
Part 1 : Three positions regarding Millennialism



A) Church history is a record of how God has built His church

B) There have been various disputes regarding Kingdom of God

C) Outline

Part 1 : Three views on

1.     Pre-Millennialism, Post-Millennialism, and Amillennialism

2.     Historical development of each view

3.     Biblical consideration on each view

Part 2 : Historical development of these views

Part 3 : Biblical examination of these views

I. Prophesies regarding the Kingdom of God

1. Daniel chapter 2

(1) Daniel interprets Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream

1. God showed to the King how history enfolds itself before the Kingdom of God is fullfled.

2. the concept of the time of the Gentiles

Luke 21:24 They will fall by the sword and will be taken as prisoners to all the nations. Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.

Romans 11:25 I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers and sisters, so that you may not be conceited: Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the full number of the Gentiles has come in,

(2) The king saw an image of a great statue in his dream (destruction of four Gentile empires)

1. Pure gold head (Babylon Empire)

2. Silver chest and silver arms (Medo Persian Empire Union)

3. Bronze belly and bronze thighs (Alexander the Great’s Greek Empire)

4. Iron legs and feet of partly-iron, partly-baked clay (Imperialism)

5. Dan 2:35 “a rock was cut out, but not by human hands. It struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay and smashed them. “

*The rock that struck the statue became a large mountain and filled the whole earth

*This mountain symbolizes the Messianic kingdom (Millennium Kingdom)

2. Daniel chapter 7

(1) Comparison of the four visions to the one in chapter 2

1. The one in chapter 2 is for Nebuchadnezzar, the ones in chapter 7 is for Daniel

2. The former is seen from a human point of view (glorious giant statue)

3. The latter is seen from God’s point of view (large beast)

(3) Four visions

1. The First vision : A beast with three heads

2. The Second vision : the fourth beast

*It has ten horns

*Its eleventh small horn appeared and three of the first ones were uprooted.

*This small horn had a personality and boasted (anti-Christ)

3. The Third vision : Heavenly court

*When God is seated as the judge, the books with all accounts of the accused deeds are opened.

*The Fourth beast has a sudden end, and the Kingdom of God is established.

4. The Fourth vision : The one like the son of man

*God the Father gives the Messiah “the sovereignty, power and greatness of all the kingdoms under heaven” Daniel 7:27

*People of all nations, all tribes and all languages serve the Messiah

*”The Kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom” Daniel 7:27

3. Daniel chapter 2 and 7 are prophesies about the coming Kingdom of God

(1) Other scriptures

1. Isaiah 2:1-5

2. Micah 4:1-8

(2) Three interpretations on the Kingdom of God have been considered in church history.

1. Pre-Millennialism

2. Amillennialism

3. Post-Millennialism

(3) The terms are based on Latin “mille “= 1,000 + “annum”=year

1. millennium = used to mean the Kingdom of God that lasts for a thousand years

2. millennialism = a theory of millennium

(4) Purpose of prophesies on millennium

1. To encourage those saints in persecution

2. What does it mean of us at present time?

II. Three views on millennium

1. Pre-millennialism

(1) “Pre” means “before”

1. Christ will return to earth and establish the Kingdom of God

2. Then, the Kingdom of God lasts for a thousand years

(2) This kind of interpretation was called “chiliasm” (meaning 1,000) at an early stage of church history. Revelation 20:1-7 is its basis.

2. Amillennialism

(1) “A” means “no”

1. This view does not take millennium literally

2. According to this view, the Kingdom of God has already been materialized in the present church

3. After the Messiah’s second coming, eternal order immediately begins.

3. Post-millennialism

(1) “Post” means “after”

1. Christ comes again after the millennium is established

2. The Kingdom of God will literally appear on earth

3. It will be brought forth by human endeavor (development of science and civilization), to an ideal state.

4. Therefore, the church needs to work towards it.

Part II : Historical Development of Millennialism

I. Pre-millennialism

1. Views by leaders of early church

1. Pre-millennialism was first called chiliasm

2. This view was predominant from 1st to 3rd century.

(1) Justin Martyr

1. Itinerant preacher, 100 to 165 AD.

2. Discussed his own premillennial beliefs in his Dialogue with Trypho (chap. 110), observed that such beliefs were apparently prevalent among Christian adherents.

