
• Please dress as elegantly as you can.

• Whenever i display "Data-Dada" on the screen (7 times during the evening), stand up, face the audience or walk among the audience, reading from your smartphones or laptops and shouting true and false headlines as if you are reading them from the web.

• Say just 4 of them (depending on length). Then sit again and the show continues with other speakers/performers.

• Speak orderly: Anand first, Arun next, Bin next, Sofia next (alphabetical order)

• It might very dark so make sure you store these texts in a font that you can read in the dark

• Read slowly and clearly

• Try not to laugh.

• While this is going on, I will project from the laptop some screenshots

• I divided them randomly. Yes, sometimes they repeat.

• You can remove 3 that you don’t like (you need only 21)

• At the bottom of this file, you find the schedule of the evening so you know when to expect the 7 performances.


1. 20 developed countries have promised their retirees a total of $78 trillion, twice their total national debt"

2. 5.5 trillion dollars are exchanged every day in the capital markets of the world

3. The are 64,285,009 kms of paved roads in the world, and there are on average 40 traffic signs on each km of paved roads for a total of 2,571,400,360 traffic signs in the world, more signs than drivers

4. The average IQ of a person is 120. By 2032 there the average IQ of a robot will be 345,000".

5. The number of billionaires doubled during the Great Recession from 2008 to 2014 while in same period at least a million mothers died in childbirth due to lack of basic health services.

6. The number of people with a smartphone will surpass 2 billion in 2016, more than the number of people who have access to modern health care

7. The smartphones in our pockets are a billion times more powerful per dollar and 100,000 times smaller than the computers of the 1960s

8. The total value of all developed real estate on the planet reached $217 trillion in 2015

9. The wealth owned by the richest 1% increased from 44% in 2009 to 48% in 2015 and will soon surpass the wealth of the rest of the world's population combined

10. The world's reserves of lithium are 40 million tons, enough to build batteries for 3 billion Tesla electrical cars

11. There 14,196 murders in 2013 in the USA, roughly the same number of civilians killed in the Iraqi civil war in the same year

12. There are 1,820 billionaires in the world, which means that there are 7,349,472,099 non-billionaires.

13. Twitter limits "status updates" to 140 characters. By 2020, social media will allow "status updates" the size of the entire Wikipedia, so that everybody will be able to post the exact same status all the way, and that status will be the entire knowledge of the world.

14. US citizens spend $58 billion every year on their pets

15. Wikipedia has 23 billion words in 35 million articles written in 291 languages, about than 100 billion characters, but Aristotle alone managed to write a total of 2,500 pages, each containing on average 3,400 letters, for a total of about 8 million characters, so the largest encyclopedia in the world is only 3,000 times bigger than the knowledge of one man who lived more than 2,000 years ago and had to write everything by hand on papyrus.

16. Between March 2013 and March 2014 the 85 richest billionaires on the planet saw their wealth grow by $668 million every day.

17. Delphi's autonomous car drove across the USA in 9 days from San Francisco to New York, mostly through deserts, yielding controls to a human driver only when driving through cities (where people actually live)

18. Emirates Airline begins nonstop service from Dubai to Panama City, a 17-hour 35-minute trip that is now the world's longest passenger flight

19. Every day 353,000 people are born

20. Every second 600 billion neutrinos penetrate every square cm of your body, which means over the course of your life a trillion trillions neutrinos will pass through your body

21. Every second six million people fart, and by 2018 the combined farting of all humankind will increase the global entropy enough to guarantee that the universe will never come to an end"

22. Every second six million people fart, and by 2018 the combined farting of all humankind will increase the global entropy enough to guarantee that the universe will never come to an end";

23. Google's self-driving car passes 1,000,000 accident-free kms and can now avoid cyclists

24. Apple Inc. is the world's largest company by market capitalization, worth a record $700 billion, roughly 23 times more than the amount asked by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations to end world hunger



1. Acquisitions of long term debt securities by Japan ran to 109 trillion yen in the first quarter

2. A massive leak, dubbed the "Panama Papers", of more than 11.5 million documents implicates 72 current and former heads of state

