Dr. John F. Loase

E-Mail splurge47@

358 Lake Shore Drive (914) 610-8651

Pleasantville, NY 10570


Principal Investigator National Science Foundation Program Mathematical (Statistical) Modeling

Statistical Consultant Westchester County Department of Transportation , Green Bus Lines Brooklyn, Asbestos Litigation

College of Human Services - Author (Statistical Curriculum )

Adjunct Associate Professor - Doctoral Advanced Statistics NYU

Adjunct Professor / Mentor Five Masters Theses- Graduate Statistical Modeling Iona College

Over 40 publications, including twelve published books. The most recent Statistical Modeling with SPSS, COMAP website, 2016.

-Harlem Promise Academy, Seminar “How to Excel in School” (Voluntary Outreach)

-Yonkers Public High Schools, Seminars, “How to Excel in College” (Voluntary Outreach)

-New York State “Gear Up” (Triad Evaluation invented by Dr. John Loase and Dr. Teresa Piliouras-Statistical, Qualitative and Data Mining Analysis)

Only Joint Doctorate in Mathematics (emphasis Statistics) and Psychology (Measurement, Research, and Evaluation) Ever Awarded- Columbia University Teachers College.


Adjunct Lecturer Fall 2019, Intermediate Statistics, Fordham University.

-Professor / Chair of Mathematics (2002 – 2018 Ret.) Concordia College, – Innovated 21 credit sequence to prepare students for graduate school in Mathematical Statistics at Columbia or SUNY Stonybrook or Mathematics Education at Columbia Teachers College. . The sequence was Probability and Statistics, Calculus 1, 2, and 3, Linear Algebra, Probability (Calculus Based), Statistical Inference (Calculus Based), C++ Mathematical Programming, and Capstone Statistical Modeling (using my text Statistical Modeling with SPSS, published on COMAP’website). Taught all except Mathematical Programming.

Taught as well Advanced Calculus and Number Theory. Coached Mathematical Modeling team, winning “Meritorious ”twice , Performed at the level of Harvard, Stanford, Princeton, MIT, Duke and U. of California, Berkeley .

Concordia College- Nehemiah Award- Recognition of Innovating the 21 Credit Sequence of Mathematical Statistics.

Staffed, planned , and evaluated all mathematics courses. Extremely high rate of student success in all math courses - a national model (highlighted in Focus, 2007, 2009, and The Conversation recently accepted for 2019 publication ).

-Professor of Mathematics, SUNY- Westchester Community College –

Emphasis: Interdisciplinary Statistics, Intermediate/Advanced Statistics, Mathematical Modeling, Calculus I –IV. Innovated six courses/ programs including Linear Algebra, Numerical Analysis, Individualized Basic Concepts of Mathematics, Individualized Computational Skills, Mathematical Modeling.

Coached Mathematical Modeling Team- Performed at Meritorious (above Harvard) in the International Contest in Mathematical Modeling –

National Science Foundation Principal Investigator Mathematical (Statistical) Modeling

SUNY Chancellor Award Excellence in Teaching.

University of Texas-Austin National Teaching Excellence Award.

SUNY Westchester Foundation Award Excellence in Scholarship.

Faculty Co-Director NY State Sex Equity Grant

Nominated Case United States Professor of the Year

.-Graduate Faculty: -Adj. Associate Professor – New York University, Advanced Statistics. Taught doctoral students and co-presented with 2 students at University of California, Berkeley and Sonoma State University.

Adjunct Professor- Iona College, Mathematical Modeling, Educational Computing, mentor for four masters theses.


-Joint Doctorate – first and last such interdisciplinary doctorate awarded – Columbia University, Teachers College - Emphasis on Mathematics, Statistics/Educational and Psychological Measurement – Drs. R. Wolf and B. Vogeli, Mentors

-3 Masters Degrees: Mathematics and Counseling Psychology – Manhattan College

Mathematics, Psychometrics, and Statistics – Columbia University Teachers College

-School Psychologist – Permanent Certification – College of New Rochelle

School Counseling and Secondary Mathematics –Permanent Certification


1. Statistical Modeling with SPSS, Sponsored by National Science Foundation grant 9155966, COMAP, 2016.

2. The Power of Uncertainty , sponsored by Concordia College sabbatical. Sunbury Press , 2014.

3. Statistics Made Easy, The Graduate Group , 2009.

4. The Sigfluence Generation , AEG Publishing, 2009, Second place Benjamin Franklin National Book Award-non-fiction, 2011.

