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Roman Republic

➢ Geography

o Rome is located on the _____________ of ____________. The Mediterranean Sea provides transportation and food.

o Italy provides _________ _________ and __________ valleys for food and easy communication.


Roman Religious Ideals

2 Romans were ____________, believing in many gods and spirits.

3 Knowledge of the Greek Gods filtered into Roman culture. This is known as cultural diffusion.

4 The Greek God _________ became the almighty Roman God ____________.

5 The Greek Goddess _______ became the Roman Goddess ___________.


Romans Valued Family Ties

7 Roman families were headed by the ____________ ________. The Romans emphasized ___________, ___________, and ___________.

8 Women had many rights and duties in Roman society. She did not, however have the key right, the right to ____________.

9 Officially, the Roman women were expected to remain in the _________________.


➢ Society was Divided Into Classes

o Upper class Romans were known as ______________. These people held nearly all the important ____________ ____________.

o Common framers, artisans, and merchants were known as _____________.

o These two classes were based on ________ alone. The line between the two classes was extremely ___________.


➢ Rome Built a Mighty Army

o Both _____________ and ______________ lead double lives as farmers and _______________ because of the constant threat of ____________.

o All male citizens were required to serve in the army, and no one could hold ____________ ___________ until he served ___________ years as a soldier.


➢ The Roman Republic

o Rome was founded about ______________. Romans founded a new type of government called a _____________. In a republic people chose officials to ____________ them.

o The highest form of government in Rome was the _____________. Senators were wealthy landowners (called __________________.)

o The senators elected two ____________, whose job it was to run the government and command the army.

➢ A Fight with Carthage

o By 270 BC Rome had conquered all of _____________. They went on to control northern ___________ (Carthage), __________ and parts of Asia Minor. But the expansion also led to much corruption.


➢ Julius Caesar

o Caesar came to power in ____________. Under Julius Caesar Rome conquered many lands.

o Caesar also reformed the _____________, founded ____________, and planned ___________________________________.

o Caesar was murdered in 44 BC by a group of Roman ______________ who feared his power and did not want a _________________.



➢ Augustus

o After Julius Caesar died, his grandnephew _______________ (Augustus) took over.

o Augustus ruled with ___________ _____________. This began the period of the _____________ ____________ , during which Rome was ruled by a series of _____________.

o Under Augustus, Rome enjoyed a peaceful period that lasted about ______ years. This was referred to as the ___________ ____________.

o The government maintained ___________, enforced _______, defended the __________ and helped the poor. Many public works projects were conducted, such as _______________, ___________ and roads.


➢ Roman Improvements

o Solid paved roads were built to assist ___________ and ________________ around the empire. Many still exist today.

o Roman aqueducts were incredible works of _______________ and _________________.

o The aqueducts could carry up to _______ million gallons of water to the city of Rome ____________.

o Roman architecture borrowed __________ elements, but made them more grand and heavy.

o Roman architects designed __________ and __________ that would carry great weight.





➢ Cultural Contributions

o Roman poets, historians and philosophers like __________ and ____________ wrote works in ___________ that survive to this day.

o Latin is the root of several ______________ languages.

o _____________ ________________ can also be seen in many places today.

➢ Legal Contributions

o The most valued contribution of the Romans to the world was the ___________ _____________ of written laws.

o The Roman legal system provided ____________ for the empire, ____________ under the law, the right to a defense and to be considered innocent until ____________ ______________.

o The Roman legal system inspired legal principles still _____________ around the world today.

➢ Decline and Fall

o Rome wasn’t built in a day and it took a long time to ____________. Eventually the emperor _______________ divided the empire into ______________ and _______________ empires.

o While the western empire fell into chaos and was invaded, the eastern empire survived as a center of trade and culture and became the _________________ ________________.



What is a Dictator?




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