you regret and of what are you most proud?JKO:I am most proud of my children and also my ability to raise them with the absence of their father and the pressure his position would bring to them. I am proud of my ability to build a good satisfying life for myself after my husband's death in such a tragic, public way.Q:What did plan to learn, teach or accomplish and do you believe you were a failure or a success?JKO:To be born into a position of wealth and comfort and appreciate it, show it for its positive side and for the goodwill that can be done from it. This is what I was born to do and I believe I succeeded. I intended to learn grace under pressure and believe I did this also. Where I believe I fell short of what I would have hoped for, was with my first husband. I could have done things better; I don’t believe I failed at my mission but I could have approached many things differently and with a better outcome. These were not public things and do not matter in a large way.Q:What past lives, if any, influenced Jacqueline Bouvier?JKO:I lived as poor girl in central Europe, darker skinned than typical for the region at a time when awareness of race was rising. This put me at a general disadvantage and I struggled for acceptance and to earn a living; marriage was difficult because few were willing to consider a female seen to originate far from that region. This helped me learn humility and appreciation, qualities that served me well as Jackie Bouvier.Q:You were not the politician yet you were close to a powerful one and part of a very influential family; what insights can you offer from this, for the America and the world of today?JKO:The power and influence was my father-in-law and always was until his passing. This was never apparent in public dealings my husband and his brothers had during their time as US Senators. The assassination of his two sons cut this back sharply. The insight I would offer from this, to America, is that prior influence and environment play a significant role more than is often believed. The offspring that forms a life away from the suggestions and ideas of the immediate family is a rare occurrence in a public leader, it almost never happens. The placement of a political candidate into a position of authority of those who do the electing must consider the associations and influences of the candidate’s upbringing and the environment the immediate family creates.Q:What do you believe is the future of the current US President?JKO:His future will be unremarkable for him, yet his legacy will be seen as a sharp turning point in the evolution of America, a key phase in the nation's evolution. He is symbolic as was my husband in my time; this is the role.Q:What message do you have for humanity?JKO:The inspiration beauty will create in your daily lives is not well recognized; the choice of beauty is nearly irrelevant, as it bespeaks a state of mind more than anything. I will say you should seek inspirational beauty, anything that appeals to your ideas of majesty and great appearance. In these feelings will rise inspiration for the betterment of humanity and the great news is that it will come at low, low cost!Q:Mrs. Kennedy, thank you!JKO:My honor to be mentsGeorge 07/18/2013 9:47amWhat an ELEGANT personality. Still regal. Good job Patrick and the C. Like the new site upgrades very much.Apollo 1116/07/2013RQs = Reader Questions C = The CommitteeA reader's date of birth is the same as the only human visit to the moon's surface, the 20th of July, 1969. As it approaches, "birthday" questions are answered by The Committee, numbered by your humble scribe to match answers.RQs:What really happened that day?How much alien help was given to Apollo 11?Did it ever make it to the moon or were the astronauts taken to the moon on an alien ship as some suggest, to be protected from the radiation outside of the inner Van Allen belt?What about suggestions that astronauts kept taking pictures inside Apollo 11 by placing some dark paper on the window making earth smaller and smaller to the camera to give an illusion that Apollo 11 was actually moving away, where as it was just sitting there in Earth's orbit.Can The Committee please comment on the true nature and story of mankind's one and only space travel triumph?Does the committee see any chances that mankind will ever be channeled the know-how on space travel? Some say not until no wars exist on the planet; and until then - that we are "not ready yet" and could cause havoc in the galaxy with our current immature mindsets - and hence will not be channeled this info anytime soon.C:1.Greetings and to our questions we wish a fond and happy birthday to our questioner. The illusion of time is never to be thought of negatively, we say, it is part of your existence and its marking and recording necessary to your lives. The marking and location of the intersections of all encounters are natural to Heaven and all places of your true existence, yet linear passage of events, in sequence, these provide a view to what you call memory and also an anticipation of events to arrive. The cause for celebration and understanding of purpose, an opportunity to revisit meaning and good effect, are opportunity for fun and enjoyment and these are wonderful.We do say, birth on this eventful day, to the distraction of the questioner's family and most especially for the new mother, had plan and purpose for all of you on Earth who chose this day for the beginning of this journey you call your life. All of you born the twentieth of July in your year one thousand nineteen sixty nine know intuitively of what we speak. If you so wish, explain to others. We shall refrain from this.This day in your timeline was the fulcrum of a great lifting and descent from the peak of your bodily travel off your planet and yes, it happened.2."We prefer extraterrestrial" now do say the many who remember helping on this date "as many creatures of your Earth are alien to you, nearly all of them by physical structure and many by function and operation. Living off your Earth and not a part of the development of Earth society are we extraterrestrials, closely related to you, more so than the gorillas, chimpanzees and orangutans of your understanding and environment.""Yes, there was assistance in guidance and communication, we would say, insurance by accompaniment, if a problem were to arise. There was none; the mission was completed without our intervention."3.The capsule travelled successfully.4.The capsule travelled successfully.5.You have triumphed with travel to space regularly; this is common and frequent, as you leave your bodies to sleep. Space as you see and perceive it through your body is not this way without your flesh and bone shell; it appears much differently and as you choose it should appear or as you allow others to create its appearance where you go, where they have already gathered.Manned orbits are an example, and have been done several times. This trip involved a voyage beyond orbit, and onto the surface of another planet; that is all.This was done to open minds and thoughts and yes, we had a large role in supply of information. We say "we" in collective reference to the specific souls and guides and entities of all the humans who chose involvement for this life; we helped the American president declare the achievement of this goal before the ending of the decade, as it was planned and scheduled and he chose to make this announcement as a small, yet important part of his life plan.This trip to your moon was designed to show the concept, so understanding of extraterrestrial travel to your planet will be understood more and more closely; humanity knows of interplanetary travel by its own achievement and will better appreciate it as it has been shown to occur.Shown to whom?Many of you on Earth have seen and experienced our visits; there is enormous resistance to making contact around and independent of the leadership you have chosen and installed; this is your society and this is you, individually and collectively. The perception of disconnection between a government and citizens that created it, this your choice, this decision is collective. You chose Earth and a life upon it, in the place where you find yourself to be a part of the connections. You are not and never disconnected from your society and where dislike of leadership and choices occurs, you should look within. We who observe your extraterrestrial visitors see the larger view and the enormous reluctance and resistance to violation of the long made agreement to not interfere, and you chose this, to be part of a society where you would not have it.Soon, we do say, it will become more open and common and the knowledge of well known travel to your moon and back will serve as a basis for understanding of the many things to be explained and demonstrated, all in a good moment and place.6.Yes, this will come slowly as it has come to many a civilization upon many a planet in this galaxy. The pattern and protocol of the knowledge is known and understood and will be followed to your betterment. This notion of misuse we find interesting and intriguing and we say, do not condescend at yourselves this way; you would not give lethal tools or implements to young children yet the view humanity must "do its homework" and "grow up" as might a young boy be asked to do, before being taken hunting or permitted motorized tools, this is not the view. This assumes we in Heaven, all souls and all extraterrestrials, universally condemn what you call war, bellicose activity and collective threat.Violent, collective conflict will cease to occur when it ceases to provide benefit. If you condemn war, why elect leadership willing to use force? If a sovereign nation drops its ability to defend, will this lower, maintain or raise likelihood such nation would be threatened? These choices are yours, our friends and souls of Earth. We take no sides and show no preference for your choices.The effects of nuclear holocaust we understand and risks we have halted; we will always halt these where they will cause damage and disturbance far beyond Earth. What you would carry out on your planet, we stay aside until a threat of mass destruction and extinction arises.You who would dispose of military force, defense ability and self preservation in the face of deadly threat must also propose a similar disposal of the ability in a potential adversary or foe, and we offer that you cannot. As your enemy cannot control you, how would you do so to them? We offer you would not and do not.The ability to travel through space will come with the understanding of that to be encountered; as you will see again the instant you return to your true state of being, your true home in Heaven, that you cannot damage or destroy another soul and that soul cannot do so to you. There is no intent or even accidental risk of this, so the notion of war is a physical concept of a denser existence. Forays into a mixed existence of the denser and also purely energetic as are we, this shall demonstrate to you what lies beyond your Earth, also what permeates it and what is the true existence of all things, not only the subset you have selected for this small and quick journey across Earth's surface.Precious and unique is the physical universe, a jewel of such great value and beauty for the understanding existence within it provides, that never will there be allowed a physical destruction to the downfall of its progress and development; you will never be given matches to be played with where you know not what a fire could do.Human curiosity overflows with hopes that existence will be shown of another place and spot in the universe, even the solar system only, and we take great interest in the observation of this keen desire for insight the many of you have. We can say with absolute certainty, the fascination and curiosity would fade quickly as might a fashion style, as the planes and processes you would see are not relevant to humanity and your existence; no benefit would be provided. The mysteries and developments to come on Earth, the knowledge of what is truly right in front of you, to soon be seen developing and assisting, these things will be far more fascinating than what would be considered outer space and aliens, in Earth terminology.Why do you continue to return to Earth, so many, many of you?For its beauty and benefit and your growth; in this time so many, many are veterans of the many Earth campaigns with which your soul has grown, and with certainty all who read these words we give you through your human scribe, YOU are a great veteran of the skies and great leader of the universe and your journey is admired as we know not how to describe.As you wish to develop space travel ability, you will develop understanding; risk that you would damage anything you might encounter will be held in check by the disappearance of the urge. You shall become birds in their forest, to never set fire to the environment and neither shall mentsSarah 16/07/2013 4:13pmLoved reading it, thank you!Patrick, missing parts of JKO interview..might be glitch with the page... Patrick 16/07/2013 11:02pmFixed!Linda2749 16/07/2013 7:59pmThis is spellbinding. We as humans either have no belief or we are awaiting the moment of arrival of those who have supported Earth down through time, keeping us growing and safe from total annihilation.The committee is telling, we need not fear Iran and their weapons. But I thought that there would definitely be a third world war during this generation, so with that being said what and who do we fear?Patrick 16/07/2013 11:11pmInteresting you say this and I don't disagree but as I "hear" from The Committee, I feel like a secretary of days long gone must have felt taking dictation. I don't understand until a while later, if I re-read at all.Which I did, to frame your comment, Linda.The way I interpret this, we could start and wage a war but not to the level of nuclear annihilation and extinction.As far as Iran and "their" weapons, they are neighbors. Some of the people living on the street might dislike them, some might fear them, but "they" are "us" and "we" all live together, in spite of divisions emphasized.Linda2749 17/07/2013 11:10amPatrick, Why oh Why do we all not learn that all we need is love of self and others in order to have heaven on earth. How many more earth years before this can happen it is in the simplest of terms and so difficult to achieve. My heart cries out Why oh Why.Jake 17/07/2013 4:59pmThank you Patrick & the Committee !HEAVEN19/07/2013A reader asks.Q:In our human physical reality, when we die, we go home to our so called heaven, where is this heaven placed? Is it in our galaxy, in this dense dimension, or in lighter dimension. Distance wise, can we see it in our telescopes?C:You are in Heaven now; it surrounds and permeates you. You have never left it, it is where you live always. It can never be abandoned. You exist inside its true expanse and reach, within a meticulously constructed irreality of the complete nature of Heaven.Is your world not beautiful? The trees, the hills, the oceans? The magnificence of the cities built by your organizations, are these not stunning in their appearance? In Heaven, all of these things exist and more, in greater beauty and solidity than you feel now.You live in a subset of Heaven, inside it. When you abandon your body, you expand within the molecules and atoms of your existence and you surround them; you are the simultaneously inside the molecules and atoms of your current bodies and things and also outside them and around them, as you are now. When you go to Heaven, you go from inside out AND outside in, simultaneously. On Earth now, you only see in, yet you catch glimpses from inside looking out; this is your dream, your intuition and imagination.Do you read a book and imagine the places and things it describes? Do you see the walls, ground, cars and clouds the story mentions? Yes, you do. You would not read the book otherwise. This is Heaven; this way you "remember" a dream with images so clear, that fade as you reawaken, these images are the clarity and substance of Heaven, seen from inside out. As you return to being awake, you see again from outside in, and Heaven's reality fades and dissipates.Heaven need not be travel; rarely will this happen. Heaven will be expansion and you shall go there by expansion in the very place you are.Q:All these extraterrestrials living on other planets, when they die, do they all end up on the same heaven as "humans" like ours, or do they have their own heaven places does this actually work?C:Yes, the same Heaven. It works in the same ways.Q:How do they keep track on all of this myriad of souls out there?C:You are they, there is no difference. Well you have worn the covering of Earth's dense existence, a good job you are doing to see this separation. It does not exist but for your desire to create it. Do you believe everything around you is real? We do hope so and it is, certainly. You have created it, individually and as a one, as a group.Can there be real yet temporary things on Earth? Yes, of course. Can soil, dirt and sand be ground and mixed into adobe then used to build a structure? Can it be taken down, its materials re-powdered and returned to the place from where first taken? This is an example of real yet temporary.This is your world and your true existence. Permanent and real, unable to be eliminated, this is your soul and keeping track of each other is an individual function. There is no system with control, locator functionality and tracking of inventory and locations. It is not necessary; the interconnections of energy make things this way.We appeared to digress with the adobe building to make the example of your dense existence; that which is far from you requires something besides sight or sound to know of its existence and presence on your Earth. Development of this ability by electronic means; the ability to transmit what you call a live image over distance, before this sound and before that, a still photograph on paper by physical delivery…do you see the development?The use of electronic energy on Earth to view and know and communicate are the beginnings of the understanding and use of the very abilities you all possess naturally and automatically. Your intuition and your memory are small examples.Thus when your body is worn and you depart it for return to your true home, you shall understand again the automaticity of connection with all souls, collectively and individually. This is how the energy of your existence allows knowledge and connection with all beings anywhere you wish to know them.Q:In the other other dimensions, do they have the same systems as in our universe, for example planets, stars and galaxies or are there totally different systems?C:mentsSarah 19/07/2013 5:46pmThanks Patrick!Great clarification, well done!Ahmed 19/07/2013 9:30pmBeautiful post, thank you.Ahmed 20/07/2013 8:02pmI don't know if this questions has been asked of The Committee before, but can you ask why some of the deceased seemingly never communicate with their still incarnated loved ones?What factors influence the possibility of communications, either through signs or through mediums?Why do some people search for years, even decades for personal validation that their loved ones still exist but never get it while others receive that validation?Mike 22/07/2013 7:25amAhmed, I have that now. My family members have died and vanished into the proverbial ether. It's like once they died they have given up on wanting to be associated with me.Ahmed 22/07/2013 4:01pmYes many others report the same silence, I don't understand it since these people are usually open to these experiences from what I see yet keep searching and come up with nothing. While others have signs and communications that drop in their lap, so to speak.Che Guevara21/07/2013Ernesto Rafael Guevara de la Serna (1928-1967) was an Argentine marxist revolutionary, physician, author, guerilla leader, diplomat, and military theorist. A major figure in the Cuban Revolution, his stylized visage has become a counterculture symbol of rebellion and global insignia in popular culture.Q:Dr. Guevara, if you do not mind, what would you say today was the purpose of your involvement in the revolution?ChG:I was a doctor, yes, I am pleased to be remembered for that. My purpose was to win it.Q:The oath of a physician says to do no harm; how would you reconcile that with Che Guevara the Revolutionary?ChG:I wasn't treating sickness or disease in people, I was treating a sickness of society and this oath did not apply. I considered it self defense.Q:What would you have done differently, given the opportunity?ChG:I have the opportunity and have explored that.Q:Please explain!ChG:The notion of linear time on Earth; the idea something must follow because something had to precede. You will all see again, these alternatives are parallel. I switched course and explored a parallel track.Q:What would, or did…or does? What does happen in this parallel track?ChG:I make no further attempts to support revolution, after Cuba.Q:What prompts that decision?ChG:I was considered intellectual and educated and in fact, these things burned inside me, were the source of my energy and motivation. The ideas presented and the reality that surrounded me were an interesting application – or misapplication – of the ideas about which I read.Q:Did your medical training have greater or lesser influence?ChG:At the time, shortly after completion of medical school, I would say not very much. Looking back now upon that time, I will say yes, very much. The methodical study of anatomy, bodily process and function and scientific analysis taught me a pattern of thought with which I dissected situations. I did this with the exploitation I saw all around Latin America.Q:Was your diagnosis good?ChG:It was halfway well done; I focused on alleviation of external causes but not the inherent, analogous to genetic or innate causes, for what I saw ailed society. I did not make the freshman mistake of treating symptoms however I see I treated the easier symptoms.Q:Which causes were less easy – or difficult – to repair?ChG:Culture, mindset, attitude or approach. Habit, custom and practice; these are all names for similar things. These contributed to the poverty and disadvantage I saw caused by imperialism and exploitation.Q:The overthrow of Fulgencio Batista's government in Cuba, did you see this as a future brightened for the nation's citizens?ChG:Yes, certainly. An addicting sense of accomplishment and purpose overwhelmed me, and drove me to recreate the success, or at least attempt it, through challenges elsewhere.Q:Reviewing the fifty years of Cuba since then, what can you say today?ChG:From this I come away with my comment of culture and mindset. The replacement of one government with another does not change the trends, ideas and assumptions of the governed nearly as quickly. The old expression that we know what we like and like what we know applied very strongly. The departure of many Cubans whose brain power or intellectual capacity was a good ingredient, this drove the people who remained to embrace habits and customs, one of which was obedience to a strong leader or dictator. History tells this outcome well.Q:Your mentor and inspiration is still alive, Fidel Castro.ChG:Barely.Q:What would you say to him, given the opportunity?ChG:Lo cagaste, che…..(You blew it, man…)Q:Was revolution your spiritual mission?ChG:Yes, it was included in my life's plan.Q:What were you personally planning to achieve and did you accomplish that?ChG:No, I didn't accomplish it on Earth. My spiritual mission yes, to learn of effort and failure. This was inspired in me by a life review of Simón Bolívar, who lamented how he had plowed into the sea. His dream of a greater Colombia was shattered even before his passing, as the vast territory fractured into several nations. This inspired me to learn of failure, which only came to me after my own death, not during life. The accomplishment on Earth I failed to help reach was a better life for the liberated. History has shown this was not reached. The signs of it were there even before my passing but I was looking elsewhere, at the new challenge I had taken on.Q:What message do you have for humanity, from your position now?ChG:I will relate my message to my experience; change of leadership alone is not a change, it is a re-wrapping. The leadership always reflects the led; leadership can be eliminated immediately if the subjects of it abdicate, what I mean is if all participants, what are called citizens, stop cooperating. Then the most powerful dictator becomes irrelevant. The horror of the Third Reich required many happy co-conspirators and follow along participants.True improvement requires understanding then definition of its meaning, analysis before establishment of objectives, always including dissent. Human nature tends to see disagreement as something to overcome with greater force or pressure. Rarely does convincing and persuasive argument find itself chosen as the first effort. It works best but works longer, takes longer.My message is apply patience, not to be mistaken with delay. Do not consider time as necessary, for it doesn't exist. Allow the goal to remain viable without a schedule.Q:Dr. Guevara, thank you.ChG:A mentsSarah 07/21/2013 1:40amA pleasure to read about how he perceived his mission here on earth and his wisdom in retrospect.Muhammad23/07/2013The Prophet Muhammad, whose full name was Abū al-Qāsim Mu?ammad ibn 'Abd Allāh ibn 'Abd al-Mu??alib ibn Hāshim (In Arabic, ???? ?? ??? ???? ?? ??? ???????) (570-632) also known simply as Muhammad, was a religious, political, and military leader from Mecca who unified Arabia into a single theology. He is believed to have been messenger and prophet, almost universally considered as the last sent by God for mankind. He is generally regarded as the founder of Islamic belief which holds him as the restorer of the unaltered, original monotheistic faith of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and others.Q:Prophet Muhammad, if you do not mind….PM:I do not, of course, but remember this name, this title if you will, was given by Earth dwellers long after I passed away and returned home, by comparison to the length of that life. My ideas and teachings, the basis of the Koran, were not met with great welcome or even tepid acceptance in many places. These ideas were often resisted during that life, as a person would remember.Q:Yes, yet the title is given with great esteem and affection.PM:Yes, certainly, this I understand with great appreciation.Q:The revelation to you from Allah, from God. Is this what occurred?PM:Yes. Today it is called channeling, yet this was not recognized as such.Q:The strict interpretation of Koranic writings, are these an accurate or beneficial interpretation of Islamic faith?PM:Yes in some ways and not in others; the circumstances of the times heavily influenced the writings of the Koran.Q:Were you the only writer or "channel"?PM:No.Q:Can you give an example of beneficial interpretation?PM:Islamic prohibition of monetary interest; the circumstances of the time demonstrated what today is called loan sharking, would be the effect. It was destructive and corrosive and difficult to enforce the way laws and rules could be both promulgated and applied. The religious aspect or quality of the approach was effective at the time, the way banking was conducted. Strict application of this concept today hurts the depositor the idea was implemented to protect then.Q:The idea money interest should be controlled or prohibited is not "Allah derived"?PM:No, of course not. Money is a human earthly invention. This is not a suggestion Allah would have no "interest" - this pun I use intentionally - in protecting against abuse but this interference is not carried forth. You are free to decide.Q:The common repeated phrase that something will happen or not happen because it is God's will, is there any basis to this?PM: Yes, certainly but God's will is not pervasive to the degree the phrase is spoken. God's will is that all humans have their own, to follow their plan and course as they choose.Q:The concept of unification of previous ideas into a summary or comprehensive set of beliefs, was this the intent of the time?PM:Very much so; nearly six centuries had passed since Christ walked the Earth, as I grew into maturity. Much about the world changed, as it always does. Consider the most recent five or six centuries. The idea was unify the fractured concepts.Q:Many say the appeal of Islam is the narrow interpretation practiced; that it's an all-or-nothing arrangement. The faithful must submit and if any of it is rejected, the entirety is rejected. Is this still the case?PM:For many followers, this was an active decision that did appeal; it is convenient for reducing confusion as it offers certainty often missing. This concept has its ebbs and flows over human history as rapid changes create uncertainty, concern and worry. A steadiness of course comforts the aggrieved and this is powerful for those in need of solidity.Q:The notion that adoption of another faith is punishable by death, is this valid?PM:This speaks for itself; I can add nothing. The correct approach is immediately and instantly obvious.Q:The death and destruction carried out in the "name of Islam" - how is this seen?PM:By whom? In Heaven our home, this is not seen as Islamic. Religions are of Earth and your societies, such as the one in which I lived. Death for disagreement? The correct answer to this is instantly and immediately obvious, I can add nothing.Q:Is killing another human correct?PM:Never but to save one's life or others, in good and beneficent belief? This happens. Remember always, judgment you make upon yourself and only you make judgment upon yourself.Q:Drastic statements that non-believers are to be killed or eliminated, whether truth or fantasy applies, is there good basis for this?PM:"Good basis" suggests desire for murder from Heaven, does it not? The answer is immediate and obvious once again.Q:Will peace and tranquility between religions ever prevail on Earth?PM:It does now, does it not? What part of one group attacks another group? What is the percentage of the attacking group that does this? Very small….tiny, I will say. The majority are not represented by the minority, not in governing, fashion, food, religion or anything. Where a small minority holds sway or outright control, this is oppression and involves the complicity of the controlled majority, to a great extent. The tyrant's threat to exterminate subjects that do not comply instills fear but would eliminate the tyrant's support if carried far enough. You have seen this example in the nation of Iraq.Q:As the Prophet of Islam, what do you see as the future of this religion?PM:Two things; religion altered in general across all widely known and practiced faiths and for the near term course, to use a very common Earth business phrase, a choice.Q:What choice?PM:As pressures come to bear, acceptance of laws as separate from faith will continue.Q:Can you expand?PM:The great experiment of Earth, the greatness of experience is the separation of belief and act. In your true essence, your natural existence, your thoughts are you, one and the same. You act your thoughts; they are the same. Humanity creates this wonderful separation, this delay. Religious beliefs, governments, public versus private, individuals and incorporated entities on paper are all efforts and attempts to organize life within the delay, the detention of manifestation. The more advanced notion Islam offers is the oneness or sameness; the Sharia law notion that rules transcend the separations other societies offer, is a key part.Disagreement with the rules themselves supports rejection of this notion and that is well founded, that view has much merit but it is unrelated. Disagreement with the rule does not mean that certain rules are suspended or should not apply.None of this is relevant in Heaven; your thoughts and ideas and the effects and benefits they create are immediate, instant by what you perceive on Earth. There is no waiting.Earth delays and postponements create opportunity of review and reconsideration and this is the great observation and study you journey to Earth to experience.Islam's combination of laws and application of such rules across aspects of society are more aligned with true spiritual nature. In one way this undermines the great benefit of delay between thought and effect yet in another approximates ill will and harm done from it.Q:The disagreement with Islamic rules themselves…PM:These can be changed, of course. Prohibitions of certain foods or combinations are not unique to Islam at all; many faiths adopt this. This aspect was just the precursor to the Board of Health, put forth in as effective a way as could be achieved in that time. The adherence to a rule where the health risk no longer threatens, this is fine as it achieves a sense of well being by membership. Many bodies of thought, such as "vegans", can be seen to do this also.Q:I suspect, in my relative ignorance, that offering up change to Muslim rules will meet with resistance, even rejection.PM:Islam met with this same resistance and rejection in the early times of its growth. Newer ideas with benefit deemed valid always do, in any group of humans.Q:Was there any spiritual mission besides your role of eventual Prophet?PM:No, for this I journeyed to Earth.Q:What were your personal lessons?PM:Perseverance in the face of resistance was a great lesson. The feeling of not being accepted or outright rejected was interesting to experience. Great understanding came to me. This was not a greater lesson, this was internal and personal to me as part of that life.Q:Have you incarnated again upon Earth since then?PM:Yes, in an irrelevant, unrelated life. Irrelevant to Mohammed or Muhammad as would be written in English.Q:Prophet Muhammad, what message or suggestion would like to offer to humanity?PM:To listen; your ideas will grow stronger as you consider others that conflict. The betterment or detriment of ideas you consider your own will be decided by you, and I wish to emphasize care with the interpretation my choice of word "stronger" should have. This means specifically and precisely that your idea will be more clear, more obvious and more revealed in meaning to you. Then you shall best choose if it is better for you, better for others or less favorable than previously believed. Constant review and continuous improvement is my suggestion, my message. The unstudied thing cannot be rejected; proper refusal requires understanding.Q:Prohpet Muhammand, thank you.PM:Peace be with you all, an honor it is, by God's love for you all. Be mentsSarah 07/23/2013 1:02pmThank you very much,it was brave of you and very enlighteningKees 07/24/2013 6:34amI totally agree with Sarah's comment.Indeed very brave of youPatrick 07/24/2013 12:47pmBrave, why?Agreed on the enlightening part, this was interesting.Hazra 07/24/2013 9:00amI enjoyed this dialogue very much.I wonder who the other channellers were?Fun reading (yet again) how all religions are manmade.That said, I think this should be a basic tenet of all religions:The unstudied thing cannot be rejected; proper refusal requires understanding. :)Peace be upon you, PatrickPatrick 07/24/2013 12:50pmI would say major faiths are at least "man developed" but the making has its "heavenly" input, no doubt there.Interesting observation on other channelers, that didn't occur to me to ask. Given the way writing was done in the year 600, I'd guess it was a group of people giving helpful, anonymous assistance.Thank you for your good wishes.Ahmed 07/24/2013 10:39amDoes this channeling come from God/Source himself/itself? Or is it an advanced spirit or guide?There is clearly violence encouraged, so why was the choice not apparent, as he says, in his lifetime?Patrick 07/24/2013 12:55pmThe spirit or soul who once lived as the Prophet.Violence encouraged where & when?What choice was not apparent in his lifetime, in this post?Ahmed 07/24/2013 4:29pmI meant the channeling he mentions:"Q:The revelation to you from Allah, from God. Is this what occurred?PM:Yes. Today it is called channeling, yet this was not recognized as such."What was its source?And by violence I mean several of the Ahadeeth (Teachings of the Prophet) and verses in the Qur'an encourage violent response at the least if not transgression. So why was the fact that this is 'wrong' not apparent to him in his lifetime?"Q:The death and destruction carried out in the "name of Islam" - how is this seen?PM:By whom? In Heaven our home, this is not seen as Islamic. Religions are of Earth and your societies, such as the one in which I lived. Death for disagreement? The correct answer to this is instantly and immediately obvious, I can add nothing."Patrick 07/24/2013 7:24pm@ Ahmed:I would say the source was Allah, God just as the question was answered.Having read only parts of ??????? (like that?) and so long ago, I confess ignorance and acceptance of violence mentioned but my guess - emphasis on guess - is allegory to defense.The Disappearing Deceased23/07/2013 These reader questions were a comment to an earlier post.RQs = Reader QuestionsC = The CommitteeRQs:Can you ask why some of the deceased seemingly never communicate with their still incarnated loved ones?What factors influence the possibility of communications, either through signs or through mediums?Why do some people search for years, even decades for personal validation that their loved ones still exist but never get it while others receive that validation?C:So Earthly do you think and express yourselves, so successfully do you see Earth as you intended you might see it; how we you admire we do, for you do exactly as you chose.Your souls and friends always communicate with you; you do not see or hear it. You do not see the moon or sun as each drops below the horizon; have they ceased effect because they are not seen?Your loved ones will communicate with you often and as you choose, but it will be mixed and included. You see, these souls came to Earth to be with you and achieve a purpose and plan. Once gone, the Earth plan is done for them. To communicate with you as they might have implies they have not completed the plan they have indeed completed. To ask for communication that will seem obvious is to ask for reincarnation or to ask for your humanness to be suspended.This you decided long ago, by your Earth view of time, to not do and so, you have not done it.The request for a listing of factors we do say is the reason for what we have said in the first line of the paragraph before; there is no list of factors. This is your Earthly scientific breakdown and analysis of components; communication with you by your loved ones is a combination of many things, pieces of which mean nothing to communication unless assembled on Earth for it. The factors you suggest are no more than the several properties of Earth's environment and your bodies as part of it, that enable your sight, hearing and sense of other things around you. These you already know well.Manifestations or "signs" of loved ones' presence can be in any way they choose; through a medium is language yet you can do this as you would recognize and separate thought from your own mind and others who plant thoughts to you within it.Your soul friends do not speak, use words or sing as you do through vocal chords and thus they plant thoughts in your mind. A medium but speaks to you of what is planted in that mind, with intent it be spoken or written to you. This can come to you also and does. There is nuance and subtlety to the various shades of blue that appear as one solid and single color; examine and observe and sooner or eventually, with certainty, the shades of blue will rise and appear and then the parts of the blue will be seen as anything but blue, yet when mixed and seen from a distance, by habit only blue shall you see.The search for validation of a loved one returned home lasts forever where the existence remains unrecognized. Consider the balanced approach; your request that evidence be on your terms is one half and the evidence on terms of your loved one desired, the other half. Does your preference for your half mean their half must be discarded and denied? Does your interpretation trump process or simply become part of it?Accept the portion you do not see as existing; you cannot see the ionization of the cloud until the lighting makes its leap. Does this mean no ionization occurs? Does your desire for a vision of it create new physical properties in the cloud and atmosphere because this is what you solely prefer?We suggest you ask your loved ones to appear before you; will you recognize the person you believe, by the appearance you do not recognize, as your Guardian Angel or Guide? Have you longed for help and assistance in a public place, only to encounter help that quickly disappears once done? Who would this person have been, if they disappear where nothing and nobody else does?CommentsAhmed 23/07/2013 8:18pmSo patronizing you are, Committee :P. *Sigh* I don't know what to believe anymore.Thanks for answering my questions.Patrick 24/07/2013 2:45pmResponses that don't fit expectations - or at least expected patterns - can be seen as patronizing however I didn't get that impression.Ahmed 24/07/2013 6:18pmI was joking about this part:" So Earthly do you think and express yourselves, so successfully do you see Earth as you intended you might see it; how we you admire we do, for you do exactly as you chose."I really do appreciate the answer.Technologies25/07/2013The Committee is asked to tell us more about extraterrestrial visitor technology.Q:Can you explain more about the ability to disguise and "cloak" a spacecraft or aircraft? How is it hidden from radar and visual observation or even heat detection?C:This technology has been demonstrated and attempted to be copied, with some but limited success in your experience. The presence of an object unseen was first detected using the now well established technology of radar, what was called radio detection and ranging.This is defeated with a two step process; as the transmitted radio or microwave energy reaches a hidden vessel, it transmits an opposite return signal and cancels out the reflected or bounced portion. As the vast majority of the transmitted signal energy strikes no object and bounces back no returned signal, the small portion sent back – what the receiver antenna and equipment are designed to pick up – never appears. Thus no radar detection occurs.Q:How about the delay? The arriving signal must be received, copied and analyzed and then its opposite or reciprocal signal transmitted, correct? How does it catch up to the reflected portion since they move at the same speed?C:This assumes the same speed; as we have often said, the dimensional limitations of your environment do not restrict your visitors. The ability to transmit a preemptive signal or a faster signal is well established, even simplistic. The receiver equipment does not and cannot detect speed of that which it believes it does not receive. It seeks the specific frequencies it has transmitted; these are eliminated, much as your technology eliminates sound by cancellation. An opposite equal sound wave is generated.Q:OK, what about sounds an extraterrestrial visitor vessel might make?C:Sound cancellation achieves this. The detectable sound of the Earth environment is very slow in velocity and creation of cancelling waves incurs such as small delay as to be undetectable; it disappears into all other sound wave energy from our sources.Q:How does air movement get hidden? How can an invisible vessel hide its wake?C:This is called wind, and you accept its occurrence and presence without question. There is little need for such ability however this effect can be easily cancelled also.The effect is achieved by heating and cooling the air molecules immediately surrounding the vessel; temperature variations cause a shift, and this is already the initial source of wind. The effect is simply re-created on a smaller scale than you consider for weather. The air is sucked towards the passing vessel in direct and opposite force to the way it would be displaced or "blown" from its otherwise usual position or path. The air is held in place, held steady and no wind or movement from wind occurs.Q:Okay, now about the last one; sight! How is the image of a visitor vessel hidden or "cloaked"?C:This is done much the way your television and now computer screens work. The image is captured from a camera-like device but in your technology, scanner is a more accurate description. The view of the vessel from any point on the surface or any point in the atmosphere is then calculated, if a look were given towards the placement of the vessel. This allows precise understanding of light intensity and wavelength necessary to calculate the composition of the light image.This information then creates and projects the surrounding image.Q:How?C:Intense light is created by heating metal electrically; just as as done with a bulb filament. In some colors and spectra, gases are heated. The intensity of the heat is localized and controlled through magnetic fields. Each of these operates conceptually the way pixels are illuminated on a screen; the frequency and intensity of light are controlled to create an image identical to the surrounding sky and no image can be seen.Q:How does this work with clouds? These are visible unlike air, and if the ship passes, the cloud would be disturbed.C:Yes, however the wind is controlled and supplemental vapor can be created to disguise movement through visible water vapor.Q:So we cannot detect presence of visitor craft in our atmosphere?Ets:(Extraterrestrials are coming through now to speak) No, and we have analyzed your technology of detection. We have other techniques available to defeat advances to come in yours, before we demonstrate a little more openly what you could do and how we would in turn control it to defeat your ability.Q:Is this because of the concern or risk of misuse?Ets:This is part of the concern; the greater issue is non-interference. We cannot yet reveal our presence in this way.Q:Committee, thank you for speaking on behalf of the aliens or extraterrestrial visitors.C:They spoke themselves, do come back with more questions, we say to the readers. Good mentsMike 25/07/2013 2:04pmWhenever I read these it makes me feel like we are equivalent of galactic retards at the mercy of these overlords. Powerless, defenseless and just there for pure entertainment and experiment. It must be like going to the zoo and watching monkeys peeing on each other, when they watch us. And worst of all we have no say in the matter.Patrick 25/07/2013 3:43pmInteresting; I get those sensations from earthquakes, thunderstorms and hurricanes. Tonadoes would probably top the list, but I've been fortunate to avoid THAT phenomena.Josh 26/07/2013 2:13amWhen I saw that the extraterrestrial visitors have to ability to cancel out wind and then seeing your comment about tornadoes, it made me wonder if they have the ability to go through tornadoes and hurricanes without any disruption of their movement. An image of an extraterrestrial Reed Timmer comes to mind.Patrick 26/07/2013 10:52amYes, their travel craft can move unimpeded through Earth's atmosphere.A tornado might toss one about; the image and description I got with the wind ancellation was air displacement they would create.They can easily avoid a tornado, howeverWe humans already have the ability to fly aircraft into and out of hurricanes, I can't imagine a weather scenario that would affect a visitor craft.Sarah 26/07/2013 10:24amInteresting read, thank you!Patrick, could you ask The Committee aboutArchons, if they exist, who and what they are?Patrick 26/07/2013 10:58amDo you have a more detailed description? I don't know what they are; Wikipedia gives a long history, starting with Ancient Greece, saying it was a title for leaders of civil, military and religious affairs.It then describes Gnostic belief that Archons were servants of the Creator God.Anyway, any clarification you could give would help me.Sarah 26/07/2013 3:04pmI don't really know much about them, this is what I came across;The Archons - Alien Invaders From Space are‘Interdimensional entities’. They are the hidden negative controllers of humankind, inorganic interdimensional entities...maybe The Committee could shed some light on this mystery.I thought if there is any connection between this entities and the evil/negativity that exist in our earth planet.Mind over Matter26/07/2013Q:Why does human desire to control the physical environment not work? Why are we unable to change what's around us?C:Assume much you do, that it cannot be changed, that control it you cannot.Q:Okay, I understand it is to a degree, it's a relative matter. Nevertheless, why?C:You control everything around you; however you have decided to perceive it differently, to see so otherwise.Q:Why can't I control the man walking down the street?C:You can, to the degree you allow him control over you.Q:OK, people can get that, but what I mean is why can't I manifest things, make things come into my life?C:You can; everything in your life you made come into it.Q:Ok, I want new things then.C:Ask yourself for them and your Angels will provide them.Q:It sounds stupidly simple.C:Through your human filter, yes we see how it this way seems.Q:So why cannot the new car come to me?C:Have you considered a choice to not have one?Q:Who doesn't want something new?C:Many people and souls do not. You imprint your perception where it sticks not. You assume; have indeed you asked others??Q:OK, let's move away from possessions and look at the environment.C:Which portion of it?Q:Well...I’m not certain. How about…global warming and the damage that will result.C:Are you certain this happens? Given the ability to lower temperatures, what else will happen?Q:There is a lot of scientist discussion about it, can it all be vapid and superficial.C:Yes.Q:Is it?C:No; change to Earth climate is not controlled by humans. We suggest not you have no aberrations by historical records, the records of which you are aware, but you cannot influence temperature, wind, precipitation or other aspects of climate.Q:So why all the talk of it?C:Forces and effects unmeasured or undetected are not able to be measured; what occurs on Earth is not looked upon as measurable. The forces at play fall yet outside the understanding achieved.Q:OK, then what mental exercise, process, energy or other method can be used to bring about the change we want?C:Desire, this will do it. The larger the agreed, desirous group becomes, the greater the effect. Life plans must be considered; these are not altered so easily. The courses of a life are not varied easily, by your choice.Choice 1 was desire to live upon Earth.Choice 2 was understanding and acceptance of the possibilities and effects of choice. Choice 3 was a life plan to achieve certain purposes. Now that you have encountered a crossroads of change, how does this grant yourself power to erase choices 2 and 3? Within the possibilities and effects of choice were adherence to plan and consideration of effects.You do not remember these choices; you chose not to. You asked your Angels to remember for you and guide you.To change as you might wish to do so now, could mean you are dismissing your Angels from service. This cannot be done as your Angel would never abandon you.Q:It can be so frustrating. So disappointing.C:As you chose.Q:All this "we deserved it" crap gets tired, quick.C:As you chose.Q:It's really frustrating for some is to hear we're total victims. Really.C:Yes, as you chose.Q:Isn't there happiness and control in this arrangement for people, somewhere? Someday? Somehow?C:Yes. Certainly. You had it in Heaven your home. You cannot learn the feelings and effects of Earth frustration off its surface away from the lives you have. You are not lesser than any being for your location; you are GREATER. You have what few beings anywhere in your galaxy or universe have. You are studied, admired and examined as you cannot understand.Your choice and the reactions you would have, such as described here as frustration to not control the surroundings disliked, are amazing and looked up to, admired beyond words. This is not natural, not easy and not simple. You who traverse Earth are the leaders and the example; you chose to feel otherwise however you are, in every way.Q:So what about an extraterrestrial visitor with technology far more capable than Earth's, with ability to act and perform as they pick, no way we can control them?C:You are admired for this, your place on Earth and the visitors come in this sense of admiration and respect. For them, the sensation is the melancholy or nostalgia you would feel visiting the place of your childhood and remembering the good things you did and said there. Your stage of development evokes great memory from your visitors, who admire you and barely contain their excitement at seeing your development and activity.Q:How do we stop the bad things on Earth?C:Do not start them.Q:That sounds so condescending and patronizing.C:The bad things are started where, then?Q:Okay, you got me, so what about horrible natural disasters?C:Often you choose participation, but we know this suggestion will annoy or anger some of you. Where you feel bothered by our suggestion a person might have chosen death or injury in a storm, we congratulate you; you have travelled well and successfully behind your veil and you experience the isolation to a degree of high success.Q:How do we stop pollution, contamination and destruction of oceans, lakes, rivers and the air?C:By choice. Hypocritical this thinking can be called, for much love and desire for independence and freedom do you desire; this freedom of choice is what gives the lake its chemical, the river its poison and the air its soot. You choose all these things and so you have what you select. Do you not?Q:How could anybody want a contaminated environment?C:Do you suggest those doing so are unaware of their acts?Q:They know but they don't care.C:Freedom they have. Deny them freedom and you will give away your own.Q:But there have to be rules!C:By what rule?Q:There do not have to be rules?C:On Earth? The rules are already established, not by humans. What you cannot do already is constrained, by your choice and acceptance.Q:So a lawless free-for-all is possible?C:By the Earth view, yes however it is not. It seems that way by what you have chosen to perceive.Q:So how can anything negative be improved?C:Lead and suggest by example; where agreement is found it shall join you. Do not worry about disagreement; there are many things with which you would strongly disagree and so be not surpised as you encounter this elsewhere.Q:Do all the negative predictions for Earth, our societies and the key parts of them, such as in the economy, for safety, health and so forth, are these fixed for the effects there will be?C:Never; all predictions and suggestions can there be, these can be altered. As the effects were widely chosen, so shall the modifications be as widely chosen for them to occur.Q:The issue of medical treatment in the USA, security leaks and surveillance, war and genocide in the Middle East and so forth, all these can be improved?C:Yes; immediately if enough of you desire.Q:So why doesn't it happen more often?C:We suggest it does happen often; you have no means of comparing the parallel courses of choice, due to the limits linear time impose. The circular reality of existence allows all parallel routes an equal view and showing; were this available then you would see the frequency of course change you effect on Earth. The great limitation of Earth is low reinforcement and acknowledgement of avoidance; occurrences happening are the focus, as linear time requires. Allow yourselves more credit; you shift and improve collectively, to your greater benefit, quite often.Q:Are these questions whining like a frustrated child?C:No. Your question is from the Earth view only. Frustration is part of the environment, a great motivator. Without it, would these questions be asked and the answers together, offered for all to read? Do you see the value in them?Q:We all want the future predicted, don't we?C:The positive future you desire; you do not want news of a negative thing or one you deem very bad. This news you would always avoid and with this news, you would do all that is possible to avoid the circumstances and hopefully, the bad event. The bad event is likely chosen and your explicit, sincere and permanent desire was to have your Angels help it occur as you planned. This view is shunned on Earth and this rejection of a bad event planned supplies the great value to your soul in its occurrence. Your strong desire and hope for human improvement, when attached to your great frustration, sorrow, bitterness and anger at its opposite prevailing, THIS is what makes life on Earth so appealing and valuable. You knew this and chose to never discard that which pays riches to your existence.Some of you could react that you are told by us, your Committee, that you must accept the bad. Never; you NEVER must accept the bad; where it befalls you, you have chosen it, on Earth or and as you have in Heaven.Q:Committee thank you.C:Our honor, be mentsAhmed 26/07/2013 8:49pmA question that always comes back to me when I read about life plans and how we chose all of this:Why does the free will of my Higher Self or the "me" that made these choices supersede my free will to not experience the negative right now?Can both even be called the same entity, when the incarnated self is unaware of the choices that were made?Sometimes it feels like the incarnated self is a meat puppet for the Higher Self, helpless and without true free will, simply a degree of free reign, as one of us would control the avatar in a computer role-playing game.Robert 27/07/2013 10:12amThank you for posting this. Frustration seems to often be my life theme. I'm glad to be admired and respected for choosing to experience it; but, it's not so fun on this end. Conversely, it's rather, well, frustrating! My frustration has diminished, if not dissipated,upon the re -learning of the nature of my True Self and it's vast magnificence as One with The Source.Mike 28/07/2013 3:36amWe often hear that what we experience or endure down here is of greatest benefit to our soul. What is that benefit? How exactly does it make all this pain and suffering we go through worthwhile? Does it mean we can manifest things better in the spirit realm or do we give more lectures on our experience.Are there different speeds of vibration in the spirit world? What does this mean between spirits. Are they treated any differently because they have a higher or lower vibration?I know time is linear but for the purpose of my question What form do spirits take when they are not availing themselves to humans for example. Are they just balls of glowing plasma? Or do they like to go around looking like there recent incarnations?Lori 28/07/2013 4:39amI know seems like massive game of from sometimes. Ahem. Do we ever just take a freefall into a linear just as an experiment w/ no safety nets put into place. Allow the projection of the soul to go forth with no contracted plan just to see?Patrick 28/07/2013 10:08amAll of these questions are so provoking and inquisitive, they deserve a separate post; The Committee is knocking hard on my proverbial barn door asking to bring in more hay for all of you horses, including me.Stand by, Lori, Mike, Robert and Ahmed.Eva 28/07/2013 1:07pmBeing provoked/moved to a response from The Committee's answers to the last post and the readers' responses, I give my 2-cents' worth. I seems to me (always a good beginning to a sentence), life in our incarnated body is like the woman who after delivering a baby, swears to not go through this painful experience again, only to decide later on to have another baby (another reincarnation). Hence the amnesia. Perhaps a poor analogy. I grapple with this amnesia thing. When we're in the spirit we seemingly are very gullible and na?ve to think that another life on earth is going to be fantastically wonderful, or not. But this is what we choose to do whether life is wonderful or horribly cruel. How exactly does it benefit other souls or our own soul's evolution? It seems to me (sorry), that we are doing something extremely painful for the sake of gaining experience or climb the evolutionary ladder. Is it just a cosmic game, and, without the amnesia thing it couldn't be a game any more. Eternity is a long time so we need to occupy ourselves! Do I sound just a tad sarcastic? Or just very un-enlightened? Heck if I know!Sorry to be so long-winded, Patrick.Patrick 28/07/2013 1:10pmYOU are worried about long winded??Look at these posts!Your thoughts will be included in The Committee's upcoming answer.... :-)Mary Beth 29/07/2013 10:41amEva, I think your analogy is apt. From my limited perspective, I compare it to running a marathon. The race itself is a huge challenge (at least, it is for me!). It can be very long, hard, and sometimes acutely painful. In the middle, you wonder what you are doing and why you ever signed up for it! But, crossing that finish line is such an incredible rush and feeling of accomplishment. The harder the struggle, the greater the feeling of victory. The process of training and running and persevering, changes you in a positive and enduring way. Some people finish that first marathon and say - no way, never again! And that's it for them. But others remember the thrill of the victory and want that feeling again, and so, start all over again.Through every struggle, we learn something about ourselves, about others, about the world and our place in it. I can watch a marathon, but that's a whole different animal than actually running one myself. At least during the marathon, I recall that I made this decision, understand the terrain, and see the finish line. It's so much harder when we DON'T remember that we decided to run this particular race, have no idea of the terrain ahead, and don't even know how long the bloody race is! All we have is our spectators (spirit guides and angels) to call out encouragement and provide some limited information about what lies immediately ahead. But, I imagine the finish line is pretty freakin' awesome. (I'm expecting a big party, and cake)Heinrich Himmler28/07/2013Heinrich Luitpold Himmler?(1900-1945) was Reichsführer of the Schutzstaffel (SS), a military commander and leading member of the Nazi Party in Germany during the 1930s and World War II. Adolph Hitler later appointed him Commander of the Replacement (Home) Army and General Plenipotentiary for the entire Reich's administration (Generalbevollm?chtigter für die Verwaltung). Himmler was one of the most powerful men in Nazi Germany and one of the most directly responsible for executing people of Jewish faith by the millions, The Holocaust.Q:Herr Himmler, if this is all right with you; thank you for coming.HH:It is quite all right this form of address, in German, of the life to which we will relate.Q:Your immediate superior is probably the only person considered more responsible for The Holocaust than yourself and I imagine knowledgeable observers and historians might consider you the leader.HH:Either view is accurate; we both played equally horrible roles in the process.Q:What was your personal role, your spiritual mission if this applied and were these carried out?HH:Yes, they were achieved. I do understand this sounds disgusting, to speak of murder on such scale as an achievement. My personal role was as it evolved.Q:I would guess this was the worst case in the history of humanity.HH:From the Earth view, yes, one of the worst. The ancient battle of Armageddon was similar in effect, if lesser in numbers.Q:Why?HH:Intensity; deadly combat often is. The forces, fear and emotions reach a level of stress, fear and force even worse.Q:Why were you willing to carry out such acts and how were you successful convincing others to follow, as you did follow yourself, your one "superior" if Adolf Hilter can be called that?HH:I can say from my place and view, it was a grand life plan and scheme that drove all participants to act. I was not successful as that is usually understood; the appeal for others was the same as mine. Lust for power.Q:Did you consider the eventual consequences? What I am curious to know is why the Nazi regime and you as a key architect of its many atrocities, pushed forward so forcefully despite the rapid response and development of conflict in the Pacific. Did you and your fellow killers believe no such counter effort or attack would come your way?HH:No, we did not, to the intensity it did. We believed the Japanese overreached and provoked a difficult adversary, creating a wildly dangerous enemy. We believed we were more savvy and calculating. We knew resistance and counterattack against Nazi Germany were likely and we calculated it would be resisted by us successfully.Q:Did the failure of the Russian incursion turn the tide, as was seen inside the Nazi regime leaders?HH:No; we knew it had drained our abilities yet we remained confident of our ability to rebound.Q:Why?HH:The Russians would not invade Germany; they were interested in defense of their sovereignty. We believed British concern for New Zealand would supply sufficient distraction, given the Japanese desire to invade and seize control of that land. We miscalculated the cohesion of the English speaking peoples. We closely observed the United States' efforts to repel Japan and remove them from the smaller possessions seized.Q:The British never made any serious effort to defend New Zealand.HH:It was not needed; the USA's war efforts in the Pacific saw to it Japanese imperialism would fail.Q:At what point did you concede to yourself that all was lost?HH:This was not until the very end; the problem was confidence. The string of successes Nazi Germany achieved as it marched across Europe bolstered our confidence beyond the pragmatic view.Q:Had Japan not acted against the USA in a surprise attack, how would this have changed things in Europe?HH:It would have hastened the downfall of the Nazi regime.Q:Have you been confronted by your many victims?HH:Yes.Q:Have you received forgiveness?HH:From many, yes. This is the Jewish way, and we can say Hebrew faith strongly aligns with true spirituality in this sense. I caution against misinterpretation that I could imply other faiths or beliefs are not supporters and believers in forgiveness; for these exist also. I only wish to say it is equally strong and represented in the Jewish faith.Q:What was the objective?HH:Exactly as history portrays it; to create an enemy group around which offense could be justified.Q:Was there ever a moment in the rise of the Third Reich where extermination of Jews was not seriously considered?HH:No; the Führer's need to dominate always included this step.Q:What discussions took place between you and your victims?HH:These I will not discuss, as I am certain you will appreciate.Q:In the absence of linear time, what alternate courses of events could be possible and how do they compare to history as Nazi Germany rose and fell?HH:The course chosen was the worst of all options, yet we now see, from our place in Heaven ours and your home, the greatest benefit from it was had, the best lesson for mankind was achieved through this extreme of the worst.Q:Can you describe the lesson?HH:It supplied the worst extreme of duality, the countering forces of positive and beneficial against evil and horror. The contrasts are stark.Q:Have you incarnated again on Earth?HH:No; this was my last lifetime planned on Earth.Q:Did many victims also choose torture and execution as was done to them?HH:Yes.Q:It is disgusting for us to believe a victim of such unspeakable horror selected it.HH:Yes, the very reason for its selection. The experience and opportunity is rare and unique in the universe. Earth is a truly challenging and risky place.Q:What about innocent victims, those who perished in the Holocaust that did not choose it?HH:This was the worst part and yet these victims were the first to forgive the acts of murder and torture put forth by our hands.Q:Did you ever consider abandoning the war effort, did you feel remorse at any time before your death?HH:No; I was numbed and insulated from the effects of this. I did briefly feel a small portion or sample of the fear instilled in victims, as my death approached.Q:Can you tell us what reactions were seen from our visitor friends and cousins from other planets, whom I assume observed the Second World War in all detail?HH:This was the worst; the horror of the emerging picture was complete and understood and far worse this made it, for them. The ending of the war in Japan was the low point for extraterrestrial observers, who recalled equally horrific episodes from development on their own planets of their home stars.Q:What reaction in Heaven has there been to this war and conflicts that follow it?HH:The principal feature of mass conflict, the Korean War and Vietnam after the European Wars combined with more recent, by Earth time, Middle East conflicts, is to provide knowledge that the arriving age for Earth will be that much better and advanced by comparison. The contrasts are not apparent on Earth, not yet and therefore, not understood because of the recognition not yet given.Q:What message for humanity does this experience offer us, we who dwell on Earth now?HH:Disagreement and dissent must be encouraged and accepted. These are essential, as this is the way of the universe. It has always been too common to react to the abhorrent idea or abrasive suggestion with negativity. This is not the way forward.There is no time in a linear fashion; existence and events are circular and parallel, simultaneously. There is no forward away from Earth, yet it is a certainty upon it. The certainty of forward requires the real illusion of permanent consequence and within this view, there has to be inclusion of divergence. The new idea is too often offered and suggested with a requirement, often powerfully unspoken yet omnipresent, that its consideration requires disposal of an idea once prevailing. The established idea must be thrown away, it is often seen.This is not the way; there is always room for both. Many ideas coexist, as do all things. You must allow your white neighbor to hate blacks if you are to have the same ability to form disagreement. Dislike requires the offer of a better idea; denial of an idea will not kill it. Its acceptance destroys it; the better way will prevail the quickest, as all ideas are shown equal light and space, as they are chosen and offered.I wish to emphasize your permanent ability to accept or reject; your valuation of an idea must give this ability to the one you do not like, for you to have it also.Q:Your ideas and life as Heinrich Himmler was not this way.HH:No, it was the opposite and the results are well known.Q:What would you say to criticism of Jews and Israeli policy today?HH:If you disagree, put on the shoes of a threatened Israeli as you offer your criticism. Ask them to wear your shoes as they respond. Humanity dislikes this; too often perceiving it as weakness. It is not; true strength is confidence to accept.Q:Did the massive wars and death of the Twentieth Century have to happen?HH:No, they did not. These were Earth choices.Q:Did the use of nuclear warheads at the end of World War Two represent a final straw of sorts, from the view of Heaven?HH:Yes; you have noted the great proliferation of these weapons since then yet no similar use has ever been undertaken. We have ensured these weapons will never be used.Q:Herr Himmler, what message for humanity do you have now, what would you like to say to us on Earth in this month of July in our year of 2013?HH:I wish to apologize to the souls whose lives were cut short by my acts and to the souls of their children who were not born unto Earth by the killing of their parents. The opportunity for learning and growth I seized from your existence, by my horrific human acts, will be repaid by me in the best way I am able. I can say to you on Earth the descendants of Holocaust victims, both the dead and survivors who are very few now by comparison to the middle 1940s of your calendar, you have indeed survived and blossomed and gained great understanding. I wish to say many souls who were not born as they might have been, have nevertheless found a way to Earth and you also live where you do now. This is some small consolation to my regret, guilt and remorse. Your lives are not an excuse or a pardon in anyway, and my acts are not dismissed by your presence on Earth, which you do not know is because of this, but I ask all of you who read these words to know, these great and brave souls are among you. This adds a unique aspect to what already is, that is all.I wish to say, look forward with confident vigilance and love for your fellow human; challenge and change there will always be, and there will be more before there is less in the months and years to come. Seek the love and compassion in all people by offering it yourself, and be ever vigilant for your well being and safety. It is not wrong to prepare yourself for defense, only to misuse your ability. Inside yourself the love you have to offer will ensure you remain confident and safe, ever adored in the glory of your Heavenly soul and your existence.Be well, all of you.Q:Mr. Himmler thank you.HH:My humble mentsLori 07/28/2013 11:18amWow...I'm not sure what I expected, possibly an old black/white movie version of the man. What I got was a strong picture of Earth/life shown to be the intense classroom that it is. Not explaining it at all well.Thank you, Patrick, Thank you committee........ and all those souls who are willing to be put forth for ignorant human scrutinization to try and teach/provide us real truthMike 07/29/2013 2:02amIn a past life visit I found out I was General Wilhelm Reinhard. None to proud of that.Grand Intuition Plan03/08/2013A reader comment & question to a recent post prompts this discourse from The Committee. The question has been summarized; apologies as necessary to both its "asker" and any "rememberers" – it's been given my best effort.Q:Can [The Committee] comment on the interaction of intuition and life plans? Some people are more able or willing to tune in than others, it appears. Are the more intuitive more able to make plan decisions and choices?I'm pretty intuitive and can even sometimes have a discussion with our friend Erik. (Erik Rune Medhus from ) Sometimes I don't get direct, objective guidance I can discern. I can tell it's time to make changes, but recently learned the change I need is a lot more than I first imagined. It just came out of the blue; usually it's something I was already thinking about. This time, it's something I hadn't contemplated and wouldn't attempt without being told. (I would normally discount psychic guidance, however one specific medium has been accurate with almost everything).Intuition and apparent "plan" aren't matching up. What causes this? Is it a learning lesson, like trust and faith? How do people know how to instinctively follow the plan?I'm also very curious about how things are "arranged" by guides over "there". For example, if Joe's plan is to marry Maria, how exactly do their guides arrange it? It must take a lot of scheduling!C:We thank you for your evidence and testimony, as you have made regular reference to the process called channeling. All of what you describe is the process used to communicate with you.Allow us to describe life plans; you do not know what the effects will be for you, before one is begun. This is the first attraction, the thing with great appeal. The inability to know.May we suggest a fun house or house of horrors? A long water park tube emptying into a lake? In this tube you understand it will be dark, that you will slide through and fall suddenly with almost no warning before shooting out to drop into the water waiting. You might even count the time taken by others before you, to know the time to be taken. None of these observations and calculations replace the sensations of doing it yourself, and the fun can be the waiting and anticipation as much as the ride itself. The experience must be lived personally for full effect. You feel safe, that no harm will come to you and so, you eagerly attempt then enjoy the ride.In the horror house, you feel similar safety however physical sensations and fixed time are not involved. The excitement is the unknown, the expectation of surprise, fear and even shock without risks. No description or observation will create for you the experience you will have as you stumble through each part of the amusement. Even if you are told what shall happen, and in what order, the trip through will always be more interesting when you actually proceed.This is life on Earth, as seen from Heaven. Yes, the monster in the horror house or the distorted mirror in the fun house is not real but the experience of it is real inside the amusement where encountered. The image reflected will not otherwise be seen beyond the artificial one created in the reflection; the deadly monster will never appear outside but all will agree, it is real inside the context of the venue where it appears.Your death is only the expiration of your body, just as real as the distorted image created by the mirror. Once outside the image is only remembered, just as once dead, your body fades to a memory. You remain as real as your soul always was, is and will be just as your body will be what it always is away from the mirror. Your intuition is the conversation you have with your Guides and Guardians; you cannot see your friend, your sibling or your parents or anyone else waiting outside the fun house yet you know they remain waiting until you depart and see them. Because you know they do not disappear, you enter with confidence.We your Guides wait with you this exact same way yet we are far more honored to do it than would be your friend to accompany you and even your parent to raise you. We know what your journey will involve and how you will react; for this we never leave your side and we are immediately and permanently available to you. All of you. Always, without exception.Can you break out of the fun house and escape at a second's notice, if suddenly panic overcomes you? No, you do not possess the physical strength of body to achieve this; you must use outside force and strength to smash a new exit. Your life is no different.All steps of your life plan are set by you, and all options, intermediate courses and choices are likewise included. You can set within your path an encounter and include munication felt as intuition, your plan is your chassis, your building's frame and your bridge's supports. To know your life plan is to be given a task list; once completed a significant step, shall you have the next one laid out before you to be followed as a new stage in a known project? This will reduce your life to a schedule and a destination with all spontaneity and randomness removed. Disregard for the step you know you are to follow will create a sense of irresponsibility? This you have already chosen to include in your human institutions of education, business and work. Shall your life be organized in this same way?The plan of a life is to learn through experience in the way only an Earth life can offer it; and scheduled activities, tasks and projects lead away from what you want. You are upon Earth to experience the uncertainty offered and as you plan your life, you know this. You understand by observation, conference with other souls and your own experience the many of you who have incarnated once before, that doubt, concern, mystery, uncertainty, worry and angst will be involved. You want, expect and desire these things just as your house of horrors amusement will offer surprises and reactions you do not – and cannot - feel in advance.The consideration of a person to be more intuitive is not a sign or symptom of better ability to plan. There is no better or lesser a plan and all of them are complete and done before the process of incarnation begins. The better ability to comprehend the many hints offered is no more than a higher level of communication, not an indicator of life plan viability. All lives are equally so, and none can be ranked. This classification is an Earth concept, not of Heaven.Frustration, despair and setback are a given to Earth life; your response and reaction to them are what you seek to experience and you design in the experiences with specific intent and desire to have them. The awareness of frustration as a product of life events you believe you might have planned does not create ability to reverse course. If everything you could consider negative were known and expected, you would avoid or lessen them at all available opportunities; this you already do and so you schedule unpleasantness in places and moments where they are not anticipated and are unavoidable. You miss the perfection of life you have in Heaven and do remember the feeling, if not the place and things of your true home that come with it. Thus a sensation of loss, despair and even anger flare when unpleasantness appears. The feelings and acts that contribute, you soon will not forget.The arrangement and coordination of your life and your plan are by your choice and instruction, always. All encounters and events you plan to have and are agreed by all who shall participate; your decision in the moment of going to where the encounter or event shall take place is decided by you long before you do, and the intersection of places you would call a moment in time inside the linear event sequence illusion of Earth existence is seen to approach from well before you come close. If necessary, you confer with us your Guides and Angels as you sleep the one and several nights before, and you never recall these meetings. You choose not to, just as your decision to speak away from others you prefer never hear your conversations on Earth.Yes, we do have control over your movements and your acts, only as you have asked us to do. We never interfere unless a greater risk to your experiences arises; only then do we step in to protect from any one or several things that would change your life's trajectory away from its course. This is always by your decision and choice, never by interference against your will.Once settled, agreed and set forth, your life plan is wrapped up to include its key ingredient, perhaps the most important part of all; the veil. The curtain, the wall and the covering which conceals from you what you have chosen to set aside yet operates as might a two way mirror that does not reflect. All that you do and think we see and know and all intersections within your plan we anticipate. Sensations, nudges, hints and intuition all operate by your instruction to us, to move you in the direction you choose to go.Your disappointment, anger, fear, despair and destruction, if that may come to pass, are all set to happen by your desire and want and we honor faithfully your wish.There are no words in human languages to describe the pride, honor and esteem we feel for you all, every one of you on Earth. You depart your true home to undertake so challenging and rewarding a journey that we, the many, many more who never rise to this challenge, wait with joy, glee and love for you to return to be in the company of so great and brave a soul as are you all. You see the reverse, as you have chosen to; we see the reality and the honor of its occurrence that you would do what you have in your lives. With a pride so grand and immense we boast to all beings and souls who might look, that we have been held to the greatest of honors to be allowed to guide such brave beings who seek true enlightenment on the most beautiful yet most challenging of planets the galaxy offers.To have Joe and Maria meet is easy; the development of their relationship is the prize and satisfaction we feel at seeing both earn their knowledge. It is a payment so valuable for our work that we seek any chance to assist. To have Joe go where Maria will see him, to have Maria go where she will meet Joe, is simple by way of thought. As you have ever gone anywhere and met anyone you ended up encountering, with no knowledge or expectation it would happen, we do guide you. The very thought you are certain is your own, you are convinced is yours alone and of your sole decision is indeed yours, HOWEVER this decision you already made, and thus it feels so much like yours, for it is. We simply plant it among your other thoughts and so you feel and remember your choice as yours in its due moment. No control of your body is there held, as your thoughts control everything around you and with your permission and instruction, we insert the thought and choice you have selected at the place you elect. Where randomness of decision comes in, it is also decided by you and we can say, with certainty, nearly all of what you do is this way. Until the next key juncture draws closer, we stand near and ready yet never intervening until necessary and requested by you, as decided long ago, to put your train back square on its track.Be well we wish you mentsAllen 02/08/2013 11:27amThank you Patrick & Committee. I believe this is a message I needed to be reminded of and hear again today.HSB 03/08/2013 12:51pmThanks so much for answering my questions, Patrick and The Committee!?Lots to really think about here. I like the illustration of the house of horrors/fun house (I guess that depends on one's perspective!) of the view of our human lives.What I'm taking from this piece is that intuition is communication from our guide team, but not all parts of the plan can be intuited/known in advance so that life can unfold as we need it to. But our guides are taking care of things behind the scenes and are working for our best interests at all times.It's difficult to wrap my human pea brain around the concept that this is all planned by our higher selves and even suffering is by our own free will for learning. It makes sense in one aspect (the soul learning from experience) but when one is actually in the sh*t, it's mind boggling to think that we planned it!As I grow older (not necessarily wiser), I keep thinking that all one can really do is just be flexible, adaptable, open, and maintain a sense of humor about everything that comes up - even the crappy stuff.Thanks again!Patrick 03/08/2013 2:43pmSeveral weeks ago, shooting the breeze in a local store, one customer suddenly and loudly complained about unjust policing of motorists suspected of drinking. Another customer who I've met there casually several times, relatively quiet to that point of the conversation, quietly yet firmly objected, informing the complainer and the rest of us that his daughter had been killed by a drunk driver. The complaining customer was embarrassed, apologized and left. Only then did the victim’s father show anger. I gently asked, learning it had been a local, widely known crash from last year; a terribly drunk, drugged 23 year young woman drove highway speed in the wrong direction and caused a horrific head-on impact, killing two and nearly a third person. She survived; the trial began two weeks after the store conversation.The dead young daughter of this man has since come to me.News reports during the trial told how several weeks after her death, her father found a letter she'd written as part of a program to raise teenage awareness of drinking; the volunteers wrote imaginary letters to parents as if dead drunk driving victims themselves, the letters then read by program participants. These anonymous letters are usually kept by participants, not volunteers who wrote them.This young woman victim told me her death was scheduled and agreed with victims and killer, who's now been sent to prison for many, many years. The lessons are for all involved; the drunk driver's life is ruined, in prison until middle age. The one survivor has recovered somewhat physically yet will never be the same. The two dead are "gone". The families of all four involved must grapple with this for the rest of their lives. Remorse, guilt, shame, horror, embarrassment, revenge and retribution are all in play.I am certain I'd get punched in the mouth by any number of people involved if I offered that such a tragedy is forecast. I admire the deceased young woman victim beyond how I can say; to be so brave and courageous and all of the souls involved also, for all of them knew this and planned it before incarnating to come together in the Texas town where this tragedy happened. She admires and loves her father and mother in ways I cannot say. There aren't any words for it; it is not of Earth, only the events.I offer this to show, from a real & true experience of mine, that what The Committee tells us through a keyboard, is often far greater than we ever see.Life Review Dream Lessons03/08/2013A reader offers excellent questions about remorse, dreams and lessons.Q:Do all spirits who go through a life review regret and show remorse for any and all horrible acts done to another being while they were alive on Earth? I'm really worried and afraid that some people who have done such terrible things to me and to the people that I love, will not feel any regret or ask for forgiveness after they die, even after they see the total horror, pain and suffering they have caused when they have completed their life review.?C:Horrible is the view from Earth; we do not say horrible is not, what on Earth is agreed horrible or otherwise. Is it your plan to have a horrible thing happen, without blame or responsibility for it? A freak accident it might be called? ?Possibly to cause the horrible thing? To have it happen to you? We suggest the question involves intent and we say, remorse and regret are decided by all souls involved.A victim surviving the transgressor will be awaited to return home to Heaven just as the transgressor will be awaited by victims.? All acts and effects will be visited by them, together. You will all review and relive what has happened from all points of view; you shall watch as an uninvolved observer, then as the one and then the other or others. You will see, feel and have the same experience from each view, independently in the order you choose.Why wish a feeling of regret upon those who have harmed you in some way? To prolong this event, this occurrence? It is not and never will be your choice for their regret, as it is never their choice for you to have it. You do yourself far greater good through forgiveness.The life review is not seen from human eyes.Remorse, regret and repentance are from within you, always, never imposed from without.Q:Why is it that when we dream, our thoughts are foggy, confused, unaware and accepting of everything that is taking place before us without question? Are we just usually at a lower vibration or lower level of consciousness when we dream than compared to when we are awake? I also have a fear that when I die, I might not be consciously aware I have died and that my consciousness will be at a level similar to that of dreaming where my thoughts are foggy, confused, unaware and accepting of my new reality without question. Does this happen and if it does, is it common, or are all people who die still fully aware and conscious the moment they die and afterwards?C:Foggy only after you awaken; human habits, ideas, attitudes, customs and concerns are not applied; you are not human in your body as you dream. Your vibrations awake and asleep can be different as your body is involved, yes. This is not a cause, it is only an indicator.It is not possible to end your life and not know or be aware; realization will come soon if not immediately. We caution this does not mean your place and position after your body has died is fixed; the place you choose to be is still a wide one yet unawareness of your death is not what shall happen. The unawareness is as you are born and begin your journey; it is not part of your return home.Q:They say we come to earth to learn lessons at a much quicker pace compared to Heaven. What do they mean by this and what causes lessons to be learned so quick compared to Heaven? Or better yet, what makes Heaven a slower learning environment? I suspect that "time" has an effect on our consciousness and emotions...On Earth, time somehow evolves our emotions and consciousness quicker because time heals all wounds and emotions which leads to lessons learned, growth and progress quickly, maybe? I suppose this means that in Heaven, where there is no time, progress and learning comes at a much slower pace, even though our thoughts and energy are quicker?C:Pace requires time and it applies differently or not in any way. You learn experience on Earth differently because you insert yourself inside circumstances and limits, physical by your awareness but others even more limiting of which you are not aware, and then you know from participation. The notions of slow and fast are relative by the pace of the artificial timeline sequence of Earth.Learning and progress come differently and in a circular, expansive manner different from the linear, flat route Earth existence mentsAhmed 03/08/2013 3:52pm"It is not possible to end your life and not know or be aware; realization will come soon if not immediately."I remember reading something by Swedenborg that said that most of the dead he encountered on the astral planes did not realize they had passed on. Also, what about ghosts and "earthbound" spirits that several after-death communications speak of?Patrick 03/08/2013 6:22pm(Speaking to the general readership, I have to say how much I appreciate Ahmed's doubts. He might not see it this way, but I am being told one of his roles is to ask these excellent questions. He rarely swallows intact what's offered up by The Committee and asks insightful, probing things, such as this question.)Let's turn to The Committee for an expansion and answer:C: "We say, they know they have left their bodies and no longer live in that mode, yet they remain in the physicality the body occupied, where the body once moved and acted. All souls of Heaven can appear in the physical place of choice and certainly may visit the place of physical Earth beings, even the one or many places where the most previous body has existed.The knowledge of their death comes from the inability to draw attention, reaction or response from all those around them. To say these souls do not know they have passed on is true, in that they have not recognized their true home in Heaven and remain confused and worried at their simultaneous presence and confusion upon Earth’s surface.This results from many things that can operate in the life just ended; a soul in the body chooses significant life challenges that remain incomplete by original design. Often there was an abrupt and unscheduled death. These are more rare than believed yet they do happen. There can often be a work or lesson in progress when the ending of life occurs and the suspension of events holds the soul back from returning home; the awaiting souls in Heaven know this and hold back contact for fear of disrupting this soul's resolution on his or her own terms. Beliefs of the life just ended can be strong and tightly held and when the sudden loss of the body and all that it requires, such as sleep and food and all other functions are suddenly unnecessary, this creates disbelief and confusion.The encounter with many of these souls is easier by their proximity and relatively lower vibration that in their true home, still far different from that of humans such as the existence they have just departed.The notion of time and its loss are not challenges as would be seen from Earth; patience that time implies and requires are not necessary in Heaven, only compassion and understanding and with these the Earth bound soul remains not long in a state of purgatorial confusion, soon return to a true home."Ahmed 03/08/2013 10:10pm"I have to say how much I appreciate Ahmed's doubts. He might not see it this way, but I am being told one of his roles is to ask these excellent questions. He rarely swallows intact what's offered up by The Committee and asks insightful, probing things, such as this question"In rare moments of peace, I feel that this is all a necessary journey to a better appreciation and understanding of the truth, both for me and people I interact with. So I understand what you mean and I'm glad my questions aren't too annoying.As always, thank you and The Committee for the answers.Chris 04/08/2013 5:05amWow, these are really great! I still have a question about dreams and being "unaware and accepting of everything that is taking place before us without question?"