5. “How to Excel at Math Transformation”, Mathematical Association of America, Focus, April 2009.

6. The Positive Influence Generation-Our College Students’ Beliefs Toward Money and Meaning, University Press of America, 2007.

7. “A Variation on the Hardy- Ramanujan Partition Function”, College Mathematics Jl., Sept. 200

8. 5.

9. Response to “One University Under God”, Chronicle of Higher Education, Feb. 2005.

10. “Why Study Math? ”, Education Outlook, The Journal News, Jan. 2006.

11. International Mathematical Modeling Contest Interview, (Irena Stern) New York Times, May 2, 2004.

12. Theory and Measurement of Sigfluence, University Press of America, 2002.

13. Our Neglect, Denial, and Fear, Nova Science, 2000.

14. Response to Philanthropy Issue-Barron’s, 2000.

15. Sigfluence, BlueBird Publishing, 1997.

16. Sigfluence: The Key to It’s A Wonderful Life, University Press of America, 1996.

17. Sigfluence: Long-Term, Positive influence, University Press of America, 1994.

18. “ A Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Sigfluence”, Mathematical Modeling, Pergamon Press, 1995, (invited article by editor Dr. X. Avula).

19. “ Interdisciplinary Statistics”, Inquiry, Fall 1991.

20. “Can a polynomial function with whole number exponents, integer coefficients, and domain natural numbers map to the infinite decimal expansion of any irrational (mod k), k a whole number?”, Proposed and solved by Loase and several others, College Mathematics Journal, Fall 1990.

21. “Dependent Random Variables and the Central Limit Theorem”, International Jl. Of Mathematical Modeling, Fall 1989.

22. Three Manuals for the Integration of Mathematics and Statistics into the College Curriculum, Consulting for College of Human Services, 1985-88.

23. Three Sex Equity Brochures written under New York State Grant to increase female participation in advanced mathematics (J. Loase-author).1987-89.

24. Enduring Positive Influence, Peter Lang University Studies Series, 1988.

25. “Certain Mathematical, Statistical, Logical, and Philosophical Issues at the Foundation of Mathematical Modeling”, Mathematical Modeling in Science and Technology, Pergamon Press, 1987.

26. “Toward a Joint Disciplinary Validation of Sigfluence”, Mathematical Modeling in Science and Technology, Pergamon Press, 1987.

27. “Task Force Report on Strategies to Address Poverty in New York State” , (Chair-J.Loase), American School Counselor, Fall 1989.

28. “A Novel Solution to Higher Order Differential Equations-The Li Ke Method”, Math Teachers’ Jl., Fall 1989.

29. “An Alternative to Computer-Assisted Instruction”, Communicator, June, 1987.

30. “On Radian Measure”, Math Teachers’ Jl., Feb.1987.

31. “Pure Thought in Its Relation to the Computer”, invited article that led to editorship-Thought, Fall 1986.

32. “Responsibility Training”, The American School Board Jl., 1984.

33. “Sigfluence”, The Counselor, Fall 1985.

34. “Math for the 80s”, Curriculum Review, May 1983.

35. “Mathematics for Computer Science”, Math Teachers’ Jl., 1984.

36. “Extrasensory Probability”, Mathematics Teacher, Feb.1976.

37. ‘Response to the Adirondack Park Proposal-Year 2000’, Adirondack Daily Enterprise, August 1991.

38. Sigfluence-One of two Neologisms Emerging from Harvard’s 1984 International conference on Thinking,. New York Times, Aug. 27, 1984.

39. “Keep the Lake Level”, Adirondack Daily Enterprise, Aug. 1985.

