Review for test over DNA and protein synthesis

Review for test over DNA and protein synthesis

1. Be able to compare and contrast DNA and RNA (Draw a double bubble map in the space provided

2. What are the 3 kinds of RNA and when / where/ how they are used?

3. Be able to transcribe and translate: Use “Breaking the Code” for practice with that.

4. What is the Central Dogma of Molecular Biology?

5. What is the point of protein synthesis?

6. What is the point of transcription?

7. The genetic code is universal. What is that and what does it mean (how can we use that fact to help us)?

8. What is a triplet?

9. What is a codon?

10. What is an anticodon?

Take the sentence


11. Do point mutation

12. Do a frame shift (deletion) mutation

Use the DNA strand: CCC ATA GGG

13. Do a frameshift mutation

14. Do a silent mutation

15. When is a mutation NOT a gene alteration?

16. What do we use proteins for?

17. What is the difference among these three things: amino acid, polypeptide chain and protein


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