-7620812800056502308128000 ST. STEPHEN – ELCA Honoring the Past – Welcoming the Future HYPERLINK "" NEWSLETTER JULY, 2019st. Stephen Lutheran church – elcaPastor Gail Sowell424 N 3rd Avenue, PO Box 95, Edgar, WI 54426Telephone: 715-352-2491 (St. Stephen Office)715-352-2492 (Pastor Gail Home/Cell/Emergency) Church Web Site: Joint Mission Statement:Saints united to be the body of Christ in the world,freed by grace to live faithfully,witness boldly, and serve joyfullyPARISH STAFFPastorPastor Gail SowellHome/Cell/EmergencySt. Stephen Office715-352-2492715-352-2491SecretarySherry Gaykensarshe2@715-355-9039Outside CustodianSteve Doran715-393-5080Inside CustodianRachel Doran715-393-5076OrganistCharlotte Otto715-443-2007Handbell DirectorMarla Berg715-302-4768Altar GuildMillie Borchardt/Marge Copeland/Deb Pilgrim715-352-2451Media TeamSherry Gayken, Dale Pilgrim, Michael Maurer, Mark Schreier, Vern Spaulding, Kristin Zietlow, Rod Zietlow (Volunteers Needed)304811409702019 COUNCIL OFFICERSPresidentVicki Maurer715-574-0527MMaurer222@Vice-PresidentKeith Paul715-297-5883LEINENKP@SecretarySherry Gayken715-355-9039sarshe2@TreasurerRod Zietlow715-680-8608rszietlow@Financial SecretaryJulie Haanstad 715-581-0308juliehaanstad@DeaconsMark SchreierDale PilgrimClarence Werner715-352-2392715-352-2968715-432-0997schreiermk@TrusteesRoy GuralskiWarren BraunelOpen Position715-352-2706715-352-3233Youth LiaisonVolunteer Needed002019 COUNCIL OFFICERSPresidentVicki Maurer715-574-0527MMaurer222@Vice-PresidentKeith Paul715-297-5883LEINENKP@SecretarySherry Gayken715-355-9039sarshe2@TreasurerRod Zietlow715-680-8608rszietlow@Financial SecretaryJulie Haanstad 715-581-0308juliehaanstad@DeaconsMark SchreierDale PilgrimClarence Werner715-352-2392715-352-2968715-432-0997schreiermk@TrusteesRoy GuralskiWarren BraunelOpen Position715-352-2706715-352-3233Youth LiaisonVolunteer Needed 148590179070INSIDE THIS ISSUEParish Staff/Council Officers/Contact Info1Pastor’s Ponderings for July2July Birthdays and Anniversaries3Memorials/Council & Quarterly Meetings320th Ordination Anniversary3Malawi Matching Funds/Women’s Activities4Senior Day & Champion4Newsletter/Fellowship/Woodchucks5Adventures of Church Mice/Steam Show5Summer Concerts-Pie/Council Nominations5Thank You/Bell Tower Project/Sunday School5Continued Summer Schedule/Packer Raffle/6Community Events/Mental Health First Aid6A Love Letter from Jesus6July Calendar700INSIDE THIS ISSUEParish Staff/Council Officers/Contact Info1Pastor’s Ponderings for July2July Birthdays and Anniversaries3Memorials/Council & Quarterly Meetings320th Ordination Anniversary3Malawi Matching Funds/Women’s Activities4Senior Day & Champion4Newsletter/Fellowship/Woodchucks5Adventures of Church Mice/Steam Show5Summer Concerts-Pie/Council Nominations5Thank You/Bell Tower Project/Sunday School5Continued Summer Schedule/Packer Raffle/6Community Events/Mental Health First Aid6A Love Letter from Jesus6July Calendar7 177736517716500 Pastor Gail’s Ponderings for july, 2019I think I had delusions of grandeur. I was given a beautiful African violet that lost all its flowers when I brought it home, so I left it where I put it, on a kitchen counter. And now it’s full of beautiful lavender violets (or violet violets??), thanks to my benign neglect. So I picked up some “flowers for dummies” at Menards to see if I could actually keep them alive: petunias (which withstood my ministrations last summer) and pansies, a marigold, and a bunch of succulent-looking greens with pretty orange flowers. I don’t remember what they are—but I very carefully planted them in the planter box on my front porch, and then I read the information provided in each small pot: plant at least 12-18” apart where they get full sun. . . . Well, the first 3 are looking good, but the last 5 are bare of flowers, squished in their back corner. – The moral of this sad tale? If you want to succeed, read the directions before beginning the project.Then there are the little pink impatiens I planted. Since the porch planter was already full of plants crowded together, I thought I’d plant the 12 impatiens in the ground right in front of the planter. Another brilliant idea wasted: I planted them right among the weeds and didn’t even clear out 3 square inches for each one. Four of my 12 are still alive—I try to pull the creeping charlies closest to each plant when I water them in the morning. I wonder, if I were to actually remove all the weeds, might the flowers flourish? [Watering? Remember your baptism!]As I’ve been pondering on the welfare of my flowers and my lack of garden skills, I’ve also noticed some parallels between working with flowers in a garden