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21. Joseph H. Berke; "Shame and Envy"; in Donald L. Nathanson; "The Many Faces of Shame"; Guilford Press, New York, 1987; p318-34.

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23. Georg Bertram; "e)mpai/zw"; in G. Kittel and G. Friedrich (Eds.); "Theological Dictionary of the New Testament: Volume 5"; Trans. G. W. Bromiley, Indexed by R. E. Pitkin, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1964-76; p630-6.

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28. Philip J. Budd; "Leviticus"; Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1996.

29. Rudolf Bultmann; "Ai/dwj"; in G. Kittel and G. Friedrich (Eds.); "Theological Dictionary of the New Testament: Volume 1"; Trans. G. W. Bromiley, Indexed by R. E. Pitkin, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1964-76; p169-71.

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35. George Carey; "The Gate of Glory"; Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1992.

36. John K. Chance; "The Anthropology of Honour and Shame: Culture, values, and Practice"; in Semeia 68; "Honour and Shame in the World of the Bible"; 1996; p139-151.

37. Rodney Clapp; "Shame Crucified"; in Christianity Today, March 11,1991; p26-29.

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68. Robert S. Franks; "The Work of Christ"; Nelson, London, 1962.

69. Peter A. French; “Honor, Shame, and Identity;” in Public Affairs Quarterly, Vol. 16, No. 1 (January 2002), p1-15.

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79. John E. Hartley; "Leviticus"; Word, Dallas, Texas, 1992.

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82. William Hendriksen; "The Gospel of Luke"; Banner of Truth, Edinburgh, 1978.

83. Martin Hengel; "Crucifixion"; SCM, London, 1977.

84. Michael Herzfield; “Honour and Shame: Problems in the Comparative Analysis of Moral Systems;” in Man New Series, Vol. 15. No. 2 (June 1980), p339-351.

85. Margaret B. Hess; "A Portrait of Shame"; in Christian Century, 114, May 21-28, 1997; p509.

86. David J. Hesselgrave; "Communicating Christ Cross-Culturally: An Introduction to Missionary Communication"; Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1978.

87. Paul G. Hiebert; "Anthropological Reflections on Missiological Issues"; Baker, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1994.

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92. Richard A. Hutch; "Confessing Dying Within"; in The Journal of Pastoral Care, Vol. 48, No.4, Winter 1994; p341-352.

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98. Warren Kinston; "The Shame of Narcissism"; in Donald L. Nathanson; "The Many Faces of Shame"; Guilford Press, New York, 1987; p214-45.

99. G. Kittel and G. Friedrich (Eds.); "Theological Dictionary of the New Testament"; Trans. G. W. Bromiley, Indexed by R. E. Pitkin, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1964-76: including specific articles by Rudolf Bultmann, Vol. 1, p169-171, p189-191; Karl H. Rengstorf, Vol. 1, p658-662; Heinrich Schlier, Vol. 2, p32, p448-449; Carl Schneider, Vol. 3, p631-633; George Bertram, Vol. 4, p796-799, Vol. 5, p630-636, Vol. 8, p295-307; Johannes Schneider, Vol. 5, p238-242; Joachim Jeremias, Vol. 6, p973-976; Walter Grundmann, Vol. 8, p6-23.

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112. H-G. Link and E. Tiedtke; "ai)dw/j"; in Colin Brown (Ed.); "The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology: Volume 3"; Paternoster, Exeter, 1975-8; p561-2.

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