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|[pic] |IPIARTI 2019 |

| |Universiti Tun HUsseion Onn Malaysia (UTHM), 23 Jun 2019 |

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Image Processing Learning Tool Mobile Application

Low Zu Yi, Suhaila Sari

Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 86400 Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, Johor, MALAYSIA.


Abstract—Nowadays, mobile phone is advanced and multi-function device. The mobile applications can provide users with similar service to those accessed on computer such as for learning purpose. However, the lack of visual demonstration of the image processing concepts and theories by using mobile phone in existing learning platform may lower the learning interest and efficiency among students. Hence, this study proposes the development of the Graphical User Interface (GUI) in mobile phone as learning application to stimulate the interest and learning efficiency in the image processing course among students. First, the GUI will be developed using Android Studio software by applying local image processing library or Open Computer Vision (OpenCV) library. The developed application has run smoothly and compatible with the Android devices.

Keywords—Image processing, learning application, Android, Graphical User Interface


Learning is a process of acquiring new or modifying existing knowledge or skills by a person through studying, practicing and experiences in daily lives. It is a hypothetical construct in which it will relatively change the person’s behavior performance permanently which cannot be directly observed. Nowadays the learning process is divided into two main types, which are conventional learning and E-learning. Conventional learning focuses on face-to-face education in classes while E-learning focuses on online learning tools and interfacing learning platform which integrates the conventional education system with technology-oriented system. Basically, the conventional learning method is a theory-based learning process. On the other hand, the modern learning method is interactive-based, where the technological advances are included in the active learning process of the interactive problem-solving to improve the quality of both teaching and learning.

Image processing learning process can be conducted in both conventional and E-learning ways to ensure the students understand the described algorithms and the respective parameters. Image processing refers to a method to enhance and manipulate the image or to extract the useful information from the respective image by performing some operation on it. Basically, the digital image will be the input and the system will process the image using algorithms to generate the image as an output. The set of efficient algorithms in the operation can be used to enhance, transform, modify as well as filter the selective images. In this digital visual world, image processing has already widely applied in our daily lives. Nowadays, image processing is among one of the rapidly growing technologies with the fast development of the digital computer, electronic technology, and network communication.

Contribution of Media-Based Learning research using Android applications are concluded to increase learners interest, easy to be carried everywhere, cheap and worthy of use as a medium of teaching and learning media [1]. Android Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for developing for the Android platform. It provides the fastest tools for building applications on every type of Android device. The methods to develop mobile image processing learning application for Android platform in Android Studio includes the Java, native code OpenGLES2 or RenderScript language [2]. The OpenCV library is a common library used in image processing applications. It is possible to use this library on Android Studio by adding OpenCV Android Software. The Graphical User Interface (GUI) is a type of user interface which allows users to interact with electronic devices through the intermediate of the visual indicators, graphics and icons compare to command-driven systems. This will also allow the complex systems to be a simple execution processes which are user-friendly. The Android-based teaching material for use in the learning process can provide students with the motivation to learn [3].


In this study, the designed Android GUI application will focus on the syllabus in the image processing course provided in Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (FKEE), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM). The application will act as one of the educational tools in the lecture to assist the learning process. The elements of the proposed image processing mobile learning application is shown in Figure 1. The application provides preset parameters and tunable parameters for certain processing function to enhance a better understanding of users in the image processing course. It also includes theoretical information for the functions as well as the effects of performing selected technique.

[pic]Figure 1. Elements in mobile image processing application

Basically, the Android Studio software, OpenCV library and alhazmy13 GitHub will be used in this study to design an intensive course content of the GUI using mobile device. The Android GUI design will be built using the Android Studio Layout Editor by dragging the UI elements into a visual design editor instead of writing the layout XML by manually. The design editor can preview the layout on different Android devices and versions so that designer can dynamically resize the layout to make sure it works well on different screen sizes. Image processing functions are developed by using local image processing library or OpenCV’s image processing library in Android written in Java part or native part. The example of GUI design in Android platform for image processing learning purpose as shown in Figure 2.


(a) Input image (b) DFT


(c) IHPF (10) (d) IDFT

[pic] [pic]

(e) IHPF (20) (f) Information & theories

Figure 2. Example of the GUI Design in Android Platform for image processing learning purpose

Figure 2 shows an example of ideal high pass filter with a cut-off radius of 10 and an order of filter of 1. If the user clicks the "DFT" button, a frequency domain image spectrum will be produced. Spatial convolution can be performed by element-wise multiplication of the Fourier transform by clicking on the “IHPF” button. An “IDFT” button results an image enhancement with ringing effect in spatial domain, as shown in Figure 2(d). Moreover, user can adjust the parameters to clearly see how the different cut-off radii effect on input image. The larger the cut-off radius of the Ideal high pass filter, more information is removed from the transform, leaving left only the edges of image remains. The output processed image can be compared to the original image by clicking the "RESET" button.


In this study, the Android image processing learning application is developed for the image processing course in FKEE, UTHM. The application has preset parameters and tunable parameters for certain processing function to enhance a better understanding of users in the image processing course.

In conclusion, this study has successfully achieved its goal as the developed Android image processing learning application can form a communication bridge between lecturer and students in Image Processing course. The image processing learning applications can also run smoothly on real Android devices.


1] K. Said, A. Kurniawan, and O. Anton, “Development of media-based learning using Android mobile learning,” Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, vol. 96(3), pp.668-676, 2018.

2] N. Roard, “Efficient image processing on Android - Nicolas Roard” retrieved on August 28, 2018, from

3] A. S. Ahmar and A. Rahman, “Development of teaching material using an Android,” Global Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 19(1), 2017.


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