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2 new campaign leaflets on CV and 5G that you can read or print -



UK and Global Protests

Say no to Corona Virus Bill

Say no to Unlawful Lockdown

Say no to Mandatory Vaccines

Say no to the New Normal

Fake Pandemic

Rights and Freedoms

Illegal lockdowns

Freedom of speech


92 Locations in UK - 16/5/20

About 200 protests in 92 areas

1 - Ashford

2 - Avebury Stone Circles

3 - Aylesbury

4 - Bangor

5 - Barnstaple

6 - Basingstoke

7 - Bath

8 - Birmingham

9 - Blackburn

10 - Blackpool

11 - Bognor Regis

12 - Boston

13 - Bournemouth

14 - Brighton

15 - Bristol

16 - Buxton area - Arbor Low and Nine Ladies Stone Circles

17 - Cambridge

18 - Canterbury

19 - Cardiff

20 - Carlisle

21 - Cheltenham

22 - Chippenham

23 - Colchester

24 - Coventry

25 - Crawley

26 - Dartmouth

27 - Durham

28 - Eastbourne

29 - Edinburgh - Hillwood Park & Holyrood Park

30 - Exeter

31 - Folkestone - Radnor Park & Folkestone Beach

32 - Frome

33 - Glasgow

34 - Glastonbury

35 - Gloucester

36 - Gravesend

37 - Great Malvern

38 - Guernsey

39 - Guildford

40 - Hastings

41 - Hereford

42 - Hull

43 - Isle of Man

44 - Isle of Wight - Appley Beach/Park in Ryde & Seaclose Park in Newport

45 - Ivybridge

46 - Jersey

47 - Kidderminster

48 - Knowsley

49 - Lake District

50 - Lancaster

51 - Leeds

52 - Leicester - Braunstone Park and Abbey Park

53 - Lincoln

54 - Liverpool

55 - London - Hyde Park etc - 1000 attended!

56 - Manchester - Stretford Meadows & Platt Fields Park

57 - Margate

58 - Middlesbrough

59 - Milton Keynes

60 - Minions

61 - Newbury

62 - Newcastle

63 - Newquay - Fistral and Porth Beaches

64 - Norwich

65 - Nottingham - Wollaton Park & Forest Recreation Ground

66 - Oxford

67 - Penrith

68 - Plymouth

69 - Portsmouth

70 - Reading

71 - Salcombe

72 - Scarborough

73 - Scunthorpe

74 - Sheffield

75 - Skegness

76 - Southampton

77 - Stanley

78 - Stoke on Trent

79 - Stonehenge

80 - Sunderland

81 - Swindon - Coate Water Park & Lawns Park

82 - Taunton

83 - Torquay

84 - Totnes

85 - Warrington

86 - Waylands Smithy

87 - Weston-Super-Mare

88 - Weymouth

89 - Wirral

90 - Wolverhampton

91 - Wrexham

92 - York



The police support protesters in some USA States. Thank you!

May 2020

Thousands protest against the CV lockdown, dangerous vaccines, fake CV tests, fake CV cases, fake CV deaths, fake pandemic, financial ruin, debt, collapse of businesses, and a potential pandemic caused by vaccines

- Lockdown protests in USA. May 1st 2020

Global lockdown protests

CANADA: Toronto - Ontario - Vancouver - British Columbia - Winnipeg - Manitoba - Edmonton - Alberta.

USA: California - Chicago - Illinois - Springfield - Illinois - Salem - Oregon - Raleigh - North Carolina - Indianapolis - Indiana - Seattle - Washington State Michigan - Maine - New Jersey - Rochester - New York - Carson City - Nevada - Concord - New Hampshire. The police support protesters in some USA States!

Germany: Stuttgart, Munich, Berlin - Brazil - Ljubljana - Slovenia - Poland - Beirut - Lebanon - Hong Kong - Belgrado - Serbia - Kiev - Ukraine - Chayanda - Sakha -Yakutia - Russia - Nigeria - Sangrareddy - Hyderabad - India - Tel Aviv - Israel.