3. He wrote that true believers believe in the resurrection of the dead, and a millennia in a re-established and enlarged Jerusalem, as prophesied by Ezekiel, Isaiah and other prophets.

4. This proves that in his time millennialism was widely and commonly held.

(2) Irenaeus

1. Apologist and Bishop, 120-200 AD.

2. Iranaeus wrote “The Lord promised restoration of the Kingdom to come and of the creation.”

*Animal world will be restored to the state of the Garden of Eden, and will be vegetarian.

*Humans will rule the restored creation.

*Isaiah 11:6-9

3. He warned against analogical interpretation of prophesies regarding the Kingdom.

*”If these prophesies are interpreted analogically, biblical interpretation will be inconsistent, which result in confusion over understanding of those parts of the scripture which are being discussed.”

2. Witness by Historians

Historians agree that chiliasm was an early form of eschatology.

(1) Edward Gibbon, 1737 – 1794

1. English historian who wrote “The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire”

2. Gibbon stated “chiliasm was closely linked with Christ’s second coming.”

3. “As the world was created in six days, the present age will continue for six thousand years.”

4. “The seventh millennia will be a thousand years of the Sabbath, after the present age.”

(5) Adolph Harnack, 1851 – 1930

1. German Lutheran theologian and historian. Specialist in pre-Nicaea church history (100-325AD).

2. “A belief was born in which people expected Christ’s return and His reign following that where He rules on earth with His glory.”

3. “This was seen from a very early stage of church history. It was an essential element of their belief.”

4. “At an early stage of evangelism, this was a part of the gospel they proclaimed, which led a success in evangelism.”

5. “If they had to come up with a creed, this I believe was inevitably included.”

6. There is no reason for a liberal theologian like Harnack to believe in Pre-millennialism.

II. Amillennialism

1. Denial of Pre-millennialism in the Eastern Church

(1) Following Pre-millennialism, Amillennialism emerged.

1. In 2nd century, there were those who held Amillennialism in Greek Church.

2. By 5th century, Amillennialism was the predominant view.

(2) In 170AD, a group named Arogoi in minor Asia denied Revelation as a fairy tale. (They also denied Logos theology in John chapter 1.)

(3) Reasons why denial of Pre-millennialism spread

1. Montanist dispute (160-220AD)

*emphasized new revelation and spiritual experience

*They stood on Pre-millennialism.

*Therefore, Pre-millennialism itself came to be questioned.

2. Persecution by Roman empire

*By adhering to Pre-millennialism, they came to be in conflict with Roman empire.

3. Threat to church institution

*By emphasizing Pre-millennialism, it became a threat to the existing church.

4. Anti-Semitism among Eastern church

5. *Gentile Christians were calling Jews “Christ killers.”

*They started denying anything Jewish.

*Hope of Pre-millennialism was fundamentally Jewish.

6. Effects of New Theology

*Alexandria theology developed in Greek Church.

*Origen (185-253AD) and other scholars tried to mix Christian theology and Greek philosophy, which was called Alexandria theology.

*Generally in Greek philosophy, matters were thought to be evil. Only being purely spiritual was considered to be good.

*Political kingdom on earth which was materially affluent was evil.

*Completely spiritual kingdom is good.

*Focus was shifted from the kingdom that will appear on earth in future to the one that presently exists in believers’ hearts.

*Most of Greek Church came to deny Pre-millennialism.

7. Origen came up with a new biblical interpretation and proposed it.

*This is called allegorical or spiritual interpretation.

