
Hotline: 303-977-SHFC or 303-977-7432

P.O. Box 621489

Littleton, CO 80162-1489

September 2009


Lockheed Martin's Workplace Security policy, CPS-565 is strictly enforced. One provision of the policy is a workplace free of weapons, which includes Firearms, Ammunition, Bows and Arrows. The club must emphasize this policy to our members. Additionally, a state issued CCW permit does not supersede nor over ride this LMA policy. Members wanting to store firearms or archery equipment during the day ONLY, must contact Gene Adamson (303-971-1531) or Dave Mulholland (303-977-3674) for access instructions.


Outdoor Buddies Sight-in

Sunday September 6th, SHFC will host the annual sight-in for the Outdoor Buddies at the 100 yard range from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Outdoor Buddies is an organization of volunteers helping the mobility impaired to enjoy outdoor activities including hunting and fishing. Able-Buddies accompany the disabled Handi-Buddies on a one-to-one basis. If you like to volunteer to help at the sight-in (workbond) or need information, please contact Cal Ensor at 303-794-5796.

we have a new workbond coordinator

Please give a big thank you and welcome aboard for Norm Viste as our new workbond coordinator. Norm heard about our need and volunteered. We didn’t even have to twist his arm. You can contact Norm at 303-904-1828 or normviste@ Thank you.

Range Status Flags

As part of our continued emphasis on Safety, we now have Red Flags that are to be placed in their holders on the outside of each range (200, 100, pistol and shotgun) to identify when that specific range is in use. The Flag/Flags should remain up whenever that range or ranges are in use. The first person to use a range should put the flag up and if no one else is there when they leave the flag should be removed and stowed in the range covered area/building. The purpose of the flags is to provide a quick visual indication for those arriving at the range to determine if someone is already there and that coordinated cease fires are called as required by the range rules. To put it simply and relating to what's already in the range rules, if the range light (flashing red light) switch should be on at that range, the red flag needs to be put in the holder at that range and vice versa. Note that the flag indicator does not alleviate the need to use common sense to see if someone is at the range or not. Help us implement this Safety addition as Safety is our #1 priority . Thank you.

BOD Minutes August 2009



The 2009 SHFC Annual Bull Roast was held on Sunday August 16th. The weather was nice, we had a good turn out and everyone appeared to have had a good time. Gene Adamson’s idea of having a Shooting Arcade before the BBQ appeared to have been a success at bringing out the crowd. We had ordered food for ~100 heads and we actually had 114 adults based on ticket sales and there were a bunch of kids. We actually had to order more meat from the caterer since we ran out before everyone was served. By luck or design, we choose a local caterer (Schneids’ Smoke Shack) this year and they were able to deliver the extra BBQ in less than 20 minutes. We apologized to those who had to wait but we’re very glad we had the unexpected large turnout. Some of you have already given us feedback at the event, but if you haven’t, please contact a board member and let us know what you like, didn’t like and ideas on making the event even better for more members and their families to attend. We want to thank everyone for coming out and enjoying this year’s event. We especially want to thank the volunteers at the Shooting Arcade. Ray Schwindt and Chet Foat at the trap shoot. Mike Sullivan and Craig Bullock at the practical pistol demo, Mike McKaig at the muzzle loader station, Ron Gorski at the silhouette shoot and Gene Adamson for running around and coordinating the event. Also want to thank all those that helped out at the BBQ setting up and cleaning up at the end. Special thanks to Mrs. Boettcher (Ken’s better half) for bring the pies, Jim Cathcart for setting up the coolers for the sodas and ticket sales. Here are a few pictures of the action at the Shootin’ Arcade, the crowd at the BBQ and a few of the lucky door prize winners.

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October Members meeting

The next members meeting will be October 12th. Second Monday of the month at 5:15 PM at the Clubhouse. We didn’t get any interest in a chili cook-off so we’ll probably just order pizza and beer (soda for some). Our special program will be a game calling seminar by our own Jim Gilmore. Jim has been doing game calling seminars for over 25 years. Jim has worked with many sporting good stores and has been a pro staff shooter for archery organizations over his 25 years with Lockheed Martin. Jim’s a NFAA certified instructor for archery and a PSE certified repair tech. Jim has taken more than 90 big game with his bow by using his “Calling Tec necks”. So plan to come and pick up the latest on the club, grab some grub, socialize with your fellow members, and learn or refine your game calling skills for you next hunt. We will also have some “old” ammunition that a former Martin Marietta member, Roy Shelton, who passed away, owned. So come on out and see if any of this is something you might like to purchase to help his widow.


The latest list of work bond jobs is listed at the website . Click the “Workbond “ tab and then “ Job List”. Some near term work bond jobs are helpers during the Safety training renewal sessions in March and gong stand installation in April. Checking your work bond to make sure it is up to date will help speed up the renewal process. If you want to volunteer for one of the jobs or a task you think needs to be done please contact the Work Bond Chair, Norm Viste at normviste@ or 303-904-1828. Work Bond that you volunteered for with a specific committee should still be coordinated through that committee chair who will coordinate with Norm. Thank you for your help and participation.

members input

If you have club related pictures, stories, member news, comments, suggestions or questions, please send them to me walter.w.tang@ or other board member and I’ll put it on here. If it’s a question or suggestion, we’ll put the answer or board response on here also.

Here’s a joke from Cal Ensor

One of the best marksmen in the FBI was passing through a small town, and was astonished to notice evidence of the most amazing shooting. On trees, on walls, and on fences there were numerous bull's-eyes with a bullet hole in dead center of each one.

The FBI man asked a local resident about the person responsible for this wonderful marksmanship. The resident introduced him to the shooter.

"This is the best marksmanship I have ever seen," said the FBI man. "How in the world do you do it?"

"Nothing to it," said the man. "I shoot first and draw the circles afterward."

Electronic Gate

Per the SHFC Range Rules, each club member is required to "wand" their electronic gate card at the electronic gate for accountability. This will also reset the arm’s timer so it doesn’t come down on your vehicle. If the gate is locked open, listen for the “beep” as confirmation that badge was read. Upon leaving the range, each person should push the gate open button so the arm’s timer is reset so it doesn’t come down on your vehicle on the way out.