...I will give an example. I had a nightmare a few nights ago and I remember some parts of it and some of the plot. I was hiding inside a boarded up house after a zombie apocalypse and the zombies all of a sudden started breaking into the house and I was panicking and in a state of great fear. However, I remember truly believing that I would die a horrible painful death and I believed everything happening before me was absolutely horrifyingly real. Then I woke up instantly realizing that zombies can never scientifically exist and how silly my dream was. My question is that how come my consciousness is different while I am awake compared to while I am asleep and why did I have so much fear and belief that I would die if I was in home in Heaven with you all? Why doesn't my awareness just stay the same while I am awake and while I am asleep? Does my greater being do this on purpose? What I mean by "unaware" is that before I fall asleep, I know exactly who I am, what my name is, where I was that entire day but the moment I fall asleep, all of that slips my awareness and I accept everything that appears before me as reality even though just a moment ago when I was awake, that was not my reality. What I'm trying to say is, is how come the moment I fall asleep, I'm not consciously aware and say to myself, "Holy crap! I'm in bed right now in my room but now I'm also in a very strange place!"? Basically, who are we when we dream? I know I'm always me yet I'm not "Chris" as I sleep...I also realize that all my dreams have plot lines to a story or movie...Why is that? There is always a beginning, middle and ending (I think it ends) filled with many people, events and details that I don't understand...Also, when we wake up in the middle of a dream, does the dream continue? If dreams do continue if we wake up during the middle of it, what happens to the "me" that was there a moment ago? Is it like a video game where you pause yourself but the game and the video game characters keep on going on in the background beyond the pause screen?Sorry for all the questions but I'm just so curious to understand how consciousness works...Now that I know dreams are just as real as the waking world I live in just scares the crap out of me that I can't stay aware of who and where I am as I dream...Thank you!Patrick 04/08/2013 10:33amThe answer is very simple; we can watch movies so why not "in Heaven"? We have a proverbial "holodeck" (holographic simulation like in Star Trek) at our disposal. The limitations in the physical environment of Earth - the need for a set, props, characters, costumes, effects, etc. - are made easy. The zombie dream you had was your "movie".Your awareness of "awake" changes when you are asleep; your mind is no longer constrained by a body and it roams free. The plot line or a story is chosen by you and played out with the help of many souls and your GAGs also, if you ask them.Not everything is serious and oriented for purpose; just playing around is encouraged.Don't worry about awareness of dreams and what happens; you have complete control. It just doesn't seem that way once reawakened.Chris 04/08/2013 5:13amAn example of my fear is similar to that news story of that man who woke up in a Florida hospital speaking only Swedish but has no memory of who he is, where he grew up, who is family is and so forth...He says his life is like a horror movie...Which is just like my zombie nightmare dream...Being unaware scares me!Patrick 04/08/2013 10:35amCases like this are usually "walk-ins" - same body, new soul. This isn't so rare. Many cases of schizophrenia and other personality shifts are forms and degrees of this.Mike 04/08/2013 12:04pmI once remember Erik being asked what does he miss from earth that he cannot enjoy in heaven. His reply was Pizza. It's not the making he cannot replicate or the smell. But it's tasting it with taste buds and that feeling of fullness after and that satisfaction of feeling full. He said it can be done to a point but replicated exactly as if he was back down here.Visit to Mars07/08/2013 We ask The Committee to take us to another planet in our solar system.Q:What does Mars look like if approached in a space ship?C:Through your eyes, as would be necessary if such vessel were occupied by you, little would be seen as you would require a camera to re-create the image.Q:I never thought of that.C:We suggest you are imagining the movies of human societies, and movement through air as could be seen from aircraft. This is not similar on approach to a planet.Q:Can you describe how it appears to you?C:We suggest an edited videotape, where a segment may be accelerated and then returned to a pace more normal to human movement. As we would approach the planet or any other, it would appear as a small pinpoint; we would come close much faster and then seem to stop upon reaching the outer atmosphere if there were one. Mars no longer has this.Q:How intense is the sunlight on its surface?C:It is dimmer than Earth by corresponding distance and reduction; the light speed and intensity of photons reduces just as your scientific understanding calculates.Q:Mars is fifty two percent farther from the sun than Earth, so I'd estimate about 34% less light. This would be a lot brighter than a full moon, yes?C:Certainly and you understand this amount of sunlight will support photosynthesis of many life forms common on Earth and once did.Q:What does the moon surface look like if a human were to stand on it and look around?C:You would not, the heat would be unbearable for you; not the heat of the surface but of your body from the unfiltered sunlight. The absent atmosphere means none is filtered; your Earth receives more light but your atmosphere has large effects.Q:We'd need a suit for air and protection from sunlight?C:Yes, the sunlight would cause death faster than lack of air yet as you know, human existence without atmospheric pressure is not possible.Q:Assuming we had the required suit and air with a good helmet filter, what would we see?C:The color seen from telescopes, the reddish tint of oxidized iron, would not appear this way. It would look more like a brown desert of the many places on Earth.Q:Is the surface rugged and varied?C:Yes, just as Earth is without vegetation.Q:The water remains below the surface?C:Yes; the missing atmosphere of previous surface life allows no evaporation. There was for a short period after the loss of the atmosphere, yet all moisture has sunk below the dry surface and is frozen, it has solidified.Q:Subsurface glaciers?C:Yes, with far less movement as no gravity and descent as occurs on Earth.Q:Does the surface move with tectonic plates, earthquakes tremors and similar things, like Earth?C:Yes, and the surface contains most features which already existed with the heavy atmosphere.Q:If we searched for them, would we find remnants of civilizations?C:Yes, however greatly deteriorated and altered from the condition of the moments physical life ended.Q:Do surface temperatures shift abruptly?C:There is much greater variation to both air and surface temperatures; the solid dust suspended in the very thin atmosphere catches much sunlight energy and loses it nearly as quickly as light fades; surface temperatures plummet as darkness arrives.Q:Could we see Earth standing on the surface, with our naked eye?C:Yes, it would appear as a bright star. In certain moments you would also see the Earth's moon faintly but the human eye will generally not.Q:Could the atmosphere sustain flight? Is there enough gaseous density to provide lift to a plane?C:The wings would have to be very large and light and Earth technology does not permit this yet. The gravity is a function of its mass. Being two thirds the size of Earth with about one twentieth the atmosphere, much lift is needed to overcome it.Q:So, no Earth type aircraft would fly there?C:A helicopter would operate with many more blades yet its fuselage would be far smaller; this assumes an energy source were available. There is almost no oxygen and combustion is not supported on Mars. Nothing can be burned.Q:What life is found there??C:Nearly nothing of what you know on Earth; there are no seas and no plant life or vegetation. Any breathing animal would perish even with proper respiration. There are microbes and other small growths below the surface.Q:What caused Mars' loss of atmosphere?C:The gravitational pull of a planet remnant, escaped from the belt of asteroids. There were several large fragments of the destroyed planet which were pulled from orbit; other large pieces were gradually cast off as their gravitational pull both to and from other planets and the sun caused increasing elliptical shifts and variations of orbit. The majority had no impact with other celestial or solar system objects and were pulled towards the sun and then whipped out of the system. Some were pulled into the sun and destroyed. One of the smaller from the large initial fragments was drawn close to Mars; its gravitational pull was sufficiently strong to draw off Mars' atmosphere.Q:Is there strong wind in the thin atmosphere that remains?C:Yes.Q:Are there beings of higher, less dense dimensions on Mars?C:Yes.Q:Are they like extraterrestrial visitors, in other words, similar in appearance?C:No, they exist in a higher dimension and can briefly, as they choose, return to a more dense physical state. This is not common, we must say.Q:I have read they are concerned with human visits, exploration and effects.C:Yes, they have observed human damage and destruction. There is concern such behavior could be repeated. You do not have the technology to visit and exploit Mars but it is close. Economic challenges are seen by Martian beings to reduce the risk yet they are aware of its proximity.Q:What would be done by humans?C:You would soon discover massive stores of valuable material and attempt to mine it for return to Earth. The challenge is fall in value by abundance; we suggest the value of aluminum on Earth considered as rare and precious as gold not so long ago. The required effort and investment would cause value thus cost to plummet from perceived profitability and no more effort would be directed, at least to the material taken. Other materials would be. Understand the ability to traverse the distance is now dependent on gravity of the two planets; soon you would utilize small nuclear reactors and cross much faster. You would launch many component parts of a large bulk vessel into your orbit, assemble them and depart for Mars. Upon return the compartment parts would be separated and returned to Earth's surface.Q:What materials exist on Mars we would want?C:Molybdenum, copper, uranium and cobalt.Q:Precious metals such as platinum, gold and silver?C:Yes, these are present in smaller amounts yet sufficient to remove the view of scarcity and thus preciousness humans give them. The absence of water, seas and the heating and cooling cycle have cause many to become concentrated, their locations indicated by the vast frozen water and carbon dioxide of the subsurface. These would be identified quickly and damage you might incur for extraction.Q:Like strip mining?C:We suggest the effort is too high; you would employ explosives. Gravity would cause detonated material to fall to the surface immediately for quick identification and processing. There would be discovered compounds and alloys unknown on Earth and these would also be sought. The surface scars would remain. Your open pit mines are an example yet neat and clean by comparison to Mars mining methods humans might employ.Q:Is this ever going to happen?C:No, it is not likely. Its possibility, however remote, nevertheless concerns the beings of Mars. They do not want or need a disturbance to the planet.Q:Do the large volcanoes and magma deposits contain many of these things?C:Yes and you would seek to alter the shapes of these features in search of minerals.Q:Is this one reason extraterrestrial visitors hold technology back from humans?C:Yes, just one reason of lesser consideration.Q:Esteemed Committee, thank you.C:A pleasure to visit, do come back and be well mentsM&M 05/08/2013 3:23pmLove this information. Hopefully we can learn more about "the bigger picture" and what the Universe around us truly is about.MoFoKai 05/08/2013 9:39pmIntriguing article. Could we ask the committee on certain questions regarding what shape or form did these civilization took hold when Mars was a lively sustainable planet? Was it a civilization depicted in the 2012 movie, '' John Carter '' ? A humanoid civilization?Robert 06/08/2013 5:32pmHi Patrick,Jesus and Saul on keep saying that humanitywill soon awaken and that we will be shocked and delighted when theIllusion disintegrates and we see the true nature of Reality.I was just wondering if The Committee knows if this has happenedyet with any human now living on earth and when in earth timethis expected to happen with Joe Average beyond "Soon". Thanks, Robert. :DPatrick 06/08/2013 8:44pmIt's happened to me so it has to have happened to many others, and The Committee says yes, that's very true.They say no average Jane or Joe exists, although it is easy to see this on Earth.It is happening now, they say, the shift proceeds as we read this. How much time for each "stage" depends HIGHLY on the individual and his / her perception.Mara 06/08/2013 8:44pmI am so moved by all of this information. It rings true for me in so many ways. Thank you for this.Sarah 07/08/2013 6:45amHello Patrick!Great information, thank you!Now, on different matter, which has intrigued me a lot.I just wanted to hear The Committes opinion on this phenomenon of Cattle Mutilations. Why do these animals end up the way they do?Drained of blood and missing organs that seem to be removed with surgical precision with the carcass often appearing to be cauterized?I also find it odd that all the events of this type that happen all over the globe have similar or replicate symptoms such as Carrion eaters such as vultures and hawks will not go near the carcass which is strange since vultures and hawks will eat almost anything dead ,especially a dead cow.And also why animals, or dogs react with huge fear/barking when they sence or detect extraterrestrial or aliens?Thanks for all you do!Patrick 07/08/2013 11:10amThe very precisely mutilated cattle are often extraterrestrial visits; examination of body tissue and fluids for effects of chemicals, heavier metals and food, especially genetically modified.Dogs especially, and animals in general, detect the energy field of approaching beings better than humans. They perceive seismic waves (earthquakes, approaching tsunamis, volcanic eruptions), storms and people. Approaching aggressive animals with ill intent are also quickly detected by the energy footprint and aura.Vultures are sensitive to the residual radioactive energy left behind by the instruments used, which are laser based; the electricity is generated with a small nuclear device, the heat from which creates sufficient steam pressure to compress our atmospheric air; the compressed air is released to turn a generator and make power for the laser. (This is an example of the technology extraterrestrials will not give us)The vultures detect radiation, which is not much more than generated when x-rays are taken. We humans know small, infrequent exposure isn't harmful but cumulative exposure is, so operators leave the room and we wear lead filled aprons to reduce exposure. The birds know this instinctively.Just as animals are inherently aware of atmospheric ionization (what leads to lightning) and take cover, they also detect the radioactive isotopes and keep away.Sarah 07/08/2013 1:15pmThank you. I am humbly honored you chose to respond.Spiritual Appearances11/08/2013A recent head on crash in Missouri has received attention for the unexplained appearance and disappearance of a priest at the scene. For the better part of an hour, rescuers were unable to cut open the seriously injured victim's twisted vehicle. A priest appeared and spoke to police, asking to pray with the victim who had just asked emergency personnel to do this with her as they worked. Initially hesitant because they feared the trapped yet conscious victim could think rescuers had begun to lose hope, they reluctantly agreed. The priest calmly approached the car, anointed the trapped and injured young woman driver, sprinkled holy water or oil on her and all rescue workers and prayed with everyone there, informing them that rescue equipment would now be able to cut open the mangled car. Many there recall a strong, comforting sense of calm as the priest prayed. Once the victim was out of the vehicle, police and rescuers looked around for the priest, who had vanished. Despite dozens and dozens of photographs taken, he appeared in not a one. Convinced he was a Catholic priest, the Diocese was contacted but no priest fitting the description is known to them and no priest is known to be anywhere in the area. The highway had been closed for several miles in both directions, no car would have been allowed past roadblocks.Immediately The Committee came to me as I read the news article, to tell me this was no priest, it was the young woman's Guardian Angel.This leads to today's scientific inquiry; what is the procedure and method by which a being of light appears on Earth physically.Q:I once read that Albert Einstein referred to solid matter on Earth as "frozen light". What does this mean, slower molecular movement like water vapor, liquid water and ice?C:The relationship is similar but there are differences. The molecule of two hydrogen and one oxygen atom always appears to you, within the vibrational range of your physical existence. The light your eyes detect and your skin will feel, with enough intensity, is electromagnetic energy in clusters. This energy comes from within atoms, they contain it.Q:How then will the "frozen light" become the atoms and molecules of matter?C:Matter is only a segment or spectrum of perception. In the way a spectrum of light frequencies are deemed "visible" so go the layerings of true energy that comprise the pieces of atoms.Q:The energy is made "solid" how?C:There is no such concept until a sub-segment is imposed upon energy; this is Earth existence. Density is relative mass within the spectrum of energy. Just as water is considered to be frozen to be solid, as would carbon dioxide also be, density of matter on Earth is the vibrational combinations of the components. This is measured in your mathematics; the properties and multiples of effect. Calculus.Q:So a light being we cannot see or perceive does what with its energy field to appear?C:It creates a simultaneous, slower version of itself. We suggest a television screen of your current technology, what would be a liquid crystal display of the highest resolution. Imagine the placement of a cathode ray tube adjacent, with technology of sixty Earth years ago. You would be able to observe both and if desired, the same transmission or program, the same image and audio could be displayed on either one. Introduce also an ability to see brightness of both, an ability humans do not have. This would be similar to the ability to see in relative darkness, possessed by many animals.Q:So we would have the ability to see both in different levels of light?C:Not only see, but project. Your priest appeared by means of simultaneous creation of image. As you could send a video image transmission to the old cathode ray tube of technology many decades old, you would as a light being, transmit a similar image of yourself into the environment where it can be seen. Into the vibrational range of humans and Earth, where energy becomes sound, light, gravity and density as you understand the limits of existence to be.Q:The priest that appeared was just an image created?C:Yes, nothing more and nothing less.Q:Was her car wreck foreseen in her life plan?C:Yes, however not to the extent of its difficulty. This was happenstance as much as plan. The drunk driver striking her was also part of this plan; to highlight danger and risk and to lift awareness.Q:How did the priest appear without being noticed and just arrive out of thin air?C:He waited until all eyes were turned away; he is able to increase his speed to make the movements of humans seem very slow; by his thoughts. This makes the appearance very easy and not seen.Q:How did he disappear?C:The same, in reverse.Q:How does he walk among humans and seem the same?C:He is the same; just as the images on the two screens are the same. Rather than one single older technology screen, consider a dozen, displaying different programs and sound. It is routine and straightforward to add another.Q:He made the tools arrive to open the car? Also increased the ability of the ones already on the scene?C:Yes.Q:The sense of calm?C:This came by way of collective effort of all Guides and Angels there; all of them assisted. Nearly all souls wrote this event into their life plans. It is part of the shift, the Ascension and the awakening. More events like this will happen, it is the change and rise in awareness.Q:Lots of people will dispute this and say it was a complete coincidence, and there is no explanation.C:Certainly, yet only a few need contemplate the possibilities. Then more will and soon, many more. This is the idea. Disagreement there will always be; interesting it makes all things, does it not?Q:Committee thank you for your explanation.C:You are welcome and readers of this, do question more if you would like. Gladly we will respond. Be well!CommentsSarah 11/08/2013 2:44amGlad you brought up this miracle and its explanation.Thank you Patrick and The Committee.Ahmed 11/08/2013 3:18amVery interesting, thank you."There is no such concept until a sub-segment is imposed upon energy; this is Earth existence."Could you elaborate more on this please? Are you saying that our consciousness in its vibration on the Earth existence is needed for the solid property to appear?Patrick 11/08/2013 10:25amLet's get The Committee to answer."Earth existence is perceived as you all know it to be. This perception is a limited portion, piece or component of the universe. The density of gases, liquids and solids are relative to each other yet we say, these properties themselves are a limitation. The dense solid matter of stone can be easily traversed by energy, your soul out of a body, as if the seemingly solid thing were just an appearance. This happens because above the vibrational level of Earth existence, the energy off all things can pass through one another. The way light will pass through glass is an example, electricity through metal or water, another. In the higher existence vibration, all things of Earth are dense like glass and all other things pass through as light is able to do. Thus for Earth, existence a sub-segment of energy interaction imposed and creates the environment. This is throughout the galaxy and universe."Ahmed 11/08/2013 7:40amAnother question that comes to mind is why spirits that can be seen by the eye don't show up on camera sometimes? Don't the human retina and the camera lens follow the same laws of physics?Conversely, spirits sometimes show up on film or in photos but aren't seen by anyone.Patrick 11/08/2013 10:29amIt is easy for a higher vibrational being to remove the image fromfilm or even easier to rearrange the computer file in the event of adigital photo. Just as removal can be done, insertion is likewisepossible.The laws of physics are not laws; they are parameters of the sub-set in which we exist.Ahmed 11/08/2013 12:14pmThanks for both answers.Lori 12/08/2013 4:15amSince more events like this will and do occur because of the shift why would the higher vibrational being choose to remove the image?Patrick 12/08/2013 8:36amSeveral reasons; the Guardian Angel is not a person and appearing in a photograph could then create the idea of less separation. We humans desperately want to draw everything into terms of understanding that fit human physical existence (not everybody but I'd say a majority) and that is a falsehood.Another reason is attention; quickly the event becomes the priest who disappeared, not the young woman driver saved. Attention is taken away from the goodwill and good work done by rescuers and the perils of drunk driving and becomes all about the vanishing priest.Thirdly, Guardian Angels and Guides do not want the attention.Fourthly, Pursuit of the priest - who has to exist, because he was in the photo, right? - sets untold people and resources in motion, on a quest to locate the mysterious, magical, miracle clergyman. TV docudramas, movies, rescue worker interviews and more all leap across the small screen. Because this priest is never found, the energy of attention is then placed on local parishes, the Diocese and even government agencies, none of which derive any benefit or gain from the effort.Chris 12/08/2013 6:47pm assume the church is trying to take credit for something they did not do.Patrick 13/08/2013 12:48amYes, and also dampen speculation and mystery. They are looking for good publicity. The police officer interviewed said the "priest" told them the equipment to open the car would now work. Until that point they had not been able to cut open the car, and suddenly more equipment arrived from Hannibal, Missouri. More than 80 photographs taken and the priest appears in none of them.Cassandra 13/08/2013 7:11pmHi Patrick, I've heard there is a difference in channeling and speaking to beings. For instance Jaime sees Erik as a different entity while channellers allow the beings to come into their body and speak or take control of their hands and do automatic writing. How do you interact with the committee and how do you know that it is the committee and not another being tricking you?Patrick 14/08/2013 11:36pmWell, "channeling" and "speaking to beings" are simply - emphasis on simple, as in simplistic - Earth terms of just one language to describe communication. How communication might be understood depends heavily on the automatic, assumed meanings given to these words.I understand channeling as human receipt of communication from beings that don't have physical bodies, not able to and not needing to speak and listen. Or read, either, for that matter.I have never felt control was taken of any physical part. My interaction with The Committee is twofold; onefold or fold #1 is personal, as they are my GAGs and when I ask them to be near (they always are) the sensation is immediate, heavy goose bumps throughout my body, it can be head to toe, midsection then up and down, of top to bottom. I think my questions to them and the answers come in a huge download dump, but I can understand it.The Holding Pen11/08/2013A reader asks probing questions about vibration, advancement and re-incarnation, summarized here.(References to Erik are the subject of another website with his name, )In Michael Newton's books on souls, through hypnosis versus channeling, subjects always say as souls advance to higher vibration, a need to re-incarnate ends. They leave this holding area where The Committee or Erik are, moving up and ascending to higher realms, closer to God.My questions are:Of what maturity or vibration level are the souls within The Committee? Are they close to these high vibration mature souls? Close to graduation from the realm they are in?Are they on a mission to help human kind and hence giving up their chance to ascend? Are they helping other races as well?To what levels of knowledge do The Committee souls have access? Are they allowed to communicate with souls of higher vibrations? Can they tell us what comes once done with earthly incarnation? What are The Committee's limits to information? Does The Committee have its own "Committee" helping them to ascend?Erik, if he decides not to re-incarnate, would that not leave his development/ascension incomplete? Is that a concern for him? I love what he does for us and our benefit, but are we holding him up?C:There is not a need to incarnate upon Earth; it is only an option, only one course among many. It is not a requirement; it is but an alternative, an option and a choice among a series of paths all of which radiate outward from you in all directions. You may go up or down, back or forward and the course chosen as "up" becomes the new level plane, and a new plain also, the previous flat, level and even course becomes now the lower or "down" by comparison. Thus each path of existence determines the direction of others related to it, as it is followed. The view can be reversed and seen as you would see a movie run backwards, because there is no time, no sequence unless you want this.There is not a "they" and this curious word of many human languages is born of the separation Earth existence creates, and also the separations within, so its use to reflect the human view of Earth as understood and even humorous for us! You are "they" and "they" are you, all of you. You are not separate. The distant man in the foreign country with the strange clothes, unusual customs and obtuse language is as much part of you as are your toe and finger nails, your body and bones, your mind and soul.We now turn to the questions numbered;1)Maturity is likewise the view of Earth and exists as compared to infancy and behavior deemed silly, risky and unrefined. This is true taken against the whole yet these behaviors, by comparison to older humans who have lost them, are seen as adorable and entertaining in many cases. Maturity of a soul is best described in your English as understanding of the whole; which you feel when you reach it. As anything is understood to the satisfaction of the person, it needs no explanation or description. You all know this sensation and have felt it many a time in your life. This is remembrance of what you know already, who you really are.2)Yes, we who your scribe has named "The Committee" are committed, to use as you call a pun, to assisting you. We enjoy this, for through this communication we grow and expand, and offer to you all great thanks and appreciation; our gratitude to you is not seen but long from now by Earth timelines, all of you shall return home and will then see what we say here now and today. We are not focused on other races elsewhere in the galaxy, not for this exercise and your astounding development and current journey of change.3)There are neither limits to our information nor to yours. Temporary limits you have erected around the temporary view your soul has assumed in this life yet even thus, there are no limits. There are considerations for your acts and ideas with this information, and you all know this. You designed the capsule you now occupy; you may know anything of which you are aware, within the constraints you designed for yourself, already, by sole choice and decision. These constraints of your creation are what seem to be a limit of information yet lifting of these constraints will show to you all one again, there are no limits. All that you might know, you can know and already do, as you will remember it.Once you decide that incarnation upon Earth no longer is of benefit, there remain unlimited choices and courses to take. The view of Earth existence as linear creates the notion of flow and events in series; the completion of a step leading to the next step, yes? Consider your human interactions; of a romantic interest, children, parents, friends, study, work, hobbies and other activities. These all come and go, rise and fall, ebb and flow without coordination of the one to the other or to the many; a change to one or several can have effects on others, yet all these activities of life blossom, fade or change in phases and manifestations of the one to the many without linear connections. You shall again see what is all existence once a dense body for you, is no longer.No, we have no similar Committee so focused for us, yet we do have this function, this assistance and it is our source and center of all understanding and comprehension, what you have called God. It is this also for us, what we are to your temporary Earth view of God. This source is yours also, it is as easily available to you as to us. We cite the proliferation of temples and houses of worship by all names as evidence; the mosques, churches, chapels, temples, synagogues are everywhere on Earth, as symbols of your understanding of access to your home, your beloved souls and friends and all the love offered that you likewise return.4)No, incarnation is not required for completeness and re-incarnation is not a required for a sequence of tasks, experiences, courses, paths and trials which shall culminate in graduation, completion or arrival. Erik is not concerned for lack of development by not incarnating; his choice to do so is optional and always beneficial, the choice to not do it, is only for preference to develop in other ways. There is no hold-up for him as there is no time, schedule or limit to a series of tasks. His development can proceed marvelously in the many ways he or you and all of you can choose.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~We wish to say, your development is expansion. Each experience or phase of life is an ever widening circle, ellipse and sphere. Imagine a small circle growing larger into the shape of an ellipse, then expanding up and down also, growing from flat to one with height, width and depth and many smooth and also not symmetrically smooth edges. This expanding shape can be any color or combination, seen as spots, stripes, bands or large splotches. It grows and overlaps many other spheres of your existence yet each of these can be seen in isolation of also the common areas, the overlaps where the space of the one crosses into and through another. Your life on Earth and your presence expand enormously the many of these spheres of your soul and create a large number of new ones. They expand outward from you in all directions; there is no up or down to orientation or ability to see into and through any one. Your life on Earth and your existence without, all create these as you desire to expand understanding, comprehension and love for all fellow beings and theirs for you in return.Erik:Everybody now see why sex is so good? Interconnections, baby!C:We finish comments now and wish you all well, as always!CommentsJake 11/08/2013 6:12pmPatrick & the Committee - thank you for your enlightening comments and your energy and effort to increase our awareness.Mike 12/08/2013 8:32amI was sat on the John this morning and whilst waiting for the drop my mind wandered as it often does to ponder this fleshy life we live (I find it's the best time for concentration and quiet reflection).Anyway I was wondering once your life contract is written and you incarnate down to earth whether at any point of you living your life. Does your soul based on what it's receiving in it's experience ever have a change of mind and want to prolong or shorten or divert it's incarnation experience? So basically amending the contract you wrote up on the fly.Patrick 12/08/2013 8:47amThe life plan isn't written on the fly, it’s done carefully and with great care and detail. Your soul and you are one and the same and nearly every night you return home and consider all that has happened in the last awake cycle and throughout life.Neurologists have documented the REM or rapid eye movement segment of sleep, identifying cycles of brainwave activity when asleep. The dreams we sometimes remember happen during REM sleep but it’s a small portion of sleep; 6, 7 or 8 hours asleep are not loaded with dreams and events in them. Does this mean our minds go blank and cease functioning for 80 or 90% of the time we’re not awake?This is the time we depart the body; the events, collaborations and review that happen are filed away, the file drawer closed tight and put away so it will not be either seen or remembered until we return again the following or a few nights later to re-open and review it.Battery Charge13/08/2013A reader asks about levels of energy.Q:Doing some online reading and some channelers say that we are coming to the end of a slow, awkward phase so to speak. Where we are now as far as the "ascension" is going, where enlightenment is overall, and what you may "get" with regard to the current and upcoming energies.C:It can be said always that humanity approaches the end of a slow, awkward phase. To create this view of events only requires focus upon a segment or portion of events. True it is humanity does this now, in a greater way, one which shall affect the majority of you however, it is your view of a group in which you have chosen to place yourself that can create this view.Ascension is not a process that happens to you, separate from your will, desire and capability. It requires your acceptance and agreement. Physical events you do not control individually and acceptance of them is not optional, they will occur as you prefer or otherwise. Do you reject the effect upon you and your surroundings? The effects will arrive yet your choice to see them one way or the other remains with you always.Enlightenment is also as much your individual approach as it is an effect upon you; all of the time taken to look upon and walk through the grounds and halls of a university shall not an education provide. Likewise enlightenment comes as it is chosen, examined and embraced. Self questioning is a vital, essential component in the process.The change in energies throughout the galaxy does have effect upon you, for these are assured. Awareness, knowledge and understanding are equally required to reach the places you might wish to mentsMike 13/08/2013 5:54amAre there any signs, symptoms or indicators we can look out for to know whether we are going through or have received any changes in energies? Both in ourselves and friends and family around us.My own 2 cents is it's just more new age mumbo jumbo for someone to sell more books or courses on invisible, non measurable (by our current technology) socio-psychological events.Patrick 14/08/2013 11:55pmYes, changing awareness and insight.Do we feel more or less interested in things of the past that once or have until now interested us a great deal but no longer do? Or still do, but we feel the end draws closer?One popular view is effects and uplifting and enlightenment all come to those who accept and embrace it. Yes, to a degree if we choose to recognize such things can occur but this is not new; it has always been possible by individual choice. What many large religions might refer to as "being saved".I'd say signs change is upon you are where a person looks back with greater knowledge and understanding and feels no longer pain, regret, joy, excitement or thrills at something that previously produced these emotions.The expectation that sudden great health, deep insight into physical things never seen before, extraterrestrials landing and interacting and sudden knowledge and revelation about scandals and schemes kept hidden until now, these fall more I into the new age mumbo-jumbo category.Mike 15/08/2013 9:07amPatrickAre these changes in thought patterns not more conducive to us all in general getting older anyway and developing a more mature attitude to the things that would once hurt us or hinder us. Probably more succinct changes having been also brought about by this current economic crisis. All man made or self influenced and no indicators to outside influence or control.What makes things other than the above different now? What's changed this time round that we can clearly see has changed, beyond our own control.Sarah 13/08/2013 2:12pmPatrick,Here's a quick tip list of a few people which can be interviewed, that is, whenever/if you feel like it, big thank you!-James Vincent Forrestal, (during Trumans presidency)-Marie Curie-Grigori Yefimovich RasputinPatrick 14/08/2013 11:45pmGood suggestions, I'll put 'em on the list.Predictions20/08/2013The Committee is asked set out upcoming events of which we need to be aware.Q:Esteemed Committee, I understand the need for vague timing, even though precision of date is possible. I also understand reaction is collective but very individual; what the cumulative response would be, need not be any one person's reaction. Having said that...C:Yes, and not a certainty.Q:Excusez-moi?C:Not a certainty is the cumulative a sum total of the individual reactions, unconnected yet added. You are considering habit of human view, as if looking at a photograph's pixels, the dots creating the image. Close views provide the spots and dots and from a larger distance, the image emerges. This is not what happens with human behavior; your thought energy is shared with all others, and distance is not a hindrance. So we do say, when a significant event has happened, taken its place, each individual reaction will remain individual; under your control.Q:Sort of like the British posters from World War II, Keep Calm and Carry On?C:And in those was had from afar and above, we can say.Q:GAGs came up with that?C:Strongly suggested it, we shall say.Q:OK, back to the events; the timing needs to be vague but nevertheless, what can we know for our benefit? I understand anticipation will cause many people to act on this, disrupting other important things, and this is crucial. They must not deviate course and miss what has been planned. Nevertheless…C:Understood is your question and we will say, there will be events beyond human control, events entirely inside it and the majority of what occurs across society by at least knowledge of it, events that combine both human decision in its moment and pre-destiny, to use some of your "bad" grammar.Q:You all understand our language frailties?C:And advantages, the nuances of richness aberrations can supply. The poetry we have so often given you.Q:That's right, the poems I haven't written in some time, the great rhymes you have given me many times!C:There once was scribe on line, whose writings did cross every line. The musings were new, ideas more than few, the reaction a sweet glass of wine.Q:Very good!C:Thank you. (The three of them smile and bow)Q:OK, may we have an event?C:Development we shall say; your country of Egypt throbs and suffers as this is written. In the USA much talk revolves on the USA's role in these events. There is not; the American President is neither cause nor solution. He is not to be criticized for contribution to the development of recent events. He likewise should not be expected to offer solutions; this is not to say this person could not have some positive influence and we suggest there could be. This man will not exert this influence and in this, a great personal lesson is offered for him. Focus he places elsewhere.This series of events and shifts in leadership mixed with violence are both things suggested just a few lines previously; a planned event mixed with human choice. The choices are clear as they have been made; look before you.Q:What will the outcome be?C:The choice is Egyptian; a significant disaster looms for this region, close to this nation. A physical event of nature. It will have large effects, the duration the choice of the participants. This will distract and refocus the region's population. The clashes between supporters and detractors of opposing leadership will see the relative futility of this disagreement. One view eschews tolerance to prefer a more rigid imposition of its code; another rejects this as an alternative repetition of the older, longer reigning regime. Consideration of the individual price each person might pay to secure tranquility will be discarded when damage, chaos and mayhem of the natural disaster occur.Q:What will the disaster be?C:The ground will shake, violently.Q:Is the recent volcanic eruption in Japan a part of current events related to the shift?C:Yes.Q:OK, what other upcoming events should be known?C:There awaits more economic turmoil, not less, for the more industrialized regions of the world. There will not be improvement as compared to current circumstances. There will be small upticks in areas, the news of which is seized upon by politicians eager to take credit, as is obvious. These pronouncements are a side show and can be ignored. We suggest it.Q:So, we ignore political hot air, but what do we do about the turmoil?C:Accept it.Q:Just like that; come screw me, Mr. that it?C:No, not at all. We suggest imagination of all money disappearing in one instant, all cash and coins vanish along with all bank account balances, all of which become zero in the same instant. All other investments, which have value for the ability to become liquid or "cash" in a certain moment, also lose value for their destination likewise vanishes. How will central banks, the printers of currency, react? This is not known as this event will not happen and has not happened before. We do say, there would be no shortage of unhappy and upset former holders of currency yet relief from obligations to pay currency would be plentiful also. How would wealth and commerce now be seen?In this example, do you all see potential effects of economic distortion, after examining the extreme example we offer?The continued economic turmoil which now occurs, especially in the industrialized nations, follows this path along a less simple route. The quantities of units of currency climb higher by the day, to levels unknown in current human history, yet scarcity remains a challenge. This is no spiritual intervention, it is a human convention, one we observe with keen interest, amazement and concern also, in some cases.The fallen belief in one another is the cause, and this cause is humanity's choice. Turmoil will continue and soon, the folly of money leading to well being will be forced aside and you will all be given the opportunity to restore faith in one another. We predict a great many of you will do just this, in a way and fashion that will radiate our pride throughout the galaxy. Some human observers will choose a critical, condemning view of blame, as is their stock-in-trade of habit. They will learn the greatest lesson.Q:OK, so when does the turmoil reach a critical juncture?C:There is none, as you understand a turning point, tipping point or key moment. The process is ongoing, such as might be a diet or exercise regimen. We suggest in all things financial, you examine the people and the purpose of the activity for which money changes hands and look to that positive thing in the transaction. Look to the goodwill you supply and expect, in any simple or large thing you do. In this you shall prosper of soul and benefit of mind.Q:Thank you, our Esteemed Committee. Please give us another upcoming event and knowledge to help us through it.C:We have spoken a little of political turmoil and violence and also economic pressure, which interrelate well. Also a natural event. We shall suggest now your extraterrestrial cousins.Q:The recent news about the "Area 51" in Nevada, USA?C:Yes, this is a small sample. This place's existence was mentioned through strong suggestion by your good cousins, the Pleidians, to officials of government in a position to make a statement. The revelation of its existence was done for fear such information would soon be given to humanity in general by extraterrestrials, directly by their appearance.Q:When was this going to happen?C:Shortly after a new US President.Q:That's more than 3 years away...C:Where time exists, yes. The moment was certain by that date, possibly earlier. Concern was revelation shortly before USA national elections. Political considerations are slowest to accept inability to control messaging to constituents; by extraterrestrial views, politicians of many nations on Earth have come to understand they have no effect on visitors. Concern there is for all institutions of Earth and respect for all that humans have created is universal among visitors, however human views of these contacts assume compromise and negotiation. This is the human way; there is no need for negotiation or to achieve compromise with visitors, there is no threat. The political leaders view inability to control their own sphere as a threat worse than war, and thus default to habit. They have understood the detrimental effect appearance of extraterrestrial visitors will create for many constituents, who view capability in this area and now that visitors offer to reveal generally what has been known previously by leadership.Q:I didn't read much detail in the recent news stories, not that much detail was given, but what was offered said it was a sensitive aircraft test site. The experimental and prototypical designs tested there required it be hidden.C:Yes, for a short time, until used for other purposes not revealed even now.Q:Will the use of this secure area ever be detailed?C:Yes, if you wish, by the visitors' friends. In "time."Q:What revelations of extraterrestrials will there be?C:A continued rise in signs on Earth, sightings of craft in the sky and eventually, face-to-face contacts not caused to be forgotten.Q:I imagine most people would break out in gunfire if encountering an alien; let’s be real. As we might say in Texas, there ain't a whole lotta love for that!C:Extraterrestrials choosing to do so will carry out contacts carefully and prudently, for their benefit and safety and yours by association. Consider the number of aircraft flown around the world on any day, tracked carefully by radar. The instances of unidentified objects is scant. The technological ability to hide from radio wave reflection and view is a small part of the technology and ability to know telepathically what implements and emotions a person possesses; a human armed and fearful can be avoided and rendered ineffective.Q:Like bullets made to bounce off chests?C:We say what humans now abbreviate, LOL, to your question. Yes, all force can be neutralized, and anticipated.Q:Too easily we humans see what goes on here, on Earth, as barbaric and destructive.C:Yes.Q:We can easily see ourselves as crude, undeveloped and not as good or worthy of...what? The level of development other civilizations achieve?C:The subset of existence you all choose does seem this way, by choice and intent. You are not undeveloped, any of you. To the contrary, we see higher and even highest development in the many souls of Earth, more than ourselves. This wholeness of your being awaits your return, each time you sleep and each time you return.Fret not at all at the negatives others choose; lead by example above all. Not with criticism. This is not a suggestion of silence; opinion is valuable when it wraps good examples.Q:Esteemed Committee, may we return to this line of Q&A later?C:Our pleasure; be mentsSarah 20/08/2013 2:10pmExcellent post as always, thank you so much for all the good work you put into, hope you can get back to this topic with more questions...Patrick 20/08/2013 4:07pmLater today or ma?ana...Kees 20/08/2013 2:26pmGreat post Patrick and Committee! Please tell our space friends they are more than welcome and can show up anytime at my doorstep if the want ;)Patrick 20/08/2013 4:06pmYou just told them!Dr L 20/08/2013 8:41pmThanks for the great information! With respect to the monetary system collapse, can you give us a general idea if it will be in the near future (1-2 yrs) or farther out (10?) in linear time? Will the "shift" assist this so it is a relatively peaceful transition, or will there be wars and bloodshed? It's funny how you call the cause a "fallen belief in one another," as if printing worthless money was only a "crisis of faith!"Patrick 21/08/2013 9:46amThe collapse is happening now; it's on-going. The idea a large, one-off event will cause catastrophe in the way a bridge structure fails or a sinkhole opens up is not what economic change will involve, although there will be moments of angst. Stock index implosions, sudden spikes in key commodity prices such as petroleum and debt crises similar to Cyprus are all likely. The effects will be felt as conditions deteriorate and will be essentially permanent; global trade will drop off to a fraction of current levels. Peacefulness is entirely our choice; this is NOT in the cards. We absolutely have a collective - beginning with each individual - ability to remain calmer versus agitated, as each effect exerts influence and pressure.Money is entirely faith; it has no value beyond the belief we give it. It is nothing more than a value voucher; received for goods & services and is in turn offered (and hopefully received) to acquire same.Money won't be printed when deemed worthless; the rampant printing will bring about worthlessness, which occurs now.Dr L 21/08/2013 4:00pm"Peacefulness is entirely our choice; this is not in the cards" - do you mean that this transition will NOT be peaceful? Some channels are saying that the Collective has spoken, and because enough souls have chosen the path of higher vibration, that we will have a relatively peaceful (although uncomfortable) transition. Others say it will be a time of bloodshed and duress. I would like to believe that those of us who chose to come to Earth at this time CAN make a difference, and will make it a "good" change. Can you clarify your comment please?P.S. All your info about ET's is Way Cool! Loving it!Patrick 21/08/2013 4:49pmWhat I mean is, it is not yet decided.Relatively peaceful or uncomfortable are widely defined; for some peaceful means no kids running on their lawn. For others it could be machine gun fire only heard.The majority of humans are not consciously aware of, much less choosing a path through transition. We will create a mix, that's a certainty. How much of each ingredient we can yet control.I believe awareness is the best way, since we're all going. This will, above all other things, create a productive and low fear course.Ahmed 21/08/2013 3:21amQ:What will the disaster be?C:The ground will shake, violently."Interesting and worrying, time shall tell I guess. My, slightly cynical view, is that each side will say that the earthquake is the "wrath of God", angered by what the other side is doing.Patrick 21/08/2013 9:53amBoy oh boy, Ahmed, you've touched my one raw nerve; if I could change one thing about religious ideas, it's that "wrath of God" shit.Especially when the Protestbrews blame the Buddslims or the Cathmons blame the Presbangelicals over the other's sins.Kees 21/08/2013 5:22pmYou're beginning to talk just like Erik. I can tell that you spent some time with him lately. ;)Mike 21/08/2013 6:31amThis would make for a great monthly feature of the site Patrick.When I read the line about the coming earthquake to Egypt my first reaction was to try and tell people or warn someone. Now apart from the fact nobody would probably believe me, I find myself silent on the matter. Looking at the greater picture how many of those Egyptians have it in there life contracts to die as a result of an earthquake? And who am I to interfere with that. Yes it's very sad and lord knows I would like to know in advance of this impending natural disaster if it were me. But life contracts must come first.And yes I would love to meet these extraterrestrial visitors or at least clearly witness one of there craft. But alas I fear it will always allude me. I feel out of all the predictions for human bonding, after a time of mass disruption nothing would bring us closer together than 'Global first Contact'.Patrick 21/08/2013 10:19amAbout 1980 or so I remember riding home with my mother and her uncle from the funeral of her other uncle/his younger brother (who I fondly remember from my youth). My grand uncle declares he wished he knew where he'd die and never go there.So how many participants in a great natural event would materially disturb a life's plan by avoiding it? Given such knowledge, we'd all avoid it. Nevertheless, there are always people involved, the injured and deceased always deemed arbitrary mon Arabic expressions such as "In'sha Allah" (God's Will) hint at what might really be going on, but it is human choice before birth that often operates to place us at the point of stress. This is too difficult to imagine for most of us (myself included) and soothing to believe it has been placed before us by a higher force we can't control. A "test" of "faith" as Catholics are wont to say.So the earthquake mentioned, when? This we will not be told, for the exact reasons you mention; disbelief, avoidance, disapproval & condemnation for suggesting it.I struggle with this last one often.L.A.George 21/08/2013 12:01pmThis web posting just gets better and better Patrick! It's has become the first thing I look at when I get up.Patrick 21/08/2013 12:40pmYou're doomed.?Resistance is futile.Cheryl 22/08/2013 9:23amThank you Patrick and the Committee for a great post! I enjoy your website very much!If I may, I have a question for the Committee...what is going to happen with the nuclear plant in Japan? Is there going to be something or someone to come forward and help this from becoming a worse catastrophe than it already is?Thank you.Patrick 22/08/2013 11:30amThis good question begs its own Q&A about nuclear energy with The Committee. Stand by, y'all.Garrett 22/08/2013 4:45pmgreat job, Patrick. I hope that no people are not pushed into going without food, shelter, and health care when the changes go down.ReplyNuclear Energy23/08/2013Q: The tsunami that struck Japan in 2011 and left the Fukushima nuclear power plant permanently disabled; what is going to happen to it?C: We shall speak to this place and nuclear energy overall. This power plant will remain as it is now found until a method of extinguishing the remaining reaction is provided. This will come from visitors to Earth.Q: Before you go on, how will the reaction be stopped? How will the escape of radioactive particles be prevented?C: A clue is provided in the heavy metals discovered to block both damaging radiation and magnetism. As is well understood, iron will block by diversion the effects of a magnetic field just as iron and other elements of easy electrical conductivity, such as copper, are used to produce electricity. Heavy metals such as lead, for its abundance and low cost, absorb radioactivity. The fullness of the atoms and molecules provide a bed or backstop for the radiation, delaying the isotopes until they decay. All of this is known well on Earth.The stoppage of the both the reaction and protection from radioactive escape will be done electromagnetically at the subatomic level; this technology is not known and would be misunderstood by humans otherwise knowledgeable in your state of nuclear physical properties and behavior. A demonstration would convince many a doubter, this will be an enjoyable moment for them and observer alike, as this shall be filmed, video recorded as is common to say, and shown widely.The nuclear reaction will be slowed by arrest of proton, neutron and electron activity within the atoms of uranium; "cooling" is the Earth term for this. Cooling is achieved generally until now, by convection, the placement of a lower temperature material close to one of higher temperature, ideally the one touching the other, no gaseous material in between. The ability to cool water through rapid motion is a basic example of the effect we describe; a container of water spun at the end of a line attached to a pole or stick will also be cooled through motion. The centrifugal force is the creation of a temporary gravity pull in the direction of motion; the motion of your Earth through space, the rotation of Earth creates the gravity on the surface. Gravity and magnetism are essentially the same force, as we have said here previously some of you might remember, and as you know well, magnetism in motion is the generator of electricity.The nuclear reaction will be slowed and stopped by application of a reverse force to the direction of oscillation within the protons and neutrons of the atoms' nucleus. The direction of rotation of the three dimensional, four cornered triangles that create neutrons and protons is what creates polarity, of positive and negative and this flow of force. This is the movement of electricity, the force moving as polarities alternate. As similar polarities repel, as all of you learned with simple magnets, so shall the application of a like direction cause the inner triangle that is the proton or neutron to slow and stop.The next question, we anticipate, is how shall this be done?In this way we enter the concept of a parallel universe, but for the radioactive nuclear material, a complete universe is not required; simple an atomic map of the substance. A graph of all the molecules and atoms that comprise them. The uranium is solid and the molecules remain in place, the numbers of them and the relative minuscule size make management of such size data field difficult for human technology. You shall see this computing capability demonstrated.Once a map of the material is prepared, it becomes a simple matter to create a reversed facsimile of it; simple sufficient static voltage achieves this. We suggest your lightning, not able to be created yet in your technology.The ability to create an equivalent, or even more forceful spark, can be achieved through more compact and denser substances; the volume of moving water vapor necessary for ionization to the degree it produces a lighting bolt can be done with denser liquid materials, what you call oils in Earth English.This spark is discharged through the reversed map of the atomic structure of the radioactive material to be stopped. It need not be precise; only a minority portion of the material need be reached to cause it to reach near absolute zero of your understanding of temperature. As this occurs; which is nearly instantly by Earth perception, then simple convection will cause the stopped, zero degree molecules to draw and absorb the "heat" of movement energy of the unaffected portions of the material.Q: What then if the reaction is only cooled enough to slow it, but not stop it?C: It will be a simple matter to apply another shock.Q: So how long will this process take?C: To drill through the protective cap will require several seconds of your time; this will done with a light photon laser. Into this opening, covered by a thick lead tube, through which the laser is operated, will be inserted a silicon conductor; then the spark allowed to flow. From initial physical contact to complete cessation of nuclear activity of the material will consume approximately 5 seconds of your time, possibly less.Q: Then the entire plant can be removed?C: Yes if you wish, however it will collapse in place. The reduction of temperature as you understand it, of heavier elements, has not been done on Earth and when done in a rapid manner this way, the material will implode to a fraction of its former volume, relative to your dimensional densities.Q: What will be the volume reduction?C: We estimate more than 90% thus likely a decision will be made by your Japanese friends to leave the material in place as a memorial.Q: Will there remain any danger?C: No; the remaining material will be inert and have new properties unlike any element or substance known on Earth now. We emphasize, it will be inert and have no effect.Q: Has the use of nuclear energy been good or negative for Earth?C: Both; as weapons we need not say and use has been halted. It was hoped the effects of their first use would create the understanding why they should not be used, however these very effects serve as a great deterrent, thus nuclear weapons became a powerful political tool. Generation of electricity and propulsion have been benevolent however human knowledge of physical properties of this breaking of atoms is superficial; the effects are far greater than humans know. The good news is use of nuclear power has already begun a reduction on Earth. There will be no more news plants constructed, the existing will be phased out and retired with the help of your good friends and visitors. Other sources of electricity are without side effect and risk, and will be plentiful. You work on this now, and we anticipate the disbelief when your method is shown. This entertaining moment will show to you in this life you lessons of discouragement and criticism; detractors and critics will be frustrated upon encountering a target unresponsive to their initiatives. The vicious swordsman is always perplexed when the blade passes through stone like air.Q: What will happen to nuclear weapons?C: You will dismantle them, happily. It will become plainly obvious they will not be allowed to function. We cite the swordsman example again; how long would this role be continued if every angry draw from its sheath caused the blade to detach from the handle and float harmlessly by this would-be warrior?Q: What do we not understand about nuclear energy that we should?C: We hesitate to affirm this question as regards what humanity should know; current understanding of particles released by nuclear fission and fusion is below what once passed as alchemy before development of chemical engineering as now studied and taught. The understanding of atom breakage is not necessary however interesting it is to study; all potential effects derived from the process can be achieved other ways, just heating a structure can be done though burning, sunlight and other methods. The effect desired and the method can be separated, as will be done.The breaking of atoms causes the components to scatter, as you know them, yet it also causes the pieces of the components to scatter, this called radiation. There are other effects from the rupture of the neutrons and protons and these do not always rearrange themselves along similar patterns and lines of atomic structure as humanity understands it now.Once this is understood and demonstrated, the breaking of atoms will be understood as dangerous to the scale now performed.Q: You have mentioned before we shall learn to separate and rupture just a few molecules in vacuum.C: Yes, this device is technology your cousins will demonstrate gladly. The small, isolated break of atoms can be done without ill effects, no risk to well being will be present from it.Q: Committee, thank you!C: Our mentsAhmed 24/08/2013 9:48amWow, that is very technical information. I also noticed from your e-mail that you are a Rutgers alumni, may I ask what you studied there?Patrick 24/08/2013 10:06amBusiness and Literature! (Double Major)Ahmed 24/08/2013 11:53amOh, thanks for answering.Soul Contracts & Forecasts23/08/2013A good reader question propels me to ask The Committee what I'd usually avoid; reviewing, fact checking and truth metering the offerings of others. Since I have not read what the question refers to, The Committee's replies inform me equally.RQ = Reader QuestionC = The CommitteeYHCh = Your Humble ChannelRQ: Frequently website offerings lately say energy is getting weird but will clear up soon, ready for another transition. These channelings sound so convenient; when things don't happen as stated, now angels etc. are "fine tuning the universe" or slowing down energy because it would be "too intense." How convenient is this or what?How can anyone hang on and eagerly believe all of the rationale? Last fall (spring in the Southern hemisphere) some said people were going to leave the planet; this put many in precarious financial bind. They believed and thought money would no longer be.Even with spiritual experiences, now it's enough of these channelings that justify any & everything. Although website owners didn't leave readers high & dry and did give money to get by, what's really going on, if anything?What about "soul contracts", are they rare or common? It can seem promoters of the idea are very poorly led or misinformed. Soul contracts have been used to explain and justify horrible events; could buying into this be a way to mislead people into lower beliefs and thoughts?C: We shall respond, in the reverse and speak about the soul contracts, if that is all right.Soul contracts are universal; all of you have made them. There is no exception and there are no templates. Each of you draws a blueprint from scratch, without basis in general plans. It is put together independently, of your experiences, personality and desires, not an unrelated drawing not of you. You each concoct a recipe of your own preference and it can be detailed, loose, haphazard or as precise as it needs to reach the target you draw.Once complete this blueprint, the great adventure of building the thing it sets out across its many pages awaits; the joy, glee and excited anticipation of beginning is what eases the stress of birth.There are any and many variations to life plans, soul contracts and agreements and we do say, these are entirely voluntary; there are no penalty clauses, downfalls, pitfalls or perils to change, variation or modification. The agreement is with yourself; you set out each thing you choose to experience as you want, and agree with yourself to do them; your guides volunteer with honor to help you, for assistance to any one of you as you traverse the road course you drew, is the greatest of rewards and honors the universe can bestow. The up moments and downfalls of life, as you see and feel them, are your desire and your frustrations and heartfelt wish to undo, reverse and erase what you did not and do not like, these are just what you scheduled to feel. To erase the bad, unpleasant and horrible thing which came to pass is worse than cutting out your own heart as you live on Earth, for this pain is what supplies opportunity to learn. You all do it so well, and so efficiently and with such great enrichment that we have no words to create the sensation of joy and admiration all The Heavens feel as you achieve your hopes.There no misleading from a soul contract and we say, there is not a buying into the notion. You offer nothing as implies a purchase, for your life is you and you already have it, completely. That a human could mislead you with this notion is possible but always, where you might have doubt, listen to your doubt closely. Imagine your confusion as would be a huge stuffed toy with the parts of many an animal that could not exist in reality. A tiger’s head on the body of a bear with the back legs of a dog and the front legs and chest of a horse. Strange this thing looks, yes? Embrace and squeeze this stuffed doubt and the truth which surrounds you shall be felt, then you shall know. This all will seem to operate in your mind as mere "thought" but the perils of intentionally misleading, are these also no more than thought? So beat thought with thought and the truth you shall all see.As we turn to the truth seen in changelings, we must say, recognize always the goodwill from where these messages begin. Just as a dog will know to growl towards the sinister, innocent appearance of an ill intended person, so shall you know if the things suggested to you in writing and speaking begin with goodwill and desire.Accuracy is a different thing and both easy and difficult it becomes to insert into human ideas. Accurate for an arrow shot from a bow is not the accuracy of a building collapsed, although both can reach and damage a small spot.The shift in energies are real and true yet will have many an effect on you, this matters to whom you are and what you believe in your life. The beliefs are part of your life plan, but always able to be reinterpreted. You may read a book in reverse if you choose, last page to first, one by one, or in order inside each chapter, themselves reversed. Tedious and difficult to understand the book it shall become if done this way, yet it remains possible. In this way, you may also decide how to view, interpret and understand what has and does happen to you now. Which way is best for you? You may and shall decide!The effect and response have meaning together; the suggestion offered by others that this thing will create that thing, that ascension will remove money and bodies from the surface of the Earth, these are examinations of new chemicals only from the view of the ingredients. The mixture becomes a new substance not the one ingredient or the other.You did not travel to Earth to abandon the dimensionality of its existence, now yours completely as you live upon it, based upon arbitrary events. The responsibility of your departure is with you and you have chosen it; the departed rarely re-appear to re-enact life as it flowed before leaving things behind. Many people did depart Earth last December, how do you know if they are no longer present to tell you?The response will be that large disappearances did not occur; well, we say, not that you might have known about!Ascension and a rise in awareness and consciousness of the new energy is entirely a choice, never compelled and voluntary at every step. You can go, remain or go in steps and these take their place in your mind. Your physical body need not change venue; you leave your body with nearly every episode of sleep and always have, since your birth into it. Departure need not be done to rise in consciousness; life inside the physical limits of your body, real, true and certain are not absolute; they seem this way by design, collective and individual.Frustration with money, pollution, crime, corruption, war, death, destruction, oppression are terribly felt and we suggest never that these things are not large and depressing to the many of you. Bear always in mind, these are created by humans for humans and of humans and the shift will occur as humans choose.The energy of the universe will supply great motivation to shift but power, choice and control within the parameters you have collectively and individually set, remain always. The shift from the oppression you abhor will be seen as oppression by today's oppressors, as stridently and vigorously as do you who feel or observe oppression now. This we assure you.Seek not escape, nirvana, utopia or refuge. It exists within and before you as you choose to create it. The shifting energies of Earth and the galaxy of your existence supply great material for the benefit of humanity. See and feel this and you shall be rewarded with joy and blessings; worry not for the mundane that distresses you to be removed, taken or struck from your path. Make and clear your own path and invite others to join.Be well!YHCh: (I have already foreseen the questions that will be posed in my direction sometime in the not distant future, such as "You claim that..." and will say here what will be said in the moments those questions are posed before sometimes large audiences.I don't claim anything the way a party to a British lawsuit, the "claimant" ["plaintiff" in American legalese] might assert or an insurance policyholder claims for covered damage, a customer claims for defect or repair under warranty nor do I lay claim to land, title or truth. I offer information given to me. It is entirely and completely a receiver's decision to claim, observe or reject. To suggest from my offering point that anything is claimed – or should be – is a condescending arrogance likely indicative of doubt.Think and feel for yourself what rings false or otherwise; your inner compass is sharp and accurate, if sometimes faint against the background noise of life. )CommentsSarah 23/08/2013 5:14pmGreat post, thank you!Patrick, I was wondering if you could ask The Commitee about this;"A mysterious sea creature featuring what appear to be horns on its head was discovered in the advanced stages of decomposition along the shoreline of Luis Siret Beach in Villaricos, Spain, on Thursday. A woman first discovered the head and then found the body farther down the beach, according to . The entire carcass with the head stretched 13 feet."Could this be a new species that we have not known about before or else....Patrick 23/08/2013 7:41pmSarah: I'm drawing a blank on this but I did see a news item in the USA where several knowledgeable people looked at the photos; one said this looks like the remains of a shark, mostly its skeleton. If that's true, it might have decomposed or otherwise lost a good deal of body tissue before washing ashore.Still, I'm not getting anything specific.Sarah 24/08/2013 1:06pmThanks for trying, I think the creature looks very strange with all the long horns on the head only.Alien Earth Defence24/08/2013RQ = Reader QuestionC = The CommitteeRQ: When are the aliens going to make first contact with the human earthlings? 