
1Complete the sentences. Use reported speech.1.“Stop making so much noise,” the teacher told the students.The teacher told the students .2.“Don’t turn on the television,” Tim’s mother said.Tim’s mother told him . 3.“Let’s meet at the café after work,” Anne suggested.Anne suggested that .2Complete the sentences in reported speech.1.“Will Dan’s father drive us to the party tonight?” Louise asked.Louise asked whether .2.“I haven’t seen Paul since 2001,” Andrea said.Andrea told us that she .3.“Don’t look at your partners’ answers,” the teacher ordered the students.The teacher ordered the students .4.“The football team has been practising since six o’clock,” Jim announced.Jim announced that .5.“When are you finishing work tonight?” Sue asked me.Sue asked .6.“Let’s buy a new TV,” suggested Brian.Brian suggested that .3Choose a suitable reporting verb. Then complete the sentences using reported speech.1.“I don’t want to volunteer.”She suggested / admitted / offered .2.“Get involved in a social issue.”She suggested / warned / complained .3.“The living conditions are terrible.”We complained / requested / reminded .4.“I want to have a say in this matter.”I insisted / admitted / suggested .5.“Which charities does he support?”They wondered / requested / offered .4Complete the sentences in reported speech.1.“I have never visited France,” Anna complained.Anna complained that .2.“Where will you look for work?” Peter asked.Peter asked me .3.“Let’s study this chapter again,” my friend suggested.My friend suggested that .4.“Take the rubbish out,” Jerry told me.Jerry told me .5.“The baby didn’t sleep well,” the babysitter reported.The babysitter reported that .6.“Are you going to the beach?”They wanted to know if .5Write the sentences in reported speech.1.“How do you get such good marks?” Max wondered.2.“Let’s order pizza,” the children suggested.3.“The race is beginning,” the teacher shouted.4.“John, did you remember to call Brad?” I asked. .6 Complete the sentences in reported speech. Use a suitable reporting verb. Make any necessary changes.1.“I’m not saying another word.”The suspect .2.“Call me if you remember anything.”The detective .3.“I’ll shoot you if you make a noise.”The burglar .4.“Everyone, lie down on the floor!”The bank robber .5.“There have been a lot of burglaries lately.” The police officer .6.“I won’t tell anyone if you let me go.”The victim .7.“Was there anything suspicious about the woman?”The security guard .7 Rewrite the sentences in direct speech.1.Gillian asked if I was hungry then.“ ?” Gillian asked.2.Steven announced that he wasn’t taking the cat to the vet that day.“ ,” said Steven.3.Marge promised to tidy her room the following day.“ ,” said Marge.4.Dean explained that he had been looking after his little sister all day.Dean said, “ .”8 Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.1.“We’ve been painting this room since yesterday,” Elizabeth said.Elizabeth told me .2.“I didn’t walk the dog last night,” I told my father.I admitted .3.“I’ll return your book tomorrow,” Jane said to me.Jane promised .4.“Don’t forget to turn out the lights, Carol,” Michelle said.Michelle reminded Carol .5.“We won’t take part in violent sports,” the boys said.The boys refused .6.“Where can I put this old chair?” she asked me.She asked . .7.“Have you visited the new museum yet?” Gus asked us.Gus wanted to know .8.“I let the birds out of the cage,” Ron said.Ron admitted .9.“Why didn’t you tell me about it last week?” asked my mother.My mother wondered .10.“When are you going to tell me?” his father asked.His father wanted to know . ................

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