Committee News


Regular Hunter Ed

The 2009 schedule for the rifle/regular hunter education is listed below. The current instructors are Gene Adamson, Mitch Arnold, Don Biesecker, Dave Unruh, Jim Gilmore, Ron Steen, Bill Wilson, Mike Jacobs, Mike McKaig, Ken Ruiz, Margaret Rothermel, Clayton Allen, Bob Ventura, Jeff Edwards, and Jim Ball. Hunter Education always needs help in both the classroom and range. If you are interested in helping out in either the rifle and/or archery hunter education courses contact: Gene Adamson at 1-1531 or Mitch Arnold at 7-2117 and we’ll get you started.

September: 22nd, 23rd & 24th (Classroom) – 26th (Range)

October: 20th, 21st & 22nd (Classroom) – 24th (Range)

November: 17th, 18th & 19th (Classroom) – 21st (Range)

Students must attend the 3 classroom sessions (Tues, Wed, & Thurs; 6:00 to 9:00 P.M.) and the range session (Saturday 8:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.) to complete the course. All classes will be held at the clubhouse in the SHFC recreation area. You must attend all four days in a month’s session. Cost for the class is $10. Pre-register by calling Mitch Arnold at 303-972-8983 or Bob Ventura at 303-752-1430. A minimum of 10 students are needed at the first class to continue the class. Classes are open to the public.

Archery Committee

All safety/security briefings have been completed. Thanks to Jim Hargest and Jim Gilmore. The archery season starts on Saturday August 29 and runs through the end of January depending on which tag you have in your possession. We have lots (41) of hunters signed up for this year’s hunt. Please ensure that all family members who are not SHFC members complete the waiver before hunting.

Thanks to all that did their work bond. The range looks GREAT. We also have new broad head targets out. Mr. Gilmore put the rules from our briefing in the mail box at the archery range if you need to review what the briefing covered again. Please be safe and good luck this year. See you out on the range.

All hunters harvesting an elk or deer on LMSSC property are required to take the head in for CWD testing at the CDOW office by SHFC Board direction. Notify Jim Gilmore and Mitch Arnold of all animals harvested on LMSSC property.


NRA classes continue for this year with Basic Pistol (BP) and Personal Protection in the Home (PPITH) classes. Basic Pistol is a pre-requisite for the PPITH class except with prior demonstrated knowledge and approval from course instructor. The PPITH class will certify you for qualification for a Concealed Carry Weapons permit (CCW). Class fees are $50 for club members, $75 for non-club non-refundable. Maximum of 10 people will be enrolled in PPITH and 12 in BP, first come with a check is first enrolled. We will maintain a waiting list just in case someone has to bail out (meaning if one of the students cancels, you would be on call to take their place). To reserve a seat, send your name, home address, phone number and email address you want to be contacted at to Gene Adamson, gene.adamson@. Your seat is not saved unless payment is received within one week after the reservation information is received. Minimum of 6 students are required per class or it’s subject to cancellation. Below is the schedule of classes. Dates are subject to change based on LEO availability. All weeknight class sessions are from 6:00 to 10:00 pm. For Basic Pistol classes which are only two days, the Saturday session will run from 8:00 in the morning until 4:00 pm. For Basic Pistol classes scheduled for three days the Saturday session will run from 8:00 am until about 1:00 pm. PPITH Saturday classes will be from 8:00 am until 1:00 pm. Contact Steve Rower at 303-971-5558 if you have questions.

Basic Pistol  

September – Thurs. 10th, Sat. 12th,  Tues. 15th


September  -  Weds. 16th,  Sat. 19th, Mon. 21st

October  -  Thurs. 8th,  Sat. 10th, Tues. 13th


Cowboy action has started and will continue to be held every other Thursday until October. We now have some very experienced shooters who will help mentor anyone who wants to start the sport or just do a trial stage. Firearms used are 2 single six pistols, a lever action rifle (pistol caliber only), and a pre-1900’s shotgun (pump or side by side). All ammo must be lead cast bullets and lead shot. This is the fastest growing shooting sport in the world, with over 90,000 members. We shoot both smokeless and black powder, depending on what the whim of the day is. We shoot in accordance with the governing body of SASS or Single Action Shooting Society. Call Tom Frickell at 303-971-5493.


Practical Pistol Lite go every other Monday through September. For those of you who are new to Practical Pistol, this affords less experience shooters an opportunity to come out with a group of like-minded shooters and practice defensive skills. As always we will first and foremost focus on range safety. This year we are limiting participation to semi-automatics pistols in the effort to speed up the courses and get more shooting for everyone. Make sure your equipment (Pistol, Holster, Mag pouches) is in good repair and good working order. Carbine and shotgun nights will be less frequent this year to concentrate on pistol shooting and to allow everyone to get in more shooting. We meet at the gate around 4:15, and head to the range no later than 4:30. Since April and May weather is so challenging, please dress in layers so you can stay warm just in case it gets cold. There has never been a better opportunity to tune your defensive pistol skills, and create a defensive mindset . Call Dave Norris at 303-932-4822, or email at david.w.norris.jr@ .


Our first event started on Monday, April 20, and then every other Monday thru Sept. Meet at the gate on Wadsworth by 4:40 pm and we will all caravan up to the range. No revolvers this year, they take too long to reload. Please have a holster for your pistol. Since our weather is so challenging, please dress in layers so you can stay warm just incase it gets cold. So far we are averaging 14 Ladies per event, with ages spanning young (18 years old) to retirees. This has started out to be a great year and we are looking forward to continuing the fun and learning experiences. Call Tom Frickell at 303-971-5493.

