LESSON # 50 (9-9-04)

II Cor. 5:1

1. To introduce this chapter, let’s go to Job 5:19.

2. For we know, OIDA (οιδα) v. rai. It is extremely important that we know not only what this verse reveals but the entire realm of doctrine in order to be winners rather than losers in life.

3. Earthly tent refers to our bodies. You will note that a tent is a temporary dwelling. The earthly tent or body is the house for the soul and spirit.

4. Torn down refers to physical death. In the Greek it is KATALUO (καταλυω). aps, KATA - down, LUO - to loosen, to untie, to dissolve, the breaking up of a journey. The tent is broken down when the supports are loosened. When the soul and the spirit are loosened from the body, the body dissolves.

5. The subjunctive mood of kataluo is used because not everyone will experience physical death. Those who are alive when Jesus Christ returns for His bride will not die physically.

6. We have, ECHO (εχο) v. pai, means we keep on having; a building, OIKODOME (οικοδινη). This is the word for a permanent structure.

7. This new building refers to the resurrection body which is not made with hands meaning that God will construct it to be perfect so that it lasts forever. It will be designed to live and to abide in the heavens.

II Cor. 5:2

1. There is a pattern of repeating words in this section of scripture: to know, vs 1 & 6; we groan, vs. 2 & 4 to be clothed, vs 2 & 4; good courage / being confident, vs 6 & 8. This is a way to teach by progressive repetition. It all starts with knowing doctrine. We know something about Phase II which includes groaning. We know something about Phase III which includes being clothed which means there will be no more groaning. Therefore, because we know these things, we have good courage or confidence.

2. It is true that we all groan from time to time because of the aches and pains of our bodies. But this is referring mainly to the groans of the soul which include insecurity, anxiety, fear, and worry.

3. We keep on longing to be clothed, EPENDUO (επενδυο) f. am, to put on over something. The resurrection body will be put on over the soul and spirit just as a robe is put over a body.

4. There is a difference between longing to be in the Rapture because of the fear of death, because life has become undesirable, or because of a multitude of bad decisions, and longing for the Rapture because we greatly anticipate being with Christ and loved ones. One is legitimate and one is not.

LESSON # 51 (9-14-04)

5. Dwelling from heaven - Some translations say, with our heavenly dwelling. One cannot put on a dwelling or house from heaven, but the soul can be clothed with or encapsulated with an eternal covering or a resurrection body that is fit for heaven.

II Cor. 5:3

1. NAS - inasmuch as we, having put it on

KJV - if so be that being clothed

NIV - because when we are clothed

2. What does the phrase, shall not be found naked, mean? Does it mean that if we die before the Rapture, we will be disembodied while our souls and spirits float around in heaven? Does it mean that our souls and spirits go into a dormant mode with no consciousness until we receive our resurrected bodies? The answer is NO!


1. If someone told you that there are verses in the Bible that say that there is no difference between what happens to an animal and a person when they die, would you believe them? Eccl. 3:18-22, Eccl. 9:1-6, Ezek. 18:1-4 & 20.

2. Gen.35:18 - And it came about as her Rachel’s soul was departing [for she had died] I Kings 17:21.

3. I Sam.28:14 -19, vs.15 - Then Samuel said to Saul, “Why have you disturbed me by bringing me up?”

4. Matt 17:3 - And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them. . .

5. Matt.22:32 - I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.

6. Luke 16:19-31 - Lazarus and the rich man. . . Notice that the soul never sleeps; only the body sleeps in the grave. The soul can see and recognize people after death. The rich man had no problem recognizing Lazarus who had been flung at his gate. This teaches the important principle that we will be able to see and recognize others beyond the grave. Furthermore, we continue to think and communicate after death. From this we might conclude that there is an interim body after death.

7. Luke 23:43 - And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.

8. John 11:25, Job 19:25-26, Phil. 3:21 (this one is probably referring to the resurrection body).

9. Phil.1:20-24 - I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now, as always, Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. 21) For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. 22) If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? 23) I do not know! I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; 24) but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body.

10.Rev. 6:9 - And when he broke the fifth seal, I saw underneath the alter the souls of those who had been slain . . .

