PA - eMarketplace

Specification A


CONTRACT SCOPE/OVERVIEW: This Invitation for Bid 6100050393 (Original Bid 6100034510) (identified here and in the other documents as the “Contract”) is being issued by the Pennsylvania Department of General Services (DGS), Bureau of Procurement, on behalf of all using Agencies in order to cover their requirements for Uniforms.

CONTRACT TERM: Notwithstanding Part V.2 (CONTRACT-002.1a Term of Contract) of the standard terms and conditions, this supplement contract shall commence on the Effective Date, and shall expire December 31, 2020 (this expiration date is with the three month option to extend per the standard terms and conditions Section V.4 Extension of Contract Term).

OPTION TO RENEW: Notwithstanding Part V.3 of the Terms and Conditions, there are no optional renewals for this contract.

BIDDING AND AWARD: This contract will be a multiple award, best value contract. The Supplier offering the largest discount off the list price for each stated manufacturing line identified in Attachment A (Tab 2) – Price List, who is deemed responsive and responsible, will be issued a contract. Award of a contract to a Supplier is not a guarantee of business. Suppliers are required to provide an authorization letter from the manufacturer stating the Supplier is authorized to sell the manufacturer’s products to the Commonwealth.

PRICE LISTS: Suppliers are required to provide their most current manufacturer’s catalog list pricing and a fixed, percentage off discount. Only one discount per Manufacturing Line may be offered. Price lists should be submitted electronically with their bid response using Attachment A (Tab 3) – Price List using MS Excel. The percentage discount from the appropriate price list should contain a numeric figure not to exceed four (4) digits (example: 26.15%). Price lists should contain the following elements:

1. Supplier Name

2. Supplier Part #

3. Item (Short) Description

4. UOM

5. Product ID

6. Manufacturer

7. Manufacturer Model #

8. Link to the Item Offered

9. List Price Year

10. List Price Season

11. % Discount from List Price

12. CWOPA Net Price

Items to be included (but are not limited to) are as follows: hats, pants, shirts, jackets, sweaters, blouses, belts, ties, skirts, socks, and shorts. Items that should not be included (but are not limited to) are as follows: footwear, laces, gloves, holsters, duty belts, hi-visibility vests or any other unrelated apparel items. The Department of General Services reserves the option to remove items from the price list that are not in the scope of this contract.

Suppliers are permitted to provide updated price lists annually on the anniversary date of the contract and at time of renewal. The percentage discount off the list price remains fixed only the manufacturer’s catalog pricing may change on the anniversary date or at the time of renewal.

PRODUCT SAMPLES: If an Agency requires assistance in determining correct sizes, colors, etc. for items, awarded Suppliers are encouraged to provide sample products to the requesting Agency. Any items provided for this purpose shall be provided on a temporary basis and returned to the Supplier upon the expiration of the contract or earlier, if no longer needed by the Agency. Under no circumstances shall these items be retained by the requesting Agency.

CUSTOMIZATION SERVICES: Through this contract, awarded Suppliers are permitted to offer customization services for awarded manufacturing lines such as the addition of graphics or patches via silk-screening or embroidery or through alterations/tailoring. Pricing for these services shall be established at the time of purchase by mutual agreement between the ordering Agency and the awarded Supplier.

ADDITION, DELETION AND REPLACEMENT ITEMS: Suppliers are responsible for notifying the Commonwealth of any new and/or discontinued products in a timely manner. Fair and accepted pricing will be comparable to similar items or the appropriate based items. Additional items may be added at any time to the contract through mutual agreement of the Supplier, and the Department of General Services. At no time is a Supplier allowed to unilaterally change products or pricing.

The contract mandates brand specific items. Suppliers are not permitted to substitute similar items or another brand of item other than the acceptable brand specified in the contract unless given prior approval by the Department of General Services. If a replacement product is requested for shipment by the Supplier due to brand/label and/or pack change, it must be authorized and approved by the Department of General Services prior to the Supplier shipping the replacement product.

REPORTING REQUIREMENT: As a condition of being awarded a contract through this procurement, the Department of General Services may require awarded Suppliers to provide usage reports of all sales activity against this contract. Reports should be provided annually, or upon request and should be submitted using MS Excel, Attachment B – Usage Report. The report should include (but is not limited to): Ordering Method (PO or P-Card), Supplier Name, Supplier Part #, Item Description, Invoice Date, Manufacturer, Manufacturer Part #, Using Agency/Department (customer), Quantity, Unit of Measure (UOM), Unit Price, and CWOPAs Net Price.