'We, the human race, are suffering badly especially our younger generation. The use of sarin in the Syrian war is gut wrenching and saddening. Humanity needs help from the outside world :(C: We must clarify the words, as others have said on and to your Earth; alien is foreign to you and many of Earth's inhabitants are alien to you, the animals. Extraterrestrials are visitors from other planets and systems and they are simply off the Earth, not alien to your structure and existence. The similarities will surprise you.Different body chemistry and appearance is what shall be encountered, the differences lesser by much than encountered bewteen animals of Earth and you, the humans.Extraterrestrials have been making contact for millions of your Earth years and do it now. We suggest you wish appearance and interaction that shall be similar to the encounter and meeting between all humans.This will commence in a larger way during the next several years of Earth time; these encounters have already happened and many in your governments have been through the experience of such encounters.We suggest the most rapid way to increase our presence is to stop caring; give it little importance. It is the focus placed upon this revelation that holds it back, for your fixation will derail your courses and history, materially and detrimentally.We understand the reaction to our suggestion humans should care little. Yet in your thoughts, you know this to be true; imagine a national election among several tens of millions where only a handful of votes are cast, the constituents on strike, as you would say. No candidate could assume power within a system without votes, the outcome illegitimate.In this way, providing little attention will bring visits to the peak in short order. We know this is very unlikely; and from great fascination to fear will be expressed.You suggest the use of gas to kill in the Syrian conflict will be solved by extraterrestrials; does the desire to kill fade with removal of the tool of execution? If extraterrestrials solve this example of genocide, what will resolve the next? Are humans incapable in this way? To suggest abolition of weaponry without explanation to successful defensive users is to say the saved must be sacrificed to please the weaker? You are far stronger than you know.As the ability to act this way is of Earth, so is it the ability to act another way not also of the Earth? This conflict will resolve when victims choose it. Look to your hearts, not the Heavens for the escape. It shall emerge and surround you, as you mentsCristina 24/08/2013 7:15pm"We suggest the most rapid way to increase our presence is to stop caring" - I actually asked Elisa once if the committee are extraterrestrials beings :)))))))))))))))))))))))And, funnier, I like them sooo much, more than i like humans :PBoy oh boy ! Their answers resonates 100% with my heart :PPatrick 24/08/2013 10:12pmThe Committee are most certainly not extraterrestrials, they are my GAGs.Cristina 25/08/2013 6:52amOh, can you explain more? Who are they? How they look like?How did you get in touch with them? - this process I pretty much know it, only wondering if it was some special event?you can email me the answers if you don't want them public, I'm just trying to figure out some details for myself eg why I like them so much :PPatrick 25/08/2013 10:19amGAG means Guardian Angel Guide. They have always been around me, just as GAGs are around everybody, always. There is no getting in contact, only recognition of presence.Cristina 25/08/2013 3:30pmfor some reason I can't reply near your last comment - software bug? :)About GAGs, I kind of know how it works but i realized some people channel actual extraterrestrials and THOSE are their guides :P BECAUSE they are souls who used to incarnate many times on certain planets, guides will be from those planets :)So I was wondering about Committee... Also... I read there are soul groups, committees taking care of many soul groups... From there is the name you gave them? :P?I needed to understand why they resonate so much with my own :)I'm reading channelings from many people, but CE and Committee are the closest to my thoughts...garrett 24/08/2013 7:33pmi'm Glad :)MoFoKai 25/08/2013 7:37amOh boy.. so we’ll have to look to ourselves to resolve Earthly conflicts within the confines of earth's freewill in the hands of human earthlings. That is morbid and depressing considering how ego driven humans are when we place ourselves out for a returned favour. Too much money and power corrupts the mind. A fine example would be Bo Xilai, a Chinese politician, a disgraced communist party boss stripped of all power for corruption and the alleged murder of British Citizen, Neil Haywood. I am sorry but I'm kind of a pessimistic guy. I am a glass half empty person. The world is going down the toilet.This just in, Saturday, 24 August 2013 08:03CIA commandos, US special forces entered Syria: Report by David Icke,Patrick 25/08/2013 10:45amPessimism is OK but don't lose faith; Syria exists for observers because electronic media are bringing the news. Before it was possible to see news the same morning, if not live feeds of an immediate aftermath, how did most of humanity ever know?There was a recent high profile case in Florida, USA that had everyone from the wo/man on the street to national elected officials forming first opinions. When it went to court, the outcome was the polar opposite of what initial narratives strongly suggested. There was intense media coverage throughout, yet many conclusions were far off base once facts were presented.For humanity, could this be happening with Syria? Are things better, worse or simply far different offered in the press?Humanity will solve its own problems, just as it creates them. This operates at all levels, from one person and families to entire continents and regions.Power and wealth CAN corrupt but does that mean those things are inherently bad or just misused in a few high profile cases? Every sane person knows violence is bad but knives don't stab by themselves just as guns don't load, aim and pull their own triggers. Can we extrapolate to everyone because of a few?What rings true for me is what The Committee said about solving a genocide; who solves the next if this one is solved for us? Why are leaders prepared to execute hundreds or even thousands of citizens, intimidating the entire populace, to hold power? Until the criminal is examined and understood, taking away the tool will not solve what motivates the act. Extraterrestrials are not going to stop Syrian actions, this is our created situation, we have the ability to resolve and avoid.MoFoKai 25/08/2013 2:48pmA while back ago I read an entry post regarding the committee's view on the frictional Prime directive issued order in the Star Trek universe, quote'' In the universe of Star Trek, the Prime Directive, Starfleet's General Order number 1, is the most prominent guiding principle of the United Federation of Planets. The Prime Directive dictates that there can be no interference with the internal development of alien civilizations. At its core was the philosophical concept that covered personnel should refrain from interfering in the natural, unassisted, development of societies, even if such interference was well-intentioned. It has special implications, however, for civilizations that have not yet developed the technology for interstellar spaceflight ("pre-warp"), since no primitive culture can be given or exposed to any information regarding advanced technology or the existence of extra planetary civilizations, lest this exposure alter the natural development of the civilization. '' - WikipediaReply: Paraphrasing a sentence from this article.''If extraterrestrials solve this example of genocide, what will resolve the next?Are humans incapable in this way? ''Now this evokes part of the prime directive order quote. Maybe it's true the universal law of non - inference does apply in this part of our milky way galaxy for a purpose? Hmm..Next question..Paraphrasing another sentence from this articleExtraterrestrials are visitors from other planets and systems and they are simply off the Earth, not alien to your structure and existence. The similarities will surprise you. ''Reply: Sounds like we have an advance copy of an Earth-liked civilization that has a humanoid looking extraterrestrial that does not thrive on $ as a way of life on their planetary star system. Do they have their own version of '' Internet '' like we do here on Earth? Do they have computers, smartphones, computer games, movies etc; as a form of entertainment on their planet? Hmm.. makes you wonder..- MoVisitor Medicine26/08/2013RQ = Reader QuestionC = The CommitteeRQ: Will our cousins' arrival bring a sea change to the treatment of autoimmune diseases in the next 7 years?For example, where an ileostomy (intestinal by-pass) would improve short term health but still not cure bowel-related inflammatory diseases, could there come better treatments or cures for Crohn's or ulcerative colitis that affect large intestines? Something that could also eliminate related arthritis, cardiology, chronic pneumonia and pneumomitis conditions?Is it worthwhile dealing with the pain to not undergo an ileostomy until our cousins demonstrate medical technology and our understanding increases?C: This question about medical treatment and technology we address generally then specifically.The arrival of new technology for medical care is not different than any new thing visitors might offer to Earth yet we say, they shall not, for the most part. We do not suggest nothing; there will be offerings but limited. A small number would use what has become available for principally own purposes to the detriment or downfall of others. The challenge of Earth existence is limitation; resources, supplies and materials are deemed finite and required to be taken from others and elsewhere. Your emotion of envy plays a part in this.Technologies yet unknown on Earth would quickly be seized by the some to their betterment, as they see it. Others would put what they believe a selfish interest aside and employ the technology for what they see as the greater good, without asking that greater part if this good is truly wanted. Many foods and drinks without nutrition are consumed to the detriment of those who ingest regular and larger amounts. Who should control your consumption but you?Introduction of technology happens as life courses will not be deviated beyond plan for too many of you; the concept of interference is both positive and otherwise. There will always be approval and rejection of the interference, together. Technology will be developed and applied by you humans; extraterrestrial involvement in use there will not be. Many more should be helped than harmed and appreciation for life will create this in newer ways.We suggest all illness and disease as eradicated instantly; consider such unlikely development on Earth. What would happen to the livelihoods of doctors, nurses and all related medical personnel? To all others involved in the administration of medical treatment and facilities, and whom supply and maintain these places? What will occur to industry of pharmaceuticals? What shall happen to design and supply of medical equipment? Has the research and development of ever better medical technology occurred by pure desire alone without investment or expectation of profit for investor risk decisions? Shall the study of medicine be altruistic in all ways, its application free? If so, are the best doctors and nurses, and the finest schools that teach them, all the lowest or zero cost ones? If not, then who shall pay and how much?Introduction of a new technology will cause a ripple through this system, not all effects pleasant to everyone, at all steps.What makes the one affliction more deserving to be treated than the other? What reason for a technology might lift cardiology above psychiatry, assist orthopedics but not oncologists? Who shall decide this?This asks a larger question of interference with humanity and intrusion into what is deemed good. What freedoms should encounter which restrictions? What system will be enacted to curtail increases in restrictions becoming oppressive? Who shall decide when oppression commences?We strongly suggest a patient follow treatment and advice provided by doctors and not wait for extraterrestrial solutions. There are several considerations; life plans are sacred and some include the ailments from which relief is sought. The lesson and understanding provided by inability to obtain relief can be a part of a life lesson; an extraterrestrial possessing a body and feelings much like your own, although very different in structure and function, appreciates this and is reluctant to interfere.Introduction of technologies are a Guardian Angel function, not of an extraterrestrial, all of whom have Guardians also, as do humans.Advanced as it will appear when shown, extraterrestrial technology is not comprehensive and often inapplicable as it might involve human bodily chemistry and function.Each of you recognizes disturbance when encountered, if not when the cause is first observed. Often what becomes bothersome began with anticipation of pleasantry, did it not? Did not a good understanding and learning occur as an experience evolved? Each interpretation of disturbing must consider experiences and views that form a person; for without inclusion of experience you would not humans be. Uniqueness of your and life experience on Earth, by extension, create reactions which surface automatically. Who shall interfere in these but you, willingly?The introduction of heretofore unknown technology and method will create intrusion, beneficial or otherwise. We understand human arguments that elimination of disease can only be seen as good and benevolent; we suggest there is more to see in some cases. To choose which cases are deservedly beneficial and which not, is a judgment and classification extraterrestrials shall not mentsMarina 26/08/2013 2:48pmwhy do so many sources say otherwise? why give false hope?Patrick 26/08/2013 4:37pmI am a reluctant "truth meter" for offerings elsewhere. I haven't read or considered other suggestions on this subject.Sarah 26/08/2013 3:14pmGreat post, by the way Patrick, could you ask Committee if this video is legit or fake: Patrick,keep it up. you are greatPatrick 26/08/2013 4:56pmI am getting that some of this footage is bona fide but the comments about agreements regarding filming and photography are not; visitors to Earth can detect and prevent it and have. The footage seen here was allowed and even encouraged, for the most part.David 26/08/2013 4:04pmI don't know what to believe anymore. I appreciate your posts, but they sometimes are in conflict withwhat I have read elsewhere, including a website that is in a way tied to this one. I'll just sit back and notworry about it I guess...Patrick 26/08/2013 4:47pmIt seems there is great hope for medical (and all sorts of) solutions for Earth problems to come from extraterrestrials.Little will be shown; using what's demonstrated will apply as we choose.Dr Laurie 27/08/2013 11:49amDavid, I don't think this necessarily contradicts the info given on the "related" blog. If I may share some impressions given by my guides and others... Patrick, please let the committee comment if I am off-track.Earth is a very dense place - the most dense world, according to Delores Cannon. Every experience in our life here involves this physicality. Discipline regarding our bodies allows us to become closer to Source, so this is an incentive to treat our bodies well. Without that relationship, say if we eat crap, get sick, and were able to go get a magic pill to restore us to health, where would the lesson be? Likewise, illness provides many lessons, and for many here, an illness or injury is a purposeful part of their life plan. To take away that opportunity would deprive us of those lessons.That being said, new technologies and knowledge, especially regarding energetic medicine and emotional healing, will eventually become the major part of medicine in the future. This was also revealed to us in the blog, amongst other sources. Perhaps these visitors, as well as knowledge channeled through healers on Earth, will assist us in advancing these new ways of medicine. And what a great gift!Illness and pain, for the most part, are a result of emotional issues (from this life, and other lives some say). One of the greatest reasons beings incarnate to Earth is to gain emotional experience. If we are experiencing illness and pain, we can gain some measure of healing, possibly a "miracle cure," from addressing these issues. These new technologies and techniques will make this approach much more successful and give us greater accountability and control of our individual health! I would venture to say that this opportunity for growth, for this reason, will not be taken away by "magical" alien technology rendering illness obsolete. I expect that these experiences will remain a part of our human existence, although transformed into a different process.For what it's worth, I thought I would share, as I believe I was sent to help in this transformation of healing. I have had dramatic personal experience in the power of energetic and emotional healing, and am changing my practice from a standard medical method to a practice which incorporates this.Patrick 27/08/2013 12:31pmNot at all, Doctor, the locomotive is right on the rails.Mo 26/08/2013 4:50pmAnother Great Post by Patrick,My conclusion from this post in a few sentences:We (Extra-terrestrials ) cannot intervene externally in the flesh BUT we can intervene internally on a soul level via telepathic communication or we can asked our own extra-terrestrial spices to voluntarily incarnate into a human body onto Planet Earth to help the human earthlings. This alleged idea is depicted in Dolores cannon book, '' The Three Wave Of Volunteers. '' We have to abide the universal law of non - inference until a civilization of a particular star system has matched up to the levels of other extra-terrestrial civilization.Hmm..MoPatrick 27/08/2013 12:36pmGood, succinct summary, however visitors COULD interfere physically, highly, highly unlikely that is.Spirits & Aliens29/08/2013The always fascinating subject, but not so much to me.(My reasons TOO boring, I won't bloviate)What are aliens, extraterrestrials and what are spirits? What are the similarities, differences and how does all of it relate to humanity on Earth, if any? We turn to The Committee….Q:Extraterrestrials have physical bodies like us, right?C:Similar in structure and composition, yes. How much they are like you, in your way of understanding similarity, you would decide. We say yes, you might say otherwise.Q:What differences are there?C:They are what your biology calls bipeds, with two legs for movement and also two limbs for all other uses, beyond location and movement. The sizes of eye organs and the placement are larger; the quantities of light from stars allows this and encourages it. The cerebral organs and skulls are also often larger than yours and you shall find larger and smaller sized bodies. Coloring is different; the presence of copper and silicone, where iron and carbon are found on Earth bodies, creates a difference in hue. There is much less body hair, often very little.Q:Are these differences mostly environmental?C:The environment and conditions are a factor however development of society is also a large reason for the differences. Physical work humans have traditionally done is unique.Q:Many stories and fables about centaurs, mermaids and other mythical creatures suggest strange biological combinations that would be created by whom?C:These combinations existed on Earth, created through ability to manipulate your DNA codes. As Atlantis was destroyed, so was the technology and soon desire and ability to create the torso of a human on the body of a horse.Q:Are our computer codes part of this?C:They are a basic facsimile of the process, yes.Q:I suspect our computer animations and programs mimic what is "manifestation" or creation of physicality from thought; is this right?C:Yes.Q:So extraterrestrial visitors to Earth travel in ships or vessels across great distances, enter Earth's atmosphere and observe. Do they use protective suits or other gear?C:Yes, this is done and beyond clothing or other suits or outerwear, generally not.Q:Do all extraterrestrials have the ability to breathe our atmosphere?C:No, however visitors that venture onto the surface, yes.Q:What are the thinking differences?C:Spoken communication is rare, however vocal chords for it are sometimes, if rarely used. Ears and sound detection are common, just as sounds have great meaning to you and all animals on Earth, so do your visitor cousins derive great benefit from detection of sound.Q:From how far away can the unspoken communication take place?C:It is very close when young, in what you call infancy and the toddler stages of life and expands until the equivalent of puberty or adolescence is reached. Then the ability extends throughout the population on the one or any respective planet.Q:Extraterrestrials read our thoughts?C:Of course, and you can read theirs if you wish. Just as you can learn another language of your Earth, the effort and inputs are similar.Q:When encountering extraterrestrials, we are not able to collaborate secretly?C:No.Q:OK, then what's a spirit?C:No physical body as you and your visitor cousins have.Q:Do extraterrestrials also die and go to "Heaven"?C:Many of you have lived as these "extraterrestrials" and yes, just as you do.Q:Is there the same isolation and wall of separation for aliens as humans?C:Yes, with more doorways, windows and hatches.Q:Can extraterrestrials more easily communicate with their Guardian Angels and Guides? Do they all have them?C:Yes and yes, although often a lesser number at any one moment. The efficiency of communication requires less assistance in most circumstances and situations.Q:How does a human know the difference?C:Your own spirits and guides and Angels will communicate with you as you ask and also as they believe good for you; extraterrestrials will not until you ask and request and then only with your permission, through your guides. So if you wish to receive thought communications from extraterrestrials, you would ask. If one or several are available and willing, they shall answer you. This is rare as the proportion of humans to visitors does not favor it; the extraterrestrials already know which humans are more open to receive and converse. We say, you have attracted a crowd in this moment, very aware the subject is being discussed.Q:Are extraterrestrials just as fascinated with the idea of their own guides and Angels?C:Yes.Q:What is the lifespan of the typical extraterrestrial?C:This typical applies not; there are many variations. By the equivalence of your Earth years and time, several hundred however time moves not the same for all physical beings of the universe. These concepts mesh not well from the views of the one or the other. The independent observer appreciates the dichotomies of this "time" concept as applicable in the many interpretations.Q:Why are human only now going to see visitor presence? What changed?C:Evolution on Earth and energies in the universe.Q:Have we evolved well?C:You have been placed in the center of a great wilderness with all features of Earth as you know them; forests, valleys, mountains, rivers, plains and otherwise. You travel outward and eventually reach the edge of the wilderness, which is finite. Which path shall have been taken? Yes, the walk through the valley would be far easier than climbing the mountains and certainly much less interesting. All routes provide great benefit and growth; decisions made along the way and the consequences all provide an interesting experience. The opportunity to return and try again in completely different circumstances allows a rebuilding and upbuilding only possible upon the experience already achieved. Against this each of you shall decide upon a deathbed, a life review and a life planned what "well evolved" shall mean for each of you, alone.Q:Spirits have no physical body?C:Not as you understand it, no. The sensations created by the limits of physicality, also no.Q:Do aliens benefit from the physical existence as do humans?C:At least as much, if not even more. As you all shall, as evolution of physical bodies proceeds on Earth.Q:Committee, we thank you.C:Welcome always you mentsSarah 29/08/2013 1:56pmVery interesting and exciting questions, wonderful read.As always very appreciative, thank you Patrick!Dr Laurie 29/08/2013 3:06pmI'm asking! I'm asking! I want to talk to ET's! I'm gonna ask my guides to introduce me tonight! I want to learn about energy medicine superpowers!Patrick 29/08/2013 3:23pmWith >7 billion people on Earth, getting attention will be effective with more than thought.Look up at the star lighted sky; choose one you like, especially if it "blinks" or shimmers. Maybe it's a star or maybe otherwise; send your thoughts its way.Cristina 29/08/2013 5:17pmI just love the subject :PAnd I love this bit "We say, you have attracted a crowd in this moment, very aware the subject is being discussed." :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))lorilink 29/08/2013 7:58pmIf we are descendants of an extraterrestrial group or groups do they still resemble us or has evolution, ours and theirs, washed away most of our similarities?Patrick 29/08/2013 11:43pmI would not think we're descendants; humans have DNA inserted by the ETs but our physical structure and appearance have not evolved much.No, differences are not an evolutionary effect by any good measure, humans have not existed nearly long enough on Earth to evolve in a significant way. We're designed for Earth, ETs evolved for the places they consider home.Lorilink 29/08/2013 8:00pmOh and thank you all gentle ones.Syria30/08/2013A reader asks.Q:Has chemical warfare happened and by whom in Syria?C:Yes; the embattled leadership.Q:Will the US and UK go to war in that region?C:The meaning or interpretation of war will color this view; armed conflict will continue. There will not be introduction of military troops from other sovereign nations; there is the intent to use military force in a brief, intense way. The decision is not final, use of force remains possible.Q:As Russia and China will defend Syria, is this the start of WW3?C:They do not seek defense of Syria; they seek to oppose the United States and the United Kingdom. Providing material and moral support to Syria achieves this end.Q:What will be the outcome of any conflict, if any?C:Proposed force involves three methods in this moment; bombing by aircraft, sabotage & covert attacks against forces of the Syrian leadership under opposition siege and lastly support given to the opposition, the rebels as this is called.Reluctance arises from political cost and benefit; nations possessing of ability to act now feel internal pressure, of both support and opposition. In the USA, an attack one year ago in the nation of Libya caused loss of material given to opposition forces, falling under control of elements hostile to the USA and interests. Revelations of detail hold much political energy, risk and danger. Concern there is for political damage where such assistance might likewise backfire, if provided in Syria.At this time, the political opposition in the USA outweighs the desire to act.Q:Will anything happen to stop the Syrian conflict if not by outside intervention?C:The use of this chemical weapon has done much to ease the conflict; opposition forces see suicide in continued armed opposition. The use of the weapons achieved the obvious purpose, intimidation of rebels.Q:Will a brief yet intense reprisal improve anything?C:No; the Assad regime calculated the cost of a retaliatory strike into its decision and believes even if such action comes, damage it inflicts will be a cost worth perpetuation of power and control.Q:What should have been done to avoid this?C:Make the embattled regime fear consequences in advance; the time for this has passed.Q:To murder many tens or hundreds of people to maintain power seems so…..unbelievable.C:To the holder of power, it is seen as survival; many times have we said Earth is tough assignment, as you are given to say. This event is an example.Q:When will genocidal tendencies of such leaders disappear from Earth?C:As a combination of elements reach confluence; ability to resist and understanding are essential and desire to place general benefit above personal gain is preferred. It is fashionable for humanity to believe disarmament addresses threats of violence. This view considers neither cause nor purpose defense were believed necessary. Offensive use of a defensive tool is not the inanimate object; humanity looks not closely enough at its motivations, in some cases.Q:So, to summarize, we can expect dissenting and rebellious elements in Syria to continue a struggle against established control yet there won’t be outside intervention by other sovereign nations?C:This is the probable course yet there remains motivation and desire to strike; the decision is not final. We suggest all who read these words to send thoughts of good desire to the people of Syria and world leaders. The purpose of use has been achieved inside Syria; conflict from without will improve little within.Q:Committee, we thank you.C:No thanks we desire, send this energy to those at risk; be mentsSarah 30/08/2013 3:59amI don’t think Assad is an idiot — I don’t think he would do this on purpose in order for the whole world to come down on them.My personal opinion is that this might be false flag....Anyhow, thank you Patrick, very interesting read from the Committees view on this difficult issue.Patrick 30/08/2013 10:18amWhen you say "false flag" that means it did not happen, but is being reported that way?Curious 30/08/2013 9:45amDear patrick. It could be intersting to know how hafez el assad, the father of syria's president feels about the current situation. Hafez killed approx 30000 of his own people in Hama in 1982...the world did not reactPatrick 30/08/2013 10:20amNo doubt the maintenance of power by the father is remembered by the son as effective.MoFoKai 30/08/2013 1:55pmDear Patrick, you should do an afterlife interview with Hafez al-Assad, Bashar Al Assad's father urgently through your GAGS.. and see if there is any message his father would like to convey to his son from the 'Afterlife' via Facebook maybe? I don't know if that is interfering with Bashar Al Assad's soul contract? Did Bashar Al Assad sign up to play the villain as part of his Soul Contract on Planet Earth before he incarnated in the 20th century, in the linear timeframe of 11 September 1965 to teach the collective human consciousness a life lesson or was his undoing the result of freewill? Is the soul residing in Bashar al-Assad's human body lost total control of it?Patrick 30/08/2013 2:40pmIf it were possible 1) to receive such message and 2) send it, I am certain it would be discarded as trash before ever reaching its intended recipient.Nevertheless, it seems worth a toss, let me get out my hula hoop.Earth Contracts31/08/2013RQ = Reader Question and C = The CommitteeRQ:Does the human race as a whole collective have a contract and GAG's? Or is it just down to individual soul elements?How is the human race's evolvement tracked and managed? Again is it collectively or individually?C:Yes and not "or" we say, as there are both. These are not exclusive the one or the other. We shall expand, if you do not mind. [Of course not! The reason it's asked...] It is accurate to say, the existence of Earth is contractual; existence of its physical state is not arbitrary. Earth was created to have certain, intended properties and qualities just as would a bridge or house. The vehicles passing over a span and the lives inside the home are choices to the individuals that foresee a moment or many in a life that could involve the bridges and houses; thus it can be chosen; to be occupied, built or traversed. The many courses of the many lives that cross these things will determine the path; in this way humans and animals and all the things of the Earth also determine its course, and that of many who choose it.The individual souls each consider the greater course along with their own and the interactions with people whose paths they shall cross; the collective effect is also seen. It can be altered and once upon the Earth in a body, these things are all forgotten. The excitement of anticipation begins![I think this is first time The Committee has ever used an exclamation point...]There is an organization of all souls, guides, angels and guardians of all types and purpose and if depicted on paper, it would be a triangle with the souls of Earth atop all others; all who live on Earth are in charge, have authority and control and have set forth precisely what power a guide, a master, an arch or other guide will have to collect and corral the forces to achieve a purpose and plan. Each of you delegates the power within the organization.The pyramid with a chief executive on top is backwards but for your Earth view and creation; in your soul contract level, you have given power, as you have and always held it, to the guides and guards who volunteer for you, who support you.In true physical arrangement, the reversed triangle, one point down and a flat edge horizontal above it, is spherical and all the elements we describe are around you; there is no up or down. All serve and ob, to emphasize this word your of English "ob-serve" as it originated from this very process of your guides. The orb that serves you is always, as you have chosen to have it help.The creation of a contract for humanity has many clauses, changes and elements in flux as its basic purpose is maintained. This arrangement is for all civilization of all physical beings of the galaxy and universe.Remember always, there is no time and its illusion provides the sequence and series of events reality away from Earth does not; the great advantage is the planet's ability to modify agreements for things without disturbance to the time sequence you all travel to Earth to have.The contract of Earth is the course of your history and never will we set out the details for the individuals as we have suggested shall be the course for Earth; your actions around the beliefs of these moments would shake every soul's agreement as an earthquake would shake a city and its every structure.Evolution of Earth is not tracked as you understand this word, and to use a computer term of recent coinage, managed "real time" it is; all individual actions as these might create or modify a collective effect are seen prior and post the event, along a facsimile of the Earth sequence illusion. Where actions come too close to unplanned and negative effect – always where individual choices stray far from individual life plans – changes are made. We cite nuclear proliferation and threatened use as an example. Rare indeed is intervention yet ready is the hierarchy of Earth to do so; destruction of the planet shall not be.Your intense dreams of people and events you know and others you do not? Often these are reality in parallel times running concurrently; the realness you remember as they occur, yet the distance you feel once awake, is the return of your contractual plan, as you chose mentsSarah 03/09/2013 9:10amPatrick, could you please do a post about The Annunaki, who are they and were those the first arriving on Earth and planted human life etc..Would be interesting to know from the Committee..With much thanksPatrick 03/09/2013 10:34amThe Annunaki as in the Sumerian, Mesopotamian deities?(Apologies if the question seems too simple, I don't know a thing about them. The name reminds me of some characters in a Star Wars movie.)The initial feedback The Committee is giving me is extraterrestrial visitors around the time just after Atlantis was destroyed; the visits were made to assist and observe recovery and resettlement efforts by refugees who escaped Atlantis' implosion.The name was given through the Atlantean language of that era, to identify the visitors from the sky.Sarah 03/09/2013 12:10pmYes, that's them. Thanks for a short and clear answer. So in other words, Annunakis has existed in our human history.Were they involved and established (ing) Adam and Eve, and I guess this was also after Atlantis!?Patrick 03/09/2013 1:54pmYes & yes.Hafez al-Assad31/08/2013Hafez al-Assad (1930-2000) was Prime Minister of Syria from 1970-71 then President until his death in 2000. His son Bashar Hafez al-Assad, an outspoken critic of the USA, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Israel succeeded him as President until today.Q:Mr. Assad, I appreciate your willingness to meet us and tell about things from your point-of view now. I realize you are not Hafez al-Assad anymore.HA:No, I am not. Nobody is as we remember who we really are.Q:Your country of presidency is on top of world news right now.HA:Yes.Q:What do you believe your son Bashar shall do?HA:He will continue his plan and to act in a pattern similar to now. There shall not be great change.Q:Do suppliers of weapons see ongoing profit by continued conflict in Syria?HA:Yes, certainly. Is this not the case with all countries and manufacturing of weapons?Q:Why do some nations appear to oppose reprisals or sanctions?HA:This justifies more armament, logically. The smaller nation not a producer sees even greater need when the larger nations are opposed, and the preferred supplier benefits from this friction. It achieves several things, most principally spreading the fixed costs among more units than it would otherwise need, lowering prices for itself and enhancing the viability of the weapons producers to conduct more research and development.Q:Will there be anything other than friction between the larger, observer nations?HA:No.Q:Why did you use force in the way you did?HA:I knew from Iran the USA was reluctant to act, also as the situation in Lebanon demonstrated, the ongoing difficulty of military action to reduce or prevent. I also knew it was the best way to crush the opposition. In many human sovereign nations, a totalitarian attitude rises; there are many examples in Asia, Europe, Africa and Latin America. These movements are dangerously absolutist, often willing to sacrifice to achieve power by overthrow. They must be crushed in the way they would crush the established power.Q:There is no option otherwise?HA:You enlighten the purposes of life on Earth, and the role I played in mine, with this question.Q:There is no option, otherwise?HA:Yes, as the masses will choose. You see, there is the appearance of tyranny, dictatorship or control by force by the participants who also may flee. The option is absolutist and will not take place beyond mass suicide, yet it is possible. Above this extremely unlikely possibility, there is acceptance, collective unwillingness to oppose, the flip-side of acceptance.Q:What about nations that vote in and vote out leadership?HA:Another choice.Q:Isn't this better?HA:Better if preferred; humanity prefers what it has, the reason it is had.Q:So the idea the citizens of a sovereign nation would not prefer to vote control and leadership holds water?HA:Yes, as responsibility accompanies the choices sometimes unpleasant. It is easy to complain of less while receiving it unearned.Q:The United Kingdom has voted to remain away from Syria. What about the USA?HA:The case will be made however it will likely be voted down also. The resistance is appearance of disagreement with the United Kingdom; the preservation of solidarity is deemed far more valuable to the USA's legislative body than either the President of the USA or Syria's citizens. This USA President leaves in three years; the rebel problem in Syria will ebb before then. Acting in a manner seen by the United Kingdom as war mongering will outlast both.Q:What will be the outcome of the debate?HA:The USA legislative body will vote sanctions; these will be symbolic with little practical effect. The use of weapons on rebel opposition has created the effect intended.Q:If you could counsel your son…HA:Former son. My soul is not his father; this concluded upon my return and my opinions now are not and would not be from father to his son.Q:How will this episode end for Syria?HA:I do not expect there to be an end as understood; there will always be opposition to authority there, for many reasons. The orthodox, absolutist religious ideas are most willing to use violence to seize the control necessary to impose will. This will not fade easily; the energies now uplifting Earth unfortunately cause this effect in some people and groups; dragging progress backwards provides great comfort to the memory somewhat ungiven of a future of unknowns.Q:How will things like Syria's tensions be permanently resolved?HA:Humanity has not yet confronted desire for sovereignty mixed with its violation; when absolute acceptance of this occurs, sovereignty will suddenly seem less valuable and lose emphasis.Q:Let's see if I understood that; Syria is allowed to conduct barbaric acts free of intervention.HA:Yes, you have understood that well.Q:That's nearly as barbaric as the act.HA:Then you dislike your sovereignty enough to violate others.Q:But killing thousands of your own people?HA:That is a separate issue and makes my point; then there are behaviors worthy of sovereign violations and others unworthy. If so, who shall decide in advance?Q:Did not Bashar al-Assad consider retaliation?HA:Of course, and he has calculated that cost into all decisions to oppose rebellion. He is willing to pay the price, which appears will be a quite low cost about now.Q:So if no real consequences are faced, why all the political noise from other nations?HA:This becomes more obvious by the minute, does it not?Q:Mr. Hafez al-Assad, thank you for your time.HA:It was an unexpected experience, thank you mentsLori 08/31/2013 5:14pmWell, I've read this over and over and over, and I just feel sick to my stomach. I know true enlightenment means having no opinion good/bad either way, I guess I still have a ways to go...Thank you honored onesMo 08/31/2013 6:28pm"He will continue his plan"Sounds like the higher self of Bashar al -assad signed up to play the role of a villian prior to his birth as part of his spiritual contract to teach a human life lesson for the collective human consciousness? If the life lessons involves taking innocent lives, I'm having a hardtime digesting it.Mo 08/31/2013 6:42pmTo follow up on my previous comment, I would like to say thank you to your couriers, the guardian angels, the committe and everything you've done to convey this phenomenon message. Thank you wise ones!Thankful 08/31/2013 10:19pmThank you Patrick. Apart from the issue of Syria, this was another reminder to the fact that we are roll players on this side of the veil and true character and family ties are questionable definitionsSarah 09/02/2013 12:55amInteresting input, thank you Patrick!Light Near Death31/08/2013RQ = Reader QuestionC = The CommitteeRQ:I hear multiple stories of people having near death experiences that see and hear a white loving light that for some people, gives them the option to cross over and stay in the light and for others, when the person begs not to go back to earth and evens demands to stay in the light, the light says that they can't stay and must return back...even against the will of that person. If we have free will, why is it that some people are forced back into their bodies against their will and cannot stay in the light even if they want to stay with all their might?C:You are not forced back; this happens never. Only designed to seem that way, it is.This case is where death and encounter with this stage or phase of event have been designed all and one, planned to be this way, together. Part of plan is erase a conscious, Earth memory after again being in your bodies.This series of events, all together and experienced as a whole, are a choice by your free, uncaptured will. Your independence and decision to incarnate are always voluntary, never forced.The veil you have chosen to step behind on Earth a solid, thick and seemingly impenetrable one it appears. The decision to live behind such barrier voluntary it always is; value and purpose otherwise lost would they be.Thick glass seems heavy, dense and very difficult to penetrate yet light permeates relatively easily. This is a common Earth example of energies and substances lighter and possessing of different qualities than others; could you assume there are no other energies possible to permeate the barriers you see so solidly? If electricity travels wires invisibly to leave them unaffected, are there no other energies as this in the universe?We say yes, there are and within them you can choose to erase the memory of your true home and decision to come live where you now are, and make it seem otherwise. The fear and repulsion of force offer great understanding, a great appreciation of freedom.Karol Józef Wojty?a01/09/2013Pope John Paul II (1920-2005) was leader of the Catholic Church from 1978 until death in 2005. He was the second longest serving pope in the two millennia?history of Catholicism and the first non-Italian since 1523.John Paul II was considered among the most influential leaders of the 20th century, credited with helping end Communist rule in his native Poland, eventually all of Europe and significant improvements in relations with Judaism, Islam, the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Anglican Communion. He was both criticized and acclaimed for upholding teachings about artificial contraception, female priests and firm, orthodox Catholic positions. He is also renowned for implementation of several papal documents on the modern world role of the Church.Q:How do you view the path of the Catholic Church now and in the past?KJW:The path from review of history or plan? All paths lead forward and back; I presume the question means what future for the Catholic Church do I see? Nothing different than what shall come to all believers of all faiths and religions.Q:How do you view the current Pope?KJW:I am very pleased with Bergolio as the choice, I believe his selection – predestined, of course – will be of greater benefit to followers of the faith than others might have been.Q:After centuries of Italian born Popes, there have now been three from other countries, you were the first. Is this a trend?KJW:Yes and little meaning it has. The nationality and ideas that might come with them apply very little in the career of a bishop, archbishop or cardinal.Q:The recent process brought out the issues of marriage, women's ordination and homosexuality. What is your view on these?KJW:What view might Pope John Paul II have had? I am no longer that life, yet I will try. [He smiles warmly] These are to be decided among you; the church as an organization is voluntary. How would anyone know what you show not? This is unique and recent in human history, that a style of life can be compartmentalized. The ability to travel far from mass, and quickly, permits it. The need to cover what a parishioner believes should be open, this drives away members, this is understood. Unlike a government, influence is derived from agreement.Q:I must say, you did not address these specifically.KJW:I no longer care about these things.Q:The Catholic Church has been heavily criticized for appearance of wealth and luxury, its tolerance of pedophilia to diminish risk of scandal and intransigence of the times.KJW:Yes.Q:That's it? Just "yes"?KJW:Yes. [smiles warmly, again] Nobody is forced to participate.Q:Should protection granted to confessions be broken?KJW:No; is there no place to remain where a soul might break silence without fear?Q:What about celibacy?KJW:This could be changed.Q:Do you suggest it or agree?KJW:No, but for reasons beyond religion. It will, in the many lifetimes of all of you reading this, no longer matter.Q:What about a vow of poverty?KJW:The corrupt will find a way; the honest will remain so. This is good symbolism so it can stay; no harm does it create.Q:Does the Catholic Church, given its great influence across history, retain a valuable role in the well being of the many world societies of its followers?KJW:Yes, however criticism of the hierarchy and participation in the process are no more than freedom of expression. So long as there is no compulsion, nobody is forced or pressured, there is a valuable role on Earth for Christ's teaching.Q:Why did the previous Pope resign and why is this so rare? He was the first to do so in many centuries.KJW:Rare because the church hierarchy has never seen leadership as employment or vocation, a job occupation. He resigned to retire; he no longer wished to serve as he believed his time had come and gone and younger blood, renewed vigor, are necessary for current times.Q:Your view on abortion?KJW:I would like it to be done less.Q:The church comes under enormous criticism for considering abortion a sin.KJW:Yes. Membership is not forced; my earlier comments about compartmentalization referred to this.Q:If you could summarize the objection, from your current place, what would it be?KJW:The church knows all who might begin a life and then take it before its chance comes also had their life granted by their parents. This should be appreciated and at least considered.Q:Many people would argue the world is over populated already.KJW:Yes, however Catholicism is not a factor, is it?Q:So, objections to contraception?KJW:These are antiquated ideas; there is nothing wrong with preventing diseases, especially debilitating or fatal ones and it is far better for a woman to avoid consideration, if not the actuality, of ending her pregnancy.Q:I will venture, without knowing, that this departs from church views and your position as Pope!KJW:I am no longer.Q:Pope John Paul, thank you.KJW:It has been my pleasure, may you be always blessed and you mentsBridget 09/01/2013 4:11pmThank you.Sarah 09/02/2013 12:54amGreat post, thank you!Raoul Wallenberg05/09/2013Raoul Wallenberg (1912 -1947?) was a Swedish architect, businessman and diplomat widely celebrated for rescuing nearly one hundred thousand Jews in Hungary during the Holocaust. As Sweden's special envoy in Budapest, Wallenberg issued protective passports in 1944 and sheltered Jews in diplomatically controlled buildings, saving many tens of thousands of lives.?Wallenberg was detained by the Soviets in January 1945 and was reported to have died in July of 1947 in the KGB headquarters and prison in Moscow. Motives for Wallenberg's arrest and imprisonment by the Soviets, circumstances of his death and possible ties to US intelligence are still speculated.Q:Mr. Wallenberg, may I thank you now, in advance, for your willingness to approach and speak?RW:Yes, you may but there is no need.Q:I knew your name but had no idea you were an architect; let me ask, do you like Frank Lloyd Wright's work?RW:Yes, not completely. There are examples I do not.Q:Why?RW:Interior darkness of some buildings, some houses. More light should enter.Q:I know the readership here wants to hear about the Soviets, not architecture.RW:Architecture is a metaphor of humanity, the design of a dwelling is the design of societies, all providing shelter, comfort and a place of association.Q:Were you connected to US intelligence?RW:What does connected mean to you? I was contacted by them, through US diplomats although I knew the diplomats that came to me were not career professionals in diplomacy.Q:How did you know?RW:They were too knowledgeable, practiced and even a bit stiff in their ways, compared to diplomats I was accustomed to seeing. They were too practiced.Q:Isn't that expected or why would it be unusual?RW:A diplomat must be serious and determined about the mission, of course, but the role requires an ease of dealing with others. Seriousness begets it, and this is not the best starting ingredient for diplomatic work.Q:What did the Americans want?RW:To know what I could tell them about Hungary, which was nearly nothing.Q:They suspected you of working on behalf of Sweden to achieve other things than a diplomat would usually do?RW:Of course, and wanted to help. They knew Sweden would not inform them about diplomatic activities any more than they would inform Sweden about US diplomatic activity and they suspected a Special Envoy implied a special purpose. There was none beyond acting as a better, somewhat less constrained set of eyes and ears for Stockholm.Q:What were you hoping to see?RW:Germany was not interested in annexation of invaded territories, as history shows. Hitler wanted domination and control by Germany, not inter-mixture. Hungary was likely to give indications or clues about German plans for management of its eventual empire, much like the Ottoman Empire and others had done. These things would affect Swedish interests, especially in trade between Scandinavian countries and the remainder of Europe and of course, Russia. My mission was to observe what could be found out.Q:Why did you do what you did to save people from extermination?RW:It was easy and obvious, and Germany was hurt and distracted from its mission of extermination. This is not to say it did not and would not continue but the numbers of people saved in Hungary were an amount easy for Germany to overlook.Q:What was the reason the Soviets gave you for your detention?RW:None, I was simply seized and taken to Moscow.Q:How did you die?RW:I was starved to death, slowly. I was steadily interrogated about nearly every possible connection that could be made to anything the Soviets believed to be a threat. I had nothing to tell them and I do not think they believed me.Q:Why the intense interest in a Swedish envoy who obviously disliked their bitter, hated enemy?RW:Soviet paranoia about the USA. In the line of questioning put to me and what I learned immediately upon my passing, was the abject fear the Soviets held regarding the United States. Much of Hitler's atrocity in Germany copied Stalin's methods in the USSR. There were not many differences; the determination showed by the USA against both Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan worried the Russians terribly, that they might come under similar siege.Q:They believed you were a part of this?RW:Yes, they were convinced. They were certain I must have been given guarantees, offers of protection and access to certain knowledge in order for me to act as I did. The Soviets also saw threats in Judaism, your history demonstrates Soviet behavior towards Jews. They bitterly hated Nazi Germany for its invasion attempt, but this made them no friends with Jews. They were suspect of me, that I would stick my neck out for what they saw as nothing in return.Q:What did you tell the American diplomats you suspected were not?RW:What I knew, which was very little. They seemed satisfied with either my answers or their inability to extract more information they might have believed I was not prepared to reveal, as they saw it.Q:Wouldn't they want to contact Stockholm?RW:They were certain, as I mentioned, Stockholm would politely decline discussion of specifics just as Americans would, given reversed circumstances, so they were certain I would know more. Thus the approach in Budapest.Q:At some point the Soviets must have known you had nothing to offer them, so why wouldn't they release you?RW:To have me return to Stockholm and tell my story? If there was one thing I knew about Russian leaders, it was pride and sensitivity about their actions. So they effectively left me to rot, which I did. The propaganda risk and cost of possible exposure was too high for them. There would have been regular, periodic denouncements of anything I might say that could be interpreted as negative but even this cost was too high. They were paranoid about press reports painting unflattering pictures. Letting me waste away was easiest.Q:If you could offer one bit of advice based on the life of Raoul Wallenberg, what would it be?RW:Speak your mind and keep the guns loaded. If concern for defending yourself is worrisome, I can assure you, it will be far more so to remain blissfully unprepared as the need arrives.Q:I will assume you were not the only political pawn or detainee held by the Soviets?RW:No, what was done to me was common. I was unknown in the Soviet Union, so no explanation was necessary there.Q:Was there concern in Stockholm for what you were doing in Hungary?RW:No; Sweden knew Germany was unlikely to attack or invade over my activity. I was not the only person who sought to protect potential victims. Germany was pragmatic and wanted domination of valuable assets. Sweden was not significant enough to justify the military force and Stockholm knew this.Q:Is the need for personal worry at the hands of a tyrannical government going to remain or diminish on Earth?RW:Both; the need will reduce by circumstances that cause governmental power to decline; the influence of a central authority will fade. This is not to say all such desire to control and dominate will fade away evenly and happily; humanity and her societies don't work this way. Good intentions don't penetrate every interest and a few among the un-penetrated, react badly.Q:Mr. Wallenberg, my thanks again.RW:It was my honor and enjoyment, be well all of mentsSarah 09/05/2013 12:23pmExcellent post that also coincide with Obama's visit to Sweden, I've always wondered how his life ended, as always good job Patrick.Thankful 09/05/2013 1:03pmtack so mycket Patrick, also in the name of some whose family members were rescued by WallenbergBridget 09/05/2013 7:12pmAlways have wondered.Reality & Illusion06/09/2013Q:Our generous Committee, can you explain human understanding of reality and of illusion? Given the understanding we attach, that illusion seems real but is not, and that reality is absolute true existence.C:The understanding humans attach to reality is the manifestation of your life plan design.Q:This means we design our reality? There is no true reality as basis for what is bona fide and what is not?C:Yes.Q:Please expand.C:Very well; each of you occupies a body, you do, and this capsule, this enclosure, separates the soul in a way that does not exist but for the Earthly or other physical experience. This is the first illusion yet is considered absolute reality. It is, within the parameters, the limits and the definitions of physical bodies on Earth.In addition to your bodily enclosure, there is also control over how you choose to see what is around you and what you see of and in other people. Other people have this for you, also.Q:This idea that we filter what we see of others, how can this be?C:An example we shall give; have you heard of color blind? Inability to distinguish certain or almost all color? This condition applies to some people and animals, also. This condition changes the true colors of the thing observed or just for the person who might see colors differently or less?We then suggest all of you suddenly filter and perceive the colors of the thing observed, all the same way. This becomes "reality" for you, all of you. All will agree it is real.Is it?If a chromographic device were used to detect and identify color, by analysis of spectrum, before a low- or non-color alternative were applied, would any of you believe its continued readings of colors identified even if none of you could see the colors the apparatus indicates?Q:So how do humans live in a reality that might not be "reality"? What or where is the illusion?C:Everything in your world is real, and reality surrounds you. This reality is a subset of existence. Is the space inside a room real? Yes, and you could measure and calculate this space with your units, as the walls define it. Remove just one wall or even a part of it, and will the limits on the space of the room change? Of the six surfaces inside a room, the removal of just one removes the limitation on this space, and the volume of the room formerly identified, ceases to be. The space "inside" a room three metres by four metres by two and a half metres, the thirty cubic metres it has, are now how many after one wall has disappeared?Q:So human reality can be altered that easily?C:And it is, we do say. Reality is imagination; if it can be imagined - we emphasize this will always include a dream - it is real. It cannot be contemplated, considered, pondered and planned without its reality taking place, and a place is always taken.Thoughts are not imaginary; in the existence of humanity on Earth, thoughts have no physical presence, that you might see. This is the design of Earth; what we say is, thoughts create. Reality is solid, solid as the most solid of steel and rock and these are thoughts. Thoughts of places and things and movement and acts are all physical reality in a dimensionality your existence temporarily sets aside.All of the dreams and places you have gone in them, the people you see and the things you do as you dream, exist as solidly as you can ever imagine them. They seem to not exist for you, when you contemplate them in your thoughts. This is the illusion.Q:So you are all saying the illusion is Earth existence, reality is away from Earth.C:Yes, and you have reversed the photograph. What we say is, the photograph printed on paper can be printed in an opposite manner. If you knew the placement of camera and subject when the photograph was taken, you would then recognize a reversed print of an original. Not knowing of the placement when the shutter opened, the reversed would be as real as the original print. It will not be considered an illusion, just reversed; is this right? But it is not "reality" as one would define that, it is not accurate. Others among you would argue it is accurate, that dimensions and depth and everything else measure the same as the "original" just reversed; still accurate. So we ask, if not absolutely faithful to the original scene, where would illusion begin and where reality would cease?Q:Go on. I know there's more…C:In a three dimension view, height, depth and width, consider this scene reversed in all three ways. Recall a building you know well and imagine yourself standing before it. If you had a computer screen with a photograph of the very thing you now stand before, that you can see with your eyes directly in front, could the computer be easily used to reverse the photograph? Yes.Look up from the photograph on the computer screen at the building. The building is the reverse of the photograph, now that the photo has been flipped. Wait, the photo is flipped, the building is real. To you, who have both before you, yes, to another person who sees no building before them, is the photo accurate? The relativity of the one to another answers this, the absence of either, it eliminates.We now say consider reversal of all three dimensions, the left to the right, the right to the left, or the bottom to the top and the top to the bottom, all of two dimensions and then what is far comes close and what is close goes far away, this third dimension.?The sky in the far background becomes the foreground; the concrete sidewalk right in front of you is now farthest away.This you may not do with your computer or photography laboratory, so a facsimile reference, what a photograph is, cannot be manipulated this way; not yet, we do sayDoes that mean, because an image cannot be made that way, nothing can be made that way?Before an early camera was attached to a balloon for aerial views, such a view of Earth was not known but for looking down from a high place to a lower one. The balloon mounted camera created ability of view otherwise unavailable.Will your technology allow a reversed view of anyplace in all dimensions? You begin to create this now; a hologram is the rudimentary beginning.Q:So let's reverse a photograph the way you suggest, in three dimensions, not just two; how would it happen for a human?C:We will attempt this with words; the shrinkage of a flat image as the plane upon which it exists, as this flat plane surface rotates, is easy to imagine and is an old cinematic technique. Initially two prints of a photon graph, reversed the one to the other, were printed on a paper. The one was rotated until the flat surface turned perpendicular to the camera, only the paper's edge visible. Then the opposite image would replace the first and the rotation continued. The opposite scene expands and appears.In a three dimensional reversal, you would not have sensation of remaining still, you would feel as if you were moving. We suggest the sensation of a stopped car. If another car adjacent and close to yours began to reverse, from your peripheral vision this movement creates the feeling you are moving forward. Only when you look at other surroundings do you realize your stopped car has remained stationary.In this way, what is behind you moving to the front, what is far coming near and what is left moving right and also the other way, create a sensation you are falling.Q:Is the sensation of falling also this same thing happening?C:Yes, however a different set of circumstances, we shall explain next.Q:So what happens if the three dimensional image is reversed in all three dimensions?C:From a human view, all will seem to collapse into an ever smaller, invisible point into which you have fallen. It will seem as if you have dropped into a tiny black hole; unlike the small hole which would appear to enlarge as you approach, this small hole will remain small as you fall towards and into it. Instantly you will feel yourself lifted, as if perched atop an elevator with no walls or sides, up and above the small black spot. As you feel yourself lifted, the entire image around you will rise and expand from a two dimension to three dimension view. As the same speed you feel the sensation of being lifted, you will be surrounded by the previous image and scene around you, rising reversed along with you and then very quickly the scene will simultaneously come closer and move away, expanding into the depth of dimension that creates the perception – the illusion – of distance.Q:If we could do that with a computer screen, it would be a thrill ride we could charge money to experience!C:Yes, for a time until all of you would become accustomed.Q:So the sensation of falling or lifting? We have this without reversal of images. How are they related?C:Many of you learn the sensation of falling and all of you instinctively understand its risk, thus your survival. Unlike the reversal of a scenario, if this were possible on Earth, falling can be felt while seeing it or otherwise; jumping from a diving board with eyes closed does not remove the sensation but reduces it, yes? What is felt by falling is the subatomic attraction, and the interaction of the fields drawing closer and blending or joining of the energies. The lesser and drawn object feels the effect; the larger does not. This is the subatomic, electromagnetic pull. Gravity. The larger the object, the greater its pull against smaller one. In your dimensions. Image reversal operates similarly minus the density of Earth sensation.Q:What about in other dimensions?C:You see and understand and intermix with the existential parameters that do not affect you or act upon you. The difference is you exist independently of them, until you choose to partially interface and have effect upon the portions constrained inside the susbset you visit.Q:Like a Guardian Angel visiting its "charge"?C:We hesitate to see you as charges or assignments or subordinates, however we laugh at this word and enjoy it. Yes, as you suggest, where a Guide or Angel as you call us, would intercede for specific purpose.Q:So reality on Earth is just an illusion?C:Illusion is reality; an integral part of it. It is a name humans have for the delayed component of experience.Q:Esteemed Committee, thank you and may we return to this subject, readers and myself?C:At any time, as you wish. Be well, all of mentsSarah 06/09/2013 1:04pmVery interesting subject, but not so easy to understand, thanks Patrick.Ahmed 06/09/2013 1:53pm"Reality is imagination; if it can be imagined - we emphasize this will always include a dream - it is real. It cannot be contemplated, considered, pondered and planned without its reality taking place, and a place is always taken."That's kind of a scary statement, because it also means that any horrible scenario or situation imagined or pondered exists in some form.Patrick 06/09/2013 8:41pmYes.Ahmed 06/09/2013 4:14pmSome other questions that this post brings to mind:1. I'm inferring from this that the ultimate (base level/original) reality is that of mind or consciousness, that this original mind, what some would call God, is the basis of existence, that is has always existed, and that matter, space and time arise from a reality 'dreamed up' by our collective minds. Is my understanding correct?2. Why do some of our physical experiences like pain, depression, fear to name a few negative ones seem so real, so absolute and insisting? Is there a way to let the more 'spiritual' emotions like acceptance and peace supplant those more negative ones even when they are at their strongest?3. If mind/consciousness is the basis of existence, shouldn't we always be conscious to some degree even if our brains are not? Why then are we unconscious during comas and anesthesia?Thanks.Patrick 06/09/2013 8:49pm1. Yes2. Yes, seem them as temporary and the result of a reality created by design. The more intense the perception of reality, the greater the benefit of the experience.3. We are, when returning to our bodies and awakening from a comatose state, we forget what happened.Ahmed 07/09/2013 3:26amThanks for the answers.Dr Laurie 07/09/2013 12:22pmDo other life forms (ET's) have split consciousness also, or is Earth the only "proving ground" for this type of existence? Many have said that a life on Earth is a very desired "trip" due to many unique factors. Would the split consciousness be one of them? And what is the grand purpose of the split consciousness in the overall purpose? Aside from the obvious benefits of creativity, separation/pain & its lessons, "the fun house," etc. By the way, I'm not enjoying the "fun house" so much! Ha haPatrick 07/09/2013 2:02pmThe subset of understanding and consciousness a physical body existence offers is "universal". All physical existence includes it. There are both unique ranges of the difference and different levels or stages all over the galaxy (and others) and a good Earth example is animals. A very similar dichotomy occurs right here between humans, other bipeds and quadrupeds.Yes, Earth is immensely valuable, just the smorgasbord of cultures, topographies and societies make it that way, not to mention all the challenges the many sovereign nations create.The purpose is to separate ourselves from the insight and understanding that prevent the experiences we all have. We learn from pain; we dislike it, of course, but overcoming life's challenges opens windows and doors into compassion, generosity, sacrifice and reward unable to be created absent the delays Earth existence requires.For every moment of dislike, despair and upset we can remember others of pleasure and joy. The series of these experiences, all taken together in the lives we live, create a unique and special benefit.Hellen Keller09/09/2013Helen Adams Keller (1880-1968) was an American author, political activist and lecturer, the first deaf and blind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts university degree. Keller was born with sight and hearing and at 19 months, contracted an illness described as "an acute congestion of the stomach and the brain" possibly scarlet fever or meningitis. Keller's teacher Anne Sullivan broke the isolation imposed by Keller's near complete lack of language, allowing Keller to blossom as she began to communicate. A prolific author, well-travelled and outspoken in her convictions, Keller was a member of the Socialist Party of America and the Industrial Workers of the World, campaigned for women's suffrage, labor rights, socialism and other causes.Q:Ms. Keller, is this form of address all right with you?HK:Please, call me Helen.Q:Did my friend Erik just fetch you? I thought I heard him say "just don’t call me late for dinner."HK:Yes and yes, he did!Q:I remember reading your story as a school child, which could not have been long after you died. I remember not even understanding how loss of hearing and sight could be overcome.HK:I must say, I also do not remember the process of overcoming this limitation, as I imagine my Earth life. I do remember it as I can look back upon it.Q:That's curious, you don't remember overcoming it?HK:No, and I imagine the memories of learning to read, for most literate humans, are also faint if there even are.Q:I don't remember that myself. How about sight? Did you have memories of seeing things?HK:Yes, I did remember seeing things a little, but those were dim also, images and impressions. I think the memories of seeing things were brought out as I learned to read.Q:Was it your life's plan and destiny to become blind and deaf as a toddler?HK:Yes.Q:I would say your life was the purpose it served for humanity, but how about for you, personally?HK:To struggle with isolation and learn to emerge and appreciate it. What it did for my teacher was also a part of the plan, the agreement made before I was born.Q:Your story has been an immense inspiration for millions of people.HK:Yes, thank you for saying it. Q:What would you say, in your own words – or, to be more precise, the words I should use – was the effect for society?HK:To show that hope and faith and patience will lead to a better place; it is always possible to overcome, no matter the obstacle.Q:I know it would be difficult to ask a person with such early developmental setbacks to compare thinking and communicating with others, as others perceive sight and speech, but from where you returned and the point-of-view that offers, what would you say is the comparison?HK:This is a larger question as it relates to the answer.With little ability to understand anything beyond physical sensations and smells, the other senses take on great sharpness, much as an animal, especially a pet dog, might feel upon going blind. Dogs can't speak and while they use hearing certainly, the repertoire of sounds used is limited. The blind dog still functions and this is similar to what developed in me. Q:Did your Guardian Angels play a large role in your upbringing and education?HK:Curiously, no more than usual, in other words, not more than is done with most humans. As was agreed.Q:Did your writing and other activism result from your early disabilities?HK:Yes, but these were also a strong life plan option for me. I took good advantage. There was no guarantee, there never is. I was easily able to follow another course or route through life.Q:Did your early loss of these senses cause you dismay, despair or frustration?HK:No, a little confusion as I recall. It was a long time before I understood the differences between me and most people. As I began to understand others read through sight and not as I did, I felt a little bad for them; I thought my talents were better and more effective and in this was part of the lesson for me; what we do and often enjoy as a developed ability that the deaf or blind are prevented from doing is seen as a liability, or even a defect. I never felt this; the self imposed limit didn't apply. I didn't perceive myself as lesser, only unique and only after quite some time.Q:What message do you have for the world as you see it today? What advice would you give us?HK:Follow my example and dare to look at things differently. Frame something in a new way, that grabs your attention; put a square picture frame on an oval painting or look at the painting through a mirror, upside down. What else will you see in the texture of the brushstrokes and colors? Listen closely to disagreement. Look for common things and then the differences will be understood.Q:Helen, thank you.HK:My enjoyment and so my thanks to you for inviting me. Good day!CommentsCarolyn 09/09/2013 6:08pmAs someone who was born with a hearing impairment, I understand Helen's position where she says she feels bad for someone else. I always felt bad, and still do, for those hearing people who never can turn the sound off. Believe me, being able to turn the sound off (with hearing aids) is a gift, and a great blessing. Where other people might feel bad that I have a hearing loss, I feel it has been a great blessing in many ways. I get to hear when I want to, and I can "not hear" (by turning off my hearing aids) when I don't want to. Now, that my friend, is real power. I feel bad for people who have to hear all the time and can't turn the sound off, unless of course they use earplugs.Patrick 09/10/2013 9:48amI use foam earplugs for loud noise and machinery, but they still allow some sound through. Next lifetime I'm scheduling installation of a shut off switch in the 1st trimester.Владимир Ильич Ленин09/09/2013Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (1870-1924) was a Russian communist revolutionary, political theorist and politician, leader of the Socialist Federative Soviet Republic from 1917 then concurrently Premier of the USSR from 1922 until death. Politically a Marxist, his theoretical contributions were named Leninism. Joined with Marxist economic theory, the two have become known as Marxism-Leninism.Q:Mr. Lenin, if this form of address is OK…VL:Of course, but you may also call me Vladimir.Q:Currently the Russian leader's first name is the same as yours, any coincidence?VL:You would ask his parents, but yes the name is popular by my use of it, if not given directly because of me.Q:Please reflect back on what I see as your role, my very limited knowledge of Russian history notwithstanding. I see your tenure as the transition, including the revolution in which you participated from Czarist Russia to the Soviet Era. A go-between, the ham in the sandwich, so-to-speak. Is this accurate, in your view?VL:Insulted I might have been as Vladimir Lenin had I lived until the late 1920s and been suggested this then, but from where I now see Russia, yes. Q:The recent back-and-forth between the USA and Russia about Syria is something I must ask about; what is your view, from where you now see things?VL:What was the goal? Is this goal viable; is it within the reach of those possessing of ability to reach? At what cost? I did not hear these questions posed or answered.Q:What was the USA's goal, if unique from public statements by leaders?VL:Just as stated; no different.Q:Russia's goal?VL:Manifold; maintain regional influence thus business, gain an upper hand politically thus lifting power and influence domestically and lastly, deflect USA initiatives limiting to Russian interests for as long as possible. The understanding this will end is well understood, in Russia.Q:What is your view of Assad in Syria?VL:My opinion; a dictator seeking to preponder and prevail, as would any.Q:What is your opinion of the chemical weapon use?VL:Dead by gas is no more than dead by lead, of the high velocity type or its acute poisoning. Much focus upon method, not result. As it is not practical to eliminate gunfire and the death total requires some time, it is politically convenient to ignore the effect. The horror of the larger event or events, less so. Difficult to brush aside.Q:Russia's declining population; will this continue?VL:Yes, but not just Russia, the entire world will soon see this peak and ebb. Next Europe shall shrink, as it is but for recent migrant births. This too, shall peak and fall. The entire world.Q:What effects will be felt inside Russia because of this?VL:Exactly as would be expected, which is not much. Lowered demand yet lower supply however across the population, it will still remain a nation far larger than required for certain economies of scale to remain effective, as has been the case with many sovereign nations. Not much effect.Q:Your view of the USA? VL:It learns much from its experiment, now bearing much fruit.Q:What fruit do you see?VL:Taxation is higher than historical records, debt also. The growth of these components of USA's society soon slows and retracts.Q:Do you see a totalitarian style take-over occurring, similar as was done in Russia in your time? VL:No, the populace would not accept this; they would resist.Q:What do you see happening as the result of monetary, fiscal policy, taxation and debt in the USA?VL:As you have suggested here, through others. The fiction of money created then held by the central government cannot be extinguished without effect. The government bond as last safe resort for investment, and thus source of investment it represents, will fade when the mountain of the debt holding structure teeters to threaten collapse. The elimination of the top heaviness by erasing the debt will not straighten the economic course as it will promise to straighten the teetering tower of money. This effect shall cascade.Q:What solution do you propose?VL:Vladimir Lenin would propose seizure and control, and he did. From my place and view of Earth, I would not propose this action, as it would precipitate more problems than solve. I would slowly dial back debt, borrowing less and spending less however this action will precipitate similar negative reaction. Humanity does not study the farm that produced the dinner on the plate before them, much less the kitchen where it might have been prepared. It sees its immediacy; this is the case with flows of money from government, even more so. Green beans vary in quality where money is all the same, all equally good or otherwise.Q:What outcome do you see?VL:This decision is made as you speak; the implementation of the new USA healthcare law will add weight upon a heavily laden economy, with a negative outlook.Q:I can see dissent to this view, disagreement.VL:Of course, someone always appreciates a large new thing in spite of its cost. The same thing happens with this law.Q:Setting aside Russia and the USA, what would we need to know about the world now? What specific information do you suggest we consider?VL:I would recommend a close look at my rise to power and the more than a few similar scenarios in the interim, including the USA which I realize you suggested be placed aside. One example would be the United Kingdom, eager to discard its otherwise beloved wartime Prime Minister Winston Churchill once his policies ran sour in the mouths of constituents, eager to cast aside shortages and scarcities, sacrifices and hardships of war. Political ambition found it seductive to promise otherwise, yet encountered challenges once time arrived to implement, carry out and forth. British history shows the challenges somewhat smoothed over by an economy rebounding upon exit from a war state, yet the policies of this time came to form their own challenges over subsequent decades. The USA runs into this same challenge of theory and implementation now. What I suggest be information considered now? What is the leader promising; can this promise be delivered? Consider the source of well-being an aspiring leader suggests be spread around, to fertilize contentment. Will the seeds germinate?The time of organizing against the opposition's will, to its elimination, has ceased on Earth, yet political systems default to this view when a challenge to the sale of ideas arises. Q:Mr. Lenin, thank you.VL:Vladimir, and you are welcome. Приятного дня!CommentSarah 09/26/2013 12:48pmVery good questions and great post, thank you!Channeling Access11/09/2013Q:What information is available?C:The information you have made available.Q:If I need to ask, then it's not available, then I would know it, right?C:Available and simple to understand are not the same thing; we have directed the drawing this way to show what is available that cannot be understood easily, if at all.Q:Another language?C:Yes; and channeling is the translation of what already comes to you.Q:Why then can't a medium or psychic tell me what I want to know,sometimes?C:She or he is not the encyclopedia you wish to consult; is the medium a translator, a library or both?Q:What I want to know is not available?C:Often, yes. If you were to be given winning lottery numbers, would you share them and dilute the winnings? This is generosity few humans would follow, good as generosity seems. If these winning numbers were given to many, without human generosity, a similar dilution would occur. The more who win, the less each and ever increasing numbers of winners would care, as the prize became smaller related to what each winner already has. The impact would be lessened; the larger the win, greater the impact. The ability to influence behavior of other people money would provide, this will change the course of both influencer and influenced. Should this course be changed, altered or modified? Some of you will say yes now, yet we can assure you that you said no before. You asked us to tell you no or to tell you nothing. We faithfully follow your instructions just as you would or have followed ours at other times.Q:The unknown is so frustrating sometimes.C:Yes, as it is designed to be.Q:If I just knew where and when I would die, I would feel better.C:Many would avoid this place. Do any of you believe death will never come if the place of its happening is avoided? It is possible to live forever by avoiding circumstance?Q:In some cases, this brings relief, doesn't it?C:Returning home is a great joy to all of you; this is not increased or decreased by the manner and situation of its happening.Q:It eliminates the suffering that precedes it.C:No, not often. This is the Earth view, that pressure and suffering will cease. Once complete, the value of displeasure is seen and appreciated. If true appreciation of the meaning of a moment were felt throughout it, this moment then would not be.Q:Why can't a psychic tell me things about myself, clues and details that prove to me the accuracy and ability of a medium?C:It is your task to overcome doubt, not for others to do for you. Doubt and disbelief are simply criteria applied to unmatched circumstances and conditions. Do toddlers, small children and pets doubt information? We will say, as you will agree, they do not know the concept. You who doubt know this concept well; when did you learn skepticism, doubt and disbelief that you did not feel or express as a youngster? For we assure you, as a youngster, you did not feel it and now, you might.The process occurred over time; a habit of process, classification and organization of information took place and reached a point of automaticity. Your use of language to speak and communicate is a great strain if you know not the language, such a challenge that it is not attempted. Where essential, an interpreter is used, yes? Can you never learn to interpret? Just as you learned to speak and listen and understand what once you did not?Does the injured Chinese speaker in a British hospital expect an interpreter, by such ability alone, to be a doctor also? It is possible yet such person would not be considered an interpreter if also a doctor. Automatically the knowledge of diagnosis and treatment would prevail.Does your medium automatically know everything about you and simultaneously receive unfettered access to everything you might wish to know, without regard for the effect this would have upon you? Should you offer nothing of information to receive everything of information and a guarantee this information will please you by the criteria you established to such a degree of automatic acceptance, you now no longer ever think deliberately about it?Q:Not knowing things we need to know is so frustrating and damaging.C:Disagree we will; damaging no. Frustrating until you know; is there no value in frustration? Does satisfaction come without it? Not often. It is good to feel satisfied and content; shall you always feel this way without the events that lead to it? This would turn Earth into something far worse and so you would never choose it.Q:You are saying there will never be contentment on Earth?C:There is now and it prevails but for human choice to emphasize its opposite.Q:What do you mean?C:Your news is loaded with negative events; crime you call it. We suggest no news of crime be included in news for seven days. This is not so na?ve to suggest crime would not happen; it would. Pay no general attention to it. Will this improve or worsen contentment, feelings of satisfaction? Or otherwise?Q:We can't live in isolation and denial.C:Is taking a remote vacation denial?Q:No, but...C:One week of your time; that is all. Emphasize other things but crime. A new route for humanity will be taken, this we assure you.Q:We've drifted from the subject channeling?C:We have engaged in the subject, applied its process. This is not drift.Q:What should anyone expect from channeling?C:What anyone offers; the honesty of a question creates the veracity of reply. We do say, honesty is from and to yourself, only. By offering it, you create and receive it in yourself. Recognize the vast knowledge of the universe, be aware some might not apply to the curiosity that embraces you, and consider the source of this emotion. The burning curiosity for something you would like to know but do not, propels you towards the answers that might do what for you? The details of your life on Earth three incarnations previous to the current one do what for you now, in this life today? Have not all the people of that life also died and so what could be served?We are certain you see our suggestion, so we ask you to question yourself for the source of the curiosity. No criticism do we imply; entertaining and interesting is this information yet what will be done with it? For this thrill, a book can be read, its value complete once the entertainment it provided ends with its placement upon a shelf.Q:Esteemed Committee, this was interesting. Thank you and please do come back on this, if there are reader questions.C:Our pleasure; be mentsMary Beth 11/09/2013 11:29amOne day recently, when I was fretting about not knowing how certain personal future events were going to unfold, one of my Guardian Angels said: "Would you enjoy the book as much, if you knew the ending?" Part of the enjoyment of a book or movie is NOT knowing how it's going to end. In fact, if you do "see it