3. The smartphones in our pockets are a billion times more powerful per dollar and 100,000 times smaller than the computers of the 1960s

4. The total value of all developed real estate on the planet reached $217 trillion in 2015

5. The wealth owned by the richest 1% increased from 44% in 2009 to 48% in 2015 and will soon surpass the wealth of the rest of the world's population combined

6. The world's reserves of lithium are 40 million tons, enough to build batteries for 3 billion Tesla electrical cars

7. There are 750,000 sensors in the ocean, carrying out over 2 billion measurements every single second

8. ImageNet, a large-scale hierarchical image database, has tagged 14,197,122 images

9. The Federal Reserve estimates total household net worth in the USA to be about $80 trillion

10. The gut microbiome is the collection of trillions of bacteria living in the intestine; these tiny living beings make up the majority of cells in our bodies.

11. In 2015 oil giant Schlumberger laid off 25,000 workers, revenues were down 27% and profit down 41%, but Schlumberger's CEO Paal Kibsgaard received total compensation worth $18.3 million, the same as in 2014

12. Just 90 multinational corporations caused two-thirds of man-made global warming emissions, or 63% of the cumulative global emissions of industrial carbon dioxide and methane, between 1751 to 2010, amounting to about 914 gigatonne CO2 emissions

13. Music in the home leads to 67% more sex worldwide, which means about 80 million more copulations daily.

14. Number of people alive: 7.4 billion. Number of dead people: 108 billion. The number of people who never existed is not known yet.

15. To beat the world champion of Go, the artificial intelligence AlphaGo used 1,920 processors and 280 accelerators, for a grand total of 4 billion billion billion logical operations per second

16. On average, one US citizen consumes as much energy as 2 Japanese or 13 Chinese or 31 Indians or 370 Ethiopians

17. There are approximately 270 million firearms in the USA, roughly one per inhabitant, including babies

18. There were 666,160 murders in the USA from 1960 to 1996, ten times more than all soldiers killed in all wars fought by the USA in that same period

19. 235 million people are having sex right now. Their combined energy is 1 Terawatt, enough to power a city the size of San Francisco.

20. 240 million people have sex daily. There are no data about increased masturbation.

21. Aubrey De Grey believes that the first person to live for 1,000 years will be born in the next two decades

22. 20 developed countries have promised their retirees a total of $78 trillion, twice their total national debt"

23. 5.5 trillion dollars are exchanged every day in the capital markets of the world

24. The are 64,285,009 kms of paved roads in the world, and there are on average 40 traffic signs on each km of paved roads for a total of 2,571,400,360 traffic signs in the world, more signs than drivers



1. There are 2 billion credit cards in use in the USA. Stacking all the credit cards in the United States would create a tower 463 kms high.

2. Greenland and Antarctica have lost hundreds of trillions of tons of ice annually in the last decade.

3. The estimated $32 trillion worth of untaxed offshore funds would turn the budget deficit of Western countries into a surplus

4. There are 75 trillion cells in your body

5. In 1960 the Soviet Union exploded the most powerful weapon of all times, the "Tsar Bomba", 3000 times more powerful than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima, which produced a mushroom cloud 70 kms high, 8 times the height of Mt Everest

6. There are 2.2 million people incarcerated in the USA (the same number of Iraqis displaced by ISIS)

7. Humans kill more than 56 billion farmed animals every year, not including all the billions killed because of health reasons or because they steal our vegetables or simply because we don't like them.

8. If all humans became immortal, and made 2 children every 30 years, all of planet Earth would be eaten in 285 years, all of the solar system in 2,300 years, all of the Milky Way in 4 million years, and the whole universe in 13 billion years, which is exactly the expected age of the universe "

9. ImageNet, a large-scale hierarchical image database, has tagged 14,197,122 images

10. In 2015 oil giant Schlumberger laid off 25,000 workers, revenues were down 27% and profit down 41%, but Schlumberger's CEO Paal Kibsgaard received total compensation worth $18.3 million, the same as in 2014

11. Just 90 multinational corporations caused two-thirds of man-made global warming emissions, or 63% of the cumulative global emissions of industrial carbon dioxide and methane, between 1751 to 2010, amounting to about 914 gigatonne CO2 emissions

12. Music in the home leads to 67% more sex worldwide, which means about 80 million more copulations daily.

13. Number of people alive: 7.4 billion. Number of dead people: 108 billion. The number of people who never existed is not known yet.

