
-3746519685Chapter 9: Hypothesis - Step 1: Hypotheses H?: ? = ?? VS H?: ? ≠ ??- Step 2: AssumptionsVariable is quantitative/categoricalData obtained randomized?Population distribution approximately normal (SIZE)?- Step 3: Compute test statisticFor Population Proportion:Z= p- p0p0q0n , p is stat, p0 is popFor Population Meant= x- ?0sn , df = n – 1- Step 4: Derive p-value- Step 5: ConclusionSmall p, reject H? and conclude that…Large p, evidence to support H? Chapter 10: 2 Populations CI for difference of Means (Independent samples)x1- x2± ta2. s12n1+ (s22n2) CI for difference of 2 proportions p1-p2±Za2.p1q1n1+p2q2n2Test stat for difference of Means (Independent samples)t= x1- x2- ?1- ?2s12n1+ (s22n2)Test stat: diff of means (dependent)t= d- ?dSdnTest stat for diff of 2 proportionsZ= p1-p2pq(1n1+ 1n2) , pop. p knownelse, use pooled pChapter 13: Regression Analysisr-coefficient / Regression:r= 1n-1 (x-xSx)(y-ySy)sum of squares = (residuals)2 = (y-y)2standardized residual = (y-y)se(y-y)slope: b=r(SxSy)Regression AnalysisAssumptions: Linear, as from scatter plotData obtained randomlyPoints have similar spread at different values of xTest stat: t= b-0seCI: b±ta2se, df=n-2Residual s.d: s= y-y2n-2CI: ?= y± ta2.(se of y)PI: y± 2s ................

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