LESSON # 52 (9-16-04)

11. So God provides everything we need whether we are living in these tents, in interim bodies, or in our resurrection bodies. There is nothing wrong with being naked before God. Adam and Eve were naked before God and that was fine.

12. Being naked, or being in an interim body does not mean that there will be any unpleasantness or that we will be lacking anything. We will be in a wonderful temporary state until the next event of God’s plan unfolds which will be the Rapture.

II Cor. 5:4

Again the fact that we groan in our present bodies is mentioned because we keep on being burdened. To be unclothed is a reference to being out of the physical body or dead. Paul was not afraid to die nor did he dread death. He is simply stating a preference that he would rather go from his physical body to his resurrection body.

2. The human body is mortal, meaning it is subject to death. The soul is immortal and not subject to death. What is mortal may be swallowed up by life, refers to the human body being changed instantly into the resurrection body when Christ returns, I Thes. 4:13.

3. When we die, we are instantly face to face with our Lord Jesus Christ in heaven, so it will be absolutely wonderful no matter what form it takes. Remember when Paul was taken up to the third heaven, he didn’t even know if he was in or out of his body because, evidently, it really doesn’t matter, II Cor. 12:2.

II Cor. 5:5

1. God has prepared us for this purpose. What purpose? To receive a resurrection body. When did He prepare us? At salvation. How did He prepare us? He gave us eternal life, imputed +R, and gave us the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

2. A pledge is a down payment. God gave us the indwelling of the Holy Spirit as a down payment for what we will have which is a resurrection body. The KJV says that the Spirit is given as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.

LESSON # 53 (9-21-04)

II Cor. 5:6

Therefore, with all that has been stated above in mind,

2. being always of good courage or we always keep on being confident.

3. Where does confidence come from? The next two words tell us, and knowing

4. Confident, THARREO (θαρρεω) pt. pa, to be confident, courageous.

5. Knowing, OIDA (οιδα) pt. ra, to know, to be aware of, to have knowledge. These two words are married; confidence cannot be separated from knowledge. The perfect tense means that the doctrine we have learned produces confidence in the present.

6. It is nearly impossible to overstate the importance of these two words in the life of the believer. There can be no peace, stability, production, momentum, or impact without them.

II Cor. 5:7

1. This is a parenthetical phrase. Rom.8: 18-24 is a parallel passage.

LESSON # 54 (9-23-04)

2. Doctrine of Walking:

1. The N.T. speaks of two kinds of walking:

a. Literal walking as a means of locomotion by means of physical energy.

b. Spiritual walking which is the modus operandi of C.A. believers executing God’s plan through spiritual energy or power.

2. We believers are commanded to walk in a certain way:

Rom.6:4 - Therefore, we have been buried with Him through baptism [of Holy Spirit], in order that as Christ has been raised from the dead, so that we too might walk in newness of life.

Gal.5:16 - This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh.

Gal.5:25 - If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

Eph.5:2 - and walk in love, even as Christ also loved you, and gave himself up for us…

Eph.2:10 - For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

Eph.4:1-2 - I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, continue to encourage you to walk in a manner worthy of your station in life [as royal family of God] into which you have been called with all humility and true sensitivity with perserverence, tolerate one another by jeans of virtue-love.

Eph. 4:17 - This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye no longer walk as the Gentiles also walk, in the vanity of their mind,

Eph. 5:8 - For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light:

Eph 5:15 - Look therefore carefully how ye walk, not as unwise, but as wise;

Col.2:6 - As you have received Christ Jesus to yourselves, so keep walking by means of Him. We received Christ by faith; so now, we walk by faith.

1 John 2:6 – The person who says he abides in Him, he himself ought to keep walking in the same manner as He walked.

1 John 1:7 - If we keep walking in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, cleanses us from all sin

3 John 4 - I was very pleased because I discovered that some of your children keep walking by means of doctrine even as we have received a mandate from the Father.

Col. 1: 9-10 and I Thes. 4:1 (READ)

All of these mandates to keep walking are commands to advance through the floors of the Divine Domain. How is that accomplished? By nourishing our soul with B.D.every day.

