A New Democratic Party For The People:

1. Demand a national voter registration clearinghouse tied to Social Security records. This makes complete sense as any voter, regardless of where they register, must provide a social security number. Also, the SS Administration is certainly likely to have the most accurate residential address for any worker or retired person. This registry would not abrogate the right/duty of counties or parishes to register voters. But, it would provide the mandate for counties to provide their voter registration records to a nationally centralized office which would, in turn, notify (or provide a secure online database) counties of deaths and address changes of SS# holders. This would make the corrupt CrossCheck organization of Kris Kobach useless & redundant, if not illegal. CrossCheck is at the heart of a conspiracy theory that millions of voters had voted twice, on the basis that they appear to be registered in more than one jurisdiction (which, of course, is not illegal...there is not mandate to cancel one registration when registering elsewhere).

2. Demand an end to gerrymandering with a law that, to the extent possible, voting districts must be as compact as possible.

3. Implement a national $15 minimum wage. It need not be fully implemented at one time, but should be implemented within the length of 1 Presidential term (ie: 4 years).

4. Plan and Implement a process of switching subsidies of fossil fuels to subsidies of "green" energy.

5. Work for the repeal of Citizen's United; Limit total political contributions by persons & companies; Eliminate the annonimity of political contributions provided by PAC's.

6. Criminalize lobbyists' connections with political contributions. Force legilators to recuse themselves from voting on any bill when there exists a conflict based on the representative or senator having accepted relevent political contributions. This could be justified by invoking the domestic emoluments clause of the US Constitution, by a new law that declares political contributions to be emoluments.

7. Force all states to restore voting rights of felons once they have served mandated prison time, paid all fines, etc. This could be connected to a time period, after time served, during which the felon must "keep their nose clean" in order to have their voting rights restored.

8. Repeal the Congressional Review Act or modify it to require a 2/3 majority (60 vote majority?) in order to repeal a relevent law.

9. Modify Rule 19 of the US Senate such that it may not be strictly invoked in regard to members whose nomination to a Cabinet position is under review. To not do this only serves to stymie the review process by subjecting another Senator to censure or repremand even though their statement(s) is/are fully documentable.

10. Put a time limit on delays in reviewing nominees to Federal Courts, including the SCOTUS. It should be specific law that precident set by prior delays shall not be used as justification for future delays.

11. Eliminate the "nuclear option", in the legislature, entirely.

12. End debate, forever, on whether on not global warming is occurring, and whether human activity exacerbates the warming, by a vote to recognize both of these concerns. To continually debate these two statements is a waste of time that could be used to debate what should be done about global warming.


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