Summer 3-gun

Our next Summer 3-Gun is on Sunday September 20th. The stage description has already been sent out. Below is one of the stages we’ll be shooting. If you’re interested, please contact Walter Tang. Summer 3-Gun is held once a month through October. Start time of 9:00 am with setup starting at 8:15 am. For those new to 3-gun, it is similar to our Wednesday night practical pistol except we shoot the pistol, shotgun and semi-auto carbine/rifle for a combination of accuracy and speed. Since the Summer 3-Gun runs concurrent to practical pistol, we’ll have a heavier emphasis on the rifle and shotgun. Typical ammo requirement is roughly 25 rounds of pistol, 50 rounds of rifle, 25 rounds of shotgun (mostly birdshot and occasionally 5 rounds of slug and buckshot) if you don’t miss. Contact Walter Tang at 303-977-6474 or email walter.w.tang@ to get on the mailing list. I usually send out the stage description before the shoot so you’ll know how much ammo to bring.


Practical Pistol

Practical Pistol meets Wednesday nights. Setup starts at 4:45 pm and shooting starts at 5:00 pm after the safety orientation. Our Wednesday night shoots are informal USPSA/IPSC/IDPA type stages. The game is accuracy and speed and we emphasize safety and fun. On the 3rd Wednesdays of the month, we have a tactical shotgun stage along with the pistol. The 4th Wednesday nights is .22 rimfire night. Call Mike Sullivan (303-977-3478)

High Power

We were all happy to see Harry Porter return to the range. Despite an extended absence, Harry shot a very solid Expert score of 738 -13X. Welcome back Harry!

Here are results from recent High-Power matches held at the SHFC range:

7 August 2009


21 August 2009


The SHFC High Power matches are conducted every off-Friday, finishing by noon or 1 PM. We welcome all types of high power service or match rifles; some choose to shoot the Garand or M1A but the AR15 is the choice of most. The club has three AR15s, a Garand, two shooting mats, and a spotting scope with stand which are available to use during matches.

Check the club website for the regional schedule as well as articles for the aspiring High Power competitor. For further information, or to check out club equipment, please call Gene Adamson (1-1531) or Dennis Casey (1-7197) with any questions.

Vintage Match

The next Garand/Vintage match will be held on off-Friday, September 18th. So spruce up your Springfields and grease up your Garands. Bring out your Mosins, Mausers or any other WWI or WWII service rifle veterans to this popular activity. We’ll be shooting a 55 round course of fire so plan your ammunition requirements accordingly. For more information or to borrow the club Garand call Corey Kroll (7-5507) or Gene Adamson (1-1531).


SHFC will once again be offering a youth shooting sports program this year. This will consist of Firearm Safety Training, Small Bore Rifle, High Power Rifle, Shotgun, and Muzzle Loading. We will also be hosting Boy Scout shooting events. The programs are COED, and open to all youths between the ages of 12 through 19 and who have a valid safety or NRA firearms safety card in their possession for admittance to the SHFC range. A parental permission form is required.


Small Bore Shoot – Saturday September 19th from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm at the pistol house. NRA four position rifle. Bolt Action iron sight .22 rifles only. Club rifles and ammo will be available. Contact Bill Wilson 303-979-4547, olbullets@


Youth Shotgun Shoot- Saturday September 12th from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Loaner Shotguns are available in 12 ga as well as 20 ga youth models. Light target ammo available at $6.50/ box or you may bring your own. Contact Bill Wilson 303-979-4547, olbullets@

The shotgun program will consist of informal trap shooting, a trap league, and a couple of trips to a sporting clays range. We also have an opportunity to register one or more teams (5) in the National Shooting Sports Foundation, Scholastic Trap Program. These teams will participate in the Colorado State Shoot. Winners at the state level will get an expenses paid trip to the Grand American Tournament. If you have an interest in the Shotgun Program contact: Bill Wilson 303-979-4547 olbullets@ He will provide you with the details and sign up information.


Muzzle Loading News and Score Sheet

The Muzzle Loaders held their monthly shoot on Saturday, 8 August. If interested, come on out to our next shoot on Saturday, Sept 12, 2009, with a start time of 9:00 AM. This is also the opening of muzzle loader big game season. Remember all are welcome, Percussion, Flint, In-line. For additional information, call Ken Ruiz

August 8th, 2009 Results

| | |Flu De Lac |Rat |Pig |Pig |


We have 22 RF and High Power silhouette matches running. All new shooters are always welcome. Schedule is 1st Saturday of the month is 22 RF and the 3rd Saturday of the month for CF. Start time is 9:00 am at the 200 yard range. For more info call Ron Gorski @ 303-977-8474 or 303-904-8196 or Keith Davis @ 303-972-1661.

Results for the August 1st Rimfire Silhouette match:

Results for the August 15th Center Fire Silhouette match:



This activity is similar in format to the high-power service rifle competition and will follow the guidelines described in the Civilian Marksmanship Program guide.

To encourage participation, SHFC will allow ANY rifle capable of firing .22 long rifle ammunition, either bolt action, magazine fed, or, semi-automatic. Any type of sights or scopes of no more than 6 X are allowable. (Variable power scopes which go beyond 6X, can be set to 6X max.) The match will be fired at distances of 50 and 25 yards using paper targets and will consist of unlimited sighting shots followed by 60 shots for record in position stages of prone, sitting or kneeling, and standing.

No special equipment is required but a spotting scope or binoculars may be helpful during the sighting stage and a mat or carpet runner would be helpful for the prone and sitting stages. The club can provide these if one is not handy. This event is for both beginners and experienced shooters of all ages and is a fun, low cost activity which will definitely improve your marksmanship skills.

This match will continue on the 1st Saturday of every month, following the .22 rimfire silhouette match, beginning sometime around noon. For more information or any questions, call Corey Kroll @ 7-5507 or Gene Adamson @ 1-1531.

Let’s promote this activity and encourage a larger turnout for the September match.