3. Negative walking, the other side of the coin:

Phil.3:18-19 - For many [believers] keep walking, concerning whom I have often told you, even weeping, that they are enemies of the cross of Christ. Whose termination is destruction [the sin unto death], whose God is their emotions, whose fame comes by means of dishonor, who keep on thinking about earthly things.

Other verses: John 11: 9-10, I Cor. 3:3, Eph. 4:17, I John 4:6

4. We either advance in our spiritual walk through the floors of the Divine Domain and become winners, or we retreat in our spiritual life as losers because of languishing in the Cosmic Compound.

5. The normal Greek word for walking is PERIPATEO (peripatew), but there is a similar word STOICHEO that means to march in step, to march in rank, to walk in agreement with, to function in a system, to follow a leader from the ranks. It is used in the New Testament primarily for functioning in a system and advancing in that system to spiritual maturity.

Rom. 4:12 - And [Abraham is] the pattern/father of circumcism absolutely not only to those [who are of the pattern] from circumcism [Jews], but also to those who advance [stoicheo] in the ranks from the source of doctrine [pistis - passive tense] like our ancestor/father/pattern Abraham in uncircumcism [as Abraham did as a gentile].

II Cor. 5:8

1. This verse is actually a continuation of what was stated in verse 6, so it reiterates the thought by bringing up the issue of confidence or good courage.

2. The Greek infinitive ENDEMEO used with the Greek prepositional phrase, PROS, plus the accusative of relationship from the noun, KURIOS, means to be present, face to face with the Lord. After death, we are said to be "face to face with the Lord.” Apparently, the soul also has a face as well as the body and we have an interim body while waiting for our resurrection body. The soul in the body is invisible, but real, while the soul in eternity is visible and real.

3. The way that you face death will be influenced by whether you believe you will be face to face with Jesus Christ the moment you die. It is God’s decision as to when He creates our soul and imputes it to biological life, upon exiting the womb, and it is also His decision as to when our souls and spirits exit our bodies.

Eccl.12:7 - Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.

4. This verse has nothing at all to do with suicide. Paul and his team had the capacity to live life to the fullest and they did not have a death wish. The reality of the fact that they would be face to face with Jesus Christ overshadowed their desire to cling to this life with all of its worries and woes.

LESSON # 55 (9-28-04)

II Cor. 5:9

2 Cor.5:9 - Wherefore we labor, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him. KJV

2 Cor.5:9 – Therefore also we have as our ambition, whether at home or absent, to be pleasing to him..

PHILOTIMEOMAI (φιλοτιεομαι) v. pmi, is is a compound verb, PHILO = love, and TIMEOMAI = to consider something to be an honor or a privelege. It should be translated:

We consider it the highest honor to keep on being well pleasing to God, whether at home or absent.

1. When you love God, your desire is to please Him. Living a life that is well-pleasing is not drudgery, boring, or tiresome. When our thinking is based on Bible doctrine, then we are living a life that is pleasing to God.

2. If you don’t love God, then you don’t care whether you please Him or not. You are more interested in pleasing yourself, and God is, for the most part, ignored.

II Cor. 5:10

1. Heb.9:27 - And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.

2 There is a judgment for believers that is called the Judgment Seat of Christ, and there is a judgment for unbelievers that is called the Great White Thrown.

3. Both are future. The JSC will take place immediately following the Rapture, and the GWT will occur at the end of the Millennium.


5. The JSC will be for all Church Age believers only who will have just received their resurrection bodies at the moment of the Rapture. The JSC is where they will be evaluated to determine whether they will receive rewards and decorations or whether they will be embarrassed.

6. The JSC is also taught in Rom. 14:10, I Cor. 3:11-16, & Heb. 6:7-12.

7. We do not have a choice; we will all be there. Many believers would just as soon sit this one out, but We all must appear. The Greek word for appear is in the passive voice, meaning that we will be acted upon in order to be there.

8. That each one may be recompensed means that groups of people will not be evaluated together, but each of us will be evaluated on an individual basis according to what we have done in our physical bodies here on earth.

9. So what we have done will be evaluated to determine if it was divine good or bad. Bad is a horrible translation! The Greek word is PHAULOS (φαυλοs), worthless, paltry, slight, trivia. It does not

refer to sin but to human good !