14. On average, one US citizen consumes as much energy as 2 Japanese or 13 Chinese or 31 Indians or 370 Ethiopians

15. Our universe contains about 100 billion galaxies containing on average 100 billion stars each

16. Ray Kurzweil predicts that by the 2040s machine intelligence will be a billion times more capable than human intelligence

17. There are 1,820 billionaires in the world, which means that there are 7,349,472,099 non-billionaires.

18. Twitter limits "status updates" to 140 characters. By 2020, social media will allow "status updates" the size of the entire Wikipedia, so that everybody will be able to post the exact same status all the way, and that status will be the entire knowledge of the world.

19. US citizens spend $58 billion every year on their pets

20. Wikipedia has 23 billion words in 35 million articles written in 291 languages, about than 100 billion characters, but Aristotle alone managed to write a total of 2,500 pages, each containing on average 3,400 letters, for a total of about 8 million characters, so the largest encyclopedia in the world is only 3,000 times bigger than the knowledge of one man who lived more than 2,000 years ago and had to write everything by hand on papyrus.

21. The Internet has been upgraded to the IPv6 protocol so that now the number of things that can be connected is 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456

22. There are 2 billion credit cards in use in the USA. Stacking all the credit cards in the United States would create a tower 463 kms high.

23. The global dog population is estimated at 1 billion and it is rising faster than human population.

24. If you google the word “Google”, Google returns 12,230,000,000 results



1. At the peak of the Cold War the USA had 20,000 nuclear weapons but only 5,000 hospitals

2. The 85 richest people on the planet have the same wealth as the poorest 50% (3.5 billion people)

3. If you google the word “Google”, Google returns 12,230,000,000 results

4. The Internet has been upgraded to the IPv6 protocol so that now the number of things that can be connected is 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456

5. There are 2 billion credit cards in use in the USA. Stacking all the credit cards in the United States would create a tower 463 kms high.

6. There are 2.2 million people incarcerated in the USA (the same number of Iraqis displaced by ISIS)

7. There are 750,000 sensors in the ocean, carrying out over 2 billion measurements every single second

8. There were 666,160 murders in the USA from 1960 to 1996, ten times more than all soldiers killed in all wars fought by the USA in that same period

9. Twitter limits "status updates" to 140 characters. By 2020, social media will allow "status updates" the size of the entire Wikipedia, so that everybody will be able to post the exact same status all the way, and that status will be the entire knowledge of the world.

10. US citizens spend $58 billion every year on their pets

11. Wikipedia has 23 billion words in 35 million articles written in 291 languages, about than 100 billion characters, but Aristotle alone managed to write a total of 2,500 pages, each containing on average 3,400 letters, for a total of about 8 million characters, so the largest encyclopedia in the world is only 3,000 times bigger than the knowledge of one man who lived more than 2,000 years ago and had to write everything by hand on papyrus.

12. The USA constitutes 5% of the world's population but consumes 24% of the world's energy

13. The USA spends $610 billion in defense, more than China, Russia, India and Western Europe combined

14. The are 64,285,009 kms of paved roads in the world, and there are on average 40 traffic signs on each km of paved roads for a total of 2,571,400,360 traffic signs in the world, more signs than drivers

15. The average IQ of a person is 120. By 2032 there the average IQ of a robot will be 345,000".

16. The number of billionaires doubled during the Great Recession from 2008 to 2014 while in same period at least a million mothers died in childbirth due to lack of basic health services.

