
SRI-WAAPP M&E System Overview / Data Collection Forms – Aug 2015The M&E system of the SRI-WAAPP project is characterized by two overlapping approaches: (1) results-based management predicated on the theory of change represented in the project log frame, and (2) participatory systems evaluation using IAR4D and complexity-aware methodologies. Given the emergent and complex nature of the project intervention, as well as the need for standard program accountability, these two approaches together provide the most credible, accurate, and useful data in a way that is feasible. Other approaches to impact evaluation, such as randomized controlled trials, are not appropriate for interventions such as this one, and thus will not be employed. The system must respond to the evaluation questions presented below, which are derived from the project indicators listed in the log frame. Responding to these evaluation questions requires following the steps presented immediately after the evaluation questions, below. Data sources and methodological guidance are also provided for each step.As originally presented in the project document and the project log frame, the Specific Objectives, Results, and Indicators for the project are as follows:IDIndicator DescriptionSpecific Objective: Rice productivity and competitiveness improved in targeted areasSO1% change in rice yields for SRI fields in targeted areas (disaggregated by country)SO2% change in income for SRI producers (disaggregated by country)Result 1: Human and institutional capacities of stakeholders in the SRI value chain in West Africa strengthened1.1Number of SRI stakeholders (individuals) in the rice value chain trained by 2016 (disaggregated by country, category of stakeholder, theme of training, and gender)1.2Number of institutions that increase their capacity to scale up SRI by 2016 (disaggregated by country)Result 2: Appropriate innovations (equipment and/or best practices) for SRI developed, scaled up, and adopted in West Africa2.1Number of SRI innovations (equipment and/or best practices) developed 2.2Number of SRI innovations (equipment and/or best practices) disseminated in each ecozone and rice system by 20162.3Percentage of rice farmers practicing SRI in targeted areas in each country, differentiated by baseline status2.4Area under cultivation using SRIResult 3: SRI stakeholders’ demand for knowledge and decision-making options facilitated and met3.1Number of functioning innovation platforms3.2Number of SRI knowledge products specific to each ecozone and rice system produced and shared with stakeholders along the SRI value chain by 2016Result 4: Efficient mechanisms and tools of coordination, management and M&E of the project established4.1Number of coordination meetings4.2Number of reports submitted in a timely fashion (in compliance with established procedures)4.3Disbursement rate of the project4.4The system for data sharing among different levels is functional (y/n)Evaluation Questions (with related indicator code listed in parentheses; a summary of the measurement and analysis plan for each question is provided below):Does the project lead to improved rice productivity and competitiveness in target zones?To what extent is the project associated with increased rice yields for SRI fields in target zones? (SO1)What variations in rice yields exist by target zone, ecozone, rice system, and country?To what extent is the project associated with increased income for SRI producers in target zones? (SO2)What variations in income from rice exist by target zone, ecozone, rice system, and country?Does the program contribute to strengthening human and institutional capacities of stakeholders in the SRI value chain in West Africa? (R1)How many individual SRI stakeholders in the rice value chain are trained as a result of project-related activities? (1.1)What variations in capacity exist by country?What variations in role, age, and gender of individuals trained exist within and across countries?On what specific themes are stakeholders trained?How many institutions increase their capacity to scale up SRI as a result of project-related activities? (1.2)What variations in institutional capacity exist by country?What specific institutions are strengthened?In what specific SRI