and nurturing faith in my Lord. As I wrote above, “If you want to succeed, read the directions before beginning the project”; “If I were to actually remove all the weeds, might the flowers flourish?”How do we “succeed” at being faithful Christians? What “directions” can we read? My answer to that is, live as Jesus lived and do what Jesus said. I’ve encountered many people who consider themselves Christians—followers of Christ—but seem to consider other parts of the Bible more important than the words and actions of Jesus himself. I find myself recommending that they read a red-letter Bible, the kind that have the words of Jesus printed in red and everything else in black. Obviously, not every word in the Bible is literally “true” in the way we understand it today. So if we have to choose between what Jesus said and what someone else said or wrote, we’d better choose Jesus!And when we’re dealing with sowing deeper seeds of faith (an image Jesus used often), it would be helpful to remove the “weeds” before we expect to experience growth. Some of those weeds might be waiting for a “better” time; or “I’ll read the Bible after I finish (whatever)”; or “I don’t really understand what I’m reading, but I don’t want to go to Bible study because I don’t know anything about the Bible.” Be assured, YOU DON’T HAVE TO KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THE BIBLE TO ATTEND A BIBLE STUDY! You don’t have to say a word, you can just sit there and listen—or you can ask any questions you want and know that they’re all okay! There are no “dumb questions” in Bible study!The more I look for God in all I do, the more I draw parallels from faith to whatever I’m doing. This summer I invite you to open yourself to God and see him in your life at all times and in all places. Blessings to you! Pastor GailJULY-19050031242000BIRTHDAYS01LubahnTammy01PaulKeith02NordickKasey04StrasserMarlena11MroczenskiAlexa11PunkeKen12KrauseKim13BergMarla13KnetterMichelle16MartinZachary19HaanstadJulie25AschbrennerTravis25KingTaylor27KohelSimon07 or 27WilliamsBrian-1905002254250028MartinMitchell31StencilShawnJULYANNIVERSARIES07/01 Schreier, Mark & Kathy07/02Twerberg, Joel & Susan07/11Dvorak, Daniel & Colleen07/12Paul, Keith & Anne 07/15Lubahn, Jeffrey & Tammy07/20Reiche, Jeff & Jill4857758318500. Memorials given in memory of Marilyn Spaulding:for Inside Church Sound System Update:Wilbur & Charlotte Ottofor Bell Tower Sound System Repair:Women of St. StephenSkip & Sherry Gaykenfrom Family and Friends:2 miniature lilac trees planted on the south side of St. Stephen1143007493000 ST STEPHEN Sunday, July 21st @ 8:30 AM * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *-571509334500st. stephen00QUARTERLY MEETINGALL MEMBERSMARK YOUR CALENDARS: St. Stephen Quarterly Meeting: Sunday, July 28th, @ 8:45 AM (prior to worship).259969026987500-8337226298300PASTOR GAIL’S 20TH ORDINATION ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONI have no words that will adequately express the blessing and joy of my Ordination Anniversary Celebration. Thank you so much to all!Pastor Gail Many thanks to ALL who added to the joy of Pastor Gail’s Ordination Anniversary Celebration on June 9th with your presence, cards, gifts, delicious food and kind words. Special thanks to Shirley Rosien, Sharon Schumacker, Mary Jo Werner, and the clean-up crew of St. John for their behind-the-scenes planning, prep, decorations, setting up, serving, and clean-up! Appreciation to St. Stephen’s Charlotte Otto who provided beautiful accompaniment for worship and Sherry Gayken for help in coordinating. 11430013779500Visit St. John’s website for many more excellent photos of the Ordination Anniversary – thanks to Dan Rosien.Praise God for reason to celebrate!MATCHING FUNDS – Pastor Gail was able to match her FULL $1,000 with gifts that came in for the celebration of her 20th Ordination Anniversary! She is sending $2,250 to sponsor a well in Malawi. Praise God and blessings to all of you for your caring gifts!-133350-24765000 381001397000JOINT WOMEN’S SUMMER BIBLE STUDY ST. STEPHEN AND ST. JOHN – is held the 2nd Tuesday of each month starting at 1:00 PM – this Bible Study will alternate between St. Stephen and St. John: Tuesday, July 9th – at Mary Ann’s cabin *Tuesday, August 13th – at St. JohnTuesday, September 10th – at St. Stephen(Business Meeting at 12:45 PM)75247588709500*NOTE CHANGE FOR THE MONTH OF JULY ONLY: The meeting for the month of July will be held at MaryAnn’s cabin and will begin at 12:00 noon with a potluck luncheon. Please bring a dish to share. Bible Study will follow. There will be no business meeting beforehand. Mary Ann has directions to the cabin – please check with her.Every woman who is a member of St. Stephen and St. John is a member of the women’s group. All are WELCOME and encouraged to participate (along with family and friends).