- USA - California, Minnesota, Virginia, Michigan, Kentucky, Ohio, Utah, North Carolina, Texas, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, etc.

- Berlin - Hundreds protest against CV lockdown.


Police have no powers to enforce social distancing, it has emerged.

Because social distancing is not part of the Covid-19 law, police officers are powerless to keep people apart.

Matlock, Derbyshire - Derbyshire Roads Policing Unit tweeted that “If the village appeared to be ‘business as usual’ then its officers were too”. A Derbyshire Constabulary spokesperson said: “Social distancing is a guideline that is not enforceable under law.

Meanwhile, suicides and murders are not being investigated because they are being officially classified as CV deaths, while the activities of criminals are being ignored to the detriment of the public, because the governments’ illegal agenda of power and control comes first, as always.


Emergency Powers and the Corona Virus Bill

Viruses are not contagious or airborne

If social distancing was required to stop disease, the human race would have been annihilated a long time ago.

We are surrounded by, and filled with, trillions of microbes. The body continuously learns and adapts.

Governments lie!

The mass media lies!

Big pharma lies!


“All authority are our employees who we overpay, and they must obey the people!

The people must not obey authority!”

“Americans give the government their consent to force vaccines on us by refusing to fire the whole government. The government continually tells us that they are 100% corrupt, yet Americans sit there like lemmings, refusing to stop the abuse. Refusing to assert their authority to stop the abuse is the same as giving consent to continue the abuse. This is how lawyers determine tacit consent. If you don’t object, then you consent. Objecting to criminals when everything they do is the act of an enemy is not too bright. Yet, Americans continue to do this. Asking the criminals to stop is giving them the authority to say “No”. Do you really want to give them that authority? Why can’t Americans learn that we the people are the authorities? Why can’t we learn that we have to give orders to our disobedient servants? When you give the government the power to abuse you by putting yourself in a subservient position to your servants, you are telling them it’s OK to abuse you”



Magna Carta Libertatum is Medieval Latin for “Great Charter of Freedoms”, and is a Charter of Rights agreed to by King John of England at Runnymede, near Windsor, on 15 June 1215.


United States Uniformed Services Oath of Office -

I, (name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic*

(*This includes defending the public against all governments, whenever they become the enemy of the public. Governments consider the public to be their enemy, and they wage war on the public, so it is the duty of all Uniformed Services to stop the government from overriding the Constitution and harming and threatening the public.)

UK Police Oath -

I, (name) of ... do solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that I will well and truly serve the Queen in the office of constable, with fairness, integrity, diligence and impartiality, upholding fundamental human rights and according equal respect to all people; and that I will, to the best of my power, cause the peace to be kept and preserved and prevent all offences against people and property; and that while I continue to hold the said office I will to the best of my skill and knowledge discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according to law.


This is a fake pandemic, a political and financial manipulation, planned for many years or decades, which is designed to take away our precious Rights and Freedoms and freewill, and create a global dictatorship, so therefore, the lockdowns, mandatory vaccines, the Corona Virus Bill, social distancing, the closure of businesses, and other restrictions, which are all based on government lies, are all unlawful.

Governments have always brainwashed people and created fear in order to control the masses.

The mass media is the governments’ lie machine, and they own Facebook and YouTube etc, so they create and control your reality, belief systems, mental patterns, and therefore whole life.

We can’t go on living a lie when our health, Nature, Planet, rights and freedoms, and our very existence, are threatened! We are running out of time!


