
Name _____________________English III / AP LanguageOutliers Questions The Outliers: Introduction"The Roseto Mystery"1. How does Gladwell begin the chapter? How does he define "outlier"?2. What style of arrangement does Gladwell use next in discussing the townof Roseto, Italy, and the people from it?3. Gladwell introduces Stewart Wolf, a physician. What information does Wolf's"character" provide about the health of people in the 1950s?4. What does Wolf discover about Roseto?5. How does Gladwell describe Wolf's methods? (what mode of writing does he use?6. How is the process analysis style of arrangement furthered in the nextsection? Why write this way? What is Gladwell trying to show about Wolf?7. What did conventional wisdom say about living a long life? How did whatWolf discovered in Roseto contradict the conventional wisdom?8. This is a book about success--not about health. What is Gladwell'spurpose in including this story and using it as the introduction of hisbook? Is success any different?The Outliers Chapter 1 ActivityPlease write a 1-2 page response paper that addresses the following:.?????? What did you learn or find interesting?.?????? What style does Gladwell have?? Look at how he structures the chapter, what types of arrangements he uses, and why he does so?.?????? What analogies or metaphors do you see and why are they there?.?????? What questions/issues does Gladwell raise?.?????? What are the implications for our society, based on his findings?Outliers: Chapter 2 "The 10,000 Hour Rule"1.????? "The Joy of Programming & Success." Anecdote of Bill Joy: Why is itthere?? 2.????? "I would work 5,000 hours, and I would work 5,000 more.." ???? Gladwell introduces the 10,000 hour rule: "the magic number ofgreatness." Pg 41????? "Achievement is talent plus preparation."? Gives the accepteddefinition of achievement. ????? What is the problem with this view? List the examples to prove the point ????Violin study.? Uses scientific language: "Exhibit A in the talentargument."? How did they conduct the study??Flawed study??.?????? Pianists: amateurs & professionals.? More examples: Mozart (who is thought of as a prodigy) and refutesthat idea.Bobby Fischer-chess grandmaster-but does it in 9 years, not 10.How is this related to the "cut off rule" or the idea of "accumulative advantages"?? pg 41?Obstacles to reaching 10K hours: Is this why most don't become outliers?3. A Program of Opportunity.?????? "Has talent by the truckload." Pg 43? Metaphor? What are we saying about his talent?.?????? What type of arrangement does Gladwell use to describe computerprogramming back in the 1960s--early 1970s?? Why??Gladwell introduces the next component of success: not just time, but OPPORTUNITY..?????? Joy goes to college at UMich: "Michigan was one of the firstuniversities in the world to switch over to computer time-sharing." Pg 44? "What component of success does this offer Joy??????What is the significance?4. "Eight Days a Week" - The BeatlesGladwell gives a hypothesis to test: "If we scratch below the surface ofevery great achiever, do we always find the equivalent of the MichiganComputer Center or the hockey all-star team-some sort of special opportunityfor practice?" 47His example - The Beatles.?????? Note the specifics of the Beatles’ success 5. Gateway to Success - Bill GatesGladwell’s example here is Bill Gates and his extraordinary opportunities: which gives him PRACTICE6. Opportunity Knocks.?????? Gladwell acknowledges talent and intelligence plays a role..?????? "But what truly distinguishes their histories is not theirextraordinary talent but their extraordinary opportunities." Pg 55.?????? "Lucky breaks don't seem like the exception with softwarebillionaires and rock bands and star athletes.? They seem like the rule." Pg56Gladwell’s example here illustrates another hidden opportunity: Calendar birth years.He gives a list of seventy-five of the richest people in human history.? "Of the seventy-five names, an astonishing fourteen are Americans born within nine years of one another in the mid-nineteenth century." Pg 61? "Almost 20% of the names they end up with come from a single generation in a single country."What is the significance of this fact? Pg 63: Footnote: "Business leaders tended to come from privileged backgrounds.? The one exception?? .?????? "If January 1975 was the dawn of the personal computer age, then whowould be in the best position to take advantage of it?.. Why? Outliers Chapter 2 Activity:"The 10,000 Hour Rule"Malcolm Gladwell divides Chapter 2 into six sections. Please read thechapter and then do the following:1.????? Write a creative title for each section.? Your title should becatchy, clever, and should encapsulate the main idea/purpose of the section.2.????? Underneath each title, write down one passage from the section thatyou feel was the most important.? Include the page number.3.????? Underneath the passage, write some commentary explaining thesignificance of the passage.? Significance might be considered in terms ofimplications for society, questions Gladwell raises, use of literary orrhetorical devices, etc.Outliers: Chapter 3"The Trouble with Geniuses, Part I"Please answer the questions :1.????? Why does Gladwell introduce Christopher Langan to us?? How is Langancharacterized, and how does Gladwell set us up to assume that Langan is alsoa success, an "outlier"?.?????? 2.????? Who was Lewis Terman?? What was his theory regarding IQ?? Why does Gladwell say, "Today, many of Terman's ideas remain central to the way wethink about success"?? How does Gladwell connect Terman's geniuses to Chris Langan?Terman connects the idea of geniuses as outliers to conventional wisdom theory.? Is that true? 3.????? What critical concept does Gladwell introduce in section 3?? How does he attempt to prove this concept using the arrangement of exemplification?"How a person's performance on an IQ test like the Raven's translates to real-life success." 78.?????? 4.????? Before you read section 4, take the "brick and blanket test."? Write down as many different uses that you can think of for the following objects:a)????? A brickb)????? A blanket5.????? What point does Gladwell use the "brick and blanket test" to illustrate?????? 6.????? What did Terman's study eventually conclude?.?????? Outliers - Chapter 4 ActivityCreate Comparison / Contrast charts to look at what Gladwell was comparing/contrasting and why.? TopicsSimilaritiesDifferencesReasoningOutliers: Chapter 5 = Quote QuizOutliers: Chapter 6 Activity1.????? Write a creative title for each section.? Your title should becatchy, clever, and should encapsulate the main idea/purpose of the section.2.????? Underneath each title, write down one passage from the section thatyou feel was the most important.? Include the page number.3.????? Underneath the passage, write some commentary explaining thesignificance of the passage.? Significance might be considered in terms ofimplications for society, questions Gladwell raises, use of literary orrhetorical devices, etc ................

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