* Pre-millennialism stands on literal interpretation, as well as historical and grammatical, of Old Testament prophesy.

*Origen applied allegorical interpretation, and denied Pre-millennialism.

*Greek Church widely adopted Origen’s interpretation.

8. In 4th Century, Greek Church took out the book of Revelation from the canon of the Bible.

*This lasted for several centuries, and chiliasm was left in the grave.

*At the end of the middle ages, Greek Church restored Revelation to the Bible, but was not able to amend the prejudice against chiliasm.

*However, there were those who supported Pre-millennialism in Greek Church, such as Armenian, Syrian, Albanian, Ethiopian Church, and so on.

2. Denial of Pre-millennialism in the Western Church

(1) In 4th century, Pre-millennialism was still held as part of a standard belief in the Western Church.

1. It was not affected by allegorical interpretation of the Eastern Church.

2. The Western Church approved John as the author of the Book of Revelation and its canonicity.

3. After 4th century, opposition against Pre-millennialism began.

(2) Alexandria theology was introduced.

1. It was brought by Jerome (345‐420AD) and Ambrose (Bishop of Milan, appointed 374AD).

2. Jerome claimed that he was freed from “Jewish alternative” after studying under Greek theologians for several years.

(3) Augustine (354-430) changes his position from Pre-millennialism to Amillennialism.

1. It was because of political situations surrounding the church.

*Although Roman empire fell, the church continue to expand its boundaries.

*Against this background, Augustine thought Pre-millennialism was outdated.

*He was the first to propose that the church itself is what has been prophesied in Daniel 2 & 7, and Revelation 20, as in his work “The City of God.”

*Saints now reign with Christ over His Kingdom.

2. Being influenced by his former fallen life, he had a tendency to see earthly life in a negative way.

3. Greek philosophy had an influence on him.

*He was heavily involved in the study of Greek philosophy before his conversion.

*For the Kingdom of God to be good, it had to be spiritual.

*He adopted Origen’s allegorical interpretation in reading the prophetic books and Revelation.

(4) After Augustine

1. Augustine’s allegorical millennia became standard doctrine of the church.

2. Pre-millennialism went underground.

3. In the middle age, Roman Catholic church pushed Amillennialism strongly.

4. During Reformation, many Anabaptists adopted Pre-millennialism.

5. Lutherans, Reformed and Anglicans –

*rejected Pre-millennialism as Jewish view.

*adopted Augustine’s Amillennialism.

III. Post-millennialism

1. Denial of Amillennialism

(1) During intelligence revolution in 17th century, many started denying Amillennialism

1. Because of development of science, interest in material world increased.

(2) Intelligentsia in Europe were intrigued in literal understanding of the universe

1. As a result of observing the outer space by telescope, allegorical interpretation of universe lost its credibility.

2. This in due course affected theologians.

(3) Joseph Mede, 1586‐1638, Anglican theologian

1. Mede interpreted the Kingdom of God literally, and concluded that the Bible promises literal Kingdom.

2. He adopted Pre-millennialism, which was the belief of the early church. Many followed him.

2. Emergence of Post-millennialism and its development

(1) Some of the scholars in 17th century believed in the literal coming of the Kingdom, but did not adopt Pre-millennialism.

1. This developed into Post-millennialism.

(2) Daniel Whitby, 1638‐1726

1. Whitby was an English Unitarian who denied the deity of Christ.

2. He was deemed to be a heretic, but his Post-millennialism continued.

3. Trent of time welcomed his thoughts.

4. He claimed that the golden age of church would come, which was what people wanted to hear.

*There were issues of conflicts, but it was historically upward.

*Utopia could be achieved through man’s endeavor.

*Utopia is not fulfilled by Christ’s return.

3. Conservative Post-millennialism

(1) It was supported by those who believed in biblical inspiration.