coming", then it loses the impact, and much of the enjoyment.I've come to think that the future is a bit like opening gifts on Christmas morning. Are you going to pester your parents for clues and shake every package to try to identify its contents? Or, will you wait and be happily surprised? How much more exciting and pleasurable it can be, for both the gift giver and the recipient. I know wonderful things are coming, so I am trying to be patient and allow events to reveal themselves in their due time. I'm not always GOOD at that, but I am trying. :-)Patrick 11/09/2013 8:33pmOutstanding comparison.I suspect most people, myself included, would find it almost impossible to resist avoidance of dislikes and movement towards preferences, if we knew what was in store. Life could become a checklist where challenges are never surmounted and nothing is overcome, Would this remove goals, objectives, learning and experience?Ahmed 11/09/2013 4:36pm"It is your task to overcome doubt, not for others to do for you. Doubt and disbelief are simply criteria applied to unmatched circumstances and conditions. Do toddlers, small children and pets doubt information? We will say, as you will agree, they do not know the concept. You who doubt know this concept well; when did you learn skepticism, doubt and disbelief that you did not feel or express as a youngster? For we assure you, as a youngster, you did not feel it and now, you might."I see your point but isn't doubt necessary to reach the truth? Surely one can't believe any idea out there. I don't think blind faith is a virtue, any worldview must be based on evidence, or does The Committee not agree?Of course, it is my duty to overcome doubt, but to obtain the evidence needed to overcome it without resorting to blind faith, doesn't that need some assistance from guides, guardian angels, mediums, psychics, channelers and the like?Q:Not knowing things we need to know is so frustrating and damaging.C:Disagree we will; damaging no."I guess that depends on how you define damage, but I think not knowing the meaning of life, and by meaning I mean on a grander scale of things, like the reason for existence, whether there is a God or not, life after death, etc can be damaging. It can lead to embracing a nihilistic worldview or a religion that incites violence or hatred. Not to mention how all these different worldviews lead to separation and classification of people based on what 'story' they believe. So yes, in my opinion, not knowing can be damaging and gives more support to materialists and atheists who proclaim that there is nothing to know, that it's all random and without higher meaning.Patrick 11/09/2013 8:29pmOutstanding comment.What we choose to consider evidence, the database compiled, against which we compare what we find, will lead to a different truth for many people.Ahmed 13/09/2013 11:29amYes, I've found that to be true. I guess everyone finds their own version of the truth, who knows maybe there is no objective 'truth'. I guess it's more about finding what's false than what's true.zombie garrett 12/09/2013 1:59pmthe more pliable the mind might have its advantages just like we know the rigidity required to use critical thinking has its advantages. like a prism, we sometimes have to use multiple facets of the mind to process the information to get what is desiredcristina 14/09/2013 7:59pmEnjoying committee answers <3 Even thou sometimes are such new concepts, that is very hard to follow - like explaining college physics to a 10 years old (me) :PRace13/09/2013RQ = Reader QuestionC = The CommitteeA reader asks about racial issues. For readers in other nations, this subject is ever the lightning rod inside the USA.RQ:How should humanity use differences to lift all boats?C:It should not; the differences among you are limitations in many ways; race, size, strength, skill are just a few of the outside qualities, talents and characteristics seen differently among the many of you comprising humanity. True value is always what is inside; knowledge and its good use are what humanity values. Strength without coordination, accuracy or good application is not desired and the good application in this way, such as for sport, requires a sharp, well operating mind. As you all understand.Lift boats by ignoring race; it is but one thing unless you mean the culture associated with the race; then race this not is, the question is culture. Yes?RQ:What about stereotypes seen that aren't true; are humans just really backwards?C:Your question assumes much; ask first who and how an idea is created and is there no benefit of such stereotypes in the positive? The often assumption that a person from your nation of India is a skilled in computer programming, that a person from African descent is a better athlete because of that ancestry, that Chinese heritage equals high mathematical skill? Do we see any examples of such groups labeled positively rejecting these qualities?So we say, backwards might be your suggestion in the negative but in the positive? RQ:How fear of our differences closes communal spiritual path for humanity and we stop fighting over everything?C:You generally do not fear differences; you dislike them. This is not limited to a view of race and the culture it brings; oft said that humans know what they like and like what they know, to use an expression your medium here knows well. The perception of the culture associated with a race seen as different is the source of the dislike.We suggest the elimination of dislike of YOUR culture implies its gradual disappearance. There will be an eventual blending, in the patterns of human behavior, interaction and learning. Does the "disliker" seek to change her or his ways through rejection of differences? No, the intent is to preserve, yet this undermines the preservation of it. Good and beneficial is always voluntary; the moment force or rejection are introduced, the diminution of what is sought to be preserved begins.Likewise the marginalized, who might seek to leave the margins and enter another area, how much culture is she or he prepared to modify, or is this new entrant convinced the larger group will adapt to his ideas completely, without need for his view, habits, customs or ideas to ever change?We do say, much notice we have given to the energy placed upon this subject and understand we ask, this is one small and not significant characteristic of humanity but for the choice to emphasize it. To the benefit of whom and why is this emphasis placed?Be well until we next meet.World Developments14/09/2013Difficult it would be to miss the recent developments and it is good to know comments in a recent interview with a former longtime leader have proven accurate; initiatives have moved in the direction of sanctions rather than war. The development of the issue is intriguing and I briefly asked The Committee why it appears the one nation has fallen on its sword and the other has gained what could appear as a public relations advantage.Q:Did the agreement to have chemicals given over to larger, more powerful nation result from ineptitude, as many pundits are playing the issue, or skill and humility to achieve an end?C:This will depend on which end you prefer to see; we say skill and humility. The threat of force and then appearance of vacillation and uncertainty of political effect were wise; skillful was the use of pride, its desire held by leadership of one nation.Q:So the one never intended to use force?C:No, such use has worked to effect in the past, and because of this, the potential target cannot brush aside the risk.Q:Did the one outside nation really play the other for foolish?C:No; one traded appearances and political pride for peace and for the elimination of the continued threat and killing.Q:The buzz is that the one was indeed played for foolish. C:Yes, your politics are entertaining this way.Q:The suggestions that one gained an upper hand, these are valid?C:This depends on the desired outcome; what is more important, result or pride of achievement if the two cannot be matched? Where there are many moving parts, is it the function of the device or its pieces? National pride affects not a mechanical apparatus.Q:Will the proposal to have outside involvement truly eliminate the chemical weapons threat ?C:No; the threat will remain, out of sight. These will not be used again; it is a certainty both sides in the conflict employed them, and now outside involvement will greatly lessen the likelihood opposition forces use them again.Q:Why?C:Inspector military threat will be present in a clandestine way yet known to the opposition. The threat these forces shall support the established regime will deter. The incumbent regime has achieved its purpose with chemical weapons and gains little new benefit from their use.Q:Can it be understood now the threat is resolved?C:The risk now turns down this road, there is a distance remaining to be traveled.Q:We thank you.C:Be mentsMike 14/09/2013 7:36pmGood input from the Committee and well communicated by you Patrick.I think it sends a strong message to the US Govt that nobody made America the world's police force. Going in all guns blazing and asking questions afterwards is no longer acceptable.Patrick 15/09/2013 4:59pmIn the current circumstance, most of America appears to agree; elected leaders notwithstanding.CallSignElite 15/09/2013 4:07pmDiplomacy is the way to resolve all human conflicts on this Planet.Patrick 15/09/2013 5:05pmIt depends on the stage of the conflict. I would say it's the ideal avoidance method however biology of human history has offered many strains of regime highly resistant or outright immune to diplomacy.The Pace of The Shift16/09/2013Q:When will ice melts, sea level rises, volcanic eruptions and all sorts of physical mayhem begin to occur, as part of The Shift to higher dimensions?C:All of these, as part of a shift in energy, are already occurring.Q:How would we know?C:Because we have told you, yet this statement would meet with polite, highly raised eyebrows, in many people. Humanity has developed its distorted scientific methodology and what cannot be inserted is not and thus, is not.Q:What do you mean by "distorted scientific methodology"?C:What is understood as scientific investigation is a self reinforcing limitation imposed by initial stages of understanding; humans have learned to enforce a method of inquiry that builds upon prior experience. This benefits the investigation and research yet also hinders it. This approach assumes discoveries will be made at an unknown point as rigorous steps of experimentation and observation are followed. It recognizes unknown discovery points arise yet believes the methodical approach will lead there. This approach often leads away and around, caused by assumptions.Q:Can you provide an example?C:Yes, global warming or climate change, as the phenomena is widely known.Q:This understanding is "distorted"?C:Yes; entirely and it also highlights human emotion, which curiously, is also involved in the physical manifestation of climate aberrations. The approach has studied perceived effects and known contributing sources yet does not consider effects unmeasured or possible undiscovered factors.Weather patterns on Earth have always been cyclical, with many anomalies and aberrations, the trend becoming understood over a period of time, when examining the series of events.Current human investigation into climate change assumes human effects cause or contribute; other effects are not considered; they are not recognized. Humans do not inhabit the majority of the Earth's surface and take few measurements in the vast number of these places, mountaintops and oceans. Heat rises against gravity yet regular temperature measurements at low, medium and high altitudes are not regularly done.Q:Is there climate change or global warming?C:Not yet, although it now begins. Q:Begins how?C:Volcanic eruptions and ash will, and are beginning, to rise to higher altitude. These will trap Earth's own heat. We suggest heat rising inside a room, a fire's smoke its visual indicator. The smoke that marks the warm air from a same source, will rise to spread horizontally. When more horizontal movement is not possible, the smoke and heat accumulate to lower and lower levels. This same effect now begins on Earth.Q:If it were possible to take temperature reading at higher altitudes near or just below volcanic ash, what would be found?C:Nothing yet, however no good database, as you would call it, exists against which new readings could be compared. There are bits of data, smidgens of information, but not comprehensive and therefore, not indicative. Q:How long will this effect require before it is noticed and for how long will the higher temperatures remain?C:The effects will be noticed as sufficient ash builds up; the radiant heat of Earth will be trapped inside your atmosphere. As temperatures rise at higher altitudes and descend this will affect clouds and thus rainfall, which shall generally increase. The blockage of heat will dim sunlight reaching the surface until sufficient ash sinks and eventually falls from atmosphere suspension. This perceived dim period will be several years.Annual crops and plants requiring certain quantities of sunlight exposure will not grow and other will fall dormant, especially many trees.Q:This will affect crops and cause hunger and even starvation?C:No; it will be possible to cultivate substitute crops. There will be dislike of this change to diet, but sufficient nutrients will be available.Q:So when are all these climate changes going to happen?C:You would like a month and a year?Q:Of course, to prepare!C:This brings forward again the subject of time and its emphasis on Earth. Off your planet and away from its surface existence, there is a series or grouping of events, some requiring of others to happen either before or after – and these are really the same event, in parts – some events otherwise. You do not see this on Earth, your timeline arranges all events along its path. This makes the differentiation or separation of each necessary. Events do not occur this way; they are arranged spherically, around the surfaces of globes created by their alignments.As you ask us for a date and a time, what you have requested in practice, although you do not perceive it, is a rotation of a globe. Your Earth is a facsimile or representation of this same thing; at any given instant, it is also yesterday or tomorrow somewhere else on Earth, depending upon which direction one looks.So it is with dates and times and we say, the arrangement of the events about a series of spherical grouping are what matter. The effect and the size and the interaction with other spheres, which is the function of all the universe.The flatness perceived of the surface, and the sequence of events require dates and times, that are easily arranged and re-arranged by the view of Earth you have.Q:Does this mean the eruption of a volcano can be made to happen later or earlier?C:By your view yes, however it has its location upon the globe of the events. This does not change, what is changed is the view of the globe and along the sequential arrangement of Earth time, the unpacking of the globe or sphere to artificially place these events is different. So the date by your calendar sequence appears to change.Q:Many disasters have been foretold recently, some serious ones by human impact. Few have come to pass.C:They will occur, to the effect of the completion of eventuality. By the dates and times you desire to see, haphazardly or randomly.Q:Is this just that we should not be told, to avoid disruption, or we cannot be told, as it is uncertain?C:Both, in many cases.Q:There are cases of specific time and place of occurrence?C:Yes, of course, especially as specific events have effect on one or a few people. These your Angels will never warn you to avoid or pursue, if that knowledge disturbs your plan of life.Q:So, the specific order of occurrences that make up the shift in current world consciousness can be altered; when will the greater series of the necessary events be complete, no matter how the order might be shuffled as they happen?C:There remain twenty years at the minimum and twenty five is probable, even likely.Q:What will humans do to lengthen or shorten this phase?C:React; individual to collective responses – as the ones sum to the greater – will determine the speed of rotation of the sphere of this containment.Q:What reactions are recommended and favorable and what reactions are discouraged?C:Value judgments you request, an opportunity we shall decline. It is initially any one of you to determine what favorable is for you, and then to step back and observe the pattern established. Once understood, then continuance or alterations can be made to effect. This we can never do for you individually or collectively; thieves of the highest order would we become, to suggest what you solely determine good, better and ideal or worse, detrimental or to be avoided. You choice and will are sacred and never to be forced but by you.Q:Committee, thank you.C:Do mentscristina 16/09/2013 5:52pmI just love them :))))))))))))))))))))))))))"Because we have told you, yet this statement would meet with polite, highly raised eyebrows, in many people. Humanity has developed its distorted scientific methodology and what cannot be inserted is not and thus, is not."lori 16/09/2013 8:19pmMy personal probably "discouraged reaction" is TWENTY YEARS!? I know that makes sense but it sounds like the longest final exam ever..but we do ask and for answering as much as possible we thank you.Mary Beth 17/09/2013 5:11amI'm actually comforted by the fact that these changes are 20 years out. As these significant climate changes occur somewhat gradually, that gives society and technology the necessary time to adapt. Also, IMO, 20 years isn't very long when you consider the significant societal changes that will occur with the "shift". It's already happening pretty rapidly, from what I can see. Thank you Patrick! Always fascinating.Patrick 17/09/2013 10:20amI'd say over a 20 year period, already underway.Mike 17/09/2013 6:52amAs an avid reader of both here and on CE I have heard the question of timeframes asked many times before. It begins to grate me an ever so little bit when we keep having the re-occuring conversation about how time is not linear etc. And an explanation of how time is viewed. We know this already and they should understand what we are asking by now. I don't want to come across as ungrateful or pedantic, but I thought the Committee in there infinite knowledge and understanding would already understand were we are coming from by now regarding timescales in Days, Months or years.Maybe a FAQ would be useful to avoid this, so the Committee are not always repeating themselves?Patrick 17/09/2013 10:18amYour desire to organize, Mike, is admirable. The entries here are not organized or planned so sharply - I don't review and re-read after posting and I'm not certain the pedantic repetition always strikes people that way..Your FAQ idea is great, a glossary of sorts; I just need to rotate that sphere to locate the time....Human Bodies18/09//2013New Airport Security PositionQ:Who designed the human bodies we have on Earth or why did they evolve to be what they are?C:There is a component of evolution yet it is minor so we shall address evolution of bodily function and form after the larger question of design.Q:So the basic structure and form of a human body is not evolution from smaller cells?C:No. As we have said before, bodies in your solar system have existed on what was the planet of your asteroid belt, then Mars and now Earth. Each time there was a contribution to what you have recently discovered to be DNA, as there is with all living things, a code or map for the structure to grow.Q:There will be disagreement and dissent with this, saying it cannot be proven.C:Proof is criteria as we have said many a time; criteria cannot be set against that which is not known or understood. As the round Earth could not be proven thus its existence was false, so would be reaction to extraterrestrial introduction of genetic code on Earth.Q:Before we turn back to human bodies, I must ask about science and criteria in general; we have been told by you, Esteemed Committee, that science - and research into it - are hindered, so has there been and will there be introduction of understanding into human knowledge generally accepted?C:Yes, there has been and always will be. The haphazard discovery of scientific knowledge is too unstructured and far too long a wait for the benefit of human existence. There is no random discovery of scientific knowledge in the universe, although it is planned to seem this way. The discovery and development of scientific principles on Earth are largely grown from the seeds provided. This is done to ensure understanding of risks as the benefits are explored. It is possible to strap a toddler to a tricycle and roll it down a hill and some of these small children would even enjoy it until the inevitable crash. The desire of humanity to have anti-gravity devices, ease of space visit and travel, powerful electromagnetic transmission apparatuses and nearly instant viewing of surface detail and activity anywhere, would become the toddler's tricycle crash. Better to allow the toddler a look, and climb aboard and small, easy turns of the pedals.Q:The problem many humans will have with this is the condescension this view holds; somehow we are not able to manage for ourselves and need to be monitored?C:You do.Q:Can you provide an example?C:Debate about weapons continues, yet the debate falls too easily upon the inanimate object. This is a simple thing to control; controlling yourselves is more complicated and controlling each other a two edged sword. The suggestions to eliminate weapons rarely examine benefits simultaneously. What formula has humanity devised to allow creation of and utmost respect for a sovereign nation that can still be violated for misdeeds by its leaders? Even as this is written, such problem continues. Against this pattern, introduction of technologies that you have not yet collectively understood against risks and effects is done carefully. We see this way as the highest of love and respect, despite a leaning towards subjugation that might be seen. The majority of humanity is not aware of its place, role and prominence in the galaxy so this view, many humans might have, is not so difficult for us to appreciate.Q:OK, let's get back to human bodies and even animal bodies.C:All of you have them, who read this; go on.Q:Why two legs and two arms?C:There are many beings with more; in the case of humans, the legs are for locomotion, the arms manipulation of environment. There are many four legged beings, and many with six or eight or even many more. All for specific purpose.Q:Are there extraterrestrials with the same four limb structure?C:Yes, a two leg, two arm, upper head cerebral cavity is ideal for many planetary environments.Q:How different is Earth body chemistry from other planets?C:Quite different; iron versus copper, carbon versus silicone are just two differences to be found. Use of oxygen, lungs for process of incoming and outgoing gases and oxidation of sustenance for energy are common throughout the galaxy, with variations.Along with these differences there are variations in appearance, size and external features. Some aspects of these have developed on Earth but these are small characteristics, skin tone, hair texture and so forth. Specific to certain climates and conditions.Q:What about plants and animals?C:The same pattern; all of your religious ideas of Earth as created by God are true, based on introduction of life on Earth from the Heavens. Q:In Earth time reference, how long has Earth existed? How many rotations about the Sun has Earth made since its creation?C:Approximately four billion. Q:For how much of this time has there been life here?C:Approximately half; for the great majority of this half time of life, there has only been what you call plant life. Animals capable of locomotion and flight, only a few percent of this latter half.Q:Let's see, that means four billion, divide by two equals two billion, so only one to two percent of that means twenty to forty million years for animal life.C:Yes, and biped humanoids only a small percentage of that.Q:How much?C:Approximately five percent.Q:That means only one to two million years. That's a broad spread, a one hundred percent difference. Why can't we know more precisely?C:Time as you understand it on Earth has been re-set and reconfigured during this period, so both answers apply, as you would view this from distinct perspectives. Q:How?C:Switching of timelines; the concept of parallel reality. These are real and parallels are really just larger or smaller spheres; as the sphere expands, the distance along its surface grows even if the two points remain in equivalent positions to each other; when the sphere or globe is turned in different directions, the previous line can be seen to curve, stretch and rebound. Time is elastic but Earth existence requires a view of fixed rhythm. Thus we cannot say one million years in absolute terms; that would be incorrect yet Earth scientists would insist upon precision to fit this. Where accuracy by Earth mathematical formulae were not achieved, incorrect it would be declared. We say, your Earth ideas of precision are often too simplistic in their linearity.Q:Wow; "dafuq did I just read?" (Sorry folks, a little Erik visit there...)C:Re-read you may, as you would like. We have time you allow as we have none and unlimited. Simultaneously.Q:So by Earth time, humans as we have them – as we are – are a one to two million year deal?C:Yes.Q:The current civilization of the latest of three we know about, Lemuria, Atlantis and now….what name shall we give?C:You shall choose the name you like when your civilization is no more. This comes farther down the elliptical path, or your road. Q:Why can't it have a name now?C:A trend is only identified once underway and cycle known only after completion. Thus the end of the civilization on Earth as you now know it will come and a name will be used to refer to it, only when that happens.Q:Since you can see there is no time and there are parallel realities, what name is going to be chosen?C:It comes not from English as you now know it, so it will be not easy to pronounce. We can say you will call this current civilization on Earth, Ostopolis. [I hope I got this right – Q].Q:Is this like Azatlán from Atlantis, Atlantic Ocean, Atlanta, Georgia? So Ostopolis…means what?C:West, as the word for the direction opposite or against Earth rotation.Q:What did Atlantis mean? C:Your mythical god Atlas, this is one variation which means holding and supporting the Earth. The leaders of the civilization believed they achieved this, through scientific discovery.Q:Lemuria?C:East or in the direction of the planet's rotation.Q:I can hear the howling and dispute over this already.C:It does not matter; the name is a simple identifier. Many could be chosen and all would serve purpose.Q:Can we visit and survive in the atmospheres and environments of other planets?C:Certainly, as could and have visitors from others in yours.Q:There are risks, though.C:Yes, the risks are biological and severe, in both directions. Q:Is human adaptation and mutation random or controlled?C:Both; the pattern of mutation for purposes of survival by adaptation of new conditions is an established pattern, controlled by you from Heaven. The need for modification to bodily function to manage circumstances such as diseases, is planned and implemented. Mutations are aberrations but also portends and memories not common. Q:I recently read lobsters have an enzyme that allows DNA to reproduce entirely, without decay or deterioration of the molecule, as that happens to almost all beings. This allows lobsters to live and grow indefinitely. Could this be done for humans?C:Yes. Physical hazards would end lives after a time for nearly everyone. The challenge for the lobster is size; for carbon based chemical structures of Earth beings, with ingestion of carbohydrates, it requires continuous growth, which ceases as adulthood arrives. The process of replacement cell creation works not well with a fixed size and thus human and all animal bodies would grow in size indefinitely. This alone would create hazards and barriers to lives multiples longer than the existing. You incarnate on Earth to achieve a plan, lesson and to fulfill an experience. The ending is a great part of this, it is desired. The human urge to live forever is already satisfied; you all will anyway. Q:What about animals and plants?C:The less complicated the cerebral function, the longer a plant and some animals may live, until physical hazards operate. Large trees lose ability to resist wind and their own weight.Q:Are there any changes to Earth human bodies and functions coming?C:Yes.Q:Can you name them?C:Reproduction, sustenance from nutrition and longevity will all evolve. There will be fewer humans and less chronic disease. Along with a greater development in technology there will be simpler existence. Devices, apparatuses and implements will be less common in human life than currently popular. Greatest of all change will be acceptance of variations; it is common among humans to classify society along many lines of differentiation and to seek association with like ideas. It is uncommon to seek disagreement and divergence; it is shunned in many aspects. This will change, considerably.Q:Can you give an example?C:Many of you are aware of the energies of all things that surround your life and some have discovered enjoyment, pleasure and peace from this understanding. The design of a dwelling, the arrangement of furnishings and choice of diet are just three ways this is explored. It is not uncommon to find followers of these newer ideas, who in actuality are simply remembering aspects of prior lives and of home in Heaven, to simultaneously reverse the advances achieved in these understandings by criticizing others who do not adhere to these ways. This latest permutation of societal classification will fade among humanity; humans like to see similar things and seek them. This will be altered and disagreement and divergence will be actively pursued; disposal of a differing characteristic in order to fit in, or grouping together by similarity of characteristic when disposal of the feature is not possible, will stop. Disappointment this will cause in not so many centuries of Earth time, from now. A political Conservative will find like minded attitudes tedious and seek adversaries; the adversaries will welcome disagreement and the self proclaimed ideas of the right will not be influenced by the ideas of the other persuasion. The differences will be enjoyed. This development in human society has long since been absent and appears unfathomable to nearly all of you today.Q:It sounds like difference will fade; homogenous thinking will come to be.C:No, this will not be. By your current Earth views, this seems likely however it extrapolates into a set of circumstances that will not be present.Q:Back to bodies; why are there no three legged animals?C:Inefficiency.Q:Why no four eyed beings?C:There are many types of vision organs, some with many eyes. In each case, efficiency of purpose.Q:Why are some body types considered attractive and others not?C:This is subjective and often is entirely soul memory and life plan design. Attractive or otherwise is entirely the view of the adjective. Q:Why are thinner people considered more attractive?C:Health; reproduction is more desirable with such bodily type, as all things are created in human societies. To seek the beneficial and avoid the detrimental. These are social. Great opportunity arises in the body type chosen, as a soul will learn great lessons by all features and aspects, as surrounding people react and interact. We suggest a gorilla, which sees no difference between human females in terms of attraction and appearance, all humans cause it initial concern. Likewise the female gorilla to the human male, yet also the same thing is seen, despite vast difference of reaction.Q:Cancer rates have increased steadily for decades; why?C:Two reasons; better detection of the conditions you call cancer and more so, a greater number of life plans programmed this way.Q:You're suggesting more people want to get cancer?Or that anyone wanted it?C:No; cancer is shunned. For this reason, it is programmed into a life. The absolute desire to NOT have such disease is what its development offers. Once designed into a life, you come to Earth having forgotten it and when it occurs, you do not remember this plan. It is kept from you, by your Guides and Angels, by your wish and instruction.Q:Will there ever be a cure for most cancers as now occur?C:Yes, the persons who shall discover this already live on Earth; the cure for the diseases will come when no more practical benefit to its occurrence is seen. This phase of humanity approaches.Q:The idea human habits cause it, is this true?C:Yes, and these habits are programmed into your life by you. The ability to break the habit, cure the disease are also opportunities often contained in the design of the experience. Then you shall choose, and great benefit comes to the person, in any way the disease is resolved and concluded. Q:That's pretty horrible, to say somebody benefits by dying of cancer.C:You do not benefit from a cancer death, as a human. You are far more.Q:Will we learn to manipulate human DNA and life forms?C:Yes, this will be learned again as was known during Atlantis' latter stages of existence. The abuse of the technology will not be common; you are unlikely to create again Centaurs and Mermaids as was done once. Eradication of disease and repair of injury will be the common applications. Re-growth of limbs and organs will result from this, in a century or so.Q:Or so?C:Your good and loyal reader Mike grows weary of this subject! Bear with us, we ask you; a series of events will take place. We already know how they will be followed and arranged for this has already been chosen, you see. What we do not know is how YOU on Earth will arrange on your time line of illusion; what order you will choose to follow. Will the house have its interior installed before the outer siding or after? This choice is open even as the completion of the house is already set. The choice and occurrence of weather to affect the outside, and delay completion, will move the finishing moment along this timeline. We see the globe, the sphere and know it will rotate, stop and have a set location. How you choose to rotate by your choice will affect the lines drawn by the various points on the sphere's surface. So we cannot tell you what have not chosen, we can only estimate the route and length you shall control. The destination you have already set.Q:One last human body question; why do some people worry so much about its appearance?C:You forget to love yourself; remind yourself that you do. Not that you should; all of you already love yourselves and know this but for having forgotten to do it. Is not the most beautiful thing in a person a deep look into the eyes? Is this not the most attractive thing? It is the window into the soul and this close look given and received is the greatest beauty, is it not? Do this and worry of appearance will evaporate.Be mentsKees 18/09/2013 5:17pmExcellent post Patrick. ThanksPatrick 19/09/2013 10:45pmThank you!Kayra 19/09/2013 12:04amYour messages move me, thank you so much Patrick, Committe, and butter inner Erik! ;)Patrick 19/09/2013 10:35pmErik likes the "butt" part more than the butter, he says.Sarah 19/09/2013 6:55amWonderful, great post, loved reading it, thank you Patrick.Patrick 19/09/2013 10:46pmThank the Committee and IBM and Lenovo for providing "key" parts of the process. I'm just the scribe.Mike 19/09/2013 7:53amLol ... Your good and loyal reader Mike grows weary of this subject!And the Committee have managed to resolve it so perfectly here in this sentence... Re-growth of limbs and organs will result from this, in a century or so. By simply referring to a century or so. No need to beat about the bush or have unnecessary explanations. :-)The thing about appearances for me is looking into the mirror now is even more depressing. I used to be able to blame my parents for my looks. But now it's worse as I find out my own soul has designed this abomination of a shell to carry it through this phase of a life experience. What the hell was my soul thinking, at least give myself a head start in this incarnation.Seems good news on cancer though, but am sure something just as bad will replace it.Cristina 19/09/2013 3:00pmMike i just loved the comment about you :)))))) Soooo cute :P A question for you Patrick cause I'm a bit confused about timing : in the next 20-25 years the shift occurs, that means also the shift of Earth poles ? And afterwards you have the remaining people committee talks about ? Great post btw : I was wow and wtf every other minute while reading :) Just amazing , thank you for your effortsPatrick 19/09/2013 10:38pmThe poles will not shift; they will wander magnetically and the Earth will wobble about the axis also, in a movement called precession, for you scientific wordsmiths.Ahmed 19/09/2013 11:57am"C: There is a component of evolution yet it is minor so we shall address evolution of bodily function and form after the larger question of design."So if not evolution then what? Intelligent design? By whom or what? What about vestigial organs like the appendix and parts that seem 'poorly designed' like the backwards retina in the vertebrate eye (these are just 2 objections I remember to intelligent design)?There are several defects, both physical and psychological in biological organisms that just seem more attributable to a 'blind' process like natural selection and evolution than an intelligent design."C: The same pattern; all of your religious ideas of Earth as created by God are true, based on introduction of life on Earth from the Heavens. "I'm assuming that The Committee means the general idea is true, because I'd have a hard time believing the Adam and Eve story as being true other than as a broad metaphor, and that God really shaped humans out of clay and breathed life into them, or as the Qur'an says, Eve was made out of a rib taken from Adam.Patrick 19/09/2013 10:41pmErik asks me to tell you Ahmed, "Dude, you ask tough, take a hit on my cigar..." Intelligent design by whose definition of intelligent? Yes, religious books are metaphoric but the rib into Eve is probably also symbolic of DNA insertion by ETs....Ahmed 20/09/2013 6:49pmIntelligent as in designed by a being for a purpose and not just a result of natural selection and the physical laws. I just offered the other alternative to evolution since The Committee says it only played a minor role.And Erik, you're welcome to have a smoke with me anytime :D.Marygrace 19/09/2013 12:49pmI really enjoy reading all your posting. I look forward to it everyday. I wish there was more on the departed. I find it interesting what they have to say, and their views since there passing.Patrick 19/09/2013 10:44pmApologies for lesser attention to the dead & famous, it's a matter of time. The Committee gets me to write about it but hasn't sent the shop manual for manufacturing more.Has something to do with being human, I suspect....L.A. George 19/09/2013 1:19pmOne of the best and most interesting posts yet IMHO. Keep up the the great work! There's something for everyone in each post. Amazing!Patrick 19/09/2013 10:48pmThanks, George.MoFoKai 20/09/2013 10:39amHi Patrick!!!, I'm curious what does Erik think of the movie , '' Nosso lar aka Astral City: A Spiritual Journey (2010) '' ? Is the movie a good metaphor of how the environment in the afterlife works?Patrick 20/09/2013 3:24pm@ MFKI will ask him if he has seen it...cristina 22/09/2013 2:18pm"The desire of humanity to have anti-gravity devices, ease of space visit and travel, powerful electromagnetic transmission apparatuses and nearly instant viewing of surface detail and activity anywhere, would become the toddler's tricycle crash.." If i ever start that site with bridging science and spirituality, I faithfully stick to ideas here. Cause of the toddler :PPlants & Animals19/09/2013Q:Committee, what can or maybe it's better said, should we know about animals?C:In addition to or beyond what you already understand?Q:Plants, too by the way. C:Your question is enormously broad in response, a breadth we are not eager to reduce for concern of eliminating your question.Q:You mean to say there is that much more to plant and animal life on Earth that humanity does not know?C:Yes; knowledge of sea life barely rises above knowledge of extraterrestrials.Q:We know more than that!C:How do you know what you do not know? If unaware, a measurement there cannot be.Q:How do you, Esteemed Committee, know what we do not?C:We are relatively better informed of your dimensionality and environment as we are not constrained by your limitations of physicality. Better by relation to what you understand.Q:How do you know all of what humanity knows?C:We study your texts, we watch your research and we guide your experimentation where this is our place, and often, it is. By your choice and instruction, always and of course.Q:Are there seas and forests on other planets?C:Yes, however few with the beauty and diversity of Earth.Q:What purposes do plants serve other than food and environment?C:There should be more? These two things are insufficient? Q:They don't interact, form societies, communicate or develop; they don't have brains or senses like moving creatures…C:Yes, yes, yes and yes; yes and yes…..they all these things have. Q:Where is a tree's brain?C:Around its mind, just as your mind envelops your brain.Q:There's no brain organ in a tree.C:No, there is not so assume you do, that a mind requires a brain organ.Q:So, if there's no brain where is the mind of a tree? Or of a cornstalk or even a grass plant? C:Around the tree, just as your mind is around you. An aura you call it.Q:Trees don't have auras.C:Yes, they do and emotions also.Q:Why don't we ever see any of these things? C:There are many things you accept as existing that you never see, or rarely. Often you see the effect, never the thing. No human sees wind, does this make it null and void?Q:So what is or are the purpose or purposes of trees and plants?C:They exist to perform all of the roles of a biological environment, as you have all studied and know well. Your botany, agriculture, forestry and all related sciences are good clues into the physical functions plants perform. There is more, much more.Q:Please describe it.C:Why is wood beautiful?Q:Its grain and texture; the color also.C:Yes, and does the beauty of wood fade or improve with age?Q:Usually improves, if preserved.C:So you see one purpose.Q:So what about societies and interaction?C:You call these forests; the woods. All of the many things found in woods that seek its environment are supported by the existence; all inhabitants show appreciation to the woods that provide an opportunity for sustenance and life.Do you know of any human that rejects a walk in the beautiful woods, complains of its appearance and openly states preference and desire for a barren desert and a vicious, painful and soonest destruction of the woodlands?Q:Well, no, anybody saying that would be considered a bit crazy…C:Yes, and in this example all of you can appreciate, you know the power of the life force the woods provide all of you. One purpose and role among many the forests provide. Q:How about plants and crops and such not part of a forest?C:All natural growths of plant life serve a purpose and crops also, by your design.Q:If humans never cultivated crops…C:As was the case for a portion of your current civilization…Q:Well, yeah, that's true…so if we humans never did it now, would we all eat anyway?C:Yes, there is more than sufficient ability to survive from animal and plant food sources, you could easily survive and thrive without animal flesh proteins, with a few adjustments. Q:Not even eggs or milk? Like Greek yogurt? Cheese? C:These are fine and no animal need be killed for them; we mean consumption of animal bodies. This is not necessary although we do understand some humans will require some in their diet. The elimination of some animals for food is easily replaced, and bear always in mind that the animal must die eventually. The numbers need never be reduced.Q:The objections to many animals hunted or slaughtered are the methods and the suffering.C:Yes, however these animals will almost always suffer equally or worse by their natural death where no human interaction occurs. ?Remember, the animal has a soul just as you, and a life plan. Death by this means –intentional slaughter for human use - is not rare and known and accepted by many an animal.Q:Do animal souls and human souls in Heaven seem as different as on Earth?C:Yes and no; the soul of the universe is all energy; the portion allotted or allocated or dedicated to a life on Earth, in the existence of any living being, is a portion and subset of the being's life energy. The complication of a human life relative to the animal, and then again relative to a plant, require a larger or smaller portion of the true soul to occupy the place on Earth for the chosen life. As these are compared in Heaven, the corresponding Earth appearance is used and the context of the Earth life framed by the temporary appearance of what the living being did. In any moment, any soul in Heaven can revert to a pure energy form. No visual depiction of a certain appearance is needed; just as humans would say they hear voices, and often they do. No body required. We suggest your mother's voice, all of you who remember her as a child and if you do not have this memory of this life, we suggest anyone from your childhood; was her face necessary to know her voice? Even behind a closed door you will know the voice and the person. This is your soul in Heaven to all who know you; this is the sensation and no voice is required. You all recognize each other by the energy field just as you believe you recognize the voice of your mother but it is the energy field you feel, and your human interpretation of energy is what you apply to the sound of the voice, but it is deeper. The comfort at a moment of distress, you all remember this and no view, costume or setting was ever necessary for this.Your forest does a similar thing for you; your animals the ones you love, do this also. Q:What are the societies of trees? How do they interact?C:Roots are a key and often main method and these are part of conflict as the one grows into the space of another; roots exposed up and over and then down again into the soil are the result of a conflict. Where agreement to allow a crossing of subterranean roots is made, these grow together intertwined with neither root forced above the surface. Where one has done this, a conflict took place and might even continue.Q:What about leaves, needles, seed pods, acorns, pine cones and everything else that grows and falls?C:This is a way a tree shows love to another; where a tree will enjoy its neighbor and feel, for a tree what humans will call affection, the production of any or all of these things is higher or more prolific. A human visiting the woods where this occurs among many of the trees, will feel especially happy and contented. Q:I've never heard of a forest or arboretum peacefulness competition.C:No objective measure might you apply; yet we can say with certainty, if visited the prolific producer of seeds, leaves and all other growths and then compared to the lesser, all would feel a subjective higher contentment in the higher producing place.Just as humans who feel great affection and enjoyment and love for others are also more prolific producers of seeds.Q:Like sperm and ova cells?C:Yes.Q:What purposes do animals serve?C:Conceptually similar to all living things on Earth, yet the sleep and awake cycle is a signal of a more complicated life plan and function. Thus the respites sleep provides.Q:Humans have always believed they –or we – are special and different. Better? That plants and animals serve humanity. Not the reverse.C:You all serve each other.Q:If there were no humans on Earth, how would Earth proceed?C:Well, for most of Earth's existence it is this way; humans are but one species. This is no different than asking if there were no sheep, or birds or deer. Not every species inhabits every region and so to know what Earth without deer would be, is simply to go where there are none. Q:Are humans a drag on the plant and animal kingdoms?C:No, a contributor. Awareness is communication and world ability, ever better and faster, allows awareness to grow. Both negative and positive are offered and humanity loves improvement, thus awareness of less than perfection is offered; this makes a dim view of human interaction with animals easy. It is more even than understood generally. Your pets are an example.Q:Do plants have a life plan and soul?C:Yes.Q:Animals?C:Yes. Q:What will happen with the plant and animal kingdoms with the shift?C:What is constant on Earth will happen also; change. Some species of plants will fade, some will disappear and other will flourish. We can even say a few unknowns, newcomers, shall appear. You will all like them. Animals will also begin to diminish in species and number.Q:Will there be new animals and species?C:No; however discoveries of existing species will come about, especially sea life.Q:Is being a vegetarian preferred to being an omnivore?C:Only if you prefer; there is not an inherent good or bad quality to either way. Ask yourself, is it better to slaughter plants than animals? Your answer will decide. We suggest, the role of nutrients be followed, the mixtures and amounts as a priority, not the source.Q:To many people the slaughter of sheep and cattle, pigs and goats is abhorrent.C:Yes, it is.Q:Well is it?C:If you would starve yourself to death before you might do this yourself, then no. Your death is more abhorrent, so choose what you abhor less. Is this a way to live? We suggest not. Life is not a choice between bad and worse. Consider the goat chose a life to be slaughtered, the sheep to become a meal. When wolves kill for survival, this is accepted because no choice is seen as a viable alternative. It is deemed instinct and nature, thus accepted. That it is instinct is true, yet humanity's instinct is worth less? Because one human's idea is considered better – to eat only the chicken's unhatched offspring, the eggs – but never harm the chicken – should every human be considerate to the chicken this way? Humans must first learn this universal consideration for one another; no species slaughters its own for emotions as do humans.Q:Esteemed Committee, thank you.C:Our pleasure, do come mentscristina 20/09/2013 7:05pmvery very interesting :)Earth Societies20/09/2013Q:This subject has been studied in depth by anthropologists, so tell us, how do societies on Earth compare to societies in Heaven?C:Earth societies relate to ownership of land which does not exist outside of the physical dimensions on the planet; before there was ownership of land there was control for survival; sustenance and defense seen as necessary.Q:Nomads?C:Yes, the great part of Earth history is this way. The grouping of peoples by proximity, the distance reasonably traveled on foot, then horseback and so forth – all known and well understood – only exists and thus creates a curious system of nation state and organizations of ownership, systems of control. These also do not exist.Q:Explain the systems of control, please, and why systems of control don't exist.C:What land mass remains outside the sovereign control of a nation? Virtually none; there are large territories that would be defended against invasion or takeover, we suggest your continent of Antarctica, that would nevertheless be protected from it were this attempted. No place remains unclassified as not a nation's territory proper or controlled by it.A plot of the surface cannot be owned; only the collective agreement can be made to allow one or a group of persons to do certain things with it. The nations and subdivisions within will nearly always seize the control of the land, what you call ownership, from the inhabitants previously indicated as the controllers, or owners you prefer to say.This aspect of recent Earth society differs vastly from your true home in Heaven. Control systems are simply agreements to behave a certain way, that can be altered immediately, if desired. Q:What is it like in a Heavenly society?C:We shall describe Earth and then by the absence of what is listed, you shall begin to see, again, what your natural home is, as you shall remember it when you all return home.It is common to consider materials and labor, manufacturing versus service and raw goods and planning of use as separate but these are the same thing; all objects, items and materials on Earth already exist on Earth before you have, make, create and produce them. The plastic of the toy, the polyethylene of the automobile’s interior and the steel, brick, stone and glass of the massive building all originate entirely and completely from materials on Earth, all in a fixed location. A location under control in some way, often to secure the ability to utilize materials there in furtherance of economic gain. So everything produced is labor or service also; consider your electricity. Does the metallic winding of the generator wear out from production? No, the energy that is what you call electricity comes from inside the atom and is not physical in the way the exterior of the atom and molecule operates, so electricity is a service. Yes, you produce equipment, but like all things, this equipment comes from materials already existent on Earth. The plastic we mentioned are the result of electricity and manipulation of materials found upon and below the surface of the planet and each successive step leads to the culmination of services, the plastic. So you see, all of what is produced originates in thought and energy within the atoms and cells of the body and brain and all things you utilize.This pattern resembles Heaven accurately, yet slower by the dimensionality of Earth. The old and tiring concept of time, so valuable and servile to your purposes, creates delay and a wonderful series of opportunities to see the universe in so unique a fashion.The systemic control over locations thus materials and thus service born of thought does not exist away from Earth or another dense existence of the universe. The energy can be corralled, grouped, pulled together and the object of desire created. It shall last as long as desired and then vanish instantly when not wanted. Your materials never vanish; the raw becomes the finished and can again be returned to the raw to a degree, if you so prefer. This scheme is what creates Earth societies as you now have them.Q:Okay, so what about a time not so long ago, when there were only nomads or smaller groups of people and no worldwide set of borders?C:This more naturally resembles your Heavenly home with one stark, significant difference; Earth existence limits your movement. This is absent in your home, the absence allowing of a completely different structure.Q:So what about families?C:A baby cannot survive without parents, and this applies to all animals of a certain size. Smaller insects, by relative simplicity of function, require less or none. Your plants? The concept of parent is genetic, not societal. This closely resembles Heaven, where survival of a soul is independent of creation and not risky or imperiled in any manner. You cannot perish and disappear; you do not consider it. On Earth, disappearance of a person is deemed absolute. It is not.The absoluteness of circumstance creates a basis for Earth society that rises only to the level of high and wide illusion.Q:Has the development of societies, with languages, borders, rules and generalized organization been positive?C:Yes, and also supplies many challenges, a richness of experience Heaven does not offer. Consider a deep, romantic experience with a person of great beauty and mutual attraction with whom you cannot speak, by virtue of language barriers; is this not unique and rewarding in many ways? Heaven offers this not; the ability to communicate with ease and understanding is universal. This universality denies you all the beauty of limits.Q:What missteps have been created by Earth societies?C:There are only missteps from certain views created by the criteria established to fix the view, its point of observation. We shall cite racist attitudes of one prevailing skin color and set of features versus another; the mistreated gains great insight into the value of a being by observing another who cannot see below the shallow package of differences. Likewise the unacceptor, the rejector gains an opposite and equally if not more valuable benefit from the role. She or he shall have the opportunity to understand the effect of imposition of preferences, to not just feel put upon but to know the emotion after having done it to another without realization; the life review moment of this is an enormous lifting of growth. All shall gain immeasurably from the experience. The challenge for human life, these realizations often complete process after returning home. Not always shall the insight, amends, repairs and understanding become available while the parties to process live still. This partial assignment aspect of human life and existence, a product of societies and likewise cause of them, is what you have all created. Q:So racial, religious or other divisions are entirely a human creation?C:Yes, however we shall say reaction. As movement of ever larger number of humans across greater and greater distance developed - eventually oceans and between continents – the reactions of visitors and natives was entirely human. This was not a mandated course of action and reaction; this is human choice and developed as would many animals. The opportunity to experience this was enormously attractive to many a soul and so incarnation in great numbers of the very brave, who wanted - and want still – to experience this, did choose Earth society. This has been the case with all civilizations, Lemuria, Altantis and now.Q:So is we remove the organization of land surface control…..C:You thus remove money. Control is done primarily for control of trade, to personal or family group benefit. You have recently learned to allow larger groups of owners yet the spread of what you consider the value of such control units – shares, stock or otherwise – never extends far beyond family, if at all. Rare is the person to bequeath wealth around a family, to its exclusion. The large company with many owners as you consider them, take good advantage of economy of scale and use money as the tool of organizational effort. All of this you understand well; so removing the system of land surface control implies removal of money.Q:Control over land usually means defense; inability to do so invites takeover.C:Where benefit is seen; we cited your Earthly mass of Antarctica. The distance from other populations coupled with environmental challenges make use of this place unwanted. Q:So wars, organized conflicts between established societies in control of a certain land area, are a natural occurrence?C:You must examine the assumptions inherent in this word of human use, natural. Natural from nature but what is nature? This refers to a series of properties, talents, behaviors, traits and characteristics inherent and automatically occurring. This is the appearance and this is a true thing, because of the collective design of Earth all of you create.The horror of war, denounced so vigorously by so many, would be swiftly initiated by these same denouncers, under a certain set of circumstances. We know with certainty, mass suicide or surrender would not be chosen. The control of the surface is deemed too important.Q:So how would human societies eliminate conflict, organized armed conflict, and all that must come with it?C:Examine the desires and values these conflicts support, and eschew them.Q:Do vicious conflicts exist between extraterrestrials, civilizations of other planets?C:Yes, but very limited. The aggressor understands the risk and rarely pursues such action. Great interstellar conflicts have often happened; your movie series Star Wars and television program Star Trek are analogies, not complete imaginations. Q:So what is the difference, besides degree, between an armed robber or rapist and an invasion?C:Scope; you have, I want, use force thus gain. This pattern is inherent in all conflict of society, on all scales. Where did conflict in human society not follow this pattern? The names and pieces of each part go by many different names; pleasure, release, money, revenge and so forth. The break in the pattern eliminates the occurrence. Where you may create and have anything you want, you want for nothing that you can make and this is Heaven. Where what you cannot automatically have can only be gained by voluntary agreement and willful joining of cause, activity and group, this is Heaven.Q:How can conflict be reduced on Earth?C:Understanding and love. Scarcity is an illusion, just as all things around you are an agreement to be seen that way, itself an illusion. Reality is no more than congruence with a point of reference previously created and planned. When recognition of scarcity fades – which means acceptance of abundance is common – conflict abates. Humanity must define by examination what it shall understand as abundance. All of you on Earth are vastly and generously over-supplied with everything happiness could involve; simply look at it, right before you.Q:Esteemed Committee, thank you.C:Our honor to be of benefit; until mentsSarah 21/09/2013 8:35amVery good, thank you!MoFo 21/09/2013 1:18pmQ: Do vicious conflicts exist between extra-terrestrials, civilizations of other planets?C: Yes, but very limited. The aggressor understands the risk and rarely pursues such action. Great interstellar conflicts have often happened; your movie series Star Wars and television program Star Trek are analogies, not complete imaginations.I hope our future Earth doesn't turn out to be a replica of Planet Coruscant in the star war universe. Yoda - Trust the force you mustDessert Topping21/09/2013Inspired by the recent parallels discussion, a reader poses five questions. Q-1Is heaven, as we call it, the central reality from which all other realities and dimensions emanate, regardless of their vibration? Or do all realities and dimensions operate individually and of themselves?C:We find great challenge with the insertion into your language of what shall not easily fit, however we will attempt it. This we say, as we understand our attempts could seem unclear, vague, muddled or confusing yet we believe our good effort and the energy with which we choose to send it will lift the understanding of all who read these words. The mixture of reality and location, allocation of it to a place represents a great challenge in the universe, not on Earth for you, in your incarnations. We admire and even sometimes envy this view, as its uniqueness is significant among the many features of Earth so attractive and so able to draw participation. No, there is not a central location in the universe and no interpretation of reality to be called central. Reality is but a human word to summarize your database; what fits is deemed real, what falls outside, is not. Everything is reality if you can see it, hear it, think it and feel or imagine any of these experiences. There is no location to be attached. Changes, movements, shifts and alterations of location are not correlated to any human understanding of reality.We wish to re-iterate; reality is no more than the limits of a database. If it is imagined or experienced, it is real. The parameters, within which anything might be fenced, define reality for you, as you choose and place the fenceposts. This choosing and placement transcends your Earth body consciousness and your mind, your true soul and energetic essence, so parts of what you do fall outside perception and thus outside the database definition. There is no independent operation of existence; everything in the universe is a matrix, of immediate connection across all things in it. There is no such thing as independence; there exists only temporary separation.Dimensions are no more than subsets of limitations.Q-2Is vibration the underlying controller of all realities and dimensions? C:Not the controller it is, the media is more precise. As newspaper is not the verbiage printed upon it, nor the message conveyed. Vibration is the indicator of range, the common denominator of scope and the mortar between the elements chosen to occupy the segment of existence. Q-3Once you are in the spirit realm are you immediately able to traverse all realities and dimensions? C:You are in the spirit realm now and also using a physical body to travel a unique, special and admired route. We would say observe is a better description, to traverse realities and dimensions might imply participation and you might choose not do, and thus discard, deactivate or diminish the participation in some, to favor others. Observation expands with the understanding of what can and may be watched, and the implications; a simple look involves the looker. Earth creates the illusion of secret observance, where the observed are unaffected by view upon them. This is not true, all things you watch receive energy of your attention and are affected in some way by it; the negative glance offered as reaction to your comments you all feel strongly. Thus what is chosen to be seen is chosen with a view to selection and effect. You shall ask how this is possible, in that you would need to see what you would choose to see; yes, where events are sequential, true. Where time is circular and therefore does not exist as you perceive it, this choice is made, the effect delayed or avoided without need of view.Q-4How many realities and dimensions are there? C:This shall depend on view, organization and classification of view. We shall say, there are approximately twenty five ranges of dimension, for each dimension as you understand it, is a range. As we say "approximately" because proximity of one to another allows a blend, an overlap and a fusion of two or several. This does not happen on Earth and also not with extraterrestrial life in a physical body. Observance of other dimensions is possible, and there is effect upon the observed even where the observer is not aware of it yet this spillover or bleed over into the other dimension is not a blending or mixture. Thus the term approximate for the twenty five or less. Each reality is the set of experiences recorded by a participant, no more and no less. Its number can be deemed infinite and unable to be defined in a mathematical way, as you have asked. Reality you each form, this is your will and desire. Earth ideas of the function of the mind are given to classification of craziness in the person choosing to reject from inclusion in the database that which a majority might have chosen to accept.The majority choose the disfunction of the body as the end of presence on Earth. To select the notion of a continued presence of a soul after expiration and disappearance of a body quickly gathers concern for instability of mind, yet the same critics of this view can be given to prayer and worship of Muhammad, Jesus, Budda and others, all of whom lived on Earth by the ideas of a majority, and whose presence on and about Earth after expiration and disappearance of their bodies is deemed sacrosanct, above question.So we ask, to use a phrase of your comics, is it floor polish or dessert topping? We hope we have placed a small portion of light upon the question and its meaning.Q-5Is a life on earth, classed as one of the most challenging incarnations in all realities and dimensions? C:mentsAhmed 21/09/2013 4:19pmI really like this post, clarifies a lot of things for me. Thank you and The Committee.cristina 21/09/2013 6:27pmI know this is unrelated subject but have you thought to make all these into a book? Different subjects with committee comments and your own explanations? It is bit of scientific stuff, people may be interested...Just a thought ;) call it "science from spirits" or something like that :PAnyway, i consider myself a bit smart, but the knowledge from committee is too heavy for my tiny brain :P I think people will be interested in their comments along with your explanations...Patrick 22/09/2013 10:51amCristina:It's not unrelated, everything's a matrix! I see your point, though...Yes, it occurred to me in a flash of neuron transmissions that a book like this might be possible, but I don't believe this website's contents would do it.Any book would need a singular theme and would have to flow around that, such as the Earth described through a visit by ETs, or the journey of a mother through the afterlife following her son's death.Without a clear statement of its theme, many potential readers could easily see a compilation of these entries as no more than an invitation to go wander deep into thick woods with no compass, map, destination or path to follow and by the way, it's probably going to get dark before you figure out where you are. Few people will be interested in getting lost; I'm not.Now, your idea is VERY soon as I finish "The Planet" (quite soon, in a week or so) and post it here, I'll give your suggestion serious thought!cristina 22/09/2013 11:14amI'm thinking you could write some papers and publish some of the scientific bits committee told you.And when that is accepted, drop the bomb from where the information came :)))))))))))))))))))))Those are just thoughts... my brain is spinning between good/bad outcomes... People turn so easily good ideas into weapons if you give them the chance ...Mike 21/09/2013 6:49pmMy other question I forgot to include, was as a demonstration for us of reality. I think it was Einstein who asked 'The Moon, if all sentient beings stopped looking at it would it still be there'?Patrick 22/09/2013 11:00amYes, the Moon would remain without our attention BUT it would not remain a part of our collective existence. Our participation on Earth is individual & collective; its impossible to escape the cumulative energy our interactions create. If we all ignored the Moon, it would lose a portion of its existence; the energy it represents is supported by observation given.If a tree falls in the woods, does it make a sound? If you don't hear it, then it didn't make a sound for you. If nobody hears it, then it didn't make a sound for anybody. Then the purpose of its sound - as that purpose relates to humans - is nullified. Did it make a sound?This briefly describes life on Earth; we come to be separate from many things, collectively and individually, and those things disappear for us.A demonstration of Reality is good for another whole entry; by, of to to itself. Stand fast, folks....cristina 22/09/2013 11:04amHi Mike "faithful reader" :P I can't stop giggling every time I remember committee comment :PHere is the bit “I think that a particle must have a separate reality independent of the measurements. That is, an electron has spin, location and so forth even when it is not being measured. I like to think the moon is there even if I am not looking at it.”– Albert EinsteinEllen 22/09/2013 9:53pmHave you read A Course in Miracles or The Disappearance of the Universe?Patrick 23/09/2013 10:02amNo, and I haven't heard of them until now.Early after I started this website/blog, I got a message asking me about a book I'd never heard of (something about Seth) and how did I re-process / regurgitate / modify what was in that book. Copy and plagiarize, in other words.I had no idea what to say, I'd never heard of it much less had an idea what the book was about; railroad construction, Chinese food & spices or history of the Vatican Navy.Up to that point I'd read very little about the subjects & things that appear here and I decided I would generally avoid that. I've been asked from time-to-time about Eckhart Tolle, Deepak Chopra, Darryl Anka and several others and confess I've never read anything by any of them and only watched a few videos of Darryl Anka. (I should say, The Committee urges me strongly to join or create such a forum and answer people's questions that way, live and face-to-face. I would enjoy doing that, if it would help people.)It horrifies me - and I'm not tossing that word into this sentence lightly, horrifies to the point of mortify - that someone would think what's here does not originate with and through me.I also am very reluctant to become a book & movie critic and even less inclined to be the "truth meter." No doubt someone else has truth checked me elsewhere - which I welcome - but when would that become a Truth & Fact Contest? A lot of what I've been asked involves ongoing controversy, intrigue and while I'm often given a quick yes/no as to the popularly accepted version (e.g. JFK was not a Lee Harvey Oswald lone wolf shooting AT ALL) I don't get all the details of what really went down or the certain facts. For good reason, too, I often get from The Committee that we are not to know and even The Committee doesn't know and are informed they also should not know.I also get asked from time-to-time about irrelevant, meaningless detail, obviously intended to "prove" what comes through is "right", things such as "what color was my aunt's hair" (when the aunt's hair color [OKAY, Erik, "colour" - happy?] is - not "was" - it still is, she's still alive....) or "how many siblings do I have and what are the genders?" and other silliness. This detail is already available, meaningless to both inquirer and me and bespeaks a mentality born of seeing too many advertisements with gypsy looking women peering into a crystal ball. That sort of thing might be a great talent and my blessings to anybody that can, but it's not me!Long answer to a short question - apologies - I hope it helps clarify and for anyone who's thought about this.cristina 23/09/2013 1:04pmwow, interesting, you give many details as in "whatever Seth" book - that is a great proof for people to see those are valid details :)But I bet that Seth book doesn't talk about nuclear power - as one of your posts ;)Besides, in order for me to get some concepts about parallel realities or time travel I use this site, CE and Dolores Cannon books - because is one concept explained in different ways, so is useful to read it from few sources, to get better understanding :)Wow, Committee is asking you that (about forum and answer people questions) ? They are amazing :) I understand why they say that - for same reason I wanted to do my website :)Loved this bit "OKAY, Erik, "colour" - happy?" :PElisa used a text, to clarify her intentions - maybe that would spare you from guessing aunt's hair colour :P"Dear Reader,The journey on which you’re about to embark will take you through stories that are deeply personal and involves a ...."Mike 23/09/2013 5:30pmHmmn create a forum, do live chats and face to face. Wordpress could easily take care of all that. lol ;-)Patrick 23/09/2013 9:06pmHow?Mike 24/09/2013 6:35amYou get free plugins for adding a forum, Skype and other chat plugins for free.Chris 25/09/2013 3:09am25 dimensions seem very limiting...only 25? In all of existence and what is possible, we can only have 25? It seems strange that we can have infinite realities and only 25 dimentions...Can I ask why can't there be unlimited dimensions?Patrick 25/09/2013 12:37pmTwenty five ranges is a better description, and the extent - extent being the width, depth, reach and size of each dimension - is not limited. The pie is sliced a certain number of times but this doesn't limit the size of either slices or the whole. All of the oceans are of the same dimension and think of oceans on other planets, how many and how vast would they be? Likely to be far more interesting and entertaining than the ones we barely know on Earth, themselves holding great things we've yet to discover. That's just the ocean piece of one planet in one dimension; imagine twenty five universes and the picture emerges.Chris 25/09/2013 3:15amI wanted to also ask if The Committee can describe these dimensions so that we might be able to know what other dimensions are like...That would be awesome! :)Patrick 25/09/2013 12:46pmEven The Committee can't know what each one offers and many of them are not “what other dimensions are like" as they don't translate into the parameters of ours.The Committee says many dimensions create the environment and are not fixed for any soul in it.We perceive our surroundings by agreement to see what is there, but in our dimensions, we don't see the agreement, just the product. Kind of like never seeing automobile loan paperwork, fuel & maintenance bills or insurance expense, just the new car.In many higher dimensions, we see the whole enchilada and with that vision also comes capability to create. It's difficult to describe what you haven't created - yet. Our temporary inability to do so makes a description of what's not-yet-created difficult. It's that pesky "Earth time" shit at work.Demonstration of Reality23/09/2013As a reader requested.Q:What is reality and can we have an example, something on Earth many of us will know, understand or be able to research, look up and understand as an example of the reality as you will describe it?C:We suggest a reverse look at the question, as you, our loyal scribe often do; when asked if "x" hurts "y" and the answer is subjective, a good approach is to ask if "y" has been helped in any way by "x"; does benefit inure? On the assumption little is static and Earth is dynamic – it is – then direction of the answer becomes clearer when viewed from the opposite end, does it not? If not more clear, at least different, even unique. Q:Why am I writing in red, not black?C:Why not?Q:Please go on.C:Please highlight each word of this sentence in a different color. Now letters.Q:Like that?C:Yes, and we hope you shall see by this example the change in appearance the coloration creates, yet the words are the same. The meaning would not be different but the appearance has changed the feeling, the ease of interpretation and the ability to understand the words. More focus is placed by a reader upon hue than message. Both are real, both true; yet different.We suggest a long essay or even small book written in this way; if attempted, the ease of reading would improve as the pages were digested, difficulty first seen would diminish or lessen, yet never would the one be the same as the other.You all maintain in your database a meaning and feeling to color where you see it; its variation varies both outbound and incoming meaning. Reality remains.Q:Outbound and incoming?C:Observe an aircraft approach a runway to land, an incoming flight. Observe the same aircraft depart; it looks different because it is seen from the opposite end and because it travels away, not towards. Imagine the tail leading the approach, the nose being the trailing edge. This does not look "real" however it is possible. Flight and movement in relation to the surface of your Earth need not be done with air pressure differential; energy differential, electromagnetic differential also works and this is your antigravity device.Aircraft equipped with very fine mesh wing coverings, permitting air to flow through instead of over or below – eliminating the speed thus air pressure difference which creates lift and flight – could be constructed or assembled to look the same, when viewed from even up close, to be backwards, by comparison to the usual, expected appearance. You will not believe this object can fly, lacking the necessary airfoils, despite its obvious propulsion ability seen in the turbines or propellers, themselves users of air displacement to achieve function.With an electromagnetic anti-gravity apparatus installed, we can say, this device not only reverses gravitational effect, it can be used to create propulsion at velocities you would not believe.The fine mesh flow-through wings of the imaginary aircraft, in flight, would be deemed un-real. This does not exist in the human database each of you has compiled to date.We say this device would not be built, as capability would reveal the obvious, superfluous function of airfoils against electromagnetic differential to do achieve it. The airborne vessel would take a more efficient shape, better for its occupants. Your many UFOs refer.Q:So, if we saw a plane land "reversed" and decided we could not believe our eyes, at what point would it become real?C:This we have given you the example of colors; a variation of accepted values, understood and interpreted as existing yet employed in a unique way, a new manner and a novel method. Your bodily senses of sight, sound and touch would together assemble a set of impressions upon sight of and then travel aboard this lift-less winged air vessel. If you have flown aboard a helicopter and understand the sensation of vertical lift with the simultaneous view, as also offers a glass walled elevator, then acceptance of this reversed aircraft would come quickly. It would soon be accepted as "real"; yet we can assure you all, a large jet fifty or sixty of your metres in length , wings, rudder and tail swept forward at its leading edge, the generally accepted posterior tip? It would be initially and universally deemed an illusion. Even if it were real.Q:Okay, this is a good example, I think. Can you supply another?C:Certainly. We shall cite your medical science. It is understood and accepted insufficient oxygen will cause ever worse damage to brain tissue, the longer the deprivation. Eventually death, suffocation. The time is understood to span just several minutes; it is believed lower temperatures surrounding a body allow longer reductions or suspension of oxygen in the bloodstream yet permit recovery. Precise measurement requires humans to be executed. You all appreciate, and we agree, not necessary.Against this understanding, stories and examples are common of such events; trapped skiers, submerged automobiles and accident victims isolated from air yet recued, revived and recovered all neural, motor and cognitive abilities intact.Because such person was well and widely known beforehand, it is readily recognized the event, it is accepted as real. The phenomena, the effect and explanation for survival remain unknown when accepted medical science is considered. Doubt is scant; reality is understood. The survivor standing before you "proves" it.Q:So what about temporary disappearance, just like this or of something else?C:Return and reappearance creates reality; the sun and moon dis- and reappear, deemed as real as the ground below your feet, by virtue of this cycling. This is your database effect; when an image is compared to a memory, reality attaches.So we reefer back to the "x" effect on "y" as we began. Because the change to "y" has happened, "x" is deemed the source, even where measurement cannot be; yet when the reverse if viewed…this reverses the expectation, the flow, the sequence and gives insight.Q:How does time enter into this? It must distort our perception.C:We do not say time distorts reality, it adds an aspect or feature to its interpretation. If an event across the Earth as you sleep is learned after you awaken the next day, until awareness includes it, it did not happen. For you. Is the event real? It is real as you are prepared to accept what you are told as certain. What is certain? Photographs on plates were deemed certain and impartial until your technology allowed manipulation, enhanced by use of chemistry and materials named plastics. Electronic digital imagery now allows easy manipulation and difficult is the proof of alteration or fabrication of electronic images. Are these all real, when at first glance all appears as such? Reality as understood depends upon the database of experience against which the information compares.Q:Esteemed Committee, thank you.C:Always welcome, we thank you also.Solar System Migration23/09/2013RQ:Reader QuestionC:The CommitteeRQ:If humanity's migration in this solar system started with the destroyed planet now seen as the asteroid belt, then Mars, then to Earth what preceded this solar system? Was a human type brought from somewhere else? By another life form or race, what was the original plan for this system?C:Of the three questions we shall commence in reverse order, for the sequence they suggest is not this way, we need not have concern for sequential time and suggest its view to these questions distorts; excellent they are.To ask of another life form or race, we say, there are two concepts, one within and the other above and surrounding; a life type is a word we prefer for your English, for race simple indicates a subset, a component of features within. We understand you know this yet it is mentioned to highlight a uniqueness of Earth; race develops on it, a life form arrives upon it.Evolution requires appearance of newer species and likewise disappearance, much concern and frustration when disappearance occurs. It is natural and can be accepted. Concern there would be for too rapid a decline in the number of life forms and species yet the perspective humans have of only this most recent iteration of life is insufficient to appreciate such effect as it occurs normally. There was no original plan for the solar system; no schedule, budget, strategy or philosophy. Without sequential time, there is no original and no subsequent. Yes, time is perceived and agreed and thereby exists on Earth, and to a different interpretation, also on Mars and other planets, yet far beyond human notions and intervals. Common to the three extends beyond your solar system, which exists not in a vacuum and forms part of the galaxy and of course, the universe. In this context there is no time and no original plan.There exists an ever evolving idea of Earth and it evolves now; it is constantly updated and amended and its history, as you see it and will understand once you return home, has a sequence assigned to the timeline Earth perceives. In any point, all is in that moment and neither subsequent nor preceding are there.Yes, human types in a body of the biped form you now have were brought and introduced by what you would call extraterrestrials, at the request and desire of souls having lived upon what you have named Mars. DNA was introduced, both prior to incarnation upon Earth and afterwards, as humanity began.What preceded this solar system was nothing; the sun and its planets move through the galaxy as the galaxy moves through the universe and no spot or place or location exists; this is all the universe. All things move and develop. From where came the life forms that lived on the planet now asteroids? Canopus, Sirius, Pleiades and Arcturus were a principal origin, yet bodies and physical form, real as they are, are no more than temporary manifestation of true substance and solidity, your soul.Many of these hail from places very far away in your galaxy and from other galaxies. Earth was always known to be a challenge; your human development has not mentsMoFoKai 24/09/2013 9:13amThe Pleiadian Message - A Wake Up Call For the Family of Light MoL.A. George 24/09/2013 1:09pmCommittee and Patrick: Thank You.1. If I read correctly, it seems as if the human physical form as we see it now, evolved mostly on earth when specific dna was introduced. 