10. We have nothing within ourselves that can please God other than positive volition and faith. He has given us the H.S. and doctrine so what we are able to please Him.

LESSON # 56 (9-30-04) Cor. 5:11

C.T. – Since we know what causes the fear of the Lord, we keep on persuading people, and we are made manifest to God, and I hope that we are made manifest also in your conscience.

1. Do you know what it is that causes people to fear the Lord? IGNORANCE OF GRACE ! People do not know the gospel because they don’t know God or Bible doctrine. They have a preconceived idea that both God and the Bible are unpleasant when in reality, the most wonderful-person-ever wants to hand them absolutely everything on a silver platter.

LESSON # 57 (10-5-04)

2. We keep on persuading people. . . What does that mean? Does it mean to argue someone into submission? Does it mean to beg or plead with someone? Does it mean that we do not

take “no” for an answer and we continue to persuade whether they are interested or not?

3. None of the above. It means to impart truth to people; give them accurate doctrinal information.

4. Since neither KERUSSO [preach] nor DIDASKALIA [teach] are used, we can safely say that this activity is not limited to pastors, evangelists, and missionaries only. Every believer is responsible for persuading people, or it could be better worded, “giving them doctrine”.

5. A good salesman knows a lot about persuasion. He knows that he is much more effective

at persuading others by asking questions than by reciting facts.

6. But we are made manifest to God. . . We don’t have to keep notes or remind God of the people to whom we have witnessed or imparted doctrinal truths. He is fully aware of what we do and will never forget our expressions of love and obedience directed towards Him.

7. Our motivation must not be from approbation lust that tries to impress God or others with witnessing and encouraging others to learn His Word. It is natural to talk about someone you love, so believers who love the Lord naturally like to talk about Bible doctrine.

8. The Greek word for hope in this verse is the Greek word ELPIZO and does not have the

same force or confidence that ELPIS has. Paul wasn’t completely confident that the doctrine

he had imparted to others would be accepted and remembered in the way that his efforts were accepted and remembered by God.

9. In other words, he wasn’t sure that people would get it, but he was absolutely sure that God always gets it.

II Cor. 5:12

1. There was also nearly always someone in the church who would accuse Paul of bragging about himself. He had to insert this thought in order for them to understand that this wasn’t about him, that he wasn’t making himself the issue.

2. He was giving them the opportunity to shine because of the information he was giving. He was also giving them the knowledge of what to say to legalists in Corinth bragging about how many they witnessed to and then accuse them of not having converts since they were not bragging.

LESSON # 58 (10-7-04)

II Cor. 5:13

C.T. - For if we are exuberant, even emotional toward God [category one appreciation - Love for God], and we are, or if we keep on being discrete, having a stabilized mentality [relaxed mental attitude toward others, no mental attitude sins], and we do, it is for your benefit.

1. There may be times in your life when others think that you are crazy for being so excited about Bible doctrine or think that you are overzealous in your pursuit of truth, but that is OK. There is nothing wrong with emotions when they are responding to what is in your soul; it is when they take over that problems arise.

2. Acts 26:24, Festus said to Paul, You are beside yourself; your much learning has made you mad.

3. The Corinthians had no capacity to appreciate Paul and the doctrine that he taught, so he had little or no rapport with them. How you feel about the one who is teaching Bible doctrine is of no consequence; it is the message, not the man, that matters!

II Cor. 5:14

1. John 1:14-17, Heb. 13:9, Eph. 3:8, 4:7

2. Bible doctrine is converted to grace orientation and a grace attitude toward others.

3. SUNECHEO (συνεχεω) v. pai to compel, motivate, control. God motivates us; we do not motivate Him!

4. The reason that we are controlled by Christ’s love for us is because we have come to a conclusion about something. About what? About the fact that Jesus Christ died for the sins of everyone which includes us. This refers to the doctrine of unlimited atonement, I Tim. 2:6, 4:10, Titus 2:11, Heb. 2:9, II Pet. 2:1, I John 2:2.

5. What does a person need in order to come to a conclusion about something? Facts! It takes facts concerning grace and salvation to come the conclusion mentioned here.