8/1/2009 Match Results

  |  |Stage Scores | | | | | |  |  |  | |No. |Shooter |Stage 1 |Stage 2 |Stage 3 |Stage 4 |Stage 5 |Stage 6 |Total |Action Type |Sights | |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | |1 |Ron Gorski |90.002 |90.001 |93.000 |74.000 |96.002 |94.002 |537.007 |Semi-auto |Telescopic | |  |Pct. |  |  |  |  |  |  |89.5% |  |  | |2 |Tom Fellon |97.004 |88.002 |90.001 |89.002 |97.003 |92.001 |553.013 |Bolt |Telescopic | |  |Pct. |  |  |  |  |  |  |92.2% |  |  | |3 |Corey Kroll |90.000 |87.001 |90.002 |86.001 |97.004 |92.002 |542.010 |Bolt |Aperture | |  |Pct. |  |  |  |  |  |  |90.3% |  |  | |4 |Hugh Zeiner |97.005 |92.001 |86.000 |88.001 |87.000 |87.000 |537.007 |Bolt |Telescopic | |  |Pct. |  |  |  |  |  |  |89.5% |  |  | |

Skeet shooting

Weekly Tuesday evening skeet shooting has resumed. Shooting will start at approximately 4:15 and will continue until everyone is done. Please contact Tim Anderson 303-269-5367 with any questions.

Trap Season

Trap shoot occurs weekly on Thursday evenings. Meet at the shotgun range at 4:00 pm and we shoot until everyone is done. Please contact Ray Schwindt at (303) 985-8072 if you have any questions.


Redding Reloading

SHFC has a dealer account with Redding reloading equipment and our discount will be 50% off of the retail price in 2009.  Their web address is redding-  Email me your order to my home email or call, and I will process it.  I believe Redding makes the best reloading equipment and you won’t find a better deal anywhere. Their competition equipment is outstanding.  Thanks.  Vito 303-730-3459  medeangelis78@


We are currently working on updating the aluminum boat fishing fleet. Currently the club has a 14’ Mirrorcraft aluminum boat and trailer with a 25hp 4 stroke Yamaha and a 16’ Lund aluminum boat and trailer with a 25hp two stroke Evinrude. We also have a 16’ Coleman canoe for club member use. All boats are supplied with appropriate safety gear and life vests. These boats should be available for use sometime mid May. There is a minimal maintenance charge of $10/day or $50/week for use of the boats and $5/day or $20/week for the canoe. For additional information….contact Bob Cohan @ 7-4573

Fishing News update

From our Fishing Chair Mike Pfeifer:

Here we are in September and still no entries for the fishing contest. Apparently either the fish are not cooperating due to the seasonably cool summer weather or every one is saving up their entries for later in the year, hope that's the case.

For details of our fishing contest for club members and their immediate family please contact Mike Pfeifer at 303-977-6609 or michael.w.pfeifer@. The contest rules and entry form is posted on the SHFC website, , and we will periodically post catch photos received as the year progresses along with leading point scores.

Legislative Action

From our new Legislative Action Chair, James Cathcart, 303-977-7263 or james.a.cathcart@

More Than 800 Gun Buyers on Terrorist Watch List, Associated Press, June 22, 2009

More than 800 gun purchases were approved after background checks in the last five years even though the buyers' names were on the government's terrorist watch list, investigators said Monday. Being on the watch list is not among the nine factors, such as a felony conviction, that disqualify someone from buying a gun under federal law. More than 900 background checks between February 2004 and February 2009 turned up names on the watch list, and all but 98 were allowed to go through. The watch list — maintained by the FBI and used by federal, state and local law enforcement agencies — is meant to identify known or suspected terrorists. However, the list has drawn criticism over the years for mistakes that have led to questioning and searches of innocent people. The Government Accountability Office, the watchdog arm of Congress, provided the updated statistics in a new report. The GAO issued a report on the watch-list loophole in 2005, but no changes have been made to the law.

To view the entire article, go to .

Guns and Booze Don’t Mix, Lawsuit Argues, Reuters, July 2, 2009

A well-known restaurateur is fighting back against Tennessee's newly enacted law that allows gun owners to bring their weapons into bars and restaurants that serve alcohol.

Randy Rayburn, owner of three top-rated restaurants in Nashville, filed a lawsuit on Wednesday challenging the state law's constitutionality, arguing it creates a public nuisance by threatening the safety of the public. "If it's called a 'nuisance bar,' with shootings, it normally gets shut down. But in Tennessee, we apparently are going to have 225,000 vigilantes shooting in bars," said David Smith, Rayburn's attorney. At least 200,000 Tennesseans have permits allowing them to carry their guns concealed while in public. The new law that takes effect on July 14 also specifies that persons who bring their guns into an establishment cannot drink alcohol. Rayburn's lawsuit, filed in Davidson County Chancery Court, claims the law violates the constitutional rights of the owners, customers and employees of restaurants and bars. The new law was pushed by the Tennessee Firearms Association. Its executive director, John Harris, said critics had every opportunity to defeat the legislation -- which state lawmakers passed with little opposition -- and should not turn to court action at this point.

To view the entire article, go to

Guns Popular Along the Teller County Frontier, Littleton Independent, July 8, 2009

Firearms play a large roll in Teller County. More than twice as many county citizens own firearms than the state average. “I think a lot more than 50 percent of county residents have at least one firearm in their homes,” Teller County Sheriff Kevin Dougherty said. “That’s a huge underestimation, it’s probably closer to 75 percent.” The state average for household firearm ownership is about 34 percent, according to a 2001 survey conducted by the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System based in North Carolina. Firearm ownership figures often are inaccurate because they rely on self-reporting and many gun owners will not report ownership even with assurances of anonymity. Buying a firearm, which requires a criminal background check, does not require either registration or a permit. Firearms can be openly carried in many places, including, as of April, many federal forests and parks, but cannot be carried into federal, state and county buildings. Also individual business owners rules against open carry must be heeded, Dougherty said. To carry a concealed firearm requires a permit issued by the county sheriff. Dougherty’s office has issued slightly more than 3,000 concealed weapon permits — usually called concealed carry permits — most of them after Colorado law changed in 2003. Teller has a population of about 22,000. Before 2003, sheriffs, and police chiefs in some jurisdictions, issued permits at their discretion.

To view the entire article, go to

Colorado Attorney General Signs Amicus Brief Supporting Second Amendment Incorporation, NRA-ILA Press Release, July 7, 2009

Two-thirds of the nation’s attorneys general have filed an amicus brief asking the U.S. Supreme Court to grant certiorari in the case of NRA v. Chicago and hold that the Second Amendment applies to state and local governments through the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. This bi-partisan group of 33 attorneys general, along with the Attorney General of California in a separate filing, agrees with the NRA’s position that the Second Amendment protects a fundamental individual right to keep and bear arms, disagreeing with the decision recently issued by a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit.