17. The number of people with a smartphone will surpass 2 billion in 2016, more than the number of people who have access to modern health care

18. The smartphones in our pockets are a billion times more powerful per dollar and 100,000 times smaller than the computers of the 1960s

19. The total value of all developed real estate on the planet reached $217 trillion in 2015

20. The wealth owned by the richest 1% increased from 44% in 2009 to 48% in 2015 and will soon surpass the wealth of the rest of the world's population combined

21. The world's reserves of lithium are 40 million tons, enough to build batteries for 3 billion Tesla electrical cars

22. There 14,196 murders in 2013 in the USA, roughly the same number of civilians killed in the Iraqi civil war in the same year

23. There are 1,820 billionaires in the world, which means that there are 7,349,472,099 non-billionaires.

24. About 1.6 million people die in China every year because of air pollution




• Luciano Chessa's solo on saw or wind machine, ideally titled "Data Dada" or something like that (5')

• Piero Scaruffi's welcome speech: "From Dada to Data" (10') - The text will be published here

• Thomas Haakenson reading Dada poetry, excerpts from various Dada manifestoes (Huelsenbeck and Haussmann's, in particular), and other Dada-related writings, including some of the Dadaists' less frequently evoked but fundamental political statements. Co-programmed by Pavle Levi (15')

• The L.A.S.T. Ensemble's "Data-Dada" performance (part 2) (3')

• Theresa Wong, performing "Xenoglossia" for multitracked and live voice, soundtrack to Jonathon Keats' "Strange Skies", a travel documentary for plants (6'15")

• Cosana Eram on how the avant-garde used scandal as a tool to shred the bourgeois social fabric & their self-promotion skills (10')

• The L.A.S.T. Ensemble's "Data-Dada" performance (part 4) (3')

• Jonathon Keats reading his "Copernican Art Manifesto" (3')

• Luciano Chessa performing Jonathon Keats' "Retempered Clavier", a Copernican "decomposition" of Bach (5'), a work of Copernican music that has the entropy of the universe, a spin-off of Keats' composition "Copernican Revolution in the Arts" (duration?) - See this article and see this article

• The L.A.S.T. Ensemble's "Data-Dada" performance (part 15) (3')

• Maria Makela on "Assemblage and Photomontage: The Politics of Alternative Media in Dada - Schwitters, Hannah Hoch, etc"

• The Robert Edgar Band performing live, adapting "I Zimbra" (1980), recorded by Talking Heads, written by David Byrne, adapting Hugo Ball's poem "Gadji beri bimba" (5').

• Howard Rheingold's & Fabrice Florin's "Pataphysical Slot Machine", a community-created poetic oracle (10')

• The L.A.S.T. Ensemble's "Data-Dada" performance (part 3/A) (3')

• Kal Spelletich's video of machine art (10')

• BREAK. Bring your own food.

• Play with Kal Spelletich's kinetic sculptures.

• Throughout the evening: A special commentary by Jinxia Niu, technofinancial analyst and Buddhist meditator, visiting Stanford from Hangzhou, China


• Stanford CCRMA bacchanal "Tada! Dat" (12')

• The L.A.S.T. Ensemble's "Data-Dada" performance (part 3/B) (3')

• Jonathon Keats' preamble to his porn movies for plants

• Theresa Wong, performing the soundtrack for Jonathon Keats' "Botanica", a porn film for plants (6'15")

• John Law on "From Dada to Caca - A Brief History of Bay Area Counterculture" (15')

• Excerpts from Jaap Blonk's virtuoso performance of Kurt Schwitter's "Ursonate" (5')

• The L.A.S.T. Ensemble's "Data-Dada" performance (part 7) (3')

• Premiere of philosopher Jonathon Keats' and composer Luciano Chessa's "CM", a Copernican dubstep mix of Keats' "Retempered Clavier" (5')

• Man Ray's short film "Return to Reason" (2.5'), a quintessential Dada film

• The L.A.S.T. Ensemble's "Data-Dada" performance (part 5712561) (3')

• Piero Scaruffi (Author, "A History of Rock Music, vol.1 $ 2) playing and commenting a playlist titled "Dada and the Unpopular Music of the 20th Century - Rock, Jazz, Dance and Noise" (10')

• Boris Magrini (Swiss art historian and curator) via Skype: live interference from Zurich's Cabaret Voltaire (10')

• Play with Kal Spelletich's kinetic sculptures.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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