6. What does it mean that “all died”?

a. Does it refer to the fact that all humans are born spiritually dead?

b. Does it mean that when Christ died for our sins, God considered that all humans died also because Christ died as a substitute for all?

c. Does it mean that we died positionally to sin when Christ died, meaning that we are no longer a slave to our OSNs?

II Cor. 5:15 - 16

1. The fact that Jesus Christ died for all is repeated because these verses are focusing on grace. Once we truly understand that, we stop living a self-centered, self-serving life of subjectivity and recognizing our royal family responsibilities I Cor. 6:20.

2. Vs. 16: So from now on, we are not to regard anyone from the standpoint of human viewpoint. We treat them on the basis of the divine viewpoint which has been developed over a period of time from the intake of doctrine.

3. There was a time when we as unbelievers saw the Lord through human viewpoint, but no longer because we now regard Him as our Lord and Savior.

II Cor. 5:17

1. This is one of the most misunderstood and most abused verses in all of the Bible. So many have distorted this verse by suggesting that people become new creatures after salvation by changing their lifestyle.

C.T. - II Cor 5:17~~Therefore, if any one is in Christ Jesus, and he is, he is a new spiritual species in creation. The ancient things have come to an end, Behold/'Focus on this'. . . they have become new in species in the past with the result that they will always be new in species.

1. Therefore – This means that things are now brought to a conclusion.

2. We understand what it means to be in Christ. We are in Christ because of what He has done for us, and everything in this verse is about what Christ does for us, not about what we do for Him! Baptism of the Holy Spirit.

3. New spiritual species – KAINOS (καινοs) adj. nsf, an adjective meaning a new kind, a new species. There is another Greek word for new, NEOS (νηοs), which means new in time, but it is not used here.

4. Old Testament saints are just as saved as we are and they have eternal life and imputed +R, but not one of them was ever a new spiritual species. We are unique, believers in the Tribulation and the Millennium will not be new spiritual species.

5. Ancient things , ARCHAIOS (αρχαιοs) adj. npn, meaning ancient, original, or primeval things that are very old.

LESSON # 60 (10-14-04)

7. Come to an end - PARERCHOMAI (παρερχομαι) v. aai, to come to an end, to vanish. Romans 5:12 – Spiritual death and condemnation came into the world. II Cor. 5:17, Spiritual death, condemnation, and slavery to our old sin nature vanishes.

8. This does not refer to old bad habits, trends, or patterns in a person’s life. Coming to an end is in the aorist tense which means that the ancient things came to a screeching halt the moment he believed in Jesus Christ. A person may be able to improve his attitude and outlook on life over a period of time, but that is certainly not what this verse is referring to.

9. The KJV says, Behold, all things have become new: This is a mistranslation. It does not say that all things become new, and it does not mean that the moment one is saved, the trend of weakness of his old sin nature is overcome or diminished. Becoming a new creature is linked to being in Christ. so it is positional in nature, not experiential.

10.They have become new – GINOMAI (γινομαι) v. rai, to become, suggesting entrance into a new state. The

perfect tense means that the permanent result of believing in Christ is becoming a new spiritual species. It does not mean that we become new because we try harder to be a nice person, that we now control our anger, that we no longer use bad language, or that we no longer gossip. It has nothing whatsoever to do with anything we do; it has everything to do with what God has done!

11.They have become new - KAINOS (καινοs) adj. npn, the old things that have vanished that enable us to be a new spiritual species are: 1) spiritual death 2) condemnation 3) slavery to our OSN. The new things that have come that enable us to be a new spiritual species are: 1) eternal life 2) imputed +R 3) indwelling of the H.S.

II Cor. 5:18

1. Now all this is from God - Remember, in God’s plan, He does the work, He gets the glory, and we get the blessing.

Verse 17 has nothing to do with what we do, it has everything to do with what God has already done! Only God is able

to change us for the better permanently.

2. Since old things is in the neuter gender and new things is in the neuter gender, and both have come in the past with

the results that perpetually continue into the future, they cannot be referring to changes that are made by a person

after he is saved. The kind of changes we adopt after salvation are not permanent in nature.