Attorney General Suthers was one of the many who agrees that the Second Amendment is a fundamental individual right and signed the amicus brief. Please call Attorney General Suthers at (303) 866-4500 and thank him for standing up in support of the Second Amendment. You may also e-mail him at attorney.general@state.co.us.

The State Attorneys General Amicus Brief can be found by going to

Aurora Man Killed in Shooting Range Accident, The Denver Post, July 19, 2009

A 25-year-old man is dead after a friend accidentally shot him as they were unloading their weapons at an unsupervised shooting range on U.S. Forest Service land in El Paso County. Otis Freison of Aurora was among a group of friends who went to the range on Rampart Range Road on Saturday, said El Paso County Sheriff Lt. Lari Sevene. "Someone didn't clear their weapon properly," she said. "As a general rule, everyone is on the line parallel to each other and their firearms are pointed down range, but this is a public range so there is no oversight," Sevene said. Freison was shot in the chest. The range in the Pike National Forest is a U.S Forest Service facility near the Garden of the Gods. A National Rifle Association-sponsored shooting range adviser inspected the trash-strewn site in April 2007, according to a decision memo on the Forest Service website. The adviser "recommended that supervision on site was needed immediately," the memo said. A Forest Service dispatcher referred a reporter calling for comment to the Sheriff's Department. Freison's father, Otis Freison, said the range should be closed.

To view the entire article, go to

Senate Rejects Controversial Concealed Weapons Measure, , July 22, 2009

The Senate sided with gun control advocates Wednesday by rejecting a measure that would have allowed people with concealed weapons permits to carry those hidden weapons across state borders. Senators voted for the measure, 58-39, but it fell short of the required 60 votes for approval, based on a procedural agreement between Senate leaders. It is an unusual setback for the gun rights side, which has been able to muster majorities of Republicans and pro-gun Democrats to move its agenda through both the Bush and Obama administrations. Opponents say the concealed weapon proposal would force states with tough gun laws to accept gun-carrying visitors from states with weaker laws. The sponsor of the bill, Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., said that was not true and that gun-toters would have to follow the laws of the state they entered. The gun proposal did not establish national standards for concealed weapons permits and would not have allowed those with permits to carry weapons into Wisconsin and Illinois, the two states that do not have concealed weapons laws. Gun control groups were strongly in opposition.

To view the entire article, go to

NRA Warns Senators Sotomayor Vote Will be Rated, Associated Press, July 23, 2009

The National Rifle Association is warning senators that it will consider their votes on Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor as part of its influential annual ratings of lawmakers. The NRA says President Barack Obama's first high court nominee has a hostile view of the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. It announced last week that it was opposing her nomination, although her confirmation in early August is virtually guaranteed. Its promise Thursday to score the upcoming vote amounts to a threat to Republicans and conservative Democrats whose constituents are strong gun rights advocates. It comes one day after the gun lobby suffered a major loss in the Senate with defeat of a concealed weapon measure.

To view the entire article, go to

Kansas Attorney General Moves to Recognize 'Non-Resident' Carry Permits, NRA-ILA Press Release, June 29, 2009

Kansas Attorney General Steve Six today concluded that the State of Kansas will now recognize ‘non-resident’ right-to-carry permits issued by any of the 22 states already recognized. “NRA has maintained for years that language in the Kansas statute indicates that ‘non-resident’ right-to-carry permits should be recognized,” said Chris W. Cox, NRA chief lobbyist. “This decision is a victory for gun owners as it expands right-to-carry laws and provides permit holders additional freedoms in Kansas to protect themselves and their families.” At NRA’s urging, Six re-evaluated the language and determined that the statute indeed supports ‘non-resident’ permit recognition. The training, safety and proficiency standards and process required by applicable states are equal to or greater than the standards imposed by Kansas, therefore, it is possible to extend recognition. States affected by this allowance include: Arizona, Florida, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, South Carolina and Texas.

To view the entire article, go to

Arizona’s Governor Signs Five Key Pieces of Legislation for Gun Owners, NRA-ILA Press Release, July 14, 2009

This week Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed into law five key pieces of legislation that will protect and strengthen the rights of law-abiding gun owners in her state and educate children about gun safety. SB 1113 will allow right-to-carry permit holders to carry a gun into restaurants and bars as long as they don't consume alcohol and as long as the establishments don’t have prohibitive signage posted. This measure will allow RTC permit holders to defend themselves and their families while dining out. Another measure signed into law that will protect the self-defense rights of permit holders is SB 1168. The bill allows gun owners to keep firearms in their locked vehicles while parked in a publicly-accessible parking lot. Governor Brewer also signed three other bills of significance this week. SB 1243 makes legal the defensive display of a firearm for the purpose of deescalating a potentially violent conflict. This statute makes it legal for law-abiding gun owners to display their firearm to someone threatening them or a loved one.  SB 1449 also strengthens the rights of gun owners to use a firearm to defend themselves or their loved ones, by making retroactive SB 1145, which was passed in 2006. SB 1145 put the burden of proof back on the state, saying that those who shoot someone in self-defense are to be considered innocent until proven guilty, rather than the other way around.  And SB 1437 adds NRA certified instructors to the list of those qualified to teach gun safety in schools.

To view the entire article, go to

Corzine to Millions of Honest Gun Owners: You're Potential Criminals and a Threat to Public Safety, , July 21, 2009

Memo to the millions of American citizens who have managed to qualify for government permits to carry firearms: you are "potential criminals," and you are "a threat to our citizens' safety and well-being," even though you have passed criminal background checks and satisfied state firearms proficiency standards. That according to New Jersey governor Jon Corzine (D), who apparently thinks that the path to re-election later this year is paved by trampling the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Governor Corzine and other far-left New Jersey politicians are beside themselves over an imminent floor vote in the U.S. Senate on the Thune-Vitter Amendment to S. 1390 which would require states like New Jersey, which refuse to recognize the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms, to honor Right-to-Carry permits issued by other states, much in the way driver's licenses are honored throughout the country. Calling the legislation "an egregious threat to communities across the country," a press release issued by Governor Corzine makes the revealing statement that more guns, "especially in the hands of potential criminals, do not make us safer." The statement exposes the Governor's fundamentally misguided view that anyone who chooses to exercise the Constitutional right to bear arms for personal protection, even with government sanction, is a potential criminal from whom the public needs to be protected.