1. The future age of peace and righteousness prophesied in the Old Testament would be realized in history.

2. People of God would spread the gospel which result in Christianizing the whole world.

3. The Church would play in integral part in ushering the future Kingdom.

4. Christ would sit at the right hand of God and reign the world.

5. The Golden age results in Christ’s return.

6. At Christ’s return, resurrection of the dead and judgment happen.

7. Then the end would come, and eternal order begins.

(2) Jonathan Edwards, 1703‐58, American Congregational theologian, Third principal of Princeton University.

1. He thought discovery of the new continent and emigration to it had close link with the coming of Millennial Kingdom.

(3) In 19th century, many Protestant clergies believed that America would play a significant part in the coming of the Kingdom of God.

1. “Manifest Deity” in 19th century; mission of Western pioneers.

2. Clergies preached that America would reign over continents from the Pacific to the Atlantic, and then lead the whole world into the Millennial Kingdom.

3. Post-millennialism influenced emancipation of slaves.

4. Many Christians believed that by winning the Civil War, they could make a step in ushering the Kingdom of God on earth.

4. Liberal Post-millennialism

(1) Liberal theologians claimed.

1. It was widespread from late 19th century to early 20th century.

2. Similar to conservative Pre-millennialism, it sits with historical optimism.

3. It believes in the future Golden Age (the coming of the Kingdom of God).

(2) Differences with conservative Pre-millennialism

1. Denial of human sin. Man is inherently good.

2. Believes that man can be perfect.

3. Christ is not Saviour, but a great teacher.

4. Instead of biblical gospel, it preaches social gospel.

*Mission of the church is to save society from social evil.

*Saving from war, poverty, racial discrimination, injustice, illness, and unfairness.

*God is man’s universal Father, and people are all brothers and sisters.

5. The Kingdom of God can be fulfilled on earth by the church and other human organizations working together employing natural means and other man-made methods.

(3) People under The Third Republic in France sent the Statue of Liberty to America as a gift. (1886)

1. This act was an expression of Liberal Post-millennialism.

2. Those who sent it believed that people would be freed from autocratic oppression by French Revolution and by American Independence.

3. They believed America would lead the world into an Age of Freedom through democracy.

5. Decline of Post-millennialism

(1) Post-millennialism was dominant among 19th century Protestants.

1. It was adopted by Calvinists, Arminians and Unitarians.

2. It was an age of social development, and peace lasted for nearly100 years centered on British Empire.

3. On the surface, it seemed like the correct eschatology.

(2) The First World War in 1914 changed the scene.

1. Man’s sinfulness became more evident.

2. Karl Barth denied human goodness which came out of liberal theology.

3. Many clergies preached to fight valiantly as it was a war to end all wars.

(3) American President, Wilson.

1. Wilson decided to go to war in order to defend democracy.

2. After the war, he worked for establishing League of Nations, and dreamed of conflict solution through dialogue.

3. League of Nations failed after several years.

(4) 1930s saw global depression

1. Nazis tried to eradicate Jews.

(5) In late 1930s, Second World War started

1. The world entered an atomic age.

2. Future scene by Post-millennialism could not match reality.

3. As a result, Post-millennialism lost its support.

IV. Revival of millennialism

1. Revival of Pre-millennialism

(1) As 19th century started, Pre-millennialism saw its revival.

1. Systematic study of the Bible on the Kingdom of God started, rather than being swayed by sentimentalism.

2. It was founded on God’s inspiration and Biblical authority.

(2) Revival of Pre-millennialism started in 19th century England.

