
Name:________________________________Introduction to Shakespeare PowerPoint Study GuideWhat is Shakespeare’s Birthday?Where was he born?How many brothers and sisters did he have?Write down 3 other ways that you can spell Shakespeare’s name?Who is Shakespeare’s wife and how many children did he have?Approximately when did he move to London?What were the plays of the Middle Ages about?What did Elizabethan writers introduce theatre audiences to?What does Bard mean and why is that Shakespeare’s nickname?What theatre company was Shakespeare a part of?Why did London close theatres from 1593-1594?In 1603, what name was Shakespeare’s company changed to?Whose reigns did Shakespeare write during? When was the Globe built?Why did it burn down?What does Theatre in the Round mean?How many levels were there at the Globe?Who stood in the Pit?Who sat in the Galleries?Who sat in the Lords Rooms?How much was it to stand in the Pit?Was there a roof to the Globe?Who played all the parts?Why were young boys cast as women roles?How many plays did Shakespeare write?What genre is Romeo and Juliet considered?What shouldn’t you do at the end of a line, unless punctuation calls for it?What should you keep handy?What kind of English did Shakespeare write in?How new words did Shakespeare invent that we still use today?What did writers use to explain to the audience where a scene was taking place?What did costumes tell the audience? When did Shakespeare die?Introduction to R&J PowerPoint Study GuideWhat are the 6 meanings of Romeo and Juliet?What were the names of the two families that the play is based on.When was the play written?The play takes place in what era?In the tradition of Renaissance Society, what gender was higher?Who succeeded Queen Elizabeth and what was he already King of?For those in the Court, marriages were arranged by whom?Children were ___________ at all times?At what age was it considered acceptable for a girl to marry?Fill in the blanks: “O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?Deny thy _____ and refuse thy ____!Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,And I’ll no longer be a _____.” (2.2.33-37) According to Friar Lawrence, men’s love lies where?What is a quadrupel?What is a ‘Fin amour’ and who invented this idea?What idea did Francesco Petrarch introduce to romantic storytelling?The quest for one’s soulmate is a product of what?Define the characteristics that make up a Petrarchan lover.With Petrarchan lovers, woman is placed on a pedestal, but why is this ironic?Define “agency”?How does Juliet break from the ideal Petrarchan woman?What must be need to arrange a marriage?Define Dowry and Jointure. Also, what is the ratio between the two?What is Enforced marriage?What is “Free” marriage?How is a rapier different than a broadsword?What does violence preserve?The play is set in what kind of religious society? What are considered to be mortal sins?What was the Reformation?Going against your family is considered what?Who is the held of the household?What rights did women have under the law?Children were regarded as what?In high society, children were often raised by whom?In the play, what two families are at war and on what side do both Romeo and Juliet belong?Define pun.Define allusion.Define oxymoron.Define paradox.Define foreshadowing.According to the prologue, Romeo and Juliet are considered “star-crossed lovers.” What do you think this means? ................

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