2. The original 'source migration' came from outside the solar system, to the asteroid field (Planet) to Mars then Earth. I also perceive that the physical biped form may have presented on the other two planets but was not very similar to our current form. I get a picture that the Mars biped form was taller and thinner due to less gravity. 3. I wonder how accurate the picture I see is of the first planet's forms: I sense mixed biped forms that were more energy in appearance and thought form produced, i.e., no conception and birth as we have now, just energy slowed to match the planets particular vibration. Would the Committe respond to impressions?Many thanksPatrick 24/09/2013 6:03pmThe Committee says:1. No, only some features and general characteristics. The general form came this way.2. Yes, but it was quite similar. The differences being eyes and size to a certain extent however, many sizes of animals exist on Earth in the same gravity field. Many humans are differently sized also; there were average differences but body-to-body there can be much variation. The greater difference anthropologists already know; height correlates more closely to flatness/ruggedness of terrain. Thinness or otherwise was common before Earth and is so also with many physical beings. 3. The beings on the first planet were very similar to your Earth form now, with similar reproduction and other bodily functions.L 25/09/2013 8:32amThank youDenise Jarmon 28/09/2013 6:33pm"Earth was always known to be a challenge; your human development has not disappointed."That is a loaded to expand?Patrick 29/09/2013 10:59amThe Holocaust, The Crusades, World War II, World War I, Atlantis' self generated demise, The Black Plague, Rwanda genocide. The Vietnam War, The Korean War......Word Energy26/09/2013Q:Esteemed Committee, endlessly we have heard here and through other sources, all about communication that uses only thought, not words. We all have thoughts and impressions and understand them but we also know there is a tone, a feeling and an impression a person's words give off, in addition to or sometimes in contradiction to the otherwise accepted meanings of those words.C:Yes.Q:That's it? Just "yes"?C:Yes. Correct.Q:How does this happen?C:That we only use one word?Q:Stop playing with me.C:You have just felt an example of your question; from the words used interpreted through only the words used, your question as to how "this" happens refers to what? It is possible either one, so we chose one. You believed we played and we did, as we understood and also did you, how the thought and the words went together and you referred to the first question. This example you now see?Q:Yes, please explain the mechanics.C:Summarized briefly to excess, simplified to misrepresented yet still accurate, we shall explain: your dense body existence and speed of vibration do not cancel, suspend or limit your mind. Nothing does or can; your arrival on Earth tales place among people who largely do not recognize your thoughts easily and are trained to see your sounds and movements as indicative. Your thoughts are considered not well developed; this is not true. As a newborn and a baby, your expression of thought is not well developed, the thoughts are as good as they have always been.You begin a life and a course with a goal and plan and this will build and develop from the moment you arrive. Do any of you wonder why there is no memory of the early years of life? This is because it is a period of forgetting, a phase of erasure. You all traversed this step in human bodily development as the beginning of supplanting your true and whole character with the one your role shall require. You methodically stepped away from your abilities; you slowly constructed new methods. This is why you do not remember early, early childhood. There is often no value in the remembrance of it.Do the owners, occupants and passersby of a magnificent building all continuously lament its appearance, regularly taking out a photograph of its foundation and early stages of construction, which look nothing like its finished form? Of course not; the complete purpose of its erection was the use given it today.You are no different; you also have photographs of your foundation and early phases of construction but these are never used for anything of importance or current meaning and rarely do you show these images to anyone.Virtually no one looked upon you to understand your thoughts; have you ever looked upon a baby yourself and sought to understand the baby's ideas and concepts? Some will even laugh at the thought of this. After all, it's only a baby; right? Well, we ask, is it?So you began the process of sounds and soon imitated the ones heard and so language is constructed. When deemed possible, teaching of the building blocks of language as you use it begins and you all shall remember portions of this process and certainly moments when language was conquered, to where you could speak, read and write as well as you could listen. A new word not yet understood was not interpreted as inability, just a new word. This time continues for you all. Consider a new language; you would learn many parallel words and new structures of the new words to express similar or the same things. You learn many new words but you do not learn new things; you do not acquire education or anything close to what is considered higher education by ingesting the new language used to transmit. Acquiring an ability to use French provides no degree from the Collège de Sorbonne.If the acquisition of a language as an adult provides merely a new conduit, was this process different for you as a baby? We shall say, it was not.Q:We have our knowledge and mental abilities intact as an infant?C:Yes, all of you however no means to express it, that others understand, is available.Q:Still, there is much talk of a mother's ability to understand and recognize her baby, even blindfolded.C:Yes, this is thought energy exactly and precisely as you all possess it. You learn to discard it and by the point in your upbringing you have compiled sufficient experiences of life to function in the dense human environment, your true abilities are all but packed up, put up, put away and boxed.Q:But the ability remains?C:Yes, and it operates all the time, simply below the awareness you learn and erect around yourselves on Earth. It is like a stream buried under tons of soil and rock; its flow continues and effects it has upon its surroundings, just as before. Its course and flow are easily reached if its presence, its existence, are known. Q:How does our language work?C:You mean how was it devised or constructed?Q:That, too!Q:Just as your anthropology has shown; symbols for concepts, then sounds, several combinations to form what are sentences and then written recording. As that developed, blocks to build the words developed, to create relative efficiency. Many types of communication remain, with different written approaches; we suggest your bricks, as evolved from rocks, then cut stone. The sizes, thickness and colors all providing ability to create ever more detailed and intricate walls.Q:How does thought become language?C:This asks how your brain works and we shall explain. The human brain and that of many an animal is to your thoughts and those around you, as a radio is to the signal received, a telephone to the voice at the other end. The brain uses several input and output ports, eyes, ears and vocal chords the principal ones for communication. These are simply interfaces, much the way computers used a standard telephone line to transmit information slowly and even with sound. Some of you might remember the receiver placed in a receptacle to allow the sound created from data transmitted to be received by the microphone, then input. This process was inefficient and soon improved.Your language communication is to your mind what these early devices were; the data available and your knowledge far exceed that stored in the largest and most capacious servers now existing. This information is brought to you through thought energy as follows.All matter in the dense existence of Earth is made up of molecules, atoms and the components, electrons, neutrons and protons. Science accepts the movement and interaction and names it chemistry. What forces control the chemistry? Why will one element immediately join and form a new compound with another element? Why will some mixtures require a catalyst such as heat? All of these process are effects from the energy within the building blocks of the building blocks of the atoms and this same energy is your magnetism and gravity and concentrated, your electricity. This same energy carries thought, that which you produce and also receive. The brain simply acts as the beginning of the physical process to translate the energy into a physical movement your environment recognizes and utilizes; much the way a microphone will convert sound into an electromagnetic pulse, transmitted, amplified and also recorded if desired. The way a camera uses chemicals upon paper or light photons upon a grid, to create a photograph.Your thoughts require not movement; your brain waves do not shift with your thoughts; the ability to detect brainwave activity does not provide the ability to decipher the thoughts of the waves detected, yet all of you know your thoughts.We say, you know the thoughts of all others with whom you make contact, and you do now recognize the feeling and energy of the words you hear. Many names you have given this, intuition, hunches, a light bulb went on, it occurred to me, and so forth and so on. All these phrases refer to the sensation of thoughts given to you.It is but practice and time to recognize them, their existence then meaning.Do you not recognize a new language spoken you have never heard before? Certainly yet much time would be needed to learn to understand it as heard, and more so to speak it. This is just as you learned the language you use now, and we say the vast majority of you would learn the new language faster than your native one was acquired, but you do not often remember the process over the two, three and four years required for it to first appear, then develop.Your ability to read thoughts requires the same process, to recognize then learn. Recognition means separation, to accept your thoughts and those given are intermixed. They can all seem the same. Once accepted they can be - for they are - distinct, you begin the process of understanding.Q:How do we send thought energy? To communicate with thought?C:This requires no practice at all; this ability remains intact and functional your entire life. Simply consider your target, your recipient and then think what you wish to convey. It is that simple.Q:This works every time?C:Yes. Without fail.Q:It seems to go nowhere.C:If the receiver's radio is turned off, your transmission does seem to be lost, yes. More often, you do not recognize the acknowledgement of the message you sent. If you spoke to a person who said nothing back to you, and sat behind a curtain, would your conversation continue? It would not be a conversation. If you knew for certain the person were behind the curtain and you believed their hearing remained functional, you would speak with full confidence they would hear you.Q:What distance limit is there to thought energy?C:There is not; none. If you can imagine your recipient, your thoughts arrive intact and clear. This is the same routing your soul takes as it traverses great distances, likewise unencumbered by a density of your existence. Q:Committee, thank you.C:Our pleasure, be mentsSarah 26/09/2013 2:50pmAs always, good job, thank you Patrick & Committee.cristina 26/09/2013 3:40pmaaww <3 so cute, they are playing with you :) I think naughty Erik spends too much time with them :))))))))))))))Lori 28/09/2013 3:46amHmmm thought conversation! Experiment time! Thanks guysSport28/09/2013A reader asks about organized competition.RQ = Reader QuestionC = The CommitteeRQ:Is it really so good for the body and the mind?! How does it work?! C:Yes, of course. It is exercise as you all know well and it is interaction and emotion intensified, all of these to the benefit of humans participating, as are all activities in groups. The interesting aspect is the continuous, unstructured interaction among players of a team - where there is one - and the adversarial approach of the one to the other, either individual or in groups or teams or sides, as they are named. RQ:Do other planets have sport? I read somewhere that highly developed planets don’t do sport because in sport not everybody wins and a defeat might affect living beings very negatively.C:Yes, certainly. “Highly developed” is a subjective, necessarily human word and this might only refer well to comparisons of subsets each planet represents to the larger, complete nature of the souls temporarily traversing life upon them.Defeat is opportunity to savor the upcoming victory; there is nothing bad in its occurrence any more than not prevailing in many endeavors requiring of effort, focus, concentration after study and preparation.RQ:What about professional sport? Is it just a business, a pastime, or what? Is there any true value and benefit in professional sport? Why do so many people follow it? How is professional sport going to be affected when the world economy goes bust?C:It is business, pastime, entertainment, excitement and anticipation. What value and benefit are had, you all shall decide. We suggest consideration of the elimination of sport, its disappearance. What about society might change and in this you shall see its place, the value and benefit. The aspect of business is similar to many things; time taken is an opportunity and often monetary exchange cost, requiring of its role to both lubricate the activity and attract participation, as applies to many things in human societies. Sport is followed for the enjoyment and entertainment provided; the top performer rarely achieves in isolation and often does not want this. To reach a superlative level of performance requires a comparison with similar participants, and this necessarily attracts observers and so shall always go the process. We are all connected and linked and sports, of course, are included. The pleasure of and admiration for a good performance seen are good for all, spectator and player alike. The slowdown in economic activity will curtail the business but not the interest and enjoyment of sport for sport, which is not done solely for money, although its influence manifests. This will reduce sport to localized events, by ever more difficult travel now undertaken with assumed ease.RQ:Will the soccer club Liverpool FC win the English Premier League in the next few years???!!! Been waiting for this to happen for 20 years!C:This interesting question speaks more to parallel realities than victory, yet we shall say yes, and it will be – and has been – in a parallel universe. It is but for you to go there to experience it; however like movement of house, easily accomplished and well understood, there will come a likewise change in scenery and view as the parallel universe and its reality are assumed, with a new set of surroundings. Do you wish to change these also, to experience the parallel reality with the outcome your prefer? We suggest many would not, once the list of items to be changed were perused. More than likely, you shall wish to see the victory you desire inside the circumstances, scenery and view of this life, in this time and moment.Also possible this is, as it can too, be achieved. We suggest as goes the old joke about directions to arrive at Carnegie Hall, the answer is practice, practice and practice!RQ:What about sport in the afterlife? Does it exist there too? Do we continue to support earth teams after we “die”?C:Yes, certainly and in a myriad of ways. We refer to the popular books of Harry Potter and the game of Quidditch, whose name itself refers to these very questions; “Not enough quid, you’re in the ditch” as might be said, to use British slang for money. This game might appear to be the product of an author’s imagination and for the terms of Earth life and perception, it can be and this is fine. We believe the author would insist the game was devised by her only as part of the book. We do say however, this game and variants are real and played often and with great zeal, effort and fun. The inclusion in these works was not so single handedly imaginary, as much as to the author it thus seemed.Yes, great followings of teams on Earth are there in “Heaven” and not just souls the former fans; these teams in all sports gather a following and you would be amazed to see the grouping of souls at many stadiums and events, far larger than the human crowd by many multiples, in many mentsLiverpool fan 28/09/2013 2:34pmRegarding the Liverpool FC win of the English Premier League question, are the committee suggesting that I can quite easily travel to a parallel universe and watch the team win the league there?! If yes, how and when can I do this?! In my sleep?! Or maybe when I "die"?Edie 28/09/2013 3:07pmThank you. I love this. I have often wondered of purpose of sports. Do spirit or other beings influence outcome at times? Love sports. Go Cowboys and Spurs!Evil Spirits30/09/2013What headline about flower gardens attracts more readership than news about axe murders? What awards ceremony has more reporters than the funeral after a prominent leader's assassination?A reader asks about "spirits in the slower vibration that exists within our earthly plane." The questions also include:Who or what exists in this realm?Does it just consist of human spirits or others? [It was] said many nasty spirits exist there.Who and what are these?Are they what we call demons?It seems like the place we all end up immediately after passing. We don't automatically go to the light it seems. Why is this?We consult The Committee.Q:Why do humans always pay quicker, more intense and more vigorous attention to terrible, shocking news? Why can't pleasant news ever come close to the same "weighted average" attention received?C:We say, because this you collectively choose. Many humans would call it culture, tradition, habit and practice. The roots are entirely logical; threats to survival always take priority thus threats to survival, physical well being and safety, even of others, generate similar responses. Q:Is it viable or reasonable to hope we might de-emphasize the negative? It seems bad news dominates.C:Yes, it is entirely reasonable; who compels you to notice what is considered bad news? Who compels the news be spread? The control to create the spread of news is entirely yours, is it not? Q:OK, so I see and will assume everyone reading this will also see your point, yet still, it's so distressing to always hear bad news.C:Will ignorance of the event decrease the rates of occurrence? We say, for a great amount of Earth existence, no ability to transmit news existed, and even for humanity's several civilizations reaching technological ability to distribute news quickly, did the negative occur less?Q:Well, we don't know. We only know since records of bad things were kept, a tiny fraction of humanity, at least the six thousand or so years thought to be its recorded extent.C:You have answered the question. Please go on to the next…Q:OK, then why are there negative, bad, evil and sinister spirtits on Earth, with no Heaven and no body?C:Choice. Q:They evil spirit knows there is a more pleasant and peaceful option yet prefers this one?C:Your question refers to your soul, and we should explain what many have read here and elsewhere, to frame the response.You all choose to set aside, ever so briefly by the view of your Heavenly home, your complete understandings and beliefs as you travel to Earth for your life, the one and many. These ideas, this knowledge and the completeness of your soul remains whole and intact and grows ever so greater by the experience you gain. This experience would not be had in the same way, if a set aside or dropped veil were not involved. The masonry wall is constructed brick-by-brick, stone-by-stone and the structure it helps form requires each piece be seen and handled with separate care; each life you live is a brick in this wall of your soul. You always have your edifice, even if portions are not seen, only the one of few bricks you handle in any one moment or life.You all must and do take the handling of each brick seriously; otherwise what value would there be? So your beliefs in the reality are as solid as the brick feels in your hands and the sensations from the life you choose, equally so; your Guardians, Angels and Guides never interfere, only assisting as you have planned and allowed, long before. Your body is but a temporary vessel; its ending, its discarding, its demise and finality do not erase the value, benefit and growth obtained. In some cases the sensations of the life remain and even propel a soul to seek a continuance of them, an extension of the ideas, the roles and the interactions despite the loss of the physical body. Confusion and harm, misunderstanding and injury both serve to limit or even block the good view of Heaven and the evil doings of some spirits are part of this effect. The spirit, the soul, the mind that lived in the body focuses upon the power felt from the wrongdoing. Your study of criminology reveals this regularly; the fear, terror and worry are the drug to the addicted inflictor of pain, hurt and injury. The ending of a body need not guarantee the disappearance of this response; common is the loss of all sensation in this way yet not universally absolute.Q:These names we have, such as demon, beast, devil and so forth, all refer to these angry, evil souls?C:Yes, and they are real and present.Q:How do we get rid of them?C:Ask for your Guides and Guardians to bathe you in the light of goodwill, send it yourself to your tormentor(s) and ask that they be guided away, to a place of happier choices. Q:Why do humans still suffer these problems, even today?C:It is not common to believe in evil spirits, and great social concern is perceived by a majority, when speaking of this subject. None of you wish to be outcast, shunned and ostracized.Q:Can we eliminate all negative souls, evil spirits?C:Yes, however this suggests elimination, for example, of all trees from Earth. Are there enough humans to find and kill every tree? How much time would this require and what effects to air, plant and animal life would result?To what effect would the casting out and away of an Earthbound bad spirit be felt? The cost would be freedom and the will to do as you choose; this is sacred and a primary factor of your presence. To curtail this to pursue evil spirit elimination would imply a cost to human free will far too expensive for nearly all of you to bear.As an example, there is no desire to eliminate cars from Earth, despite the rates of injury or death related to them. Everyone stop operating motor vehicles tomorrow and thus, death and injury from them will fall. Choose as you might; recognize effects. Anticipate if you might.Q:Why doesn't every soul go immediately to the light after passing?C:Belief and desire; do you want and expect to? If you have adopted a firm, solid and immutable idea that death involves no Heaven, Purgatory, Hell or destination of any sort, that existence ends with a finality of complete absoluteness when a body dies, then your soul remains where this belief reigned strong. You own all of your thoughts and experiences; there is no Earthly way to chain up a concept, incarcerate an idea, saddle the mind or drown a thought. You are in all instances free to think, dream and wish. To have this freedom means it will be always with and accompany you; forever. The death of a body does not kill beliefs; does the dead, well-read author cease to be known, read or quoted because of it? So these beliefs, that you shall go nowhere when you die mean that when you die, you will not?Q:This doesn't mean all souls remaining on Earth, resisting the reunion at home, turn to mayhem and worse?C:No, not at all. The vast majority of disbelievers about the Heavenly return are well intentioned, good and well liked. Their lot is confusion; only the already practiced in hurt, harm and evil preponder this after departing a body.Q:The ghosts of the haunted house, for example, that pull many pranks yet never harm, are these an example?C:Yes.Q:How then can an evil spirit cause murder?C:Convincing the confused human to do this.Q:They don't do it themselves?C:Not often, but they can.Q:Why can't a Guardian Angel stop it?C:They can; your GAGs can halt any wrongdoing that might come your way, yet if you have set the boundaries to prevent this level of intervention, then even harm to befall you is not prevented. Your instructions are sacred. Q:Nobody wants to be hurt or injured in any way!C:This is the belief the great majority of you choose to have, on Earth. This view is not the same from Heaven; you do not and cannot die. This is absolute and complete. Given your utter, complete and utmost faith in the truth of this, you choose certain experiences. To your Earth view, this is the craziest thing, so it does seem. Your GAGs follow not your Earth view, and not only, they follow your complete view and plan, a good deal of which you have forgotten.Q:How would we insulate a bad person from the influences of a spirit given to provoking harm? How would we stop a killer from acting on the idea?C:You can love and forgive; this is the known and certain antidote to all bad behavior that brings hurt, harm or anything in some way bad, to another.Q:Why such fascination and fear of evil spirits?C:Humans do not perceive ownership to accompany the thrill, the excitement; this is attractive.Q:Ownership?C:Most things that entertain must be accepted, thus contemplated and considered and so the participant owns this portion of the event or the occurrence. Ownership implies responsibility, and this is a human trait, to avoid outcomes that turn negative. Free fun is a term we suggest, and you can all appreciate the appeal this has.Q:When evil influences result in killings and horrific injures, that's hardly fun.C:It counteracts boredom, routine and predictability. None of you travel to earth to have but an expected course of life; surprise and adversity that often involves shock are a great feature and benefit for all.Q:There seems to be a current fascination with zombies; dead bodies suddenly possessed and en masse, limping incessantly towards all humans in an attempt to kill. Why is this appealing?C:Escapism you have named this; the zombie concept has great appeal for both its impossibility and possible effects, were it to happen.Q:This isn't ever possible?C:No. Q:Are evil spirits a given, a permanent feature of the Earth plane?C:Yes, however the incidence can be lessened to a very low level. Q:Are there more or less of these nowadays, on Earth?C:Less; enlightenment and awareness help very much.Q:Did werewolves, wolf men with fangs, arise from this idea?C:Yes, also known as the devil dog.Q:Do evil spirits possess an animal with any frequency?C:Yes, far more than humans. The cognitive ability is far less in an animal than a human, and the ability to reason, understand and exorcise a malevolent spirit is unique to humans.Q:Are wild dangerous animals that attack and kill usually the result of an evil spirit possession?C:No, although it has and still occurs.Q:Do evil spirits and entities around Earth also threaten humanity?C:No; such bad intentions are kept away from Earth.Q:What do you suggest a person do, one who believes a bad or evil spirit intends them ill will or worse?C:Understand that no fear need there be; ask simply for help and be sincere in both desire and belief. If this is the case, the evil spirit will be dispatched. Fear is the open door and continued fear and concern are what allow it to remain open. Strength of conviction and courage to love will strike it far from your existence.Q:Committee, thank mentsBrett 30/09/2013 10:29pmWow. This was good. As a person who can channel, I wonder if lost or angry spirits ever come to you frequently since they know you can see them. On the subject of evil spirits, it would be interesting to ask the committee to clarify the truth of controversial "haunted" history such as the Amityville Horror,Patrick 01/10/2013 11:05amIf any lost or less-than-well-intentioned spirits come my way, I am not aware of it. I don't see, hear from or sense any like that.The "truth" is ALWAYS filtered through human understanding of participants, observers, storytellers and listeners or readers. In the case of the Amityville Horror, The Committee is telling me this is essentially true yet made sensational.Mike 01/10/2013 2:54amThanks Patrick.So am I to understand that 'Evil Spirits' are a separate class of spirit and they are not all of human origin tainted with malice and evil intent?How did they come about? Or is it just our thoughts/collective will that put them there?Patrick 01/10/2013 11:11amThe notion of "separate classes" is a human idea; we just love to label, organize, classify and assign. We often need to, and doing it well has great advantages in many situations but this approach doesn't fit spirits well, not the type talked about here.Yes, there are evil spirits you describe, but very, very few. Like very few, you'll never run into, over or around one in many a lifetime. The greatest danger and risk to humans is, by a long measure, other humans. Evil spirits originating away from Earth but present and influential? Good question, that begs another entry from The Committee, I think!Mike 01/10/2013 5:51pmSo these spirits that are nasty that come through Ouija Boards or who in legitimate cases cause what we term demon possession. Or others who set fire to earthly objects or maim or physically harm humans. These are just nasty humans causing this?Putting bad human souls in the slower vibration to one side, what else is out there?Patrick 01/10/2013 9:06pm@ Mike: Let's ask The Committee."Ouija boards are but one avenue but they do not attract an evil spirit; a mischievous one in some cases, however the truly evil will find its targets independent of inadvertent invitations. Your mention of demonic possession is an example; where the evil spirit intends it, it shall likely be found. These are not just nasty souls formerly human; they can be of both types however the evil being not recently released from a body is generally kept away from Earth and its surface.What exist in a nasty, unpleasant way are groups of souls you would call civilizations and they are kept far from Earth."Mike 02/10/2013 10:31am@Patrick Sorry to pick through it but this is a rarely covered topic. The Committee mentions this 'however the truly evil will find its targets independent of inadvertent invitations' So who is this truly evil. Are they defined as human souls who haven't crossed into the light, who want to remain in this slower vibration. I understand that souls that choose to do this are not all classed as evil.Patrick 02/10/2013 11:05amNo need to apologize for your question, Mike. (You're right, why doesn't this subject get broader coverage? It's not like proctology, where nobody thinks about it until they need some. [Credit Erik for this fine medical example])A bad spirit will locate a target. The truly bad ones, that influence or possess a human, are not likely to be the soul of a dead person although it is possible. I wouldn't say they want to remain in a lower vibration, although that's true. What they do is cling to the beliefs held very close and this vigorous grip on the ideas of the recently ended life on Earth block out the reality of Heaven, and in a way, maintain the veil that surrounds us. The firm grasp on the ideas and concepts of Earth requires the vibrational range that contains such beliefs. This keeps the view, the perspective and literally what the spirit or soul sees, "earthbound" but with the abilities and movement through formerly solid objects and across distances that a body, in fact & flesh, cannot have. This allows the soul to travel and approach people without their awareness of it - since we depend on sight, sound and touch - but the soul & spirit can still project its thoughts into the person it wishes to influence. The soul might remain "enclosed" within the limits of Earth life yet is not constrained by the physical barriers.The evil, dangerous and murderous among this group can continue their mayhem.The much larger majority who remain within the Earth are not evil, nasty or even malicious. They are captive to the view held before passing and resist departure. Many of us would marvel at the opening of a cave and stay outside, or only enter with all sorts of lights, ray guns and assorted cave gear. In this way, many souls remaining on our plane and within our environment resist "entering the cave" in spite of the benevolent invitations and well intentioned souls who cajole them. Eventually they all "come 'round" and return home. In numbers, The Committee tells me that less than one tenth of one percent of souls remain on Earth and the bad ones of the group are about one percent of them.In numbers across an Earth population of 7,000,000,000 or so, this is seventy thousand, a small Brazilian football stadium full compared to Earth's population. Statistically 0.00001:1 the rate at which any single human would encounter one; very small.Mike 03/10/2013 7:04amSo the truly bad ones that influence or possess a human as you mentioned, who or what are they?So when we talk about hauntings and bad paranormal experiences is it a case of what we would call an evil person who has passed to the other side. But ha snot completed his or her journey to the light. And who quickly comes to realise that they are still evil and now can travel to see someone they didn't like for example. Firm in the belief that they can neither be seen nor be stopped by walls and doors. So it allows them an even freer reign to carry out nastiness.What happens with a physical change in building structure if a spirit is haunting? You see on these paranormal programmes that suddenly they cannot traverse through walls, like they previously could. What has changed for that spirit?Also putting aside mediums and channellers like your self Patrick. What is the best way for humans to contact spirit, in a way that would even have skeptics believing?I do a lot of paranormal investigating, so this info is important for me.Patrick 03/10/2013 10:36amAs Rodney Dangerfield used to say, "Tough crowd, tough crowd..."Let's see (I will paraphrase The Committee for speed, as I often do when making a comment)The truly bad ones...depends on your criteria. That cause plumbing leaks under the sink or have people killed? Probably the latter. It can't be said they are a "who", that word implies human identity, which is no longer. They are usually a "what", a higher dimensional equivalent of a homicidal human. Somewhat like an adult behaving like a child - to draw an innocent example comparison - but in this relationship the deceased is not limited by the physical barriers a bodily existence imposes.Psychiatric criminologists have identified sensations of inadequacy, inferiority, weakness and rejection as a motivation for violent, deadly acts; one method to restore the actor's sense of self. These manifestations of an ultimate power, the taking of a life against its will, do not address source or cause and only succeed in covering it, temporarily. The cause emerges again and the killer is motivated to a new incident to restore feelings of strength, power and control. These emotions don't necessarily die with the body, if a killer clings to ideas of Earth existence as absolute. This is not unusual, providing a sense of escape and refuge from consequences; if a killer believed he would encounter his victims again and never escape them, the appeal for attacks and escape would be far less.If an Earthbound soul or spirit suddenly cannot go through a wall previously penetrated effortlessly, a higher force has intervened. It is not the wall or the spirit that changed its energetic level, place or substance.The best way to contact spirit to make believers out of skeptics? That's like asking the best way to make Muslims out of Jews; there must be some lasting appeal, something immensely attractive in it, some positive reinforcement offered. The challenge is how humans want and largely need distillation into human sensory perception, life knowledge and experience for existence to be felt. It's a slog to assemble, line up and patiently, regularly demonstrate small, incremental pieces of evidence that could support beliefs in things rejected as a fantasy.This happens already with generally accepted topics such as politics, religion and diet. I wouldn't suggest a best way or even any way at all to convince a skeptic otherwise, doubters can only be invited. Whether they dare look, much less ever arrive, will turn on whatever appeal is seen. My experience has been much like giving cat food to a pine tree, and the trees are much more polite than most humans.cristina 04/10/2013 11:14amCoincidences are many in my life now :) I was just reading yesterday these bits ( sorry for long copy/pastes)"Where there is an inability to let go, it always involves fear. Humans have been programmed lifetime after lifetime (and often for good reason) to fear the unknown. Fear has been a tool used by the power hungry to dominate so the fear of making a mistake is common. Fear stems from any intense past life experiences and for most remains firmly entrenched within cellular memory (particularly within the root chakra) until consciously released. Release and clearings happen in several ways. It often starts when a students energy level starts to rise through meditation or energy work done by enlightened persons. Clearings can be general, but deeper issues must usually come up and be recognized in some way (physically, emotionally, or mentally). All clearings are guided by the Higher Self and a student need never fear that they are not ready for some clearing experience. Many of these intense past life experiences still held in cellular memory activate whenever the individual comes close to making a choice similar to that which he may of made at the time of the original horrific experience. To prevent this, the body set up protective responses--fear of heights, fear of water, fear of dogs etc. etc.)--FEAR. Send Light often to the cells of your body, especially during meditation. State the intention that your cellular memory release this old energy and allow in the Light of the Divine blueprint. Inform your cells that they will never have to experience this thing again even if you do not actually know what the experience was. " from here ". Love is a life-sustaining, inborn condition. When love is the radiating force in your life, fear disappears. Fear is created by the absence of love. Fear is a state of mind created by tapping into lower frequency, distorted, thought forms. When you turn inward and tap into that well-spring of love within your Sacred Heart, it first permeates your Inner Being; the remainder then radiates out into the world. As a result, you will begin to see through eyes filtered by loving energy, which will change how you view the people in your life–it will also affect how you handle everyday challenges and opportunities–an overlay of loving energy creates miracles.... just as with the emotions and thoughts which well up from within your own Being that are based on fear or negativity of any sort, see the thought forms that are not love based or joyful instantly transmuted into pure, Divine Light substance and release them." from this is pretty ;)"Know that you are never alone and are always surrounded by your guides, angels and teachers. We are but a thought away and ready to be of service." from Bogart02/10/2013Humphrey DeForest Bogart (1899-1957) was an American actor widely regarded as an icon of American culture. The American Film Institute ranked him as the greatest male star in the history of American cinema.Q:Mr. Bogart, which character was your favorite?HB:Sam Spade.Q:Why?HB:The symbolism of the bird, as I saw it at the time and the intrigue of a falcon from a place like Malta.Q:My favorite was Rick Blaine in Casablanca, probably because I liked the idea of a wartime setting without the war going on around the movie.HB:You liked Louis Armstrong in that movie?Q:Louis Armstrong?HB:Sam, the piano player, was a symbol of the Great Satchmo. My idea.Q:Great song, sounded interesting with his scratchy voice.HB:You're here to ask things people can't watch in my movies or read about them.Q:Of course, and thanks for the reminder! Please, if you could expand on it, did you see your origins in New York City as an asset, something to help your career and persona?HB:Yes, after some time. I wasn't the most polished person, fine social skills and elegant sophistication that I thought were necessary. That's what I saw at first. Turned out, it wasn't true.Q:Did you have much input with movie scripts and dialogue during filming?HB:I offered my version of how the director could do things after I felt enough confidence he'd listen without telling me to hose myself.Q:How did they react?HB:Better and better, as long as I wasn't a pain in the neck about it. Not gettin' crabby when they turned down my ideas.Q:Compare films made today versus your successful films of the 40s and 50s; what comment would you offer?HB:Directors overuse the technology; the story gets lost in all that sauce. Special effects and all those computer gizmos they use now? That's not filmmaking. Good things to spice up a scene but the house doesn't stand on its Christmas lights.Q:So what recommendation would you make?HB:I'd tell the actors to stay out of the political crap.Q:That answer has nothing to do with movie making....HB:That's right, it doesn't, just like political commentators who don’t attempt acting in films, either. A good decision, going both ways. Q:So lessen the technology, and what else would you recommend?HB:A good story is always a good idea, but movie makers invest for television sets as much as the big screen and the good story dressed up in effects doesn't sell as well as the effects demonstration dressed up in a cute tale of whatever they think up.Q:Can you name a good movie that's been made recently?HB:Yes.Shall I? [Lights a cigarette, and takes a long drag on it]Q:You died from throat cancer; cigarettes contributed to it?HB:Caused it.Q:Still smoking?HB:[Exhales first] Yes, in character.Q:Ok, what movie did you like?HB:Million Dollar Baby.Q:I've always thought a good actor got that way by convincing many movie goers about the authenticity of the character. Two that come to mind are Michael Caine and Jack Nicholson; you watch them and find it easy to believe they are Alfred, Bruce Wayne's butler and Batman's left hand or any of the characters Nicholson portrayed, so many. Do you agree?HB:Sometimes; the actor also has a brand to create. I suppose enough make-up and costumes could cover that up and but then, what the hell's the point? People wanted to see me when my name appeared in the ads.Q:I've always been a bit confused by the trend to refer to an actress called an actor.HB:That's a broad who wants it both ways; treat me feminine until I want a man's advantage. Nothing new there, just a new way to do it. Dames have been doin' that since time began.Q:How about if we call you an actress?HB:Let me adjust my brassiere; hold on. Not to my brassiere, though. Q:What films made since your death did you dislike?HB:I still dislike a lot of them, too long a list. Two I liked were Cool Hand Luke and Fistful of Dollars.Q:Have you run across Paul Newman in Heaven, the afterlife or whatever name best fits?HB:No; but I will look him up as soon as we finish here.Q:Movies entertain and help us forget the details of life, and the distraction never hurts and the images of film help us dream of things we might even get to see and do someday. Do you see this role of movies changing?HB:Expanding; all those things and also adding in information. Pay attention. Just today your well known writer Clancy kicked the bucket and has come up the big white elevator to the sky, that's what I call it. He mentioned in an interview how he surprised himself by making up things for his books that later came true. There's your channeling there, folks, movies will have more of this, coming soon to a planet near you.Q:How should people avoid smoking? Considering it killed you.HB:Don't teach it; that simple. But some people will choose that behavior and that ending in a few cases. As I did.Q:You planned the cancer and your death in 1957?HB:Yes, it was one way I scheduled how I would check out. It was the way I chose.Q:The explanation, some would say excuse, is nobody knew what smoking did.HB:Nobody thought it would help an athlete, either. When did the world figure out it was bad to drink too much? Q:What lessons did your life plan involve? What did you hope to achieve and were you successful?HB:My life plan wasn't primarily for my benefit but I did get this, all of us do. No such thing as a wasted life. I did it to help add to society, to help provide an image people would enjoy at certain times, a pick-me-up that would help. To hold out a certain character of confidence, to provide an inspiration to others.Q:Do you think you succeeded?HB:Just look at the crowds and especially the dames running around any show or movie opening where I might be; I was the bad boy Daddy said keep the hell away from, and that magnetized me to some of these people. Q:If you could do something differently, what would it be?HB:I wouldn't; I don't regret anything I did. If you'd asked me that in 1955 or 1956, I'd have a different answer for you, pal, but from here? Nope.Q:Mr. Bogart, thank you for coming.HB:It was great, keep your eyes peeled for a good flick. So long….?CommentsSarah 10/03/2013 7:49amNice, thank you Patrick and Committee.Eva Masini 10/03/2013 9:38amI second that! Thank You!Robert 10/03/2013 3:54pmThanks for these interviews. I really enjoy reading them!I missed hearing Bogie's "advice for humanity", though.By the way, "L'amendement" called to mind Marie Antoinette.I wonder if she would be amenable to an interview.Or perhaps Louis XIV? Charles deGaul? Charlemagne?Merci!Patrick 0/04/2013 8:25amI can put them all on the list and will!Reggae fan 10/04/2013 1:18pmCan you please put Haile Selassie on the list? Rastafarians call him Jah and consider him as their God - would be interesting to see what he thinks about this.Poetry Missing02/10/2013We've not had a stanzaOr a poet's weak wispSo the Committee returnsWith verses not crispQuestions find answersResponses are weirdInformation strangeNuanced, multi-tieredUpcoming topicsHave new things to tellSome not so pleasantOthers real swellThe Committee says "you maySend questions you pleaseThe typist? Don't worryWe'll manage with ease."The world jumps wellChange is now strongMore being servedSung like a songThere once was a man from NantucketPut his torment inside an old bucketAs he said with distressIn a polka dot dress"If my pain were a clam I would shuck it."A Limerick inside a bad poemFlattens beer faster than saltSo cover your glassProtect exposed assMake sure you're not found at faultLife is much moreThan spoiled bad beerHappiness flowsSo close and nearWorry not nowOr ever in factHow yes you are goodNever a bad actSmile todayGrin all tomorrowSadness go 'wayTake with you Joe SorrowThe balance of lifeThe sheet of our assetsLists what we haveFrom wrenches to ratchetsThe prophet said profitBusiness said yesMoney came runningCleaned up the big messWe control what we doCash is our greaseChoose our pursuitHope for much peaceIs there much more?A future that waits?Can we make it betterWith positive traits?Who makes you act?Why do you moveIn tune with requestsThat don't fit your groove?Pleasing anotherPleases sometimesPlease yourself alsoMake sure it all rhymesBalance your wantsEqualize duesLook at all thingsAs if you're the newsWe've pushed on too longDragged on too farRead the next entryWe now close the mentsAhmed 02/10/2013 9:08pmImpressed, I amWith your rhyming abilityThe Committee always speaksWith such fluidityFinding the truthSeems very elusiveBut all your answersHave been conducivePatrick 02/10/2013 9:42pmThank you we saywith no added hayIt's nice to knowWe brightened a dayEva Masini 03/10/2013 11:27amNo talent for poetry or much understanding of it, I still appreciate the delightful lightheartedness of The Committee especially in these heavy times. Merci beaucoup!cristina 04/10/2013 9:22amThank you for making me smile :) Can you ask committee how to make time for all the things I want to read? :DOh, can we get in touch with committee too? :)Patrick 04/10/2013 10:10amThe Committee suggest eliminating clocks, this will create the appearance of both more and less of it, depending on the situation.Of course you can get in touch with them, in fact, by reading what appears here, you're establishing the connection right there.cristina 04/10/2013 12:05pmThank you Patrick ! :) Yes, Erik says as well that when we think/speak about him OR read his blog, he knows :)I was trying to get in touch with Erik too :) And ... either i was successful, either I have big imagination in talking to myself :))))))))))))))))))))))) Anyway, at this level, my interaction with these positive spirits is more at a "game level" :) But I tend to think I'm reaching them :P What I lack is : BEING SURE :PI was wondering for a long time what is my connection with Erik or Committee, why I like them so much and agree with almost everything they say..... I guess the only answer is: there is no connection except my longing for Home :) Their love and positivity is like balm for me - I know that love and I miss it so much, is hard to find it on earth :)Patrick 05/10/2013 10:18amHard to find or hard to recognize?Then it comes.cristina 05/10/2013 12:41pmI'm pretty sure I wasn't wrong saying "hard to find" :) I am source of love and care for everyone, but people take it, heal their wounds and leave :) They are not able to give back, the way a mother gives and forgives to her children ... Few people are in my life that genuinely love me, but is different than the love energy i get from positive spirits - i don't think i'm hallucinating, but hey, I could be wrong :P To recharge myself or heal myself, I was never able to get enough love from people... but only from God/Source or positive spirits/ETs channeling...Your advice was already applied, is what I naturally do (love and care for others)... but is not working ... most times only drains my energy...:)Viktor Frankl05/10/2013Viktor Emil Frankl (1905-1997) was an Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist who survived the Nazi Holocaust. He founded logotherapy, a form of existential analysis. He authored a best selling book "Man's Search for Meaning (published in 1959 with the title "From Death-Camp to Existentialism" and first published 1946 as "Trotzdem Ja Zum Leben Sagen: Ein Psychologe erlebt das Konzentrationslager", (Nevertheless, Say "Yes" to Life: A Psychologist Experiences the Concentration Camp) telling of his experience as a concentration camp prisoner. This led him to discover importance, meaning and thus a reason to continue living, for all forms of existence, even the most sordid. Dr. Frankl became a key figure in existential therapy and a prominent inspiration for humanistic psychologists.Q:Dr. Frankl, thank you for coming, as you already know and have supplied the beginnings of answers, a reader has submitted questions to follow. Thank you for answering them.VF:It is an honor to be given this window as I know a few, such as yourself, will look in, not having known it was here before.Q:I must say I am amazed at the ease with which you and all "interviewees" supply answers. Is my friend Erik involved in this?VF:Yes, he is a fire & burglar alarm combined, as he describes himself. He arrives with a red fireman's hat, the American style with the large rear brim for water to run off. As any person to be interviewed is mentioned, he is, as he calls himself, "Johnny-on-the-spot" with advance notice to all souls.Q:I know some mediums "miss" or cannot hook up, cannot connect in certain cases. I draw blanks, too, with certain types of information, often personal but when doing a celebrity, it hasn't happened yet. Do you know why?VF:You would not feel the suggestion and would not choose were you not able to connect; if the person were unavailable, the connection would not be made, and you would not be aware of the inability. You simply would not choose that person. The sensation of just not wanting to do something, this is the feeling you have, yet what truly occurs is unavailability.Q:Thanks for that clarification, Doctor! Now, please before I forget, let me ask, what purposes did your life as Viktor Frankl have? What did you plan to achieve and did you?VF:Yes, I achieved it, but every soul that lives on Earth achieves, and all the achievements have equal value. None of the experiences are inferior the one to the other. This view and this comparison are Earth; I will say this aspect or feature of Earth is likely the most appealing thing.Q:The comparison of values, of life, of inferior versus superior?VF:Yes, these things on Earth are what humans have named a gold mine; the recent trend in some countries where English is spoken, such as yours, to not pass judgment critically, is a part of the attraction.Q:The passing of judgment is not in Heaven?VF:Not in the same way; there is not a component of condemnation, criticism or denunciation. This aspect is a great thing to experience, unpleasant as it is for the object of the judgment. The great awareness of bitter, critical judgment is a good thing as its message is acceptance. The complete acceptance of all things, however, has limits which once exceeded mean a break down the organization to the detriment of the many. This reigns true everywhere in the universe.Q:Let’s see if I got that right; humanity should accept within certain limits.VF:Yes, and should also recognize why it sets those limits, understand the limits will change as the reasons change. A great example would be marriage of the same gender. As this spreads, and limits are re-arranged, there will be new limits established soon to be stretched and challenged. There is great learning in the flux of these and a great deal is learned by participating. Q:How did you keep your humanity and hope in a Nazi concentration camp?VF:I didn't; I found it again after I escaped.Q:How did you find hope again?VF:Rather simple; I was given belief I would not be condemned to a continuance of imprisonment under those conditions. This restored a better view of life. What I learned was everything revolves around beliefs; fear reproduces just as happiness and slowly, incrementally, one replaces the other. The abject fear of violence, pain and death are not the responsibility of the intimidated until enough time passes to allow accommodation into this circumstance. The besieged person then converts himself or herself into a complicit member of the process. I do not mean such person wants captivity. Not at all. No torture, torment or abuse. I mean the fear, the worry and the concern are projected, thus expand. Thoughts of happiness can be willfully inserted, and they will replace the negative. This is the most curious and intriguing aspect of Earth time existence; that events must be seen to happen in order, in sequence. This allows a person to insert a thought in response to a thought; the width, breadth and scope of this Earth timeline does not change its absolute, immutable requirement for sequence, and because a series of things must occur, free will and control of thought allow thought replacement. Replacement with what one likes balances and counteracts what one dislikes. This is fixed; this process reigns paramount and only the duration, frequency and effect of each step fall under human brain control. To discard the series cannot be done from Earth. Q:Can you speak about focusing on the good in the midst of evil, fear, horrible atrocities? ?VF:I have anticipated this question in my previous answer and will expand, continue on this, more specifically.As any negative event comes forth, one can always control one's mind. Ownership of thought is absolute. It cannot be given away. Reaction to threat, what is understood as instinctive, is not really this way in humans. Instinctive reaction is stronger in animals, your study has identified all of this well. What I wish to say is, reaction to an evil thing is learned as much as felt automatically and it is also possible to learn alternatives. These can be invoked if one has learned to create alternate patterns.Q:How did you keep your faith in the concentration camp?VF:I didn't; I was sure I would not escape bondage and eventual death.Q:What happened after your soul left your body?VF:I had a very pleasant, unremarkable return home. I knew my life was ending in the body thus as soon as I rose above my lifeless physical figure, I remembered two things; how I anticipated I would die and what process I previously believed would follow. The anticipation was not as it happened but I recognized, almost instantly, this moment would come and I remembered planning it, now that I was there.For me, leaving a concentration camp so many years before was similar to the liberation a soul feels upon return home; the shackles the previous existence imposed are far better understood once removed. One understands the shackles of any circumstance while still in it; departure always gives a new view of the familiar thing. I suggest the sensation of flying over a place for the first time after passing much time there, on the ground. I knew the concentration camp was horrible; but did not appreciate what I learned to understand until I was out.Q:What advice do you have for humanity, in the immediate times coming?VF:These times are a phase; a unique milestone as you would call it, yet still a phase. Depending upon the circumstances each of you has chosen, the phases will seem to rise and fall, ebb and flow, wax and wane, at differing moments. The many events will be easily attached to calendar dates, and a spread of moments will be simple to demonstrate when considering the many, grouped together. For yourself, does it truly matter to you what involves you not? If you hear of it only, is it part of you? Yes and no and what I wish to say from this is, a phase is yours as you participate. The next town's tornado is news only? Focus on the circumstance where your thought inserted into the reaction you might have will make a difference. This is my advice.Q:Thank you Dr. Frankl.VF:You are all most mentsAllen 10/05/2013 11:29amPatrick,Thank you for sharing this one. While not familiar with that particular life, the message resonated with me today. I think I needed to have it stressed to me again the importance of choosing one's thoughts and reactions to... well, pretty much anything.Also it was nice to be reminded that our focus and thoughts should be on events and happenings pertaining directly to ourselves. Those that are outside of our control, influence, or have nothing to do with us directly should not be given the same level of attention.Solar System Life06/10/2013A reader asks about life on Mars, Jupiter's satellites Ganymede and Europa and Saturn's satellite Titan.Q:Is there any life on these moons and planet?C:As we spoke to you before about Mars, yes and also on all of these moons and everywhere in the solar system of your sun. We must say, what do you consider life? The more broad the definition, the more life is found and you are all life yourselves, before your bodies and after, and during.Q:I am certain the reader's question relates to life as understood on Earth.C:Yes. This life is also on the three moons and one planet mentioned, and upon all moons, planets and other objects orbiting your central star.Q:Will human visits be able to detect this life?C:Yes, eventually.Q:Eventually visit or eventually detect?C:Both; as your ability to visit arrives, long previous shall there be ability to detect life there.Q:Is there intelligent life on any of these planets? I say planets since some of these moons are large enough.C:Intelligent by human limits, no and yes.Q:Not yes and no?C:The life you would consider intelligent; with cognitive thinking, does not inhabit a body as you perceive it. There is extensive life, of intelligence you would consider superior to yours. In dimensions yet unseen.Q:Are we humans ever going to gain a glimpse into the life there, in those places?C:Yes, it will be shown to some of you. It is likely to be shown to sufficient numbers of humans that denial of the existence will be difficult. You shall be taken to visit; extraterrestrial visitors to Earth will offer this.Q:This could easily be written off as a lot of bull, as in bullshit, just tossed through a keyboard by some yahoo looking for attention who doesn't know what the hell he's talking or writing about.C:Yes, and such reaction has much company. This dismissal makes truth from falsehoods or, conversely, creates falsehoods from truth? The attitude you describe is easy, even lazy and originates in fear. Why should there be concern, yet there is. Humanity offers itself great learning with the limits and their breaking; just as suggestions Earth was not flat did at one time, or that microbes caused infections. That smoking damaged health, that bacteria caused ulcers; shall we continue?Q:Is there any biped life, such as humans, on these planets and moons?C:Not of your dimensions but yes, in a similar form.Q:Of course I mean physical life, as ours.C:No; life that resembles human organisms that would be found in these places are smaller.Q:Could we bring any of this life to Earth and have it survive or thrive?C:Yes, a few would and create temporary havoc; most would perish. The havoc would be disturbance to your ecologies, and you would eradicate them. Have no concern, you will not do this. As your ability to collect a sample were developed, your absolute understanding why damage it would create will precede the ability.Q:Will humans develop the ability to visit the solar system without ET help?C:Yes, however you shall receive this assistance. You would develop it yourselves, but at the time is it shown and given, it will be to collective advantage and so you will have the opportunity. It will not be necessary that you wait.Q:How long would travel to, say, Jupiter require?C:As you will remain in your solar system and on the time Earth existence creates, you would reach this planet in approximately five minutes, four of the five involving ascent from Earth and descent into Jupiter.Q:Why do you say "into"?C:It has no fixed interface with a hard surface and the sharp differences between solid, gas and liquid you have on Earth will be different there; thus you would descend a good distance into what you would consider liquid before encountering solid as you believe it.Q:Why?C:The dark side of Jupiter has combinations of materials and chemicals that heat and cool and create conditions humans have not yet seen, although your understanding of chemistry would understand, once you have seen them. The heat of Earth which rises from the molten iron core, is not nearly the same as this planet, and its surface atmosphere is heated by the sunlight; given the rotation of nearly 2? times for each one Earth makes, this creates a temperature cycle that helps create the ever thicker liquid in the atmosphere.Q:Does Saturn have any life on its rings?C:No longer.Q:There was life?C:Before the moon was destroyed, yes.Q:What destroyed the moon that made the rings, is that right?C:An asteroid collision; this was the destruction of the planet that created the asteroid belt, a large piece of which was drawn towards Saturn and struck the satellite moon. The impact was sufficiently strong to pulverize a percentage of the two objects and create the orbiting ring of debris.Q:How much debris escaped?C:Most of the larger pieces escaped the gravity of Saturn, the remainder formed the rings. Q:How long to reach Saturn from Earth?C:The travel time is similar to Jupiter, despite greater distance.Q:Any human identifiable organisms on Saturn? Not just her moons but the planet itself?C:Yes. Q:Are Saturn's many moons, besides its rings, the result of the moon destruction?C:Yes, some of them.Q:Committee, thank youC:Good visits!CommentsMike 07/10/2013 5:55amPatrick Sorry to nit pick, but in linear terms when will this be that the Committee quotes.... You shall be taken to visit; extraterrestrial visitors to Earth will offer this.ThanksPatrick 07/10/2013 12:03pmMostly about twenty and twenty five years ago but it continues.Most memories are considered dreams. Most experiences are blocked from the memory of participants."Why would that happen and what would be the point?" is the logical, follow-up question.The answer is, only blocked from human memory of this lifetime; our complete soul is that much larger and enjoys the visit and interaction.This happens to many people as they dream; the six or seven or eight hours of Earth sleep time are used for many things. We are denied access once we re-awaken.The way many dreams seem so real when happening but fade after waking up is because the dream was real, the portions we allow ourselves to recall.cristina 09/10/2013 2:23pmI wonder if all dreams are about past/future events, because some of my dreams are quite amazing. I share 2 of them (just for fun :D)1. in this dream i was taught how to pilot a small spaceship, that was flying within the tunnels inside earth. We would get out from the tunnels and we would help people as all over the world was flood and people needed help. The teaching that I remember was: I was being told that I don't need to use the yoke of spaceship as the ship knows to pilot itself because it was driven by thoughts :) so i could even sit in the back and relax :P2. another dream i saw a planet half destroyed into dust and half burned because of atomic bomb and i was saying: I will not ALLOW this to happen to Earth !Those dreams are still very real in my head - didn't fade...See what crazy dreams? :( Big warrior in my dreams :) And reality is: in real life i'm more scared than a rabbit :PAbout this bit "Are we humans ever going to gain a glimpse into the life there, in those places?" I was reading few months ago about a guy (he has a website) who claimed that his twin flame (female) was living in the sixth dimension on Venus ;) So once again I bow to committee for their wisdom ;) I will post link to that guy site if i find it :)Patrick 09/10/2013 2:53pm@ cristina:Dreams can be past events, which have already happened, they can be the future or simultaneous, alternative "current" events. The timeline of Earth likely doesn't apply to the things you remember from dreams.The Committee has said before, if something can be imagined, it can be real and is "real" however, that it's been imagined doesn't mean it must be real in the current context, in the environment of Earth. We contemplate and consider all types of things that might or could occur - but do not.In your case I am getting that your spaceship tunnel flights are indeed a memory of yours, occurring on another planet. The half destroyed, burned planet, however, is not Earth.Crazy when compared to what beliefs and experiences? What normal, predictable and widely accepted people ever changed Earth? Jesus Christ was nailed to a cross and left to die because he was so sensible in the view of his killers? Martin Luther was embraced by religious authorities for his ideas and suggestions? George Washington was an esteemed, logical nobleman to the Crown?History is loaded with examples of world changes deemed crazy, stupid and obviously mentally dysfunctional at the time; yet history tells a vastly different story.cristina 09/10/2013 4:43pm@Patrick - yes, interesting this "crazy" definition :)Yes, I did have another dream about what I think is a parallel reality, very mountainous planet and pretty dark outside: same mother but different father; same sister but also 2 brothers. Now that you mentioned I wonder if these 2 dreams are about the same location :)I remember reading somewhere about a 5D evolved civilization living inside our earth - do you have already some details about this on your site?Oh, and can you ask the committee about this "discovery" about very advanced technology discovered under some mountains in Romania? Here are the details apologize if I asked those before :) Many many thanks for your answers :)lori 07/10/2013 8:37pmAs usual Patrick and committee your information is hungrily and delightfully devoured ! I don't comment every time so as not to seem redundant but am always excited by each new post. LPatrick 09/10/2013 2:39pmThank you, Lori, that's nice to hear; read, specifically!ET 10/10/2013 3:15amRead your past articles on Mars and this one – when compared to the following article many details differ – can the committee comment on the following article? main difference is of course the fact (?) that the above article mentions intelligent Martians living underground.Patrick 10/10/2013 1:02pmI encourage posting the response already given.Poor Young Girl08/10/2013This interview is with a deceased soul, one that lived on Earth, but she wasn't famous or well known in any way. I did not know who she is until she came forward, volunteering to speak to us through these words.The well known are a good connection for us all, a common base and link to history but they’re also celebrity and aberration; so few souls come to Earth to do it.Who are most of us? More like our young interviewee here.Q:I am getting your image as an eight to ten year old girl with dark hair. What is or was your name?YG:I discarded that name along with the body and the life lived with them, and I prefer not to say. There is no purpose to concealing it other than show how names are an Earth concept you will all remember and recall as only needed in a body.Q:How old were you when you died?TG:I was just a few months beyond my eleventh birthday.Q:How did you die?TG:I was struck by a wagon, drawn by horse.Q:How did it kill you?TG:The wagon's iron reinforced corner, cladding riveted onto its heavy wood frame, struck me on the head. I was already in bad physical condition so my body's ability to recover was not good.Q:Was it your life's plan to pass away at age eleven being injured that way?TG:Yes.Q:Were your parents alive?TG:Yes, they still are.Q:Where did this happen, near your house? What country, region or continent?YG:It was in the same town as my house, the continent is Asia, the country Kazakhstan.Q:Why were you in bad physical condition?YG:I had been sick as a toddler and never recovered from a fever. It affected my hearing and sight somewhat and my general health was also not good. A poor diet contributed.Q:Why was your diet bad?YG:Less knowledge of good food nutrition. A challenge also in countries with great resources, where the knowledge is easy to gain but is not.Q:You might be suggesting material wealth, information, study and benefit from them do not go together?YG:No, they do not.?Q:Why did you come forward to speak to us?YG:Your idea appealed to me, to hear from a soul not famous.Q:How did you come across my thoughts?YG:Your Committee is well known, as are you but not on Earth. Not yet.Q:Why is The Committee well known?YG:The attraction from Heaven to all who observe Earth is, above all things, to observe reaction. Life plans are well known and understood and you go to live life on Earth with this schedule kept away from you, by your design. You never want to live a checklist. From here in Heaven, there is no reason for the life to be concealed, in almost every instance. The analysis of your plan and reactions to events in which you schedule participation is a fascination that words cannot say. This is the reason so many souls reincarnate; the experience, the understanding the review and the true growth these provide are such an attraction, a lure, a draw and a pull for so many souls. The observation and understanding and study of this is equally rewarding for all souls not incarnating. The appreciation and gratitude for the opportunity is not to be measured. I would say, as a sport is watched, knowing that adversaries, rivals truly give the competition a best effort to win, mixed in with all of the unknown, unforeseen twists, are an excellent analogy of observation of life. It is the reason sports are so popular with so many humans; it serves as a great reminder of Heaven.Q:The Committee plays this role?YG:Yes, and you are to be exposed to a greater audience for what they say to Earth society. It is fascinating to see.Q:What did you choose for this most recent life?YG:An intense, relatively isolated life from ones before it. Most humans lead a life that can be thought of this way; only a minority, even today, are given opportunity to know the world well and only a portion of the humans exposed, take advantage.Q:What did you learn?YG:Disadvantage. I only gained understanding of the purpose after dying.Q:Do many people choose lives of disadvantage?YG:Yes, a large portion of Earth does this and life has become a constant survival struggle for almost a majority.Q:Wasn't the world always this way?YG:No, it was not. The role of wealth and the attitudes are new, although seen as common and expected. To always seek more money, greater gain, more possession and thus control. You are born with all the control you will require for your life and will receive it. Wealth will not provide it; Earth views differ on this, that is a lesson for many of you now.Q:The expectation of great loss and financial collapse?YG:These will open a book few are prepared to admit could exist. It will be more than existence, it will be a great advance, the loss of money wealth.Q:This is an old theme, money is the root of all evil.YG:No, not all, money is a great thing. Attitudes and use of it, these are the benefits or drawbacks. These you choose.Q:Young girl, thank you for your time and thoughts.YG:Thank you for your efforts, do not give up hope for yourself. Be happy!CommentsAllen 08/10/2013 6:59amI really liked this. What is it that most of us came here to do for ourselves? Not the ones that set out to have a well-known (public) life, whether influential through leadership or science or even entertainment, but all of us that come to live as a human and experience it. I'm sure the intentions can be as unique as each of us, but it would be neat to get some perspectives from souls with multiple incarnations that just came 'to be', and learn what they wanted to get from each 'life'.Patrick 08/10/2013 11:45amVery good idea; let me work on it.Eva Masini 08/10/2013 9:59amOnce more, the information you disseminate is beyond price, Patrick. With all of my quibbles and stirred up emotions about the purpose of life, your contributions via The Committee, Erik, et al, help me enormously to "sort" out life one piece at a time. I realize there is a process of growth and it cannot be hurried. I look forward to everything/everyone you present and I express great appreciation for that.Patrick 08/10/2013 11:44amThank you, Eva. Good to know it's liked!Sarah 08/11/2013 12:46amI agree with Eva, thank you Patrick!Chris 08/11/2013 5:56amI agree with Eva as well. Thank you for all your contributions!! It's very much appreciated.American Politics11/10/2013Q:Esteemed Committee, can this subject be ignored safely? I mean the current news about spending and political deadlock in the USA? Can the subject be ignored?C:Yes.Q:Why?C:Other nations have little influence on this issue, individuals within, virtually none. Residents of the USA only at the time of an election. This moment remains distant; much more shall happen before.Q:What will happen?C:The process shall unfold, as it has been chosen. The choice between continuance of the current course or alternatives remains and we suggest, elections will not determine the way.Q:What do you mean?C:The assumption a rule, law or procedure is followed drives much thinking; the control a central authority might have requires obedience; the extremes of either complete obedience or absolute disobedience have similar effect, to render authority useless.Q:An example; an explanation, please.C:Humans create rules prohibiting production and consumption of substances to alter mental states, including enforcement. With complete obedience, enforcement is unnecessary. If universal consumption began, this would do the same to enforcement. Regulation requires a share of compliance or non-compliance, the same thing seen from opposite directions.Q:OK, and the suggestion is the same in politics?C:Certainly; promulgation of rules requires compliance from disobedience. Because absoluteness will not be, the creation of regulation maintains enforcement and the cycle continues. Do any of you reading these words know of conditions where humans follow obediently in near total compliance but for the few who cannot? This is not humanity; by regulation or prohibition, awareness is created by the attention the rule provides, the activity enforcement supplies. This attracts growth.In this way, attention and awareness of the political process extends it. Ignorance of the process reduces it.Q:OK, let's see if I got this; if citizen voters ignore the political process, it will be reduced.C:Yes. Like anything.Q:The argument says that would allow officials to run amok, and take advantage, to our detriment.C:Please list the benefits officials provide you now, which disappear without them; the functions that cannot be accomplished without the officials?Q:That's a long list.C:Do the functions disappear or can they be replicated and done without authority of the official?Q:Now y'all are asking the questions!C:We wish to illuminate assumptions.Q:I can see many things replaced, yes, many things done without central authority.C:If you choose to sleep in a structure and eat food, how are these places and things obtained? You already know and we suggest that as history is examined, all trends and developments of activity controlled by authorities in some way were started independently of centralized authority. Q:Many people would argue the central authority is necessary to do things better?C:Yes, this argument is made often and the answer is found in the definition of better. With this we return to your initial question, deadlock of political movement, an impasse of debt, deficit and tax, matters of your money. The areas of activity involved are not so important.Q:Medical treatment is not important?C:Only to the sick, injured or diseased, the minority.Q:Anyone can become this way, at any time.C:Yes, this has always been the case. Did central authorities create medical treatment?Q:I see where you're going, but what about the politics?C:Thank you, where wish to go; greater involvement in human life by central authorities eventually topples the arrangement, just as excess force upon a single column, by combinations of height and weight, will cause its fall.Absolute control of your life and plan cannot be changed; the illusion of a temporary appearance otherwise is what creates such advance and learning as thus you travel to Earth to live; you all understand this well and we say, it does not change. You have simply designed a temporary circumstance of appearance otherwise.Human desires to organize cannot change individuals; ever larger attempts to regulate you create will strain then break the attempts as they encounter absolute solidity of human will. Media created to facilitate exchange – money – have a role that need not be. It is but a choice; most living beings on Earth need it not and most human history in all civilizations, did not have this as used now. These media have become the instrument through which much authority acts, by your choice to have them both. When the discomfort of the combination grows unpleasant enough, change will come.Q:Do you see this change approach now?C:We have always seen this and suggest you meant to ask if we perceive Earth timelines to contain such events in the immediate, proximate steps in the queue?Q:Yes!C:Yes. Q:Currency collapse?C:Adjustment.Q:That's a good euphemism.C:Picture economics as machinery and oil, presence and pressure of this fluid necessary for operation. You as the people are represented by the pieces, parts and components, as your regions and nations, and the molecules as all of you the individuals. The molecules of the oil lubricant are your money. Insufficient oil causes the immediate surface friction, heat and damage to the point of seizure and breakage where enough force applies. Proper flow maintains; it creates a needed gap, suspends the components, holds good temperature and supports the force. Excess oil causes other problems equally able to halt the machine.Central banks create the oil currency to lubricate trade and activity; borrowings and debt threaten the usefulness of the "oil"; more borrowing requires more interest upon principal, a situation easily managed by creation of more central bank oil. When shall the oil fill the running machine, pressure from excess fluid breaking seals to gush out or force a seizure of the machine, or even both?Q:So the "adjustment" will be either a lessening of oil volume plus slowing of the machine or a rupture and failure?C:Yes. The impasse in American politics in this moment of the Earth time queue is a symptom of pressure in your societal machine.Q:What is going to happen?C:An adjustment. Either the machine will stop, requiring repair or the machine will be slowed, avoiding a massive overhaul, with similar general effect.Q:When you say, similar general effect, what are those effects?C:As oil spurts out, it is seen as wasted, lost and likely unable to be used. All drops of it are the same, some lost and if necessary, replaced. Humans do not see money this way, even though currency is similar. You can print and electronically create as much as you like; such process dilutes the perceived value as the number of units are inflated. World currencies are inflated to a higher number than historically yet the view money represents value remains strong, for the time being.Q:For the time being?C:Credits will replace currencies and current methods of payment and banking will be modified, currencies becoming entirely electronic and transparent across all sovereign nations. This comes soon enough, however not around your next corner.Q:The collapse part I think we get, but what adjustment could be made the other way?C:The creation and disposal of money now carried out could be methodically reduced, however opposition to it and political will to withstand the opposition are in disequilibrium. The decision to sacrifice political longevity for economic benefit is not easily made. Many elected officials assume reactions in the electorate to their detriment. Such officials are a reflection; they are a mirror, collectively. Skilled they have become at assignment of blame yet this accusatory process simply distracts; the accuser and accused require each other for common continuance, and take turns in each role, as political history documents. Q:This process remains very much undecided at this writing?C:We say not so much undecided; we say room to maneuver remains yet narrows. We say, not yet have the majority of the USA citizens taken note of what has happened to the national lubricant, the oil of money, in recent years. The amounts of it have increased by multiples, not just percentages yet shortages plague many individuals. Much tomfoolery takes place with statistics of labor, to disguise unemployment, and handouts of created currency involve an ever larger portion of food consumption and other basic spending.Businesses restrict investment for perceived risk; opportunities appear lessened, more hazardous when compared to the safety, if not costs of lost opportunity, holding on and back provide. This will not continue; we suggest one of many events will spark increases in price of what are considered necessities, increasing machine fluid pressure.Q:This all sounds like bad news.C:It is not; humanity has often adjusted and will again, surviving and prospering from it. We say, hold your faith in your fellow soul high and so faith in you will be lifted accordingly. A good ending will come, a new beginning from that end. Be mentsSarah 12/10/2013 1:19amInteresting perspective, thank you Patrick and Committee,Sarah 12/10/2013 2:58amPatrick, here are few questions to the Committe....about the true nature about ourself..Who are we?How long have we been in this world?Are we here on purpose? Or are we accidents by biology?Is war our true nature?cristina 12/10/2013 5:56pmSarah, many of your questions were already answered by committeeBrowse here and here you want more than those explanations, browse here are we? Spirits living a human experience on Earth and other experiences on different dimensions.How long have we been in the spirit world? This generates an entire discussion about "time doesn't exists" (check archives here) and how new souls are born (i'm not sure where this part is covered)If we are here WE ARE HERE FOR A GOOD REASON and we are here because we wanted to come. Different individuals have different reasons - check channelingerik siteWe were created, we were not accidents - check channelingerik site and "keepers of the garden" and "the custodians " books dolores cannonWar apparently is created by bored rich people with big ego - check Dolores Cannon books eg "Convoluted universe"HTH :)Patrick 13/10/2013 8:53pmThank you for answering Cristina however I believe The Committee will give good input anyway, so I'll offer up these questions. I'm impressed!cristina 14/10/2013 4:57am@PatrickThank you so much Patrick :) I had those questions myself, few months ago :) I see they already answered, i'm going to read in a bit. Did they answer anywhere in archives about this bit:"I remember reading somewhere about a 5D evolved civilization living inside our earth - do you have already some details about this on your site? Can you ask committee if not?Oh, and can you ask the committee about this "discovery" about very advanced technology under some mountains in Romania? Here are the details "cristina 12/10/2013 5:47pmMany times Committee makes me giggle because of simplicity and pure logic of their answers :) I feel like a kid thinking: this seems so easy, how come it never crossed my mind? :PAnd things like this "Much tomfoolery takes place with statistics of labor, to disguise unemployment, and handouts of created currency involve an ever larger portion of food consumption and other basic spending." make me say "my heart always knew this, when will i learn to fully trust my heart?" :)Patrick 13/10/2013 8:57pm"Pure logic" when agreed; s/he who doesn't, wouldn't!Nevertheless, thank you.Your comment hits sharply home, for me at least; trusting what I got was a series of hurdles and sometimes still is, yet nearly every time, they're accurate. It's only how precise that varies.cristina 14/10/2013 5:49amThey are very knowledgeable and now I realized that funnily enough I always agreed with their answers.... I did disagree few times with Erik, but never disagreed with committee. And I'm not the person who easily agrees on ideas, unless they have a sensible, very logical place in the net of ideas :)Sarah 13/10/2013 7:00amThank you Cristina for your respond, by the way I am familier about Dolores Cannon's work, which gives lots of explanation about our true self...Patrick 13/10/2013 8:58pmHaving never read her, do The Committee offerings match up with DQuartet of Life13/10/2013A reading asks four brief, ocean deep questions.1.Who are we?2.How long have we been in this world?3.Are we here on purpose or are we accidents by biology?4.Is war our true nature?C:"We respond not in the numerical order offered, and have suggested the numbers to correspond to the questions. Number four, no. There is no inherent nature of humanity; what animals organize and conduct themselves in this way? Ants and for survival, by control of territory elimination of adversaries requires. Consider the absence of ants and effects to ecological systems.Humans organize societies, as of late sovereign nations, and it is among these war, organized conflict against other nations or causes is conducted. These are entirely choice; examine all of them for the gain their commencement sought and the results once done.Number two, we understand this to mean humans on Earth and we say a small portion of the existence of Earth, one to two million of the years you count, revolutions about the sun.Number three, no. Not in any way.Number one, you are yourselves as you always are, and you change not ever. You put forth a portion of yourselves on Earth; does the skilled player of the piano introduce this ability, experience and talent during his work as a building architect? At a visit to the dentist? In this way, you hold apart and above your knowledge and talent that do not apply to your visit to Earth; these talents never disappear, do not go mentsSarah 14/10/2013 9:16amThank you so much and the Committee for taking your time to answer those questions, this gave me a bit to continue to reflect on the mysteries of life.Patrick 14/10/2013 8:13pmYou're welcome!Mo 14/10/2013 11:49amIn the field of paranormal studies, residual haunting can be liken to a tape recorder replaying a past event over and over again. What are the opinions of the committee on this particular subject? What says the committee on the work Zak, Aaron and Nick are doing on their tv show, Ghost Adventures? It seems like the GA crew are uncovering something huge.Ghost Adventures - S8E8 - Alcatraz - HD 720p. -> 14/10/2013 8:13pmUnfortunately, Mo, the video is not permitted in the USA due to a copyright restriction.Define residual haunting as it fits the question; as far as the TV show, I haven't seen it so describe the work briefly and what you'd like to know.Mo 15/10/2013 3:58amResidual hauntingsIn the terminology of ghost hunting, residual hauntings, also known as restligeists (German loan word from restlich meaning "residual" and geist meaning "ghost"), are repeated playbacks of auditory, visual, olfactory, and other sensory phenomena that are attributed to a traumatic event, life-altering event, or a routine event of a person or place, like an echo or a replay of a videotape of past events. Ghost hunters and related paranormal television programs say that a residual haunting, unlike an intelligent haunting, does not directly involve a spiritual entity aware of the living world and interacting with or responding to it.One of the first to promulgate the hypothesis of residual haunting was Thomas Charles Lethbridge in books such as Ghost and Ghoul, written in 1961. The subject was explored in Peter Sasdy's 1972 television play The Stone Tape, written by Nigel Kneale. The explanation offered in the play is that light waves are recorded in the walls of a building when they interact with brain waves associated with fear, and the recorded images are reproduced when triggered by brain waves from a fearful observer. The popularity of the programme has led to residual haunting becoming known colloquially as the "Stone Tape theory."Cyril Smith and Simon Best in their book Electromagnetic Man (1989) wrote:At death, the whole entity of a person's 'acquired' information field must become separated from the body which is about to commence decay, if it is to retain any objective existence in the material world ... There is the possibility that information could be 'written' into environmental water, such as that retained in the stone or brick of a building. The necrotic radiation, if this is indeed an electromagnetic phenomenon, could be the origin of such memories in locations for events which happen there ... This information might also be holographic in nature and be interpreted as an actual presence at that point in space and time, that is the person might 'see a ghost'- 17/10/2013 4:00amThank you Patrick ! Very interesting the answer from committee about civilization inside earth :)I think is a first when they would disagree with some Hopi Legends about Ant People Cannon talks too about some tunnels inside earth and I found other links talking about same things.... Or they don't really disagree ? Simply because there is no civilization inside earth doesn't mean that Hopi weren't saved by some beings or the tunnels inside earth don't exist...Patrick 17/10/2013 5:12pmI haven't read Dolores Cannon. I also didn't know anything about the Hopi legend.The word "beings" is very broad; it could include many dimensions, not just beings with a physical body? About the link, "fact checker" or "truth meter" is not something I will ask The Committee to pursue; that said, use of the term "Ant People" means ant sized, ant-like in appearance or mode of living? The Committee is saying the passage in the link is allegorical and refers to a moment of upheaval on Earth when refuge in deep caves was taken.cristina 18/10/2013 1:10amThank you so much Patrick ! :) Interesting answers... make my brain spin :P as I'm reading a lot and not sure anymore which are allegorical and which facts :Pcristina 17/10/2013 11:30amWho were the gentle beings answering to my question ? :) Was not the committee right ? :)Patrick 17/10/2013 5:02pmThe question was anonymous; it was answered by The Committee.Residual Hauntings17/10/2013Unfamiliar with the term, I asked for background, supplied in good detail, as some of you might have read in Comments to the post "Quartet of Life":The background: In the terminology of ghost hunting, residual hauntings, also known as restligeists (German loan word from restlich meaning "residual" and geist meaning "ghost"), are repeated playbacks of auditory, visual, olfactory, and other sensory phenomena that are attributed to a traumatic event, life-altering event, or a routine event of a person or place, like an echo or a replay of a videotape of past events. Ghost hunters and related paranormal television programs say that a residual haunting, unlike an intelligent haunting, does not directly involve a spiritual entity aware of the living world and interacting with or responding to it.One of the first to promulgate the hypothesis of residual haunting was Thomas Charles Lethbridge in books such as Ghost and Ghoul, written in 1961. The subject was explored in Peter Sasdy's 1972 television play The Stone Tape, written by Nigel Kneale. The explanation offered in the play is that light waves are recorded in the walls of a building when they interact with brain waves associated with fear, and the recorded images are reproduced when triggered by brain waves from a fearful observer. The popularity of the programme has led to residual haunting becoming known colloquially as the "Stone Tape theory."Cyril Smith and Simon Best in their book Electromagnetic Man (1989) wrote:At death, the whole entity of a person's "acquired" information field must become separated from the body which is about to commence decay, if it is to retain any objective existence in the material world ... There is the possibility that information could be "written" into environmental water, such as that retained in the stone or brick of a building. The necrotic radiation, if this is indeed an electromagnetic phenomenon, could be the origin of such memories in locations for events which happen there ... This information might also be holographic in nature and be interpreted as an actual presence at that point in space and time, that is the person might "see a ghost"RQ:What are the opinions of The Committee on this subject?C:"We suggest we have no opinion and beg you forgive the disappointment; we intend none. We offer but information, opinions to be formed as each pleases and refers. We digress briefly into the word, 'opinion' something rare, unique and fascinating, as are many things on your Earth. Any subject, circumstance, place and thing of Earth that penetrates your awareness does this with partial information; one of the great benefits of limitation Earth supplies. Thus ideas and impressions are formed, from the partial offerings placed against the database of understanding, itself likewise limited from having been compiled by similar process. The sum, the total, the result and the outcome form opinions, differences and ideas which generate great opportunity for development, experience and interactions. We turn to your questions, and apologize for dissatisfaction, if there has been, for our digression.All spiritual entities affecting your world are aware of it and interact, if only through observation. The descriptions in this definition attempt to attribute memories and the mind to physical objects and materials of the dimensionality you occupy. The effects described are good; the causes more basic and above them; the hauntings are no more than what is called 'channeling' the haunted perceiver of memories is understanding information supplied by experience, crossing over the event as the timeline illusion of Earth, which does not apply away from Earth, is presented.In the absence of time, events are location; returning to the location offers opportunity for a return to the event; which fades never and remains forever. This does not mean any and all returnees or visitors to a place shall perceive past events in a vivid detail as would be recalled an event in which one participated. Where need and benefit are necessary, this happens and the perception, the detection of the events, the sounds and sights and noises, can be heard if this will be instrumental to a person visiting.We suggest the person who shall dislike a place, a house or a building where others will adore it; one who finds the places unpleasant in some way perceives events there to her or his dislike; others will not perceive these and would enjoy the location. The last line of the description is accurate and a good clue into the process."Aλ?