activities are affected institutions now engaged?Does the program lead to or support the development, scaling up, and adoption of appropriate innovations (equipment and/or best practices) for SRI in West Africa? (R2)How many SRI innovations (equipment and/or best practices) are developed as a result of project-related activities? (2.1)How many SRI innovations (equipment and/or best practices) are disseminated as a result of project-related activities? (2.2)To what extent is the project associated with an increase in the number and the percentage of farmers practicing SRI in target zones? (2.3)What variations in the rates of adoption exist by country?What variations in the rates of adoption exist by baseline status (i.e., are countries and/or target zones which had a smaller percentage of farmers practicing SRI at the project’s outset in January 2014 characterized by relatively smaller or larger changes in percentage?What is the area under cultivation using SRI in target zones? (2.4)How has the area under cultivation using SRI in target zones changed since the project’s outset in January 2014?Does the program facilitate and meet SRI stakeholders’ demand for knowledge and decision-making? (R3)How many innovation platforms integrating SRI are functional as a results of the project related activities? (3.1)How many SRI knowledge products specific to each ecozone and rice system are produced as a result of project-related activities? (3.2)How many SRI knowledge products specific to each ecozone and rice system are shared with stakeholders along the SRI value chain as a result of project-related activities? (3.2)Does the project establish efficient mechanisms and tools of coordination, management and M&E of the project? (R4)How many coordination meetings are held? (4.1)How many reports are submitted in a timely fashion? (4.2)What is the disbursement rate of the project?Is the system for data sharing among different levels functional?Given the delays in the collection of baseline data, the data collection guidelines for the baseline component of this M&E system have been adjusted accordingly. Specifically—as suggested in a World Bank guidance document on reconstructing baseline data for impact evaluation and results measurement —these guidelines present how to use the following approaches to reconstructing baseline data: secondary data sources; administrative data from the intervention; recall data through participatory appraisal, focus groups, and key informant interviews; and naturally occurring variations (over time and space) in the intervention’s implementation. M&E StepData Source/Methodological GuidanceIdentify target zones and map themDraw border of each zone on a digital mapIndicate GPS coordinates of key features (i.e., borders, villages, institutions)National facilitator and WAAPP project personnel provide this information; GPS can be collected using on-site tools or online maps.Describe the basic characteristics of the target zonesAdministrative unitsClimateEcozonesRice systemsUse existing reports and secondary data from governmental and NGOs, including from the Ministry of Agriculture and previous WAAPP programs. Confirm specific characteristics via survey (especially rice systems)Describe the key rice production indicators of the target zones prior to and since January 2014Average rice yields for conventional and SRI Average rice area for conventional and SRI Average rice income for conventional and SRI Average conventional yields, production, and income data prior to January 2014 can be obtained from secondary data. SRI data collection guidance will be provided by Regional Coordinator.Identify, list, and describe all SRI projects in each target zone prior to and since January 2014Individuals involvedInstitutions involvedCapacity of institutionsTrainings offeredUse the forms provided (i.e., in the “Baseline Study: Guidelines and Questionnaires”) to conduct a census of these variables, using snowball sampling, telephone contacts, email contacts, and desk research.Identify, list, and describe all SRI innovations and knowledge products developed, disseminated, and adopted in each zone prior to and since January 2014Innovations (practices or equipment)Knowledge productsInnovation platforms integrating SRIUse the