40. “Does √2 Truly Exist”, American Mathematical Society Abstract (led to an invitation for Loase to deliver the Bertrand Russell Lecture at the Canadian Learned Societies’ Annual Conference) , Fall 1986.

41. “ Statistical Dependence and the Central Limit Theorem”, American Mathematical Society Abstract, Fall 1986.


Yonkers High School- Guidance Counselor-Grades 9-College Counseling -Innovated Programs for Academically Talented, Focused on dropout prevention, and Innovated Computerized Guidance.

Hawthorne Jr. H. S. Guidance Counselor and Mathematics Teacher –Grades 6-8- Innovated Responsibility Training Program for repeaters in grade, which was highlighted in The American School Board Journal.

Saunders High School –Mathematics Teacher.

Horace Mann High School- Mathematics Teacher and Baseball Coach

CUNY-Baruch-Adjunct Counselor, Mathematics Professor, and Consultant.

President (NY) American Association for Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development.

Vice President- New York State Counselor’s Association.


-36 lectures and workshops on Advanced Statistics, Mathematical Modeling, The Triad (a partnership among data mining, all levels of statistical tests, and qualitative study), Outreach to Economically Disadvantaged High Schools, and Sigfluence (my new word for significant, long-term, positive influence)

Two seminars and mini-courses on Mathematical Modeling organized for college and university faculty to innovate courses and training in Mathematical Modeling at both the International Congress of Mathematics and International Conferences on Mathematical Modeling- U of California- Berkeley. I organized both mini course and interdisciplinary two hour panel as PI of the NSF grant Mathematical Modeling.

Radio Hour Interview, The Advocates, from Orlando, Florida on my latest book, The Power of Uncertainty: A Case for the Liberal Arts , February, 2016, archived under The Advocates, host Richard Garfunkel..

Four ninety minute inspirational seminars, How to Excel in College, at underserved high schools , including Martin Luther HS, Our Savior HS, Riverside HS and the Montessori HS in Yonkers- 2015-2016.

International Consortium of Social Science and Behavioral Research, “The Spiritual Generation: Our Young People’s Potential to Transform America”, Atlantic City, April, 2014.

Mt Vernon High School, “How to Excel in College”, 9th graders and seniors separate seminars, Fall 2013.

Our Savior Lutheran HS, “How to Excel in College”, Seminar for 11th and 12th graders, Fall 2013.

Harlem Promise Academy, “How to Excel in School”, 2009.

MAA Northeast Conference, “How to Excel at Math Transformation”, Fairfield University, June 2009.

Yonkers High Schools, “How to Excel in College”’ 3 Outreach Seminars 2008-09.

International Conference on Health Policy-Jan. 2007-The Positive Influence Generation.

-Triad Workshop –Annual Conference of the Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges, Iona College October 2005 delivered in partnership with Dr. Teresa Piliouras

( data mining expert) and Prof. Anita Cook, Director of N.Y. State Gear Up.

-National Marketing Convention – May 2004, New York City – TRIAD Workshop (a model employing data mining, mathematical modeling, statistics and focus groups) delivered with Dr. T. Piliouras.

-Sigfluence Seminars and Workshops (Sigfluence is my new word to define significant, long-term, positive influence. Sigfluence was the focus of my first eight books released by both university and trade publishers).

Harvard’s International Conference on Health Policy Research, ;

International Conference on Thinking, Harvard, ;

University of California, Berkeley’s International Conferences on Mathematical Modeling, ;

Clark University’s International Conference on Theoretical Psychology, ;

Faculty and Administration Workshop CUNY – John Jay,

National Mensa, , SUNY – Westchester Community College , ; Sonoma State, International Conference on Critical Thinking, .


-American Association for Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, Past President, New York State

-Thought – Consultant Editor (Fordham University)

-Chair – Task Force on Poverty in New York State (Commissioned by NYSSCA – branch of American Association for Counseling and Development).

Past Vice President New York State Counselor’s Association

-American Statistical Association

-New York Academy of Sciences

-Mathematical Association of America

-Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics

-American Psychological Association –Divisions: Measurement and Humanistic Psychology


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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