ANTI-SWEATSHOP CERTIFICATION: All Suppliers are responsible for ensuring that all apparel provided to the Commonwealth is manufactured under conditions not considered to be “sweatshop conditions” as defined by Executive Order 2004-4, regardless of whether they are the direct manufacturer, distributor or a reseller of the apparel. All Suppliers are required to provide a completed Attachment C - Anti-Sweatshop Certification. This certification should be completed in its entirety, including Page 3, “List of Manufacturing/Laundering Facilities.” Page 3 of this certification should match the locations listed on Page 3 of the Reciprocal Limitations Act Requirements form.

RECIPROCAL LIMITATIONS ACT: This act requires the Commonwealth to give preference to those bidders offering supplies produced, manufactured, mined or grown in Pennsylvania as against those bidders offering supplies produced, manufactured, mined or grown in any state that gives or requires a preference to supplies produced, manufactured, mined or grown in that state. The amount of the preference shall be equal to the amount of the preference applied by the other state for that particular supply. Additional information can be located on this form attached to this solicitation. All Suppliers are responsible to provide a completed Attachment D – Reciprocal Limitations Act form. This form should be completed in its entirety, to include a total of four (4) pages.

COSTARS PROGRAM: The Department of General Services has identified this contract as one which will be made available for COSTARS Members’ participation. Section 1902 of the Commonwealth Procurement Code, 62 Pa.C.S. § 1902 authorizes local public procurement units and state-affiliated entities (together, “COSTARS Members”) to participate in Commonwealth procurement contracts that the Department of General Services (“DGS”) may choose to make available to COSTARS Members.

Suppliers are directed to Section I.9 IFB-027.1 COSTARS Program of the contract Terms and Conditions Local Public Procurement Units, as defined by the Commonwealth Procurement Code, may use this contract in accordance with the COSTARS Purchasers Provision contained within the COSTARS Program is optional to all Suppliers. Questions regarding COSTARS statewide contracts can be directed to their Customer Service Team at 1-866-768-7827.

If a Supplier chooses to participate they should provide a completed copy of Attachment E - COSTARS Questionnaire. If the Supplier is considered to be a Small Business in Pennsylvania, they pay a reduced administrative fee and should provide a copy of their Department of General Services, Small Business Certification. The administrative fee should be submitted once an award is made.

ORDERING PROCESS FOR AGENCIES: Using Agencies are required to order from the awarded Supplier and are responsible for reviewing price lists to ensure Suppliers are applying contract pricing with the appropriate discount(s). Agencies are permitted to negotiate better than contract pricing (i.e. buying in bulk) with Suppliers.

MINIMUM ORDER: The minimum order quantity for this contract is $500.00. Agencies are permitted to order less than this minimum quantity at the mutual agreement of the Supplier. Suppliers are permitted to charge additional freight costs for orders less than the minimum at their discretion so long as these additional charges are conveyed to the using agency prior to the Supplier being given approval to deliver.

CONFIRMATION OF PURCHASE ORDER: Awarded Suppliers are responsible for acknowledging receipt of Purchase Orders within twenty-four (24) hours. Acknowledgement may be given to the ordering Agency via email, phone or fax.

SHIPPING AND DELIVERY: Supplier bid prices (list price minus fixed percentage discount) are to be FOB Destination and shall include all transportation, delivery and handling charges. All deliveries are to be forwarded to the address specified on the Purchase Order. No outside or curbside delivery will be accepted without prior approval by the using Agency. Any items provided that are deemed unacceptable upon delivery shall be replaced by the Supplier at their expense.

Suppliers are required to notify using Agencies within forty-eight (48) hours if an ordered item is out of stock and to provide the lead time associated with stock replenishment. Should the product not be anticipated to become available for delivery within thirty (30) calendar days of the order, the using Agency is permitted to cancel the order at no cost and obtain the item from the Supplier offering the item at the next lowest cost.

All items ordered from this contract shall be delivered within a reasonable time, not to exceed thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of order (when customization services are being utilized an additional fifteen (15) calendar days are permitted), unless otherwise agreed to, in writing, between the using Agency and the Supplier. If an agreement cannot be attained, using Agencies are permitted to cancel the order at no cost and obtain the item from the Supplier offering the item at the next lowest cost.

All orders shipped to the Commonwealth must be accompanied with a Packing Slip referencing the Purchase Order Number and Date, Ship-to address, Supplier name and any additional information requested by the ordering Agency.

Any reference to alternate terms and conditions on price lists, such as “F.O.B. Shipping Point” or “prices subject to change,” will be disregarded by the Commonwealth and will not be part of any contract with the Supplier.

OPEN ENROLLMENT: Additional Manufacturing Lines may be added to this contract through supplemental bids periodically, as determined by the Issuing Office.

INQUIRIES: Direct all questions concerning this proposal to Shelbie Pickering, Commodity Specialist, 717-703-2947 or at spickering@


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