V for Vendetta – BKAB

“In our age there is no such thing as ‘keeping out of politics’. All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia”

George Orwell

“Under capitalism the majority of people spoil their lives by an unhealthy and exaggerated altruism-are forced, indeed, so to spoil them: instead of realizing their true talents, they waste their time solving the social problems caused by capitalism, without taking their common cause away. Thus, caring people seriously and very sentimentally set themselves to the task of remedying the evils that they see in poverty, but their remedies do not cure the disease: they merely prolong it because, the proper aim is to try and reconstruct society on such a basis that poverty will be impossible”

Oscar Wilde


Book by Edward L. Bernays

“Bernays’ honest and practical manual provides much insight into some of the most powerful and influential institutions of contemporary industrial state capitalist democracies”- Noam Chomsky

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.”- Edward Bernays, Propaganda.

A seminal and controversial figure in the history of political thought and public relations, Edward Bernays (1891-1995), pioneered the scientific technique of shaping and manipulating public opinion, which he famously dubbed ‘engineering of consent’. During World War I, he was an integral part of the U.S. Committee on Public Information (CPI), a powerful propaganda apparatus that was mobilized to package, advertise and sell the war to the American people as one that would “Make the World Safe for Democracy.” The CPI would become the blueprint in which marketing strategies for future wars would be based upon. Bernays applied the techniques he had learned in the CPI and, incorporating some of the ideas of Walter Lipmann, became an outspoken proponent of propaganda as a tool for democratic and corporate manipulation of the population. His 1928 bombshell “Propaganda” lays out his eerily prescient vision for using propaganda to regiment the collective mind in a variety of areas, including government, politics, art, science and education. To read this book today is to frightfully comprehend what our contemporary institutions of government and business have become in regards to organized manipulation of the masses.

Because of this governmental engineered fear, people are in denial, are gullible, and are wilfully ignorant, but they can choose to change in an instant, and have freedom and a fulfilled life. This WILL happen! When, is up to the masses.

Think for yourself.

The answers are in OUR hands, not the hands of authority and corporations.

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality.

To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete”

Buckminster Fuller

Use creative imagination, and design and invent a new life, a new world. Thought is powerful.

“War is over, IF you want it”

John Lennon

Wars and pandemics are engineered. If we are all aware of this, they will just fall away. Therefore, please be brave for the benefit of children, animals, the Mother Earth, and all lifestreams, and face the horrendous facts, and also share the knowledge in this website with everyone to create mass awareness. This is the key, and it is so simple and easy. Vast positive change will then happen overnight!

300 species are going extinct every day due to pollution. This is the real emergency that we should be facing and taking action over, not the fake pandemic.

War on man and Nature, which is dying, is over when we all awaken to the reality that we don’t have to be limited, controlled, and threatened, every day by authority and corporations who are one, if we create unity, and love and respect all life, and choose freedom.

Bravery! Love! Action!


Informed Consent

Information on vaccines is intentionally withheld from the public by governments and the rich corrupt drugs industry, so how can people give their informed consent.

People would not consent to vaccines if they knew that they are totally unsafe and totally ineffective. Millions have been damaged and killed by vaccines. Every single ingredient is highly toxic. Diseases are cause by toxicity, nutritional deficiencies, and a lack of sunshine, air, and exercise.

Vaccines are highly toxic, and they destroy nutrients. They damage the immune system and nervous system.

Courts have paid out over £2 million to a single vaccine victim on many occasions, which is an admission that vaccines are dangerous and deadly. Drug companies are no longer liable; governments are paying compensation for vaccine damage instead, which is outrageous! $billions have been paid out by vaccine courts.

The new CV vaccine is even more toxic and will contain microchips, genetically engineered materials, nano materials, mercury, aluminium, etc, which are intended to drastically change your DNA, body, and brain, permanently!


We have a natural and legal right of choice, especially when something is harmful to health and can endanger life, as all vaccines do, especially the CV vaccine. Governments, run by big pharma and other materialistic corporations, are our overpaid servants, and they must obey us.


- Vaccines killed 100 million in 1918

Spanish Flu did not kill 100 million, vaccines did. Another engineered pandemic. 3 min


- The unvaccinated are healthier.