ξανδρο? ? Μ?γα?18/10/2013Photos Still ForgottenAlexander III of Macedon (356-323BC), known as Alexander the Great (Aléxandros ho Méga) was a king of Macedon in northern, ancient Greece. He was tutored by Aristotle and succeeded his assassinated father in 336BC at age 20, inheriting a strong kingdom and experienced army. By age 30, he had created one of the largest empires of the world, from the Ionian Sea to the Himalayas. He died in Babylon at age 32 from a sudden fever, poisoning or infection, uncertainty about which remains until now. He was undefeated in battle, considered one of history's most successful commanders, his tactics studied even today.Q:Alexander, is this a good way to address you?AG:Yes, any you choose. I do not have a preference.Q:Did you require some time to be located and bought around?AG:Yes, by your measurement of it, but the time taken to summarize my Earth life was more than enough as you perceive it.Q:It is just thinking? Is that what brings you forward?AG:This is part of it, yes, however thinking alone only alerts me to that happening; I do not establish a communication unless the thinker both wants and is willing. The belief is necessary.Q:Since most humans do not believe communication with the "dead" is possible…AG:They do not. Q:You see belief now?AG:Your question's existence supplies its answer.Q:Did your tutoring by Aristotle help you?AG:Enormously; this allowed me to learn analysis and insight, which humans all do so well, the separation and consideration of each step necessary and more laborious and rewarding a task.Q:Please expand.AG:The conclusion and understanding and opinions of all humans in nearly all circumstances occurs with little perception or awareness by the human of the stepped process, procedure and mental protocol. This is the same as operating a vehicle with a steering; do you consider the steps, parts, pieces, components, design, assembly and operation when turning? No; even if these have been studied they are not regularly examined with each operation. It is a better understanding to have once studied then included the organized process in a personal information list, a database as you like to say, to later draw forth if necessary.Nearly all human interactions and behaviors are created from and expressed through a similar process; taking stock of the steps after study of process patterns to enable the taking of stock, this process I learned from Aristotle. What currently is named critical thinking.Q:Was your life destined as you lived it?AG:Yes, the opportunity was.Q:Had your father not been assassinated and you had not ascended to the throne at age 20, would you have eventually?AG:Yes, some time later this was a life course option.Q:How different would the history of military conquests been, had these been undertaken by your father, not you?AG:Less expansive, less far reaching.Q:What killed you? Disease, poisoning? Something else?AG:Disease, a viral infection.Q:Was it your destiny to pass on that way at that time?AG:Yes, it was a key exit point; the expansion of the empire was enormous and little remained that could be conquered. I had little desire and less ability to be a king as administrator, a place holder or figurehead content with the lot of his static kingdom.Q:Given your fantastic ability as a military strategist, was this channeled?AG:Planned is a better word, then carried out as scheduled.Q:The perfect series of victories, unblemished ever by defeat, was this predestined?AG:No; opportunity for loss and setback were always present and eventually this would have taken place.Q:What is your viewpoint of war and military conquest now?AG:It has served a great purpose through many epochs on Earth, supplied enormous opportunity yet has always been rather ridiculous. The choices are many to turn away; the seduction remains strong. It is the cost of sovereign status.Q:Expand on that, if you will.AG:Sovereignty means independence, yet independent of what? In commerce, art, love and anything done, there is interaction. What sovereignty represents in human societies is agreement to control land surface and allow this control by the cooperation of the peoples upon it. This creates the notion of separation yet interaction; the sovereign state that chooses less interaction is criticized, shunned and denounced for it yet the isolation supports independence. Greater interaction undermines the independence; the example of the current European Union follows this. Military force is simply robbery and burglary between nations; nearly all humans support defense personally and collectively under threat. The use of this ability offensively always offers rewards.The solution to war and military conflict is found where no benefit is possible. This eludes beings in dense existence, by beliefs. I lived a stark example of this as Alexander.Q:What benefits did your conquests bring?AG:None, by my life, as the empire dissolved without the leadership my presence supplied. There was insufficient time for such a large geographic area to supply advantage to the conquerors before my death, and the dissolution erased the possibility.Q:What advice do you have for humanity and war today?AG:To the critics of the powerful nations, denounced as playing the role of the world's police force, ask how content you shall be when this force does not respond? To the aggressors, I say, suffer from and under it before you launch it. Q:Will there be an increase in military capability on Earth in the next few years?AG:No, it will reduce.Q:What advice does Alexander the Great have for Earth today?AG:Understand mentscristina 10/18/2013 12:56pmsuch nice stuff :) Maybe next we can have Aristotle for some basic lessons about life and critical thinking :)How about getting in Judas, saint Peter, Cesar, Cleopatra , Lazarus and his sisters Martha and Mary? The list is long ... :)Robert 10/18/2013 4:05pmI enjoy these interviews immensely! I know you get many requests/suggestions for interviewees, but while reading Alexander the Great, I remembered reading somewhere that Harry Houdini stated while living that he would attempt to communicate with us from the afterlife, if it is possible.Paging Erik...can you get Mr. Houdini on Line 1? Thanks, Patrick!Patrick 10/19/2013 6:37amHoudini is on the list, too. Any specific questions?Patrick 10/19/2013 6:36amThey are on the list...Judas, Saint Peter, Caesar, Cleopatra and Lazarus. Maybe his sisters, too, if he invites 'em!Sarah 10/19/2013 12:00pmYes, very nice stuff, thank you Patrick!Robert 10/19/2013 5:48pmHi Patrick. No specific questions for Mr. Houdini other than if he is pleased to find that afterlifecommunication is indeed possible through a gifted channel such as you and the advice he has for thoseof us who continue to participate in The Greatest Illusion: Life on Earth.The Moon18/10/2013The Committee goes to The Moon, sent by seven reader questions.1.From where does our Moon originate?2.Is it of the same structure as our planet i.e., does it have a hot, molten core of Iron?3.Is there life equivalent to human life on the Moon?4.Have we humans indeed actually landed on the surface of the Moon?5.Will we humans eventually colonize the Moon?6.Do earth astronauts regularly make contact with extra terrestrials when we venture into space?7.If astronauts made any contact with extra terrestrials when venturing into space, what were their responses?They say:1)This satellite, in orbit around Earth, was created at the same time, simultaneously. It has been a partner and companion since the beginning.2)No, It has no magnetic field in extension outward and around itself, as does Earth and many other planets and their satellites in our solar system. It does not generate thermal effect from within, as does Earth.3)No. There has never been this. Your moon is visited often and there are many beings of dimensions you do not perceive, that make these visits also, yet no life upon it or within. No biological organisms, no beings of energy that remain permanently. We must say, the Earth notion of residing, staying, living and remaining in a place applies but on Earth, in the way humans practice it. The many civilizations called nomadic resemble more the existence you the many shall have in your true, real and permanent home. There is no requirement or benefit served by remaining in one place or moving about, however it can be done and is an option chosen, yet it is not required. In this way there are regular visitors to the moon, but none that reside in the way humans perceive and practice themselves.4)Yes.5)No.6)The extraterrestrials make contact with astronauts and cosmonauts, however the contact is not recognized or simply blocked, veiled or shielded. Human ventures above your atmosphere and to other planets are of a keen interest and fascination we cannot describe the interest and enjoyment in words or sentences humans customarily utilize. Even your probes and machines send to pass by, orbit or land upon other planets and satellites are of enormous satisfaction to see, just to see them sent.7)Astronauts do not initiate contact with extraterrestrials, and many have suggested upon contact with key Earth leaders, that no such contact would be answered, none would generate a response. This is understood by the humans contacted as not necessary; the extraterrestrials have already contacted humanity on Earth. To do so on Earth does nothing more for the process, serves no additional purpose.C:"We speak of the Moon generally; as the planets and satellites of your solar system were created, some became satellites of the central star and other fell into revolution about the planets, the satellites of the star, what you call your sun. The arrangements of the many solar systems have similar patterns, and the density of planets is the relative heaviness of some materials within; we suggest the settlement of heavier components of a solution and the rise of the lighter; cream on top of milk, oil floating upon water's surface. This pattern caused many formations of planets with more solid, by comparison, centers. The distribution is similar to the eddy current in water; as the rotating spinning mass traveled, the materials that became the central star were gaseous as you call them, lighter in your dimensions, and these grouped to form the star and fuel the reaction that produces heat, light and radiation. The heavier portions coalesced and were flung farther out; the smaller and heavier, such as Earth and Mars and Astros, your Asteroid Belt, contained sufficient relative mass to create a small effect within, and have a denser, hot core. Other, such as your outer planets, more gaseous and less dense yet larger, were flung farther before they coalesced into a spherical shape created by their own magnetic pull and were themselves drawn into orbit. The many moons about the planets were the result of a similar process.Atmospheres of gas with a solid, clearly defined hard surface containing liquids and gases surrounding them are the result of combinations of materials some planets have and others did not. These gaseous and liquid materials are fragile by comparison and can be lost, as happened with Mars. Planets can also be destroyed by impacts. Astros was demolished in such an incident."Commentscristina 18/10/2013 1:31pmfascinating the last bit :) - made me think about physics and quantum mechanicsquestion 4 and part of 6 are in archive too ;) "Apollo 11"Economy of Emotion19/10/2013Your humble correspondent considers economics a hobby. While/Whilst "cutting and painting" an interview with former US Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, several questions begged the Committee's input.Paraphrased from the interview: Alan Greenspan once believed in analysis based mainly on hard science and empirical fact. Author and philosopher Ayn Rand told him that unless human nature and its irrational side were also considered, a very large part of how human beings behave would be missed. At the time, Rand and Greenspan weren't discussing economics, but today Greenspan realizes the impact of emotion and instinct on markets, coming to admire psychologist and Princeton University professor emeritus Daniel Kahneman's application of psychological insights to economic theory, work for which Kahneman won a Nobel Prize.Q:Esteemed Committee, this sounds like the phrase often used here, that science and spirituality are the same.C:Yes, and behavior about money is the emotion of the soul, expressed through the body. The challenge and benefit of humanity is control; what a human body and your place on Earth give is control of the physical shell, the housing and machinery, the capsule, the vessel, the operational unit called the human body. Other humans have this also, and each of you is provided with physical ability to control others, to a degree. The emotional control one human exerts is often implicitly understood by ability to physically control also.This physical control does not exist in Heaven, in your true home; all is voluntary. Imposition of will cannot be; you must accept, to do.Money as the voucher of action is the expression of this aspect. It is but a method of humanity's expression, as are many things.Q:Please explain this use of voucher.C:Money itself is a coupon, a voucher, a chit, a pass and a credit, nothing more. It is given for service, accepted under belief it will in turn be accepted by others for service.Q:When Ayn Rand says the numerical analysis is incomplete without emotional analysis, what does she mean? Can we interview her?C:Yes, she can be called forth, as can others and we suggest it as this interview is complete. Mr. Greenspan would enjoy what she could say, if he were to read it. We suggest this is unlikely however for enjoyment of readers, you may.To answer your question, she is touching upon, in one way, what is represented by the small example of the luxury car, the principle motives, emotion and feeling; the utility and service of the less expensive model equals the more costly. The longevity, performance and durability can also be similar to identical. The higher price attaches to perception and reaction to style, design, appearance, exclusivity and perception of wealth.Money as method for goods and services lifts emotions for things one would have or want, now and into the future.Q:Scarcity?C:Yes; the perception of finite quantity, limitation and ending lie underneath human thinking. We suggest electricity, which is seen as requiring of fuel, despite the endless supply other movement, such as wind and waves, can provide. Soon you shall all see this has no end, it is not finite, not limited and requires not scarcity of source, the eventual shortage of fuel. Currently they are understood as insufficient the reliable, dependable sources and amounts to be had without fuel. This breeds opportunity for money; when absence of shortfall is offered, there will be resistance from established money makers now earning from the service; emotion will be on display.Q:Why can't humanity simply print money as it requires?C:It does and always has; money has never fallen from the sky or oozed from the ground. It is not captured in great sea nets.Q:If money were just printed by anyone, it would be seen a worthless.C:Yes, so you choose a certain group to do it. The chosen group works for you, through the system established and you believe yourselves detached from it, despite its origins in you. Because you choose to believe what you have created you do not control, you derive a sense of value. Others cannot disturb it more than you, and each of you effectively cannot, so the value it might have is believed maintained. It is all a set of agreements.Q:Will there be economic collapses?C:Yes, because the extent of money versus the perception of it have become misaligned. We suggest the following view; if tomorrow everyone had double the amount of money, what would change? We suggest prices would at least double, given universal knowledge of this fact. Soon all would remain the same, with some distortions.Q:The percentage differences?C:Yes; the lender's total money receivable, the due yet unpaid amounts, would not change. The money lenders possess would double; the amount a borrower has would likewise double but the debt, both owed and receivable would not, and thus the balance would shift. This would cause short term shifts as accounting of these new differences could influence behavior. We can see, collapse there would not be.We then suggest the opposite; instead of a doubling, a halving. Likewise debts owed and expected would remain the same, cash halved. This would produce what reaction? Concern for some borrowers, more so for lenders and the distortions would require more time to resolve.Q:These hypothetical scenarios won't occur.C:No, but they frame the issue, yes?Q:What will happen in reality?C:Scarcity; shortage of a key commodity, as we have suggested on these pages could be crude oil, would create a spike, a sharp rise in prices, these increases expanding through society. The perception of shortfalls and the higher prices demanded and paid, up to a point, will develop. As ever higher prices eclipse ability of some buyers, movement will be similarly reduced. This will create many effects. The perception of scarcity will rise rapidly.Q:There is a lot of money in existence, more now than in previous years as a percentage of all money, debts and other things of value.C:Yes, and the majority of the money is not possessed by individuals able to decide its use. Most is controlled by groups of you, the rules of which are seen as unable to be changed; government entities, business and especially entities for its management, such as banks. These entities will not be eager to see unknown and changing valuations of perceived worth and will respond by requesting higher price and lower expense; take in more, lay out less, as possible. This approach is continuous yet in crisis will be tightened.Q:These large, moneyed entities do not create money, as in print it.C:No, yet as even beginning students of economies learn, economic movement creates more money simply by flow.Q:Will debts be curtailed?C:The expectation of payment is deemed an asset; many would be written down and off. To forestall panic, many government debts held by a government's central bank will be extinguished, money then simply printed to service ongoing interest obligations. As knowledge of this practice spreads, quickly the value of debts, lending to governments and value of the debts the governments incur, will fall. The emotions of people involved will cause many actions and reactions. Scrambling will describe behavior; by the moment it is seen, it shall be too late to scramble. We suggest not do it.Q:How could such situation have been avoided?C:Opportunity remains, yet will not be pursued. The sovereign citizens of a nation will not accept either reductions in payments or services.Q:Why won't corrections occur?C:We cite a recent law now taking effect in the USA; it seeks to provide payment for medical treatment. This law does not address medicine, only money. The assumption of service because of money is what it hopes to provide; yet no guarantee exists to supply the people and places necessary for medical treatment. As money would be lessened, suggested in our last answer, increasing numbers of medical servers and businesses would refuse or limit treatments, for insufficiency of price. This would occur in an inflationary environment and the objective of the law – give medical treatment to people unable to pay – will not be met.The emotions of the sick, injured and dying, and family and friends, will have great effects on economic behavior not found in analysis of figures, empirical evidence or history. As Ayn Rand told Mr. Greenspan.Q:What will happen as emotions play through economies?C:You shall, the many of you, consider your ideas and attitudes of emotion and things acquired that involve them. These will be seen in a new and different way. Understanding and insight will be profound for the many of you.Q:Committee, thank you.C:Do mentsAhmed 19/10/2013 3:58pmVery intelligent analysis by The Committee.Kees 20/10/2013 9:12amThanks Patrick and committee!I'm glad that you address the topic of economics because it's 1 of my hobby too. Especially because the collapse is unfolding right before our eyes and the majority of the people can't see it comming.And making Yellen the new chief of the Fed won't make it better because she didn't see the last crisis comming so i don't expect she will see it now and do the right thing. I hope you and the committee keep us posted about this topic.Patrick 21/10/2013 9:08pmThe Committee most certainly will.Kees 20/10/2013 9:19amPatrick one more thingCan you ask the committee if gold as a store value is a safe haven during the economic collapse or is even gold in danger during these events?Patrick 21/10/2013 9:17pmYes and yes. (I'm quickly paraphrasing from The Committee)Gold pieces of even just ten or twenty troy ounces are worth a new car; yes gold will hold value, in that it will not plummet in value the way paper investment does, but its valuable for ability to purchase; as less becomes available for purchase, prior purchasing ability likewise falls.Gold is unlikely to become currency, even during massive hyper inflation. Both industrial/commercial and decorative uses (electronics, jewelery) will see fallen demand, lessening gold's perceived valueDr Laurie 20/10/2013 12:10pmI assume that our government will "sweep" bank accounts, like happened in Cyprus recently, and take a large percentage to "correct" the economy. So in order to survive you would have to have your own reserves (money, metals) stored away from banks. Would the esteemed Committee advise on this?Patrick 21/10/2013 9:22pmNo, US government confiscation won't happen as happened in Cyprus. The need for money is met now with the printing press and the Treasury Bill/Note/Bond Merry-Go-Round with the US Federal Reserve (central bank)I doubt Americans would tolerate confiscation.ET 22/10/2013 5:38amSince governments can print money, why don't all of them do just that to solve their financial problems?!Josh 22/10/2013 4:30pmET, printing more money is only a quick fix and it actually causes bigger problems in the long run.Patrick 22/10/2013 9:13pm@ Josh and @ ET: Thanks, Josh, yes that's absolutely correct. Brazil from the mid 70s through the mid 90s is a textbook on currency printing, manipulation and inflation.If an individual printed money, it would be criminal; when the central bank does it, it's assumed it's done responsibly, for replacement of worn out bank notes, etc.The temptation to abuse it electronically is high; virtually all bank balances are kept that way, just as treasuries and central banks also do.If you've ever heard of former US Representative Ron Paul, he often suggested the US Federal Reserve deserved an audit, to uncover the extent of just this practice.The challenge is reaction to printed money; it would cause everyone to consider it a voucher of ever decreasing value. So few people "destroy" money, and perception of its worth would plummet with increases in total circulated amounts by simply pushing a button. Its value would drop, value nothing more than human point-of-view.Mike 23/10/2013 7:49amPatrick,Seen a lot of programmes recently about Fort Knox, is it empty? Can the Committee enlighten us.MikePatrick 23/10/2013 9:09pmNo, Ft. Knox isn't empty but it is, in economic terms. The value of the gold - price per troy ounce over the amounts - is a pittance by comparison to the size of the US economy in nominal currency terms. Such a small fraction is represented there, it could be empty, with virtually the same effect.Dr Laurie 23/10/2013 9:47amOkay I'm a bit confused by the answers now. There will be an economic collapse, which you say will be addressed by printing more money, but how will the value be "reset?" Since printing money is the problem, how could this also be their solution? If there is a collapse of the dollar, which would affect all economies, why not make another US currency?Patrick 23/10/2013 9:21pmThere will be an economic downturn, slowdown and contraction. How fast it will continue to occur will determine if it's a collapse as any one person might understand. One week long collapse, one year? The time period covered versus similar length segments decide if the world collapse should apply.The rampant printing of money takes place now, and has been done for quite some time. The US Treasury engaged in heavy currency printing at the end of and after World War II.Printing money is a short term fix; want to feed the poor, give out electronic benefit debit cards for staples like food. The money represented by the card balance is an electronic fabrication. This on example. Once enough money, by amounts and frequency of hand-outs, takes place to be noticed, the damage is done. Money becomes a voucher, to be disposed of as soon as possible, heavy inflation setting in with the awareness it's being printed just because. This means the value of every additional unit dilutes the existing in circulation.Your idea is excellent, and has been done many times. The new currency holds value as long as the treasury and central banks don't resume previous behavior, which caused the new currency to become necessary.This has happened many a time, the new currency eroding away in value, plunging downward as soon as the economy believes it's destined for a similar fate. This belief CAUSES the fate to manifest.Harry Houdini19/10/2013Harry Houdini (1874-1926) born Erik Weisz, was a Hungarian-American illusionist and stunt performer noted for sensationalist escape acts. He first gained attention in Europe, challenging police to keep him locked up. His talent for gimmicks and audience involvement characterized his performances. His repertoire included chains, ropes slung from skyscrapers, straitjackets under water, and holding his breath inside a sealed milk can.Q:Mr. Houdini, we start with a reader question for you, which I understand you already knew, but I shall repeat for easy reference of readers....HH:Okay!Q:He asks, are you pleased to find that afterlife communication is indeed possible through a channel? What advice do you have for us participants in The Greatest Illusion: Life on Earth?HH:That was two questions; a surcharge will be applied!Q:No money is needed in Heaven, that's where you are?HH:Who mentioned money? We're talking electricity! A flow from the south, a sur-charge.Q:Comedy was also part of your act?HH:Not much on Earth, it is now!Q:Do you tell jokes? I'd ask to see your act, but how could it be shown?HH:I do jokes also.Q:Please, if you will.HH:There was once a human so smart, he forgot it.Q:Forgot what?HH:It could have been you, then? There once "was"; past tense! Because he forgot, he was. Not is.Q:That's not a joke, sounds like philosophy.HH:OK, if you insist on a joke, I must say, I disdain politics.Q:Getting better!HH:There was an old lady who lived in a shoe. She liked to sock it to her visitors.Q:Slipping….HH:Your friend Erik is my inspiration.Q:Is he there?HH:He started singing in Johnny Cash's voice; he says, "I've been everywhere man, I've been everywhere..."Q:Tell another joke.HH:Once upon a time, there was a wife whose husband kept getting lost. To make sure he would find where he was going, she would write directions and pin them to his shirt. One day, he went into a store and the cashier asked why he had paper clipped to himself. He looked down at the small piece but didn't remember what it was for. The cashier looked; the address of that store was the destination. Then, the man got lost going home, so his wife began writing second sets of directions home. Life became predictable and even boring for the missus, once her husband kept finding his way and also home. She decided the excitement of her husband's getting lost was worth the fun, so she began writing down directions to the fire house, police station and city hall. Invariably he'd be brought home by someone from each of those places until one day he didn't come back. She couldn't remember which place she'd put down, so she telephoned the fire department, police and mayor's offices. "Yes, ma'am" came the answer when she called the mayor, "we'll put you right through." Then her husband came on the line. She was shocked and asked him what he was doing taking calls at city hall, to which he answered, "I'm in my office." "What office?" she stammered? "The mayor's office!" came his answer.She hung up without a word and went straight there, finding her husband sitting at the mayor's desk. "What in the world has gotten into you?" she demanded and he said "The vote of the people!" "The what?" she asked, to which he said "remember all the notes you write me, to find my way and then back home?" "Yes" she answered. "Well," he continued, "I saved them up and when I started coming here, the staff was so impressed at my directions, they said I should run for mayor, and organize things. So I did." "You’re the mayor?" exclaimed his shocked wife. "Yes" he said, "and I owe it all to you." The moral of the story, a man is lost without a wife, and if she's smart, he'll organize life. Nothing's too much, nothing too large for a big dumb slob with a good wife in charge.Q:Nice story, maybe his wife would become mayor?HH:What's the difference between a bad husband and a great marriage? One lasts forever.Q:Good one. How about the reader question?HH:Question #2: Participation in the illusion of Earth is great because everyone is in the same holodeck, so nobody knows it. Every once in a while, something goes wrong, enlightenment accidentally slips in and somebody figures out happiness is eternal and then goes back to the fun and entertainment only misery can provide. In the meantime there are distractions; like my favorite joke, politics. Set these distractions aside when the important things come up, and appreciate grass under your feet, maybe under your mower? Sweep the leaves and needles and droppings and mess from the walkway, ever grateful for the mess trees make. It means you're blessed with them.Q:Okay, now question #1.HH:I knew instantly communication with humans was possible, no channel required! It's helpful on your end of the line, but the microphone on this side works well. Tuning in is the challenge and this was my life on Earth.Q:How so?HH:My life as an illusionist and escape artist was a symbol for freeing oneself of the binds we ourselves create. To escape the seemingly impossible, means discarding the limits created; this is no easy thing, the lowering of limits. Once those are dropped, everything else flows like a stream.Q:Did your tricks involve all the things magicians are known to do? Sleight of hand, distraction and other techniques?HH:Yes, and also the power of the mind. Opening locks is easy if the mind can be focused sharply enough, but this begins with belief a sharpening of the mind will be possible. Once this is accepted, then an ever sharper edge can be created, to cut through the barriers of Earth illusions. This was what I did.Q:Have you returned to live a life on Earth since Harry Houdini?HH:No.Q:Do you plan to do so?HH:Yes, eventually, in Earth time.Q:Mr. Houdini, thank you.HH:A pleasure it was; go forth and prosper!CommentsMike 10/20/2013 12:58amIt's funny how I was watching a documentary about his life the other day. He made it his life's ambition to expose psychics, mediums, channelers as all frauds. It would be interesting to see how his opinion has changed? Also there is a lot of conspiracy surrounding his cause of death. It's rumoured he had long standing stomach issues as was seemingly killed by a blow to the stomach area. There are also rumours that he was killed by people in the spiritualist movement whom he seeked to expose. He especially disliked Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.Patrick 10/20/2013 7:44amI'm certain his opinion has changed, he was willing to tell a story here!Jen 10/20/2013 9:35amI too am curious about his cause of death, is there any way to ask him? Great points Mike!!!!Patrick 10/21/2013 7:05pmWhat I'm getting is Houdini had an infected appendix and didn't know it. There was other internal damage caused by the blows that ruptured it, allowing the infection to spread more quickly than had the appendix ruptured the typical way.Robert 10/20/2013 4:39pmThanks Patrick! The first part was rather bizarre, but I'm glad you redirected him to my questions! I guess it's all about counting your blessings and appreciating what we usually take for granted, I like how he said, "Once we realize happiness is eternal...we go back to the fun and entertainment that only misery can provide". That rings true for me! Thanks, Patrick! Keep 'em comin! These are aawesome!Divine Intervention26/10/2013A reader poses an excellent question for The Committee.RQ:Is there such thing as asking for divine intervention? Are we actually able to ask for such a thing if we truly feel stuck? If so, how does this transpire? I understand just a mere thought can bring forth these questions to whomever deals with this; whatever source can persuade life into a new direction?C:"We greet you all and say, yes, this is the oldest belief on Earth and nearly universal. Prayer you name it; oral manifestation of your sentiments, desires, wants, needs, hurts and supplications that something be alleviated.We do say, intervention when you feel it, this is not a desire for your life to change although yes, this is what you feel and want. It is the presence of your Guides, Angels and friends of Heaven all of whom accompany you through the choices you have made, for the circumstances and troubles you might feel and the joy of their completion you realize.This question speaks to your life plan, what we have discussed here many a time; how much do you wish that it be changed? We can say with certainty, you who encounter the difficult, the challenging and the threatening such that your life may be the redirected by an intervention, you have already prepared this circumstance for yourself, including the anticipation you would feel the want for intervention, for resolution and for relief.Human existence requires the feeling of powerlessness before many things; all of you know this. Inability to control all before you creates a need to do so; and achieveing this itself provides great satisfaction. Understanding, participating and helping form the event, the phenomena, the process and the development are a source of upliftment for which your soul yearns and from it, derives great benefit, as realized upon Earth. This is your true way, your true nature, the essence of your existence.Your travels to Earth supply limitation; limits to ability to see, hear, understand, travel, interact, acquire, sell, hold, breathe, eat, sleep and all the many and millions of things all of you, our precious, beloved brothers and sisters do each day you are alive. We know no greater love in the universe than to see you live each day inside the limits of Earth, enjoying her great beauty and bounty. We love you all, the one no more than none, all of you equally. No shame, embarrassment or remorse exist in Heaven and none in any of you, to express this sentiment.Often we hear, by listening and hearing all of you, of a great a profound desire for intervention to stop war, stop disease, corruption and oppression, To stop slavery, earthquakes or storms. Look at the many of things humans create; to intercede as some would like means to intercede as some would not like.Great defenders of your individuality are all of you; the style of hair, its color with the chemical knowledge to stain it, its length, its replacement. Clothing and coverings of the body, a great business the world over. Expression of music, painting, film, poetry and story, all of these created by you, all of them loved and dismissed by many, as each becomes well known.Intervention into your lives cannot be impartial; the instant intervention happens, permission is created to do so, consistently. You who would like war stopped, feel a sincere and true desire in yourself to halt it as you understand automatically a complete inability to do so. Would war brought to you cause you to immediately surrender, even allow your life to end willingly, to see war stopped? Would you intentionally expose yourself to a military enemy, knowing for certain your life would end? The vast majority of you would not; in this lies gain for the attacker, knowledge that you would resist. Mass capitulation before aggression might save lives yet would it also reinforce desire of the aggressor to repeat the perceived success?The most peaceful, gentle mother known to humanity would react to defend her offspring, given the means. The most ardent opposition to any use of violence will nevertheless agree, self defense is acceptable; its absolute absence, suicide. This is your choice; to agree or disagree, to act or surrender, to participate or quit and in this, you live your life.Until you dislike the circumstance; prior this, perhaps no desire for intervention is strongly felt, if even considered. Unpleasantness might set in, then you desire improvement. Have you considered you would have planned this? Placed the challenge to then be solved?What course of your life, and the lives of all who compose your society, will be followed when divine intervention changes course? We do not choose the values, the hopes, the disappointments, the fears, the destruction, salvation, happiness, contentment, suffering or success of Earth.All of you choose what you shall have and then when you encounter it, why should there be intervention? Protest at this uncaring thought we understand there could be, that the bad things of Earth are not chosen. To this we shall say, they appear unchosen from the place of the victim; what about the aggressor, the attacker, the wrongdoer? What divine intervention set that offense in motion? We do say, it is a human choice that such malevolent behavior be followed; the solution found amongst the creators and participants.The gift of pain you give yourselves; if we could give this to you, we would. From pain, stress and strife, you learn. We cannot give you hurt; unhappiness, struggle and toil, the burden of failures, setbacks and failure. As we have no ability to provide the bad, we likewise do not supply the good, as you judge it to be. We only observe, guide and nudge along the path you have chosen, mapped and charted.The sensation of being stuck is alleviated with becoming unstuck; we beg forgiveness for the obviousness nearing stupidity of what we have said, it sets up the response to the question. Unset, un-attach and unsettle your situation and unstuck shall take hold; you shall be moved off your place onto a new one.We accompany you never to intervene in what we have not created; we follow to see your chosen destination reached, always guiding and suggesting and allowing all the things of your life to unfold, as you have chosen their unfolding, opening and presentation."CommentsAhmed 26/10/2013 5:48pmYour explain things well, Committee, but it is a difficult perspective to accept.What if a soul finds things harder to deal with than anticipated before incarnation? Do you intervene then?Who enforces this rule of non-intervention in the life plan? Is it simply something you do willingly?Do all beings follow that rule or does it ever happen that someone intervenes to bring about good or bad?In some parts of Egypt, and I'm sure other countries, people believe in magic or summoning of beings that can intervene to either bring good in their lives or bad in someone else's, some even think these beings or rituals can influence the thinking or actions of another person. Is this possible? If so, what about the free will of the affected person?The Committee 27/10/2013 10:34am"We suggest difficulty in acceptance of this perspective - as you have named it - means dislike of something in it. The future you may change, permission you have given yourself. Take this permission, you own it entirely.A soul never finds difficulty it did not understand. Your soul forgets a portion of itself as you go to live on Earth; when unpleasantness comes forth, you do not remember its anticipation. If you could avoid it, there would be no purpose served, so its development is forgotten and its arrival brings opportunity to manage and gain.You enforce the restriction; each and all of you set them. Your Guardian Angels and Guides will intervene constantly, where and how you grant permission. This happens frequently in infancy, as toddlers and as youngsters. You are kept safe from risks, perils and dangers of which you are not aware. As your adolescence and adulthood form, less intervention occurs as you would see it. We supply awareness; your insight, intuition and flashes of understanding are our intervention.No intervention is permitted to cause goodness or otherwise, unless it has been agreed and and accepted by all that would be affected. This operates as does the system of unanimous jury verdicts, and we offer that the notion of such trials is the concept of your true home remembered and applied on Earth; the abrupt shift in the life of a person to be punished, imprisoned or ended, how sad this happens still, must be decreed by unanimous decision. This is rare in Heaven, and so infrequent from our view, it is not a factor in your lives.The notion that higher powers can be summoned is universal and true; the idea these powers will shift course and cause goodness or bad, this is the humanization and does not occur. Ownership requires and provides responsibility and meeting it supplies satisfaction and advance. Confidence, trust, goodwill and honor arise from them; the intervention of a power summoned from beyond removes responsibility and along with it, satisfaction. The lesson would repeat, mission not accomplished. The beauty of Earth life is the separation or delay between ownership and outcome; the act and the effect; the knowledge and the understanding. The illusion that acts may be hidden, information concealed, these exist not in Heaven as they appear to operate on Earth. Into the gap some humans wish to insert force, effect and influence to their advantage. We suggest this is mistaken and rarely produces a permanent improvement and more likely sets things back. The temptation is tantalizing; its effects not at all.The will and authority of the affected is sacred; on Earth it operates under the same system of delay, pause and postponement. The notion person 'A' has unilateral power over 'B' is not; it is but an Earth illusion. Ill will operates with great cables attached; its manifestation creating equal if not greater effect on the perceived powerful than upon the object. Your physicist Newton identified this well, each action produces equal and opposite re-actions. We suggest a mirror; evil acts reflect like light; evil thoughts likewise. The Earth environment delay allows the actor the appearance the boomerang has not yet returned, or will not. This is but a view, not true."Ahmed 27/10/2013 10:50amThanks for the answer, I understand the process better now.Britta 05/11/2013 12:26pmIt appears that we predestine ourselves as we also create our 'loopholes' and caveats, escape hatches in life. The teachings remind me of the Hollywood moive with Michael Douglas, The which he thought what transpired was REAL life when it was a game played on him. What I am trying to comprehend is what purpose 'prayer' would play in life. We are guided, nudged etc so we are to pay attention and 'listen' for this but of what purpose/effect is praying for something or for somebody? Prayer we are told in many religious circles 'moves things'. But what if they are not to be moved or IF they ARE to be moved through our 'pre-plannning'..why bother? I feel it may offer solace...control over the feeling of being out of control and at worst, pleading to some power-figures out there to FIX our hurts/pains/messes yada yada. Maybe it's just for good vibrations as the Beach Boys sang? ThanksJesse 26/10/2013 7:43pmThanks so much for taking the opportunity to entertain my question! I am finding life difficult right now, even more difficult is to think I actually chose this challenge. I certainly do feel stuck and it's surprising that when I actually cry, out loud, cry, for help and pray for guidance, it comes almost instantly. The tools to move are normally all there; the trouble comes in knowing when to use them and having the fortitude to move forward and let go. An empath I believe I am, as we all are to an extent. I have this uncanny ability to put myself in anyone shoes and understand their choices and have compassion as to why they chose they, regardless if I feel it was the proper thing to do. The problem I have is in getting myself to see life in my shoes. Very hard. Abuse is what I encounter many times and it's extremely painful. Still I find a way to continue to be optimistic. Divine intervention is what I ask for, and why?, well, I need the help knowing and executing my strength. I plead for this almost daily and I know my prayers are always heard. Sometimes emotional abuse is so hurtful I often wish it was physical. Forgive me for pouring my heart out on this forum. My compassion has done me good in this life and I am truly honored to have it, as not may do, I just wish I knew how to use it for me, as selfish as that sounds. Well, my apologies for making this so long. I truly appreciate the Committee and Patrick taking time to answer this question. Many thanks and much love :)The Committee 27/10/2013 10:42am"Jesse, no forgiveness need you ask. This is a human trait; well placed in certain moments, yet not always necessary. Nobody is forced to read what you write; so if not agreeable your thoughts seem to some, that problem you do not own. You cannot control perception of yourself; do not. Simply be yourself, as you have through your words here, and well you have done and always shall you do, this way.You do not prefer physical abuse to emotional; you prefer none. What attaches you to the abuse you decry? Detach we suggest. Your guides follow you at all moments, we see them now as they smile upon you and then glance our way as we observe them watch over you. Ask them to help you disconnect and the plug they shall help you pull. Our love in return, and we thank you for yours, a great gift it is. Be well!"Mike Thomson 26/10/2013 9:14pmDamn, that was good. Thanks Committee.The Committee 27/10/2013 10:03am"You are most welcome."Mike 27/10/2013 4:18amIs it true that some peoples chosen life path appears more blighted than another's?What if you are not happy with the outcome of your life? Change it you may say. But then to change to such an exhaustive degree, would also mean a rewrite of your life plan.The Committee 27/10/2013 10:02am"Yes, it can appear that way to the owner of the life or to the observers, independently. Each chooses how and what it will view.You are always happy with the outcome, the final result, the ending of the story when the book is closed and you return home. There is no dissatisfaction or disappointment; all lives are valuable and worthy. They might never seem this way as they are lived; all of you are.Days and cycles remain and options are included. Random, haphazard oscillations would not help you; your path would be left, you would be lost. You suggest an exhaustive shift; the anticipation of this moment was scheduled; you know it could arrive and the options before you, you have considered them already. You have even provided for them. Re-write you may, and do. This rewriting is lived in another life."Michele 27/10/2013 2:57pmIs it possible that some design into their life plan the absence of recognizable communication with their guides? I feel like I ask and ask for something that I might recognize as unmistakeable communication, yet never seem to get a single feeling. I want desperately to feel awareness of the love of others from the other side. I wish that I could feel definitively that there are those that are pulling for me, but get nothing. Is it possible than this is somehow part of my plan?Patrick 27/10/2013 4:17pmYes but also no. Recognizable means through eyes, ears and sometimes touch. These all require the body and brain; our GAGs (Guardian Angels and Guides) don't have them; only the ability to create sensations through them. We have the ability to recognize them, just as we have the ability to learn other languages; development requires practice and different abilities are common.The unmistakable we yearn for is nice but too easy; we came to live on Earth to not retain the easy to & fro, otherwise the point and purpose of our presence is eroded or compromised.You get the feeling constantly; you have not yet recognized it and incorporate it into all sensations as "normal" and not a communication. Yes, it is "normal" but comes from your GAGs.This is just like the burning desire we all feel to "know" the future, and this itch includes me.If we knew all details as if a list were offered, we'd simply pursue the positive and avoid the negative, everything becoming wonderful and happy; Utopia, in other words. Does it exist? Yes, in our true home, Heaven. We come to Earth for the experience away from it.It is part of everybody's plan to be connected directly to the environment of Earth and these connections emphasize the senses a body uses. None of who can speak and listen remembers the steps of learning the language we use, but we did; the evidence is unquestionable. Newborn babies cannot speak and will learn the language of their upbringing, without regard to heritage. There are many things we learn this automatic way, with never a recollection of the process and suddenly, after decades of pattern, we encounter a new aspect of existence that doesn't mesh with learning. Some choose to reject the ideas, some understand automatically and others struggle against what feels so true but fails to materialize easily enough.You are the same and your presence here, your asking of the questions means your GAGs have nudged you here as part of your plan to regain the understanding of what already exists inside you, but has been set aside. Your true nature applies less here on Earth, but that does not mean it is not there. A former athletic champion too old to perform retains the mental ability even as physical traits diminish.In the case of humans, the reverse applies. The mental strength, the true force and power we all have, is diminished and lessened by the limits a body imposes but remains always, ready to be recalled as you might have planned.Your arrival here and this question were your choice long ago, and now you proceed. Examine your thoughts and when you believe you might have been reminded to do something or you get a sudden feeling about anything, do NOT just assume it is you, nearly always it is from your Guides. As you ponder the seemingly arbitrary coincidences of events that lined up, consider they were planned to line up. Then more insight will you have and closer again will come your true nature.Allen 27/10/2013 8:29pmPatrick,Thank you for the response to Michele's questions. As I read that, it's as if those expressed feelings and questions could have, or were, written by me. Therefore, I really appreciate the thoughts you shared.Patrick 28/10/2013 6:55pmThank you, Allen. Yes, answers to a question always bleed benefit onto others. I'm happy to know this happened, thank you for mentioning it.Eva Masini 28/10/2013 11:44amWhen I thought (silly me!) that all has been said and explained about our physical existence, then along comes another "explanation" and I am "floored." The richness of your website is in my opinion unmatched. This is about as good as it can get and it's ALMOST as if I were privately tutored. My understanding is constantly being stretched and expanded but I cannot seem to get enough! My heartfelt thanks, Patrick.Patrick 28/10/2013 6:56pmThank you, Eva. More stretching to come! Stay tuned.....Julius Henry Marx26/10/2013Julius Henry "Groucho" Marx (1890-1977) was an American comedian, actor and television star. A master of quick wit, widely considered one of the best comedians of the modern era, his rapid-fire, often impromptu delivery of innuendo earned him many admirers and imitators. He made thirteen feature films with his siblings the Marx Brothers. He had a successful solo career, best known as the host of the radio and television game show "You Bet Your Life". His distinctive posture, glasses, cigar, thick greasepaint mustache and eyebrows inspired of one of the world's most recognized novelty disguises, "Groucho glasses", a one-piece mask of black, horn-rimmed spectacles, a large plastic nose, bushy eyebrows and mustache. Q:Mr. Marx, you never had the idea to adopt a stage name?GM:With a face like mine, what's in a name?Q:Do you still do comedy?GM:Does a cat quack? Of course, of course…just like a duck barks.Q:Was comedy your life's purpose, your mission?GM:Yes.? So many cigars, so much clean air…somebody had to do it.Q:Did you like cigars for real or were they just a prop?GM:Yes. I like props. Would you board a plane without any?Q:A jet?GM:So, you would. I see… [adjusts his glasses] Did it fly?Q:Yes, and arrived safely. I'm here.GM:That's the proper answer.Q:[Face palm] We had Harry Houdini in for a visit, and he told a story one reader thought a little bizarre.GM:Little bazaars always fail; they have to be big. Attract crowds.Q:Can you tell us a story?GM:Better than Harpo.Q:Harpo never spoke in his movie roles, did he?GM:He didn't speak out of 'em, either. Just talked.Q:OK, go ahead with a story.GM:Once upon a time, an old man wanted to live in a shoe, but he found an old lady was already doing it, so he kicked that idea. Q:That was a short story.GM:You want a longer story? I recommend bible studies.Q:You don't strike me as the religious type.GM:I wouldn't strike you, even if I weren't religious. I would only strike an employer or a pitch.Q:You can't strike a pitch in baseball; "strike" means the batter missed.GM:Who said anything about baseball? ?If the batter misses, the pan stays clean. The same can't be said for the floor, unless gravity is suspended. Gravity was caught cutting up in school last week, and did get suspended. It was terrible; the students in detention were floating in class, and the school only stayed put because of good grounding. It was electrifying.Q:You haven't lost your touch.GM:I've misplaced my feel, from time to time. But I always find it, right at my fingertips.Q:My friend Erik likes jokes.GM:Where do you think he gets his cigars? [Groucho flicks an ash off the end of his.] Q:Readers will want some seriousness in the answers, and that means a serious question. So…GM:A series of questions? I charge by the inquiry. No volume discount.Q:Serious questions.GM:That's a star in the sky, Sirius. There should be a star named Relax, too, in the Ex-Lax Constellation.Q:I'm plunging ahead with the straight questions.GM:You can ask a crooked question, too. What’s the difference between a crooked question and a crooked politician? The question pretends it has an answer.Q:What was your spiritual mission?GM:To make people laugh.Q:Reflecting on your life, do you think you accomplished your spiritual mission?GM:Yes.Q:What were you here to learn and/or teach?GM:French cuisine and macramé, in that order. I failed on both counts, so I tried French macramé since I had a head start in both. I still was not successful. I discovered how French seams seem.Q:Do you have any regrets?GM:Yes.Q:What was it or are they?GM:That I wasn't an American Indian; think of the reaction to a chief with my face; I would have been browbeaten all day, every day.Q:Can you share a life that most influenced your last one?GM:No, since I died and it's finished.Q:Have you reincarnated or do you plan to?GM:No; yes. I plan to become president of the USA, solve all the country's problems, make everybody like everybody and then resign before the term ends.Q:All politicians do that now, make promises.GM:They do? Well, unlike them, I'll actually achieve them before I resign.Q:Politicians never resign from office while they’re successful.GM:No, but they quit right after they win the election.Q:Tell us about your afterlife and the work you do there.GM:There is no afterlife, it's life and on Earth, it’s life and a body. And a fistful of dollars, which doesn't do much good these days. Q:What do you think about the state of humanity now?GM:There's a fifty eighth state now? I was certain there were fifty seven. Q:Is humanity progressing, that's what I meant.GM:Digressing I'd say; going off course. Soon, back on course. You'll all see. I will, too, what with my eyeglasses.Q:Do you have any messages or advice for us?GM:No messages, I'm terrible at dictation. I'll take the minutes at a meeting, but not dictation. Advice? I have that in spades, like a crooked deck of cards. Sorry, I didn't mean to bring politics into it. As I was saying, I think you should all laugh more. Chuck'll chuckle.Q:Who's Chuck?GM:Very good, Chuck is really Charles Equestrian, also known as Charlie Horse. Q:You didn't tell us a good story.GM:I'll tell a bad one first. The politician got elected and played golf very often and his critics noticed and complained…Q:Readers are going to complain about bias…GM:Leave tires out of this. Now, where was I? Oh right, in the tire shop, no radials for me, bias all the way. Yellow slant for dessert. Well…..the complaints were growing louder, so the rounds on the links were cut back. The sausage maker wasn't happy. Soon, the complainers got wind in their sails from seeing their complaints take effect, so they all sold their boats. The marina went out of business, so the president decided to take up sailing, now that it was cheap. Moral of the story; if you huff and you puff, you stow your goat's crown. I mean, slow your boat down.Q:I've given up hope of seriousness here.GM:What's Hope got to say about it? If you want, we'll go over there, and you can tell Hope to come back.Q:Besides my questions, is there anything you wish to say, Mr. Marx, unrelated to these questions? You have the floor.GM:I'm not going to mop it, but I'll shine the moon. What I'll say, serious comes easy; funny takes practice. Make a habit funny and you'll always have things sunny. Even when it rains, when everything is gray, forget about the pains, stop eating all that hay. Chew the fat a bit, shoot the breeze some more, polish up that wit before you hit the store. Life can be a joke, rougher makes it good, stop and have a smoke, knock your nose on wood. The sun will always rise, problems fade away, make another mess, 'cause tomorrow's a new day!Q:Mr. Marx, thank you.GM:Don't mention it, but you just did. So long….CommentsJesse 10/26/2013 7:00pmKudos to you for actually channeling this and having the patience to write it!! Though funny, I can imagine how frustrating it may have became to try to get someone to actually be serious!! (some what of a frustrating read!) I do however love this, "The sun will always rise, problems fade away, make another mess, 'cause tomorrow's a new day!"Patrick 10/27/2013 8:52amWasn't hard at all; every attempt at a "serious" question failed; he has a funny comeback for everything. I'd bet he could go on like that for hours; I'd run out of questions long before he'd run low on bullshit.42 10/27/2013 11:50amTell us about your afterlife and the work you do there.GM: There is no afterlife, it's life and on Earth, it’s life and a body. And a fistful of dollars, which doesn't do much good these days. Quite profound thoughMoFo 10/28/2013 3:33amGut feeling tells me 'Julius Henry Marx' was conveying that Earth is heaven in physical formRobert 10/29/2013 5:03pmThanks, Patrick! Just what I needed! Groucho is awesome!The poem at the end was the best!I also liked that there should be a star named "Relax".It seems Groucho's message to us human "worry warts" is"Lighten up!" which he would probably say, "Why, yes, it is and I'm taking that advice. I'm Lightin' up another cigar right now!" ;)lori 10/29/2013 5:50pmthey say it`s like this trying to interview robin Williams also :^ )Chris S 11/30/2013 8:27pmThanks so much for this...I think Groucho is the only celebrity from which I seriously wanted to hear some feedback...I guess I'm not him reincarnated but it's good to know we share a very similar outlook regarding life on Mother Earth :)Charlemagne27/10/2013Charlemagne (742/7/8 to 814) known as Charles the Great (Karl der Gro?e in German, Carolus or Karolus Magnus in Latin) or Charles I, was King of the Franks from 768, King of Italy from 774 and from 800 the first emperor in western Europe since the collapse of the Western Roman Empire three centuries before. The expanded Frankish state he founded is called the Carolingian Empire. Charlemagne reached the height of power in 800 when crowned "Emperor" by Pope Leo III on Christmas Day at Old Saint Peter's Basilica.Q:Mr. Charles the Great, or Charlemagne, which name is preferred?ChM:Charlemagne is fine, as you have abbreviated it is good, ChM. These names no longer matter but as an Earth identifier.Q:The history of your conquests is well documented. I believe what we would like to know is not about them as can be studied but what you see today, from the view of then.ChM:You mean Europe, I understand?Q:Yes, the European Union. The Euro-zone for currency also.ChM:These are much the same; with a few differences. Some nations of Europe like one, some the other, most both. The European Union is no more than another example of Europe's history; it separates, it coalesces and separates again. This edition will separate; it is fractured already. Its currency will not survive and will be seen as the cause. This is not true, currencies reflect the behavior of their believers, as do Christian crusaders or Muslim warriors reflect beliefs of faiths.Q:The presence of Muslims in Europe, do you see this as significant?ChM:No; believers in this faith, so new at the time of the Carolingian Empire, are another ingredient in development in Europe. The challenge is not acceptance of Islam in Europe but rather the Muslims themselves, who do not yet, in sufficient numbers, see their presence as being modified, contributing to a European region that will change by their contribution, themselves also changed by the process.Q:Did the Holocaust contribute to the acceptance of many Muslims? The slaughter of six million Jews meaning many more Muslims are accepted, presence that would otherwise not be tolerated absent the Holocaust?ChM:No; not to a material degree although reaction to the bigotry turned genocide contributes, even until today.Q:Rejection of host country culture is a commonly published complaint in Europe. Is there a basis for it?ChM:A small part, yes, not significant. This aspect can be discarded.Q:Much talk of the European Union coming apart has been offered here.ChM:It will; this begins already. Be not concerned.Q:What was your spiritual mission?ChM:Bring about the fusion of Europe and Christianity after the effects of the Romans had disappeared.Q:You accomplished that successfully.ChM:Not so much, what is now Spain and Russia were left out to a good degree, most notably Spain. Russia was not so key in those times, as you know.Q:Would you have liked to incorporate Spain?ChM:Yes, and I attempted it. Q:What were you on Earth to learn or to teach?ChM:No teaching whatsoever; I was to learn and perform the function of leader. Little spititual value was there; it was completion of a mission, volunteering to accept a large task for the course of humanity.Q:What insights should be taken away from your reign? What should we know that will assist or benefit us today, from Charlemagne of the Carolingian Empire?ChM:Leadership no longer represents what it still gives appearance of doing. The great and strong leader no longer means what it did; the communication technology provides allows the central dissemination of information to be spread, to be in many places. Information is power and this grows ever less needy of a central command. Leadership attempts, with futility, the appearance of controlling information for power and tricks itself that this is achieved. It no longer is and never will be again; humanity prepares its information independently of leadership. The end of a leader's power has commenced.Q:Can you supply an example?ChM:In this nation where you live, the US of A, leadership attempts in recent days to curtail protection, ban firearms to achieve safety. This is not necessary; by any historical measure, humans live safer and more harmoniously than ever, very much so in this nation. The calls by leaders to regulate the items is born not of safety but rather fear of power's loss. They know they lose it, for the information technology spreads beyond centralized control. The result is a grasping at issues where emotional reactions are strong.Q:Is this happening in Europe?ChM:Yes, in different ways. My time was what today would be called an application of glue, to reassemble the pieces a previous empire's demise allowed to be scattered. Europe of today has the opposite pressure; it has become over-glued and loss of national identity looms. The provision of security rides high in a region so recently insecure for so many. The outward appearance is advantage from a multinational agreement but privately, many people lament loss of national sovereignty yet feel pressure to stifle the expression. Fear of xenophobia accusations is strong.Q:How will this be resolved?ChM:As these pages have offered, the erosion of currency confidence will cause abandonment of its use; this will lead naturally to re-establishment of border restrictions the union has lessened. The fracture of the union and the common currency will follow. Q:When do you foresee this occurring?ChM:The impetus will arrive from one of two places; the decision not yet made. War in the Middle East and effect on price of oil and financial strain in the US of A. Either of these or a simultaneous manifestation of the two will create a rupture amongst and between highly indebted and more financially solid nations in Europe. The time for this draws near and cracks will appear in two thousand fourteen.Q:What insights can you offer into the world of today? Do you have a message for humanity?ChM:As global commerce and influence fade, be sorry for not a moment. This is my message. The shifts will all be for your betterment, if you look upon them this way. Association with your friends, family and community, so missing in the lives of the participants in global commerce, will restore a happiness and contentment so absent its disappearance is not noted by the many so needy of it.Insight into the world I offer little; the information flows around and about you, simply look where you feel an interest, and insights will come to you, as you peer in.Q:Charles the First, thank you for coming to visit.ChM:An honor, a pleasure. Fare well, mentsMike 10/28/2013 4:49amThere is lots of growing protest in the UK about EU membership. In particular a once small time political party is riding the crest of a wave of support to opt out of Europe. Given that we are one of the founding 5 nations of the EU I guess we will be responsible for lighting the touch paper of it's demise.Trade agreements yes, signing over of national sovereignty (which we did already at the Treaty of Lisbon) should be No.Sarah 10/28/2013 12:02pmThank you so much.Cheryl 10/28/2013 2:46pmYes, Thank you Patrick and Charlemagne for an interesting interview!Sarah 10/30/2013 7:13amPatrick, could you interview Tsar Nicholas II, or his wife, about what really happened to them during the Russian Revolution, there has been so many stories about their disappearance, see below for example.And also if you could include some questions about the monk Rasputin and his role in the family."The most dramatic unsolved mystery of the century.In July 1918, Tsar Nicholas II, his wife, and their five children were shot by Bolsheviks in the Russian Revolution.In February 1920, a woman who many believe was the Grand Duchess Anastasia was rescued from a canal in Berlin".In July 1992, the body of Anastasia, the youngest grand duchess, was found to be missing from her family's grave".Sarah 10/31/2013 12:36amThank you for responding and trying.And obviously it is not meant for you to act like a detective, either way, if there is interest, sometime in the future it would be interesting to hear Tsar Nicholas II side of it.Veronica 10/31/2013 12:23pmHi Patrick, May I ask you consider interviewing either Michelangelo or Leonardo Da Vinci? Both were such a huge influence to the world, its amazing to think they lived in the same era. I cant help but wonder how their higher self view their life works.thank youPatrick 10/31/2013 3:39pmMichelangelo has been put on the list.I interviewed Mr. DaVinci already and lost that interview when I re-set the website, so I won't be doing MY own again, but I will attempt your questions, if you would like. Please send them through the Contact page and I'll give them a toss, provided he returns. Fingers crossed.The Look of Heaven – Part 1 of 428/10/2013After recently watching the Brazilian movie "Nosso Lar" (Our Home) a story of Heaven and a doctor's arrival after suddenly passing away, I was intrigued about what the movie showed. I ask The Committee to describe Heaven not about the things we might create there but how it will look overall, in general. What is already there?Hop aboard, off we go….Q:Esteemed Committee, what will we see when we return home.C:Earth. Your life and all your family and friends and enemies who remain.Q:What and who do we see in Heaven?C:Earth; it is an extension of Heaven and you will be determined to see it, just as looked upon it before you last traveled to live there, through your greater knowledge, understanding and experience. The return to understanding of Earth you had and to your now greater understanding of yourself.Q:Does Earth look different to us, at that point?C:No; she will have changes as she always has, however these changes are not what draw your attention, your fascination and fixation with the place you now hover above. Your understanding of yourself you wish to feel, granted and earned through the magnificent opportunity Earth supplied, means you will gaze long upon her and all the people of her surface and all the plants and animals and all things of Earth, with a depth of love and desire and hope and understanding as there cannot be known on Earth.The knowledge the emotions of experience give you will seem to be the largest jewel, the greatest wealth and the grandest achievement, that you will look long and deep at the place that welcomed you and cradled you as you passed through the steps of life, of frustration, success, hurt, pain, joy and pleasure and have understood forgiveness and love by the absence and withdrawal of them, from time to place as you lived.Q:There isn't a bright light shining down upon us, in a dark space like a room where we cannot see the walls, just the bright light?C:This there is for some, if you desire and choose this. During your last dreams before passing on, this will be chosen. If not, your Guides have a plan to always receive you and will await you with happiness and smile as you cannot imagine.Q:So we might just rise above our body and hang around, literally?C:Yes, many of you choose this or some do not, if that would happen with no others around. Then you would go elsewhere.Q:Isn't there going to be a life review?C:Yes, if you have planned it or decide to do it, there will be. This is common.Q:Is the review a burden? Is it difficult?C:No; quite to the contrary, it is an enormous and great pleasure for you and all your friends in Heaven who together and each one alone, enjoy your review as they watch you look into your life. You shall remember all the moments you examine and experience all the sensations of everyone, just as they did. The remembrance of life and your feelings; this has no equivalent, so great a thing it is.Q:Many beings in Heaven forego a life on Earth or another planet, is that true?C:Yes, you who make this leap are unique; your choice is not common and you realize this instantly upon return and this special nature you have drives you to look back upon the place that held you, cradled you and led you to the understanding you now have, unknown before this most recent life. Nostalgia is one human term for this feeling; the joy, sorrow, regret, appreciation, sadness and joy you feel on Earth as you look back upon a place, a time, a person and a role that gave satisfaction and happiness but is no more; this you see as you look back to Earth. Your heart fills then overflows with joy and no greater happiness can the universe give you to look at your life and your love for it and all things you have.Q:Isn't the life review hard to do, feeling the pain and hurt of others who pass through experiences we have?C:You know it will end; you understand why it happens. The sharpness of sensation you know completes and so gladly you do review, as you planned you would.Q:What does Heaven look like, once we finish looking at Earth? If there were death, a wake then funeral several days later, once that’s done, then where can we go and what does it look like?C:The sun still shines and you may go where you choose. We shall pick a place many go and describe it.There comes into view a meadow; the sun shines warmly and the breeze blows and it reminds you of a warm summer day on Earth. The trees at the edge of the meadow loom green and lush; the yellow flowers grow vibrant and the grass waves gently as the breeze passes over. Your friends await, they smile and you run towards each other and then through one another, laughing and chuckling at the quick tickle this trick provides. You lift yourself to soar above the grass, sometimes dropping to run again and sometimes flying above, your arms hanging back as if drawn by gravity on Earth; this exists not but for the idea and desire and so it is created.Your run and flight bring you to a new clearing with grass so green, sometimes purple, violet or red; all more beautiful and deep as your eyes cannot know; the limits to visible spectrum exist not. The waves of ultraviolet add a depth and profoundness to color you only understand as you behold it again, in Heaven.In this clearing come your friends and family, all who have gone and returned before you; the remainder of others still on Earth also come to visit, and some of them may remember the dream, for no dream is it, but for their memory of it.This is one place and one look you give to Heaven.Q:How does Earth look from Heaven?C:As it does from any flying craft humans now have.Q:We can go to the top of Mount Everest?C:Yes; please do if this interests you.Q:Go inside flying jets and sit in empty seats?C:First class if you please.Q:Where do we live? Where do we set up home?C:Everywhere you choose, many have a house; you may create it as large or compact and place it anywhere you prefer. This is common; it reminds all of the joy of Earth.Q:How does it look and feel to travel to another planet or another solar system?C:There is no feeling, just emotion and arrival; if you know of something, it is available. You may visit all things you study. To see Jupiter, think Jupiter and look her way and in a few seconds of what is called Earth time, it draws closer to you and then halts at precisely the distance you choose. You do not sense movement of a body, and all things you choose to see come to you. No feeling of penetrating or being thrust towards a place ever happens.This is rotation of the spheres of arrangement of the universe; all rotate to align and create the intersection around you.Q:What about another solar system around a star many light years away?C:It is only light years away by Earth views; choose your destination and you will begin to see its approximation in a few seconds of Earth time sensation.Q:Extraterrestrials can make a trip from their star system in what humans think of as an hour or hour and a half, sixty to ninety minutes. Not for your souls?C:No; nearly all places in all universes available appear by thought inside the Earth sensation of a few seconds. Knowledge of a place, in Heaven, means it is mapped and connected. These all accompany one another. Reading of a place on Earth still requires travel. In Heaven, knowing, for reading is optional and not necessary, means it can be seen as easily as approaching and opening the door to it, that has suddenly mentsAhmed 28/10/2013 8:58pmQuite a coincidence that I've seen mention of this movie for the first time twice in the past week. Are you a visitor of by any chance?Patrick 30/10/2013 9:05amNo, Ahmed, I've never heard of that website until now.Allen 28/10/2013 10:21pmThis one caught my attention, was fascinating (soothing, somehow), and then I got to the bottom and thought "Damn! Gotta wait until part 2.... F**k". I didn't want it to end.Mike 29/10/2013 9:46amSounds a lot like that other book and film - The Five People You Meet in Heaven - I was discussing this topic last night and had a mysterious visitor who seemed to have come to take notes of my conversation. Hmmnn.What if those family and friends you get to meet, you don't wish to meet. I assume you can choose this?Is it true that if a spirit visits a planet or star with a strong magnetic field it can interfere with the spirits energy?Patrick 30/10/2013 9:44amTake notes or supply them?Generally, no a magnetic field will not affect a spirit as we are all a form of what humans consider electromagnetic energy or waves. We can tune in & out to a great extent, as spirits.People we'd prefer not meet will likely become the ones we first want to encounter; human impressions will expand and change, the reasons for the dislike