forms provided (i.e., in the “Baseline Study: Guidelines and Questionnaires”) to conduct a census of these variables, using snowball sampling, telephone contacts, email contacts, and desk research.Identify the extent to which SRI is adopted and adapted in each zone prior to and since January 2014Number and percentage of SRI farmersArea (hectares and percentage) of rice cultivated with SRIDenominator (number of farmers and area of rice) under conventional practices can be obtained from secondary data. SRI data collection approaches will be standardized but relative to baseline conditions and target zone size and characteristics.Identify the extent to which the project is functioning wellConduct self-evaluation by program staff.N.B.: Most sub-questions (e.g., 1.a.i) will be responded to via disaggregated analysis of data gathered in response to the broader questions, with the questionnaires provided. Monitoring Forms for the SRI-WAAPP ProjectThis set of forms provides a platform for the entry of SRI project monitoring data. M&E Officers, National Facilitators, SRI Champions, consultants, and any other individuals who collect data on the indicators presented below can provide those data here. The M&E Officer and National Facilitator are requested to review these data and ensure all reporting of monitoring data is up-to-date at the end of each quarter (31 March, 30 June, 30 September, and 31 December), and, is up-to-date annually (by 31 December of each year).The data collected here, aggregated at the regional project level, will allow us to accurately track changes in the following indicators, numbered 1 – 10 in the table below: General Objective: Food Security improved in West AfricaIndicators (number and short title)Code from log frameSpecific objective 1:Rice productivity and competitiveness improved in targeted areas1. Change in Yield (%)2. # SRI farmers3. Area under SRI4. Change in income (%)SO12.32.4SO2Result 1: Human and institutional capacity of stakeholders (in the SRI value chain in West Africa strengthened)5. Institutional capacity improved6. # people trained1.21.1Result 2: Appropriate innovations, practices and technologies, for SRI developed and scaled up in West Africa7. # innovations developed and disseminated2.12.2Result 3: SRI stakeholders’’ demand for knowledge and decision-making options facilitated and met8. # knowledge products created and disseminated9. # of functional innovation platforms3.23.1Result 4: Efficient mechanisms and tools of coordination, management and M&E of the project established10. Quarterly reporting, M&E etc.4Welcome1. Are you reporting on an intervention that is located in one of the selected SRI WAAPP target zones? (Check one) FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX No FORMCHECKBOX I don’t know2. Name of the zone, including the administrative units, and (if available) GPS coordinates.3. What would you like to report on today? (Go to specific section as indicated)A. Field tracking – (yield, number of farmers, area, income) (Indicators 1-4)B. Institutional involvement (Indicator 5)C. Trainings, meetings or exchange and field visits (Indicator 6) D. Innovation developed/disseminated (Indicators 7a and 7b)E. Knowledge product/publications produced and disseminated (Indicators 8a and 8b)F. Innovation platform participation (Indicator 9)Section A. Field tracking – (yield, number of farmers, area, income) (Indicators 1-4)Country: FORMTEXT ?????Reporter name: FORMTEXT ?????Date: FORMTEXT ?????Target zone name: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Survey in the village (if checked go to question 1) FORMCHECKBOX Measurements of individual plots (if checked go to question 2)1. Village SurveyName of village: FORMTEXT ?????Date of interview: FORMTEXT ?????Describe the survey methods. (Fill out a separate form for each interview) FORMCHECKBOX Focus group discussion Total number of participants: FORMTEXT ?????Number of women participants: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Individual interviews Name of interviewee: FORMTEXT ?????Male or female: FORMTEXT ?????1.1. General questions: How many farmers are there in the village? FORMTEXT ?????How many rice farmers are there in the village? FORMTEXT ?????What is the average surface area/farmer? FORMTEXT ?????What percentage of the rice crop is planted by men what percentage by women? FORMTEXT ?????What rice systems are present in the village? (check all that apply) FORMCHECKBOX Upland FORMCHECKBOX Lowland FORMCHECKBOX Irrigated FORMCHECKBOX Mangrove FORMCHECKBOX Other (Specify): FORMTEXT ?????1.2. Questions regarding SRIIn which rice system(s) is SRI done? (check all that apply) FORMCHECKBOX Upland FORMCHECKBOX Lowland FORMCHECKBOX Irrigated FORMCHECKBOX Mangrove FORMCHECKBOX Other (Specify): FORMTEXT ?????For each system, provide the following information: Number of total SRI farmers: FORMTEXT ?????Number of women SRI farmers: FORMTEXT ?????Number of SRI farmers below 35 years of age: FORMTEXT ?????Total area of SRI: FORMTEXT ?????Average yield of SRI: FORMTEXT ?????Average yield of conventional rice: FORMTEXT ?????Production costs and income; for each system and for SRI and Conventional separately Specify unit surface area you use? (use the same for all parameters) FORMTEXT ?????Specify currency: FORMTEXT ?????Input costs (Quantity x price: for example: 6 kg x 300 CFA = 1800 CFA)Seed: FORMTEXT ????? x FORMTEXT ????? = FORMTEXT ?????Organic matter: FORMTEXT ????? x FORMTEXT ????? = FORMTEXT ?????Fertilizer: FORMTEXT ????? x FORMTEXT ????? = FORMTEXT ?????Irrigation: FORMTEXT ????? x FORMTEXT ????? = FORMTEXT ?????Pesticides: FORMTEXT ????? x FORMTEXT ????? = FORMTEXT ?????Other: : FORMTEXT ????? x FORMTEXT ????? = FORMTEXT ?????Labor costs (Person day per unit area)Land preparation: FORMTEXT ????? person day Nursery and planting: FORMTEXT ????? person dayWeeding: FORMTEXT ????? person dayOrganic matter and fertilizer application: FORMTEXT ????? person dayIrrigation management: FORMTEXT ????? person dayPesticide application: FORMTEXT ????? person dayOther: FORMTEXT ????? person dayTotal Labor in person day: FORMTEXT ?????Cost of labor: daily rate: FORMTEXT ?????Total labor cost: Total person day x daily rate = FORMTEXT ?????Total Costs: Total input costs plus total labor costs: FORMTEXT ?????Price paddy per kg: FORMTEXT ?????Gross Revenue (kg harvest x price/kg) = FORMTEXT ?????Net revenue: gross revenue – total cost = FORMTEXT ?????Fill out PRACTICES FORM for each system (Annex 1)2. Individual plot measurements and harvestIt is recommended to harvest at least 5 SRI and 5 conventional plots from at least 5 farmers for each village. For each farmer, all parameters should be collected: i) practices inventory, ii) production costs and income, and iii) yield measurement. Best is to work with a farmer and visit throughout the season2.1. Farmer Information:Name of farmer: FORMTEXT ?????Telephone number: FORMTEXT ?????Is it a conventional or an SRI plot? FORMCHECKBOX SRI plot FORMCHECKBOX conventionel plotGender (Check one) FORMCHECKBOX Male FORMCHECKBOX FemaleAge (Check one) FORMCHECKBOX Under 35 years old FORMCHECKBOX 35 years or olderRice system: FORMCHECKBOX Upland FORMCHECKBOX Lowland FORMCHECKBOX Irrigated FORMCHECKBOX Mangrove FORMCHECKBOX Other (Specify): FORMTEXT ?????Total area under rice (specify area unit) FORMTEXT ?????Total area under SRI (Specify area unit) FORMTEXT ?????(if not clear, measure out the field with GPS unit)Fill out all three sections: FORMCHECKBOX 2.2. PRACTICES FORM (Annex 1) FORMCHECKBOX 2.3. PRODUCTION COSTS AND INCOME (same as 1.3) FORMCHECKBOX 2.4. YIELD MEASURMENTS (Annex 2):Guidelines for harvesting : (Annex 2)2.3. Production costs and income; for each system and for SRI and Conventional separately Specify unit surface area you use? (use the same for all parameters) FORMTEXT ?????Specify currency: FORMTEXT ?????Input costs (Quantity x price: for example: 6 kg x 300 CFA = 1800 CFA)Seed: FORMTEXT ????? x FORMTEXT ????? = FORMTEXT ?????Organic matter: FORMTEXT ????? x FORMTEXT ????? = FORMTEXT ?????Fertilizer: FORMTEXT ????? x FORMTEXT ????? = FORMTEXT ?????Irrigation: FORMTEXT ????? x FORMTEXT ????? = FORMTEXT ?????Pesticides: FORMTEXT ????? x FORMTEXT ????? = FORMTEXT ?????Other: : FORMTEXT ????? x FORMTEXT ????? = FORMTEXT ?????Labor costs (Person day per unit area)Land preparation: FORMTEXT ????? person day Nursery and planting: FORMTEXT ????? person dayWeeding: FORMTEXT ????? person dayOrganic matter and fertilizer application: FORMTEXT ????? person dayIrrigation management: FORMTEXT ????? person dayPesticide application: FORMTEXT ????? person dayOther: FORMTEXT ????? person dayTotal Labor in person day: FORMTEXT ?????Cost of labor: daily rate: FORMTEXT ?????Total labor cost: Total person day x daily rate = FORMTEXT ?????Total Costs: Total input costs plus total labor costs: FORMTEXT ?????Price paddy per kg: FORMTEXT ?????Gross Revenue (kg harvest x price/kg) = FORMTEXT ?????Net revenue: gross revenue – total cost = FORMTEXT ?????Section B. Institutional involvement (Indicator 5)Country: FORMTEXT ?????Reporter name: FORMTEXT ?????Date: FORMTEXT ?????Filled out on an annual basis (end of 2014, 2015 and 2016)1. Are you entering information for a new institution? (i.e., one that recently began working with SRI and has not previously been reported on in this project; Check one) FORMCHECKBOX Yes (If checked, proceed to question 2 below) FORMCHECKBOX No, I am updating information for a previously entered institution (If checked, proceed to question 3 below)Baseline information on institution2. Baseline on this new institution.Name: FORMTEXT ?????Nature of organization: FORMTEXT ?????Location of headquarter: FORMTEXT ?????Additional offices: FORMTEXT ?????Field of work: FORMTEXT ?????Current projects: FORMTEXT ?????Number of employees: FORMTEXT ?????Name of director: FORMTEXT ?????First year of SRI work: FORMTEXT ?????Project on SRI (Describe and upload project document)Name of project: FORMTEXT ?????Name and contacts of project manager: FORMTEXT ?????Administrative units: FORMTEXT ?????Number of employees: FORMTEXT ?????Employees trained by whom: FORMTEXT ?????Training of farmers: FORMTEXT ?????Length of project: FORMTEXT ?????Funding amount: FORMTEXT ?????Name of donor: FORMTEXT ?????Type of SRI activities (Explain in detail) FORMTEXT ?????Results (Upload reports)Proceed to question 4 belowAnnual institutional update3. Name and location of organization: FORMTEXT ?????4. Type(s) of SRI activities the institution implements. (Check all that apply) FORMCHECKBOX SRI implementation at farmers’ level (If checked, proceed to question 5 below) FORMCHECKBOX SRI demonstration plots (If checked, proceed to question 6 below) FORMCHECKBOX Research on farmers’ fields (If checked, proceed to question 7 below) FORMCHECKBOX Research on research station (If checked, proceed to question 8 below)5. SRI field projects.Project name: FORMTEXT ?????Implementation zones, administrative units, with a list of villages: FORMTEXT ?????Number of farmers doing SRI: FORMTEXT ?????Results (upload report if available)6. Demo plots.Number of demo plots planted: FORMTEXT ?????Village name: FORMTEXT ?????Results (upload report if available): FORMTEXT ?????7. Research on farmers’ fields.Project name: FORMTEXT ?????Research topic: FORMTEXT ?????Field set up: FORMTEXT ?????Number of farmers participating: FORMTEXT ?????Duration of trial: FORMTEXT ?????Results : FORMTEXT ????? (upload report if available)Name and contact information of researcher: FORMTEXT ?????8. Research on research stations.Project name: FORMTEXT ?????Research topic: FORMTEXT ?????Field set up: FORMTEXT ?????Duration of trial: FORMTEXT ?????Results (upload report if available): FORMTEXT ?????Name and contact information of researcher: FORMTEXT ?????9. Participation of the institution’s staff in SRI trainings. FORMCHECKBOX Staff have not been trained on SRI (If checked, provide plan for engaging the staff in SRI trainings, and then proceed to question 10 below): FORMCHECKBOX Staff have been trained on SRI (If checked, provide the following information for each training event)Training title: FORMTEXT ?????Dates: FORMTEXT ?????Location: FORMTEXT ?????Organizers: FORMTEXT ?????Type and number of trainees: FORMTEXT ?????Name(s) of trainer(s): FORMTEXT ?????Content: FORMTEXT ?????10. Participation of the institution’s staff in SRI meetings. FORMCHECKBOX Staff have not participated in SRI meetings (If checked, provide plan for engaging the staff in SRI meetings, and then proceed to question 11 below): FORMCHECKBOX Staff have participated in SRI meetings (If checked, provide the following information for each meeting)Meeting title: FORMTEXT ?????Dates: FORMTEXT ?????Location: FORMTEXT ?????Organizers: FORMTEXT ?????Type and number of participants: FORMTEXT ?????Content: FORMTEXT ?????If staff have not held and/or organized trainings, meetings, exchange visits, please proceed to Section C.11. Information on SRI reports/documents/manuals/videos produced by staff. FORMCHECKBOX Staff have not produced any SRI reports/documents/manuals/videos FORMCHECKBOX Staff have produced SRI reports/documents/manuals/videos (If checked, list them, provide full reference information, and upload copies or links to them)12. Do staff have access to the following technical materials? (Check all types that are available to staff) FORMCHECKBOX General SRI manuals FORMCHECKBOX West Africa specific manuals FORMCHECKBOX Equipment (Specify): FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Data collection guidelines FORMCHECKBOX Moisture meter for harvest FORMCHECKBOX Scale for harvest FORMCHECKBOX GPS equipment FORMCHECKBOX Photo/video camera FORMCHECKBOX Other (Specify): FORMTEXT ?????13. Please provide the additional information requested below in the institution’s capacity to work with and scale up SRI.How many staff members work on SRI?: FORMTEXT ?????How many staff are in each of the following categories of knowledge and ability?Knowledge on SRI methodology: Acceptable: FORMTEXT ?????Good: FORMTEXT ?????Superior: FORMTEXT ?????Ability to train others on SRI: Acceptable: FORMTEXT ?????Good: FORMTEXT ?????Superior: FORMTEXT ?????Is there one or more ‘SRI Champion’ in this institution? (Check one) FORMCHECKBOX No FORMCHECKBOX Yes (If Yes, provide name, phone, email address): FORMTEXT ?????Have these Champions participated in Champion Advisory Group meetings? (Check one) FORMCHECKBOX No FORMCHECKBOX Yes (If Yes, provide dates and location): FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Not sureExplain how this organization has improved in the last year in its capacity to work with SRI. FORMTEXT ?????With which other institution is this institution collaborating on the SRI project?: Name: FORMTEXT ?????Description of the nature of collaboration: FORMTEXT ?????Section C. Trainings, meetings, field visits or exchange visits (Indicator 6)Country: FORMTEXT ????? Reporter name: FORMTEXT ????? Date: FORMTEXT ?????Please provide the following information for each SRI training, meeting, field visit, or exchange visit that occurred in country since the last reporting period. Provide all information (i.e., by responding to questions 1 - 13) for each event.1. Specify the type of event. (Check one) FORMCHECKBOX Training FORMCHECKBOX Meeting FORMCHECKBOX Field visits FORMCHECKBOX Exchange visits2. Event’s date(s): FORMTEXT ?????3. Event’s location.Province/region: FORMTEXT ?????Town/village: FORMTEXT ?????4. Title of the event: FORMTEXT ?????5. Theme and objective(s) of the event: FORMTEXT ?????6. Results of the event: FORMTEXT ?????7. Agenda of the event (Copy and paste, or upload file)8. Organizing institution(s): FORMTEXT ?????9. Name and contact information of trainer(s) and/or organizer(s): FORMTEXT ?????10. Information on type of participant by gender and age:ProducersTotal number of producers: FORMTEXT ?????Number of women: FORMTEXT ?????Number of youth (below 35 years old): FORMTEXT ?????Extension agentsTotal number of agents: FORMTEXT ?????Number of women: FORMTEXT ?????Number of youth (below 35 years old): FORMTEXT ?????ResearchersTotal number of researchers: FORMTEXT ?????Number of women: FORMTEXT ?????Number of youth (below 35 years old): FORMTEXT ?????Others (Specify) FORMTEXT ?????Total number of other: FORMTEXT ?????Number of women: FORMTEXT ?????Number of youth (below 35 years old): FORMTEXT ?????11. Were materials (e.g., technical manuals) distributed? FORMCHECKBOX No FORMCHECKBOX Yes (If Yes, provide citation and upload files)12. Participant list. (Copy and paste or upload a file with the name, village/town, district, region, organization, function, telephone, email of participants, where applicable)13. Upload any photos and/or videos from the event.Section D. Innovation developed/disseminated (Indicator 7)Country: FORMTEXT ????? Reporter name: FORMTEXT ????? Date: FORMTEXT ?????For the purposes of this form, an innovation can be a new practice, a new technique, a tool or a piece of equipment that is associated with the SRI system.What would you like to report on? (Check all that apply