Algebra 1 - Unit 2 – ELL Scaffold

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 1 |Solve systems of linear equations in two variables graphically and |Describe and explain in writing the graphic and algebraic solutions to systems of |VU: System, equation, graphically, |

|CCSS: |algebraically. Include solutions that have been found by replacing one |linear equations using a Checklist of steps, Sentence Frame, and a partner. |algebraically |

|A.REI.5, A.REI.6 |equation by the sum of that equation and a multiple of the other. | | |

|WIDA ELDS: 3 | | | |

|Writing | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

| | | |LFC: Transitional phrases, ordinal |

| | | |numbers, imperatives |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Partner work |Partner work |Partner work |Partner work |Partner work |

| |Teacher Support |Teacher Support |Teacher Support |Teacher Support | |

| |Sentence Frame |Sentence Frame |Sentence Frame | | |

| |Word/Picture Bank |Pictures | | | |

| |Checklist of Steps |Checklist of Steps | | | |

| |Native language support |Native language support | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 2 |Find approximate solutions of linear equations by making a table of values, |Make predictions about the solution of a linear equation that is represented by a |VU: Approximate, table, value, |

|CCSS: |using technology to graph and successive approximations. |table of values, a graph or by using successive approximate solutions using |successive |

|A.REI.11 | |Cognates, a Peer Coach, and Technology and Technology and Technological Resources.| |

|WIDA ELDS: 3 | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

|Writing | | | |

|Reading | | | |

| | | |LFC: Future tense, conditional, |

| | | |transitional phrases, specific to word |

| | | |problem |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Cognates |Cognates |Cognates |Cognates |Cognates |

| |Technology and Technological |Technology and Technological Resources |Technology and Technological Resources |Technology and Technological Resources| |

| |Resources |Peer Coach |Peer Coach | | |

| |Peer Coach |Word/Picture Bank | | | |

| |Word Bank |Sentence Frame | | | |

| |Cloze Activity |Native language support | | | |

| |Native language support | | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 3 |Graph equations, inequalities, and systems of inequalities in two variables |Describe the process used to graph the solution to equations, inequalities and |VU: Curve, intersection, corresponding,|

|CCSS: |and explain that the solution to an equation is all points along the curve, |systems of inequalities in two variables using a Venn Diagram, Charts/Posters, and|half-plane |

|A.REI.10, |the solution to a system of linear functions is the point of intersection, and|Partner work. | |

|A.REI.11, |the solution to a system of inequalities is the intersection of the | | |

|A.REI.12, |corresponding half-planes; Describe constraints with linear equations and | | |

|A.CED.3 |inequalities and systems of equations and/or inequalities to determine if | | |

|WIDA ELDS: 3 |solutions are viable or non-viable.★ | | |

|Reading | | | |

|Writing | | | |

| | | |LFC: Comparatives, superlatives, |

| | | |specific to word problem |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Venn Diagram |Venn Diagram |Venn Diagram |Venn Diagram |Venn Diagram |

| |Partner work |Partner work |Partner work |Partner work | |

| |Charts/Posters |Charts/Posters |Charts/Posters | | |

| |Pictures |Word/Picture Bank | | | |

| |Native language explanations |Peer Coach | | | |

| | |Native language explanations | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 4 |Explain and interpret the definition of functions including domain and range |Describe and explain orally how to evaluate functions and correctly use function |VU: Evaluate, function, notation, |

|CCSS: |and how they are related; correctly use function notation in a context and |notation using Note Cards, Visuals, and a Checklist of steps. |input, output |

|F.IF.1, F.IF.2 |evaluate functions for inputs and their corresponding outputs. | | |

|WIDA ELDS: 3 | | | |

|Reading | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

|Writing | | | |

| | | |LFC: Transitional phrases, ordinal |

| | | |numbers, imperatives, specific to word |

| | | |problem |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Note Cards |Note Cards |Note Cards |Note Cards |Note Cards |

| |Visuals |Visuals |Visuals |Visuals | |

| |Checklist of Steps |Checklist of Steps |Checklist of Steps | | |

| |Charts/Posters |Charts/Posters | | | |

| |Teacher Support |Teacher Support | | | |

| |Word/Symbols Bank |Word/Picture Bank | | | |

| |Gestures | | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 5 |Write a function for a geometric sequence defined recursively, whose domain is|Sequence the steps needed to write a recursive function for a geometric sequence |VU: Sequence, recursive, subset, |

|CCSS: |a subset |using a Checklist of steps, Partner work, and Visuals. |integers |

|F.IF.3 |of the integers | | |

|WIDA ELDS: 3 | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

|Reading | | | |

|Writing | | | |

| | | |LFC: Transitional phrases, ordinal |

| | | |numbers, imperatives, specific to word |

| | | |problem |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Visuals |Visuals |Visuals |Visuals |Visuals |

| |Partner work |Partner work |Partner work |Partner work | |

| |Checklist of Steps |Checklist of Steps | | | |

| |Cloze Activity |Sentence Frame | | | |

| |Word/Picture Bank |Word/Picture Bank | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 6 |Graph functions by hand (in simple cases) and with technology (in complex |Describe the linear relationship between two quantities using word walls, note |VU: Graph, simple, complex, features, |

|CCSS: |cases) to describe linear relationships between two quantities and identify, |cards, visuals and Think Alouds. |representations |

|F.IF.5,F.IF.7, |describe, and compare domain and other key features in one or multiple | | |

|F.IF.9, |representations. ★ | | |

|A.REI.11 | | | |

|WIDA ELDS: | | | |

|3 | | | |

|Reading | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

|Writing | | | |

| | | |LFC: Transitional phrases, ordinal |

| | | |numbers, imperatives, specific to word |

| | | |problem |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Think Alouds in L1 |Think Alouds in L1 |Think Alouds |Think Alouds |Think Alouds |

| |Teacher Modeling |Teacher Modeling |Teacher Modeling |Teacher Modeling | |

| |Technology and Technological |Technology and Technological Resources |Technology and Technological Resources | | |

| |Resources |Word/Picture Bank | | | |

| |Word/Symbols Bank |Sentence Frame | | | |

| |Gestures |Visuals | | | |

| |Cloze Activity |Native language support | | | |

| |Visuals | | | | |

| |Native language support | | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 7 |Compare properties of two functions each represented in a different way |Compare and contrast properties of two functions represented in different ways |VU: Compare, contrast, functions, |

|CCSS: |(algebraically, graphically, numerically in tables, or by verbal |using a Venn Diagram, Charts/Posters, and Partner work. |table, numeric, algebraic, graphic |

|F.IF.9 |descriptions). | | |

|WIDA ELDS: 3 | | | |

|Reading | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

|Writing | | | |

|Listening | | | |

| | | |LFC: Comparatives, superlatives, |

| | | |specific to word problem (oral or |

| | | |written) |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Venn Diagram |Venn Diagram |Venn Diagram |Venn Diagram |Venn Diagram |

| |Partner work |Partner work |Partner work |Partner work | |

| |Charts/Posters |Charts/Posters |Charts/Posters | | |

| |Word/Picture Bank |Word/Picture Bank | | | |

| |Pictures |Peer Coach | | | |

| |Native language explanations |Adapted Text (oral or written) | | | |

| | |Native language support | | | |


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