|Class B.Tech. III Sem. |Evaluation |

|Schedule Per Week |Examination Time = Three(3) Hrs |

|Lectures : 3 |Maximum Marks = 100 |

|Tutorials : 1 |[ Internal (30) & Semester End Exam(70) |

|Unit |Contents of the subject |No. of hour |

| | |required |

|I |Linear Programming: Mathematical Formulation of Linear Programming problem. Graphical method of |7 |

| |solving Linear Programming problem | |

| |Simplex method for solving Linear Programming problem | |

| |Duality in Linear Programming problem. | |

|II |Project Scheduling: Project Scheduling by PERT and CPM Network Analysis. |7 |

| |Sequencing Theory: General Sequencing problem | |

| |N-jobs through 2 machines & 3 machines and 2-jobs through m machine. | |

|III | Transportation Problem |7 |

| |Find the initial solution using North West Corner rule, Least Cost Method. | |

| |Find optimal solution using Stepping Stone method, Modified Distribution Method. | |

| |Solve unbalanced transportation problem using fictitious origins or destination. | |

| |Assignment problem- | |

| |Solving Assignment problem using Hungarian Method | |

|IV | Transform Calculus – Laplace transform with its simple |8 |

| |properties | |

| |Applications to the solution of ordinary and partial differential equation having constant | |

| |coefficients with special reference to the wave and diffusion equation | |

|V | Numerical Methods:- Finite differences and Interpolation , |8 |

| |Numerical differentiation and Integration .Solution of | |

| |Algebraic and transcedual equations by Graphical method, | |

| |Bisection method ,Regular Falsi method and Newton’s | |

| |Raphson method .Numerical solution of ordinary differential | |

| |equations | |

Recommended Books:

1. Advanced Mathematics for Engineers by Chandrika Prasad

2. Higher Engineering Mathematics by B.S. Grewal

3. Higher Engineering Mathematics by Y.N. Gaur and C.L. Koul

4. Higher Engineering Mathematics by K.C. Jain and M.L. Rawat


|Class B.Tech. III Sem. |Evaluation |

|Schedule Per Week |Examination Time = Three(3) Hrs |

|Lectures : 3 |Maximum Marks = 100 |

|Tutorials : 1 |[ Internal (30) & Semester End Exam(70) |

|Unit |Contents of the subject |No. of hour |

| | |required |

|I |Data Structure: Definition, Implementation, Operation, Application, Algorithm writing and convention. |8 |

| |Analysis of algorithm, Complexity Measures and Notations | |

| |Arrays: Representation of arrays (multidimensional), Address calculation using column and row major | |

| |ordering. | |

| |Linked Lists : Implementation, Doubly linked list, Circular linked list, unrolled linked list, | |

| |skip-lists, Splices, Sentinel nodes, Application (Sparse Matrix, Associative Array, Functional | |

| |Programming) | |

|II |Stacks : Definition, Implementation, Application (Tower of Hanoi, Function Call and return, Parentheses|7 |

| |Matching, Back-tracking, Expression Evaluation) | |

| |Queues : Definition, deque, enque, priority queue, bounded queue, Implementation, Application | |

|III |Tree: Definition of elements, Binary trees: Types (Full, Complete, Almost complete), Binary Search |7 |

| |Tree, Traversal (Pre, In, Post & Level order) | |

| |Pruning, Grafting. Application: Arithmetic Expressions Evaluation Variations: Indexed Binary Tree | |

| |Threaded Binary Tree, AVL tree, Multi-way trees, B tree, B+ tree, Forest, Trie and Dictionary | |

|IV |Graphs: Elementary definition, Representation (Adjacency Matrix, Adjacency Lists) |6 |

| |Traversal (BFS, DFS)Application: Spanning Tree (Prim and Kruskal Algorithm) | |

| |Dijkstra's algorithm, shortest path algorithms. | |

|V |Sorting: Bubble, Selection, Insertion, Quick, Radix |6 |

| |Merge, Bucket, Heap, Searching: Hashing, Symbol Table, Binary Search, Simple String Searching | |

Recommended Books:

1. Aho A.V., J.E.Hopcroft. J.D.Ulman: Data Structures and Algorithms, Addison Wesley.

2. Brastrad: Algorithms, PHI.

3. Horowitz and Sawhni: Algorithms Design and Analysis, CS Press.

4. Kruse R.L.: Data structure and Program Design.PHI.

5. Horwitz and Sawhni: Data structures in PASCAL, BPB.

6. Tanenbaum : Data structures in C,PHI

7. Trembley & Sorenson :An Introduction to Data Structures, Mc-Graw Hill International

8. Baase: Computer Algorithms, Pearson Education.


|Class B.Tech. III Sem. |Evaluation |

|Schedule Per Week |Examination Time = Three(3) Hrs |

|Lectures : 3 |Maximum Marks = 100 |

|Tutorials : |[ Internal (30) & Semester End Exam(70) |


|Unit |Contents of the subject |No. of hour |

| | |required |

|I |Number systems, Coding Schemes: BCD, Excess-3, Grey, r's and (r-l)’s complement. Boolean Algebra, |8 |

| |Fundamental theorems, Simplifications of Boolean expressions | |

| |Logic gates and their truth table. Gate implementation and Truth table of Boolean functions. | |

|II |Standard forms of Boolean functions. Minterm and Maxterm designation of functions. Simplification of |7 |

| |functions on Karnaugh maps | |

| |Incompletely specified functions. Cubical representation of Boolean functions and determination of | |

| |prime implicants | |

| |Selection of an optimal set of prime implicants. Multiple output circuits and map minimization of | |

| |multiple output circuits | |

| |Tabular determination of multiple output prime implicants. | |

|III |Combinational circuits – Adder, subtractor, encoder, coder |7 |

| |Multiplexer. Design of Combinational circuit using Multiplexers. | |

|IV |Multiplexer. Design of Combinational circuit using Multiplexers. Flip Flops: RS, J-K, D, T. Sequential|6 |

| |circuits. Clock, pulse and level mode sequential circuits Analysis and design of sequential circuits | |

| |Synthesis of state diagrams, Finite memory circuits, equivalence relations equivalent states and | |

| |circuits | |

| |Determination of classes of indistinguishable states and simplification by implicants tables. Mealy | |

| |and Moore machines | |

| |State assignment and memory element input equations, Partitioning and state assignment. | |

|V |Switching Devices. Positive and Negative logic of OR, AND, NOR, NAND, XOR and XNOR gates |6 |

| |Logic Family: RTL, DTL, DCTL, TTL, RCTL, ECL, HTL, MOS and CMOS logic circuit. Speed and delay in | |

| |logic circuits, integrated circuit logic and noise immunity | |

Recommended Books:

1. Sandiege: Modern Digital Design, McGraw Hill.

2. Moris Mano :Digital Design, PHI

3. H, Taub, D.Schilling :Digital Integrated Electronics, McGraw Hill

4. Hill & Peterson :Switching Theory and Logic Design, John Wiley

5. Parag K. Lala: Practical Digital Logic Design & Testing Prentice Hall of India.


|Class B.Tech. III Sem. |Evaluation |

|Schedule Per Week |Examination Time = Three(3) Hrs |

|Lectures : 3 |Maximum Marks = 100 |

|Tutorials : 1 |[ Internal (30) & Semester End Exam(70) |

|Unit |Contents of the subject |No. of hour required |

|I |Diode circuits: Diode as a circuit. Element, load line concept |8 |

| |Clipping & clamping circuits, voltages multipliers. | |

|II |Devices: construction, characteristics and working principles of the following devices. Diodes |7 |

| |BJT, JFET, MOSFET, UJT, photo diodes, LEDs, photo transistors | |

| |. Solar cells. Thermistor, LDR | |

|III |Transistors: transistor characteristics, current components, current gains. Alpha and vita |7 |

| |operating point. High bride model, h- parameter equivalent circuits | |

| |CE, CB and Cc configuration Dc and ac analysis of CE, CC and CB amplifiers | |

| |Evers- moll model. Biasing and stabilization techniques. Thermal run away, thermal stability. | |

| |Equivalent circuits and blessing of JFETs and MOSFETs | |

| |Low frequency CS and CD JFET amplifiers. FET as a voltage variable resistor. | |

|IV |Small signal amplifiers at low frequency: analysis of BJT and FET, dc and rc coupled amplifiers |6 |

| |Frequency esponse | |

| |Midband gain, gains at low and high frequency. Analysis of dc and differential amplifiers, | |

| |Millers’ theorem | |

| |Cascading transistor amplifiers, Darlington and cascaded circuits. Emitter and source followers. | |

|V |Oscillators: concept of feedback classification, criterion for oscillation. Tuned collector, |6 |

| |Hartley Colpitts | |

| |Rc- phase shift, Wein bridge and crystal oscillators, astable, monostable and bistable | |

| |multivibrators. Schmitt trigger | |

Recommended Books:

1. J.Millman & C.C. Halkias :Integrated Electronics, McGraw Hill

2. Millman Grabel: Microelectronics, McGraw Hill.


|Class B.Tech. III Sem. |Evaluation |

|Schedule Per Week |Examination Time = Three(3) Hrs |

|Lectures : 3 |Maximum Marks = 100 |

|Tutorials : |[ Internal (30) & Semester End Exam(70) |

|Unit |Contents of the subject |No. of hour required |

|I |Programming Language: Definition, History, Features. Issue in Language Design: Structure and |8 |

| |Operation of computer | |

| |Language Paradigms. Efficiency, Regularity. Issues in Language Translation: Syntax, Semantics, | |

| |Stages analysis and synthesis, Parse Tree, CFG and BNF grammar. | |

|II |Specification and Implementation of Elementary and Structured Data Types |7 |

| |Type equivalence, checking and conversion. Array, List, Structure, Union. | |

|III |Sequence control with Expressions, Conditional Statements, Loops, Exception handling |7 |

| |Subprogram definition and activation, simple and recursive subprogram | |

| |Subprogram environment. Parameter passing mechanism. | |

|IV |Abstract Data type, information hiding, encapsulation, type definition. |6 |

| |Static and Stack-Based Storage management | |

| |Fixed and Variable size heap storage management. Garbage Collection | |

|V |Parallel Programming: Introduction, parallel processing and programming language |6 |

| |Threads, semaphore, monitor, message passing. | |

Recommended Books:

1. V.Rajaraman :Fundamentals of Computers

2. Ghezzi: Programming Language Concepts, Addison Wesley.

3. Kernighan, Ritchie :Programming in C

4. Structure :Programming in C++

5. Pratt :Programming Languages

6. Ravi Shetty:Programming Language


|Class B.Tech. III Sem. |Evaluation |

|Schedule Per Week |Examination Time = Three(3) Hrs |

|Lectures : 3 |Maximum Marks = 100 |

|Tutorials : |[ Internal (30) & Semester End Exam(70) |

|Unit |Contents of the subject |No. of hour required |

|I |Business Strategy in an Electronic Age: Value Chain-supply chains, Proter's value chain, model |8 |

| |and Inter-Organizational value chains. Competitive Advantage-Competitive strategy | |

| |Proter's Model, First Mover advantage and competitive advantage using e-commerce Business | |

| |strategy | |

| |Introduction to Business Strategy, Strategic Implications of IT technology e-commerce | |

| |Implementation and evaluation | |

|II |Business to Business Electronic Commerce: Inter-organizational Transactions, |.7 |

| |The credit Transaction Trade cycle. | |

| |A variety of transactions, Electronic markets-markets and electronic markets, usage of electronic| |

| |markets, Advantages and disadvantages of electronic markets | |

|III |Electronic Data Interchange (EDI): Definition and benefits of EDI. |7 |

| |EDI technology, standards, communications, implementation, agreements and securities. | |

| |EDI trading patterns and transactions. | |

|IV |Building an E-Commerce Site: Introduction to object behavior, components, active scripting. |6 |

| |Object models, Infrastructure objects, service object and data objects, choosing the objects. | |

| |Building a scalable application, Addition the configure method, connecting to the database, | |

| |Accessing and versioning the database. | |

| |Building the catalog object with example. Creating shopping basket-Holding state, creating the | |

| |tables for a shopping basket, modifying the object model and making the basket accessible | |

|V |J2EE Architecture Overview: Enterprise components, Information technology in the enterprises, |6 |

| |Introduction to enterprise objects and enterprise component model. | |

| |The J2EE model features, J2EE components-container architecture. Enterprises Java and J2EE | |

| |architecture. | |

Recommended Books:

1. David Whiteley - E-Commerce Strategy, Technology and Application, Tata McGraw Hill.

2. Mathew Reynolds - Beginning E-commerce with Visual Basic ASP, SQL Server 7.0 and MTS, Shroff Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd.

3. Perrone & Chaganti - Building Java Enterprises System with J2EE, Techmedia.

4. Kalakota - Frontiers of Electronic Commerce, Pearson Education.


|Class B.Tech. III Sem. |Evaluation |

|Schedule Per Week |Examination Time = Three(3) Hrs |

|Lectures : 3 |Maximum Marks = 100 |

|Tutorials : |[ Internal (30) & Semester End Exam(70) |

|Unit |Contents of the subject |No. of hour required |

|I |Introduction of Human Physiology: Nerve physiology. Functions of nerves and myoneural junctions. |8 |

| |Membranae and action potential of nerves. | |

| |Function of skeletal and smooth muscle and its rhythmic contraction, cardiac muscle. | |

| |Blood flow system, Arterial pressure Mechanism of respiration. | |

| |CNS function of spinal cord and cord reflexes. Myo-electrical control of paralyzed muscles. | |

|II |ECG, EMG and EEG: Principle & Means of recording non-electrical biological parameters. |7 |

| |Signals from micro-electrodes and slat bridge Use of field electric devices as | |

| |electrometers,driven shield,photon coupled amplifier. Artifacts | |

|III |Measurement of biological events : Electronic methods of measuring blood pressure, skin & |7 |

| |systemic body temperature | |

| |Pulse rate and coronary care monitoring. | |

|IV |Biomedical Instruments: Electronic pace makers. Implantable power source. |6 |

| |Defibrillators. Micro power transmitter for telemeter binominals. Special characteristics of CRO | |

| |in bio-medical applications Surgical and therapeutic diathermy units. | |

| |Physiological simulators. Basic diagnostic X-ray units. Introduction to patient monitoring and | |

| |intensive care unit. | |

| |Interference and patient safety. Anaesthetic explosion and fires. | |

|V |Miscellaneous : Introduction to heart Lung machines, CT scanners |6 |

| |Ultrasound sonography and Doppler measurements, NMR & PET Scans. Use of lasers in medical | |

| |applications. | |

Recommended Books:

1. Webster, J.G.: Medical Instrumentation, Application and Design, John Willey and Sons.

2. Jacobson, B.Wester, J.G.: Medical and Clinical Engineering Prentice Hall, International.

3. Cromwell: Biometical Instrumentation and al. Prentice Hall, International.

4. R.S. Khandipur: Handbook of Biomeideal Instrumentation. Tata McGraw Hill.

5. Carr: Introduction to Biomedical Equipmens, Pearson Education.


|Class B.Tech. III Sem. |Evaluation |

|Schedule Per Week |Examination Time = Three(3) Hrs |

|Lectures : 3 |Maximum Marks = 100 |

|Tutorials : |[ Internal (30) & Semester End Exam(70) |

|Unit |Contents of the subject |No. of hour required |

|I |Computer Aided Circuit Analysis: Introduction to circuit simulation node-incidence matrix, |8 |

| |modified node-voltage analysis. | |

| |Different types of analysis during simulation-DC, AC and transient. Introduction to SPICE and | |

| |ICAP simulation environment. | |

|II |Thevenin's Norton's Reciprocity. Superposition, Compensation, Miller's. Tellegen's and maximum |7 |

| |power transfer theorems | |

| |Networks with dependent sources. Impulse, step, ramp and sinusoidal response analysis of first | |

| |order and second order circuit. | |

| |Time domain and transformer domain (frequency, Laplace) analysis. Initial and final value | |

| |theorems | |

|III |Complex periodic waves and their analysis by Fourier analysis. Different kind of symmetry. |7 |

| |Power in a circuit.Conductively coupled circuits, Inductively coupled circuits-mutual inductance,| |

| |coefficient of coupling and mutual inductance between portions of same circuit and between | |

| |parallel branches. | |

| |Transformer equivalent to inductively and conductively coupled circuits. | |

|IV |Terminals and terminal pairs, driving point impedance transfer functions. |6 |

| |Poles and zeros. Restrictions on pole-zero location in s-plane. Poles, zeros and frequency | |

| |response: pole, zero and impulse/step response. | |

| |Procedures of findings network functions for general two terminal pair networks. Stability and | |

| |causality Hurwitz polynomial, positive real functions. | |

|V |Two-port Networks: Two-port parameters and their interrelations,z-parameters, y-parameters, |6 |

| |h-parameters. | |

| |ABCD parameters Equivalence of two ports, transformer equivalent, interconnection of two-port | |

| |networks. | |

| |Image parameters. Attenuation and phase shift in symmetrical T & pi networks | |

Recommended Books:

1. Kuo, Franklin F.: Network analysis and synthesis, II Ed., 1999,John Wiley & Sons.

2. Desoer, C. and Kuh, E.S.:E.S. Basic Circuit Theory, McGraw Hill.

3. Van Valkenburg, M.E.: Network Analysis Prentice Hall, India.

4. Schaum's Outline series on circuit analysis.

5. Hayt, W. and Kimmerly: Engineering Circuit Analysis, McGraw Hill, Inc.

6. Sudhakar.A. and Shyam Mohan S.P.: Circuits and Networks. Tata McGraw Hill, India.


|Class B.Tech. III Sem. |Evaluation |

|Schedule Per Week |Examination Time = Three(3) Hrs |

|Lectures : 3 |Maximum Marks = 100 |

|Tutorials : |[ Internal (30) & Semester End Exam(70) |

|Unit |Contents of the subject |No. of hour required |

|I |Introduction to optical communication principles of light transmission optical fiber modes and |8 |

| |configurations | |

| |Mode theory for circular wave-guides, Single-mode fibers, Multimode fibers, Numerical aperture, | |

| |Mode field diameter | |

| |Number, fiber materials, Fiber fabrication techniques. | |

|II |Optical sources, LED'S, LASER diodes, Model reflection noise |7 |

| |Power launching and coupling, population inversion, fiber splicing | |

| |optical connectors, Photo-detectors, PIN, Avalanche detector, Response time, Avalanche | |

| |multiplication noise | |

|III |Signal degradation in optical fibers, Attenuation losses, Signal distortion in optical wave |7 |

| |guides, Material dispersion | |

| |Wave guide dispersion, Chromatic dispersion, Inter-modal distortion, Pulse broadening in Graded | |

| |index fibers, Mode coupling | |

| |Advance fiber designs: dispersion shifted, Dispersion flattened, Dispersion compensating fibers, | |

| |Design optimization of single mode fibers. | |

|IV |Coherent optical fiber communication, Modulation techniques for Homodyne and Heterodyne systems, |6 |

| |Optical filter link design. | |

| |Rise time budget and link power budget, Long haul systems bit error rate, line coding, NRZ, RZ, | |

| |Block Codes eye pattern. | |

|V |Advance system and techniques, wavelength division multiplexing |6 |

| |optical amplifiers semiconductor amplifier, EDFA, Comparison between semiconductor and optical | |

| |amplifier | |

| |Gain band width, Photonic switching, Optical Networks. Optical fiber bus, Ring topology, Star | |

| |architectures, FDDI, SON-ET. | |

Recommended Books:

1. Gerd Keiser-Optical Fiber Communications, Tata Mc Graw Hill.

2. J.N.Senior-Optical Fiber Communication, Prentice Hall of India.

3. J.Gowar-Optical Communication Systems, Prentice Hall of India.

4. J.Wilson & Hawkes-Opto Electronics-An Introduction, prentice Hall of India.


1. Experimental study of characteristics of CMOS integrated circuits.

2. Interfacing of CMOS to TTL and CMOS.

3. Study of various combinatorial circuits based on: AND/NAND Logic blocks and OR/NOR Logic blocks.

4. Study of following combinational circuits: Multiplexer; Demultiplexer and Encoder. Verify truth tables of various logic functions.

5. To study various waveforms at different points of transistor bistable multivibrators and its frequency variation with different parameters.

6. To study transistor astable multivibrators.

7. To design a frequency driver using IC-555/timer.

8. To study Schmitt trigger circuit.

9. To study OP-AMP as Current to voltage and voltage to current converter comparator.

10. BCD to binary conversion on digital/IC trainer.

11. Study various Flip flops and construct Parallel-in-Serial-out register. Testing of digital IC by automatic digital IC trainer.


1. Study the following devices:

(a) Analog & digital millimeters

(b) Function/Signal generators

(c) Regulated D.C. power supplies (constant, voltage and constant current operations).

