5818912116648002925141471900THE ESSINGTON MIDDLE SCHOOL DARWINMiddle School English – Year 7The Outsiders Portfolio of WorkStudent’s name: ________________________ CLASS: ____________ Circle appropriate teacher: Mrs Barbera / Ms. HealyTaskConditionsDate givenDraft dueFinal due dateMagazine Cover (creative, visual)*Must use ICTDrafting and conferencing with teacher; in-class lessons in English and ICT permitted Week 3Week 4 Week 5Empathic Response (creative, written)*500 wordsDrafting and conferencing with teacher; in-class lessons in English permitted Week 5 Week 6 Week 7Analytical Response (analysis, written)*300 wordsDrafting and conferencing with teacher; in-class lessons in English permitted Week 7 Week 8Week 9 Portfolio of Work: ConditionsThis term you have been studying the text ‘The Outsiders’, which portrays the struggle between social classes and ‘identities’ in 1960s America. There are three components to this task, which will require you to both creatively and analytically respond to the novel’s themes, characters, and events. Task One: Magazine CoverYou are to create a magazine cover that would appear in the 1960s that appeals to either the ‘Greasers’ (poor, lower class) or the ‘Socs’ (rich, upper class) of which both have unique social class identities and interests. You must use ICT to create this cover page (suggestions for programs include Canva, Photoshop and Microsoft Word). You must consider and plan the following first:Give your magazine a name and include a time stamp (E.g. 1st June, 1962 edition). You may use an existing magazine (or other) company that existed at the time (e.g. Vogue, etc). Think of the type of magazine you would like to create (for example – a fashion magazine, teenage gossip magazine, adult women’s home magazine, car/auto magazine, political based magazine, music-based magazine, etc). Appeal to gender and age: either women/girls or men/teenage boys to make your magazine more focused, appealing and realistic. Think about the positioning of text and size of the font to convey importance. Consider the 1960s time period – what products and services were available then – also what did they consider as important? E.g. the American dream, appliances, gender roles, actors. Consider your social group – what did your particular social group wear? Who did they aspire to? Who did they listen to? What did they believe in?Your magazine must include the following:Include small advertisements for products/services that would appeal to your group (minimum three) – e.g. radios, fashion items, records, hairstyles, etc.Reflect the interests of the social group you have picked – through the celebrities, styles of fashion, brands etc that you choose.Appropriate language/slang relevant to the 1960s time period and your group (slang or terms relevant to the social group). Reflect the 1960s time period through all choices present on the magazine cover. Present your magazine cover in A4 size, colour, with images to add appeal for audiences. Submission: You must print your magazine cover for your teacher on the due date.587487433210081866298000Task Two: Empathic response (500 words)TaskConditionsDate givenDraft dueFinal due dateEmpathic Response (creative, written)*500 wordsDrafting and conferencing with teacher; in-class lessons in English permitted Week 5 Week 6 Week 7From the list of specific events below, pick one character who is significant in this moment. Your task is to empathize with this character, by assuming their voice after a key event within chapters 1 – 4 of the novel. You must describe and elaborate upon your internal thoughts and feelings after this event as if you are the character in the form of an empathic response (written monologue). Essentially, you are to imagine you are the character, in this moment and are frozen in time: write what your character is feeling and thinking in one of the critical events/options listed below.In your response, you must also explore your personal struggle with your identity (who you are) and social class divisions.Reminders:You must use first person and present tense.Think about how that character would be feeling in a complex way – confused? Angry? Frustrated? Consider multiple feelings and thoughts and elaborate on these in detail.Use language techniques like rhetorical questions, similes, etc., to enrich your point of view.You must assume the identity of the person – use appropriate vocabulary and language (slang) to express the linguistic style of your character.Consider whether you are reflecting the particular character’s true thought process and motivations.Paragraph your response logically. Your response must be 500 words (10% leeway applies). Submission: You will type your Empathic Response into a shared document created by your teacher. Include a word count at the end of your paragraphs. Key events/moments you may choose from: *You must choose one of these events:After Ponyboy gets attacked by the Socs on the street (Chapter 1)After Ponyboy’s first meeting with Cherry at the drive-in movie theatre (Chapter 2)After Two-Bit explains Dally’s intention to fight with Tim Shephard (Chapter 2)After Cherry and Ponyboy’s discussion about the ‘Greasers’ and ‘Socs’ on the way home (Chapter 3)After Ponyboy and Johnny decide to run away from Darry (Chapter 3)After Ponyboy regains consciousness after the fight with the ‘Socs’ and finds Bob dead (Chapter 4)After Ponyboy settles with Johnny in the church in Windrixville (Chapter 4)Planning page for Part 1 and 2 of the Portfolio: Circle which social class you will focus upon: Socs orGreasersWhat character will you focus on in your empathic response?How do you think this character is feeling at this point? Why?How do you feel about