To view the entire article, go to

High-Profile Gun Rights Case Inches Toward Supreme Court, CBS News, August 25, 2009

A federal appeals court on September 24 will hear a high-profile gun rights case that's a leading candidate to end up before the U.S. Supreme Court. The U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals is likely to decide whether the Second Amendment's guarantee of a right to "keep and bear arms" restricts only the federal government -- the current state of affairs -- or whether it can be used to strike down intrusive state and local laws too. A three-judge panel ruled that the Second Amendment does apply to the states. But now a larger Ninth Circuit panel will rehear the case, a procedure reserved only for issues of exceptional importance, which means the earlier decision could be upheld or overruled. Two other circuits have said the Second Amendment does not apply to the states, a legal term known as "incorporation." If the Ninth Circuit's en banc panel continues to disagree with its peers, the Supreme Court almost certainly would step in.

To view the entire article, go to

“Assault Weapons” Excite the Media Once Again, Atlanta Journal Constitution, August 21, 2009

The fact that a very small number of people attending public gatherings recently have been caught on camera carrying firearms, has driven many in the mainstream media to focus on “assault weapons” being brandished at political events. One man was caught on camera in Phoenix, Arizona by at least one national cable outlet with an AR-15 rifle slung over his shoulder on a strap. The media immediately — and incorrectly — highlighted this as an “assault rifle” being carried outside a building at which President Barack Obama was speaking.

While the national media may delight in highlighting such incidents, including mislabeling semi-automatic rifles like the AR-15 as “assault weapons,” there in fact is nothing illegal about a person openly carrying a firearm at many such public events in many states, including Arizona and Georgia.  If the firearms were fully automatic (as “assault rifles” by definition are), or were being carried by a person already “disabled” under federal law from possessing a firearm, or if there were local or state laws prohibiting such action, then it might warrant a passing reference in the news.  But simply carrying a firearm lawfully under federal and state law, should not be newsworthy.

To view the entire article, go to

Colorado Springs Police May Sell Seized Firearms, Los Angeles Times, August 23, 2009

This conservative city is taking an unusual, some might say extreme, step to try to stem its fiscal woes: It's entering the gun business. The Colorado Springs City Council is expected in coming weeks to approve the final details of a program that would allow the Police Department to sell confiscated firearms to federally licensed gun dealers. Police have already stopped melting down the hundreds of guns they collect from crime scenes, drug houses or civilians who don't need them anymore. The sales are projected to bring in about $10,000 a year, only a slight dent for a city that faced a deficit of one-quarter its $200-million annual budget this year. But it still helps, said Vice Mayor Larry Small, who proposed the gun sales. "Every penny counts," Small said. But even in Colorado Springs, the idea of law enforcement as gun sellers has raised some eyebrows. The Police Department objected, only to be overruled by the council, which in February voted 8 to 1 to direct the department to draw up the program it will consider this month. Lt. David Whitlock said the Police Department has been moving cautiously to address the many concerns the sales raise.

To view the entire article, go to

The Media Gets It Wrong, Again, On Guns, , August 21, 2009

In Portsmouth, New Hampshire last week, a man carried a handgun a few blocks away from the site where President Obama was scheduled to hold a town hall a couple of hours later. Was it a danger or not? The man carrying the gun, William Kostric, even had permission to have the gun on private church property while he was protesting Obama's appearance. Everybody from the New York Times to USA Today to CBS News expressed their outrage, interpreting it as a hot head threatening the president and linking it to militias and conservative talk radio. A prominent liberal radio talk show host came out saying that conservatives "want Obama to get shot." New legislation related to this incident is even being proposed in Congress. Obviously no one wants to see a president even remotely threatened and people need to be sensitive to such things. But worrying over a law-abiding citizen legally carrying a gun several blocks and a couple of hours away from an indoor event that the president will attend is overdoing it. Chris Matthews' cross-examination on "Hardball" of Kostric was sent all over the Internet, with various versions on YouTube picking up a total of nearly 200,000 viewings. But Matthews' interview fell flat by trying to link Kostric with extremist groups such as the"birthers," who challenge Obama's legitimacy as president. And Kostric did not come across as the hot head that Matthew's tried so hard to portray him as. On the "CBS Evening News," Katie Couric asked: "Are we really still debating health care when a man brings a handgun to a church where the president is speaking?" Kostric did bring a gun to the church, but Couric was plainly wrong about where the president was speaking. He spoke at the town hall at the high school down the street. She somehow linked Kostric's gun to the "fear and frankly ignorance drown[ing] out the serious debate that needs to take place about an issue that effects the lives of millions of people." Yet, the most amazing thing about the news coverage was how much the media missed. Far from being a hot head, Kostric and a friend had been roughed up by a union member. The union member had spit on and kicked the person who was with Kostric. But Kostric didn't threaten the union member, and didn't respond physically in any way. Kostric and his friend notified the police of the incident, but the police officer shrugged and went away. Kostric's gun did however defuse the volatile situation with the union member -- once the union member saw Kostric's gun in its holster he backed up and moved away. Also the coverage missed that Kostric regularly carries his gun for protection. He did not bring the gun as part of his protest against President Obama's policies.

To view the entire article, go to

If you know of any issues or specific articles that should be reported in the Legislative Action section of the newsletter, please drop me a line. Thanks!


(Please contact Walter at walter.w.tang@ for additions or changes.) RULES FOR CLASSIFIED ADS: Ads will ONLY be run for three months unless I hear from you. No exceptions. The new ads will be listed first in the order I receive them. Send me the ad at least one week before the end of the month to make sure it gets included in the next month’s newsletter.