-476253683000Summer 2019: Lessons from EstherThe book of Esther is one of the latest writings of the Old Testament, perhaps written to inspire Jews who had been scattered in the diaspora. The narrative takes place in the court of the King of Persia, King Ahasuerus. Some think that it was written to explain and establish the Jewish festival of Purim.This three session-study is brought to us by Kay Ward, a bishop of the Moravian Church who lives at Marquardt Manor, a Moravian retirement community in Watertown, Wisconsin. She continues to serve in ministry as a pastor to pastors and intercessor for the church. Before retiring from the staff of Moravian Theological Seminary in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, she served in team ministry with her husband, Aden. Kay was the first woman to be elected a bishop in the 541 years of the Moravian Church (the Unitas Fratrum).Session one: For such a time as this: Esther the queen—Voices in the king’s courtSession one sets the scene for the story of Esther and her adopted father, Mortecai. Esther and Mortecai are Jews living under the rule of the Persian king, King Ahasuerus. When Esther becomes the queen, her faith is tested. The Jews, those who have been carried off from their homeland, struggle with living as strangers in a foreign land. In this session we will think about how our culture may challenge our faith.Session two: For such a time as this: Esther saves the Jews—Finding our voicesIn session two we’ll learn how, when the Jews are threatened, Esther uses her strong faith and the love of her people to embolden her to act. Through some clever schemes, intelligence and a realistic assessment of her situation, Esther is able to save her people. “For such a time as this” is Mortecai’s gentle reminder to Esther that God has placed her in the king’s court to use her voice. How might God be reminding us of our need to find our voice as we live out our faith?Session three: For such a time as this: Remembering Esther: Using our voicesIn session three, we’ll examine the last chapters of the book of Esther, which are full of hope for the future for the Jews. The defeat of their enemies is to be celebrated in a feast, the festival of Purim. Directions are given for the celebration of the festival. As women of faith, full of love for God and others, we will consider ways to find and use our voices in our present circumstances—“for such a time as this.”23628352794000SENIOR DAY is held the third Wednesday of each month at St. Stephen at 1:00 PM – next date is Wednesday, July 17th. Senior Day is open to all seniors of St. Stephen and the surrounding Edgar community.1935996807800 CONGRATULATIONS to KINGS KORNER CHAMPION FOR JUNE – Jane RossST. STEPHEN NEWSLETTER – The deadline for the August Newsletter is Thursday, July 25th. SUNDAY MORNING FELLOWSHIP HOSTS needed (to bake or buy goodies). Sign-up sheet on coffee table in back. Donation jar is also on the table – donations welcomed and encouraged to cover coffee/tea expenses.-15240011176000 FUN AT THE BALL PARK – WISCONSIN WOODCHUCKS – 13 baseball enthusiasts of St. Stephen are attending a Wisconsin Woodchucks game this year on Friday evening, July 19th. The cost of $12 includes ticket, a brat/hot dog, soda, and Woodchuck hat. Adventures of the Church Mice Timothy is very small.He’s the smallest of us all.Frederick, he is very tall.With a loud voice he can call.Cleo and Patrick came together.They enjoy the wind and weather.Friends they are, sis and brother.They love us, they love each other.Tully and Twink, the first Church Mice,Thought St. John was very nice.They stayed a while, they stayed some more.And now we have Church Mice galore!46th ANNUAL STEAM SHOW & FLEA MARKET – Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, August 23, 24, and 25.St. Stephen will again be teaming up with St. John in the concession stands. This is a fun and profitable opportunity to fund raise for various projects.The sign-up sheets are in the back of church. Please sign up for a little work and a lot of fun! EDGAR SUMMER CONCERTS IN OAK STREET PARK – are again sponsored this year by the Edgar Fine Arts Association on Thursday evenings at 7:00 PM:July 18 – Blame It on WaylonJuly 25 – Tiny & ShoesAugust 1 – Foxfire AffairAugust 8 – Jerry Schmitt TrioThe ladies of St. Stephen are sponsoring the pie & ice cream social for the Thursday, July 18th concert. Pie bakers needed & volunteer