2. Study of analog CRO measurement of time period , amplitude, frequency and phase angle using Lissajous figures.

3. Application of diode as clipper and clamper.

4. Plot V-I characteristic of zener diode & study zener diode as voltage, reverse Saturation current and static & dynamic resistances.

5. Plot V-I characteristic of zener diode & study zener diode as voltage regulator. Observe the effect of load changes and determine load limits of the voltage regulator.

6. Plot frequency response curve for audio amplifier and to determine gain bandwidth product.

7. Plot drain current-drain voltage and drain current-gate bias characteristics of field effect transistor and measurement of I & VP.

8. Plot gain: frequency characteristic of two stages RC coupled amplifier and calculate its bandwidth and compare it with theoretical value.

9. Plot gain: frequency characteristic of two stages RC coupled amplifier and calculate its bandwidth and compare it with theoretical value.

10. Plot input and output characteristics of BJT in CB, CC and CE configurations. Find their h-parameters.

11. Study half wave rectifier and effect of filter network on D.C. voltage output and ripple factor.

12. Study bridge rectifier and measure the effect of filter network on D.C. voltage output and ripple factor.


1. Program on array searching, sorting (Bubble sort, Quick sort, Marge sort etc.)

2. Program to insert element at desire position, replacing element, deletion in array.

3. Various matrices operations.

4. Various strings programs.

5. Implementation of stack and queue using array

6. Implementation of stack and queue using link lists

7. Implementation of circular queue using link lists.

8. Polynomial addition, multiplication.

9. Two-way link lists programs.

10. Infix to postfix/prefix conversion.

11. BST implementation (addition, deletion, searching).

12. Graph traversal (BFS, DFS).


1. Create a bio-data of self using HTML with a photograph on the page and containing marks in a table.

2. Develop your web page with the following properties.

(1) 2 Photographs display at the same place, which can flip on mouse over.

(2) Link to separate HTML file for academics, sports and other interests.

3. Enhance your Web page using style sheets, frames and setup a hyper link to your friend’s page.

4. Make a form for submission of Querying about the interest rates of bank (use Text fields of HTML) and submit buttons of HTML.

5. Make a local query form, which takes in the input the range of marks through Text fields and display the list of students having marks in that range in another window.

6. Enhance the above query through password protection.

7. Build a shopping Cart page in which items of 10 types are picked and quantity and a bill is generated by the web page.

8. Enhance the above page for making a payment through electronic billing system.

9. Associate guest book in your web page.

10. Setup a Counter to count the number of visitors on your web page.


School of Engineering & Technology

Syllabus for B.Tech. (Computer Science Engg.)

IV Semester


|Class B.Tech. IV SEM |Evaluation |

|Schedule Per Week |Examination Time = Three(3) Hrs |

|Lectures : 3 |Maximum Marks = 100 |

|Tutorials : |[ Internal (30) & Semester End Exam(70) |

|Unit |Contents of the subject |No. of hour required |

|I |System Analysis: Characteristics, Problems in system Development |6 |

| |System Level project Planning, System Development Life cycle (SDLC), | |

| |Computer system engineering system analysis, modeling the architecture, system specification. | |

|II |Software Project Management: Objectives, Resources and their estimation, LOC and FP estimation, |7 |

| |effort estimation | |

| |COCOMO estimation model, risk analysis | |

| |Software project scheduling. Software Development : Life Cycle (SWDLC), SWDLC models software | |

| |engineering approaches | |

|III |Requirement Analysis: Requirement analysis tasks, Analysis principles. Software prototyping and |7 |

| |specification data dictionary | |

| |Finite state machine (FSM) models. Structured Analysis: Data and control flow diagrams, control | |

| |and process specification | |

| |behavioral modeling, extension for data intensive applications | |

|IV |Software Design: Design fundamentals, Effective modular design |7 |

| |Data architectural and procedural design, design documentation | |

|V |Object Oriented Analysis: Object oriented Analysis Modeling, Data modeling. |8 |

| |Object Oriented Design: OOD concepts and methods class and object definitions, refining | |

| |operations. | |

| |Class and object relationships, object modularization. Introduction to Unified Modeling Language| |

Recommended Books:

1. Pressman; Software Engineering-A practitioner's Approach, McGraw Hill International

2. Behforooz and F.J. Hudson: Software Engineering Fundamentals Oxford University Press


|Class B.Tech. IV SEM |Evaluation |

|Schedule Per Week |Examination Time = Three(3) Hrs |

|Lectures : 3 |Maximum Marks = 100 |

|Tutorials : 1 |[ Internal (30) & Semester End Exam(70) |

|Unit |Contents of the subject |No. of hour required |

|I |INTRODUCTION :- Electromagnetic Spectrum, Frequency Spectrum-Bandwidth-Allocation, Time domain |8 |

| |and Frequency domain analysis | |

| |TRANSMISSION MEDIA:- Twisted pair, UTP cables, Coaxial and optical fiber cables, wireless, | |

| |microwave and satellite transmission | |

| |DATA TRANSMISSION: - Transmission impairments. Serial and parallel transmission, Simplex, half | |

| |duplex or full duplex transmission mode. | |

|II |DATA ENCODING :- Modulation (ASK, FSK and PSK, PCM, PAM, Delta Modulations), Line coding (NRZ-L,|8 |

| |NRZ–I , Bipolar AMI, Manchester and differential Manchester), | |

| |MULTIPLEXING:- FDM, Synchronous and Statistical TDM | |

|III |DATA LINK LAYER: Channel allocation problem, pure and slotted ALOHA Protocols, Persisted And |6 |

| |Non-Persisted CSMA | |

| |Collision Free Protocols, Digital Cellular Radio and CDMA | |

| |Logical Link Sub Layer, MAC Sub layer. | |

| |Brief Introduction: Frame Relay, PPP | |

| |PROTOCOL :- OSI & TCP/IP Protocol Architecture | |

|IV |SWITCHING NETWORKS: Circuit switching Networks, Space and Time division switching, Routing |6 |

| |circuit switched networks, control signaling packet switching principles, fixed, flooding and | |

| |adaptive routing strategies: X.25 & X.28 protocols Brief introduction: ISDN,ADSL | |

|V |NETWORK DEVICES: Gateway, Router, Bridge, Switch, Hub, Repeater, Multilayer Switch, Protocol |7 |

| |Converter, Router, Proxy, Firewall, Multiplexer, Network Card, Modem. | |

| |NETWORK TECHNOLOGY: DSL, GSM, Bluetooth, Infrared. | |

Recommended Books:

1. William Stallings: Data and Computer Communications (PHI, 5th Ed.)

2. James Martin: Telecommunication and the Computer (PHI, 3rd Ed.)


|Class B.Tech. IV Sem. |Evaluation |

|Schedule Per Week |Examination Time = Three(3) Hrs |

|Lectures : 3 |Maximum Marks = 100 |

|Tutorials : 1 |[ Internal (30) & Semester End Exam(70) |

|Unit |Contents of the subject |No. of hour required |

|I |Introduction & Discrete random variables |6 |

| |Sample space, Events, Algebra of events, Bernoulli Trials. | |

| |Probability & Baye’s theorem. Random variables & their event | |

| |space, Probability generating function, expectations, moments, | |

| |computations of mean time to failure. Bernoulli & Poisson | |

| |Processes | |

|II |Discrete & continuous distributions |7 |

| |Probability distribution & Probability densities: Binomial, Poisson, | |

| |normal,rectangular and exponential distribution & their PDF’s, | |

| |moments and MGF’s for above distributions | |

|III |Correlation & Regression Correlation & regression: |7 |

| |Linear regression, Rank correlation, Method of least squares, Fitting of straight lines & | |

| |second degree parabola. Normal regression and correlation analysis | |

|IV |Queuing Theory: |7 |

| |Pure birth, Pure Death and Birth-Death Processes. Mathematical Models for M/M/I, M/M/N, M/M/S | |

| |and M/M/S/N queues. | |

|V |Game Theory |8 |

| |Minimax & Maximum Strategies | |

| |Application of liner programming (Graphical Method) | |

Recommended Books:

1. K.S.Trivedi :Probability & Statistics with RELIABILITY Queuing and Computer Science Application (PHI)

2. J.E. Frend & R.E. Walpole :Mathematical Statistics

3. Taha :Operational Research

4. Kapoor & Saxena :Statistics & Probability

5. Gokhroo et al. : Advanced Engg. Statistics (4CP1)


|Class B.Tech. IV Sem. |Evaluation |

|Schedule Per Week |Examination Time = Three(3) Hrs |

|Lectures : 3 |Maximum Marks = 100 |

|Tutorials : |[ Internal (30) & Semester End Exam(70) |

|Unit |Contents of the subject |No. of hour required |

|I |Introduction and Web Development Strategies History of Web |6 |

| |Protocols governing Web, Creating Websites for individual and Corporate World, Cyber Laws Web | |

| |Applications | |

| |Writing Web Projects, Identification of Objects, Target Users, Web Team, Planning and Process | |

| |Development. | |

|II |HTML, XML and Scripting List, Tables, Images, Forms, Frames, CSS Document type definition, |7 |

| |XML schemes, Object Models, Presenting XML, Using XML Processors: DOM and SAX | |

| |Introduction to Java Script, Object in Java Script, Dynamic HTML with Java Script | |

|III |Java Beans and Web Servers Introduction to Java Beans, Advantage, Properties, BDK |7 |

| |Introduction to EJB, Java Beans API Introduction to Servelets, Lifecycle, JSDK, Servlet API | |

| |Servlet Packages: HTTP package, working with Http request and response, Security Issues. | |

|IV |Introduction to JSP, JSP processing, JSP Application Design, Tomcat Server, Implicit |7 |

| |JSPobjects, Conditional Processing, Declaring variables and methods | |

| |Error Handling and Debugging, Sharing data between JSP pages- Sharing Session and Application | |

| |Data. | |

|V |Database Connectivity Database Programming using JDBC |8 |

| |Studying Javax.sql.*package, accessing a database from a JSP page | |

| |Application-specific Database Action, Developing Java Beans in a JSP page, introduction to | |

| |Struts framework. | |

Recommended Books:

1 Ajit singh poonia, web technology and fundamentals

2. J.E. Frend internet and history

|Class B.Tech. IV Sem. |Evaluation | |

|Schedule Per Week |Examination Time = Three(3) Hrs | |

|Lectures : 3 |Maximum Marks = 100 | |

|Tutorials : 1 |[Internal (30) & Semester End Exam(70) | |

| |

|Units |Contents of the Subject |No. of hour required |

| |An overview of Java: Object oriented programming, Two paradigms, abstraction, the, OOP principles, Java class libraries | |

| |Date types, variables and arrays: Integers, floating-point types, characters, Boolean, Iterates, Variable, Data types and| |

|I |casting, automatic type promotion in expressions arrays. |7 |

| |Operators: Arithmetic operators, bit wise operators, relational operators, Boolean logical assignment operators, the? | |

| |Operator, operator precedence | |

|II |Control statements: -Java's selection statements, iteration statements, jump statements | |

| |Introduction to classes: Class fundamentals, declaring object reference variable, Introducing methods, constructors, the |6 |

| |key word, garbage collection, the finalize () method. | |

| |Methods and Classes:-Overloading methods, using objects as parameters, recursion | |

| |Inheritance: Inheritance basics, using super, method overriding, dynamic method dispatch, using abstract Classes, Using | |

|III |final with inheritance, Package and Interfaces, Package asses protection, importing packages | |

| |Exception handling: Exception handling fundamentals. Exception types, Uncaught Exceptions Using try and catch, multiple | |

| |catch clauses, nested try statements throw, Finally Java built in exception creating your own exception sub classes, | |

| |using exceptions. | |

| |Multithreaded Programming: The Java thread model, the main thread, creating thread, creating multiple thread, using is |8 |

| |alive () and join (). Thread priorities, synchronization, Inter thread Communications, suspending resuming and stopping | |

| |thread using multithreading | |

|IV |String handling: The string constructor, string length, special string operator character extraction, string comparison, | |

| |searching string, modifying string, data conversion, changing the case of characters, string buffer. | |

| | |7 |

|V |Networking: Networking basics, Java and the Internet Address, TCP/IP client Sockets URL,URL connection, TCP/IP server | |

| |Sockets The Applet Class | |

| |The Applet Class: its architecture displays methods. The HTML APPLET. Passing parameters to Applet. The get Documentation| |

| |Base () and get Code Base () methods Applet Context and Show Document |7 |

| |

|References: |

| |

|1. Java 2 Computer Reference (Tata McGraw Hill) |

|2. Core Java-I (Addison Wesley) - horstmann |

|3. Core Java - II (Addison Wesley) |

|4. Thinking in Java (Bruce Eckel) |

| |

| |

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|Class B.Tech. IV Sem. |Evaluation |

|Schedule Per Week |Examination Time = Three(3) Hrs |

|Lectures : 3 |Maximum Marks = 100 |

|Tutorials : |[ Internal (30) & Semester End Exam(70) |

|Unit |Contents of the subject |No. of hour required |

|I |OST overview: Evolution & development of OST and contemporary technologies, Factors leading to |6 |

| |its growth. | |

| |Open Source Initiative (OSI), Free Software Foundation and the GNU Project, principle and | |

| |methodologies. Contexts of OST (India & international). | |

| |Applications of open source (open source teaching and open source media) Risk Factors. Myths | |

| |regarding open source. | |

|II |Philosophy of Software Freedom, Free Software, OSS, Closed software, Public Domain Software, |7 |

| |Shared software, Shared source. | |

| |Detail of few OSS like Open Audio, Video, 2d & 3d graphics software, system tools, office | |

| |tools, | |

| |Networking & internet, Security, Educational tools and Games | |

|III |Open Source Development Model, Starting and Maintaining an Open Source Project |7 |

| |Open Source Hardware, Open Source Design, Ongoing OS Projects (i.e. examples of few good | |

| |upcoming software projects.) Case Study: - Linux, Wikipedia. | |

|IV |Licenses and Patents: What Is A License, How to create your own Licenses? |7 |

| |Important FOSS Licenses (Apache,BSD, GPL, LGPL), copyrights and copy lefts, Patents | |

|V |Social and Financial impacts of open source technology, Economics of FOSS: Zero Marginal Cost, |8 |

| |Income generation opportunities | |

| |Problems with traditional commercial software, Internationalization, Open Source as a Business | |

| |Strategy. | |

Recommended Books:

1) Vikas thada, Review to OST

2) Balaguruswamy concepts of open source concepts


|Class B.Tech. IV Sem. |Evaluation |

|Schedule Per Week |Examination Time = Three(3) Hrs |

|Lectures : 3 |Maximum Marks = 100 |

|Tutorials : |[ Internal (30) & Semester End Exam(70) |

|Unit |Contents of the subject |No. of hour required |

|I |Introduction: MIS concept, Definition, role & Impact of MIS |6 |

| |Process of management, organization structure & behavior | |

|II |Basic of Management Information System: Decision Making, Information concepts |7 |

| |System concepts & control Types of system handling system complexity System development model | |

|III |Development of Management Information System: Requirement and implementation of MIS |7 |

| |Choice of information Technology for Management Information System | |

|IV |Application of Management Information system: Application in manufacturing sector using for |7 |

| |personal management | |

| |Financial management, Production Management, Material Management, Marketing Management | |

| |Application in Service Sector | |

|V |Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): EMS, ERP, Benefits implementation, EMS & MIS. |8 |

| |Case Studies: Application of SAP technologies in manufacturing sector. | |

Recommended Books:

1. S.Jawadekar: Management Information System, (Tata McGraw Hill)

2. Loudon & Loudon-Management Information Systems, Pearson Education Asia.


|Class B.Tech. IV Sem. |Evaluation |

|Schedule Per Week |Examination Time = Three(3) Hrs |

|Lectures : 3 |Maximum Marks = 100 |

|Tutorials : |[ Internal (30) & Semester End Exam(70) |

|Unit |Contents of the subject |No. of hour required |

|I |Introduction to Learning, different approaches to machine Learning. |8 |

| |Learning Algorithms, Complexity of inductive inference. | |

|II |Review of formal languages, finite automata and regular languages, context-free languages and |7 |

| |parsing. | |

| |Language identification in the limit. Gold's basic results. | |

|III |Polynomial learning, PAC learnability, Valiant's results. |7 |

| |VC-dimension. Examples from language identification. | |

|IV |Sample Complexity for finite hypothesis spaces, |7 |

| |Learnability of CNF formulas. | |

|V |Sample Complexity for infinite hypothesis spaces, VC dimension for neural networks. |8 |

| |Mistake Bound Model of Learning. | |

Recommended Books:

1. Mitchell T.M., Machine Learning, Mc-Graw Hill International, 1984.

2. Anthony M. and Biggs N., Computational Learning Theory: An Introduction, Cambridge University Press, England, 1992.

3. Natarajan B.K., Machine Learning: A Theoretical Approach, Morgan Kaufman, 1991.

4. Kearns M.J. and Vazirani U.V., an Introduction to Computational Learning Theory, Cambridge, Ma., MIT Press, 1994.


|Class B.Tech. IV Sem. |Evaluation |

|Schedule Per Week |Examination Time = Three(3) Hrs |

|Lectures : 3 |Maximum Marks = 100 |

|Tutorials : |[ Internal (30) & Semester End Exam(70) |

|Unit |Contents of the subject |No. of hour required |

|I |INTRODUCTION : Internet connection concepts- Server, Client and Ports, Domain Name Systems |6 |

| |Telephone, cable and satellite connections- Dialup, ISDN, ADSL and leased line based connection,| |

| |cable and DSS accounts, Web TV and Intranets, ISP features | |

|II |INTRANETS: What is Intranet? – Intranet Vs LANs Components of an Intranet Workstations and |7 |

| |client software | |

| |Server and Network operating systems, Network Cards, Cabling and Hubs, Steps for creating an | |

| |Intranet, Maintenance and connecting to Internet. | |

|III |E-MAIL TECHNOLOGY: Features and Concepts- Message headers, Address book, Attachment, Filtering |7 |

| |and forwarding mails | |

|IV |VIDEO CONFERENCING AND INTERNET TELEPHONY: Voice vs. Video conferencing, |7 |

| |Video conferencing hardware and features of video conferencing software, digital telephony as | |

| |ISDN application, | |

| |H 323 protocols and multi-point conferencing | |

|V |WEB TECHNOLOGY: Elements of the Web- Clients and servers, Languages and protocols Web page and |8 |

| |Web sites, special kinds of Web sites | |

| |Web Resources- Search Engines, Message boards, clubs, News groups and chat, Web page creation | |

| |concepts- planning, Navigation | |

| |Themes and Publishing , Analyzing web traffic- Log file data, analyzing log files and products | |

| |for analyzing web traffic | |

Recommended Books:

1. M.L.Young-Internet: The Complete Reference, Tata Mc-Graw Hill Company.

2. Harley Hanh-The internet Complete Reference, Tata McGraw Hill Company.

3. Daniel Minoli-Internet & Intranet Engineering,Tata McGraw Hill company


1. Develop a static html page using style sheet to show your own profile.

Add a page to show 5 photos and add a page to show your academics in a table

Add a page containing 5 links to your favorite website Add navigational links to all above pages (add menu).

2. Update your homepage, by creating few html file (e.g. header, footer, left-sidebar, right), in these file you will put all html code to be shown on every page.

3. Use Cascading Style Sheets to format your all pages in a common format.

4. Basic Php programs: Write a simple "hello word" program using php.

5. Write a program to accept two strings (name and age) from user. Print welcome statement e.g. “Hi Ram, your age is 24."

6. Write a program to create a calculator, which can support add, subtraction and multiply and division operation.

7. Write a program to take input parameters for a table (no. of rows and no. of columns), and create the desired table.

8. Create a "Contact Me" page -Ask user to enter his name, email ID, Use Java-Script to verify entered email address.

9. Store submitted value in a MySql database. Display latest 5 submitted records in contact me page. Display above record with navigation support. e.g. (next, previous, first, last).


C++ Programs:-

1. Programs based on inheritance property.

2. Programs of operator overloading (complex number arithmetic, polar coordinates).

3. Programs using friend functions.

4. Programs on various matrix operations.

5. Stack operations using OOPs concepts.

6. To implement Tower of Hanoi problem.

JAVA Programs:-

7. To implement spell checker using dictionary.

8. To implement color selector from a given set of colors.

9. To implement shape selector from a given set of shapes.

10. To implement a calculator with its functionality.

11. To show movement of a car.


1. Practice commands: cp, mv, rm, ln, ls, who, echo, cat, mkdir, rmdir. Wildcards (? *) ,

I/O redirection (, >>), pipelines (|)

2. Practice commands: xargs, alias, set-unset, setenv-unsetenv, export, source, ps, job, kill.

3. Practice commands: head, tail, cut, paste, sed, grep, sort, uniq, find, locate, chmod.

4. Writing a simple shell script to echo who is logged in.

5. Write a shell script to display only executable files in a given directory.

6. Write a shell script to sort a list of file either in alphabetic order or largest file first according to user response.