3. God removed the barrier that existed between Himself and man through the work of Jesus Christ on the cross. We

did nothing to be approved by God before we were saved, and we do nothing after salvation to be approved by God

except take advantage of the grace solution He offers us.

a) Grace solution at salvation - Accept the gospel

b) Grace solution after salvation - Rebound, F’HS, Grace System of Perception

4. Once we have been reconciled to God by believing in Jesus Christ, we then become responsible to tell others how

they also can be reconciled to God by accepting the gospel. Every believer is in full-time Christian service and is

responsible to hold his ground, stand firm for Christ, and give the gospel at every opportunity.

LESSON # 61 (10-19-04)

II Cor. 5:19

1. This verse expands on what the message of reconciliation is. God was in Christ does not mean that God the

Father indwelt Christ but that God through the sacrifice made by Christ on the cross was reconciling the world to


2. This is yet another verse that demonstrates that no one is condemned for his sin but for rejecting the gift of salvation

that comes through faith alone in Christ alone. Notice that God does not count anyone’s trespasses against them.

Why? Because they were counted against Christ when he voluntarily took them upon Himself on the cross.

3. He has committed to us the word of reconciliation - This is a repetition of what was stated at the end of the last

verse. In other words, God has given us the responsibility to give the gospel to others whenever we can. The

responsibility of evangelizing is not given only to pastors, evangelists, and missionaries; it is given to every believer.

We should consider this an honor and a privilege but unfortunately most believers see it as an unwelcome urden that they rather not have. Eph. 6:20.

II Cor. 5:20

1. Therefore we are ambassadors - PRESBEUOMEN (πρεσβευομεν) v. pai. We keep on being ambassadors.. It would be beneficial to us to have a clear understanding concerning ambassadors:

a. Ambassadors do not appoint themselves but are appointed by the king, nation, or person they represent.

b. Believers are appointed to be ambassadors at the moment of salvation.

c. Ambassadors do not support themselves. They receive logistical support and protection from the one who sent them.

d. Ambassadors do not represent themselves.

e. They are responsible to the one who appointed them.

f. They are not citizens of the country to which they are sent.

g. They have their instructions in written form.

h. Since ambassadors represent the one who sent them, they do not take any insults personally.

i. When an ambassador is recalled from a country, that is tantamount to a declaration of war.

2. As though God were entreating through us - God makes His appeal to unbelievers through us! We are God’s agents to spread the gospel to the world. Entreating - PARAKALEO (παρακαλεω) pt. pa, to invite, implore, or appeal, to call to one’s side. God keeps on making appeals through us.

3. Since Jesus Christ is not here, we make the appeal to unbelievers on His behalf. We beg you on behalf of Christ.

We never beg or pressure anyone to accept the gospel! The Greek word for beg is DEOMAI (δεομαι) v. pmi. It means to have a desire or to make a request.

4. Be reconciled to God - KATALLASSO (καταλλασσω) v. apm, to change or exchange In verse 19, we have the participle and the noun form of katallasso. In this verse we have the same word, this time as a verb. We are reconciled to God the instant we accept the fact that our guilt is changed to pardon because of Christ’s atonement for us on the cross. It is very important to notice that this word is in the passive voice, meaning that nothing on our part is required to be reconciled to God. If there was something we had to do, it would be in the active voice. The passive voice means that we receive something. We receive eternal life by accepting the free gift of salvation, simply believing in Jesus Christ.

LESSON # 62 (10-21-04)

II Cor. 5:21

1. Now the mechanics of reconciliation are given. He [God the Father] made Him [God the Son] who knew no sin [Jesus Christ was impeccable] to be sin on our behalf [our sins imputed to Christ] that we might become the +R of God [+R imputed to us] in Him [we are “in Christ”].

2. God doesn’t need any help from anyone in order to provide salvation for us. He does it all, we simply accept what He has done. The idea that we must do some type of penance in order to be saved is a blasphemous lie that came right out of the pit of hell.

3. We are not required to undo anything to atone for doing some wrong, penance, nor are we required to produce our own righteousness, legalism, in order to get to heaven. Both of these ideas are part of Satan’s big lie and both ignore the matchless grace of our great God.


ENDUSAMENOI (eðnðdðuðsðaðmðeðnðoðið)ð ðpt. am,

To invest with clothing

ενδυσαμενοι) pt. am,

To invest with clothing


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