For Sale: Reloading Components. Approx 5000 Lg Rifle primers (900 ea Fed 210, 900 ea Fed 215, 965 ea CCI Bench Rest, 270 ea CCI 200, 380 ea CCI 250, 685 ea Rem LR, 850 ea Win LR) $160 at Natchez, asking $100. RCBS Jr-2 Press, with APF, Tilt Plate, and Primer Catcher plate - $75. RCBS Rem 7mm Mag 3-die set, $15. Nosler 7mm bullets – 140 through 175 grain BT and Partition, $275 at Natchez, asking $150. Also some loaded 7mm RM ammo and brass. Complete list is available. Rick Webb 303-794-6612 or RWEBB@ (9/09)

For Sale: Lyman 3-9X scope, $90. Rick Webb 303-794-6612 or RWEBB@ (9/09)

For Sale: Leupold Vari-XIII 3.5- 10X scope, 40mm Obj., $275. Rick Webb 303-794-6612 or RWEBB@ (9/09)

For Sale: I am posting these items for my dad, Bruce. Please contact him at bullseyebruce@ if interested. (SHFC Member Brian Renstrom) (9/09)

Ruger M 77 Mark II, .30/06 Stainless Steel with Bushnell 3x9 scope. $480


For Sale: Star-Line .44 special brass. New. Have 250, all the same lot. $8.50 per 50. Vito 7-9527 (9/09)

For Sale: Used Benelli Nova Tactical 12 Gauge 3.5" Chamber Pump Shotgun, 18.5" Black-Matte Finish Cylinder-Bore Steel Barrel, Black-Matte Finish Stock/Receiver/Fore-end, Ghost-Ring Sights (Adjustable Rear). Equipped with Benelli 2-shot magazine extension (7 + 1 capacity (2 ¾”)) and Recoil Reducer. Asking $400.00. Please contact Craig Bullock at (303) 346-8575 or tigers1985@ if interested. (9/09)

For Sale: Sealed kegs: Accurate 3100, 8#, $120; Alliant Reloder 19, 5#, $75. Partial kegs: Accurate 3100, 4#, $60; WW760, 3#+, $35; T-335 (H335), 6.5#, $75.; IMR 700X, 7#+, $75. Call Steve, 303-676-6848 days, 720-299-4868 eves (9/09)

For Sale: A club member is helping out Roy Shelton’s widow to sell some of his shooting supplies. He had way too many different cartridges; loaded, reloaded and brass, to list in here. We will have all these at the October 12th general club meeting. Loaded ammo will run around $10 per box of 20, $15 if it’s really old / unusual, and brass will go for $2.50-$5.00 per box, again depending upon how old or unusual. We’ll set the approximately two small boxes of items up to see what we can get for them. Any questions, except details on what cartridges and age, call Gene Adamson 303-971-1531. (9/09)

Wanted: Pistol dies for a 9mm luger. Call Bob Totten at 303-933-4586 or e-mail at bktott@ or robert.t.totten@ (8/09)

Wanted: Looking for a .22 pistol – Browning Buckmark or Ruger MK II. Eric Sze, 303.932.4790, eric.sze@ (8/09)

For Sale: WEAVER .22 Tip-Off 1” scope rings, blue, exc, $17. WEAVER Top Mount 1” scope rings, blue, exc, lows, highs and extra highs, $15 ea. RCBS Little Dandy powder measure rotors #16, 17, 18 & 19: never used, $6 each. Neil Jones sizer body die, 308 size: excellent, $15. Neil Jones sizing bushings: .2455”, .246, .2465, .247, .2485, .249, .2505, .255, .3315, .334, .335, .336, .337: most never used, $2 each. Forster/Bonanza Bullseye pistol powder measure rotors #6.5, 6.5 & 6.0: never used, $3 each. Pachmayr Signature grips for 1911 auto: excellent, $15. Pachmayr Signature grips for Ruger 22 auto: excellent, $20. Weaver V-3 Classic, 1-3x20 variable, duplex reticle, matte black, 1” tube, proven: excellent, $130. Once fired rifle and pistol brass: different kinds, from .25 Auto to .375 H&H, and too much to list. Let me know what you’re interested in & I’ll see what I’ve got. 'vito' DeAngelis 7-9527 vito.deangelis@ (8/09)

Wanted: Jacketed bullets, .308” dia, 110 gr to 130 gr.: just looking for small quantities, 6-15 or so, to do load development. vito.deangelis@ (8/09)

Wanted: If anyone has any kind of scrap lead lying around, wheel weights, solder, range scrap, pipe, x-ray guard, etc., that they want to get rid of it, please let me know. The bullet casting bug has bitten me again, so I’m off stocking up on raw material. Thanks for the help. Vito 7-9527 vito.deangelis@ (8/09)

For Sale: UZI 9mm Semiauto Carbine. Model B. Vintage 1980s Action Arms Import, Israeli made. 3-30rd magazines, Hard case. Soft Case. Operators Manual. Like new. $1450. Contact Frank Jarossy. 303 798-0892. NJarossy@ 8/09)

For Sale: S&W M&P15A, new, never been fired. 5.56mm NATO/.223 cal, Gas Operated Semi Automatic with 3 brand new 30 rd magazines, hard case, all documentation and accessories. Retails for $1422.00 with one mag. Asking $1300.00. Please contact Craig Altonen at (303) 977-6520, craig.s.altonen@ if interested. (8/09)

For Sale: Savage Model 111 in 300Win Mag with Simmons 3x9 ,20 or less rds.thru ,in box 390$ , Keith @ 303-9721661 (8/09)

For Sale: M1 Garand, S/N 1,990,xxx, purchased in 1990. Springfield Armory- Late 1943 production. Has not been fired since I have owned it. Comes with 10 new clips and 1-5 round clip, 1 cleaning kit and 2 books by Jim Thompson. Have original DD-1149 & DD-1349. $1300. Ed Clas, 303-979-1528.(7/09)

For Sale: Please contact Paul Nadler at (303) 971-7168, Paul.nadler@ if interested. (7/09)

t[pic] [pic]

(Left) L1A1 British inch pattern 7.62 Nato/.308.  Lightly used in perfect condition.  This weapon is set up and sighted in.  It is a Century Arms import with the Imbel receiver.  I am the original owner.  It comes with 3 inch pattern magazines (the metric ones won’t work in the L1A1).   $750.00.

