Supplementary File – Chamberlain et al., COVID-19 infection and PTSDTable S1. Demographic characteristics of the sample.SexCountsFemale7064Male5915Other70HandednessCountsAmbidextrous421Left handed1380Right handed11248First languageCountsEnglish12071Other978ResidentCountsUnited Kingdom12088other961EthnicityCountsRom, Sinti or Bedouin8North African20Sub-saharan African or Afro-american54West-central Asian54American Hispanic79East Asian157Unknown172Indian, South Asian or South-East Asian408Mixed ethnicity421White European or North American11676Education levelCounts01 No schooling3802 Primary/Elementary school22103 Secondary school/High school diploma428304 University degree796205 PhD545Occupational statusCountsDisabled/Not applicable/Shielded employment161Homemaker445Retired1567Student1151Unemployed/Looking for work466Unknown59Worker9200EarningsCountsNot working3849prefer not to say286?0-10K120?10-20K1343?20-30K1876?30-40K1740?40-50K1264?50-60K773?60-70K414?70-80K318?80-90K202?90-100K214>100K650AgesCounts1616317130181381914020162211452218923166241682522126236272852826929289302723126932264332463425735254362313725038286393104030141278422644325644231453094632447290482884930050339512985228953310542865530856261572525825859247602386117362202631926417465191661296711768106698470867159724773607434753076137720788791180108138211832844851>8515Table S2. Profile of responses on individual IES-R items. Data are effect sizes, relative to the no breathing problem group. Effect size (SD units)ANOVANo breathing problemsBreathing problems unassistedAssistance at homeHospital/ no ventilatorHospital + ventilatorpIES-R Question Theme00. about it when not meaning to00. talking about it00. of strong feelings about it00. arousal when not appropriate to situation000. not to think about it00. to remove it from memory00. events make the person think about it00. of situations that remind about it00.<0.001More startled/nervous00.030.120.530.63<0.001Intrusive imageryTable S3. Pair-wise tests for comparisons of responses on different IES-R items. Permutation p (two tailed) vs no respiratory symptom groupBreathing problems unassistedAssistance at homeHospital/ no ventilatorHospital +?ventilatorIES-R Question theme0.0350.0190.0320.554Thinking about it when not meaning to0.4510.4921.2890.237Avoiding talking about it1.490.1791.2890.158Waves of strong feelings about it0.0790.4121.3130.168Heightened arousal when not appropriate to situation1.7931.5850.230.123Try not to think about it1.2440.1270.4830.054Try to remove it from memory0.8291.2910.2060.104External events make the person think about it1.1430.7510.0830.02Avoidance of situations that remind about it0.011<0.0010.0790.001More startled/nervous0.3790.228<0.001<0.001Intrusive imageryCopy of questions administeredHave you been diagnosed with a neurological or psychiatric condition?Dementia,??depression,Multiple Sclerosis,?anxiety,Huntington's disease,?attentional deficit hyperactivity disorder,Parkinson's disease,?obsessive compulsive disorder,Stroke,??bipolar,Motor neuron disease,?other psychiatric,A learning disability,?none of the abovecerebral palsy,???traumatic brain injury,??other neurological,??none of the above??????Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions?Lung conditions (e.g. asthma, emphysema or bronchitis),Heart disease,???Chronic kidney disease,??Liver disease (e.g. hepatitis),??Diabetes,???High blood pressure,??Irregular heart beat (atrial fibrillation),?Problems with your spleen (e.g. sickle cell disease, or if you have had your spleen removed),A weakened immune system as the result of a condition such as HIV or AIDS, or medicines such as steroid tablets or chemotherapy.,None of the above??????Have you had, or suspect you have had symptoms of COVID-19?Yes, currently experiencing symptoms, ?Yes, but the symptoms have passed, ?No???????Which symptoms did/do you have?,?Fever,???Tiredness,???Dry cough,???Shortness of breath,??Aches and pains,??Sore throat,???Diarrhoea,???Nausea,???Runny nose,???Loss of smell ,???Loss of taste???????Have you had a positive test for COVID-19??Yes, ???No/don't know/awaiting test results?????Did you experience breathing difficulties?Yes, No, Not sureYes???No???????What happened as a result of your breathing difficulties?I went to hospital and was put on a ventilator (breathing tube and mechanical assistance for breathing),I went to hospital, but was not put on a ventilator (see above for definition),I stayed at home and needed medical assistance (e.g. called 999),I stayed at home??????Were you admitted to an Intensive Care Unit (ICU)?Yes???No???Don't know???????Were you admitted to an Critical Care Unit??Yes???No???Don't know??? ................

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