the ‘greasers’ and the ‘socs’?Task three: Analytical Response (300 words)The novel The Outsiders portrays several strong themes, such as isolation, identity, appearances, conflict, loyalty, social class, and choices. In response to the question below, you must choose ONE of the two themes listed and analyse how this theme is conveyed through different language techniques, with reference to two characters in the novel.You are to write one, detailed essay paragraph using the TEAL structure learnt in class. center97496Question: S.E. Hinton explores several core themes in the novel ‘The Outsiders’ including identity AND social class. Choose one of these themes and discuss the experiences of different characters in relation to your chosen theme. Ensure you analyse a range of language techniques and their effects upon readers in your response. In your response you must:Explore one theme (either identity OR social class).Present one body paragraph (a full TEAL paragraph). Include an integrated discussion on the language techniques in each quote and their effect on a reader in relation to conveying the theme (you will need 2-3 quotes per body paragraph).Discuss the theme in relation to the experiences (struggles and/or triumphs) of two different characters in your paragraph.Use the TEAL structure in your response (body paragraphs).Use formal language and do not use personal pronouns (I, me, you, we).Your response must be 300 words in total (10% leeway applies). Provide a word count at the end of your paragraph. Submission: Your analytical response must be typed into a shared document created by your teacher. Task 1: Magazine Cover Rubric GradeA B C D E Knowledge & UnderstandingACELT1620A sophisticated and highly in-depth understanding of a particular social class within the 1960s period (both within the novel and contextually).A detailed understanding of a particular social class within the 1960s period (both within the novel and contextually).A sound understanding of a particular social class within the 1960s period (both within the novel and contextually).A limited understanding of a particular social class within the 1960s period (both within the novel and contextually).Little to no understanding of a particular social class within the 1960s period (both within the novel and contextually).ApplicationACELA1764 ACELT1805Sophisticated and careful positioning and arrangement of all visual and written features in the magazine cover, clearly appealing to a specific social class, with thoughtful consideration on the intended effects upon a 1960s audience.Careful positioning and arrangement of all visual and written features in the magazine cover, appealing to a specific social class, with consideration on the intended effects upon a 1960s audience.Sound positioning and arrangement of visual and written features in the magazine cover, appealing to a specific social class, with some consideration on the intended effects upon a 1960s audience.Weak positioning and arrangement of visual and written features in the magazine cover, appealing vaguely to a social class, with little consideration on the intended effects upon a 1960s audience.An attempt to position and arrange visual and written features in the magazine cover, and appeal to a social class. Little to no consideration on the intended effects upon a 1960s audience.Analysis CommunicationACELT1725ACELY1728 (ICT) ACELA1528ACELA1529Well planned, drafted and published informative text (magazine), which perceptively selects and applies aspects of subject matter, language, and visual features to convey information and ideas, confidently using ICT software.Appropriate style and formality maintained through contextual vocabulary choices that a create social identity.Well drafted and published informative text (magazine), which effectively selects and applies aspects of subject matter, language, and visual features to convey information and ideas, effectively using ICT software.Mainly appropriate style and formality maintained through contextual vocabulary choices that a create social identity. Satisfactorily published informative text (magazine), which selects and applies aspects of subject matter, language, and visual features to convey information and ideas, using ICT software.Some evidence of appropriate style and formality maintained through contextual vocabulary choices that a create social identity.Weakly published informative text (magazine), which selects and applies some aspects of subject matter, language, and visual features to convey information and ideas, using ICT software.Some evidence of appropriate contextual vocabulary choices that a create social identity. An attempt to publish an informative text (magazine), which may select and apply few aspects of subject matter, language, and visual features to convey information and ideas, using ICT software poorly.Little evidence of appropriate vocabulary choices that a create social identity.Overall comment: Grade:5974422-200346Magazine/Empathic Response OVERALL GRADE:0Magazine/Empathic Response OVERALL GRADE:Task 2: Empathic Response RubricGradeA B C D E Knowledge & UnderstandingACELT 1619 ACELT1620Insightful and comprehensive understanding of character, plot, events, and themes of the novel.Extensive and perceptive knowledge and understanding of a character’s emotions, experiences, values and beliefs, in relation to their personal identity struggles.Detailed understanding of character, plot, events, and themes of the novel.Detailed knowledge and understanding of a character’s emotions, experiences, values and beliefs, in relation to their personal identity struggles.Sound understanding of character, plot, events, and themes of the novel.Sound knowledge