suddenly understood in a much larger context of meaning.Mike 30/10/2013 4:11pmIt was my partner who picked up on it not me and she was confused as to whether it was her guide or mine. Which is another problem when a couple are in a close relationship who the spirit has come through for.She said he was listening and taking notes, but no interaction. Then he just faded into the background. Strange behaviour.You say generally, which means this has happened then. What do you mean tune in? Speed up or slow down the vibration.I have asked Erik to be present at my passing, so he can quickly bring me up to speed on things. I only have my partner and my cat who I will want to meet. None of my family who have passed, including the ones I was closest to have hung around. Saying that I never feel my GAG's around me, even when meditating. It just feels like a large chasm.MoFo 29/10/2013 12:47pmAbout damn time!! Thank you Patrick!!! Thank you for this post!! =Djon besson 29/10/2013 1:20pmThat was fun!Patrick 30/10/2013 9:08amMore to come....Jennifer 30/10/2013 12:48pmQ: So we might just rise above our body and hang around, literally?C: Yes, many of you choose this or some do not, if that would happen with no others around. Then you would go elsewhere.Can you please explain this to me?If no others are around? You go elsewhere? Like, where?Thanks Patrick :)Patrick 31/10/2013 5:54pmLet's get The Committee to explain:"As you have returned home, your body becomes a point of departure, nothing more. This is not to suggest it was not important; once your return home begins, its importance fades physically and no longer does it have significance, as 'now'. Because there are often others around humans on Earth, all accompanied by Guardian Angels and Guides, this location on Earth becomes a meeting place. In other moments a soul departs where few or unknown humans surround the place. We suggest a bus station, an airport or taxi stand; this spot on Earth becomes a starting point however you often wish to visit with your Guides, who await and welcome you, often someplace else. It can be anywhere, no relation to Earth distance applies. Your Guides and Angels will have either planned the meeting or arranged it as you chose, long ago. Remember, there is no time but on Earth. Off the surface in the dimensions of your true home, time, distance and location are not."Look at Heaven - Part 2 of 431/10/2013Q:So, do we go to a place where the appearance is already set or do we create the place, partially or completely? Is it like Earth, where we see what's already there, the same thing for everybody?C:Yes and no; this is another subject we shall explore elsewhere, in greater detail, however what you see on Earth is also of your creation, partially. You see what you have agreed you will see. The idea the visit to the valley looks the same to everyone is not true; the valley indeed looks different to the many people who will say with certainty it looks a certain way, showing a photograph to prove this point. The use of photography to fix an appearance simply means it depicts the moment in the timeline illusion where the valley had the appearance of the photograph. All who observe the photograph who have been to the valley might say the picture is accurate, but it is not. No photograph can recreate the view seen live; humans grow accustomed to the reduction in visual detail photos provide, in the way a drawing also cannot show but an impression of what the artist saw.So we gave some detail on this, so you understand, all things you see are seen by agreement and desire you choose; there can be agreement among the many to see the same thing, however your presence always creates the opportunity for a difference in the surroundings.In Heaven, with no delay unless it is wanted, the modification of surroundings is far quicker however this does not mean because modification can be had, it is done. You might destroy art in a museum but from respect and admiration, you would not.If you go to a new place, you will leave it as you encounter it unless you understand the previous creators wish for your change. There is no shortage of space, room, capacity or resource and because all things can be created that can be imagined, anything that is created is held sacred as tribute to the imagination.Q:Do there exist places that look like Earth?C:Yes, there IS Earth, the Earth of dimensions you have left waiting for your return. In physical parameters, it is approximately one meter above the surface of Earth you now inhabit. The overlap is complete and permanent. The Earth of Heaven has all the beauty of Earth without damage or decay of human changes; the delay of Earth existence that allows these creations is not there, so correction and improvement are instantaneous, where ever necessary. This is rare; all things of the Earth of higher dimensions are created and given respect as beautiful, and not permitted to degrade as anyone might see them as degraded.Q:Earth of Heaven is a collective creation?C:Yes, many trillions of souls created it, as was created the physical Earth you now inhabit. Of respect and admiration for the imagination of these trillions of thought workers, Earth is kept sacred, as are all planets by their soul families and visitors.Q:Do souls such as ourselves live in communities, with cities and nations and such?C:Yes, but the identity of the planet is one; nations there are not. Groupings of souls form what humans would consider municipalities these are all over Earth. The Earth of Heaven.Q:Is it crowded?C:No; as the collections of souls consider themselves too packed in, too closely arranged, they expand and create more. This creation can be in any direction, yet goes up for Earth, of respect for the dense existence Earth and its center.Q:Does the talk of beings living inside Earth, below the surface, mean these souls?C:No, this talk refers to all of you, who exist "within Earth" inside a dense existence much as you would see a being living in water or solid or a combination of the two.Q:Combination of the two, solid and liquid?C:Yes, your friend Erik spoke of this, it was recently made available to read generally, of lights in the sky. These illuminations are reflections off the surface of material shifting in shape and density and creating light in the visible spectrum as the density changes.Q:Do extraterrestrials have this capability?C:The ones visiting your Earth, yes; not all.Q:We can visit a landscape, any surface feature and any place on Earth?C:Yes, and you do.Q:You said Earth was created by thoughts of trillions; how many souls occupy the space around Earth?C:Trillions. Your soul group is generally all near and on the planet. Very few incarnate; most remain and watch.Q:The talk of being from a different system, what is this?C:Think of emigration on Earth; the same.Q:Do we have families?C:Similar groupings, yes, more fluid and permanent, simultaneously. Think of a combination of friendship and marriage, parenthood and siblings. These Earth society customs resemble the relationships of Heaven, anger, fear, jealousy and the many other negative emotions are either absent or quickly resolved. There is no divorce of marriage because the obligations of marriage are not necessary. The voluntary aspect of choices means they are not always changed and no resistance or barrier is encountered to do so.Q:Does or can the landscape appear as beautiful as Earth?C:It does, with more variety of color than can be imagined. This part of Earth, in Heaven and in your dimensions, is profoundly satisfying.Q:Can Heaven become overcrowded?C:No.Q:Why won't it fill up with souls from other parts of the galaxy or universe?C:They can create and copy if they wish; this is not the way. Admiration for creation is what rules, reigns over all existence. How many copies of a priceless, rare painting or sculpture can be made? Many. This is not done because the thought energy is the sacred component the physical manifestation expresses; what you seek to preserve in the care of art, the use of museums, is not really the article or object of art, but rather the thought energy. Where such energy creates anything, the thing is secondary in importance and thus not copied, as it could be, as technology on Earth now begins to enable. Your digital printing is a crude beginning of the process.Q:If the Heaven of Earth overlaps the Earth we mortals inhabit, how do you keep them separate?C:They are separate; how do you keep trees in a forest separate? Children in school, fish in a school, peas in a pod?Q:What if things mix?C:They do not; they might traverse the same space from the view of the space of the one or the other, but these are not the same space. You generally do not see and feel the higher dimensions, some retain this. From Heaven, you will see it all. Normally, unmixed.Q:Can we see the sun rise?C:Yes, and you do, the many of you. Some create a sunrise that remains static; some create a static sunset, with yellow, orange and reddish clouds and it will remain as desired. Some create rain and clouds, some bright noon sun. It depends on the mood. Some set the appearance of the sun to be as would be felt and observed on Earth. As you grow bored or simply excited for a change, you do.Q:Houses? Hamlets? Villages?C:These all exist, are created and taken away as you choose. Many are created and remain for many creations and dissolution of others' houses, settlements and hamlets, for they like what they have. These are not necessary, yet enjoyable. The creation of a warm, crackling fire on a cold, damp day is quite common and if chosen, warm summer breezes can be had also.Q:What about machines?C:For enjoyment there are many; the physical limits machines manage exist not, thus use of machinery is optional. For anything. Transportation, construction or manufacturing. This is considered art; many machines used on Earth are seen and other you cannot imagine, to create the art. As you also might enjoy a mechanical wristwatch, where it is unnecessary yet? pleasure to mentsJesse 01/11/2013 3:05amThese get more and more confusing! Interesting, yet confusing. The confusing part?, well, it's simply the fact that I don't remember time before I came here to Earth. I don't know if this is my "upmteenth" time reincarnating, but geesh, I really do wish I could remember!! Especially since they mention that many souls wish to not reincarnate as I always thought it was the opposite. The Marfa lights are pretty amazing as explained.Thanks, another interesting aspect of afterlife I will squeeze into this lobe of mine!!Patrick 01/11/2013 8:21amLet's get The Committee to talk about this"If you could remember and review all your lives, with the absolute belief of the truth in them, would you? It is up to you to believe or disbelieve. On Earth, your beliefs matter when you act, in Heaven your beliefs ARE the act. On Earth you cannot be condemned for your thoughts, in Heaven you cannot be condemned. Your thoughts are irrelevant to this concept.Remembrance of all lives of Earth supplies what, in this life? Entertainment? Your lives are not this, they are much more. Explanation for some things will arise, this is very true, however consistency, impartiality and understanding, which reign strongly in your true home, discourage partial, purpose serving use of a thing, and knowledge is the greatest of these. Hypocritical it could be described, and in Heaven, this is not.Most souls choose to never incarnate, the lives in a dense body represent the minority, a small one. There are many repetitions by a soul, in many incarnations on Earth and other planets, so bountiful are the proceeds of the honor and privilege of a life on Earth. The many who do not, admire and observe and learn themselves great things from just this. Advancement and growth are achieved many ways in your true home, Earth is not exclusive. It is a wonderful option, preferred and revered by many. As you would say in American political circles, not all Republicans vote Democrat, yet accompany and enjoy one another's contribution. So it is in Heaven and the desire to incarnate, and travel to Earth."M&M 01/11/2013 7:20amThanks Patrick, another fascinating post- love these Look at Heaven topics. Wondering if they can share how one gets to this other Earth dimension? Is this after death, with the choice to then experience a life there? I know time is our illusion, but wondering if there is a way to experience this wonderful sounding place while in this lifetime. Pretty sure I know the answer to this, but wishful thinking...The Committee 01/11/2013 8:30am"Arrival in the dimensions of Earth is found at your doorstep, both inside and out. You are in it now.This wonderful sounding place is all around you; you all make it as wonderful or less so as you choose. The many things you believe beautiful are your choice.An example; consider a stroll in the deep woods, towering trees surrounding you, all types of plants, shrubs and bushes below, of all sizes. Pure beauty you shall see. Imagine an expensive, decorated house surrounded by these woods, a portion of the forest removed for the placement of the house, itself surrounded by a barrier or layer of lush green, manicured lawns. Would the house be seen as equally beautiful were the forest to replace the grass and landscaped plantings? We suggest many would see the beautiful forest as suddenly a burden, the constant drop of leaves, sap, twigs and branches, and the presence of many animals all forests shelter, as intrusive and undesirable, to a degree. Humans create extensive contexts and so have you created contexts for your perception of your beautiful Earth.Heaven is at your doorstep, for you to see, as you shall frame it."M&M 01/11/2013 9:47amThank you Patrick and Committee. I guess the rational mind wants to make the physical leap from this dimension to the other, but maybe what you are saying is it doesn't work that way. This will take some reflection. Thank you for the further explanation.Mike 01/11/2013 11:14amSome of this is very similar to Sylvia Brownes book Life on the Other Side: A Psychic's Tour of the AfterlifePatrick 01/11/2013 12:43pmThank you for that confirmation, Mike. I saw Sylvia Browne on television a long time ago, she seems to be highly sought and well regarded.Ahmed 01/11/2013 2:59pm-Thanks for the post, I find the part about 2nd Earth's location confusing though, what is the 1m measurement referring to? Aren't the two Earths in different dimensions? Does The Committee mean that souls on "heaven" Earth can see "physical" Earth right below them?-" As you grow bored or simply excited for a change, you do."So boredom exists in "heaven"? Is it part of the motive to incarnate?The Committee 01/11/2013 4:34pm"From your home of Heaven, you can see the surface of the Earth below the surface of Heaven; we suggest a prism or piece of glass that produces a double image. From Heaven, both are seen, separately or together. You may see the one; switch to the other or see them both slightly apart, the distance would appear as approximately one meter, as you see this gap, on Earth in your dimensions.You do not see the dimensions above, from Earth; from above you see below and both, if you please. Your term of clairvoyant refers to ability to see some portions of the higher dimensions, a person or scene. The totality is not shown to you, on Earth, not ever.No, boredom only approaches; it is avoided. It exists in potential, avoided with ease. Freedom of thought, place and activity is unlimited. Boredom as absent or insufficient mental stimulation is only an Earth condition."Look at Heaven - Part 3 of 401/11/2013Q:What I'd really like to know, is what we encounter. We take a jet plane to a place?we've only heard about, maybe seen photos of and nothing else. Overland travel gives a gradual change of view and scenery, but the trip by airplane gives little if any hint, of what the destination looks like, absolutely the case at night. So when we get to Heaven, what do we see? Does it seem like a nighttime flight?C:Yes; as you move from place to scene within, there can be gradual or abrupt shifts; you create your view of a place and contribute to its general appearance by your presence also. Collectively the appearance is the creation of all who wish to be there. This can be instant and always changing or for a more permanent basis. Because there is no time, what was does not grow old and can be recreated and brought back.Everything you see on Earth can be seen in Heaven and you may go gradually or abruptly, and observe from all angles and points of view; the surface is but one option. The surface is also a creation and collective agreement; there is no up or down but for your decision to see things this way.Another place far away is both up, down, over, behind and in front or any combination in any direction, yet can give the appearance of flatness like a surface, once you travel there.Q:Do we live in houses?C:If you wish.Q:Where do people live if a house is not chosen?C:In any place they want; no shame or privacy is needed, although it is sometimes enjoyed. Those who do not want houses choose often to be in a valley, a meadow, a cave in some cases or a mountaintop looking down across the plain far below.Q:Can we go anywhere in the galaxy we choose?C:Yes, and the universe also.Q:Does the sky look blue?C:Yes, and can be green or pink or orange or yellow, if you choose to see it that way. Often, the view of the sky is left as it is seen by the person or persons, the souls appearing in a body similar to Earth, who already occupy the place, the scene or the surroundings. The newly arrived leave it undisturbed, for it is equally beautiful any way projected or envisioned by any one soul. The idea is to have a common denominator, a consistent view for the time all are together. Time is seen this way; the togetherness of a group. To be in the company of other souls takes on the feeling of time, some gatherings longer and others shorter. The Earth expression of time flying when one has fun, that its perception disappears when the moment is enjoyed, is as time is felt in Heaven. It is not measured. It is felt and enjoyed.Q:Can we travel by vehicles?C:Yes, you do. You create these for the enjoyment of the ride; these float above the surface much as you would consider a hovercraft, without limit of wind or resistance or obstacle. You may follow roads or paths or travel above surface features.Q:Do we have aircraft?C:For fun if you like, but you can travel anywhere without airborne vessels.Q:Is the temperature comfortable?C:Yes, a comfort of temperature sensation exists always, unless you choose heat or cold temporarily.Q:What do our bodies look like?C:Bodies are not required but they are a common option and appearance can be changed always. Often a soul will choose an appearance and stay with it for sake of consistency and how it suits the personality the soul feels. Clothing, hair and other things can be changed as felt; the true nature and vibration is always recognized, no concealment or hiding is possible, needed or wanted.Q:What do souls do who have never incarnated on Earth yet choose to be around Earth anyway? Do they take the appearance of human?C:Yes, as they choose and enjoy it, however it is not required.Q:What do souls do, who have no friends or family or soul group members on Earth? Why are they near it?C:They are near the group that gives them comfort, for love and acceptance and understanding and challenge. What souls do, the incarnated and otherwise, is pursue growth and understanding of themselves and the universe. This is done in millions of ways, many not able to be described in Earth languages. Much study and participation, given to alternative scenarios similar to what has happened on Earth, is common; the difference is the participation and is for the scene, event or occurrence only. To arrive for the state fair, participate for its duration and depart, this is a common thing. It provides not the same experience as an Earth life but it provides an understanding of the experience, better than observing.Q:Do we observe in Heaven occurrences and events from other places in the galaxy and universe?C:Constantly and consistently.Q:I can choose to ride several stages in the Tour de France as if I were a cyclist of that caliber, that level, to experience what it is like?C:Yes, you can create the scenario of what really happened on Earth and insert yourself to experience the race; with the ability to simulate the conditioning of the cyclist amidst the conditions of the race. Once complete, you step back from the holodeck with the knowledge and experience of the event.Q:Wow, like a mini-segment of life?C:Yes, and this can be done for any life on Earth lived by a person.Q:Why don't all souls just do this, and avoid incarnation?C:Incarnation, with the finality and limitation of life, supply an expansion, and angle, amplification and a depth of nuance no series of events can duplicate. The absolute belief in the limitations of Earth create a perception unable to be re-created. The value it supplies is not able to be described in Earth language to your mentsAhmed 02/11/2013 2:11amSo, what I'm getting from this is that everything that exists is shared imagination. Are physical laws a part of that too? Did they get 'molded' by a shared consensus of sorts?What exists beyond that? What is the base level of reality without these shared experiences? Are there any 'laws' that exist objectively without a subjective influence?What are qualia, experiences like taste and smell? Are these created by souls as well?The Committee 02/11/2013 8:08am"Everything has a component of shared creation, yes and imagination is the commencement of the creation. We shall expand on your excellent observation and say, manifestation is creation shared, collective and grouped.There are physical limits to all energy, just as on Earth and all of them apply in all the universe; action and reaction, force by mass to distance, electromotive force by flow is wattage, to use Earth terms for electricity, and others. These apply to all energy, throughout the universe, in ways you cannot yet understand, as it occurs in dimensions you temporarily, on Earth, have walled off with few conduits, portals or hatches. By desire and design.Molded is an excellent word; it describes the process well, as energy coalesces into the form desired.We suggest not what exists beyond, but rather below and within. The most basic level or block of existence is similar to your atomic components identified, the electron, neutron and proton, yet many subsets smaller, along the same pattern and structure. There are no words for these components of matter, so we shall briefly describe the structure; the atom has its nucleus; each proton and neutron within is another atom, the components of that atom yet another smaller atom, and smaller and smaller. The levels of reduction are exponential. The energy that controls matter operates at a harmonic frequency capable of affecting these ever smaller groupings and these frequencies define dimensions. The speed of rotation of the atomic components, as you delve deeper into the structure of matter, is higher by comparison to the level above, and there exists a logarithmic pattern to the change. Your mental energy operates at these levels; its manifestation is delayed by the slower relative speed of matter or substance, of which human bodies and environments are composed. This approaches the most basic level.As you descend within these levels, subjectivity fades and objectivity prevails, to a point of absoluteness. This point you call God.Experiences of taste and smell are programmed structural response; nothing more. The emotion and reaction to them are the purpose for which they exist."Ahmed 02/11/2013 8:58amThanks for the response, I'm going to have to read it several times to make sure I understand it completely. So many follow up questions but I'm not sure how to word them.Veronica 02/11/2013 6:42amThank you Patrick, thank you Committee. May I ask how it is that this information is available to us now? Meaning, details of life after Earth, details of what Heaven is like? How a person in the afterlife, such as Erik, spends his time... All this information is so calming and takes "fear of death" out of the equation. What a relief! I wonder if we, as humans, are only now able to receive it, or we NEED to understand it, or if it has always been out there and I just was not willing/able?The Committee 02/11/2013 7:50am"This information has always been available, and in current Earth societies, civilizations and institutions, much of it is embedded, automatic yet taken as symbolic and without practical meaning. Religion is one example, there are many others.No fear of death need there be; it is a welcoming home after a great journey. The longer and better the journey, the better shall be your return.We suggest, the information was always available that Earth was round. How was this received? We suggest, the information is always available on the role of your governments; how is it received?This information has always been offered; horses drank often and regularly. Many souls on Earth in their lives and bodies cared not to look; others did.The label of crazy is applied with speed; the recipient who ignores it, knowing it not to be, reinforces the idea of craziness in the applicant, frustrated becomes s/he that power is not given to the word by the target."Veronica02/11/2013 1:17pmThank you Patrick, Thank you Committee. I am glad to understand that this information has always been available. When you say it and how you say it, all makes sense and rings true in my heart. Thanks again.Patrick03/11/2013 12:30pmYou are very welcome.Looking at Heaven - Part 4 of 403/11/2013Q:Can you try to explain the difference of Earth limitations to Heaven and why they give benefit?CBeliefs. Beliefs give you the difference. Because the delay is consistent and throughout all things inside the dimensions of Earth, different beliefs can be adopted. What occurs within and inside these beliefs create experience. In Heaven this is no different, beliefs also control, however different because physical conditions are, too.The postponement of the effect from the thought allows the experience to flourish. We suggest a criminal escaping capture or identification; there can be a great delay if not located and treated for the act. When the criminal is eventually caught, his or her review of the crime, escape, time as a fugitive if identified or free if not yet, supplies an experience for the soul that cannot be had in Heaven. The ability to abscond or commit a horrible act secretly are not possible, in Heaven. Consider the victim or if this crime ends the victim's life on Earth, friends and family. The experience they have is also unable to be duplicated in Heaven. The sense of loss, pain, hurt, loneliness, anger, rejection, defiance, guilt and many other emotions felt by actors and victims alike give an understanding and appreciation of life, love and existence that Heaven cannot. These are created within beliefs.Q:So much effort is made to change beliefs on Earth; politics, products, religion, you name it, there is some effort to change them. All the time. Does this happen in Heaven?C:Yes, with one great difference, the substance to the idea is easily available. The understanding of the foundation can be made available and it is difficult to show a convenient side of an issue. On Earth this approach will gain traction, as you say. A percentage of listeners, of observers will not confirm or contradict the suggested new idea. Others shall, of course and so goes the salesman and pitch for the new product. In Heaven, the idea and its background come together; they are sold simultaneously and misunderstanding sends the soul who does not believe it is understood, in search of a trusted friend who does, or knows where to find trustworthy understanding.On Earth, it is offered that the process or procedure must be transparent; because in Heaven all things are transparent, this aspect is never suggested or offered.Q:Heaven sounds so easy, or is this too simplistic a view?C:It is not easy, it operates differently. We suggest the intentional ending of one's own life; this is not done by a human to end life, it is done to eliminate torment, tortuous feelings, emotions, anguish and mental pain. The ending of life appears to be the solution, as no other exists for the ender. This is not true, many solutions exist and many times, the solution appears as avoidance. Avoidance of the circumstances that lead to the emotions causing such intense desire to end them and thus the life. These exist because of beliefs.There is little recompense or reward for successful prevention and as often as it is recognized, it is likewise shunned, criticized or belittled. The misfortunes careless or reckless behaviors create do not exist in Heaven and so, easy could be an applicable term for them, yet we offer the "ease" of Heaven misses the richness of experience life on Earth often supplies.Q:Tell us about the great majority of souls that do not incarnate, not on Earth or any other planet. If no growth or development occurs through incarnation into dense matter, how is it achieved?C:We suggest the old and even ancient view on Earth of manual versus mental labor; that thinking is easy and manual work is otherwise, it is tougher. Considered undesirable by comparison, manual labor is both de-emphasized as a profession yet admired by the thought work that might avoid it yet does it anyway. S/he who tends one's own garden when others could be paid for the labor, this is a small example.All motion, movement or work on Earth is from thought. All things begin in the energy of thought. This is the true nature of your soul and Earth provides an environment, platform, situation and circumstance for its expression. The outcome of all things returns to thought.The great majority of souls not incarnating find other routes, paths and methods for this development. We shall describe them.As study of an academic course lifts knowledge, understanding and ability, so does study of anything that has been observed. Even the investigation and inquiry into newfound phenomena provide growth, learning and knowledge. The expansion of not only the universe but just the galaxy in which Earth is found supplies an eternity of opportunity to do these things.The lives you create on Earth benefit yourselves, certainly and with absolute benefit to you yet they give a great gift of experience and understanding, to all who observe and study your course upon Earth. Each of you reading these words is revered as a master, for ten or twenty more fellow souls will study and understand your life, experiencing temporarily the feelings and emotions you also feel, now and in your life review.This process is found throughout the universe and is a large contributor to development of approximation to God, the absolute source and base for all things.Q:How much of our immediate environment and the things in it can we create or how much is already there, unable to be created or even modified very much, like Earth?C:You may create anything you wish to see; also others. As you interact with and encounter others, do wish to erase the surroundings they have created, to impose your own? If you dislike what you encounter, you may attempt to change it, for yourself. You cannot change it for the other soul, unless they agree. If they resist, you have the options of filtering the view to suit your preference or departing. Unlikely it is that you would depart, as you went to this place, the spot, the location with intent and desire to see and interact with the soul and souls already there. This desire includes appreciation of and for them, as they have this for you, also.Beauty as created and appreciated by others you will also appreciate and not wish to change, without taking at least opportunity to see it. If you wish a space for yourself to create a valley, a mountain range, a canyon, a beach or an ocean, you may, of and for yourself and anyone you wish to invite. Your desire and like for this place attracts good attention and many souls you already know will come share, if the attraction is pleasant and they are not occupied otherwise.You can also create any object within an environment and this is much more selfish, and by this word, we mean not unwillingness to share; not at all. We mean for yourself without effect upon others, unless they wish it also. You may recreate any device or gadget or apparatus and enjoy it as you wish; a classic car you might admire can be experienced, an old television device or even an iron smelter from centuries ago, in Earth time.The devices and machines of the early mechanical developments of the many planets in your quadrant of the galaxy alone will entertain and fascinate anyone so inclined for several centuries of Earth time. This experience and fascination can be suspended, other things and thoughts pursued, and you may return to the precise point of suspension, as you desire. You will be fascinated always with each new device you investigate from a period of its development on any planet; even more intriguing and interesting will be the thoughts, desires uses and emotions connected to and arising from the development of the device. These will be of equal interest and attention.You shall not create over another, against the will of their composition, and you will not want to. Any thing you would do, to the dislike or detriment of another, invites it to be done in your direction. Welcome imposition upon yourself, as you supply it over others. Dislike of creation over you will be seen and understood by others; this is the way of Heaven. Cause and effect are quick, often immediate and this causes not fear and worry for negative, or unpleasant or undesired things but rather great respect, appreciation and love of your fellow soul and souls. The respect you supply is returned to you.Q:Please explain the absence of Earth time, as seen from Heaven.C:Begin we shall, as we have talked of this several times in this space. You know of time from the rise, travel and setting of your sun. The cycle begins as your point upon the planet enters the lighted side of the sphere upon which you live. The cycle is both divided and added to create hours, minutes and seconds along with days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries and millennia.Rise above the Earth in the middle of your daylight phase and remain in place, allowing the planet to rotate below you; as it revolves about the star, the angle of your central star's light changes not. As each spot passes below, it enters and departs illumination, creating the basis for marking of time. Your bodies require sleep and this is done during the darkness, ideally.Remain above the spot chosen and allow the planet to make three laps below you; then ask what time is it? There has ceased to be time; the sun no longer rises and falls and devices for measurement of sub-segments of the cycle are not needed; they cease to serve a purpose. There is no time, in space, as it is perceived on Earth.In Heaven, light comes not from just stars; the chemical reactions for creation of light in the dimensions of Earth perception, as these occur inside a star or other gaseous body, occur in your energetic soul; temperature as Earth beings physically perceive it is limited to a very narrow slice of just the atomic vibration in your dimensions. The physical beings you all are in these lives can be nearly instantly destroyed by temperatures humans easily create. The concept of a vibrating molecule and atom only applies to the dimensions of the size atom corresponding to it. As you exist in Heaven, the energy of the movement of the atoms on Earth is your essence and so temperature and the light produced from it emanate from all things.The creation of light, the basis of time on Earth, is or can be created by anything in Heaven with the thoughts of your soul, and this makes time and its measurement unnecessary.The sequence of events, and the linear time of Earth, result from the dark and light cycle, sleep and departure from the body sleep offers and the reset of the cycle, numbered and counted, called calendars.In Heaven, no constraint to remain upon a surface applies and no dependence upon light and dark you cannot control exists. Therefore, there is no time. You exist and you are, and your experience is spherical and circular, not flat and linear.Q:In Heaven, we can visit points in time from a linear sequence?C:Yes, it is no different than locating a point on a ruler. We suggest imagining a glowing ball of light; it is many colors as you approach it, beginning with depth of white you know not on Earth; depth is seen in all colors, a feature of the true dimensions of your home. The depth you see as distance, this is exactly as you shall see in color, also.The glowing ball of light, first white and then of many undulating colors as you turn attention to it, will contain all the events and sequence you might wish to see; you will imagine and then see an index of them appear before you. Select the one you wish to see; it will be drawn forth as a point of bright light, then it shall expand to a flat square, first growing wide then tall then round and then spherical and deep. The depth will draw back and also towards you and then envelop you, making you part of the scene. The events will repeat and unfold as they occurred, and you shall choose any place from within to observe and study the events. You will feel them, as you choose. You may react as observer your true self, you may react with human emotion typical of the observer of the environment and you may also choose the life of any you lived to observe and react, with the personalities and qualities you had as a human in that life. None of the participants on Earth in that scene will take note of you, yet as you might do through a two way mirror, you can observe and feel anything. You can even repeat and observe the same occurrence from different points of view, feeling the emotions as experienced by each human or even living thing within. You may feel the great oak tree as it is cut and killed for its wood; you may feel the guillotine from the neck of the executed. You may feel the joy of childbirth, from the experience of the baby, mother or father and anyone else present. All joys, boredom, fears, excitements and all emotions may be felt this way. You will experience the sequence and the linear path until you choose to stop and repack the experience. All of you understand time well; you live it each day you are alive.In Heaven, time is a permanent beautiful sunset you may have for as long as it suits you; you may bask in the evening's glow until you choose otherwise. You may create a gorgeous moonlit night and run through the streets or woods or fields as you like. Time is a beautiful sunny beach where the location of the sun in the sky is fixed, until you wish to change it; often it will be changed for you by others and you will accept and enjoy this.No physical tiredness comes from the many hours awake, for you are always awake and alert and always fresh, no sleep is necessary. Fatigue as it builds over time does not exist. You may visit any point of Earth's history, in the past as Earth feels it or in the future, as Earth shall feel it.Q:Why can't we humans know the future as it will happen?C:You have not created it for yourself. You have created it in Heaven, by your life plan. The purpose is that you experience the event on Earth; it must be inserted into your life cycles to create the opportunity you desire. If you know of the event and decide it will be unpleasant, you could choose avoidance. Problems, challenges and pain, hurt sorrow and regret are built into many experiences for you to choose how much, if any, you will feel from these events. Earth custom and training will likely cause you to shift away from; a continuous avoidance will derail your life purpose; this you understand intrinsically as you plan your life and you grant permission to your Guardian Angels and Guides to correct your course, as needed. Always the intervention is voluntary; where circumstances arise not provided for in your plan and where solutions exist not within your instructions, a great hierarchy and organization of Guardians and Guides will address them, with you and for you, as you live or dream. There are many futures and we suggest a grid, a matrix, a net or a web. This matrix is not flat and extends as a multidimensional grid; each line through and of it represents a course of action. The lines loop around and back as necessary and as you choose and decide, you shall jump and hop from the one path to another. If necessary, to lead to the intersection you and others have chosen. Destiny you have named this. You never avoid destiny.Q:When we get to Heaven, may we act as Guides or Guardians?C:Yes, and you have. You shall not get to Heaven, you return. To your home.Q:What is the organization of Heaven like?C:Your Earth hierarchies are modeled from them; one great difference exists. Earth limits and parameters create a desire for top down flow of decisions, authorities and commands. Obedience is considered a key part and disobedience is a great tool, a great teacher. It provides supreme opportunity to the commander, who sadly and too often through Earth history, misses this great chance to understand resistance. The appallingly disobedient subordinate is merely expressing a true spiritual nature of the manner, direction and method of flow that exists in your true home. Hierarchies and organizations flow towards the point of concentration, not from it.From you on Earth, your many Guides and Guardians refer to other Angels, Archangels and OverAngels, all of which have been labeled with Earth hierarchy-type titles and responsibilities in many descriptions. There are few; the acceptance of a role in these is voluntary; souls do not seek these positions, they are nominated and may accept or decline. It is nearly the ultimate honor to be chosen and serve, much as we suggest you on Earth would do with your governments, and will shall hint at this future development. Inside the lifetimes of the many of you reading this, a time comes where no debate, speculation or consideration will there be by candidates and trusted confidants to compete for office or position. The constituency will convene and nominate, much as it is done in Heaven, and the chosen shall serve honorably, without desire to pursue position as a career.Q:Esteemed Committee, you have been generous and forthcoming about Heaven, I only wish we had a video.C:Cameras of Earth cannot capture the beauty of our home, so be not concerned for what awaits. It is beautiful beyond what you understand, and great beauty you do know, as it is all over your beloved, adored Earth. Be well!CommentsSarah 03/11/2013 1:46pmThank you Patrick & Committtee, great reading.The Committee 03/11/2013 5:58pm"Quite welcome you always are."Ahmed 03/11/2013 7:23pmAnother interesting post, thank you and The Committee. I've always had a view of God and creation as infinite potential experiencing all possibilities and this post reinforces that view.From my limited Earth perspective, I still cannot completely understand why a soul would choose a seemingly boring life spent in poverty or a tedious job to choose an example. From a detached viewpoint I may understand it intellectually as another experience, as valuable as any other, but I cannot imagine ever choosing it. It would seem that the vast majority would choose at least, exciting lives.Cindy 04/11/2013 4:03amPatrick & Committee,Awesome, simply awesome!ThanksMike 04/11/2013 6:23amQuestion from this line... This process is found throughout the universe and is a large contributor to development of approximation to God, the absolute source and base for all things.I thought there was no God as we might believe it just spirits existence. So is this saying there is one singular entity that is all powerful and all knowing that even the spirit world refer to as God?As I understood it God is a representation of all the spirits in the afterlife combined. That God is the collective name for a large group of spirits. Kind of like a herd of Cows or a flock of Seagulls describes more than one Cow or Seagull. If that makes sense?Patrick 04/11/2013 9:31pmIn a word, both.Mike05/11/2013 3:06pmOoh would you be so kind as to elaborate then please?The Committee 07/11/2013 9:41am"The one, single entity is a creation of all the beings, or souls or minds that have been first created from it. We suggest a community or of nations, or a club; where the membership has created itself.We understand this concept can appear strange where the limits of physical density apply; such as Earth. Where the limits exist not, the free flow of energy exists between all; sovereignty does not exist the way human physical definitions require it. Because of delineations physical, defense upon intrusion is required to maintain them. This separation by shell serves as basis for separate leadership, just as all of you are separate from one another, physically.Remove the physical barrier, and the remainder, the true essence, flows unimpeded. It may connect, intertwine, intermix and withdraw as it chooses. This intermingling both acknowledges the source of creation and helps develop, create and enhance the source, simultaneously.The source you have named God. It is all of you, thus in the Arabic language; 'Allah' ".Michelangelo02/11/2013Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni?(1475-1564) was an Italian sculptor, painter, architect, poet, and engineer with unmatched influence on Western art. His versatility was such that he and fellow Italian Leonardo da Vinci are considered the archetypes of the Renaissance. Considered the greatest living artist then and of all time, several of his paintings, sculptures and architectural works are among the most famous in existence.?Production in every field during his long life was prodigious; by the volume of surviving correspondence, sketches and reminiscences he is the best-documented artist of the sixteenth century.Q:Signore di Lodovico, da fa molto tempo che io non ho potuto usare l'italiano. (I haven't been able to use Italian in a long time)MA:We shall revert to your English; well done, your modern Latin.Q:As with the many of our famous guests here, your life and work can be studied in detail and what I'd like to ask are your views of art, society and the state of the world in your lifetime and what you observe now.MA:Avanti, to use one last word of Italian. (Go ahead)Q:Thank you; art is what?MA:I will say art is Heaven viewed through Earth. Movement through vehicles is flight or train or car travel. The desire plus its manifestation. Art is the idea of Heaven viewed by humanity.Q:Your forays into engineering, which I?didn't?know you made until reading the brief description, were these related to art?MA:Engineering is art as mathematics are communication. Yes.Q:You called the Italian language, "modern Latin".MA:Language is ever changing and growing, and when a word or term irritates you, this is evidence it retains its dynamic growth and richness. The Latin considered classic and standard was irritating and crude in its time to many, as are all versions of language to some speakers, at any moment. Q:Which art did you prefer, painting, sculpture or something else?MA:I liked them all, and did each as my mood shifted. Like your favorite food, it would soon be otherwise if eaten exclusively. As I decided to create a work, I often chose the idea before the form, and the form of its expression by what I had not done in some time.Q:Was it your destiny to be a great artist?MA:Yes, the lesson was to understand the pressure of performance and public attention. The counter purpose, provide the works for benefit of humanity, at that time.Q:Did you handle the pressure well?MA:No; it seemed to be a great distraction even though I understood it was confirmation of purpose, evidence of achievement. I would have preferred to be left largely alone. I learned great lessons in this.Q:Such as?MA:Examine a reaction felt, before you express it. Consider the good intention of the offering before a selfish closure comes forth. The acceptance of goodwill returns it to the offerer.Q:Can you speak to art on Earth today?MA:Yes; there is a great volume of it, much not accepted as art. I mean graffiti and take satisfaction the word of Italian is used for it; there is much other art easily shown and distributed. I lament the fiscal nature yet recognize this aspect drives much activity on Earth and so is expected.Q:What would you propose as solution to the money side of art?MA:I would not; it is not my place. As long as artistic expression, enjoyment and commerce are voluntary, it will find its level.Q:Art speaks to our soul, it is often said and I concur, in my limited experience. Can you explain this?MA:Yes, and it speaks to your ideas. This unspoken aspect of art is beauty and sometimes threat. Words disliked can be countered by words; a court proceeding as an example. Art disliked cannot be countered by art. This would sound strange, however in my time, art was seen as influential and some holders of influence wanted more. The power of expression as it appealed to religion is an example.Q:What do you see in the world today, in the year 2013, that excites you?MA:What awaits all of you; there comes now a time on Earth that has not passed through in many a civilization, since before your Atlantis. The excitement this offers is not to be described. This excites.Q:What suggestions for humanity do you have?MA:Think of the expression of art; it is done by the artist for the artist. No crowds to listen or boo, or to rise and applaud as might be done for a musician, singer or athlete, the art of the body's use. The artist of my former styles or genres does sit for herself and himself. Reaction is not known, often unexpected.Humanity should do what it likes absent reactions expected. I understand how na?ve this sounds against the social training of humanity; it remains nevertheless true.Q:Do you have any regrets of your life as Michelangelo?MA:No.Q:Have you reincarnated on Earth since the 16th century?MA:Yes, several times.Q:Were any of those lives related to your art?MA:No.Q:Can you tell us about your work now?MA:Yes, I have left the immediate environment of Earth and go often to other planets and systems and usually within the galaxy. I am fascinated with the development of art in civilizations throughout the universe. The perusal of the art and then guesswork as to the many aspects of civilization the art might represent is a game I love to play; I am not usually accurate, and that is a nice way to tell myself I guess wrong more than right, but nevertheless I enjoy it immensely. I am no anthropologist by artistic expression yet I love to attempt it.Q:What purpose do you hope to achieve by doing this?MA:Art created by dense beings is fascinating, one reason I chose to live as Michelangelo and gain great experience in that realm. The pattern of ideas, thoughts, emotions and observance then their expression in paintings, sculptures, drawings, moldings - I suggest you spell it "moulding" your good friend Erik insists, as you know - and designs for all things you build, is a great reversal and retroactive view.Once the pattern is established and identified, it becomes possible to create in reverse. Can the disassembly of a painting provide a clue to the message source? I would suggest a beautiful building, as its construction is simple to see in reverse. Its purpose as shelter is easily achieved without much artistic expression, so each piece and part of that expression, the decoration of this building, can be linked to a desire and emotion for it. The source of these emotions are a look into the mind of the creators. This is fascinating.Q:Can we not look into the thoughts of all souls in Heaven?MA:No, only thoughts chosen to be revealed. The human concept of privacy and concealment is interesting and this fits my intense enjoyment and desire to observe and analyze art throughout the universe. Human thought is restricted to, by and away from other humans unless the emotional energy of the thought is acknowledged and accepted. Mind reading, emotional impressions and feelings are a clue. In Heaven, in your true home, little desire exists to shelter or close off; the emotions attached do not exist. Shame, guilt, embarrassment, regret, vanity, fear and lust, to name but a few, do not exist and so thoughts and ideas that might relate to any of these are human and kept closed by you. Human desire to control observance of bodily functions, where many animals do not, is a small example.The large part of thoughts humans conceal relate to human values, and emotions. In your true home, nearly all of what a human might want to keep unknown is an open book and not a care is given by observer or thinker.The thoughts in your true home that are indeed kept from general knowledge are your goals, progress, setbacks and plans to return ever closer to God. To the source of all, to which we are permanently connected, of which we are a part. These steps are intensely personal, to each soul. Their revelation is seen as boasting, ranking, an iteration of classification, social strata and class. These ideas are abhorrent to the soul, who loathes the idea progress would be compared.I find the investigation into art as indicator of a soul's plans and life to come ever closer to God an enormously entertaining and enjoyable endeavor, a real clue into progress and development.Q:Do you meet with individual souls?MA:Yes, often and many are willing to share with me these personal, closed thoughts in great detail once my observance is understood, my objective explained.Q:Don't many souls do this? Sounds like snooping and busybody poking one's nose where it?doesn't belong.MA:No, this is not common, Most souls understand the aspect of boasting, the display of awards, the notion of rank and concept of superior and its necessary counter-class of inferior, as distracting and not necessary. No benefit to the one comes from the comparison of progress with the many.Earth and other dense being concepts of snooping or poking in the unwelcome nose, mean no more than criticism, belittlement and self-rejection by the snoop. These have little place in Heaven.I display my progress willingly, to just one soul, and this great trust creates.Q:What expressions of art give the more interesting insights into a soul's desire for progress?MA:Architecture! The edifices are ever more meaningful as indicators, the larger they are, in relation to the dimensions of the environment. They are a prominent display of art for all who use, pass by or simply wish to observe. Music is equally fascinating but with technology, it has become like architecture, on Earth. Before music could be recorded, it required a written pattern and even this did not guarantee a similar expression each time. Imagine buildings where gargoyles, parapets, balustrades and transoms, to name just a few details, changed a little each time it was approached? So the recording of music ensures its faithful re-creation each time.Q:Besides art and the interesting things you have mentioned, what observance and general advice do you have for humanity today?MA:Ignore bad news. I understand this is difficult, yet imagine an incident unreported anywhere; I refer to yesterday in your city of Los Angeles in the USA, in the airport. Pretend no news were ever offered of the killing; investigators would not be contacted and no publication given. Would this intentional ignorance change the event? Not the one already occurring yet its publication, its dissemination serves the purpose of example and this teaches. All images and ideas have this effect; when and how did any of you learn to fear the sharp tip of a knife?So I suggest attention be de-emphasized away from the undesirable; less will occur. No compulsion or pressure should there be; freedom to speak of it must be maintained. Voluntarily, humans must choose attention upon the positive. The sequence of time event arrangement Earth provides is so great a blessing in this way, as an opportunity to teach positive reinforcement. It is but for humanity to do it; investigate generosity, report on kindness, speak of goodness, smile and photograph beauty and turn away from all that represents hurt, injury and damage. Where these things occur, manage them as necessary and be done with the thoughts of things you cannot control, if they are unpleasant or negative. If not directly affected by a negative thing, ignore it. Voluntarily.Q:Signore Michelangelo, é stato un piacere! (It's been a pleasure)MA:It was an honor; go paint on in your beautiful lives, the brushes of happiness you all possess!CommentsVeronica 11/02/2013 10:58amThank you Patrick, thank you Michelangelo. Really wonderful information and delivered in such depth. How wonderful to know art is throughout the universe and our heavenly life is about growth, progress and moving nearer to God too. I especially appreciate the advice to ignore bad news. I'll do it! voluntarily, of course.Vi ringrazio moltoAhmed 11/02/2013 5:27pmI really enjoyed this interview and his description of a soul's journey to reach God, thank you.lori 11/08/2013 5:59amBravo! Best advice yet! Even if our small areas are just our own f b pages every little ripple continues and does make a differenceHeaven Looks at Earth22/11/2013Having asked for a look at Heaven, we ask The Committee to describe how Earth is seen from "Heaven" as we understand that to be.Q: I guess the first thing to ask is what "Heaven" should mean?C: We shall say, this human word fits a human concept and it is this definition we attempt to explain. It is your true home, your natural state, the place you occupy. This is your essence, your base and basis and the place of your origin.Q: Most humans understand it's where we go when we die.C: You do not die, and thus you go nowhere. You discard your body and disappear from the energy field perception of your human being companions.Q: My good friend Erik recently described dimensions and vibrations, saying the former exist and latter enable perception.C: Heaven is all dimensions available and within access.Q: There are dimensions we cannot visit from Heaven?C: There are sections within you do not visit, just as there are buildings you do not enter, on Earth. You know of them, see them, understand their function and purpose all without general access. There are places like this in your true home, the difference being that as you know where you may not visit, you do not feel curiosity or intrigue to do so.Q: OK, so when a being looks upon Earth, what can be seen?C: We say, it is not what is seen, it is what is understood. From Heaven, a gaze upon Earth gives appreciation foe the thoughts, energy and emotions of all things. The physical appearance is only a small portion. We suggest your photographs; the most beautiful remains flat and never creates the same perception as being where the photograph was taken. The live view adds an appreciation no photo can provide.When your gaze from Heaven is trained upon Earth, this same appreciation is felt; as your flat photograph comes alive before you, Earth will come alive in a way like this, making your view of it seem as flat as do your photographs.Q: When you say thoughts, energy and emotions, what about rocks and trees and oceans and.....C: Interrupt we will, to say all of these things have emotions also, much as you do, yet different and not perceived. We suggest a photograph of a tree being cut, a movie of the felling of the same tree and sight of the live event. Each of these adds to the appreciation, yes? From Heaven you will see the soul, energy and the pain of the tree as its life on Earth is ended this way, the view expanded upward and outward just as the photo into movie into live experience expands the view before it.Q: Is this why blind people see things so much differently?C: Yes, the eye organ information is not used and has not the opportunity to confuse the brain, and the perception of energy is allowed to flourish, sight information does not confuse, blur or demote the energy.Q: Could a photo be taken from Heaven? A still picture?C: Yes, however colour and nuance and feeling would still be present and perceived.We suggest a black & white photograph versus a colour motion picture, as an example of the difference you would - and will again - perceive in Heaven, if a still photograph were seen versus true perception.Q: So do we see a building and also inside it, through it and everything in between?C: Yes, however the possible overwhelming information a Heavenly view could seem to offer is not this way, in Heaven. There is not time and no deadline upon which understanding is required; what you see in, through, about and also inside the people of the building will come to you separately and together, simultaneously.This word we like, as it describes time. In Heaven, there is the passage of simultaneousness, as on Earth you perceive the passage of time.Earth allows a simultaneous, yet separate and also connected view into all things, when looked upon from Heaven.Q: What about auras and energy fields and things like that around humans? Can those be seen?C: Yes, automatically and also they can be turned off; what we mean to say is, the natural appearance and perception of such energy colors, which is what appears, can be suspended. This creates a view typical of what many humans will see of Earth.Q: Why is that done, the ability to see auras turned on or off?C: The chapters of a book, a collection of stories is a good way to see this from your view. The book is one yet has many parts; each part can be seen and appreciated separately yet a well done book connects the pieces, which are appreciated also apart.Earth is complete perfection in this way, all parts of all things fit together marvellously well even when the separated components are admired.So it is a joy for us who look upon Earth this way, and all of you, to see completeness and its parts, the beauty in the brush strokes of the painting so admired. The beauty you create with your lives, the love we feel as we sense the commitment and dedication all of you display as you travel to live on Earth and allow us the pleasure of beholding this beauty you all create, there are no words.Q: Our Esteemed Committee, thank you and we hope to visit this subject again.C: Our honour and pleasure; be well, one and all!CommentsMike 22/11/2013 8:45amSorry human curiosity taking over here. These sections in these dimensions we cannot visit. Why can we not? What is there that stops us? What exists there? Is it another heaven or a heaven for a heaven?Sounds like the Area 51 of heaven!Patrick 23/11/2013 5:02pmThe places in Heaven unable to be visited are where information might disturb the plans of a soul group of which the visitor is a part. If the information there becomes irrelevant to a visitor's choice, it can be visited. This is infrequent, even rare and usually involves large scale events affecting many souls.Mike 24/11/2013 5:00amSo would this perhaps be the meeting place that a soul has every night from its body with its GAGs? Or does it mean every soul has some form of life plan in heaven and it goes through experiences there similar to when incarnating on earth for example?Patrick 24/11/2013 5:48pmMore "A" and no, not "B". Good example!Veronica 24/11/2013 5:55pmHello Patrick and the Committee.Grateful thanks! I am so pleased to read your information. I feel better, wiser and more awake with every day. Bless you.Necromancy22/11/2013This word was recently taught to your humble scribe by a reader, who made reference to it as one of many subjects of interest. Its dictionary definition means to communicate with the dead, which would describe the Departed & Well Known page accurately. That would make me a necromaniac?Let's ask about this and see what The Committee can tell us.C: Of course you know, this concept of dead, does not exist.Q: Just like that, a comment without even asking a question!C: An example of the absence of time, this is, or was. Or shall be. As this conversation has already taken place, yet you do not know it.Q: So you anticipated my question?C: We read it and knew it already, yes, and as humans would say, jumped the gun. For fun.Q: Are you three in the mood for a poem?C: Yes, always, yet we shall refrain for now. To not bore the cow, who waits not for chow, who will not say wow, but soon shall say ciao.Q: Very good, for a brief hit. OK, the idea of communication with the dead, this is a complete Earth idea?C: Yes, and operates only within the definition of alive, as it's been understood.Q: Can you give an example?C: A rock is agreed to be dead, without life. What is life? Organic activity? This is a general understanding. As the organism ceases this activity, what happens? The plant or tree or even simple animal is seen to end, its physical existence to decay biologically. No imprint or effect of its existence is seen to remain.The rock is seen to not have this at all, thus its death cannot be. Does a rock sometimes display properties of magnetism? Just as a human can be said to have a magnetic personality?Q: So biological function, or its ending, is not a requirement for life?C: It is, if the definition of life requires it, as humans do.Q: We can't kill a rock?C: Yes you can and no you cannot. You may transfer its soul energy elsewhere and the rock will break down and join a different existence, but this dispersion and reabsorption of its energy field will not occur intact as with a soul, yet the energy will be similar, if less complex on Earth, as it is in humans or animals you deem complex.Nothing can be killed and no energy destroyed. transfer is what occurs. Movement only.Q: This is crazy, to suggest rocks have an energy field or soul.C: By Earth and human agreed definitions, yes. But no, also. There is an essence an existence for all things, beyond the limits of human definition.Q: This very scientific sounding term for communication with the dead, necromancy, means what to humanity?C: Simply how humans see, and require to see, the end of the function of an organism. The mode of communication shifts and is seen to disappear. Not necessarily but the change indeed is required, for your life is thus defined.Q: The quest for eternal life, I'd say.C: Yes, but there is no quest, life is eternal. You shall all recall it, and it will seem to have arrived too soon. You go not to Earth to gain what you already have; you go to forget what is already yours, and always will be. Through this you learn much.Q: The fascination, doubt, intrigue and desire to communicate with the dead, is this generally good or not?C: It is good, yet will remain beyond the reach of the many who expect and hope the conversation with words can be recreated. The limits of life all of you are convinced to represent true limits will smile with joy and glee to see how you have imposed them upon yourselves, when released. In your meantimes, enjoy them.Q: Committee, thank mentsbritta 22/11/2013 11:02amThat was fascinating! Thank you. I find it so fascinating that the christian religion in particular allowing prayers to dead 'saints' (Catholics) and to Protestants, prayers to Jesus (who is the dead/undead), yet calls it satanic to send prayers or talk to other 'dead' folks out there. My sister died 3 years ago and being able to know I can try to connect with her brings me so much comfort. My Christian parents believe this is wrong and the 'devils' realm. l began to encourage my mother to connect with my sister but she feels it's wrong, as she is 'dead'. I tell her that she talks to Jesus and he's dead. My pastor father overhears and rebukes me saying, Jesus is not dead...he's resurrected!. I reply, neither is my sister Heide. EVEN the bible says we will not die but will be transformed. They cannot see the nature of hypocracy in their words. Fascinating..... :-)lori 22/11/2013 10:14pmThanks esteemed fellows for the twofer today. When you say we go not to earth to gain that which we already have but to forget what is ours already but then it's been explained that our job here is to remember who we really are I'm not sure I understand if our job is to remember that or learn something else...yes I am that confused...Patrick 23/11/2013 10:52pmA better description would be to say we're here to apply what we already are, to put into practice our true nature now that we've stepped behind the veil and don't quickly or easily see it. The challenges of life present choices from which we learn, and the application of the knowledge our true selves contain achieves it.Lori 24/11/2013 7:27amGracias this makes more sense to meThe State of World Economies22/11/2013Many readers have asked that this subject be re-visited, and so we do.Q: Esteemed Committee, the loss of wealth and the inability to generate it create worry, concern and distress for the many. Uncertainty discomforts us, and knowledge calms us, even the knowledge of pain.The aspect of unknown is what troubles us. As this relates to work and earnings from it. We worry, as you know.C: Yes.Q: Just "yes"?C: Yes; what question have you about this?Q: Will world economies recover?C: Economies never recover; as all of you do, they evolve. It is more correct to say, they reflect the evolution of human societies. Economies are just barometers, dipsticks, meters & their readings, of humanity and choices.Q: So economic improvement is possible with choices?C: Always, as choices always lead to the place now occupied, as it is examined.Q: What choices can be made to return to prosperity?C: All of you are already prosperous, we suggest you desire a return to relatively higher, better, more confidence inspiring economic trends. To this we say, simply choose this route. The course of your lives, collectively, brought all of you along the economic path as it has lead to your current place. This is fixed, immutable and will always be.Q: Yes, however loss of wealth and ability to earn, how do we restore it?C: We shall say, examine choices leading to your place. Which entities - groups of people we mean by this - chose to lend money? How much loss will these groups accept? The amounts of debt against the amounts of your money are examined by a lender? Does the lender examine only the borrower or the borrower's environment, which is the lender's environment? At what point shall borrowings become excessive? This choice remains to be made; we suggest a framing of the issue with unlikely extremes. Your economic analysis involves this view often; assume tomorrow all borrowers stop returning monies to lenders. What will happen? This can be examined and forecast. Let's push towards the extreme in the opposite; all borrowers begin to make overdue amounts current or reduce and even eliminate borrowings as much as possible. This leads to far lower debts, in either case. Do you appreciate what we say, lower debts, one way deemed negative and the other positive.Separate the label of negative or positive from the outcome and examine solely the absence or lowering of debt to very small levels. As this level of economic lubrication falls away, so shall fall away income to lenders and less lenders shall there be. If there are less lenders, then naturally there will be far fewer borrowers, and shall this increase or decrease production?Q: Decrease, I say.C: Yes, likely this is, and either way, this will lead to lower wealth as humans see wealth. The choices fall inside these extremes, and we say emotions and reactions caused by the emotions will create a collective choice. Your beliefs, that a debt owed has become impossible to collect, shall create conditions. This need not be the case, as you can simply print more money to replace what is not collected.Q: That makes no sense.C: Because you choose to say it makes no sense, yet money is created and extinguished regularly. What was borrowed was given in hopes of a return sufficient to repay and also gain. If the gain is not being returned, create more of the coupons, the vouchers of trade, the coupons of wealth you call money.Q: This will erode and soon destroy the value.C: If you choose to see this. Yes. The belief is your choice. Do you care about the money spent elsewhere if you have sufficient amounts to do as you select? Likely not, and this belief is your choice. You may choose to ignore others' economic behaviour or change your behaviour by it. As you choose.Q: None of us see how we can control conditions this way.C: Collectively you do. This collective effect is from a collective choice.Q: Most people are unaware of this, the way central banks, monetary authorities and the like operate.C: A human choice, always reversible. Allow us a suggestion; how much debt of governments is held as collectible by the same governments' central bank? Large amounts, we do say. We suggest these governments erase the debt, eliminating both sides of the transaction from the central treasury and central bank. Leaders with this control are elected; elect others.Q: Will this restore confidence?C: If collective understanding is broad enough so that economic behaviour is altered, yes, however this choice must also be made and followed.Q: I don't see this happening.C: It is unlikely, as it would be seen as abrupt, excessively so. Central banks and monetary authorities would resist the abruptness, preferring slow and steady changes. Will the political controllers agree? You choose the political controllers.Q: In the case of an economic shift, where prices would rise far faster than incomes to match, what would happen?C: The higher prices would soon produce higher incomes; the profits the increased prices create will do what? So the owners of the businesses will, save, invest or spend and in all three cases, the money flowing to producers will flow through and re-level the economy, as a tsunami will see the disturbed waters returned to level after much movement.Q: And damage.C: Yes, economic turmoil is likely as a levelling occurs. Turmoil is your choice to see.Q: This is so troubling to imagine, sky-rocketing prices causing many people to become hungry.C: It is not necessary. Give food to the hungry.Q: Producers of the food will not work for free.C: If all money were eliminated tomorrow, would humanity create a new currency immediately or simply choose to have no currency, no medium of exchange? By habit we say a new currency and barter would flourish nearly instantly. This is a choice. You control the choice. Who tells you what to do with earnings?Q: Taxes we must pay.C: No, you can choose leaders inside current systems and remove this, or remove the system and create a new one, prohibiting tax. Your choice.Q: We cannot just take food without paying.C: We suggest it not, yet if all of you did, you would not have to pay. The seller would stop selling, this is a true, short term effect but would the majority starve or would a new system of production, distribution and consumption quickly rise? By your choices.Q: Has humanity already chosen its economic course but we who live inside the linear sequence must wait to see?C: Yes, however you can change the choice. The choice has been made means not that the choice is fixed. Only where time distorts reality does a choice made equal finality. Yes, the choice has been made, but a new choice can replace it.Q: What other choices are available, what other courses of action have we chosen to follow?C: There is a parallel path of economic behaviour far different for Earth and if followed, many would consider it boring, unworthy of pursuit. Seen and contrasted with humanity's choices leading to current circumstances, it would seem attractive. If lived, it would seem not.How many drops of water are in the ocean, how many shall you utilize? The number of drops can represent the units of currency you might create; essentially infinite for your purposes of life on Earth. As the water supply is abundant to the extent of unlimited, simply its transport is seen as the obstacle.So is this case of money; you may print and electronically create the amounts you desire, to infinity. Unlike water as used by your physical organisms, your money is worth solely your belief. You teach one another how to value it and take satisfaction in the accumulation of what you choose to be sufficient amounts.We say, far lesser amounts than exist will serve the very purposes you have for money, yet larger amounts also. The amounts are not what matter, the flow of them, the amounts and the dates of the flow, these are what you create then perceive as having value.Choose different flows and amounts, if you prefer.Q: It seems so simple, yet it never is.C: Have we stated a thing you see as not true?Q: No, not at all. It seems so logical, but....C: But others' beliefs and expectations make yours challenging, this is what you wish to say.Q: Yes.C: Participate in the monetary system as little as possible, then.Q: That would close off so many opportunities, if that happened. Living like a hermit recluse in a cabin off who knows where.C: So rich and challenging is this life you have created on Earth, is it not? So much you learn as you struggle through the choices of your beliefs. We love you and admire you all for assuming this challenge. Yes, it is frustrating however so large grow your souls, in the process of your life of beliefs on Earth.Be well!Commentsmortgage investors corp link 24/11/2013 10:26amNow the economic situation is improving in the worldPatrick 24/11/2013 5:53pmThe part, piece or angle which has seen a recent trend of improvement is likely just an eddy current in the greater flow.David Blaine24/11/2013A reader asks about this American magician from Brooklyn, New York saying it's not realistic to believe everything Blaine does is sleight of hand or illusion. It's been said Blaine has "Alien" DNA. The Committee offers more information and about his purpose. For the as-of-yet uninformed, Wikipedia will tell about Mr. Blaine.Q: Members of The Committee, is David Blaine using extraterrestrial DNA to enable the performances of his tricks, stunts, feats of endurance and magic?C: Yes, however we do say, all humans have alien or extraterrestrial DNA as it is defined. The idea such genetic code is responsible for these feats or tricks, otherwise blocking humans in general from similar acts, is not accurate. This person, named David Blaine, displays abilities all of you have. His molecular structure differs slightly from the normally programmed arrangements in humans, to ease the manifestation of the ability. This does mean these DNA differences are required, not at all. They simply mean Blaine has required less effort and thus less distraction, in furtherance of purpose.Q: What is that purpose?C: Provide a visual example. As is yours.Q: Yours? Who, me? The person typing your messages?C: Of course, another example you supply, in a different way from Blaine.Q: Expand if you could, on this example Blaine provides.C: The tricks he appears to perform allow a better or greater expression of true energy, the energy of your mind. In this we refer to the energy, and thus abilities or powers, all humans have. The biblical stories of Jesus replacing an ear cut off, statements from him that anyone could do this, are another example. Blaine focuses more energy, which allows the apparent tricks he performs. These are not tricks, much as human social habit, custom and understanding creates this way of thinking, this belief. What Blaine does demonstrates true energy, unleashed from the limitations human existence both imposes and seeks to impose.Q: What does that mean, "seeks to impose"?C: Human customs have developed to discard, dismiss and at the minimum, de-emphasize that which has been collectively decided as strange, unusual and uncommon.Q: What happens with him, or through him?C: Much as a lightning rod provides a conduit, the human body can also focus the energy it seeks to transfer. All actions begin in the brain, the electrical command sent through nerves. The origin is not the brain, it is the receiver antenna, the nervous system its lines and cables of distribution. The true energy is your thought, your mind the tool utilized. Blaine focuses this energy more efficiently, and transmits it to and through the objects he manipulates. Likewise he achieves acts of endurance in the same way, his mental energy blocks the return energy of fatigue; he is able to energize the muscles required in a way not common.Q: He does this through just thought?C: Of course, as do all of you. Do not all voluntary acts commence with thought?Q: So if I just "think" hard enough that I want to make something pass through a table top as Blaine does it, I can? If any of us try, we won't succeed.C: Beliefs are thoughts, and they are strong. Because you do not believe you are able, you cannot. Until you believe.Q: So Blaine was born into this life with the purpose to demonstrate abilities?C: Yes.Q: But so many observers will simply dismiss his tricks as that, and go on with their lives after the entertainment, as they see it, is finished.C: Some will, most will not. The majority having seen these things, will question how and why; has such questioning not produced the entry you now prepare? How many will read it and how many will wonder, or become more convinced, versus less? So you see, Blaine achieves another piece to his purpose.Q: Why can't everybody just concentrate really hard and then they'll be able to do the same things?C: They can; do you wish to alter your life's course? You have provided for your life and lessons, including a questioning of ability, purpose and future. You have already chosen what you shall "know" when you question yourself, and have asked your Guides and Angels to limit you, for your purpose and benefit. You can and may choose otherwise, and be like Blaine. If you alter your life's course, you will lose opportunity already included. Your prefer avoidance of this loss more than a gain in such ability.Q: So what does Blaine give?C: Awareness.Q: Esteemed Committee, thank you,C: As always, welcome you all mentsSarah 25/11/2013 9:09amThank you Patrick & Committe.Veronica 26/11/2013 7:27amThank you Patrick and The Committee. I am often reduced to simply "wow" when I read these posts.The last paragraph, in regard to explain a persons life course, is amazing and so clear. I keep re reading it. Wow wow wowMichel 26/11/2013 2:29pmThank you for this information, Patrick. Very interesting!Britta 27/11/2013 4:42pmThis was so very interesting as I've always been fascinated by Blaine. This begs my question about the common saying that we only use a 10th (or something like that) of our 'brain power'. Would Blaine's use of his focused abilities/energies be an example of someone using their '100% more or less'? It sounds as if we all the abilities but our 'power down' lever (our limits due to our choices before incarnating) is what keeps us at certain 'levels'? Or are we all supposed to be maximizing our abilities/brain powers? ThanksPatrick 28/11/2013 11:41amThe brain is simply the radio receiver; it is not the source of thought, energy or creation in and by humans, it is a conduit and tool used to translate, to insert or inject the energy we all have into and though our bodies.Blaine operates a little differently. It is a slight operational and structural difference, yet sufficient to allow him expression of magic and endurance that have gained fame.We could all do it BUT why? What would 4,000 David Blaine like magicians supply to human society?Excellent description there, how we've all powered down our abilities. We have but to fit a purpose we plan for the environment we occupy. Many of our mental faculties as we possess in Heaven either don't apply or run counter to our life's purpose.History of the Earth - Part 1 of 228/11/2013Q:Our esteemed Committee, and I hope you do not object to this use of words that imply possession, I see all of you as resource for us, why does Earth exist?C:No objection to this possessive pronoun have we, au contraire as is common to say with English, we enjoy being seen as connected to and as your resource, to all of you reading these words. That is our intent, that is is recognized through your words of choice compliments us.Earth exists because of God. This idea, that God created the Heavens and Earth, is true.Q:What is Earth's purpose?C:Its purpose is to exist as intended, its existence was intended. Desired, willed, hoped for and then accomplished.Q:What about this theory of the Big Bang? That a massive explosion started the universe, this conclusion on Earth resulting from the movement of stars and galaxies relative to one another, is any of this true?C:You ask if there was a Big Bang, and we say yes, of sorts, however this event exists across dimensions and the effects, while inter-related, are not the same in each dimension. For some dimensions, the events are only something to observe.Q:Are astrological movements tracked on Earth accurate?C:Yes and no. The portions tracked by you are accurate, within the parameters or limits of perception surrounding and creating you dimension. We shall explain.Distance on Earth is measured objectively with fixed units; feet, kilometers, inches and so forth. Time is of equal importance, as distance has meaning through time. A steady walk of one hour versus the bicycle or the automobile illustrates. As new methods reduce time to traverse distance, the meaning of distance likewise changes. We suggest jet travel's effect on Earth and the interplay of humanity.The scientific notion that a star is located "x" light years away from Earth assumes the light seen in Earth travels at only the limited speed of three hundred thousand kilometers per second.This is true from your Earth science view, understanding and limit. Within this limit, it is accurate. Outside of this limit, it is otherwise. We hesitate to say inaccurate, as this human word suggests or implies incorrectness, as would be the solution of a mathematical exercise.There are other perceptions, other measurements.If your Earth time were fixed about the universe, it could not exist. Imagine all the development on Earth over the course of just several millennia, then compare to the time light is said to travel from a distant star, two hundred thousand light years away. One millennium is but one percent of the two hundred thousand.Q:Where you say, "it could not exist" do you mean Earth time or do you mean the universe?C:Either one. Earth time is your perception on Earth, it is true and it applies. on Earth. As soon as departure from Earth surface environment is achieved, the reality of time - which is very real on Earth - becomes an illusion. The universe cannot exist in an illusion. Likewise, Earth time cannot exist where the conditions of Earth are not present. Rate of rotation, distance from the central star, size of the planet and intensity and color of light all create Earth time. There are very few, by comparison to the total, planets of similar light patterns and parameters. Time on just the neighboring planets of the Earth's solar system is different.Q:So how does this illusion of time affect our view - the human view - of the history of the Earth?C:The sequences of events, placed along the segment or line of Earth perception, seem to be a line. Before and after create it. Where the time of Earth exists not, time can see to be bent or curved. This is not how the sequence of events is shaped, it only appears bent when viewed through linearity of Earth. Your calculus explored rates of curvature, sines, cosines and so forth. These approach curvature from a linear viewpoint, and we offer that linearity is required for a view of curvature.In the reality of the university and in your true, natural and basic energetic essence, curvature does not seem to exist as you perceive on Earth. There is no flatness or linearity, as the surface and the illusion of sequential events create.Q:Please go back to the light thing, two hundred thousand light years. The speed of light is three hundred thousand kilometers in one second.C:Yes, inside your parameters.Q:This means eighteen million in one minute, more than one billion in an hour, almost twenty six billion in one day and nine and a half trillion in one year. Just one year. Two hundred thousand years....that's 1,892,160,000,000,000,000 km. I don't even know the word for a number with more than a dozen zeros. Gazillions? Scazillions?C:Compression reduces; bends we say. Disassemble the pieces, by dividing any way you choose and then reassembly can be in different shapes. The space inside atoms is vast and can be used. Through this space time is bent. Reduced after disassembly and repacking.Q:Is this how we review Earth history?C:Yes, also how your life is reviewed. A life of eighty years lived would have no value if the story required the same perceived elapsed time to review. We suggest human movies, a story of years told in ninety of Earth's minutes. Do you see how on Earth you use the bending of time? This is how your memories work. The recall and evocation of remembrance is the "bending of time" yet we say, time on Earth is the true bending. The display and arrangement of experience is is not bent.Q:Explain please, the arrangement of experience.C:From all directions there extend outward from your soul straight lines, reaching an infinite distance. As you can imagine, the number of points in total, along each line increases by logarithm. There is always space, room or ability to accommodate more lines, as each extends farther from you. By whatever pattern you choose place markers along the lines, shall you increase the number of them. Each can represent a specific moment of your lives incarnated.Your movies, initial motion pictures, replicated this structure. The camera made a series of still images of the event and movement. Upon display of each, at the same pace, the movement seen by the human eye is re-created. We know the many of you have seen the trick with the pad of paper, where a drawing is made upon many sheets. As the paper is quickly shuffled in order, each sheet passes quickly, and achieves a similar effect as a movie. These are suggestions of Heaven, and were recreated on Earth by channeling, unrecognized or not admitted by the apparent inventors.Continued in Part 2 of 2CommentsAhmed 28/11/2013 10:11amInteresting, thank you Committee. A few questions if I may,"Earth exists because of God. This idea, that God created the Heavens and Earth, is true."1. Is this God a single entity, with a singular will, or a collective as some other sources suggest? -If he is a single entity, did he create the other forms of life, spirit and otherwise, including us and you? -Some sources say that we have always existed and are part of God, never created and never destroyed. Which is true?2. Does this God want us to live our lives by specific rules, like most religions command?3. Did this God send the prophets in our history like Jesus and Mohammad, or did they come here of their own will, or both? Did he really inspire the religious texts directly?Patrick 28/11/2013 11:20am1. Both, and both alternatives mentioned apply.2. No. We create the rules and choose accordingly. 