
Accomplishments of Malcolm F. VidrineCodiscovery of leprosy in wild nine-banded armadillos in Louisiana (1970s) (with many authors)Codevelopment of nine-banded armadillos as biomedical research model in live captivity (Eleanor Storrs, George D’Addamio, Ed Hurlbert, Mark DeRouen and others) (1970s)Codevelopment of population models of mosquitos (with an emphasis on developing mosquito abatement strategies that minimize pollution and damage to beneficial insects) in the Cajun Prairie of southwestern Louisiana (1980s) (with Roy McLaughlin, Osborne Willis, Johnny Billodeaux and Charles Allen)Inventory of biota of aquatic communities of rice fields in southwestern Louisiana (1980s) (with Roy McLaughlin, Osborne Willis, Johnny Billodeaux and Charles Allen) (includes the discovery of a significant new rotifer species) Codiscovery of remnant Cajun Prairie in southwestern Louisiana (1980s) (with Charles Allen)Statewide historical survey of freshwater mussels of Louisiana (1970 to present) (with many collaborators)Systematics of worldwide Unionicola (1970 to present) (with many collaborators)Promoting sustainable agriculture and urban development (with Bruno Borsari) (1990s to present)Conservation efforts: preservation/restoration of prairie habitat, wild landscaping (prairie gardening) and butterfly habitat creation (with Bruno Borsari, Marc Pastorek, Peter Loos, my family and many collaborators) (1990s to present)Author and contributing author of more than 100 scientific articles, 11 books and 4 blogs:cajunprairiegarden.unionicola.quillmanart. ................

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