
PLATFORM GAMES IToday we are going to learn to create a PLATFORM GAME. GAME DESIGN:Traditional platform games like Mario and Donkey Kong are 2D (two dimensional – flat) maze games. The object of the game is to move the Hero through a maze towards an ultimate goal. The maze is made up of two elements, FLOORS to stand on, and LADDERS to climb and descend.GAME ELEMENTS:All platform games have some common elements:MOVING CHARACTERS:HERO – The main character that walks, jumps, shootsBAD GUYS – Protagonist characters that try and foil our heroGAME MAZEPLATFORM – The floors upon which our characters walkLADDERS – The up and down elements that allow our HERO to ascend or descendOk time to get started. “Its on like donkey kong!”4143375154305START A NEW PROJECTOpen a new Games Factory document. File-> NewOr CLICK on the BLANK PAGE ICONSET UP THE FRAME ELEMENTS AND HEROOpen the FRAME. Double click on the frame to open the FRAME EDITORFind your HERO. Look through the LIBRARY files. Any objects or characters found in the LIBRARY can be used to make a Platform Game. Later you will want to use the skills you develop here to make your own design. For today we will be using as our HERO the BABY character found in the LIBRARY found under: Local Library:Games:Characters:Various Characters:BabyBABY Place HERO on frame. Grab the BABY and place it onto your open FRAME.Explore HERO graphics. If you want you can double click on your BABY to explore the graphics properties of this ACTIVE OBJECT. Notice it has animations for STOPPED, WALKING, and DYING. You can try out these animations by choosing them and then hitting the PLAY button.3152775556895Set HERO MOVEMENT. In the PROPERTIES window, assign the BABY’s MOVEMENT TYPE to PLATFORM LOCATE BACKGROUND ELEMENTS. Today we will be using the BACKGROUND ELEMENTS found in: Local Library:Games:Platform:Platformer Pack 2Notice here you have graphics for three different PLATFORM worlds, Crystal World, Desert World, and Alien World. These could represent three different LEVELS of a platform game. For now lets use the OBJECTS found in the CRYSTAL WORLD EXAMPLE folder.CREATE A PLATFORMS Grab the CRYSTAL FLOOR OBJECT and place it on your FRAME. Click on the OBJECT a second time and RESIZE to create a PLATFORM floor that our HERO might walk on. Move the platform to a lower position in the frame. In the PROPERTIES window, under the RUN TIME OPTIONS tab, set the OBSTACLE TYPE for your ice floor to PLATFORMNow RIGHT CLICK on your new ice floor and DUPLICATE it to make one or more additional ice floors for our HERO to walk upon. RESIZE and place these ice floors in the frame at various heights.CREATE A LADDER Grab the CRYSTAL TOWER 1 OBJECT and place it on your FRAME. Click on the OBJECT a second time and RESIZE to create a LADDER that our HERO might climb. Move the LADDER so that it connects two of the PLATFORMS that you have created. In the PROPERTIES window, under the RUN TIME OPTIONS tab, set the OBSTACLE TYPE for your ice ladder to LADDER. SET HERO TO STOP MOVEMENT UPON COLLISION WITH FLOOR Open the EVENT EDITOR. Create a NEW CONDITION for the BABY OBJECT. Using RIGHT CLICK go to: CREATE NEW CONDITION:BABY:COLLISION:BACKDROP.Now as the result of this collision use right click to set the BABY OBJECT:MOMEMENT:STOPCREATE NEW HERO IF LEAVES SCREENOpen the EVENT EDITOR. Create a NEW CONDITION for the BABY OBJECT. Using RIGHT CLICK go to: CREATE NEW CONDITION:BABY: POSITION:TEST POSITION OF “BABY”This brings up this window:Click on the INSIDE WINDOWS to create a condition for the BABY leaving the screen.Now right click on the window underneath the CREAT NEW OBJECT box. Choose CREAT OBJECT. Choose BABY as the object and place her/him in the screen at a good starting place.RUN PROGRAM Click the RUN APPLICATION button to test your program. Take some time to move the OBJECTS around the FRAME to find the best interaction between our HERO and the MAZE of ice floors and ladders.ENHANCE GRAPHICSCHANGE BACKGROUND COLOR OF FRAME Using the STORY BOARD EDITOR, LEFT CLICK on the FRAME. Next in the PROPERTIES WINDOW use the SETTINGS TAB to find the BACKGROUND COLOR option for the FRAME. Set the BACKGROUND COLOR of your FRAME to a nice, cold, overcast blue color.ADDITIONAL GRAPHIC ELEMENTS Many more GRAPHICS for your ice world can be found in other folders in the PLATFORMER OBJECTS section of the LIBRARY. Take a minute to add some stars and other icy additions to our crystal world. How about the Christmas Tree found in: LOCAL LIBRARY:GAMES:PLATFORM: PLATFORMER PACK:CHRISTMAS OBJECTS? ................

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