How to Remove First Element from Swift Array?

How to Remove First Element from Swift Array?

Swift Array ¨C Remove First Element

To remove first element from Array in Swift, call remove(at:) method on this array and pass the index 0 for

at parameter. Or call removeFirst() method on the array.

remove(at:) method removes the element at given index.

The syntax to call remove(at:) method on the array with index is


In this particular scenario, where we would like to remove the first element, the value of index we pass is 0 .

The syntax to call removeFirst() method on the array is


removeFirst() method removes and returns the first element of the array.


In the following program, we will take an array, and remove the first element using remove(at:) method.


var fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry", "mango", "guava"]




The first element "apple" has been removed from the array fruits .

If the array is empty, removing first element using remove(at:) causes a runtime error as shown in the

following example.


var fruits: [String] = []




Remove First Element using Array.removeFirst()

In the following example, we will use removeFirst() method and remove the first element in the array.


var fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry", "mango", "guava"]





In this Swift Tutorial, we learned how to remove first element from array in Swift.

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