
What development do we want?

I - The Context of Development

After 20 years of United Nations Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro, between days 03 to June 14, 1992 (the conference became known as Eco-92), we believe that it is crucial to make a question: What development do we want?

In those twenty years the technology undeniably grown and led to a greater material comfort. It should reflect on whether this increase, which grew many economies, it is sufficient to improve the quality of life if it is viable economically, socially and environmentally, if we really want and how we can achieve what we want.

Under an individualistic point of view and limited reality, material comfort can even specify what we want. However, even this perspective, this growing is not viable for future generations if we do, together, planning and management system in which comfort is inserted.

The model of growth led by China and nurtured by all of us affected many economies, including in relation to the search for the resources required to meet the increased consumption. We refer to all of us because, with the opening of the Chinese market, many of the practices that would be needed to keep our growing quest for material comfort began to be implemented in that country (among other Asian countries). They include two, holding the hand labor and environmental degradation. We prefer to buy at low cost. This has a price, low inflation and very high in a holistic and systemic.

In order not to immobilize this model (which is not feasible in the medium term), immediately seeks for local suppliers of natural resources. In fact, water is the most important one, because nothing occurs without it. Where to find water to maintain this growth model? An example of country is Brazil (which, since 2007, China has intensified import water from through the purchase of agricultural products - more information in full text on this topic, available at the following address: rodrigoschoeller. ).

We believe that Brazil can even be positioned strategically as "granary of the world." However, for this it is necessary the planning and management of the agricultural system, focused on water, under penalty, for example, implement a monoculture incompatible with the requirements of social, environmental and even economic medium and long term.

Twenty years after Eco-92, it seems that the time is ripe for a true reflection. In a scene of chaos in the economy, in which the trust that underlies it is shaken, there is undeniably an openness to new models of development.

In this context, is situated the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio +20), which will be held this year in Rio de Janeiro. This is a great opportunity to discuss development that we want / need and seek ways of putting into practice the guidelines established.

II-Harmonic and Sustainable Development (DHS)

To be able to exists, is necessary to meet development needs. In the search for effectiveness, sustainability, equity and peace, internal and external, and taking into account the causes of the growing disregard for nature and dignity (own and others) are systemic, ie, arising from interdependent relationships between various components of Environment, believed to be important for the development of the methodology of Systemic Planning and Management (PGS). 

This is because this method allows, from the focus priority chosen and emphasizing the family context, vision, and resource integration, multidisciplinary and cross-disciplinary. Focus priority can be established, for example, the critical issues listed for Rio +20 (jobs, energy, cities, food, water, oceans and disaster) and, more specifically, a flooding, the construction of a hydroelectric plant, the crack, the supply of drugs, etc.. Thus, one can establish what to do, and who, where and when / why and how to map and integrate all these components.Therefore, it is important to be perceived a common mission, to be implemented with the assistance of the physiological, psychological (safety, belonging and self-esteem) and self-fulfillment, generating commensurate impacts on the three pillars of sustainability (economic, social - health, education , citizenship and security - and the environment) and through cooperation. Thus, public effects are produced by adding value to sustainable activities.

This common mission, envisioned as public purpose, requires and favors the formation of cooperation networks for systemic action, allowing the integration of the three sectors (public, private and civil society) and the whole community. This context favors democracy, participatory and representative, providing harmonic and Sustainable Development (DHS), the consciousness of unity and survival of all living beings.

Increasingly, it requires the cooperation of every part. However, sometimes, when making planning and management of public policy, we do not see the importance of integration, too, with the Justice System. In case of ineffectiveness of public policy (often due to a linear actuation - not realizing the interconnections), the justice system undoubtedly will intervene, directly affecting the course of development that we want (something that can be evidenced by example, the "judicialization of health"). In the search for suitable ways to avoid the ineffectiveness, the Federal Constitution of Brazil gave the prosecutors instruments, judicial and extrajudicial, to induce public policies and promote social transformation. It also provides guarantees to facilitate the mission established in Article 127 of that Act Staff ( more information in the text "A Map in the Way," available at the following link: ).

      Guidelines, national and international, are established for decades in various contexts and appear to be aligned to the harmonic and Sustainable Development. We believe that the methodology of Systemic Planning and Management can help to put them into practice. Perhaps the greatest challenge to tread the path is proposed to change our culture toward linear thinking, Cartesian and mechanistic, so as to arouse systems thinking. To this end, we believe it useful to make the following reflections:

What is the meaning of life?

What is our common mission?

It seems that what matters most in life is the quality of relationships we establish with our consciousness and the objects and living beings with whom we interact.

Seems more! It seems to us achieve the quality of life, effectiveness, sustainability and peace, internal and external, it is necessary to realize this.

Schoeller Rodrigo de Moraes,

Public Prosecutor,

Manager Strategic Projects of the Public Ministry. 

E-mail: rsmoraes@mp..br



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