1. Plymouth Brethren in 1830s, and John Nelson Darby, 1800‐1882.

2. Pre-millennialism based on dispensationalism started.

3. From 1875 onward it spread in America.

(3) Leaders who supported Pre-millennialism

1. D. L. Moody, 1837-1899, Evangelist.

2. J. Wilbur Chapman, 1859-1918, Evangelist.

3. Reuben A. Torrey, 1856-1928, Pastor & Theologian.

4. Billy Sunday, 1862-1935, Evangelist, former baseball player.

5. A. B. Simpson, 1843-1919, Founder of CMA.

6. James H. Brookes, 1830-1897, Pastor.

7. C. I. Scofield, 1843-1921

(4) Bible College Movement which started in the late 1800s

1.  the Missionary Training Institute (now Nyack College), Nyack, New York, by A. B. Simpson in 1883

2. Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, 1886

3. By 1940, 78 Bible colleges were founded in the USA, most of which stood on Pre-millennialism

(5) Bible Conference movement and Prophecy Conference movement in the late 19th century

1. Both movements emphasized Pre-millennialism

(6) The faith missions movement (late 1800s, free from funds by denominations)

1. Movements by independent churches and interdenominational. Many stood on Pre-millennialism.

(7) Mission Organization reaching out to Jews

1. The American Board of Missions to the Jews

2. The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, Inc.

3. All stand on Pre-trebulational Pre-millennialism

(8) Study Bible

1. Scofield Study Bible (first published in 1909)

2. Ryrie Study Bible (1978)

(9) Seminaries

1. Dallas Theological Seminary, 1924

2. Grace Theological Seminary, 1937

3. Talbot Theological Seminary

4. Western Conservative Baptist Seminary

5. Denominations

* the General Association of Regular Baptists

*the Conservative Baptist Association

*the Independent Fundamental Churches of America

*the Plymouth Brethren

*the Grace Brethren

(10) The revived Pre-millennialism played a significant part in fundamentalism movement in 19th and 20th century.

2. Revival of Amillennialism

(1) Decline of Post-millennialism in 17th to 20th century

1. Tragedies in 20th century forced change in optimistic Post-millennialism

2. As a result, most of those who claimed Post-millennialism abandoned it.

(2) Two options

1. When adopting Pre-millennialism

*Can be assured that the Kingdom of God would literally be fulfilled.

*Need to change in thinking of how it would be fulfilled.

2. When adopting Amillennialism

*Need to abandon the literal interpretation and the literal fulfillment of the Kingdom of God

(3) Those who supported Post-millennialism, liberal and conservative alike, came to adopt Amillennialism

1. In early 20th century, majority of protestants held Post-millennialism. The change resulted in revival of Amillennialism.

2. Catholics and Eastern Church have always stood on Amillennialism

3. Protestants joined in. By mid 20th century, Amillennialism was the view of majority Christian.

3. Revival of Post-millennialism

(1) After Second World War, Post-millennialism seemed to have died.

1. Disputes regarding millennia was between Pre-millennialists and Amillennialists.

2. However, after 1960 a different kind of Post-millennialism revival emerged.

(2) Post-millennialism which is secular and anti-Christian

1. Conviction that it is possible to bring about a Utopian age on earth by human endeavor

2. Some people claims that scientific means are effective, e.g. genetic engineering.

3. There are those who holds that we need to reverse Christian values in order to bring about Utopia.

4. One of them is Charles A. Reich, professor of Yale University.

*“The Greening of America”

*”means such as drug usage, contempt of hard work, sexual license and pornography might be ways of bringing about that Utopia.”

5. Thomas J. J. Altizer, American, one of the theologians claiming “Death of God theology”

*”Golden age of history won’t come until humankind admits that God is dead, reverse biblical moral standard, and asserts we ourselves are god.”

(3) Conservative Post-millennialism

1. Came out of reformed theology

2. Three terms that are exchangeable

* Dominion theology

*Christian reconstructionism


3. Dominion theology teaches that biblical Christianity rules the whole of society.

4. Christian reconstructionism teaches that society can be reconstructed by God’s law.

5. Theonomy teaches that Old Testament moral laws are still effective today.

*Priestly rituals are all fulfilled by Christ’s atoning death.