helpers! Please sign up in back. A free-will offering is collected at the concert for the women of St. Stephen and the Circle of Joy. 3803652159000Members of the congregation are needed for positions on the Church Council for the next 3-year term:Secretary (Sherry Gayken’s current position)Deacon (Mark Schreier’s current position)Trustee (Roy Guralski’s current position)+ one Trustee position remains unfilled.Nomination forms available in back. Elections will take place at the October Quarterly Meeting, but suggestions should be made for the July 28th Quarterly Meeting. SUNDAY MORNING PROJECTOR OPERATORS URGENTLY NEEDED !! – one Sunday every month or two – training provided. Speak with Sherry ASAP !! THANK YOU to Collen Dvorak for donating the much-needed office chair. Sherry can again be seen scooting around in the office !!) AND – THANK YOU to the “air conditioning team” for those most-appreciated units … from both Pastor Gail and SherryST. STEPHEN TOWER SPEAKERS/SOUND SYSTEM – work has begun and should be finished soon !!76200762000Start thinking about volunteering for this vital ministry for our youth at St. Stephen this fall.3857625952500-20002510096500SUMMER SUNDAY/MID-WEEK SCHEDULE CONTINUES 8:30 AM – Worship at St. John10:00 AM – Communion Worship at St. StephenWEDNESDAY EVENING BIBLE STUDY – Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month – @ 6:00 PM – next dates: Wednesday, July 10th & 24th.THURSDAY EVENING WORSHIP – Every Thursday evening @ 6:00 PMCELEBRATE 100 YEARS OF PACKER FOOTBALLSt. John Raffle – 1st prize – 2 tickets to preseason Chiefs at Packers, 7:00 PM at Lambeau Field – Thursday, August 29th; 2nd prize – signed Packer football; 3rd prize - $75 ProVision gift card; 4th prize – Framed Aaron Rodgers photo; 5th prize – Packers/Vikings line-up framed photo; and 6th prize – handmade quilt by St. John ELCA quilters.Drawing July 21st. Proceeds from ticket sales will go to repair flood damage in the Sunday School wing at St. John ELCA. Pastor Gail continues to have tickets ($20.00 each).HELP WANTED – Want to work in the 2020 Census? In your community? Census Day, April 1, 2020 is less than a year away but Census 2020 work begins in Summer of 2019 and continues intermittently through the Summer of 2020. Who is eligible? People (18+) are being sought – you decide how much and when you want to work. Weekly pay, mileage reimbursement, and paid training are all part of the opportunity. Apply online: jobs OR call: 1-855-JOB-2020.NORTHEAST WISCONSIN PASSION PLAY – Xavier Fine Arts Theater, Appleton, April 2-5, 2020. Advance group sales and/or special offers available. Contact for assistance: xaviertheatre@.MENTAL HEALTH FIRST AID COURSE – teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. 8-hour training course at St. John’s Lutheran Church, B3750 Hwy 13, Spencer, WI. Saturday, July 27th, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Cost: $30 includes book and lunch. To register call: 715-659-5158.A LOVE LETTER FROM JESUS (received from Enola Willhite)How are you? I just had to send you this letter to tell you how much I love and care about you. I saw you yesterday as you were walking with your friends. I waited all day, hoping you would walk and talk with me also. As evening drew near, I gave you a sunrise to close your day, and I gave you a cool breeze to rest you, then I waited. You never came. Oh, yes, it hurt me, but I still love you because I am your friend.I saw you fall asleep last night, and I longed to touch your brow, so I spilled moonlight upon your pillow and your face. Again I waited, wanting to rush down so we could talk. I have so many gifts for you.You wakened late this morning, and rushed off for the day. My tears were in the rain. Today you looked so sad, so alone. It makes my heat ache because I understand. My friends let me down, and hurt me many times, but I love you. I try to tell you in the quiet green grass. I whisper it in the leaves, and trees, and breathe it in the colors of the flowers. I shout it to you in the mountain streams, and give the birds love songs to sing. I clothe you with warm sunshine, and perfume in the air. My love for you is deeper than oceans and bigger than the biggest want or need you ever have.We will spend eternity together in heaven. I know how heard it is on earth; I really know (I was there) and I want to help you. My Father wants to help you too. He’s that way, you know. Just call me, ask me, talk to me. It is your decision. I have chosen you, and because of this I will wait . . . . because I love you.Your Friend, Jesus ................

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