Indian Creek Baptist Camp & Retreat Center

Rental Reservation Covenant

1770 Avoca Eureka Road, Bedford, IN 47421 Telephone: 812-279-2161

E-mail: indiancreek@abc- Web Site:

Please note: After reserving your date, this covenant, plus proper deposit, must be submitted to the camp office at the above address within 15 working days. Failure to do so may result in the cancellation of your reservation. Reservations will be confirmed as they are received.

Date(s) of Retreat:


Name of Group:

Coordinator’s Name: Phone:


Street City St. Zip

Coordinator’s E-mail

Age of Group: ______________________ Estimated Attendance________________

(Adult, youth, etc)

Type of Group _____________________________________________________________________________________

Youth, Men’s, Women’s, Church, Family, Social, Organization, Etc.

Facilities to be Reserved:

Lodge: Two dorm rooms holding 14 people each, restrooms, $20.00 per person/night

showers and lounge.

Lodge: 6 Private rooms – each room has 2 twin beds, restroom with shower $24.00 per person/night

Please indicate number of rooms needed: _________

Cabins: 17 cabins Seasonal (12 persons each) – each cabin has a 6 bunks and a $15 per person / night

changing room

VIP Cabins Seasonal: Air conditioned cabins – inquire about details $18 per person / night

All retreats require a $300 deposit. Please understand that your deposit is the MINIMUM fee

for your retreat and will be deducted from the total at the end of your stay.

Grounds or buildings only - no overnight stay. Please indicate which buildings $75.00 per day

or areas you wish to use: _________________________________________

Food Service:

Yes, we request food service. Breakfast: $5.00/person Lunch: $6.00/person Dinner: $7.50/person

If requesting meals, please indicate days and times meals are needed:

Date Meals requested Times Special dietary needs?

No, we will prepare our own food. $30.00 per meal (Lodge) $50.00 per meal (Dining Hall)


Please note the Terms of Agreement for using this facility:

1. We may use the camp facilities as follows:

GENERAL CAMP BUILDINGS, excluding storage areas and permanent staff quarters. Any buildings that are locked should be considered off-limits.

GENERAL CAMP EQUIPMENT, including sporting equipment, kitchen equipment, tables, chairs, benches, beds, mattresses, place-settings, kitchen linens, etc.

2. User group must provide proof of insurance. (This can be provided by your insurance carrier).

3. We must furnish our own personal linens such as towels, washcloths, bedding, etc.

4. We agree to keep the campgrounds and buildings clean and orderly. We will clean all buildings that we use, leaving

them as clean as we found them. We will check with the Camp Manager if we have any questions concerning this process.

5. We agree to be responsible for any damage beyond normal wear and tear, and will inform the Camp Manager of any

damage, and make any necessary compensation before our departure.

6. We agree to supervise our group adequately, with competent adult leaders in each room. We will respect the

witness of the camp as dedicated to God, and proper standards of Christian conduct.

7. We acknowledge that Indian Creek Baptist Camp & Retreat Center is a 100% drug, alcohol, and tobacco-free facility. All members of our group will refrain from the use of any such substances at all times while on camp property.

8. We agree to be responsible for our own first-aid and medical insurance coverage.

9. If swimming is to be enjoyed, we understand that a certified lifeguard with first-aid and blood borne pathogens

certifications must be on duty. The camp can provide this service if staff are available.

10. We agree to submit any balance due for our retreat to the Camp Manager before our departure.

11. We will provide our own food, unless we elect to use the camp food service. We understand that meals can be provided at

prices quoted on this Covenant (see Page 1).

Other Services Available & Fee Schedule

Lifeguards: Camp can furnish guards for $12.00 per hour - 1 guard and 1 spotter required per 30 swimmers

Equipment requested: (please mark)

o Television/VCR/DVD

o Sound equipment

o Projector

o Projector screen

o Easel

o Dry erase board

In signing below, we agree to the above listed Terms of Agreement:

Signed: _______________________________________Title:___________________________________

Estimated time of arrival: ___________ AM – PM Time of departure: __________ AM – PM

Camp Manager: ________________________________ Date: _________________________

All final decisions will be at the discretion of the Camp Manager


|Date Recd._____________ Ck#_____________ Amt. Rec.$____________ ABC NABC |


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