3. Both and the inspiration is part of the greater plan and agreement of all souls involved, including God. A team effort.Ahmed 28/11/2013 11:57amThanks for the answer,I'm really trying to limit my questions, especially since you are busy these days, but I feel this is important.1. So you are saying we were both created and have always existed as part of God? Can you elaborate on that please, since it seems paradoxical to me.2. If all the religious inspiration and texts were planned, then why do they paint the picture of a demanding God, who wants us to live by strict rules, even going so far as to say we were only created to worship and thank him?Was it known that these inaccuracies, vagueness and inconsistencies would lead to all the dissension and war both between religions and sects of each religion, each trying to understand what God wanted?Patrick 28/11/2013 12:32pmNever too busy to do this, just temporarily distracted! There is never a need to "limit" your questions, Ahmed, they're a gift. Your follow-ups are stimulating, and provoke great Committee feedback. Let's get them to do so:"Ahmed, greeting and these sentiments we echo. Carry forward as you wish to know more.We say, to elaborate, consider electronic copies of a file. Copied many times, the most recent version varies not at all from the original. A digital photograph is an example. Labels added to identify are often included yet the image viewed, where the binary code remains intact, never varies.Your soul begins in a simultaneous fashion, as a faithful intact copy of a portion of God as you understand it, with one significant, material difference. You come with a will, desire, a mind and a desire to create and you do. You evolve, grow, learn and become unique and valued yet your connection to the source of your existence is never severed. It grows stronger and more faithful, the more independent you are of it. This ever growing independence is simultaneous as your connection to God grows stronger. You move closer to God as you move away.The view and nature of Earth religions as humans have created them is entirely human; your description is accurate yet applies only on Earth, to and by the humans choosing this view. If the writers of religious texts and eventual supporters of religion choose the approach you describe, no obligation is there ever to be that agreement or fidelity to such be be forced or compelled. Its occurrence is solely and uniquely a human choice, and a minority one. Yes, conflicts of religion were anticipated, even planned for many involved directly. For each negative, detrimental or tragic aspect of conflicts about religious ideas, there have been equal and often greater gains and advances, the latter de-emphasized or even ignored. Little power or control inures to the leaders of a faith in the absence of strife associated with it, and less need for leadership inter-mediation shall there be."Ahmed 28/11/2013 3:49pmThank you for the detailed answers, and I really appreciate how welcoming you and The Committee are to my questions.Chris 30/11/2013 7:34amThis question has been bothering me for quite some time now and I was hoping if you could put my consciousness at ease..Since everything is paradoxical, does this mean that I'm not my own consciousness as well? I think, therefore I am but does this mean my consciousness is everyone else's as well? Thank you for any answers!The Committee 30/11/2013 10:09am"No bother need there be, the explanation we offer.Consciousness is awareness of your thoughts, you are not consciousness. We understand you know this, it is said to establish the thought we offer.A paradox is a selection of circumstances, and you are correct to say a paradox can be seen in nearly all things. Observers of paradox can choose it, most often.Your awareness of thought leads to the connection you may have with other souls, and their connection to you. No compromise of independence is there; connections strengthen, because they identify.Your awareness is that of others where you choose to share it. On Earth as a human yet the ability to communicate without language, by thought energy, opens not an unlimited access to you. Always can you separate awareness, given your understanding of it."cristina 03/12/2013 4:44pmamazing, I still struggle to understand time bending concepts :)I thought I'm much smarter :Pthere is no way I can get this, now :P"In the reality of the university and in your true, natural and basic energetic essence, curvature does not seem to exist as you perceive on Earth. There is no flatness or linearity, as the surface and the illusion of sequential events create. "History of Earth - 2 of 229/11/2013Q:So we can examine Earth history "out of order"?C:Yes, however the linear sequence will be brought to context where it matters, and the entire set of experiences related will be encapsulated. It is not possible to examine an incident having occurred in a life, ignorant of or isolated from influencing events that preceded or effects that followed. Precedents, causes and outcomes are included.This we wish to say is the great difference; the timeline of Earth is re-arranged to allow comprehensive views, absent the effect of time.Q:In linear time, is the history of Earth as humanity understands it accurate?C:Yes, however incomplete and the details absent can be argued to say human understanding of Earth's history is thus in-accurate. Not untrue, yet prevailing understanding is quite incomplete.There is no current consequence of this to humanity, despite eager, often intense curiosity. The phases and civilizations of Earth long since passed, in linear time, have no influence and effect and your life purposes are not shortchanged by little information about them.Q:Given the ability to examine Earth's past, the creation of the planet itself and all development of life upon it, I understand this implies ability to see the future?C:Yes. The future is a series of alternatives and choices, as is the past.Q:The past contains choices?C:Yes, of course. These courses of events such choices might have produced can be seen well, even though the linear course Earth inhabitants choose weaves its way through them. The Earth view is one of a fixed course allowing movement in one direction only. What we say is, history reveals the several courses; each can be reviewed as if it happened, on Earth.Q:How was Earth created?C:Earth coalesced from heavier matter, as have many billions of planets in each galaxy.Q:Talk of dimensions and vibrations is common; do higher vibrations allow perception of all dimensions below and at the corresponding vibration and does this allow all beings of the universe to view Earth?C:No, there are vibrations upon Earth unable to achieve awareness of the planet; many plants and animals and certainly all inanimate things.Yes, situation at a certain vibration and corresponding dimensionality allow lesser velocities to be perceived.Q:Earth history from creation of the planet until now can be seen, reviewed and understood?C:Of course, and all of you on Earth remember these occurrences.Q:What future awaits Earth?C:The result, the outcome of choice.Q:How can some predictions then be made with regular accuracy?C:Predictions are no more than recognition of choice, not yet encountered along the linear timeline. The choice is made, its turn in line not yet taken. The prediction of an event is the choice of the participant coming into awareness, no more.Q:Not all things are predicted or “pre-chosen”, are they?C:No, they are not. Choice and selection remain paramount and can always be altered. In many cases the importance of the choice to the life purpose is such that no change is allowed, and this great purpose and honor is served and met by one's Guardian Angels and Guides.Q:Will Earth suffer war, social strife, calamity and disaster?C:Yes, as it always has.Q:Unpleasant as thousands dead from a storm are - as happened recently - ?we accept this as we understand no control can we have. Half this number dead in armed conflict, events we do control, cause a great anger and suffering, despite the similar result; thousands dead. Why do we accept many dead or bitterly reject many dead?C:Intent and choice recognized and unseen, the manner of life on Earth. The choice to participate in these events is always known before incarnation. Choice of death in war or weather is always available.Q:We see wars on Earth as such a bad thing, a sure sign of evil among humanity.C:Bitter anger and vicious rejection of the leaders who cause war is a less recommended reaction, as this perpetuates the phenomena. Forgiveness and acceptance are better; you serve humanity and yourself far better through forgiveness of Adolph Hitler, not condemnation.Q:That's a huge bite for many of us to chew on, like too big a mouthful, I'd say.C:Yes, we understand this well and a great opportunity your question identifies. Love your tormentor and forgive your aggressor, seek never revenge or retribution. These deliver strength, force and continuance into the act, supporting power and influence in the transgressor.Q:Have there been great developments and civilizations on Earth other than Atlantis and Lemuria?C:Not to similar size and levels of development, no. Earth now reaches the apogee of its third major development of society. The plan for Earth is a transmutation of this now concluding third phase, and its replacement by development. No extinction as occurred with Lemuria and Atlantis is foreseen.Q:What ended Lemuria?C:Asteroid impacts.Q:Atlantis?C:Collapse of the land, earthquake or tremor as you have now named it. Self-inflicted, we say.Q:Population reduction through attrition is the current plan?C:Yes.Q:Had the Atlantean civilization not self-destructed, would it have developed into what we have today?C:No; in technology Atlantis rivaled and surpassed current Earth technologies in many ways. Social development was a problem leading to the eventual undoing of Atlantis. A separate course was available, yet its supporters were shouted down and ostracized. Great lessons Earth supplies to both oppressors and those ostracized and even persecuted for dissent.Q:Did religious crusades, world wars and regional genocides have to occur? Will there be repeats?C:No, no foretold requirement was ever imposed. The likelihood of repeats is not high, the option always available. We suggest most humans will not follow such movements as have occurred in the most recent several centuries of Earth time.Q:Can Earth history since Ancient Egypt be given an academic grade?C:Yes, Earth earns an "A" yet perfection to the satisfaction of many was not achieved and we offer, it is nearly impossible without great cost and strife. We recommend each unpleasant or negative event informed by likewise accompanied by simultaneous report of a positive happening. This is easily achieved, the habit of doing so to be created without difficulty. Great advance occurs as the proper balance is understood.Q:One last question, our Honorable Committee, about Earth history; since it can be arranged in the order desired and spread out before us for review and understanding, can we also spread out the future in a similar manner?C:There is no difference; the concept of future and past are products of linear time. The reality of Earth history is Earth existence. The existence of Earth had a beginning but it is not before now, in the true and actual arrangement of the universe. Also, the future comes not after but is also now. From your place, your spot, your observation point, you may extend out along any line curved or straight or both, and reach to the events of Earth. These options are found before you, behind you, next to you, below and above, in any direction. Distance can be reduced by curvature, what appears close can be placed far, that seen as far away brought closer as you shift your placement.There is an infinite possible number of events, yet the options available are not, these are not necessary to be infinitely unlimited. The number of souls on Earth is finite and the linear time created by daylight cycles likewise limits options. Within these limits are proposed then agreed many options. Some are followed, many are combined as life on Earth progresses, components assembled to create new options.In linear terms, a future must follow the past, the now simply being the point chosen to balance the two. On Earth, linear time eliminates the concept of "now", itself universally understood yet simultaneously recognized to be no more than a snippet or segment of past and future.In Heaven, all is in the "now" and concepts of future and past along a sequence exist only within the environment created to frame such an illusion.Earth's immediate future, for the lifetimes of adults reading this, a period covering approximately one half of a century, contains interesting developments. None are fixed, all able to be changed and modified by your collective will and choice.Q:What choices await us over the next five decades?C:The role and effects of money; the interaction of sovereign nations, the role of governing entities within, interaction of humanity and understanding of Earth’s place in the galaxy and universe.There awaits the choice to reconfigure notions of physical possessions and the benefits derived from them. We suggest the likely choice will be a reduction resulting from recognition of the limits to contentment such items might supply. The opportunity will rise from a change to the role of money across the globe. Communication through technology will provide the beginnings.Sovereign nations interact well now, and the disagreements seen are emphasized if lesser in amount and intensity than previously occurring along your linear timelines. The role of information through technology easily paints an appearance otherwise yet we say, sovereign nation interaction is more positive and beneficial in your "now" than throughout the several recent millennia. There are components of each nation which perceive threat and other components within some sovereign nations that perceive opportunity, which itself creates a threat to some. These receive attention and emphasis; give them not so prominent a place, they matter less than squawkers would allow you, could a squawker control your point of view, which they cannot.Economic turmoil, already underway, is one effect of physical possession shifts in perception and central authorities will come under increasing pressure. This pressing of demands against entities nearly already unable to cope with delivery of wants will cause a reshaping of them, and a lowered emphasis by the composers of the government and its entities and agencies.Interaction of humanity will lessen as travel across the globe reduces; no automatically beneficial or detrimental effect arises from this; very much there is an individual choice to accept, reject or modify one’s ideas of a seemingly distant culture.Of great interest to us is the gradual and soon unmistakable rise in presence of your extraterrestrial cousins; reaction and choice to this is very open. Many alternatives are there, many outcomes possible. We suggest your extraterrestrial visitors are excited in a way we attempt not to describe. Human choice before this will be entertaining, enriching and enlightening to observe. We have great faith this will lead to wonderful development on Earth.Q:Committee, we thank you.C:You are all mentsSarah 29/11/2013 3:03pmExcellent topic, intriguing questions and answers, thank you and Happy Thanksgiving!Patrick 30/11/2013 10:10amThank you, and for me, it was!Ahmed 29/11/2013 3:23pmHappy Thanksgiving to you, and thanks for another interesting post.1. "Earth coalesced from heavier matter, as have many billions of planets in each galaxy. "Is this what you mean?(From Wikipedia, )The standard model for the formation of the Solar System (including the Earth) is the solar nebula hypothesis.[4] In this model, the Solar system formed from a large, rotating cloud of interstellar dust and gas called the solar nebula.What does "heavier matter" mean in this context?2. So in a maximum of 50 years, the presence of extraterrestrials on Earth will (most likely) be known to the public?The Committee 30/11/2013 10:30am"We respond in reverse.2. The presence is known now; not widely accepted, as you know also. Many things are known and rejected. We suggest human nutrition, diet and consumption of many products and disease and health as affected. Tobacco as an example.We suggest you mean regular sightings of spacecraft landings, apparitions, interchange and exchanges? No, this will not occur in this way, as might have happened with an expedition into areas unknown by the explorers, themselves unknown to the inhabitants of that area.The effects, symptoms and signs of extraterrestrial presence will be generally more subtle. The generalized rejection is understood and this will undermine efforts of assistance. Earth is not the first planet observed and analyzed by extraterrestrial visitors; much experience have your cousins with the possible effects their appearance can have.The many encounters having already occurred are kept quiet; humanity understands the likelihood of being considered crazy for speaking of such an experience."1. The physical creation of the solar system occurred as it has in the many millions and billions of this and all galaxies; the rotation of the initial mass grew more forceful as its gravity caused self compression and an increase to the rotational speed. The increase in speed allowed some pieces or more solidified chunks to be flung loose, just as if tethered to the central mass and such bindings reached the limit of strength. The necessary force causing this determined the distance from the central mass, to become your sun, the liberated portion was flung before gravity once again took control. This explains the proportional distances of orbits; the larger planets are farther from the sun, requiring of more force to be cast off by the rotational centrifugal force. Portions of the freed material were lost, not captured by the rotating mass which became a planet and this explains the relative differences in size of Uranus and Neptune to their larger closer siblings Saturn and Jupiter, as you have named them.This heavier matter, by relative atomic weight, was first to thrown off, and explains the surface absence of heavier material in the surface of your sun. We offer that Earth scientists would be amazed to discover the elements and properties of this star's core, your sun, and this knowledge will be offered soon enough."Ahmed 30/11/2013 10:44amThanks for the answers, to my limited understanding I think that matches very closely the current theories about how the solar system was made.Visitations may be common as you suggest and known amongst some, but I think the average person knows nothing about them and most consider them wild conspiracy theories about coverups like Area 51. So, what I infer from your answer is that for the average person, it will remain like that in the next 50 years.Chris 29/11/2013 3:24pm"Of great interest to us is the gradual and soon unmistakable rise in presence of your extraterrestrial cousins...". When will this most likely occur? Within the next few years? What is the most likely time frame? 5-10 years perhaps? Thank you!Patrick 30/11/2013 10:32amChris: See The Committee's answer to Ahmed's question #2, above.Santanu 30/11/2013 3:42pmCan we have a separate session on Atlantis - its technology, social set up and the "self-inflicted" cause of its destruction?Patrick 30/11/2013 5:56pmSend your questions on the "Contact" page and to answer your questions so far:1. Atlanteans developed a method of electricity generation using Earth's natural magnetism. One phase of this technology involved crystals and amplification of light. This was done on a massive scale, with ever higher, more intense amplification of light, directed into fissures and holes in the Earth's surface. This set off earth tremors and quakes, causing Atlantis to disappear deep below the surface of the Atlantic Ocean.2. Atlantis' social structure was advanced, authoritarian and aggressive militarily. The development of the technology bringing about its demise was for weaponry; electricity generation had long since been mastered.3. The technology of Atlantis involved subtle yet powerful use of electricity to cure disease in ways yet un-rediscovered on Earth. Atlanteans had also mastered anti-gravity devices to levitate large, heavy objects, used them as airborne hovercraft and had even developed the ability to manipulate DNA coding, creating the centaurs and mermaids recalled even today.Set out your questions to make sure they are addressed by The Committee.cristina 30/11/2013 5:32pmMore amazing information - thank you Patrick and Committee :)Wondering about this statement:Q: Population reduction through attrition is the current plan?C: Yes. "- who's plan and what kind of attrition ?I'm a bit jealous that information flows so freely for spirits and we humans can't access it :P I'm sure is for a good reason we can't access it, but I'm still jealous :PPatrick 30/11/2013 6:01pmChanges to Earth's atmosphere from cataclysmic-like events combined with changes to the sun's emission of "solar wind" and radioactive energy, overcoming Earth current magnetic field protection, will cause radiation to reach the surface in amounts not penetrating now.One effect of this higher absorption will be a reduction in fertility of many animals and humans. The lower birth rate will cause the human population of Earth to shrink; this will not be abrupt, taking place over several decades. The sun's currently calm and quiet sunspot activity is the calm before the storm, so to speak.cristina 01/12/2013 6:17amthank you so much Patrick ! :)Veronica 01/12/2013 7:27amThank you Patrick and the Committee, great post, again. I work on the water and crossing oceans is part of my profession. Each time I read that water/air travel will decrease or stop, it makes my mind go AHHHHH. It is hard to imagine a world without international travel.The Urantia book has a chapter specifically on the creation and development of earth (urantia). Here is a link to the chapter: 01/12/2013 10:18amTravel by current means and methods will decrease however it won't stop completely. Current navigation methods will be affected by several factors, wandering magnetic poles among them.Availability of fuel will be another issue; a sailing ship navigating by sextant will still be feasible but current ocean cargo traffic will be curtailed sharply as both navigational capability is disturbed and demand falls for transport of products and material.Atlantis - 14 Questions03/12/2013Q1. When we talk about Atlantis, it sounds like it was a separate nation situated on an island or on a continent. Is this true or was the Atlantean civilization spread throughout the Earth?C: The civilization traveled all around the Earth, yet the sovereign nation state claimed a land mass in the Atlantic Ocean as its home territory. Its influence was felt far and wide.This large island was located just southwest of where one now finds the island of Bermuda; this island did not exist during the time of Atlantis. Its appearance was the result of the disappearance of Atlantis, and appeared above the waves some time later.The collapse of the hard surface below the ocean incurred several after shocks or settlements of Earth's crust, Bermuda appearing in one of them.Q2. What was the level of technological and social development in the other parts of the world at the time of Atlantis? Was Atlantis like a technologically dominant country at that time much like the USA is now or was there a huge difference in the level of advancement between Atlantis and the rest of the world?C: We say, the USA is commercially dominant and this results from general demand for products and services, technology resulting. Technology appears elsewhere, its application significant by commercial application.Yes, the Atlantis civilization was advanced technologically, however it did not possess nuclear energy, the ability to split a heavy atom.Yes, Atlantis possessed advantages over other territories on Earth however the gap or differential was not enormous, as business gains were pursued. The technology was sold for profit. World commerce involved barter to a greater extent than now, although it did not predominate. Remember the value of a nation's currency is supported by what that nation might offer, produce and allow to be bought. The population of Earth was not as large, not nearly so, as now in your early 21st century.We suggest the wealth of nations as sailing vessels dominated the seas, no fueled ships or air travel possible. This time was not so long ago in history and much wealth has developed from trade using these. Atlantis dominated yet technology, its application and demand were not as easily sent around the globe as is common currently.Q3. When Atlantis was destroyed, what happened to the rest of the world? Were other places affected too, by the cataclysm ?C: Yes, the massive ocean waves resulting had the expected effect. Her peoples escaped in small numbers, aboard sea vessels. Consider any country today, its available ships and planes and then its population and you can appreciate the tiny fraction that might escape. This w as the case with Atlantis also. There was warning of only a few days in length. The survivors went to what are now Mexico, Egypt and Peru. Ancient structures such as pyramids and others are the result.Q4. If Atlantis was aggressive militarily, who were their enemies and how advanced were those civilizations/countries? Did their enemies possess powerful militaries and technologies too?C: We would say adversaries, as vigorous warfare Earth has known in the seventeenth through twentieth centuries did not occur. There were a series of skirmishes as Atlantis born explorers encountered other peoples and nations. Atlantis did not come under attack, but rather sought to subjugate for its benefit. It used military force to do so.Q5. How long did Atlantis exist (span of time)? When was it destroyed (in which year BC)?C: No backwards measurement of a time before Christ would we attempt; we shall say Atlantis disappeared approximately six thousand years ago, four thousand before Christ walked upon Earth. It existed for a period of approximately one thousand as a separate nation state, the concept of such sovereign state as it is now understood limited to islands. Across land masses there were not defined borders as known today, although there were separate civilizations dominating specific territories, to be sure.Atlantis' existence was longer than one thousand years, civilization upon the large island mass covered approximately double that.Q6. As I am from India, my curiosity is to know what kind of civilization existed in India at the time of Atlantis? Was it a part of the Atlantean civilization or if not, what was their relation with Atlantis and the level of technological and spiritual development ?C: What is now India was populated certainly yet with fewer people, far fewer. It was a lower level adversary with Atlantis however no regular hostility occurred. We must say, the culture of India today does not resemble India of that time. The two cannot be compared, there is not a continuous development. The people of India closely resemble the physical appearance of many Atlanteans, especially of lighter tone.Q7. The stories of the Great Flood is told in almost all religious texts. Did this flood happen before the Atlantean civilization came into being or afterwards?C: Afterwards. Asteroid impacts were a great cause of the floods and eliminated great portions of Earth life, thus a nearly complete reset of Earth civilization, culture and development, seeded by the few survivors.Q8. Why is the story of Atlantis not found in ancient texts/myths of other civilizations?C: The people and all records were destroyed. The few who remembered dies, and the stories faded in just a few generations, s has always happened until technological record keeping allowed a study of history.Q9. Were the physical features of the people of Atlantis similar to modern humans or different ? How did they look like? What was their lifespan?C: All very similar. Diet was better understood; it is also now, yet the minority follow ideal diets today.Q10. Did the people of Atlantis travel to space and other planets? Did they have contact with extraterrestrial beings?C: No space travel was undertaken although studied, yes. There was similar extraterrestrial contact as today, however it was not shrouded in fear, doubt, disbelief and skepticism as is now common. Fascination with visitors from other planets grips many humans in a way few were grasped by the concept in Atlantis.Q11. Spiritually, how advanced were Atlanteans? Were they aware of the existence of Spiritual World? What was their concept of God and did they have temples of worship?C: Yes, they were more aware as have been many Earth cultures until the rise of organized religions wrested control of the subject, and we hesitate to lay blame with a religion, as it is but a creation of the people, as are governments.The people created institutions and through them, stepped away from a set of beliefs and into others, and these today discount the existence of what traditionally was always known to exist in Earth.Q12. Did all the people of Atlantis die in the cataclysm or maybe some of them escaped? If so, couldn't they carry forward the technologies and knowledge of Atlantis? If some people escaped, where did they go?C: Yes, some escaped, as mentioned above.Q13. Currently Atlantis is only a myth. Shall we manage to discover archaeological evidence of Atlantis in the future? Will we be able to recover the true history of Atlantis in the future?C: Yes and somewhat however fret not at incompleteness, as you shall not know what is missing by that fact and enough shall be learned and understood to provide meaning and understanding. Earth societies and civilizations relearn much of what Atlantis traversed and little of what Atlantis could supply as lessons will be relevant.Q14. Did Lemurians build Atlantis? Where exactly was Lemuria located and when did this civilization exist?C: No. Lemuria was in the Pacific Ocean, remnants being the USA state of Hawaii and New Zealand, however these were different and closer together at the time of Lemuria's existence."We hope you have enjoyed this information; be well."Commentscristina 03/12/2013 3:52pmthank you Patrick and committee ! <3Wow Patrick had no idea you were Indian i thought you were German :PPatrick 04/12/2013 7:43amThese great 14 questions came from a reader. I'm American! (Dutch father, Irish maternal great grandparents)cristina 04/12/2013 12:58pm:)))))))))))))) ok, that was a good one :PI see one of the readers asked the question I didn't dare to ask"Any chance the Committee could tell us more about Lemuria too?" - looking forward to that one :)Cheryl 03/12/2013 4:32pmWow! Fascinating! Thank you Patrick and Committee!Any chance the Committee could tell us more about Lemuria too?Veronica 03/12/2013 6:48pmThank you Patrick, Thank you Committee.May I ask for clarification on where Atlantis was? I have read in various other channeled information that Atlantis was on a different dimension on Earth. Is this the case? I find it hard to fathom that a continent could sink and an island such as Bermuda rise only 6000 years ago. Could the Committee please expand on this time explaination? Thank you very muchsantanu 03/12/2013 8:37pmThanks a lot to the Committee and to you Patrick for the comprehensive answers. That greatly enhanced our knowledge.Sarah 04/12/2013 10:45amMuch appreciated, thank you!Mike 04/12/2013 12:28pmPatrickCan you ask where the Atlanteans a tall race of people. I channeled one once and he was about 6' 4" and a very sturdy build. With thick Black hair and beard. Looked like one of those ancient Sumerians. He was some kind of council person. There was some other stuff we talked about but I would just like to get your take or rather the Committees take on it.Also was Atlantis an Island or a Continent?Patrick 04/12/2013 5:37pmWhat I'm getting is similar to what you say, and there were certainly variations of height and build, just like nowadays. It was a large, large island maybe a small continent by certain standards, like parts of Indonesia or Malaysia or the Philippine island of LuzonIt's the End of the World as we know it04/12/2013Q: When will the end of Earth come?C: In terms of years we presume you wish to know?The End of EarthQ: Yes!A: Many millions, in an irrelevant period to your current lives and existence.C: How will it happen?Q: The size of the central star will increase, it will expand enormously by comparison to current size. This larger size will not affect Earth, as the sun, your name for your system's core star, can increase its diameter many times and remain very far from Earth. This expansion will be accompanied by a change in the nature of the radiation emitted. Earth's magnetosphere will no longer withstand this effect and life as it exists will not be possible. No organisms shall live in this environment, in the dimensionality of life on Earth today.Q: Astronomers on Earth have theorized on this subject, suggesting it has happened to many stars, affecting the planets that orbit them.C: Yes, this is true and has happened.Q: Has human civilization on Earth already existed for a small portion, half or more of its eventual planned presence?C: A small portion, in fact only a fraction so far, of the "time" it shall be present. It is accurate to say, in Earth terms, humanity upon it, is in its infancy still.Q: When humanity on Earth perishes, will it be calamitous or will there be opportunity to escape?C: Ample opportunity there shall be.Q: This has happened elsewhere in the galaxy?C: Yes, it is common.Q: What evolution of human physicality is likely and how much will we resemble ourselves currently as the end of Earth time nears?C: The resemblance will be very similar although what are called racial differences will reduce. There will be less importance, less concern and less attention given to this. Physical function will improve and lifespans will lengthen considerably, compared to now. Improvements to medical science, changes in body function at the cellular level and diets & requirements will all feed this expansion of lifetimes.Q: Why the relatively shorter lifetimes now as compared to the future you describe?C: Opportunity; the more lives, the greater variety or circumstance, challenge and learning there can be. In just a few centuries of Earth time, average lifespans have grown and this trend shall continue.Q: We're going to do another post on Lemuria and realize this question could be redundant, but if a small fraction, say three to five percent, of a human presence of five million years is all we've covered, that means humans have been on Earth for one hundred fifty to two hundred fifty thousand years.C: Two percent and three million, approximately sixty thousand.Q: Animal and plant life have been here for far longer, yes?C: Yes, many millions of years and many organisms also, small to very large. Much theory regarding extinctions is accurate, but for timing. Little method is there upon Earth to be accurate. Little need, likewise.Q: Why do you say there is little need?C: We suggest reincarnation, where little or nothing of a previous life is or can be recalled, for no purpose does this serve to a current life, in the many cases. Knowledge of it is interesting and we understand the curiosity, as this prevails in many human emotions. This curiosity is remembrance that you know what you have set aside to not "know" but access to and memory of which shall all be returned intact upon your return home.Q: What will happen to all the souls and being on Earth once the planet is no longer able to be inhabited?C: Existence and development will be continued and pursued elsewhere, in many dimensions available, as has always happened to all of you.Q: What will Earth look like?C: We suggest Mars, where moisture has gone underground and the prevailing color of soil substances is seen widely. Earth shall have this effect also.Q: Earth was not created for humanity?C: No. You have come for opportunity and appreciation.Q: Committee, thank you for telling us about Earth's end.C: Our mentsChris S 04/12/2013 11:04pmAlthough I am now familiar with most of the material covered in this channeling session, I was perplexed by the idea that Earth was not created for humaniy. I know it's because I'm speaking from a human perspective and can't imagine thriving anywhere else but earth. I feel deeply saddened when I imagine Mother Earth becoming uninhabitable because I love and greatly appreciate her.Santanu 05/12/2013 7:02amI too have heard about the idea that Earth existed long before humanity arrived. And that the aliens seeded Earth with human life much later through DNA manipulation which is still going on and had it been left to evolution only, it would have taken a much longer time for such development to take place. So this information from the Committee is sort of a confirmation.Recently there was much debate on a geneticist floating the idea that pigs and chimps interbred, which resulted in humans. While biology does not support such interbreeding due to incompatible DNA pattern, it is not unlikely that in a distant past DNA from pigs or other animals had been used to "improve" humans.Atlanteans have been known to manipulate DNA which resulted in creation of some of the mythical animals (like Centaurs) that we read about (see the recent post on Atlantis). So aliens with much superior technology would have complete knowledge about genetic manipulation required for creating humans by mixing their own genes with genes of animals existing on Earth to make humans compatible with Earth's atmosphere. If that is correct, then the "creation" theory is correct after all, with a twist :)Ahmed 06/12/2013 2:30amVery interesting, thank you. I've wanted to ask this question for a long time.Sarah 06/12/2013 10:28amIndeed very interesting, thank you!cristina 07/12/2013 11:12amthank you Patrick and committee !Sarah 08/12/2013 4:14amPatrick, could you ask the Committe, about the Urantia book, if there is any truth about how they descripe our earth place in the structural universe of the universes.This is how they descripe it;"Earth Urantia is the planet of our birth. Our solar system spins through space on the fringes of the gigantic seventh super universe - Orvonton. The center of our super universe is the Milky Way Galaxy.The universes are engaged in an orderly, well-understood, and perfectly controlled processional, swinging in majestic grandeur around the Paradise Father and his residential universe - Havona".Much thank you, whenever you have time for this question.The Committee 13/12/2013 10:10pm"All of this is accurate but for the names; these can be anything you do choose. Humans as users of language require names as labels to identify, to communicate. Understandable, yet not required. True is this description."Sarah 14/12/2013 3:33pmThank you!Chris 10/12/2013 1:15pmHi Patrick and Committee! This is all incredibly fascinating and amazing information! You mentioned that asteroids ended the Lemurian civilization and self-made earthquakes ended the Atlantean civilization...My question is now that we are reaching toward the apogee of Earth's third phase of major development of society, what will cause our planned and expected decline, if not asteroids and self-made earthquakes? Thanks!Patrick 13/12/2013 10:07pmDecline of civil structure, health, population, extinction? All of the above? Change is not necessarily "decline" although many will choose that view.The Fast and the Furious04/12/2013Paul WalkerA reader asks about Paul Walker, the recently, tragically deceased actor who starred in a series of movies about exotic car thefts, Fast and Furious.Reader Question: Was Paul Walker the reincarnation of James Dean?C: No, Mr. Dean was not reborn onto Earth as Paul Walker although we shall say, Mr. Dean's soul did confer with Paul Walker before his birth.Q: Was the death predestined? Was it foretold this wreck would occur?C: Yes.Q: Was Mr. Walker's acting in several movies about fast cars and reckless driving part of a life plan, leading to his end?C: Yes.Q: What purpose did this tragic end serve?C: To emphasize the dangers of the activity, to serve as a stimulus to additional education about, and awareness of, dangerous operation of vehicles.RQ: What is Mr. Walker doing now, given his return home?C: He continues his soul plan, which includes encouraging the education efforts towards safer driving.RQ: Has he met other celebrities going before him?C: Yes, souls who were celebrities that he knew, however no celebrity in Heaven exists, as this is understood on Earth and no exclusivity, appeal, attraction or rejection of celebrity operates, as the human view suggests.Q: Committee, we thank you.C: Welcome always you mentsCheryl 05/12/2013 12:42pmThis was a very tragic event for both Mr Walker and his friend, even sadder is the fact that things like these have to happen to teach us all a lesson.May I ask, in instances where there is a horrific end to life here, does the soul leave the body before death?Is there the remembrance of this event as a fear in the next life? For instance if Mr Walker or his friend reincarnate, do they have a fear of speed or fire? I don't quite understand how past lives connect with current lives and would love a little clarification if possible?Thank you Patrick and Committee, I do love reading all your posts! :)Patrick 13/12/2013 10:14pmYes, the soul departing the body before a tragedy occurs, in Earth linear time - is common. There can be a fear remembrance is a subsequent life, but this is planned by the soul, it is not required or automatic. Prior life connections are voluntary; we each choose what traits, memories, characteristics or influences from a prior life will be brought along to help serve, resolve or assist in something in a subsequent lifetime.Cheryl 15/12/2013 11:39amThank you both Patrick and the Committee for answering my questions. :)Josh 05/12/2013 10:19pmWill Paul be making an appearance in the departed known section?Patrick 13/12/2013 10:14pmHe might!Mike 06/12/2013 6:32amThe incidence is far sadder in real terms namely because another soul was driving the vehicle who also lost his life. But because they are not famous like Paul was they are totally ignored. So lets hear it for the other person who also lost there life that day whose family is also affected by this tragedy.Patrick 13/12/2013 10:16pmWell put Mike, a sharp, keen observation. The Committee tells me the deceased driver also planned this event for this life, no consolation to his family, friends and loved ones would that be.Lemuria04/12/2013Q: When did Lemuria exist on Earth?C: Approximately thirty millennia ago, in current time on Earth.Q: Where was it located?C: Between the US state of Hawaii and New Zealand, and these two places were a little closer at that time.Q: The movement of tectonic plates is much slower, isn't it? We're told inches each year, maybe several feet, no more than a meter, is the annual shift. Thirty thousand years might mean thirty thousand meters, or thirty km. This is tiny compared to the distance between New Zealand and Hawaii.C: Correct but for the asteroid, or massive meteor impacts which displaced the two island groups to approximately double the previous distance.Q: These asteroid impacts ended Lemuria?C: Yes. Scars as human might call them, remain on the floor of the Pacific Ocean.Q: What happened to the asteroids?C: They were ruptured on impact and the broken pieces fell to the bottom of the ocean, what portions were not embedded in the crust.Q: If we drilled down into these areas, would we locate geological evidence?C: Yes, however technology, not to mention expense, of drilling in waters of this depth is risky. Human drilling activity in deep water is undertaken for economic gain, extraction of crude oil. With unknown thus likely zero return of information, this activity would not be undertaken in this area.Q: What was the civilization like?C: It developed over many millennia, and the time of thirty ago refers to the apogee of development.It was not as scientifically advanced as Atlantis, although in many ways similar to Earth development today, but for the fusion and fusion of atomic material, nuclear energy.The civilization had many similarities to today, spiritual awareness and understanding being more widespread, more commonly accepted.Q: Was Lemuria forgotten, unremembered by the people who created Atlantis?C: Yes, there was no overlap. Lemuria and most animal life on Earth perished. Atlantis developed elsewhere, independently.Q: Lemuria was a larger civilization?C: Yes, There were approximately thirty million in this grouping, on this continent.Q: What was the size of Atlantis?C: Five million persons were the core of Atlantean society.Q: Was most of Earth uninhabited then?C: Yes, just as now. The greater part of Earth is nearly devoid of human presence now. Aircraft have given the ability to examine more quickly these vast, uninhabited parts of Earth.Q: What was Earth's total population at the time of Lemuria's destruction?C: Approximately one hundred million. The majority somewhat nomadic, as were the populations across North America just a few centuries ago.Q: These asteroid impacts did not eliminate most of the Earth human population?C: No, approximately half. There were many deaths thereafter, indirectly related to the circumstances brought about.Q: What remnants of Lemurian civilization remain?C: Nothing directly, by human methods of bequeathing knowledge, legacy and tradition. Guardian Angel Guide assistance was the means valuable, pertinent and necessary knowledge was provided to humanity.Q: Were humans more open to this assistance?C: Yes, openness without which recovery and advancement would have been more difficult.Q: An openness relatively missing today, on Earth?C: Yes, however growing rapidly!Q: Esteemed Committee, thank you!CommentsCheryl 05/12/2013 12:27pmThank you Patrick and Committee!It is too bad that there aren't any physical remnants of this lost civilization, I happen to love history! :)I have a few questions I was hoping that the Committee could answer?Did the people of that time look similar to people now?What modes of transportation did they have?What methods of healing did they use and is there anything from that era that could be brought forth to help with healing now? (or perhaps from the Atlantis era?)It was mentioned that ''spiritual awareness and understanding was more commonly accepted'',did the people worship any deities or have religions? If so, who/what?Thank you!The Committee 13/12/2013 10:26pm1. Did the people of that time look similar to people now?"Yes, with the expected differences in size, height, hair, eye colors and shape, just as now prevail on Earth."2. What modes of transportation did they have?"These developed just as transport has developed currently, from a more crude to kore technologically advanced methods. Electricity was the most common mode of propulsion, hydrocarbon combustion was not used. Air travel by use of electromagnetic energy was used."3. What methods of healing did they use and is there anything from that era that could be brought forth to help with healing now? (or perhaps from the Atlantis era?)"Subtle electricity was common in both Lemuria and Atlantis, this approach to soon return to Earth. We suggest two decades for common acceptance."4. It was mentioned that ''spiritual awareness and understanding was more commonly accepted'', did the people worship any deities or have religions? If so, who/what?"Yes, not in the same patterns that religions have in Earth. Currently groups define membership and exclusion. Lemurians did not follow an protocol of inclusion, membership and segregation as is common to nearly universal with Earth religions in this moment. In that time differences were centered about interpretations, understanding and application, not approach of belief. Acceptance of physical life as a phase of spiritual permanence was common, doubts less prominent."Cheryl 15/12/2013 11:43amThank you so much, that was very interesting!cristina 07/12/2013 11:53amloved it :)Tafari Makonnen Woldemikael12/12/2013Haile Selassie (1892 – 1975) born Tafari Makonnen Woldemikael, regent of Ethiopia 1916-30 then Emperor until 1974, was the heir to a dynasty with origins and tradition from King Solomon, Queen Makeda and the Queen of Sheba. Selassie is a defining figure in the history of Africa and Ethiopia.He is revered in the Rastafari movement as the returned messiah of the Bible, God incarnate. Beginning in Jamaica in the 1930s, the Rastafari perceive Selassie as a messianic figure to lead a golden age of eternal peace, righteousness and prosperity. He was Ethiopian Orthodox Christian his entire life.Q:Mr. Selassie, if you prefer this form of address, can you explain the appeal of Rastafari thought and theology taking root in Jamaica, so far from Ethiopia?HS:Simply call me Haile. Yes, certainly I can try. I believe this movement took hold there because of a rise in awareness of roots in Africa of many of her citizens and this awareness coincided with the societal developments away from the British colonial period and the eventual independence of Jamaica.These political developments are not the ideas of Rastafari however they served to set the table.Q:The history of your role as leader in Ethiopia can be researched well, so I would ask your view from your place now. What was accomplished and where do you believe you fell short as leader?HS:I do not believe I fell short as leader, however this is not to say there was an unbroken series of accomplishments and success. The politician elected would love this, as is no mystery to anyone, however shortfalls in my case I do not believe occurred. Allow me to expand if you will.Politician as maker and influencer of public policy need not be elected; there is general resistance to the idea of emperor, king or head of state not subject to an electoral process of the people of that nation. This is well documented and arguments in favor of elected, regularly changed leadership have much merit.The risk this process incurs is the focus away from leadership misplaced upon elections, campaigns and the desire for popularity. One argument says good policy is all the campaign a candidate or incumbent hopeful for re-election requires; that is a pleasant and hopelessly na?ve view.For many challenges in which a nation and its people are involved, steady, firm leadership above and independent of popularity is required; elections detract from this. Even the incumbent who chooses to leave when opportunity for another turn is available will see potential replacements incur process to distract from a continuance of good policy. Term limits common in many nations encounter this regularly; hopeful candidates find it nearly impossible to resist criticism and the gains it might bring.Q:Given Ethiopia’s imperfection over the more than three decades of your reign, as is the case in all nations, why do you believe there were no shortfalls?HS:I always worked to provide steady leadership and never fell short in that regard. Perfection and ideal outcomes depend much more upon the citizens of a nation. I believe I acted properly and where necessary, firmly to contain dangers and threats to the well being of the nation and the region. the Continent.Q:History describes you as positively influential to Africa. How?HS:By the example I set in Ethiopia. This was the advantage supplied.Q:Your critics accuse you of squashing dissent improperly, of brutally crushing protest.HS:I was firm when needed, as all effective leaders must be. The elements requiring such firm leadership are given to complaints, accusations and threats when they discover their tactics were unsuccessful. It is so very easy to attack when compared to good process and a responsible, even proposal to make changes.The critics often forget a leader must do this for all citizens within his responsibility. Any decision fair and even-handed to a majority will seem unjust to someone. As protestors stridently push for the change they want, do they stop to measure the loss cost of the gain they are so eager to see? Not often enough, I'd say. Likely someone else is seen to pay the bill, so to say, so they push for their wants without a good look at someone else's costs. A good leader must see all these parts of the issue.Q:The brief description of Rastafari ideals in the above biography of you sound like the ideal world, peace, righteousness and prosperity. Can these be achieved?HS:Of course, this is Heaven. Many pieces of Heaven are on Earth, and what I hoped to show humanity through my thoughts and ideas, was how much closer we can come to it. I would never suggest there would not be a problem, this is the world. What I hoped to show and what I believe the Rastafari see in my examples, are the human causes of the things seen as unpleasant. In many cases, human solutions would offer great improvements, and from where I now observe humanity, I believe this absolutely.Q:Great comfort is supplied by the idea bad things are foretold, part of destiny or at least, controlled by God or other forces of the hereafter.HS:Lazy comfort, slovenly attitudes and weak tranquility. Yes, a small number, a very small number of bad things happen by pre-choice, decisions which precede birth. Life plans and I can see many. The majority of bad things are Earth choices, and need not be made. To attribute any of these to forces and influences humans cannot control is misplaced, as the very few, the very small amount planned cannot be found out that way.Q:Responsibility for most negative events and circumstances lies with human choice?HS: Yes. Positive also. Choose wisely.Q:The idea a prosperous, righteous and peaceful society is attainable for anyone who wishes it created a movement that holds you in messiah like regard.HS:Well intentioned is this sentiment however also born of a central power. Righteous peace and prosperity come never from a leader or a governing system. The hierarchies and members reflect prosperity, they never create it.I was no messiah for anyone, although I accept the description as a great compliment.Q:In a nutshell, how would this prosperity be created?HS:Gratitude and appreciation, where gains and opportunities are appreciated, this supplies more.Q:What lessons and recommendations did you have and do you offer to humanity today?HS:I learned frustration with and the limits of power and what I recommend to humanity is just as mentioned. Thought about prosperity and what that really means will supply it as much or more than money or possessions. This I recommend, a personal ranking of items of importance and what the loss, damage or injury of and to each means individually.Q: Mr. Selassie, thank you.HS: Quite welcome you mentshazra 12/03/2013 7:58amHow wonderful to see this reiterated:Gratitude and appreciation, where gains and opportunities are appreciated, this supplies more. Cheers!Robert 12/27/2013 6:59amHi Patrick, welcome back! I've missed your posts, especially the interviews. Hope you had a merry Christmas and early wishes for a Happy New Year! I wonder if Erik could bring in a certain S. Claus, a.k.a. St. Nicholas forYe Olde Interview?! That would be cool! Thanks! Ciao!Patrick 12/27/2013 3:52pmHe's on the list.ETs and Earth's Upper Echelons25/12/2013A reader submits the "2013 Question of the Year" even though there was no contest, no criteria and no judging. As I read the question The Committee flooded me with the answers - as they often do - and it occurred to me this long, well explained question is as provoking, stimulating and interesting as anything asked.The question:"I want to ask why extraterrestrials or other dimensional beings often choose to communicate primarily with those in power or the upper echelon of society? Our government(s) has made choices that are not in the best interest of the US or humanity at large yet aliens are primarily communicating with the top of the hierarchy. We have heard of shared technologies between aliens and our government and information provided regarding possible futures for humanity on small and large scales.We have wealthy and powerful people in control of miraculous technology and creating shelters and other solutions to save themselves in a potential disaster while the common man works tirelessly to make those same people money and is ignorant of all of these covert goings on as most of the knowledge is intentionally kept secret.What is the rationale behind communicating explicitly and primarily with the very people who hide and distort information, control outcomes, and fix the system to serve their best interest alone without concern for the majority?I understand the concept that humans collectively choose these status quo conditions, but on Earth in 3D daily living, we currently have people in power who are not serving our best interests or the will of humanity despite a desire of many to live a different reality (although in actuality we are all choosing this particular potential). We can appreciate this concept all the while we need an incredible number of people to shift their perspective and choices to make any tangible difference.It seems like aliens should inform and communicate with humanity at large to assist in the empowerment of making different choices and creating different outcomes that serve the benefit of the majority. Instead, supposedly, alien beings have been making agreements, contracts (e.g., see Erik's brief discussion on FEMA camps and contracts with ETs), and information exchanges with those in power who undermine the ultimate outcome of humanity which is to evolve to a higher plane of consciousness, awareness and state of being.This seems nonsensical."The Committee:"We shall speak, as you might say, to each paragraph and then generally to this concept, this view and this question about your cousins who visit you and what we see of these interactions.To the first paragraph we do say, your extraterrestrial visitors do not communicate primarily with leadership, and they prefer otherwise. Communication and interaction is common with humans away from leadership. You have each individually and thus collectively chosen to label yourselves as crazy for discussing these interactions. The one of you reading this might say no idea of crazy would you ever assign to your view and perception of another person's discussion of extraterrestrial interaction, however many if not all of you know this is a commonly held view.Where communication with Earth society leadership has and does occur indeed has involved exchange, offer and interaction. Of great respect, what you call ETs choose to follow what humanity has created. One and many ETs now listen and beg the opportunity to yield the floor, pass the microphone or offer the stage. We believe this useful and so we do.""Greetings all, on your merry day of Christmas, one and all who might celebrate as does your self described scribe and generally to all others. My name is Zebulon from Canopus and I live in the flesh as you do, I am now above your planet, in a place you would call in orbit, yet I do not. Our vessel need not orbit by use of Earth's gravity, although possible this is.Thank you we do for listening; we honor and respect what you have created. Your human societal hierarchies are your creation. Why should we undermine, circumvent or avoid them? You suggest we prefer leadership communication over otherwise, and to this we suggest what would happen if leadership were ignored? Human views of roles, ranks and placements inside the hierarchies and organizations humans have created are not ours to redefine, interpret to your benefit and rearrange to suit the ideas of the one against the other.A good day we bid you all."The Committee: "We return thus to the pulpit and resume. Your government is you, individually and collectively. It is entirely a human creation, why should a human creation be disregarded, cast aside and ignored? Which one person or group should have the power, authority or right to suggest we ignore the creation of your collective choice? This your question infers and we say, if this you wish, amass a majority of your fellow citizens to request we sidestep your government hierarchies and we shall.The question's second paragraph: how did these individuals become wealthy and who cedes power to them? How are they able to control? If you wish an example of your control, cease to vote in the next available election. Stay away from the process, observe with interest the attempts incumbents shall make to maintain or seize power under a system nobody has chosen to perpetuate and so you shall see how you supply power and by your choices create the perception of wealth. If you value money yourself, then you grant value to the money another temporarily holds, and the amounts? These accumulate by human choice, solely and completely. Who are we to arbitrate your economic choices, your decisions and the outcomes?Change this system if covert, secret and self interests are not to your liking and be always aware that once your interests are attacked to your dislike, will you be so accepting and forgiving of such attempts when, as you commonly say, the shoe is on the other feet?As to the third paragraph, this happens not and we do not prefer this, no ET likes this. Such view is human only.To the remaining paragraphs we speak generally, and do say....expect not that we shall interfere in a distortion as you see it. Such misshapes of human society and justice, fairness and equality as we understand you see, are not our place to distort.Where should we allow you freedom and where shall we override your will?? The collective effect is never to the preference of the entirety, exceptions occur always. When the trend, flow and result become unpleasant to a majority, we can confidently say, you shall change it yourselves. Your human history of just these past several millennia bear great witness to this, and up comes another moment of such change. We thank you for this question, forum and opportunity to answer and do know it lifts understanding of humanity, understanding of itself and its desires. There comes a time when we shall offer more openly certain information, ideas and methods but always to your acceptance of them, never to your dislike. Choices made with offerings are always yours, the benefits your property. Detriments or defects that result, your choice also. As no sane humans would deliver weapons to youngsters, we shall not offer up to your risk the technologies you might misuse from inexperience and we will always keep "the keys" when such risk rises unacceptably, although this has not happened.Be well, we wish you all."CommentsEgroeg 6/12/2013 1:59pmWelcome back Patrick. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.Patrick 28/12/2013 9:37amThanks, "Egroeg" and I did!Brett 26/12/2013 3:46pmGreat post! Has the committee ever discussed black holes? Thought it would be interesting to ask since we are on the subject of ETs. I always wondered if extra terrestrials ever manipulate them for traveling.Patrick 28/12/2013 9:46amNo, I haven't had The Committee discuss them and no, they tell me "black holes" as not used for manipulation of travel as much as they are avoided.As far as black holes themselves, we on Earth only know of the effects created by the intense relative density. Because we detect no visible light, little information are we able to derive. Light is our principal and often sole clue about something detected in space. Anti-gravity technology is used to negate the gravitational forces of a "black hole" and its composition easily examined.The Committee tells me they exist in many shapes and sizes and astronomical theory about their nature is generally accurate but quite incomplete. We can safely ignore them but for our curiosity; they have no effect on Earth in this and many lifetimes of many human generations for millennia to come.Brett 28/12/2013 12:16pmI see. Then what is their role in the universe? What happens to the matter that is pulled into a black hole?cristina 26/12/2013 5:27pmthis is very true "To the first paragraph we do say, your extraterrestrial visitors do not communicate primarily with leadership, and they prefer otherwise" - are many people channeling ETs eg channeling high council of orionAnd once you are aware that this incarnation is only one of many other incarnations and time is not linear and all incarnations (on earth OR OTHER PLANETS) happen in the NOW time, you will not feel that people interacting with ETs is crazy at all :) For a long time I was thinking that Patrick is actually channeling some ETs :P - Patrick I hope you are not offended :)Patrick 28/12/2013 9:48amNot in the least bit offended. Many people I know believe I'm nuts already. (Peanuts, walnuts....)Yes, I have - but do not post it.cristina 28/12/2013 11:40amIf you are "walnuts", that means I am too :))))))))))))))) Looking forward for those posts when ready ;)cristina 26/12/2013 5:46pmI bow to their wisdom and I perfectly understand what they say (committee and lovely Zebulon). By respecting our decisions they won my entire respect <3 The changes is our society have to come from common understanding AND NOT BY FORCE :) Look at our history, everything done by force created abusers in time.As the committee suggested many times: if we want our society to change, we all need to grow up and TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR OUR THOUGHTS AND ACTIONS :) At the moment we are blaming religion, money, each other, governments and so on - just like children who understand nothingPatrick 28/12/2013 9:53amSometimes changes come by force; human choice. You're right, the effects from it are usually not good. We are given to confusing defense and resistance with offense and aggression, already a difficult, fluid line to define.Mike 27/12/2013 8:11pmSome questions if I may1) Why are aliens abducting us2) Why is it the Greys are abducting us3) Will any of the US or UK Governments officially announce contact has been made. And at one point in our earth timeline will this be.4) Who is doing the cattle mutilation, humans or aliens.5) Considering they are so many years ahead of us in technological terms why do they still crash their craftThanksPatrick 28/12/2013 9:29amGreat questions for a courtroom, planting the assumption all these things happen!Let's get The Committee to "testify":C: "With this first question, we say your human English word abduct is not a good description. 'Examine' is a better word; remembrance of the visits can be understood as an abduction, a seizure, capture and detention beyond the control of the imprisoned. This is not what occurs or has ever occurred. These visits are nearly always planned as an event in the life path of all souls involved, your ET visitors and friends and those of you on Earth who are examined. Consider your Guides and Guardians and also those of the extraterrestrial visitors and the role and protection each might have and exercise.For question 2, we repeat what we have said.Question 3, no.Question 4, both.Question 5, we say because perfection does not exist. The entry into Earth's atmosphere by a small shuttle type craft cannot be managed perfectly, no matter the amount of study and preparation. Many changing factors have effects. ETs do not control winds and shear, electromagnetic fields such as those creating lightning, dust size and infiltration and many other physical factors. The vessels use not air and lift as do aircraft humans have developed, and the propulsion and levitation systems are subject to other factors not relevant to flight as humans understand it now."cristina 28/12/2013 12:02pmWow, Patrick you know that Dolores Cannon says the same thing for answer 1 "visits are NEARLY always planned as an event in the life path of all souls involved" But Bashar (the channeled grey) he apologized for what greys did to humans - what was that all about?And what is this message on the crop circles about:(which broken promises?)"Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES . Much PAIN but still time.__(Damaged Word)__. There is GOOD out there. We Oppose DECEPTION.Conduit CLOSING (BELL SOUND)"Damage Word was confirmed to spell: EELIJVE but it was translated by US as BELIEVE.Answer to question 4 made me giggle :P (many of us, humans are not kind with animals anyway) I remember seeing a video where it was pointed out that some cattle mutilation was done by humansPatrick, can you ask the committee which are the 3 races protecting the earth as Erik mentions? From which planets they come? Some details about Ashtar command and something called "brotherhood of light" involving probably religious figures that lived on earth? Many many many thanks !!!! :)Body & Soul28/12/2013A reader asks The Committee about them.Q1.I remember reading from other sources that the soul associated with the fetus some time around birth, and that sometimes the soul hesitates or changes its mind and that leads to stillbirths. Is that true? and if so, then what does the soul provide the body to make it alive exactly?C:Yes, a stillbirth can be a soul's retraction, reversal of decision and withdrawal. A stillbirth can also be a life plan for the mother and the parents, or for the father, the mother having agreed to this for this purpose and plan. All of these are possible. Stillbirths not planned as part of a life also occur, from medical circumstances and reasons, all known well to Earth medical science.Electricity. As an automobile will not function in the absence, neither will the body of an animal or human or any living thing. The source of energy that powers the basic functions of the body, is the soul. Once the soul departs permanently, this is death. The physical function of a body already alive can be prolonged for a certain period after departure of the soul, yet the soul remains in contact as do the Guides and Guardians and provide the minimum of energy necessary. We refer to your cases of coma, where the body is kept functioning after detection of brain activity is no longer possible. The medical techniques do maintain the functions of oxygenation yet complete detachment by all energetic beings will bring about cessation of the bodily functions.We shall explain; the source of function in the body is the electrical current sent to the muscular tissue. The response well studied and understood by humans, its manipulation not yet. The source of the electricity is subatomic, the dimensions human bodies and science do not recognize, not yet. The same subatomic realm of electricity, where power is generated, is the place from which the electricity originates to create function of the body in all Earthly living things.Q2.Will cloning of a humans ever be a possibility (scientifically, I see no reason why not since mammals have already been cloned)? Would a soul have to associate with the body for it to be alive then? Did a soul associate with other cloned animals' bodies? What happens if the body is cloned and no soul connects to it?C:Yes, deoxyribonucleic acid can be manipulated as can all chemicals and formulae for them. Yes, a functioning organism will require an energetic being's presence. Yes, cloned animals have a soul energy. The body cloned will not develop in the absence of a willing soul, just as conception and development of a fetus will not progress without one.There is no difference to a soul of the Earth method or manner of reproduction; the occurrence will either occur as all souls agree to begin the process or its occurrence will provide opportunity to a soul where others have chosen to not pursue this route, the path charted. This latter occurrence is rare; once a decision to incarnate is reached, the process is rarely abandoned and the opportunity presented is taken by another soul, in all cases. We will say less than one percent of humans alive are souls stepping in, either before birth or later in life, as a "walk-in" you have heard these souls called.We know great issues of ethics surround this subject, great controversy derives from its mention, as possibility draws closer. We can say, there can be no army of soulless bodies grown and set forth, uncontrolled and haphazard in their actions or programmed to obey a master seeking benefit from their use. This will not come to pass; there must be a willing soul to occupy the body and circumstances for? life course to develop. A few souls might step forward into this opportunity yet we can say with certainty, there would be very few, insufficient in number to create effect or change to society. The very few could be mere curiosities, if any are willing.We will predict for you now, this will not occur in the lifetimes of any humans alive now on Earth, nor through the lifetimes of their offspring or offspring's children, or their mentsAhmed 28/12/2013 12:05pmThanks a lot for the answers, they make sense. However, I do not understand what The Committee means when they say the source of electricity is subatomic and from dimensions we do no understand yet.From what I recall from my limited physiology education, an action potential (electricity) is produced in the body by the manipulation of ion concentrations inside and outside the cell by the use of special ion gates in the cell membranes. These ion gates require energy to function that comes from ATP (energy currency in the body). This difference in ion concentrations produces an electric potential that moves across the nerves and to the muscles. Sorry to get so technical, I just want to understand where the subatomic source of electricity comes in here.Patrick 28/12/2013 4:13pmNever apologize...(okay, Erik...."apologise"....[he says that was for you, Mike...] for getting technical around me, it's a sin I've committed often and will again!All correct, and the ionization comes from where? The electrical charge of the molecules in question?What makes an electrical charge negative or positive? The direction of rotation of the subatomic particles which form the protons, neutrons and electrons.What forces control subatomic particles? Thoughts, and the perception of the effects is the realm of higher dimensions.Ahmed 29/12/2013 8:41amAah thank you, makes more sense now.Lori 29/12/2013 4:45amExciting! I love all the nuts and bolts stuff! For some reason I always have to know the WHy of things to really understand.Patrick 29/12/2013 7:54amMe, too.Nelson Mandela29/12/2013Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (1918-2013) was an anti-apartheid revolutionary, politician, philanthropist and President of South Africa from 1994 to 99, its first black chief executive and first black chosen in a comprehensive democratic election. His administration focused on dismantling apartheid legacies of institutionalised racism, poverty, inequality and promoting racial reconciliation. Politically an African nationalist and democratic socialist, he served as President of the African National Congress from 1991 to 1997 and Secretary General of the Non Aligned Movement from 1998 to 1999Q:Mr. Mandela, many thanks for your acceptance of my request.NM:You are welcome my friend, your friend helped as he always does, this young ball of power here, your shipmate Erik!Q:That's funny, and I like that term for him.NM:The very reason I used it….(warm smile he gives me)Q:The world lamented your passing because of the progress you achieved. Your so great a sacrifice setting such a table for such change.NM:Lament my passing not another minute, I lived a long and complete life. It was my moment.Q:I don’t know what to ask, your life having become so well known. I confess revulsion at the idea you were imprisoned so long, and I suspect you know that.NM:Yes, from your past lives' fear of it, which lingers. Worry not now for me, although it was a tough, tough stretch to endure, mostly at the beginning. I feared but never spoke of my concern I'd die imprisoned. Many of us fret and worry the worst just as things are set to improve, the relief quite good. I say this for you, my friend.Q:Thank you, Mr. Mandela. You were incarcerated politically the accusations unfounded?NM:Yes, the evidence fabricated. It was extensive and by volume appeared easy to see as holding water, what with the stream of witnesses produced. All concocted to create a view of conspiracy.Q:If you could summarise your experience as a lesson for humanity, what would it be?NM:The powerful, by virtue of its existence, existence of the power, defend it. It is human nature to protect what is earned. If you represent the threat, prepare for the response. If you are the threatened side of the issue, ask yourself why. Often the intrusion provokes a response of protection by the established side, the one feeling the threat. Little if any thought is given to why; does humanity teach that some threats are deserved? They are.Q:What personal lesson was in your life, for you?NM:My wife.Q:That’s it?NM:The remaining lessons were for the many others and my life plan including the sacrifice of prison to demonstrate these things.Q:Do you believe you were successful?NM:Oh, yes. Very much successful.Q:Can you comment about black white relations in general, not just in South Africa?NM:Yes. Whites have gotten the message. Ignore the few dinosaurs among whites, who only maintain their Stone Age attitudes by attention given to them. The majority of whites accept blacks without judgment of race and skin. I speak generally, exceptions exist and variations among nations remain but the trend is positive and will continue to improve. I see fewer blacks willing to examine misbehavior by blacks as playing into the ideas of dinosaurs.This does not mean blacks need to be better than whites; humans are human and some will behave in bad ways. The badly behaving blacks will be quick and sensitive to the white dinosaurs proving it. If blacks truly ignore the Stone Age white behaviors, this is fine, ignore them, all you good and bad blacks & whites alike. If however, you turn a blind eye to bad behavior, or worse engage in it to then decry white racism, you solve nothing. You reinforce your ability to complain, not evolve.Q:Can you give an example?NM:How many blacks must be elected President of the USA by whites before racial progress is acknowledged? I will remind everyone, this president of the USA is also quite white. Complaints by largely whites in the USA that opposition to policy has roots in anti-black racism are not only ridiculous but regressive. I was President and speak from practical experience, not just theory. A chief executive is not below or above the pressures of office by virtue of race. Inclusion or exclusion should never be by race. Twice elected, Obama represents racial progress to build upon. Stop complaining about whites in general.Q:Interesting sir, and thank you. In closing, have you a message for humanity?NM:Goodwill and the character of your fellow man should always be your focus in life and your priority. Look for and to the good in everyone, and they will look for it in you. Be well, all of you!CommentsKees 29/12/2013 3:16pmMany thanks Patrick and shipmate erik. I kinda had the feeling that Nelson Mandela would come along.Egroeg 30/12/2013 11:19amMarvelous! Wonder if he has plans for a future incarnation. If so when? and where?Susan 30/12/2013 10:27pmWow, how lovely to have Nelson Mandela :-) What a great man :-) I hope he's caught up with Michael Jackson. Michael greatly admired him......Hazra 30/12/2013 10:55pmThanks Patrick & company, that was very lovely indeed!cristina 31/12/2013 6:37amHAPPY NEW YEAR Patrick, Committee and Erik !!!! <3 Thank you for being in my life and looking forward to more wondrous knowledge in 2014 !!!!! <3Twin Flames31/12/2013A reader asks The Committee about Twin Flames or Twin SoulsQ:Is a twin flame or soul a romantic love interest?C:This relationship can be, although no requirement or element of this need there be.Q:Does a sense of easy compatibility mean we’ve met a twin flame?C:Sometimes.Q:Can a twin flame or soul be anyone in the immediate family or a friend?C:Yes, certainly. Common this is.Q:What is a twin flame and is it a solely a human concept, created here on Earth or is there a pre-life/afterlife component to the notion, in & from Heaven?C:It is largely a human concept, with its roots, origins and basis in your true, energetic existence of home. Heaven.Q:Is a potential twin flame a permanent or temporary connection?C:On Earth, often temporary but permanent in reality. Heaven is permanent, Earth experiences are transitions and everything in the Earth experience is a transient part, piece and component of your permanence. Remember how we have said, the many times, that you do not and cannot die. All experiences of your Earth voyage are carried with you. No ballast of Earth may be jettisoned; your voyage will go on, uninterrupted. Deviation, detours and shifts in course and direction are the journey, not a disturbance to it. What life would be joyful if always lived along a straight, predictable line? So you draw the many kinks, curves and breaks into all the linear flows of your life. Your journey.We shall speak to this concept and its Earth English terminology.The essence of a flame, the visible effect of fire, the combustion of certain materials, the chemical oxygenation as seen as Earth is not defined well or understood scientifically. Yes, the flame is known, seen, observed and acknowledged to exist, yet what is its essence and how do you humans relate this flame you see, to a soul?A flame is the emergence of the energy of the universe in small, measured bits. As the molecules and atoms reconfigure their connections and architecture to recreate the new compound, the release of energy produces the visible light the flame represents. So is the case with a spark; as electricity jumps. The same as a spark leaps from two rocks struck together. All of these are brief, temporary releases of the energy that forms the essence of the universe.Human fascination with fire, the custom of lighting candles and the enjoyment of the light and heat from a good campfire or fireplace all derive from the source energy all of you carry.The flash from lightning or intense brilliance an explosion produces all represent a release of energy. All energetic patterns are unique and recognized, as is the DNA of organisms. This, our dear friends, is the way a soul is recognized and why language and names are not necessary but for your environment of Earth.As you encounter a match, congruence and an easy fit of vibrational awareness, where the energy interacts easily with another source, so you encounter you soul’s twin in that moment, and the “flames” of your energy become one, as two burning match heads become a single flame when brought or struck together. As you humans do this, you feel the integration as you have all felt it many times in your lives and so a twin vibration, frequency and resonance you encounter.Your soul’s aura or continence is the flame of your existence; the reason some colors and combinations appeal or annoy you is the vibration creating them. The flame seen as yellow or white is but the sum of the energies within, just as your prism crystals separate the parts for the spectrum to be seen, as temperature or oxidation as burning on Earth requires. The addition of oxygen to a chemical is the source of the prevailing white or yellow as you do see them; any and many colors come from all energy patterns and upon your return home to Heaven so they shall be recognized to your great happiness, joy and satisfaction.Glow well and happy in your new year of two thousand fourteen, a lucky seven you now have. Be well, we wish you, as mentsAhmed 01/01/2014 7:17amI really enjoyed the explanation of how the energies interact and release, thank you.cristina 01/01/2014 12:39pmLoved this post! Thank you Patrick and committee ! How can we study fire more adequately ? In a scientific way i meanSusan 02/01/2014 4:10pmThanks Patrick and Committee for your answer on the Twin Flame phenomenon.....:-) ................

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