7. Write a shell script to count the lines. Words and characters in its input (Note: Don't use wc).

8. Write a shell script to print end of a glossary file in reverse order using array. (Hint: use awk tail).

9. Modify cal command to accept more than one month (e.g. $cal Oct, Nov, ) (Hint : use alias too)

10. Write a shell script to check whether Ram logged in, continue checking every 60 seconds until success.


In this lab first 8 experiments are to practice software engineering techniques. Use any open source CASE tool. Many of them are available at . You can choose any other CASE tool, as per choice. Language: C++ / JAVA

Design Approach: Object Oriented these designing can be done on any automation system e.g. library management system, billing system, payroll system, bus reservation system, gas agency management system, book-shop management system, students management system.

1. Do feasibility study

2. Document all the requirements as specified by customer in Software Requirement Specification

3. Design sequence diagrams for project

4. Design Collaboration diagram

5. Design Data Flow Diagram for the project

6. Design Entity Relation Diagram for the project

7. Design Class diagram

8. Design at least 10 test cases for each module.

9. -10: Code and test the project, which you have designed in last 8 labs.


School of Engineering & Technology

Syllabus for B.Tech. (Computer Science Engg.)

V Semester


|Class B.Tech. V Sem. |Evaluation |

|Schedule Per Week |Examination Time = Three(3) Hrs |

|Lectures : 3 |Maximum Marks = 100 |

|Tutorials : 1 |[ Internal (30) & Semester End Exam(70) |

|Unit |Contents of the subject |No. of hour required |

|I |INTRODUCTION TO DATABASE SYSTEMS: Overview and History of DBMS. File System vs DBMS .Advantage |6 |

| |of DBMS Describing and Storing Data in a DBMS. | |

| |Queries in DBMS. Transaction management and Structure of a DBMS | |

|II |ENTITY RELATIONSHIP MODEL: Overview of Data Design Entities, Attributes and Entity Sets, |7 |

| |Relationship and Relationship Sets. | |

| |Features of the ER Model-Key Constraints, Participation Constraints, Weak Entities, Class | |

| |Hierarchies, Aggregation | |

| |Conceptual Data Base, Design with ER Model-Entity vs Attribute, Entity vs Relationship Binary vs| |

| |Ternary Relationship and Aggregation vs ternary | |

| |Relationship Conceptual Design for a Large Enterprise | |

|III |RELATIONSHIP ALGEBRA AND CALCULUS: Relationship Algebra Selection and Projection, Set |7 |

| |Operations, Renaming, Joints, Division | |

| |Relation Calculus, Expressive Power of Algebra and Calculus | |

|IV |SQL QUERIES PROGRAMMING AND TRIGGERS: The Forms of a Basic SQL Query, Union, Intersection and |7 |

| |Except, Nested Queries ,Correlated Nested Queries, | |

| |Set-Comparison Operations, Aggregate Operators, Null Values | |

| |Embedded SQL, Dynamic SQL, ODBC and JDBC, Triggers and Active Databases. | |

|V |SCHEMA REFINEMENT AND NORMAL FORMS: Introductions to Schema Refinement, Functional Dependencies,|8 |

| |Boyce-Codd Normal Forms, Third Normal Form | |

| |Normalization-Decomposition into BCNF Decomposition into 3-NF manufacturing sector. | |

Recommended Books:

1. Raghu Rama Krishnan : Database Managment Systems ,2nd ed: Tata Mc-Graw Hill

2. Elmasri -Fundamentals of Data Base Systems, Pearson Educations.

3. Silverschatz Korth and Sudarshan -Database Systems Concepts, 4th ed. Tata Mc-Graw Hill.

4. Gordon C- Everest -Database Management Objectives Systems Functions and Administration. Tata Mc-Graw Hill.


|Class B.Tech. V Sem. |Evaluation |

|Schedule Per Week |Examination Time = Three(3) Hrs |

|Lectures : 3 |Maximum Marks = 100 |

|Tutorials : |[ Internal (30) & Semester End Exam(70) |

|Unit |Contents of the subject |No. of hour required |

|I |SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT: SCM Process, Objects in Software configuration, Version |6 |

| |control, Change control, Configuration audit, Status reporting | |

| |SCM standards .SOFTWARE QUALITY ASSURANCE: Quality Concepts, Quality Movement, SQA Activities | |

| |and Formal Approaches to SQA | |

|II |SOFTWARE TESTING AND DEBUGGING: Software Testing Fundamentals .Text Case Design ,White –Box |7 |

| |Testing, Basis Path testing, Control Structure Testing, Black Box Testing and Testing for | |

| |Specialized Environments | |

| |Architectures and Applications. Program Error, Debugging Process (Information Gathering, Fault | |

| |Isolation, Fault Confirmation, Documentation, Fixing fault, Testing) Debugging Example | |

|III |MANAGING TEAM: Understanding behavior and selecting right person for the job, Motivation, |7 |

| |working in groups | |

| |Decision making, leadership and organizational structures. INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS: Importance | |

| |and defining software quality, ISO 9126, BS 6079 planning steps, ISO 12207 approach to software| |

| |lifecycle data | |

|IV |WEB ENGINEERING: Attributes of Web-Based Applications. Process, Modeling activity |7 |

| |Analysis modeling for WebApps, Design- functional, information & interaction, testing WebApps- | |

| |content, navigation, configuration, and performance testing. | |


| |Re-engineering, forward engineering | |

| |Client/server software engineering, outsourcing, Software project management standards. Change | |

| |and Content Management of Web Engineering. | |

Recommended Books:

1. Roger S. Pressman- Software Engineering, fifth Edition, Mc-Graw Hill Publications.

2. Ali Behforooz and Frederick J. Hudson- Software Engineering .Oxford Press.

3. Ian Summerville-Software Engineering, Pearson Education India.


|Class B.Tech. IV Sem. |Evaluation |

|Schedule Per Week |Examination Time = Three(3) Hrs |

|Lectures : 3 |Maximum Marks = 100 |

|Tutorials : 1 |[ Internal (30) & Semester End Exam(70) |

|Unit |Contents of the subject |No. of hour required |

|I |Formal Logic: Statement, Symbolic Representation and Tautologies, Quantifiers, Predicator and |7 |

| |validity | |

| |Normal form. Propositional Logic, Predicate Logic, Logic Programming and Proof of correctness. | |

|II |Proof, Relation and Analysis of Algorithm Techniques for theorem proving: Direct Proof, Proof by|8 |

| |Contra position, Proof by exhausting cares and proof by contradiction | |

| |Principle of mathematical induction, principle of complete induction. Recursive definitions | |

| |Solution methods for linear, first-order recurrence relations with constant coefficients. | |

|III |Graph Theory: Graphs - Directed and Undirected, Eulerian chains and cycles Hamiltonian chains |7 |

| |and cycles | |

| |Trees, chromatic number, connectivity and other graphical parameters Applications. | |

| |Polya's Theory of enumeration and its applications | |

|IV |Sets and Functions: Sets, relations, functions, operations, equivalence relations |7 |

| |Relation of partial order, partitions, binary relations. | |

| |Transforms: Discrete Fourier and Inverse Fourier Transforms in one and two dimensions, discrete | |

| |Cosine transform | |

|V |Monoids and Groups: Groups, Semigroups and Monoids cyclic semi graphs and sub monoids, |8 |

| |Subgroups and cosets. Congruence relations on semi groups. Morphism, Normal sub groups. | |

| |Structure off cyclic groups, permutation groups and dihedral groups elementary applications in | |

| |coding theory | |

Recommended Books:

1. Kolman b, Busby R.: Discrete Mathematical Structure for Computer Science, PHI.

2. Knuth, D.E. :The Art of Computer Programming, Volume I, Narosa

3. Gibbons,A.: Algorithmic Graph Theory,Cambridge University Press

4. Liu :Introduction to Discrete Mathematics, McGraw Hill

5. Krishnamurthy :Combinatorics, EWP

6. Liu :Introduction to Combinatorics, McGraw Hill

7. Graham,Knuth, Pratshnik :Concrete Mathematics

8. Deo : Graph Theory, PHI


|Schedule Per Week |Examination Time = Three(3) Hrs |

|Lectures : 3 |Maximum Marks = 100 |

|Tutorials : |Internal (30) & Semester End Exam(70) |

|Unit |Contents of the subject |No. of hour required |

|I |Introduction to Raster scan displays, Storage tube displays, refreshing, flicking, interlacing,|6 |

| |color monitors, | |

| |display processors resolution, working principle of dot matrix, inkjet laser printers, working | |

| |principles of keyboard, mouse scanner, digitizing camera, track ball , tablets and joysticks | |

| |graphical input techniques, positioning techniques, rubber band techniques, dragging etc | |

|II |Scan conversion techniques, image representation, line drawing |7 |

| |simple DDA, Bresenham’s Algorithm, Circle drawing, general method, symmetric DDA | |

| |Bresenham’s Algorithm, curves, parametric function, Beizier Method, Bsp- line Method | |

|III |2D & 3D Co-ordinate system, Translation, Rotation, Scaling, Reflection Inverse transformation, |7 |

| |Composite transformation | |

| |world coordinate system, screen coordinate system, parallel and perspective projection, | |

| |Representation of 3D object on 2D screen | |

|IV |Point Clipping. Line Clipping Algorithms, Polygon Clipping algorithms |7 |

| |Introduction to Hidden Surface elimination, Basic illumination model, diffuse reflection, | |

| |specular reflection, phong shading, Gourand shading ray tracing | |

| |color models like RGB, YIQ, CMY, HSV etc | |

|V |Multimedia components, Multimedia Hardware, SCSI, IDE, MCI |8 |

| |Multimedia data and file formats, RTF, TIFF, MIDI, JPEG, DIB, MPEG, Multimedia Tools, | |

| |Presentation tools, Authoring tools, presentation | |

Recommended Books:

1. J.Foley, A. Van dam, S.Feiner, J.Hughes: Computer Graphics Principles and Practice. Addison Wesley.

2. D.Rogers and Adams: Mathematical Elements of computer Graphics McGraw Hill.

3. D.Hearn and Baker: Computer Graphics PHI.


|Schedule Per Week |Examination Time = Three(3) Hrs |

|Lectures : 3 |Maximum Marks = 100 |

|Tutorials : 1 |[ Internal (30) & Semester End Exam(70) |

|Unit |Contents of the subject |No. of hour required |

|I |Introduction to Micro Computer Systems: Microprocessors, microcontroller and microcomputer |6 |

| |devices | |

| |Machine and assembly language, Bus concept. Architecture & Pinout of 8085A | |

|II |Assembly Language and Programming in 8085: Instruction set, Program structures (sequential, |7 |

| |conditional, (iterative) | |

| |Macros and subroutines, Stack, Counter and timing delay, interrupt structure and its | |

| |programming | |

|III |Peripherals and their interfacing with 8085-I: Memory Interfacing, Interfacing I/O ports |7 |

| |Data transfer schemes (Synchronous, asynchronous, interrupt driven), Architecture & interfacing| |

| |of PPI 8255, Data Converters and Timer 8254 | |

|IV |Peripherals and their interfacing with 8085-II: |7 |

| |Architecture & interfacing of- DMA controller 8257, | |

| |interrupt Controller 8259A, USART 8251, Level Converters MC 1488 and MC 1489 | |

| |Current loop, RS 232 C and RS 422 A | |

|V |Comparative study of 8085 A, 8086 and 8088 (Pinout, internal architecture, timing diagrams) |8 |

| |Instruction format and addressing modes – Data and Branch related. Features of Pentium | |

| |processor, MMX and Dual core processor | |

Recommended Books:

1. Gaonkar-8085 Programming, Penram Press.

2. A.P. Mathur-Introduction to Microprocessors, Tata Mc-Graw-Hill.

3. Antanakos-Introduction to Intel Family Microprocessors, Pearson Education.

4. Gilmore-Microprocessors Principles and Applications, Tata Mc-Graw Hill.

5. B.Ram-Fundamentals of Microprocessors & Micro Computers, Dhanpat Rai Pub.

6. Ray and Bhurchandi-Intel Microprocessors, Tata-Mc-Graw Hill.


|Schedule Per Week |Examination Time = Three(3) Hrs |

|Lectures : 3 |Maximum Marks = 100 |

|Tutorials : |[ Internal (30) & Semester End Exam(70) |

|Unit |Contents of the subject |No. of hour required |

|I |PROPOSITIONS: Fully parenthesized propositions, Evaluation of constant propositions, |6 |

| |Evaluation of proposition n a state. | |

| |Precedence rules for operators, Tautologies, Propositions a sets of states and Transforming | |

| |English to prepositional form | |

|II |REASONING USING EQUIVALENCE TRANSFORMATIONS: The laws of equivalence, rules of substitution |7 |

| |and transitivity, formal system of axioms and Inference rules. | |

| |NATURAL DEDUCTION SYSTEM: Introduction to deductive proofs, Inference rules, proofs and | |

| |sub-proofs, adding flexibility to the natural deduction system and developing natural | |

| |deduction system proofs | |

|III |PREDICATES: Extending the range of a state, Quantification, Free and Bound Identifiers, |7 |

| |Textual substitution | |

| |Quantification over other ranges and some theorems about textual substitution and states | |

|IV |LOGIC PROGRAMMING: Introduction to prepositional and predicate calculus, First-order |7 |

| |predicate calculus | |

| |Format logical systems, PROLOG programming-Facts, Rules and queries, Implementations, | |

| |Applications, Strengths and Weaknesses | |

|V |FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMMING: Introduction to lambda calculus-Syntax and semantics, Computability |8 |

| |and correctness. | |

| |Features of Functional Languages-Composition of functions, Functions as first-class Objects, | |

| |no side effects and clean semantics | |

| |LISP Programming-Data types and structures, Scheme dialect, primitive functions, functions | |

| |for constructing functions and functional forms. Applications of functional languages and | |

| |comparison of functional and imperative languages | |

Recommended Books:

1. Appleby-Programming Languages, Tata Mc-Graw Hill.

2. Sebesta-Concepts of Programming Languages, Pearson Education

3. David Gries-The Science of programming, Narosa Publication House.


|Schedule Per Week |Examination Time = Three(3) Hrs |

|Lectures : 3 |Maximum Marks = 100 |

|Tutorials : |[ Internal (30) & Semester End Exam(70) |

|Unit |Contents of the subject |No. of hour required |

|I |INTRODUCTION : Introduction to IC Technology – MOS, PMOS, NMOS, CMOS & BiCMOS technologies- |7 |

| |Oxidation, Lithography, Diffusion, Ion implantation, Metallisation, Encapsulation, Probe | |

| |testing, Integrated Resistors and Capacitors. | |

|II |BASIC ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES: Basic Electrical Properties of MOS and BiCMOS Circuits: Ids-Vds |7 |

| |relationships, MOS transistor threshold Voltage, gm, gds, and figure of merit? o; Pass | |

| |transistor, NMOS Inverter, Various pull ups, CMOS Inverter analysis and design, Bi-CMOS | |

| |Inverters. | |

|III |VLSI CIRCUIT DESIGN PROCESSES : VLSI Design Flow, MOS Layers, Stick Diagrams, Design Rules and |8 |

| |Layout, 2 ?m CMOS Design rules for wires, Contacts and Transistors Layout Diagrams for NMOS and | |

| |CMOS Inverters and Gates, Scaling of MOS circuits, Limitations of Scaling. | |

|IV |GATE LEVEL DESIGN : Logic Gates and Other complex gates, Switch logic, Alternate gate circuits, |8 |

| |Basic circuit concepts, Sheet Resistance RS and its concept to MOS, Area Capacitance Units, | |

| |Calculations - ??- Delays, Driving large Capacitive Loads, Wiring Capacitances, Fan-in and | |

| |fan-out, Choice of layers | |

|V |SUBSYSTEM DESIGN: Subsystem Design, Shifters, Adders, ALUs, Multipliers, Parity generators, |6 |

| |Comparators, Zero/One Detectors, Counters, High Density Memory Elements. SEMICONDUCTOR | |

| |INTEGRATED CIRCUIT DESIGN : PLAs, FPGAs, CPLDs, Standard Cells, Programmable Array Logic, Design| |

| |Approach. | |

Recommended Books:

1. Chip Design for Submicron VLSI: CMOS Layout & Simulation, - John P. Uyemura, Thomson Learning.

2. Introduction to VLSI Circuits and Systems - John .P. Uyemura, JohnWiley, 2003.

3. Digital Integrated Circuits - John M. Rabaey, PHI, EEE, 1997.

4. Modern VLSI Design - Wayne Wolf, Pearson Education, 3rd Edition, 1997.

5. VLSI Technology – S.M. SZE, 2nd Edition, TMH, 2003.


|Schedule Per Week |Examination Time = Three(3) Hrs |

|Lectures : 3 |Maximum Marks = 100 |

|Tutorials : |[ Internal (30) & Semester End Exam(70) |

|Unit |Contents of the subject |No. of hour required |

|I |ADVANCED TREES: Definitions Operations on Weight Balanced Trees (Huffman Trees), 2-3 Trees and |6 |

| |Red-Black Trees. | |

| |Augmenting Red-Black Trees to Dynamic Order Statistics and Interval Tree Applications. | |

| |Operations on Disjoint sets and its union-find problem Implementing Sets. Dictionaries, Priority| |

| |Queues and Concatenable Queues using 2-3 Trees | |

|II |MERGEABLE HEAPS: Merge able Heap Operations, Binomial Trees Implementing Binomial Heaps and its |7 |

| |Operations, 2-3-4. Trees and 2-3-4 Heaps. | |

| |Amortization analysis and Potential Function of Fibonacci Heap Implementing Fibonacci Heap. | |

| |SORTING NETWORK: Comparison network, zero-one principle, bitonic sorting and merging network | |

| |sorter. | |

|III |GRAPH THEORY DEFINITIONS: Definitions of Isomorphic Components. |7 |

| |Circuits, Fundamental Circuits, Cut-sets. Cut-Vertices Planer and Dual graphs, Spanning Trees, | |

| |Kuratovski's two Graphs | |

|IV |GRAPH THEORY ALGORITHMS: Algorithms for Connectedness, Finding all Spanning Trees in a Weighted |7 |

| |Graph and Planarity Testing | |

| |Breadth First and Depth First Search, Topological Sort, Strongly Connected Components and | |

| |Articulation Point. | |

| |Single Min-Cut Max-Flow theorem of Network Flows. Ford-Fulkerson Max Flow Algorithms | |

|V |NUMBER THEORITIC ALGORITHM: Number theoretic notation, Division theorem |8 |

| |GCD recursion, Modular arithmetic, Solving Linear equation, Chinese remainder theorem, power of | |

| |an element | |

| |RSA public key Cryptosystem, primality Testing and Integer Factorization | |

Recommended Books:

1. Narsingh Deo-Graph Theory with Application to Engineering and Computer Science, Prentice Hall of India.

2. Baase-Computer Algorithms, Pearson Education.

3. Cormen-Introduction to Algorithms, Prentice Hall of India.

4. Aho A.V., Hopcrptt J.E. and Ullman J.D.-The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms, Pearson Education.

5. Horowitz and Sawhni-Fundamentals of Data Structures Galgotia Book Source.


1. Implementation of line generation using slope’s method, DDA and Bresenham’s algorithms.

2. Implementation of circle generation using Mid-point method and Bresenham’s algorithm.

3. Implementation of ellipse generation using Mid-point method.

4. Implementation of polygon filling using Flood-fill, Boundary-fill and Scan-line algorithms.

5. Implementation of 2D transformation: Translation, Scaling, Rotation, Mirror Reflection and Shearing (write a menu driven program).

6. Implementation of Line Clipping using Cohen-Sutherland algorithm and Bisection Method.

7. Implementation of Polygon Clipping using Sutherland-Hodgman algorithm.

8. Implementation of 3D geometric transformations: Translation, Scalind and rotation.

9. Implementation of Curve generation using Interpolation methods.

10. Implementation of Curve generation using B-spline and Bezier curves.

11. Implementation of any one of Back face removal algorithms such as Depth-Buffer algorithm, Painter’s algorithm, Warnock’s algorithm, Scan-line algorithm)


1. Study of hardware, functions, memory, and operations of 8085 kit.

2. Program to perform integer addition (two and three numbers 8 bit)

3. Program to perform multiplication (two 8 bit numbers).

4. Program to perform division (two 8 bit numbers).

5. Transfer of a block data in memory to another place in memory in forward and

reverse order.

6. Swapping of two block data in memory.

7. Addition of 10 numbers using array.

8. Searching a number in an array.

9. Sorting of array (ascending, descending order).

10. Print Fibonacci sequence. (15 elements)

11. To insert a number at correct place in a sorted array.

12. Interfacing seven segment display using 8255.


Student can use MySql (preferred open source DBMS) or any other Commercial DBMS tool (MS-Access / ORACLE) at backend and C++ (preferred) VB/JAVA at front end.