6. It is a Christian mission to build a kingdom for the whole world according to laws given to Moses.

7. This means that government will follow God’s law, rather than the church ruling the government.

8. Central scripture, Matthew 5:17-19

17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. 19 Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 

9. Matthew 5:13-16 is a command to the church to transform the whole world.

13 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.

14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

10. The church would play a central role in this transformation through spreading the gospel. It would share in the work of the government, and execute the laws of Moses.

11. David Chilton, Reformed American pastor

*Our goal is to lead the world under the leadership of Christ. We can call this “winning back the world.” Our strategy starts from reforming and rebuilding the society. From there political reconstruction would begin. It will be a blooming of Christian civilization.

*Christian goal in this world is building up a nation of theocracy. All areas of our lives will be redeemed, and put under the leadership of Christ and God’s law.

12. Problems of Dominion theology

*Distortion of biblical understanding, which is a threat to biblical Christianity.

*Zechariah 14:4-9 and Matthew 25:31-34 teaches Pre-millennialism.

*Great Commission is given to believers (Matthew 28:19-20).

*On the last day, God Himself would intervene (Revelation 19:11 – 20:4).

*It is spreading beyond its own circle to other churches, especially to charismatics.

Part III : Biblical Examination of Millennialism


(1) Pre-millennialism was the church’s first view.

1. Therefore, the likelihood of it being biblical is high.

2. However, it is most important to see whether it matches biblical teaching.

(2) We will see if the concept of the Kingdom of God matches Pre-millennialism.

I. The concept of the Kingdom of God

1. The concept of the Kingdom of God comes from the fact that God has the authority.

(1) 1 Chronicle 29:11-12

11 Yours, Lord, is the greatness and the power  and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours. Yours, Lord, is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over all. 12 Wealth and honor come from you; you are the ruler of all things. In your hands are strength and power

(2) Three conditions for the Kingdom to be established.

1. God is the ruler and has authority to rule.

2. God has the territory, on heaven and on earth, to rule.

3. God is in fact rules the world.

(3) God’s authority and God’s Kingdom are closely linked.

1. The Kingdom of God is central to biblical historical philosophy. It is one of the central themes of the Bible.

2. The Kingdom of God which is universal and that which is earthly

(1) Two concepts on the Kingdom of God appear in the Bible

1. Distinction according to time

*One has existed from before (Psalm 103:19, Lamentation 5:19).

*One will be realized in future (Daniel 2:44, 7:13-14, 27).

2. Distinction according to territory

*Covers the whole universe (1Ch29:11-12, Ps103:19, 135:6, Acts 17:24).

*Earthly (Daniel 2:35, 44-45, 7:13-14, Zechariah 14:4, 9, Rev11:15).

3. Distinction according to the way they are ruled.

*God directly rules the whole universe.

=In Daniel chapter 4, God put Nebuchadnezzar in shame.

= Nebuchadnezzar called God “King of Heaven.”

=In 2 Chronicle chapter 19, 185,000 Assyrian soldiers were killed.

=God did this Himself without human help.

*God indrectly rules the world through human beings.

=In Psalm 2, God will send a Messiah in order to rule the wolrd.

=Rebellion against the Messiah is regarded as rebellion against God.

=God will give the Son of Man His Kingdom and let Him rule it.

=This Kingdom is an earthly kingdom consisting of all peoples, all nations, and speakers of all languages.

=Daniel chapter 2 and 7 describe the Kingdom of God as one ruled by a mediator, who is the Son of Man coming on the cloud.

=Revelations chapter 19 and 20 teach that Christ will come again to rule the Kingdom of God.

=The Kingdom of God on earth will be ruled by Christ.

3. Reality of Theocracy

(1) God rules directly at times, and indirectly at other times.

1. In the Kingdom of God in Theocracy, God rules through His representative.

(2) The Kingdom of God in Theocracy is a narrower concept that universal Kingdom.