Vaccines do not offer any protection at all. The whole vaccination theory is flawed. Why does the 200 year old fraudulent vaccination racket still continue? - For profit and political manipulation purposes. Also, people are wilfully kept in ignorance, and are therefore biased, and they fear the truth, finding it too shocking to face. If we care about our health, and love our children, we must be brave and compassionate and overcome fear and bias by studying hard. Do not be biased and accept the ideas of big pharma and authority who have the motives of greed and power only. It is we who suffer through our own ignorance, bias, and fear of the truth. Think for yourself. Don’t look to ‘experts’ and authority for answers.

John Lennon - Gimme Some Truth




The Health of the Planet and Man are Linked


Toxins and Nutritional Deficiencies Cause Disease

Childhood diseases are beneficial, not harmful, if treated correctly with natural healing methods. In fact, they are essential to the child and humanity’s health.

Nutrient-rich organically grown plant foods, with plenty of raw foods, and sunshine and exercise, plus natural healing methods, including homoeopathy, reverses disease.

Lockdowns, vaccines, and fake pandemics, do not benefit health, they just increase the profits and power of the corrupt, and create more disease and suffering for everyone.

“The whole secret of existence is to have no fear. Never fear what will become of you. Depend on no one. Only the moment you reject all help are you freed”

Vivekananda, Master

“To love means loving the unlovable. To forgive means pardoning the unpardonable. Faith means believing the unbelievable. Hope means hoping when everything seems hopeless”

Gilbert Keith Chesterton

English Writer, Philosopher, and Literary and Art Critic

“Dare to be free, dare to go as far as your thoughts lead, and dare to carry that out in your life”

Vivekananda, Master

“Put your heart, mind, and soul into even the smallest acts. This is the secret of success”

Sivananda, Master

“The world is the great gymnasium where we come to make ourselves strong”

Vivekananda, Master

“Authority loves power, NOT YOU!”

Tom Banks PhD



Man - Steve Cutts – 3 min
















































300 species go extinct every day due to pollution. That’s 100,000 annually. People should be panicking about this, not the fake pandemic. Authority will do nothing to stop pollution, while ever they profit through destructively exploiting and robbing humans, animals, and the Earth.






















Kate Bush - Army Dreamers










The disease process follows this order:

1 - Toxins accumulate in the body faster than they can be eliminated, due to long-term nutrient deficiency.

2 - Disease develops.

3 - Microbes appear.

Originally, researchers wrongly assumed that microbes caused disease, but now it is known that microbes appear as a result of toxicity and disease. This information is withheld from the public and doctors, and the government’s lies cause confusion. Fake pandemics are engineered as part of a political and financial manipulation, causing further confusion and panic, resulting in blind obedience to corrupt authority, as intended. This scenario has been planned for years or decades.

The public, media, and doctors, are ignorant of the cause and cure of disease, because the facts are withheld, and they are lied to continuously by governments to cause confusion; but as the facts and truth have been offered to the masses by honest reliable researchers who are independent of the corrupt governments, the masses’ ignorance is therefore wilful. This selfishness causes suffering to others, as well as to themselves.

Due to greed, the rich drugs industry continues to claim that microbes appear first, followed by the disease.

Big pharma makes huge profits by teaching young medical students, who lack discrimination, experience, knowledge, humility, and parental guidance, that microbes are the cause disease and that they should therefore prescribe a drug for every disease. This does nothing to eliminate the true cause of disease: toxicity and nutritional deficiency. Obviously, drugs and vaccines increase the toxins and nutritional deficiencies.

They are also told that drugs and vaccines are virtually the only way to treat disease.

Safe, natural, effective medicines and natural therapies are suppressed by big pharma, because they do not like any competition for their profits. Big pharma also knows that natural healing works.

When ill, the directors of drug companies use natural medicines, not their own products.

Politicians who are aware of all the above facts do not vaccinate their own children, but they force the masses to be vaccinated. Tony Blair and Bill Gates have never vaccinated their own children.

