What are viruses?A virus is considered a ____________- an organism that lives off of and harms another organism.? The cell in which a virus lives is called the __________. They are _______ living things. Viruses are considered non-living because they do not use __________ to grow or to _________ to their surroundings.?Viruses only do one thing living things do – they___________, but they are incapable of reproducing on their own, without a host.They are very, very small. Much smaller than ____________.Viruses are so small that they cannot be seen with the type of microscopes found in most high schools.? Instead, scientists must use __________ microscopes to view viruses.? Viruses are much smaller than the cells they infect. Viruses can infect almost _________ living thing (all of the kingdoms), but each virus can only infect a few types of _______ in only a few specific_________.Naming VirusesViruses are not named like living organisms using binomial nomenclature.? Often, a virus is named after the _________ it causes.? Some viruses are named after the person(s) who discovered them. 47339254826000Structure of VirusesAll viruses have two basic parts:? an outer _______ (head) and an _______ core. The outer coat provides __________ for the virus.? The coat is made of _________, and each virus has a unique protein that makes up its coat.? The coat plays an important role in a virus' ability to ________ to and infect its host cell.? The coat is what determines what type of cells the virus is able to invade. The inner core is made up of a virus' __________ material.? It is this genetic material that holds the ____________ for making more viruses. The tail fibers assist the virus when it __________ itself to a host cell and inserts its genetic materials into the host cell. Virus ReproductionDiseases Caused by Viruses____________Chicken PoxCommon Cold___________EbolaHepatitis________MeaslesMeningitis______________Norwalk Virus________RotavirusWest Nile___________Treatments______________ don’t work against viral infections._________________ help prevent some viral infections.Most vaccines ______ the body into thinking it has been infected with a virus.The body releases its own natural __________ to fight off the phony viral infection.The body is then on “alert”. It will __________ and fight off the virus if it really enters the body.Bacteria BasicsWhere are bacteria found?Most bacteria like a _______ , dark, and _______ environment.They are found almost everywhere:-________-air-______________-soil-_______ the body - skin-on most ________406717510223500Reproduction of BacteriaThe time of reproduction depends on how desirable the __________ areBacteria can rapidly ___________ themselves in warm, _______, and moist conditionsSome can reproduce every __ minutes (one bacteria could be an ancestor to one million bacteria in six hours) Bacteria Survival__________- 421957546228000a thick walled, ____________ structure that forms inside the cell when conditions are unfavorable for ___________ (like a force field) The endospore encloses all the ___________ materials and some cytoplasmThis means bacteria can withstand ________, freezing, and extremely ______ conditionsThe endospore allows the bacteria to survive for many years.The Good GuysMost bacteria are ________ or useful.Some help you to ________ food, make ___________ for you, or prevent harmful bacteria from making you _______.Bacteria are used in making the following foods:__________ Yogurt__________Sour cream________ ciderSourdough _________________1552575-100774500_________Sauerkraut_________34290078486000Vinegar3143250366395003143255143500The Bad GuysSome bacteria cause food to ________.The ___________ they produce spoil the food.475297536385500300418545910500Since bacteria reproduce better in _________ temperatures, you must keep food ________, that is why we use refrigerators.Controlling Bacteria3 ways to control bacteria:1) ______________2) Pasteurization3) _______________1. Canning--the process of ____________ food in airtight cans or jars removes _________, destroys ___________, prevents the growth of undesirable bacteria, yeasts, and ________2. Pasteurization--the process of ____________ a beverage or other food, such as _______, in order to kill microorganisms that could cause ___________, spoilage, or undesired _______________3. Dehydration--removing ________ from food; bacteria can’t grow when _________ is removed. (Remember: Bacteria are ________ things. Water is one of the _________ of all living things.)Harmful Bacteriasome bacteria cause ___________________________ can pass diseases to humans___________________ disease – a disease passed from one organism to anotherThis can happen in several ways:_______Touching clothing, _________, silverware, or a _________________Drinking ________ that contains bacteriaTreatments ____________ help prevent some bacterial infections._______________________ such as Amoxicillin help to cure bacterial infections Antibiotic ________________________ and sprays kill bacteria in cuts and scrapesControlling Bacteria: Antiseptics vs. Disinfectants_______________ chemicals that kill bacteria on living things; means – “___________ infection”Examples: iodine, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol,__________, mouthwash_______________ stronger chemicals that __________ bacteria on objects or nonliving thingsDiseaseScientific NameContracted throughFood _________________SalmonellaEscherichia coli (E coli)Contaminated eggs, poultry, meat Contaminated food, especially undercooked ground beef__________ diseaseBorrelia burgdorferibite of infected blacklegged (or deer) ticksTetanus (____________)Clostridium tetanifound in soilTuberculosis (____)Mycobacterium tuberculosisbreathing infected airStrep ___________Streptococcus pyogenesclose contact with the saliva or nasal secretions from an infected individual, typically in the form of airborne respiratory dropletsBacteria are classified by shape into 3 groups:______________________________________________________________________________ ................

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