August: RespectKey Scripture Verse: “Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the king” 1 Peter 2:17Week 1What is Respect?Webster’s Definition: an act of giving particular attention or consideration.Biblical definition: to place a great value or high price on something. To show honor.Devo:Everyone’s family looks different, but there is one thing in common with each family. Can you guess what that is?? The one thing that every family has is someone who is in charge. Whether it is mom and dad, grandparents, or someone else, there is someone that makes the rules and is charge of the family. Are any of you that person who is in charge? Probably not, so that means you have to “submit” to the person in charge. That isn’t always easy because sometimes we don’t agree or like the rules that they make. Have your parents made a rule or a decision that you just didn’t understand, but then later you found out that it really was good for you?The Bible teaches that those in charge are to be obeyed and respected because God has placed them there.1 Peter 2:13-14?says,?“Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right.”Our parents have been put in charge so that they can help us to understand right and wrong and to help us make wise choices. By obeying and respecting our parents, we are protected from making mistakes that could really cost us.Let’s look at three passages from the Bible that will give us three reasons for obeying our parents:Exodus 20:12 “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.” What is the reason this verse gives? It says to obey your parents so that “your days may be long…” God wants us to obey so that we will be able to live a full life with the blessings that he has given. Parents have the wisdom to protect us and guide us in the right direction, away from those costly mistakes.Ephesians 6:1 “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.” What is the reason this verse gives? It says to obey your parents because “it is right.” This is God’s will.? Learning to obey our parents teaches us how to obey God. If we can submit to their authority, then we will be better able to submit to the authority of God.Colossians 3:20 “Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.” What is the reason this verse gives? Obeying our parents is “pleasing to the Lord.” God has a design for everything. The family is designed to have loving parents who encourage and discipline their children. The family is also designed for children to submit and obey their parents. When God sees a family that is operating according to His design, it pleases Him. He is delighted to see what He created working as He planned. God has commanded children to obey their parents.The passages that we read taught us that we should obey because:It helps us to live an abundant life by avoiding costly mistakes. It is God’s commandment. It is pleasing to God. It is not always easy to obey our parents, especially if we don’t understand or just don’t like what they ask us to do.Even if we don’t agree with our parents, the Bible is clear that we should submit to their authority and obey because God has placed them over us to help and protect us. As hard as it may be sometimes, we need to trust God and His commandments.Take away questions to discuss next week:How will you show respect at school and at home?How does respect apply to your life? What are some examples of times you have shown respect or been shown respect?What does respect mean to you? How would you explain it to a friend that didn’t know what it meant?Week 2Review last week’s Devo:Last week we talked about respecting our parents by obeying or “submitting”.We learned that we should obey because It helps us to live an abundant life by avoiding costly mistakes. It is God’s commandment. It is pleasing to God. It is not always easy to obey our parents, especially if we don’t understand or just don’t like what they ask us to do. Even if we don’t agree with our parents, the Bible is clear that we should submit to their authority and obey because God has placed them over us to help and protect us. As hard as it may be sometimes, we need to trust God and His commandmentsReview key scripture verse: “Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the king” 1 Peter 2:17Go over the take away questions from week 1:How will you show respect at school and at home?How does respect apply to your life? What are some examples of times you have shown respect or been shown respect?What does respect mean to you? How would you explain it to a friend that didn’t know what it meant?Team Building exercise:Two Truths and a Lie is the classic icebreaker game in which one attempts to identify which of the three statements is bogus.Have everyone sit in a circle.? Each person prepares three statements about themselves, two of which are true and one which is a lie.? In any order, the person shares the three statements to the entire group.? The object of the game is to figure out which statement is a lie.? The rest of the group votes on each statement, and the person reveals which one is the lie.Variation:??Two Truths and a Dream Wish.? An interesting variation to the classic Two Truths and a Lie icebreaker.??Instead of?stating a lie, a person says something that is not true - yet something that they wish to be true.? For?example, someone that has?never been to Hawaii might?say:? "I have visited Hawaii when I was young."? This interesting spin often leads to unexpected, fascinating?results, as people often share touching wishes about their lives.?Post teambuilding discussion:Was it easy to tell the truths from the lies? How could you tell the difference?This was just a silly game, but is lying something we should do? What if it’s just a little lie? What if we are trying to avoid hurting someone’s feelings?When we lie to someone are we showing them respect?Week 3:As students come in give them a number 1-4. Once everyone has arrived and you are ready to start the meeting have them break into groups per their numbers. (all the 1’s are together, all the 2’s are together etc.) Review from weeks 1 & 2:This month we have been learning about compassion.Week one we learned about the story of Joseph showing his brother compassion even after they were cruel to himWe also discussed how we can show compassion to others at home and at school.Give examples of some things discussedLast week we did an activity that gave us a different way of looking at compassion when student A did all the work so everyone else could get a reward. That is just like what Jesus did for us on the cross.Review key scripture verse: “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32Getting ready for the campus wide meeting:Parent leader(s) passes out poster board for the students to make visual aids for the campus wide meeting next week. Each group will be assigned by the parent leader one of the 4 categories:Definitions (Webster and biblical)What does compassion mean to me How can I show compassion to others?How can we show compassion in our school?The student that invited the guest speaker will be the one to introduce them at the campus wide meeting but will still work with one of the 4 groups listed above. Each group will create a poster according to what they have been assigned and will decide amongst themselves which of them will share/present at the campus wide meeting.Practice:Have the students that were selected from each group practice presenting to the group. Do not send posters home with the students just in case one of them is unable to make it to the campus wide meeting next weekBe sure to encourage the students that will be presenting to practice over the next week. ................

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