(Right) The Russian SKS 7.62X39 Civil Defense rifle.  I am the original American owner.  These were manufactured at the Tula Armory in the Soviet Union and refurbished for Civil Defense in the ‘60s.  About a Zillion of these were imported to the US after the fall of the Soviet Union (ever seen the Lord of War?).  Excellent example with attached bayonet.  $350.00

[pic] [pic]

(Left) The ever adaptable Thompson Center Contender.  It comes with .223 with scope, .22LR, .44MAG with scope, .40 CAL Black Powder or Pyrodex with scope rings.  All the barrels are in outstanding condition.  The action is factory tight.  It can be converted from rifle to pistol.  The weapon is very very nice, the buttstock does show some wear.  $600.00.

(Right) Would you like a magazine while you wait?  This is a MAC-90 equipped with K-VAR bullpup furniture.  I am the original owner.  It is all sorted out and sighted in.  Light long trigger pull.  The shortest legal MAC-90 you can own.  Comfortable firing position.  The original stock and lock are also supplied.  The swap is not difficult.  This weapon is equipped with 7-30 rd, 2-5 rd and an 80 round drum!.  The magazines are worth more than the weapon.  $500.00.



Sun |Mon |Tue |Wed |Thu |Fri |Sat | | | |1st


4:15 pm Shotgun range. Tim Anderson 303-269-5367 |2nd

Practical Pistol

5 to 7 pm Pistol House. (SG) Mike 303-977-3478 RESTRICTED |3rd


Shotgun range, 4 pm start Ray 303-985-8072 |4th


High Power Match

09:00 @ 200 yard range, Gene 303-971-1531


22 RF Metal Silhouette

9:00 – 12:00 pm @ 200 yard range Ron 303-977-8474


22 RF Sporter Match

12:00–3:00 pm @ 200 yard range Corey 303-977-5507


Outdoor Buddies Sight-in

9 am to 1 pm @100 yd range. Cal Ensor 303-794-5796 |7th

Labor Day

Range is open

PP Ladies

Pistol House, 5 to 7 pm Tom 303-971-5493 RESTRICTED



4:15 pm Shotgun range. Tim Anderson 303-269-5367 |9th

Practical Pistol

5 to 7 pm Pistol House. (SG) Mike 303-977-3478 RESTRICTED |10th


Shotgun range, 4 pm start Ray 303-985-8072 Basic Pistol

6 pm to 10 pm @ Clubhouse Gene 303-971-1531 |11th


Muzzleloader Shoot

@ 200 yard range 9:00 am start. Ken Ruiz 303-977-7827 RESTRICTED

Youth Shotgun

@ Shotgun range 9 am to 1 pm Bill Wilson 3-979-4547 Basic Pistol

8 am to 1 pm @ Pistol House. Gene 303-971-1531 RESTRICTED

| |13th


SHFC Board Meeting

5:15 pm at Clubhouse.

PP Lite

Pistol House, 5 to 7 pm Dave 303-932-4822



4:15 pm Shotgun range. Tim Anderson 303-269-5367

Basic Pistol

6 pm to 10 pm @ Clubhouse Gene 303-971-1531


Practical Pistol

5 to 7 pm Pistol House. Shotgun night. Mike 303-977-3478 RESTRICTED PPITH

6 pm to 10 pm @ Clubhouse Gene 303-971-1531



Shotgun range, 4 pm start Ray 303-985-8072


Pistol House, 5 to 7 pm Tom 303-971-5493 RESTRICTED |18th


Vintage Match

09:00 @ 200 yard range, Gene 303-971-1531


CF Metal Silhouette

9:00 – 12:00 noon @ 200 yard range

Ron 7-8474



8 am to 1 pm @ Pistol House. Gene 303-971-1531 RESTRICTED

Youth Smallbore

@ Pistol House 1 pm to 5 pm

Bill Wilson

303-979-4547 RESTRICTED

| |20th

Summer 3-Gun

8 am to 12 pm Pistol House. Walter 303-977-6474 RESTRICTED


PP Ladies

Pistol House, 5 to 7 pm Tom 303-971-5493 RESTRICTED


6 pm to 10 pm @ Clubhouse Gene 303-971-1531



4:15 pm Shotgun range. Tim Anderson 303-269-5367

Hunter Ed

SHFC Clubhouse 6 to 9 pm. Mitch Arnold 303-972-8983 |23rd

Practical Pistol

5 to 7 pm Pistol House Rimfire night Mike 303-977-3478 RESTRICTED Hunter Ed

SHFC Clubhouse 6 to 9 pm. Mitch Arnold 303-972-8983 |24th


Shotgun range, 4 pm start Ray 303-985-8072 Hunter Ed

SHFC Clubhouse 6 to 9 pm. Mitch Arnold 303-972-8983 |25th


Hunter Ed @ Range

8:30 am to 3:00 pm @ 100 yard & Pistol House RESTRICTED Shotgun range with permission of instructor. Gene Adamson 303-971-1531

| |27th


PP Lite

Pistol House, 5 to 7 pm Dave 303-932-4822



4:15 pm Shotgun range. Tim Anderson 303-269-5367 |30th

Practical Pistol

5 to 7 pm Pistol House. Mike 303-977-3478 RESTRICTED

|October 1st


Shotgun range, 4 pm start Ray 303-985-8072 SASS

Pistol House, 5 to 7 pm Tom 303-971-5493 RESTRICTED |2nd


High Power Match

09:00 @ 200 yard range, Gene 303-971-1531


22 RF Metal Silhouette

9:00 – 12:00 pm @ 200 yard range Ron 303-977-8474


22 RF Sporter Match

12:00–3:00 pm @ 200 yard range Corey 303-977-5507 | |

SHFC September 2009 Calendar


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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