1. (a) Write a C++ program to store students records (roll no, name, father name) of a class using file handling. (Using C++ and File handling).

(b) Re-write program 1, using any DBMS and any compatible language. (C++/MySQL) (VB and MS-Access)

2. Database creation/ deletion, table creation/ deletion.

(a) Write a program to take a string as input from user. Create a database of same name. Now ask user to input two more string, create two tables of these names in above database.

(b) Write a program, which ask user to enter database name and table name to delete. If database exist and table exist then delete that table.

3. Write a program, which ask user to enter a valid SQL query and display the result of that query.

4. Write a program in C++ to parse the user entered query and check the validity of query. (Only SELECT query with WHERE clause)

5 - 6. Create a database db1, having two tables t1 (id, name, age) and t2 (id, subject, marks).

(a) Write a query to display name and age of given id (id should be asked as input).

(b) Write a query to display average age of all students.

(c) Write a query to display mark-sheet of any student (whose id is given as input).

(d) Display list of all students sorted by the total marks in all subjects.

7 - 8. Design a Loan Approval and Repayment System to handle Customer's Application for Loan and handle loan repayments by depositing installments and reducing balances.

9 -10. Design a Video Library Management System for managing issue and return of Video tapes/CD and manage customer's queries.


School of Engineering & Technology

Syllabus for B.Tech. (Computer Science Engg.)

VI Semester


|Class B.Tech. VI Sem. |Evaluation |

|Schedule Per Week |Examination Time = Three(3) Hrs |

|Lectures : 3 |Maximum Marks = 100 |

|Tutorials : |[ Internal (30) & Semester End Exam(70) |

|Unit |Contents of the subject |No. of hour required |

|I |REGISTER TRANSFER LANGUAGE: Data movement around registers. Data movement from/to memory, |6 |

| |arithmetic and logic micro operations. | |

| |Concept of bus and timing in register transfer | |

|II |CPU ORGANISATION: Addressing Modes, Instruction Format. |7 |

| |CPU organization with large registers, stacks and handling of interrupts & subroutines | |

| |Instruction pipelining | |

| |. | |

|III |ARITHMETIC ALGORITHM: Array multiplier, Booth's algorithm. |7 |

| |Addition subtraction for signed unsigned numbers and 2's complement numbers | |

|IV |MICROPROGRAMMED CONTROL UNIT : Basic organization of micro-programmed controller |7 |

| |Horizontal & Vertical formats, Address sequencer | |

|V |MEMORY ORGANISATION: Concept of RAM/ROM, basic cell of RAM |8 |

| |Associative memory, Cache memory organization, Vertical memory organization. | |

| |I/O ORGANISATION: Introduction to Peripherals & their interfacing. Strobe based and | |

| |handshake-based communication, DMA based data transfer, I/O processor | |

Recommended Books:

1. J.P.Hayes -'Computer Architecture & organization', Mc-Graw Hill.

2. Heuring-Computer System Design and Architecture, Pearson Education.

3. M.MORRISMANNO-'Computer System Architecture', Prentice Hall of India.

4. Bartee-Computer Architecture, Tata Mc-Graw Hill.

5. Stallings-Computer Organization and Architecture, Pearson Education.


|Class B.Tech. VI Sem. |Evaluation |

|Schedule Per Week |Examination Time = Three(3) Hrs |

|Lectures : 3 |Maximum Marks = 100 |

|Tutorials : 1 |[ Internal (30) & Semester End Exam(70) |

|Unit |Contents of the subject |No. of hour required |

|I |Finite Automata & Regular Expression: Basic Concepts of finite state system, Deterministic and |6 |

| |non-deterministic finite automation and designing regular expressions | |

| |relationship between regular expression & Finite automata minimization of finite automation | |

| |mealy & Moore Machines | |

|II |Regular Sets of Regular Grammars: Basic Definition of Formal Language and Grammars. Regular Sets|7 |

| |and Regular Grammars | |

| |closure proportion of regular sets, Pumping lemma for regular sets, decision Algorithms for | |

| |regular sets, Myhell_Nerod Theory & Organization of Finite Automata | |

| |. | |

|III |Context Free Languages& Pushdown Automata: Context Free Grammars – Derivations and Languages |7 |

| |–Relationship between derivation and derivation trees – ambiguity – simplification of CEG – | |

| |Greiback Normal form –Chomsky normal forms – Problems related to CNF and GNF | |

| |Pushdown Automata: Definitions – Moves –Instantaneous descriptions – Deterministic pushdown | |

| |automata – Pushdown automata and CFL - pumping lemma for CFL - Applications of pumping Lemma. | |

|IV |Turing Machines: Turing machines – Computable Languages and functions – Turing Machine |7 |

| |constructions –Storage in finite control – multiple tracks – checking of symbols – subroutines –| |

| |two way infinite tape. | |

| |Undecidability:Properties of recursive and Recursively enumerable languages – Universal Turing | |

| |Machines as an undecidable problem – Universal Languages – Rice’s Theorems | |

|V |Linear bounded Automata Context Sensitive Language: Chomsky Hierarchy of Languages and automata |8 |

| |Basic Definition& descriptions of Theory & Organization of Linear bounded Automata Properties of| |

| |context-sensitive languages. | |

Recommended Book:

1. John E.Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani and J.D. Ulman, Introduction to Automata theory Languages and Computation, Pearson Education Asia.

2. John C. Martin, Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Computation, TMH.

3. Cohen, Introduction to Computer Theory, Pearson Education Asia.


|Class B.Tech. VI Sem. |Evaluation |

|Schedule Per Week |Examination Time = Three(3) Hrs |

|Lectures : 3 |Maximum Marks = 100 |

|Tutorials : |[ Internal (30) & Semester End Exam(70) |

|Unit |Contents of the subject |No. of hour required |

|I |Network, Network Protocols, Edge, Access Networks and Physical Media |6 |

| |Protocol Layers and their services models, Internet Backbones, NAP's and ISPs | |

|II |Application Layer: Protocol and Service provided by application layer, transport protocols. The|7 |

| |World Wide Web. | |

| |HTTP, Message formats, User Server Interaction and Web caches. | |

| |FTP commands and replies. | |

| |Electronic Mail, SMTP, Mail Message Formats and MIME and Mail Access Protocols | |

| |DNS The internet's directory service DNS records and Message. | |

|III |Transport Layer: Transport Layer Service and Principles, Multiplexing and Demultiplexing |7 |

| |applications, | |

| |Connectionless Transport. UDP Segment structure and UDP Checksum. Principles of Reliable Data | |

| |Transfer-Go back to N and Selective Repeat. | |

| |Connection Oriented Transport TCP Connection and Segment Structure, Sequence Numbers and | |

| |acknowledgement numbers, Telnet, Round trip time and timeout. TCP connection management | |

|IV |Network Layer and Routing: Network service model, Routing principles. Link State routing |7 |

| |Algorithm, A distant Vector routing & OSPF algorithm. | |

| |Router Components; Input Prot, Switching fabric and output port. IPV6 Packet format. Point To | |

| |Point Protocol (PPP), transition States, PPP Layers-Physical Layer and Data Link Layer, Link | |

| |Control Protocols. LCP Packets and options. | |

| |Authentication PAP and CHAP, Network Control Protocol (NCP). | |

|V |Sonet/SDH: Synchronous Transport Signals. Physical configuration-SONET Devices, Sections, Lines|8 |

| |and Paths. | |

| |SONET Layers-Photonic Layer, section layer, line layer, path layer and device layer | |

| |relationship. | |

| |Sonet Frame format. Section overhead, Line overhead and path overhead. Virtual Tributaries and | |

| |types of VTs. | |

| |. | |

Recommended Books:

1. J.F.Kurose and K.W.Ross-Computer Networking, Pearson Education Asia.

2. B.A.Forouzan-Data Communications and Networking, Tata Mc-Graw Hill.

3. Garcia and Widjaja-Communication Networks, Tata Mc-Graw Hill.


|Class B.Tech. VI Sem. |Evaluation |

|Schedule Per Week |Examination Time = Three(3) Hrs |

|Lectures : 3 |Maximum Marks = 100 |

|Tutorials : 1 |[ Internal (30) & Semester End Exam(70) |

|Unit |Contents of the subject |No. of hour required |

|I |BACKGROUND: Review of Algorithm Complexity and Order Notations and Sorting Methods. |6 |

| |DIVIDE AND CONQUER METHOD: Binary Search, Merge Sort, Quick sort and strassen's matrix | |

| |multiplication algorithms. | |

| |GREEDY METHOD: Knapsack Problem, Job Sequencing, Optimal Merge Patterns and Minimal Spanning | |

| |Trees | |

|II |DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING: Matrix Chain Multiplication. Longest Common Subsequence and 0/1 Knapsack |7 |

| |Problem. | |

| |BRANCH AND BOUND: Traveling Salesman Problem and Lower Bound Theory. | |

| |Backtracking Algorithms and queens problem. | |

|III |PATTERN MATCHING ALGORITHMS: Naïve and Rabin Karp string matching algorithms, KMP Matcher and |7 |

| |Boyer Moore Algorithms. | |

| |ASSIGNMENT PROBLEMS: Formulation of Assignment and Quadratic Assignment Problem | |

|IV |RANDOMIZED ALGORITHMS. Las Vegas algorithms, Monte Carlo algorithms, randomized algorithm for |7 |

| |Min-Cut, randomized algorithm for 2-SAT. | |

| |Problem definition of Multicommodity flow, Flow shop scheduling and Network capacity assignment | |

| |problems | |

|V |PROBLEM CLASSES NP, NP-HARD AND NP-COMPLETE: Definitions of P, NP-Hard and NP-Complete Problems.|8 |

| | | |

| |Decision Problems. Cook's Theorem. Proving NP-Complete Problems - Satisfiability problem and | |

| |Vertex Cover Problem. Approximation Algorithms for Vertex Cover and Set Cover Problem. | |

Recommended Books:

1. Aho A.V. J.E. Hopcroft, J.D. Ullman: Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Pearson Education.

2. Rivest and Cormen, Introduction to Algorithms, Prentice Hall of India.

3. Baase, Computer Algorithms, Pearson Education.

4. Brassard, Algorithmics, Prentice Hall.

5. Bazaraa, Linear Programming & Network Flows,John Wiley & Sons.


|Class B.Tech. VI Sem. |Evaluation |

|Schedule Per Week |Examination Time = Three(3) Hrs |

|Lectures : 3 |Maximum Marks = 100 |

|Tutorials : 1 |[ Internal (30) & Semester End Exam(70) |


|Unit |Contents of the subject |No. of hour required |

|I |Overview: Comparison of machine language, assembly language and high level languages |6 |

| |External and internal representation of instructions and data. Data allocation structures, | |

| |search structures and addressing modes. | |

| |Activities and system software for program generation, translation and execution. Editors for | |

| |source code and object code/executable code files | |

|II |Assemblers: Assembly language specification. Machine dependent and independent features of |7 |

| |assembler. | |

| |Classification of assemblers. Pass structure of assemblers (problem and associated for IBM-PC. | |

|III |Loader and Linkers: Functions and classification. |7 |

| |Machine dependent and independent features of loaders | |

| |Design of bootstrap, absolute and relocatable loaders, Design of linker. Case study of MS-DOS | |

| |linker | |

|IV |Macro processors: Macro definition, call and expansion. Macro processor algorithm and data |7 |

| |structure. | |

| |Machine independent features (parameters, unique labels, conditional expansion, nesting and | |

| |recursion). | |

| |Pass structure and design of microprocessor and macro assembler, Case study of MASM macro | |

| |processor | |

|V |High level language processor: HLL specification: Grammars and parse trees, expression and |8 |

| |precedence. | |

| |Lexical analysis: Classification of tokens, scanning methods, character recognition, lexical | |

| |ambiguity. | |

| |Syntactic analysis: Operator precedence parsing, recursive descent parsing. | |

| |Symbol Table Management: Data structure for symbol table, basing functions for symbols, overflow| |

| |technique, block structure in symbol table | |

Recommended Books:

1. D.M. Dhamdhere-System programming & operating system. Tata McGraw Hill.

2. L.L. Beck-System Software, Pearson Education

3. J.J. Donovan-System programming Tata McGraw Hill.


|Class B.Tech. VI Sem. |Evaluation |

|Schedule Per Week |Examination Time = Three(3) Hrs |

|Lectures : 3 |Maximum Marks = 100 |

|Tutorials : |[ Internal (30) & Semester End Exam(70) |

|Unit |Contents of the subject |No. of hour required |

|I |Overview, Motivation(for Data Mining),Data Mining-Definition & Functionalities |6 |

| |Data Processing, Form of Data Preprocessing | |

| |Data Cleaning: Missing Values, Noisy Data, (Binning, Clustering, Regression, Computer and Human | |

| |inspection) | |

| |Inconsistent Data, Data Integration and Transformation. Data Reduction:-Data Cube Aggregation, | |

| |Dimensionality reduction | |

| |Data Compression, Luminosity Reduction, Clustering, Discrimination and Concept hierarchy | |

| |generation | |

|II |Concept Description:- Definition, Data Generalization, Analytical Characterization, Analysis of |7 |

| |attribute relevance, Mining Class comparisons | |

| |Statistical measures in large Databases. Measuring Central Tendency, Measuring Dispersion of | |

| |Data, Graph Displays of Basic Statistical class Description | |

| |Mining Association Rules in Large Databases, Association rule mining, mining Single-Dimensional | |

| |Boolean Association rules from Transactional | |

| |Databases– Apriority Algorithm, Mining Multilevel Association rules from Transaction Databases | |

| |and Mining Multi-Dimensional Association rules from Relational Databases. | |

|III |What is Classification & Prediction, Issues regarding Classification and prediction, Decision |7 |

| |tree, Bayesian Classification, Classification by Back propagation | |

| |Multilayer feed-forward Neural Network, Back propagation Algorithm, Classification methods | |

| |K-nearest neighbor classifiers, Genetic Algorithm. | |

| |Cluster Analysis: Data types in cluster analysis, Categories of clustering methods | |

| |Partitioning methods. Hierarchical Clustering- CURE and Chameleon. Density Based Methods-DBSCAN,| |

| |OPTICS. Grid Based Methods- STING, CLIQUE. Model Based Method –Statistical Approach, Neural | |

| |Network approach, Outlier Analysis | |

|IV |Data Warehousing: Overview, Definition, Delivery Process, Difference between Database System and|7 |

| |Data Warehouse | |

| |Multi Dimensional Data Model, Data Cubes, Stars, Snow Flakes, Fact Constellations, Concept | |

| |hierarchy, Process Architecture, 3 Tier Architecture, Data Mining | |

|V |Aggregation, Historical information, Query Facility, OLAP function and Tools. |8 |

| |OLAP Servers, ROLAP, MOLAP, HOLAP, Data Mining interface, Security, Backup and Recovery, Tuning | |

| |Data Warehouse, Testing Data Warehouse. | |

Recommended Books:

1. Rob Mattson-Web Warehousing and Knowledge Management, Tata Mc-Graw Hill.

2. Shelley Powers-Dynamic Web Publishing, Techmedia.

3. Anahory-Data Warehousing in the Real World, Pearson Education Asia.


|Class B.Tech. VI Sem. |Evaluation |

|Schedule Per Week |Examination Time = Three(3) Hrs |

|Lectures : 3 |Maximum Marks = 100 |

|Tutorials : |[ Internal (30) & Semester End Exam(70) |

|Unit |Contents of the subject |No. of hour required |


| |Spectrum, Multiple access, SDMA, Packet radio, Packet radio protocols, CSMA protocols, | |

| |Reservation protocols | |

|II |INTRODUCTION TO WIRELESS NETWORKING : Introduction, Difference between wireless and fixed |6 |

| |telephone networks, Development of wireless networks, Traffic routing in wireless networks. | |

|III |WIRELESS DATA SERVICES : CDPD, ARDIS, RMD, Common channel signaling, ISDN, BISDN and ATM, SS7, |7 |

| |SS7 user part, signaling traffic in SS7. | |

|IV | |7 |

| |MOBILE IP AND WIRELESS ACCESS PROTOCOL : Mobile IP Operation of mobile IP, Co-located address, | |

| |Registration, Tunneling, WAP Architecture, overview, WML scripts, WAP service, WAP session | |

| |protocol, wireless transaction, Wireless datagram protocol. | |

|V | |8 |

| |WIRELESS LAN TECHNOLOGY & BLUE TOOTH :: Infrared LANs, Spread spectrum LANs, Narrow bank | |

| |microwave LANs, IEEE 802 protocol Architecture, IEEE802 architecture and services, 802.11 medium| |

| |access control, 802.11 physical layer.BLUE TOOTH : Overview, Radio specification, Base band | |

| |specification, Links manager specification, Logical link control and adaptation protocol. | |

| |Introduction to WLL Technology. | |

Recommended Books:

1. Wireless Digital Communications – Kamilo Feher, PHI, 1999.

2. Principles of Wireless Networks – Kaveh Pah Laven and P. Krishna Murthy, Pearson Education, 2002.

3. Wireless Communications – Andreaws F. Molisch, Wiley India, 2006.

4. Introduction to Wireless and Mobile Systems – Dharma Prakash Agarwal, Qing-An Zeng, Thomson 2nd Edition, 2006.


|Class B.Tech. VI Sem. |Evaluation |

|Schedule Per Week |Examination Time = Three(3) Hrs |

|Lectures : 3 |Maximum Marks = 100 |

|Tutorials : |[ Internal (30) & Semester End Exam(70) |

|Unit |Contents of the subject |No. of hour required |

|I |System definition and components, Stochastic activities, continuous and discrete systems |6 |

| |System modeling, types of models, static and dynamic physical models, static and dynamic | |

| |mathematical models, full corporate model, types of system study | |

|II |System simulation, why to simulate and when to simulate, basic nature of simulation |7 |

| |technique of simulation, comparison of simulation and analytical methods, types of system | |

| |simulation, real time simulation, hybrid simulation | |

| |Simulation of pure-pursuit problem single-server queuing system and an inventory problem, | |

| |Monte-Carlo simulation, Distributed Lag models, Cobweb model. | |

|III |Simulation of continuous systems, analog vs. digital simulation, simulation of water reservoir |7 |

| |system, simulation of servo system, simulation of an autopilot. | |

| |Discrete system simulation, fixed time-step vs. event-to-event model, generation of random | |

| |numbers, test of randomness, generalization of non-uniformly distributed random numbers | |

| |Monte-Carlo computation vs. stochastic simulation | |

|IV |System Dynamics, exponential growth models, exponential decay models, modified exponential |7 |

| |growth models | |

| |logistic curves, generalization of growth models, system dynamics diagrams, feedback in | |

| |socio-economic systems and world models | |

|V |Simulation of PERT networks, critical path simulation, uncertainties in activity duration, |8 |

| |resource allocation and consideration. | |

| |Simulation software, simulation languages, continuous and discrete simulation languages, | |

| |expression based languages, object-oriented simulation, general-purpose vs. application-oriented| |

| |simulation packages | |


| |. | |

Recommended Books:

1. Kelton W.D. and Law A.M. -Simulation Modeling and Analysis, II Edition, Mc-Graw Hill.

2. G.A.Korn-Interactive Dynamic System Simulation, Mc Graw Hill.


|Class B.Tech. VI Sem. |Evaluation |

|Schedule Per Week |Examination Time = Three(3) Hrs |

|Lectures : 3 |Maximum Marks = 100 |

|Tutorials : |[ Internal (30) & Semester End Exam(70) |

|Unit |Contents of the subject |No. of hour required |

|I |Introduction and fundamentals of Artificial Neural Networks, Biological prototype, Artificial |6 |

| |neuron, Single layer artificial, neural networks, multilayer artificial neural networks, | |

| |training of artificial neural networks. | |

|II |Perceptrons: Perceptron Representation, perceptron learning, perceptron Training Algorithm. |8 |

| |Back propagation: Introduction to Back propagations and Back propagation trainingalgorithm, | |

| |counter propagation networks. | |

|III |Kohonen self organizing networks: Introduction, the Kohonen, algorithm, weighttraining, |7 |

| |Grossberg layer, Training the Grossberg Layer. | |

|IV |Hopfiled Networks: Introduction, The Hopfiled model, Hopfiled network algorithm, |7 |

| |Boltzmann’s machine applications of Hopfiled Networks, Associative Memories, Bidirectional | |

| |Associative Memories. | |

|V |Adaptive Resonance Theory: Architecture of Adaptive Resonance Theory, Algorithm, |6 |

| |Applicability of Artificial neural Networks to pattern Recognition and Image Processing, | |

| |Dimensionality of neural Networks for pattern Recognition. | |

Recommended Books:

1.Neural computing: Theory and practice – Waserman

2. An introduction to Neural Computing – I. Alexander and Helen Mart – William



This lab will be based on assembly programming on of RISC processor simulator SPIM. SPIM simulator is available at site

SPIM exercises

1. Read an integer from the keyboard and print it out if (n => n_min AND n ................

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