and complete the associated sections as appropriate) FORMCHECKBOX Identification (Complete question 1 or 2, below) FORMCHECKBOX Development (Complete question 3, below) FORMCHECKBOX Dissemination (Complete question 4, below) FORMCHECKBOX Adoption (Complete question 5, below)Identification1. Identified innovation found in farmers’ fields.Name of innovation: FORMTEXT ?????Describe the innovation in as much detail as possible, including what is different from what other SRI farmers do: FORMTEXT ?????What challenge does the innovation address?: FORMTEXT ?????Location (Village/district/region): FORMTEXT ?????Which system does it involve?: FORMCHECKBOX Upland FORMCHECKBOX Lowland FORMCHECKBOX Irrigated FORMCHECKBOX Other (Specify): FORMTEXT ?????Name and contact information of developer (be it a farmer or organization): FORMTEXT ?????Is the innovation already disseminated? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX NoIf Yes, describe where and by whom: FORMTEXT ?????How many farmers have already adopted it?: FORMTEXT ?????Upload photo or video upload here:2. Identified innovation not yet in farmers’ fields, found elsewhere, with potential to improve SRI System. Name of innovation: FORMTEXT ?????Describe the innovation in as much detail as possible, including what is different from what other SRI farmers do: FORMTEXT ?????What challenge does it address?: FORMTEXT ?????Where did you learn about it? FORMTEXT ?????Are there any written publications on it? If yes, provide title/author/year, publisher, and upload or link to the file. FORMTEXT ?????How could it be integrated into the SRI system? FORMTEXT ?????Which system does it involve?: FORMCHECKBOX Upland FORMCHECKBOX Lowland FORMCHECKBOX Irrigated FORMCHECKBOX Other (Specify): FORMTEXT ?????Development 3. Innovation being developed (i.e., tested and refined).Name of innovation: FORMTEXT ?????Describe the innovation in as much detail as possible, including what is different from what other SRI farmers do: FORMTEXT ?????What challenge does it address?: FORMTEXT ?????Which system does it involve?: FORMCHECKBOX Upland FORMCHECKBOX Lowland FORMCHECKBOX Irrigated FORMCHECKBOX Other (Specify): FORMTEXT ?????Person in charge: Name, organization, phone number, email: FORMTEXT ?????Location: FORMTEXT ?????Objectives of test: FORMTEXT ?????Duration of test: FORMTEXT ?????Results of test: FORMTEXT ?????Provide details and upload file of technical write-up, photos, videos, etc.: FORMTEXT ?????Dissemination4. Innovation being disseminated.Name of innovation: FORMTEXT ?????What is disseminated: FORMTEXT ?????Location of dissemination: FORMTEXT ?????Which system does it involve?: FORMCHECKBOX Upland FORMCHECKBOX Lowland FORMCHECKBOX Irrigated FORMCHECKBOX Other (Specify): FORMTEXT ?????Who is in charge of dissemination (Institution and/or person): FORMTEXT ?????Number of copies disseminated: FORMTEXT ?????Type of beneficiaries: FORMTEXT ?????Number of beneficiaries: FORMTEXT ?????If included in a trainings: specify date, location, name of training: FORMTEXT ?????Adoption5. Innovation being adopted.Name of innovation: FORMTEXT ?????Season: FORMTEXT ?????Location: village/district/region: FORMTEXT ?????Number of farmers adopting innovation: FORMTEXT ?????Which system does it involve?: FORMCHECKBOX Upland FORMCHECKBOX Lowland FORMCHECKBOX Irrigated FORMCHECKBOX Other (Specify): FORMTEXT ?????What are the benefits? (Explain) FORMTEXT ?????Section E. Knowledge product/publications produced & disseminated (Indicator 8)Country: FORMTEXT ????? Reporter name: FORMTEXT ????? Date: FORMTEXT ?????Please provide the following information for each SRI knowledge product produced in country since the last reporting period. Provide all information (i.e., responding to questions 1-2) for each product.1. Title of product: FORMTEXT ?????2. Description of product.Type of product (Technical articles, technical manual, blog posts, multi-media, news articles, TV, video on internet, others): FORMTEXT ?????Content of product: FORMTEXT ?????Climate zone (Arid, semi-arid, sub-humid, humid, no): FORMTEXT ?????Rice system (irrigated, rainfed lowland, rainfed upland, mangroves, deep-water rice, other): FORMTEXT ?????Author(s): FORMTEXT ?????Publishing organization: FORMTEXT ?????Date published: FORMTEXT ?????Date of dissemination: FORMTEXT ?????Event of distribution: FORMTEXT ?????Upload file or provide link FORMTEXT ?????3. DisseminationNumber of copies disseminated: FORMTEXT ?????Disseminated by which organization: FORMTEXT ?????Disseminated to: FORMTEXT ?????Date: FORMTEXT ?????Section F. Innovation platform participation (Indicator 9)Country: FORMTEXT ????? Reporter name: FORMTEXT ????? Date: FORMTEXT ?????Please provide the following information for each SRI innovation platform (IP) active in country. Provide all information (i.e., responding to questions 1 - 2) for each IP.1. Title of IP: FORMTEXT ?????2. Is this a new IP without baseline information so far? FORMCHECKBOX Yes (If checked, proceed to number 3 below) FORMCHECKBOX No (If checked, proceed to number 4 below)3. For each newly inventoried rice IP, specify the following information (baseline information)Convener of IP (Organization[s)] and person[s]): FORMTEXT ?????Members/participants of the IP: FORMTEXT ?????Topics covered: FORMTEXT ?????Meeting schedule: FORMTEXT ?????Mode of operation: FORMTEXT ?????Results: FORMTEXT ?????Main benefits from this IP: FORMTEXT ?????4. Participation in IP meeting Date of meeting: FORMTEXT ?????SRI issues addressed during meeting: FORMTEXT ?????Conclusions and recommendations for SRI from meeting: FORMTEXT ?????Next steps: FORMTEXT ?????List of participants (Copy and paste or upload file)Minutes of meeting (Copy and paste or upload file)Annex 1:Inventory of Practices for SRI and Conventional Rice Farming Year:Date:Country: Season (provide range of months): Province:Irrigated/lowland/upland/ other: Target Zone: Farmer name:Village: Reporter name:GPS location:Organization: Practices?SRI ConventionalMethod, equipment usedPlot sizem x m ???Soil fertilityHigh/medium/lowClimate resilienceDrought prone,Flood prone, Both, None of aboveSide-by-side comparisonyes/no??Land preparation ?Plowingyes/no????Puddlingyes/no????Bunding of fieldsyes/no????Leveling yes/no????Other:yes/no????Other:yes/no????Other:yes/no???Nursery?Soaking of seeds number hours/no????Other seed treatmentyes/no????Raised (non flooded) nurseryyes/no????Variety (ies)Name???Transplanting or Direct SeedingMethodTR or DS????Date of TR or DSDate (or range of dates)????Age of seedlingsdays????Seedlings or seeds/hillNumber????Planted in linesyes/no????Spacing between hillscm x cm???Weeding?Use of weederNumber????Hand weedingNumber????HerbicideNumber????Weed pressure (hi/me/low)???Fertilization?Organic matter application#per season/no????* Amount of OM t/ha????* Type of OM?????Type Nitrogen fertilizer:#per season/no????* Amount of Nkg/ha????Other fertilizer: #per season/no????* Amountkg/ha???PesticideHerbicide#per season/no????Fungicide#per season/no????Insecticide#per season/no????Other:#per season/no???Water management ?Irrigation of plotyes/no????Water control vegetative phaseyes/no????Water control after floweringyes/no????Intermittent water application/AWDyes/no????Permanent floodingYes/no????Number of irrigationsNumber????Flood proneyes/no????Drought proneyes/no???HarvestDate of HarvestDate (or range of dates)????Grain Yieldkg/plot size????Grain Yieldkg/ha????Price of paddy ricecurrency/kg?? ?Revenu from grain (price x yield)currency/ha????Revenu from Straw (price x yield)currency/ha????Total revenu (grain and straw)currency/ha???Annex 2: Harvest Evaluation for SRI and Conventional Plots Country:Country:Village:Village:Farmer:Farmer:GPS:GPS:Date:Date:Irrigated/lowland/upland/other: Irrigated/lowland/upland/other: Variety:Variety:Reporter: ReporterPlot #?SRI ?Plot #?ConventionalPlantNo tillersNo paniclesPlant height (cm)PlantNo tillersNo paniclesPlant height (cm)1???1???2???2???3???3???4???4???5???5???6???6???7???7???8???8???9???9???10???10???Panicle analysisPanicleLength (mm)No grains PanicleLength (mm)No grains P1???P1???P2???P2???P3???P3???P4???P4???P5???P5???Harvest square 1m2SquareNo plants / m2Grain Moisture (%)Fresh weight (g)SquareNo plants / m2Grain Moisture (%)Fresh weight (g)S1? ?S1???S2???S2???S3???S3???S4???S4???S5???S5???Harvest of entire plotHarvest of entire plotlength (m)width (m)length (m)width (m)Plot size??Plot size??Weight (kg)?Weight (kg)?Grain moisture %?Grain moisture %? ................

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