and understanding of a character’s emotions, experiences, values and beliefs, in relation to their personal identity struggles.Weak understanding of character, plot, events, and themes of the novel.Weak knowledge and understanding of a character’s emotions, experiences, values and beliefs, in relation to their personal identity struggles.Limited understanding of character, plot, events, and themes of the novel.Limited knowledge and understanding of a character’s emotions, experiences, values and beliefs, in relation to their personal identity struggles.ApplicationACELA1528ACELA1529ACELT 1625Consistent and integrated use of an authentic, engaging and convincing voice used to express and capture their personal and social identity.A sustained use of insightful vocabulary choices that effectively reflect the linguistic style of the character and affect the reader.Integrated use of a largely convincing voice used to express and capture their personal and social identity. An emerging sophistication of vocabulary choices that effectively reflect the linguistic style of the character and affect the reader.Use of an engaging voice to express and capture their personal and social identity.Use of appropriate vocabulary choices that reflect the linguistic style of the character and affect the reader.Basic suitable features of expression and voice used to express their personal and social identity. Use of some appropriate vocabulary choices that do not accurately reflect the linguistic style of the character and affect the reader.Attempt to use suitable features of expression and voice to express their personal and social identity. Use of a limited range of vocabulary choices which rarely reflect the linguistic style of the character and affect the reader.Analysis CommunicationACELY1726Clear and cohesive empathic response structure used with consistently well-developed paragraphs.The task is fluent, whereby spelling, grammar and punctuation is applied with an excellent level of technical accuracy. Cohesive empathic response structure used with well-developed paragraphs.The task is mostly fluent, whereby spelling, grammar and punctuation is applied with a high level of technical accuracy.Satisfactory empathic response structure used with developed paragraphs.The task is somewhat fluent, whereby spelling, grammar and punctuation is applied with a sound level of technical accuracy.Basic empathic response structure used with simple paragraphs.The task is partially fluent, whereby spelling, grammar and punctuation is applied with a limited level of technical accuracy.The empathic response lacks cohesion, and there is an attempt to paragraph ideas.The task lacks fluency, whereby spelling, grammar and punctuation is applied with little to no level of technical ment: Grade:Task 3: Analytical Response RubricGradeA B C D E Knowledge & UnderstandingACELT 1619 A sophisticated and detailed analysis of a central theme, including insightful reflection on how the theme affects various characters in the novel.A detailed analysis of a central theme, including reflection on how the theme affects characters in the novel.A sound analysis of a central theme, including some reflection on how the theme affects characters in the novel.Limited analysis of a central theme, including minimal reflection on how the theme affects characters in the novel.Little to no analysis of a central theme, including little to no reflection on how the theme affects characters in the novel.ApplicationACELA1782Demonstration of an in depth understanding of a theme, substantiated by the apt selection and fluent integration of textual references in the form of quotes.Demonstration of a clear understanding of a theme, substantiated by the effective selection and fluent integration of textual references in the form of quotes.Demonstration of some understanding of a theme, substantiated by the selection and integration of some textual references in the form of quotes.Demonstration of little understanding of a theme that may be substantiated by the selection and inclusion of textual references in the form of quotes.Demonstration of little to no understanding of a theme is not substantiated by quotes.Analysis ACELY1721Sophisticated and perceptive analysis of language devices used in the quotes, with reference to the varied effects on the reader.Detailed analysis of language devices used in the quotes, with reference to the effects on the reader.Sound analysis of language devices used in the quotes, with some reference to the effect on the reader.Minimal analysis of language devices used in the quotes, with little reference to the effect on the reader.Little to no analysis of language devices, with little or no reference to the effect on the municationACELY1726ACELA1763Clear and cohesive essay structure used through a fluent, well-developed paragraph.Appropriate style and formality maintained through sophisticated vocabulary choices. Spelling, grammar and punctuation: consistently accurate.Clear essay structure used through a well-developed paragraph.Mainly appropriate style and formality maintained through vocabulary choices. Spelling, grammar and punctuation: mostly accurate.Attempt at essay structure and/or paragraph.Some evidence of appropriate style and formality maintained through vocabulary choices.Basic spelling and grammar: mostly accurate.Some attempt to paragraph. Some evidence of appropriate vocabulary choices. Basic spelling, grammar and punctuation: accurate in places.Some attempt to order ideas. Little evidence of appropriate vocabulary choices.Some accuracy in spelling and/or punctuation and/or grammar.Overall comment: Grade: ................

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