The Official Girlfriend Application - SoCalTundras

The Official Girlfriend Application

This application must be filled out in its entirety in order to be considered for the position that you are applying.

Photographs or other attached documents may sway my opinion one way or the other; feel free to attach anything

you think may help you gain this position. Keep in mind that you must be completely honest while filling out this

form. Your answers will be checked through Google, Myspace, Facebook, and other methods I deem necessary.

Any false information gives me the right to immediately void your application.

Section 1: The Basics

Full Name ____________________________________________________________




Current Residence ______________________________________________________


Nickname _______________

Eye Color ______

Height ______



Age _____

Natural Hair Color __________

Weight (Circle One) 100 & 175

Section 2: Contact Information

Home Phone ____________________

Cell Phone _____________________

IM Name (Please specify service, AIM preferred) _____________________

Email __________________________

Section 3: The Deal Breakers

Yes No

Are you or have you ever been a man?

Do you smoke and/or use other tobacco products?

Do you drink heavily on a regular basis?

Do you use any illegal substances?

Do you have any tattoos?

Do you whistle on a regular basis?

Would any of your actions with previous boyfriends be considered not ¡°Beth

Justin Approved¡±?

Disregarding your ears, do you have any piercings?

Regarding your ears, are they gauged larger than 1/16th of an inch and/or

might they set off metal detectors at airports or government buildings?

Have you ever been convicted of anything by a court of law?

If you answered ¡°Yes¡± to any of the previous questions, you may stop filling

out the application now as we are not currently interested in your services.


Section 4: Getting to Know You

Current Level of Education (Circle One) High School Some College College Graduate

What is your religious affiliation? _________________________________________________

What is your political persuasion? _________________________________________________

Could you explain what said persuasion stands for?

Do you have any siblings?





If yes, list their names and ages. ____________________________________________

What¡¯s your all-time favorite movie? ______________________________________________

I¡¯ve seen: (Circle all that apply) The Matrix Trilogy


All 6 Star Wars

Any season of Red vs. Blue

Are you easily distracted by shiny things? Y


List your 2 favorite musical genres. _______________________________________________

Favorite sport and team (If any) __________________________________________________

Do you ski / snowboard or would you be willing to learn? Y

Do you currently have a source of income? Y



If yes, what is it? ________________________________________________________

Your thoughts on time travel? ____________________________________________________

Would the word ¡°expressive¡± describe your face? Y


Section 5: Short Answer

Describe yourself using three to four adjectives and zero to one noun.


What is your idea of a perfect date, in three sentences or less?




What characteristics of mine led you to apply for this position?



Explain why I should pick you as my girlfriend in one sentence.


List any special skills you have that may be relevant to this position.




Section 6: Relationship Background

List the details of your past three relationships, starting with the most recent.

Name of Boyfriend:

Start Date:

End Date:

Were you the: (Circle one) Dumper Dumpee

Reason for breakup:

Name of Boyfriend:

Start Date:

End Date:

Were you the: (Circle one) Dumper Dumpee

Reason for breakup:

Name of Boyfriend:

Start Date:

End Date:

Were you the: (Circle one) Dumper Dumpee

Reason for breakup:

Section 7: References

Please Supply three references and their contact information (Phone, IM, and/or Email).




Section 8: Certification

I hereby certify that the information given by me in this application is true to the best of my

knowledge, and I give you the authorization to verify it using any means deemed appropriate. I

understand that filling out this form and submitting it for review does not guarantee that I will

be chosen. I also understand that my information will not be released to independent 3rd parties

and will only be viewed by the final judge(s).

Date: _____________

Applicant Signature: __________________________________

Please return to your completed application to me by any means deemed convenient.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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