Medical students are told that vitamin therapy and homoeopathy are quackery, even though brilliant cures have been brought about through them. Without vitamins, we would be dead. Students are also told that highly toxic mercury is good for you, and that nuclear radiation does not cause cancer. It is very irresponsible to spread such lies.

People who have stated that they have cured cancer with natural and spiritual healing have been fined £thousands by courts in order to protect the profits of big pharma and all the fake medical research charities; both of which fund or carry out painful, barbaric, unscientific, vivisection, which therefore harms human health.

Medical schools and hospitals are virtually owned and controlled by the rich drugs industry. It is the second richest industry in the world.

Highly paid doctors are blocked by greed which outweighs compassion and commonsense.

The (false) status level of doctors ensures that they are blocked by ego.

They are also blocked by fear, including the fear of criticism from their peers, and the fear of losing their highly paid job and reputation.

Because of greed, ego, fear, and wilful ignorance, progress in science and medicine is extremely slow.

Natural medicine is way ahead in its understanding of the body, the disease, plant foods and Nature, and the treatment of disease, but is held back by doctors, big pharma, the government, and the wilfully ignorant public who only believes in, and blindly obeys, the government.

“Why do doctors not understand the evils of vaccination?

It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!”

Upton Sinclair

Toxins and Nutritional Deficiencies Cause Disease

Sources of toxins -

1 - Chemical and radioactive pollution in air, water, soil, plants, food, insects, and animals, etc. Radiation from 5G, mobile phone masts, nuclear power stations, nuclear weapons, etc. All these add to the overwhelming burden upon the human body, nature, and the planet. The pollution is cumulative, and 300 species a day are going extinct. Human health, emotions, intelligence, and life quality, are on a downward spiral. The human gene pool is gradually getting weaker. Nature is dying, the eco-system is breaking down, billions of trees are dead and dying, time is very short, and man does not care. The masses will foolishly only listen to, blindly believe, and obey, governments, who only want to steal from man and nature, and destroy. The masses refuse to listen to, and believe, experienced, honest, caring, green and alternative educators and campaigners.

2 - Vaccines are extremely toxic and are one of the major causes of disease, including cancer, because they are injected directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the natural defence mechanisms. Vaccines contain many extreme poisons, toxic metals, human and animal excrement and blood, very harmful dead, attenuated and live viruses, and other genetically engineered microbes etc, and many other highly toxic substances. We are told that vaccines create immunity, but they do not. The vaccine theory is totally flawed. If the rich evil drugs industry will stoop to torturing and killing animals, they will also stoop to lying. Cruelty to animals has backfired on man, and for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

3 - Genetically engineered plants, insects, animals, and microbes, etc, are unnatural and therefore harmful to man and nature.

4 - Nano materials

5 - Chemtrails

The living Planet, just like the human body, is overwhelmed. The health of the planet and man are linked.

Nutritional deficiencies -

Caused by increasingly deficient and polluted soil and polluted nature. Chemicals used in farming and by food manufacturers destroy the nutrients in food and also in the body. Radiation, chemicals, genetically engineered products, nano materials, vaccines, and drugs, are all unnatural, so they destroy nutrients and they damage the body and nature.

Viruses are not contagious or airborne

If social distancing was required to stop disease, the human race would have been annihilated a long time ago.

We are surrounded by, and filled with, trillions of microbes. The body and subconscious continuously learns and adapts.

Governments lie!

The mass media lies!

The drugs industry lies!


Childhood diseases are harmless when treated naturally, and having them can actually improve, expand, and strengthen, the immune system, making it more resilient, as well as clearing out old diseases that may exist in the family.

Drugs, vaccines, and other unnatural substances, will just increase the toxicity and nutritional deficiency of the body, and weaken and suppress the body’s natural ability to heal and to deal with disease and update the immune system.

Detoxification, along with the intake of highly nutritious organically grown plant food, including sufficient raw food, plus positive changes in lifestyle, can successfully reverse disease.



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