
Revising and Editing PracticePart I Instructions: Read each question and choose the BEST answer. 1. Which of the following is a complete sentence?a. Because night fell. c. On a tree-lined path.b. Jim ate the sandwich. d. In our neck of the woods.2. Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?a. In the dead of night. The van pulled up.b. Chuck would not, give Jaime the seat.c. Over coffee and toast, Kelly told me about her new job.d. Lemonade. My favorite drink.3. Choose the best conjunction to combine this sentence pair.We can ask directions. We can use a map.a. and b. but c. or d. because4. The following sentence pair can be revised into one better sentence. Choose the sentence that is the best revision.The bicycle tire is ?at. The bicycle tire is on the bike.a. The bicycle tire is on the bike and the bicycle tire is flat. b. The flat bicycle tire is on the bike. c. On the bike, the bicycle tire is flat. d. The bicycle tire on the bike is flat. 5. Which of the underlined words in the following sentence is considered a transition?We did not catch any fish; as a result, we ate macaroni and cheese.a. did not b. any c. as a result d. and6. Identify the purpose of a composition/essay with the following title:“Good Reasons to Always Drive Safely”a. to persuade b. to inform c. to entertain 7. Identify whether the following sentence is fact or opinion.The voting age should be raised to 21.a. fact b. opinion8. Which of the following sentences does NOT use informal language?a. Everybody said his new car was a “sweet ride.”b. Susanne totally couldn’t believe that she had won the lottery.c. The letter arrived in the morning, and he opened it immediately.d. I always feel cooped up in my cubicle at work.9. Identify the correct verb for the blank in the following sentence.Neither the bus driver nor the passengers ____ the new route.a. likes b. like10. Identify the correct word for the blank in the following sentence.His black eye looked ____.a. bad b. badly11. Identify the sentence that uses capitalization correctly.a. In the movie, David had a dif?cult time in cuba.b. in the movie, David had a dif?cult time in Cuba.c. In the Movie, David had a dif?cult time in Cuba.d. In the movie, David had a dif?cult time in Cuba.12. Identify the correct word for the blank in the following sentence.We parked ____, but we still received a ticket.a. Legally b. legallyc. legal13. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?a. Sadly, I walked home. c. Sadly I walked, home. b. Sadly I walked home. d. Sadly, I walked, home. 14. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?a. When Brent saw the beautiful cabin; by the lake, he was happy too. b. When Brent saw the beautiful, cabin by the lake he was happy, too. c. When Brent saw the beautiful cabin, by the lake, he was happy, too. d. When Brent saw the beautiful cabin by the lake, he was happy, too. 15. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?a. Ms. Lundist my second grade teacher has written a very helpful book. b. Ms. Lundist my second grade teacher, has written a very helpful book. c. Ms. Lundist, my second grade teacher, has written a very helpful book. d. Ms. Lundist, my second grade teacher has written a very helpful book. Part II Instructions: The article below is a first draft which contains errors. Read the article carefully and answer the questions that follow. Bank Accounts(1) Many teenagers in America depend upon “the bank of Mom and Dad” rather than having their own bank account. (2) An important life skill is to open and maintain a bank account. (3) With their own money, teenagers could learns skills that they will need when they are on their own. (4) They would also have a chance to control their own money.(5) There are several steps to opening a bank account. (6) First, find a bank that is convenient to your home or school so that you will be able to add and take out money when you need to. (7) Second, check out the terms of the account. (8) Is there a monthly charge? (9) Will you get an ATM card? (10) How much interest will you earn? (11) And C, gather your Social Security number, a photo ID and a check or cash for deposit.(12) If you are under 18, you will need to have one of your parents with you to help open the account. (13) Teenagers must also be 18 to register to vote. (14) When you arrive at the bank, let them know that you want to open a new account. (15) You will sit with an account officer to fill out the paperwork. (16) When the papers are filled out and signed and the money deposited, you will be the proud owner of a new account. (17) Before you leave the bank, make sure you know how to deposit and withdraw money.16. Which sentence contains a detail that is unimportant to the subject of the text?a. sentence (1) b. sentence (3) c. sentence (8) d. sentence (13)17. Consider replacing sentence (4). Choose the best sentence.a. They would also have a chance to control their own money.b. They would build good spending and saving habits.c. They could go out to eat more.d. Students could save money or spend too much while doing so was safe and they still had somewhere to live and parents to feed them.18. Sentences 7-10 are choppy. Choose the most effective way to rewrite them.a. Second, check out the terms of the account. Is there a monthly charge? Will you get an ATM card? How much interest will you earn?b. Check out the terms of the account. Look at monthly charges, ATM cards, Interest.c. Second, check out the terms of the account: monthly charges, ATM cards, and interest rates.d. Second check out the terms like charges, perks and interest. 19. Sentence (11) contains an error that relates to the rest of the paragraph. Choose the sentence that best corrects the error.a. And C, gather your Social Security number, a photo ID, and a check or cash for deposit.b. And third, gather your Social Security number, a photo ID and a check or cash for deposit.c. And C, gather your Social Security Number, a photo ID, and a check or cash for deposit.d. And C, gather your social security number, a photo I.D. and a check or cash for depositing.20. In sentence (14) the pronoun “them” is not very specific. Which word(s) could best be used?a. someone b. the staff c. the Manager d. them 21. Sentence (7) uses informal language. Which choice has a concise and formal tone?a. Second, check out the terms of the account.b. Second, research the account terms before making a choice.c. Second, read the fine print.d. Secondly, investigate the intentions of the account regulations. 22. In sentence (6), which words should replace “add and take out?”a. add and take out c. put in and take outb. add and withdraw d. deposit and withdrawPart III Instructions: Read the passage below. Then select the answer that corrects each mistake in the passage. Suraj’s JobSuraj is the IT manager in a small company. He manages all the computers and 1) sell phones in the company. He also gives computer training to the workers every time 2) they’re is a large update. People 3) often call Suraj about their computer problems. He always has a long list of problems he needs 4) troubleshoot. Today he is going to replace a keyboard which no longer works 5) write. Then he is going to repair a problem with the company’s wireless connection. Suraj actually needs 6) a assistant to help with his work, but the company can’t afford to 7) higher won. 8) Almost none work gets done when the computers aren’t working work properly. Suraj is mindful of the importance of his job.23. Mistake 1:A. cel B. cell C. sale D. seal E. Correct as is 24. Mistake 2:A. theyre B. their C. there D. they are E. Both C and D are correct F. Correct as is 25. Mistake 3: A. call often Suraj B. often Suraj call C. are often calling Suraj D. Correct as is 26. Mistake 4:A. trouble shooted. B. two troubleshoot. C. too troubleshoot. D. to troubleshoot. 27. Mistake 5:A. rite. B. right. C. wright. D. correctly. E. Both A and B F. Both B and D 28. Mistake 6:A. an assistant B. the assistant C. this assistant D. Correct as is 29. Mistake 7: A. hire won. B. higher one. C. high one. D. hire one. E. Correct as is 30. Mistake 8:A. Almost any B. Very little C. Very small D. Correct as is ................

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