1. The Kingdom of God in Theocracy is limited to earthly rule.

2. The Kingdom of God in Theocracy is an indirect rule through human beings.

3. Universal Kingdom of God includes direct rule of God, and an indirect one.

(3) The Kingdom of God in Theocracy is limited to the time when God uses His representative.

1. Before man’s Fall, God entrusted the rule of earthly world, which is part of universal Kingdom, to Adam.

2. Adam was given that authority by God (Genesis 1:26, 28, Psalm 8:3-9).

Genesis 1: 26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

Genesis 1: 28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”

(4) As a result of Adam’s Fall, theocracy on earth came to an end.

1. Adam fell by Satan’s temptation (Genesis chapter 3).

2. Adam gave authority of earthly rule to Satan.

9. Therefore, Satan took earthly rule from God.

* theocracy→satanocracy

10. Satan’s rule has continued till now.

11. Luke 4:5-6

5 The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. 6 And he said to him, “I will give you all their authority and splendor; it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. 

12. John 12:31, 14:30, 16:11 “The rule of this world”

13. 2 Corinthian 4:4 “God of this world”

14. 1 John 5:19 “evil one”

15. 1 Peter 5:8-9 “believers live in the enemy’s territory”

(5) Universal Kingdom of God belongs to God, and all earth belongs to God

1. Theocracy on earth alone ended with man’s Fall.

4. God’s plan after Adam’s Fall

(1) God will destroy Satan and his rule on earth

1. He will do this through the Messiah

2. God will give earthly rule to the last Adam, and restore theocracy on earth.

(2) Genesis 3:14-15

14 So the Lord God said to the serpent, “Because you have done this,“Cursed are you above all livestock  and all wild animals! You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life.15 And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.”

(3)Psalm 2

1. God will put the Messiah (Son of God) as King over Jerusalem

2. This king will destroy all forces against God.

(4) Other scriptures

1. Isaiah 9:6-7 A baby will be born who will sit on David’s throne and rules the Kingdom.

2. Isaiah chapter 11 Prophesy of a millennia.

3. Daniel chapter 7 Prophesy of the Kingdom that will be given to the Song of Man.

4. Luke 1:30-33

 30 But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. 31 You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. 32 He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, 33 and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.”

5. John 12:31

31 Now is the time for judgment on this world; now the prince of this world will be driven out. 

6. 1 John 3:8

8 The one who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work. 

7. Matthew 19:28, 24:29-30, 25:31, 34

8. Acts 3:19-21

19 Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord, 20 and that he may send the Messiah, who has been appointed for you—even Jesus. 21 Heaven must receive him until the time comes for God to restore everything, as he promised long ago through his holy prophets.

9. 1 Corinthian 15:24-25

 24 Then the end will come, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power. 25 For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet.

(5) From these scriptures, we see that God has plans for earthly history.

1. God alone is the ruler. He reveals his glory.

2. Millennia is a restoration of earthly theocracy that existed before the Fall.

3. If restoration of earthly theocracy does not happen, it means that God will be defeated by Satan.

5. Content of Revelations

1. God’s attack on Satan’s rule (three series of judgment)

*Great tribulation (chapter 6-18)

2. Christ’s return

*Defeating Satan’s army (19:11-21)

3. Satan is cast out from earth, and sent to the Abyss


4. Christ’s earthly rule will last for a thousand years

*Millennia 20:4-6

5. All the above will happen before this earth will be destroyed.


*God will restore His rule on earth.

6. The Hope given to us by the Kingdom of God

(1) Assurance that God in His sovereignty is in control of Human history.

(2) Assurance that good will overcome evil in the end.

(3) We can live expecting Christ’s return (capture and meeting in the air).

(4) Hope that we will meet our loved ones in heaven, and see Christ in His glory.

(5) Thankfulness that we are saved in Christ.

(6)A deeper assurance that the Bible is God’s word.

(7)Reconfirmation of the importance of the concept of God’s glory


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